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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank you for Governor Bill Lee and his love for You and his constituents. We ask for blessing on him and his family during this pandemic.
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Scores of people attended a massive drive-in service Sunday night in Franklin, TN, where Gov. Bill Lee made a special appearance.

Grace Chapel Church hosted the “Beyond Our Walls” event, bringing together over 1,000 members from 15 churches throughout the area, Chattanooga Times Free Press reports.

Proceeds from the event will go to the organization, “One Generation Away” which distributes food to families in need through Middle Tennessee.

The sound of honking horns and thunderous applause from the crowd welcomed Lee as he took the stage.

Near to tears, the governor thanked everyone for doing their part within the community to combat COVID-19.

“Thank you for everything that every one of you are doing,” he said. “Thank you for doing your part to stay apart. Thank you for loving your neighbors as yourself. Thank you for serving in food banks, and thank you for serving in nonprofits. And thank you for serving in your neighborhoods.”

Lee urged everyone to keep praying during the pandemic and have faith in God’s protection.

“Thank you for praying. Thank you for having hope,” he said. “In this world, we’ll have many troubles, but we know where our hope comes from and He has overcome the world. And we’ll do all we can that’s humanly possible. We thank you for praying that He will have favor on our state.”. . .

(Excerpt from CBN News. Article by Andrea Morris.)

  • Thank God for faith-filled leaders like Tennessee Governor Bill Lee.
  • As we near another Sunday, pray that people would fill the churches that open and flood the online services that are available.


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May 3, 2020

What a wonderful nation this would be if all our elected officials were Christian and God-fearing people.

Rosemary Wade
May 1, 2020

Let’s continue to stand our ground in Tennessee and from sea to shining sea. Standing firm in prayer resting on a word yesterday from the Lord “It’s not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord!!” Prophesied from the hilltops moving out clearing out the darkness moving it out the fog of dismay that had settled over this nation. Disunity, depression, fear and anxiety you moved in like a flood now we move you out like a wind blowing you up n out for you will not take root in our hearts. We look to the Lord where our help comes from! You flattened the curve, Lord, the curve ball the enemy pitched.Amen.

Darlene Estlow
May 1, 2020

Thank you for Governor Lee’s outspoken faith in you. Strengthen him and protect him and his family.

Kathy Nunamaker
May 1, 2020

Lifting up a verse an intercessor prayed in a prayer I read yesterday (I’m sorry I didn’t record who you were . but thank you!!)

Praying Nahum 1:9 over these states with Christian governors who are standing strong and opening up believing and trusting in God for wisdom and protection. (Texas and South Dakota)

“Whatever they plot against the Lord He will bring to an end; trouble will not come a second time!”

Let’s pray specifically over these states that the virus will not rear it’s ugly head in a second wave but will be arrested by the power of God and these states will recover successfully and lead the way by example . . May they be lights shining in the darkness of these tumultuous times.

Karren Wright
May 1, 2020

This is the time for Christian’s to rise up and stand up just as governor Bill Lee did. He told a hurting and scared world where his hope is found. Thank you governor. Lord give us boldness and courage to stand up for our faith, to be a voice in the wilderness.


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