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Father, we thank You for the the Supreme Court's previous term. We pray that, in this coming term, the Court would once again honor You in its many decisions.
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After a tumultuous and historic past term, the Supreme Court is gearing up to tackle several notable cases starting next week. Our prayers can begin now.

From The Washington Times. It will be tough to top the Supreme Court’s last term for sheer impact, but the justices seem game to give it a go with a lineup of election, religious liberty and affirmative action cases they’ve teed up for the term that begins next week. …

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The first high-profile case will come to the justices on Oct. 4 out of Alabama, where the state’s new map of congressional districts is under assault by civil rights groups who say it cheats Black voters out of political power.

On Oct. 31, the court will take up two affirmative action cases challenging admissions policies at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, both of which are intended to give an extra boost to Black and Hispanic applicants.

After years of sidestepping issues of First Amendment speech versus gay rights, the justices are being asked to confront the issue squarely in a case involving a website designer who doesn’t want to be forced to create pages for same-sex weddings.

And a major test of President Biden’s immigration policy looms in December, with a case involving Homeland Security’s attempt to limit arrests and deportations. …

Race and representation

Where past cases saw White plaintiffs, the two cases the justices will hear — Students for Fair Admissions v President and Fellows at Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina — point to discrimination against Asians as a result of the schools’ policies.

Race is also at the center of the challenge to Alabama’s congressional districts, after a lower court panel of judges ruled a state with a 27% Black population should have at least two of its seven seats be tilted toward Black voters. Currently, only one seat has a majority-Black voter population.

State officials say they took a race-neutral approach to drawing their maps, barely changing them from the previous set. The state says that if it is forced to create a second Black-dominated district that would effectively be elevating race above all other considerations in the map making.

The case goes to the heart of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which encouraged states to elevate Black voters’ power while barring discrimination based on race. …

Voting and elections

A second major election challenge looms out of North Carolina, where a state court struck down the congressional map lawmakers drew.

The Republican-controlled legislature says state courts should butt out. They point to a clause in the U.S. Constitution that says the “times, places and manner” of electing members of Congress “shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof.” …

Critics argue the claim over state legislative supremacy is novel — and based on an erroneous understanding of what the founders meant. …

First Amendment

Justices also have yet to schedule a date for argument in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, which is the latest free speech-gay rights case to come before the high court.

Lorie Smith, owner of 303 Creative, a web design firm in Colorado, says state law forces her to accept clients who want her to use her creative talent on websites celebrating same-sex weddings, which contradict her own beliefs.

A federal appeals court ruled against Ms. Smith, saying the state’s interest in equal access to a place of business trumps her free speech right. …

Are you praying for the Supreme Court? Share your prayers and scriptures below!

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Grant Windholz
September 29, 2022

I pray for the strength, honor and wisdom by all members of the Supreme Court to humble themselves and make decisions through the work of the Holy Bible by giving Lord God Almighty all power instead mankind. This country desperately needs you!

Barbara Janicki
September 29, 2022

Yes, praying for all the Supreme Court justices – our Sovereign God has them there “for such a time as this.” May they be courageous to do what is right in God’s eyes, not man’s eyes. May they not be influenced by bribes, power, popularity or make rulings out of fear because of intimidation. May they use God’s unchanging standard, rather than man’s constantly changing standards. May they uphold the Constitution, which has upheld our nation and kept us free for so long. May Justice Thomas be Your light on this court, inspiring and encouraging others to do what is right, rather than what is popular at the moment. Give them courage and protect them all, dear Lord. May they serve as unto You! http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Susan CC
September 29, 2022

Proverbs 21:15 When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.
May it be so with this court Lord.

Proverbs 24:24-25 Whoever says to the wicked, “You are in the right,” will be cursed by peoples, abhorred by nations, but those who rebuke the wicked will have delight, and a good blessing will come upon them.
May it be so with this court Lord.

Proverbs 31:9 Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.
May this court do so Lord.

Luke 18:1-8. The Parable of the Persistent Widow
Jesus told them a parable on the need for them to pray always and not become
discouraged:“There was a judge in a certain town who didn’t fear God or respect man. And a widow in that town kept coming to him, saying, ‘Give me justice against my adversary.’
“For a while he was unwilling, but later he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or respect man, yet because this widow keeps pestering me, I will give her justice, so she doesn’t wear me out by her persistent coming.’ ”

Then the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. Will not God grant justice to His elect who cry out to Him day and night? Will He delay to help them? I tell you that He will swiftly grant them justice. Nevertheless, when the •Son of Man comes, will He find that faith on earth? ”
May we pray for this court always and without discouragement. May each verdict rendered be just as we wear them out through prayer. May it be so Lord.

You are the Judge in the Supreme Court Father God. Your court is supreme above all. May we be delighted and blessed by Your court’s rebuke of wickedness. Amen, in the Name of Jesus.


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