Now that the states have certified the election results, fake journalists like CNN’s Jake Tapper have suddenly discovered the two-month-old story about the Biden family’s breathtaking corruption.
(Editor’s note: For a deep dive into this story, check out Charlie Kirk’s podcast HERE.)
How about that? And it was just six weeks ago that Tapper was pressuring the news outlet that actually did report the story, the New York Post, to delete its tweet linking to its 100 percent accurate story.
In the history of self-owns, though, you can’t do any better than this tweet from the far-left Daily Beast’s Sam Stein:
Evidence of [a money laundering] probe [into Hunter Biden] was apparent in the markings on a series of documents that were made public—but went largely unnoticed—in the days leading up to the November election . . . .
As you can see, it’s not even about journalism anymore. Everything the media do, everything these clowns do, it’s just about trolling.
That’s all the media’s sudden interest in Hunter Biden and the Biden family’s corruption is about — trolling their enemies on the right. . . .
And the moment the laptop threatens to harm Biden or Democrats in any way, the moment it gets too serious, they will try to troll us again by dropping it like it never existed.
This is why New Media needs to starting ignoring the fake media, needs to focus instead on continuing to build up its infrastructure and stop worrying about what the fake media do. It does us no good to complain about bias anymore, or to attempt to shame the fake media anymore. It’s just a waste of time and effort. . . .
It just makes no sense anymore to spin our wheels complaining about, monitoring, or in any way reacting to the fake corporate media. It’s like complaining about the mafia or Satanists. These are just bad people. Liars. Frauds.
We need to keep building up our own thing.
Listen, what we’ve already accomplished is amazing.
In just 15 years, we have already forced the fake media to out themselves as left-wing hacks. We have already exposed them to a point where they can only troll to get attention, where their credibility is shot, where “CNN” is a punchline. The media have no moral authority. They are weakened and exposed and can only appeal to the worst in people, can only scream FIRE, can only gin up hate and violence and riots and terrorism.
Now we must put the final nail into the coffin of their irrelevance by expanding our reach to a point where what the media do or not do is meaningless.
Eyes on the prize. . . .
(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by John Nolte. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
Are you surprised by the fake media waiting to break this news till after the election?
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so sad. Weap for our nation. And continue in prayer.
Lord help us to shine bright. For when darkness swarmed mary and joeseph were hunted but the angel armies covered and guided them to safety SO that THE LIGHT of the WORLD BORN. Thank you Father God for you SON!! Help us To share your saving grace like your compassionate humble servant shepherd Jesus Christ. We know the world will move towards corruption and lies, greed and selfishness BUT you have shown us and lived as an example of how to live with peace, joy and rughteousness. Help us to forgive and pray for our enemies for they know not YOU! Change there hearts open their eyes to coruption, double standards, crush and love them in equal measure with your Holy Word – the sword of TRUTH. Help us to forgive that our hearts are pure and we can be without blemish or blame in the our action and word.
They follow the lead from the globalists. When, what and why they report what they do. If, their candidate gets in the WH. The switch will happen and then “blame” it on the story they now have decided (after 2 months since The NY Post broke the story) to report.
Father in the name of Jesus thank you for raising up true ethical media such as Epoch Times, i pray that you would raise up and promote more true media as we need it on every level in addition to newspaper journalism. Raise up true ethical TV newsmedia and programs, magazines, radio, etc. give them the funding they need to continue their work, promote them and bring down the false media the liars those who have been bribed and bought by the global elite who are intent on the new world order, father these uber rich think they are above the law, we see with the election and HunterBiden coverup they want to shield the guilty and bash the innocent they set up a coup to do away with the most patriotic President we have Had in generations. Father Dont let evil win dont reward their schemes and endeavors expose them expose their deeds fully provide the proof we need clean house in our government in every city state municipality and at the national level, the senate,congress, house of representatives, supreme court justice, Father clean house expose and raise up God fearing men andwomen of integrity and replace the corrupt the trsitors in Jesus name thank you
Lord I pray that you will bind the evil, lies and fraud in America. I never thought I would see this in America. I know many are praying.
People have freedom of will. The making of the current chaos (which has been building for decades) is a result of many people’s freewill choices. God doesn’t overstep people’s free will. AGREE to continuing in prayer that hearts would be changed to serve God and not the world.
My thoughts from the Lord is that He is allowing these thing to occur because He wants all Christians to remain diligent in prayer. He wants a deeper relationship with His children. We need to go deep every day. All things work together for good. Life will never be the same. A new world order is upon us.
There is so much conspiracy on all sides to incite people for one reason or another. I trust only the information the Holy Spirit downloads to me. We must be discerning and pay attention to the spirit behind every message presented to us. Look at some of the shameful history of prominent ministers and ministries that used the Word of God to oppress people which was out right racism that America has still yet have issues to come to terms with. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Thank you, Father, that you expose the schemes of the enemy in Jesus’ authority. Save the Biden family so they can walk in freedom knowing TRUTH!Amen
Be[a] on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs. “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more.
Luke 12:1-4
Father, expose the lies and deception that has been vomited out over this country. Tear down the proud and arrogant, whether people or media, and raise up the humble and pure of heart to lead this country. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.
YES LORD! Hold us all accountable for our own actions and remove the log out of our own eyes. Convict the hearts of the arrogant and prideful that are in leadership in our country and ministries.
Nothing new under the sun! Good is evil. Evil is good. Centuries old…just in ourface more.
Father forgive us for relying on our government, for taking our freedoms for granted, for thinking we had a right to hear truth from the media. So many of your people have suffered and still suffer under oppressive and hostile governments. Please forgive us for forgetting to pray for them. Teach us how to respond and how to pray, especially for those who suffer for righteousness’ sake. Strengthen us by your Holy Spirit to pray and walk according to the truth. Continue to expose the hypocrisy of the left and the media so your children will not be led astray. Bring us to repentance and heal us. Teach us how to pray for the lost and how to love those around us at this time. Humble our hearts before you. Thank you Jesus for humbling yourself to become a man and to suffer for us so we could live with you forever. We love you. Bring revival to your church, in Jesus’ name!
Awesome prayer! This is my cry also!
absolutely not!!!
Dear Lord, If it be your will, may the true nature of the Media be exposed for all to see. Please Lord help Americans wake up to the fact our Media is not a free press but a controlled one, and may our nation give birth to a Government that is willing to separate the Communist foreign interests that are controlling them. Please Open our eyes dear Lord so all can see that these countries are using access to their markets as leverage to control our media here at home. In fact, the globalist media’s entire purpose is to destabilize the USA by dividing us and building up enemies from within.
Father, we ask forgiveness for supporting this media over the years, for wanting tidbits and entertainment over truth so often. We as a people allowed this current media to become who they are. We have not stood up and walked away from their advertisers, from politicians who they support or from the elitists who own them. We spoke words without action. We humbly repent, we turn from them and pray for the lost souls within each one of the networks. Will they like us not humbly repent and come to your salvation? Father, we thank you that news outlets are arising. We pray for platforms that are God honoring, we decree that truth telling media will arise in great numbers along with the platforms needed to support them. We pray for strength, courage and discipline to walk away from platforms that lie and censor your word and your people. Let us be lovers of truth in both word and action.
Attorney General Bill Barr sided with the Justice Departments policy, to not conduct criminal investigations on a political opponent in an election year, may have cost president Donald Trump a second term as president.
This Justice Departments policy is the most imbecile, asinine, idiotic, policy in the history of the world.
If you are about to elect the president of the United States, the president of the free world, wouldn’t you need to know if that president was involved in corruption or guilty of crimes.
Sure you would! This is the person who will be leading our nation. This is the person who will be making decisions that will affect your lives. You would need to know about their crimes and corruption.
You don’t wait until after an election to investigate a possible presidential candidate, that is involved in crimes.
The Justice Department had evidence on the Bidens for months and did absolutley nothing.
Only when it looked like Donald Trump would not be president, did any of our federal law agencies (FBI) begin to publicly investigate the Bidens.
This policy should be changed going forward. Had investigations into the Bidens happened before the elections, had the American people known about this corruption, and had voter fraud been properly investigated, then election outcome would show the truth, that Donald Trump won this presidential election by the greatest landslide in U.S history.
This has been totally unfair to the American people and these federal law enforcement agencies, like the FBI, CIA and the Justice Department need to be completely overhauled.
God knew about this waaaaaay ahead of all of us yet He allowed this chaos to take place. I don’t know why except i know we need to keep praying for Pres. Trump to continue in the Presidency despite what SCOTUS fails to do or the electors. Check out Hank Kunnaman’s prophesy on the Elijah List.
Pat, I also believe the prophecies by prophets that say President Trump will have a 2nd term. You are not suggesting this, but I also believe that his 2nd term will start Jan. 20th, 2021.
Paul, AMEN, AMEN, and AMEN!
Doj barr knew, fbi Wray had the laptop in Nov 2019. They did nothing. They apparently are the deep state. Shame on them.
Lord continue to expose the evil that is so blatant, evil, conniving and most of all demonic.
You will get the glory from all of this deliberate chaos. Greater is He who is in us, than he who is on the world. Amen