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Father, we lift up California before You. Change these policies that lead to energy shortages, God, and prevent the rest of the nation from following in this state's footsteps.
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As the energy shortage in California worsens, residents may be forced to participate in rolling blackouts to maintain stability.

From The Counter Signal. The California Independent System Operator (ISO) is alerting Californians to be ready for potential rotating power outages this evening, as the hottest weather of the heat wave is forecast to push electricity demand to an all-time high.

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The ISO declared an Energy Emergency Alert 2 (EEA) to 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, signaling participants to bid more energy into the market, and allowing the ISO to tap into emergency demand response programs that provide financial incentives for reducing energy use. …

The electricity demand for Tuesday night is forecast at more than 52,000 megawatts, “a new historic all-time high for the grid,” the ISO says. …

The ISO said rotating power outages could help maintain reliability and avoid cascading blackouts. When the ISO determines that supplies are insufficient to meet demand and reserves are exhausted, it would order utilities to begin outages to bring demand back in line with available supplies, it said. …

How are you praying for peace and restored energy production in California? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Counter Signal. Photo Credit: Sterling Davis on Unsplash)

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Jessica Renshaw
September 9, 2022

We’re in Long Beach, CA and we did not get any warning about rolling blackouts yesterday. All our power went off at 3: 30 pm–A/C, fans, lights, everything. (It was 95 degrees outside.) Spectrum, which handles our TV, phones and computers, called us periodically to announce power would be back at 5:30–then 6:30–then 6:30 the following morning. It came back feebly for a little while but didn’t come back on for good until after we’d gotten out flashlights, candles and matches, when it was getting dark. At least if they were wrong about the timing I’m glad they were wrong about our having to wait until the next morning.

BTW, the church in California is not lukewarm. We love Jesus Christ ardently, want His kingdom to come and His will to be done in our state “as it is in heaven.” We are appalled by the bad stuff being done in our name,praying, repenting of our sins, working to right wrong, and crying out for mercy. I am very aware we are under judgment–the heat wave, wildfires and lack of rain accentuate that.
Pray with us that God will remove Gov. Newsom and every other ungodly leader at every level of public office in our state, replacing them with those who honor Him. Pray that we will have election integrity in November so these abominations will not continue. (I suspect the attempt to recall Newsom was foiled by voting machine tampering.)

Pray that the 2020 election will be reversed and that every ungodly piece of legislation since the inauguration and every executive order signed by the Great Pretender, faux-president Biden, will be rendered null and void.

September 9, 2022

I just heard there are rumblings in DC about Newsome could be voted in to replace Biden due to Biden’s health issues.Harris will be removed and replaced,also.
Is it possible?Newsome as President.?What happens in California doesn’t stay in California.

September 9, 2022

I just heard some there are rumblings in DC about Newsome could be voted in to replace Biden due to Biden’s health issues.Harris will be removed and replaced,also.
Is it possible?Newsome as President.?What happens in California doesn’t stay in California.

Darlene Estlow
September 9, 2022

Father, I pray for California that their foolishness would be revealed to them, the leaders. Bring the churches there alive to pray for righteousness in their state. Bring the leaders to you in salvation or replace those who will serve you instead of themselves. I pray the rest of the nation would not follow suit but follow you.

Thomas McClellan
September 9, 2022

The people who live in the Globalsocialist State of Kalifornia have been experiencing power Blackouts for several years now. On Tuesday, the State’s capital set a record high of 116F. First Gov Jerry Brown and now successor Gov Gavin Newsom are doing nothing to help. For several years now, NorCal power provider PG&E has been cutting power so some people have been getting generators so they don’t keep losing food in their refrigerators/freezers. Furthermore, Newsom recently signed a law that no new gasoline powered automobiles can be purchased starting 2035, yet when the EMS Alert can, they were told to stop charging their EVs.

Matthew 24 talks about wars, earthquakes, famines, but not hurricanes. SoCal will soon be experiencing the effects of Hurricane Kay. Hurricanes don’t often comes to Kalifornia and Arizona as the last one was 25 years ago. They are saying this heat wave Kalifornia is experiencing has been caused by Hurricane Kay. I greatly disagree. The hurricane is a symptom of the problem as is the heat wave, ans year after year of forrest fires. The Root Cause is Kalifornia’s sin. Over and over Adonai tells us that famine (drought) is a result of sin. (2 Chronicles 7:13-14) Now Kalifornia plans to be THE abortion Sanctuary State where everyone comes to it (transportation paid by Kalifornia’s taxes) for the killing of the unborn and the recently born. So far, three abortion bills sponsored by Newsom’s so-called “California Future of Abortion Council” have already been signed by Newsom, with 13 others sitting on his desk, all to the detriment of the state’s future. These are just a handfull of the facts.

How to pray for Kalifornia ? Pray for conviction on the lukewarm Church there. Proverbs 14:34 clearly tells us that sin is a disgrace to its people. Pray that these geological and meteorological warnings put fear into the unsaved so they will have a Thirst for Living Water and a Hunger for the Bread of Life …. that they believe God exists and will deligently seek a relationship with Him through Yeshua Ha’Mashiach so they can be rewarded. (Hebrews 11:6)

Finally, Kalifornia has the greatest population of any State so pray that those who are God’s will be bold in their faith and oppose the wickedness that is the norm in Kalifornia. They must be seek intimacy with God to acheive a Spirit-led walk, to pray fervently with an expectancy, turn from their own secret sins, and deligently perform the Great Commission. This must be done quickly for the many earthquake faults and extinct volcanoes there would be God’s next set of warnings. When this happens, hundreds of thousands will perish.

Note: I purposefully spell Kalifornia with a “K.” It is the leading state of abortions, human trafficking, and pornography. Satan comes to steal, KILL, and destroy. The Leadership in Kalifornia seek to kill.




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