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Father, we pray against this event! Keep these activists from taking children from their parents, Lord!
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Lawmakers are taking a stand against an Indiana “Pride” event that separates children from parents.

From The Daily Signal. A wave of criticism is greeting an LGBTQ+ “Youth Carnival” set to take place in Indianapolis in early June, largely because the event will bar parents from attending.

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The June 7 event organized by two LGBTQ+ organizations, Indiana Youth Group and Indy Pride, is advertised as providing food, fun, and unspecified entertainment for “youth,” although adults ages 18 through 20 also are invited.

“It’s alarming how quickly the ‘Pride’ movement has gone from ‘just stay out of our bedroom’ to ‘give us your kids and stay out!’” U.S. Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., said in a written statement provided to The Daily Signal.

“We must start pushing back on the public officials and corporations that are enabling the Left’s radical social agenda,” Banks added. “This is out of control.”

A poster for the Youth Carnival doesn’t indicate the nature of the entertainment, but the registration form for children describes “an opportunity to meet local Indy drag royalty” and a “youth talent show” as among planned activities.

The registration form also asks children to identify their preferred personal pronouns, including the options “They/Them/Theirs,” “Ze/Zir/Zem/Zeir,” and “Xe/Xir/Xem/Xeir.”

Zoe O’Haillin-Berne, director of engagement for Indiana Youth Group, responded to my original questions after my first report on the Youth Carnival was published Wednesday by The Daily Signal.

Among those questions is why the group is excluding parents, and why adults 18 through 20 are invited to an event for minors.

Regarding the exclusion of parents, O’Haillin-Berne said that although parents “are invited to participate in alternative activities … we do not allow parents on site for safety concerns.”

These safety concerns derived from a “general sociopolitical climate” that is “inhospitable and hostile to LGBTQ+ children,” she said, and could “cause psychological and physical harm to queer youth.”

O’Haillin-Berne didn’t indicate which groups are considered “inhospitable and hostile” by Indiana Youth Group, nor whether parents are among them.

Indiana Youth Group CEO Chris Paulsen previously told The Indianapolis Star that parents thought to be unsupportive of LGBTQ+ ideology are inhospitable.

The Daily Signal reported Wednesday that Indiana Youth Group runs a program, Prism, which it describes as a “rapid rehousing project … focused specifically on serving LGBTQ+ young adults.” The group says that its program rehouses these LGBTQ+ young adults from “unsupportive” homes and parents.

At the June 7 event, Indiana Youth Group presumably would be able to advertise Prism without parents’ knowledge.

About the barring of parents, O’Haillin-Berne also said that “most youth don’t like their parents hanging around while they’re trying to enjoy time with friends and peers.”

Notably, O’Haillin-Berne omitted “meeting drag royalty” as one activity at the Youth Carnival. She mentioned “a DJ, youth talent show, and standard carnival activities like facepainting, games, and crafts,” but left drag queens off the list although the registration form mentions them.

The event is scheduled from 1 to 6 p.m. June 7 at Indiana Youth Group’s activity center in Indianapolis, nicknamed “The Pit.”

The response so far from lawmakers, including Banks, has been universally negative.

Banks also criticized the advertised sponsor of the Youth Carnival in a tweet, writing: “What the h*** is the [Indianapolis Airport Authority] thinking?”

State Rep. Jim Lucas, R-Seymour, tweeted a similar question: “Why in the h*** is the [Indianapolis] Airport Authority involved in something that bars parents from seeing what their children are being exposed to?”

The Indianapolis Airport Authority, the only organization described by Indiana Youth Group on its poster as “presenting the event,” has balked at being singled out. Officials there told The Daily Signal that the airport authority is one of “many sponsors.”

State Rep. Jake Teshka, R-South Bend, said he believes the planned event should be grounds for removing Indiana Youth Group from the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles’ vanity license plate nonprofit program, which receives taxpayer funding:

In a written statement, Teshka told The Daily Signal:

The idea that there would be a festival based solely on sexual identity and replete with sexual themes aimed at youth is in and of itself very troubling. To think that organizers would explicitly forbid parental involvement is simply untenable.

In the legislature I have fought for the recognition of parents’ right to direct the upbringing of their children. It’s disheartening to know that an organization supported in part by the state would further try to separate parents from kids.

Others have begun to question the ethicality of holding Pride events that include children in any form.

Jay Richards, director of The Heritage Foundation’s DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family, provided this statement to The Daily Signal, which is the leading think tank’s multimedia news organization:

A campaign launched under the banner of ‘pride’—one of the Seven Deadly Sins—was never a good idea. But with the infusion of gender ideology into its ranks, ‘pride’ now stands for sexualizing children. And to succeed, children must be alienated from their parents.

I doubt many who campaigned for same-sex marriage imagined that targeting kids, exposing them to porn, and teaching them they might be born in the wrong body would be next on the agenda. At some point in the future, I suspect the gender activists will look back and identify this as the moment they went too far. They’ve turned not only their parents but even much of the coalition they claim to speak for against them.

I can think of lots of words to describe such a campaign. ‘Pride’ isn’t one of them.

How are you praying against this event? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Used with permission. From The Daily Signal. Photo Credit: Canva)

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George Leaf
May 28, 2023

Father we know the destruction generated by the deceivers lie to eve. There is no protection in believing a lie. For only truth provides the base for safe decisions. There are many perversions that appeal to the minds of mankind. There are none that are new under the sun. The empires that loved to practice them are long gone, no trace, no thing but a few statuettes and carvings, a bit of faded wall art showing their pride in their unnatural pleasures. And their eradication by the very ruthlessness of nature toward them should give the wise warning. Do not stray into temptation. It is like any sickness, it brings death at its end. Being told it is well is hatred delivered with a soft voice intending to steal your pleasure, kill your natural lifestyle benefits, and bring your death early and diseased. Seek Life, Seek Truth, where there is safety.

Victoria Z
May 27, 2023

I believe we should show Christ’s unconditional love and respect to the LBGTQ+ crowd, but LBGTQ+ adults targeting minor-age youth and excluding their parents for events like this is just wrong.

Father, as we see these issues growing, we wonder if the church is failing this particular group of people. I believe that we can not condone what you call sin, we would not condone an immoral heretosexual event like this either, so there really is no bias there. We seem to be failing the unsaved LBGTQ+ youth of our day, we are accused of exclusion for speaking the sword of your word regarding these lifestyles, and are despised. We need you to show up and show us how to reach them through your divine love, grace, and holy conviction
without finger pointing or using only one side of your two edged sword. Your word says “love never fails” yet embracing you and living a JudeoChristian lifestyle that truly repents and dies to self and known sin of all types is a challenge for all of us, allowing us, but the Bible tells us who ever WILLS, CAN, that is part of the beauty and victory Christ suffered for. We are told to love the sinner not the sin, to not show friendly acceptance in the church l to licentiousness of any type so LBGTQ+ friendly churches that accept a prideful unrepentant attitude toward any immoral lifestyle are not the answer. Jesus spared the adulterer and taught us to not throw stones, yet Jesus did not condone willful unrepentant sin, he cast out demons out of Mary Magdelene that previously manipulated her into depths of immorality. Father your word tells us that the true church is equipped for EVERY GOOD WORK, so we know we are equipped and there is deliverance for those who willfully choose alternate lifestyles who at some point realize the lie and want to repent, yet when society condones from youth what your word condemns, it encourages youth to hate the truth and love the lie and to seek out churches and groups that will support it. Father help the church to walk in the surrender and wisdom which Jesus walked, to draw the line in the sand, overcome our own sins and minister the gospel to others in true humility without holier than thou hypocrisy or condoning sin. These LBGTQ+ pride issues in our day are deep waters which you promise to lead us through. Your grace, wisdom, and love are with us always, and we know we are more than conquerors in these LBGTQ+ waters so we move forward in faith with your armor, your word, your gifts, and confidence in you to lead us to victory in prayer, to know how and when to speak a word in season and out of season, how to rightly divide the word of truth, and bring the light and truth of the full gospel in spirit and in truth in word and deed, and Holy Spirit power, without religious pride and hypocrisy but with the mercy, righteousness, and humility of Christ in the full victory he suffered so greatly and died to attain for us and every sinner. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers and your promise to lead us through these deep waters. We receive it.

    Victoria Z
    May 27, 2023

    *ISAIAH 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.
    ,*Romans 8:31-39 If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? …Christ Jesus who died…who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written:“For your sake we face death all day long;we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
    *TIMOTHY 3:16-17 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
    *REVELATION 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
    *Revelation 19: [12] His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. [13] And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

    Mari Williams
    May 27, 2023

    Matthew 18:5 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Better a millstone be tied around your neck than you cause one of these little ones to sin.”
    This stern scriptural warning should be firmly declared to the perpetrators of this wickedness.

Mari Williams
May 27, 2023

Proverbs 16: 18,19 “Pride comes before a fall; and arrogance before disaster.”

Short and simple:
Please Heavenly Father bring an end to this evil and sinful plan today. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Marsha Bashor
May 27, 2023

Dear Lord God I pray against this event on June 7. That you would cause this event to fail, that you would foil the plans for this event. That you would move upon the people who are involved in organizing this event, move upon their hearts to abandon the plans of this event. That you would move upon the hearts of the parents to not allow their children to go to this event. That you would move upon the hearts of the children to not want to go to this event. Cause Satan to fail in this effort. Thank you Lord❣️🙏🙏

    Nancy Berkey
    May 27, 2023

    I pray that God will clean up these public schools and not allow pride people around children. I pray for anyone who works in these schools to find repentance of their sin and turn it around in the precious Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.☦️

Christine Stott
May 27, 2023

Father, we pray against this event! Keep these activists from taking children from their parents, Lord!

May 27, 2023

Father, bring your spirit to this town, these leaders, and this event. Let your truth and godly love be revealed. In Jesus’ name, Amen

May 27, 2023

Satan is coming hard after this generation! If Satan can pervert them, then they won’t reproduce when they are of age and married! Parents, hold tight to your children and grandchildren! FATHER GOD please let this event fail epically! Let parents “know where their children are” every minute of every day until they are grown in JESUS NAME! Amen!


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