Editor’s Note: We all know the answer to that rhetorical question in the headline. Mail-in voting benefits those who seek to mass-influence the election through fraud. This article is a great look at the documented methods and some of the players behind this push for mail-in voting. Please pray as you read it-pray that the organizations and people behind the potential fraud are unsuccessful.
Liberals have made quick use of the coronavirus crisis to promote all manner of policy prescriptions that, under less dire circumstances, would be ignored or lamented by conservatives. The left’s latest gambit is the George Soros-backed vote-by-mail scheme, which promises an election cycle ripe for fraud.
But that’s merely one data point in a vast array of efforts being funded by the left-wing billionaire. His minions, with a great deal of help from rich Uncle George, are using the pandemic as an opportunity to prey on destabilization and panic to usher in their dream of expanding government control of our lives.
At Capital Research Center, we’ve just combed through the latest IRS filings from Soros’ top funding vehicles. They tell the tale, starting with vote-by-mail and absentee ballots in general.
The Brennan Center for Justice, heavily funded by Soros’ Open Society, is spearheading a plan that calls for a “universal vote-by-mail option for all voters,” or more precisely, absentee ballot initiatives. The newest portion of the plan involves “secure drop boxes in accessible locations for voters to drop off ballots directly.”
Democrats already have managed to pass into law some absentee ballot provisions using the coronavirus relief package. Deep in the bowels of the $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill Congress passed in late March was a vote-by-mail timebomb that conservatives will come to regret in the 2020 election.
In a vote-by-mail system, voters get their ballots in the mail, fill them out, and drop them back in the mailbox to be counted by their county’s registrar of voters.
But the system is uncomfortably vulnerable to fraud. For example, who ensures that the person who fills out the ballot is the correct voter?
Moreover, voting by mail expands the chain of events involved in casting a ballot and radically expands the opportunities for fraudsters to tamper with the process. In 36 states, somebody else can legally deliver voters’ ballots with their permission, usually a family member or attorney. But 13 states generally allow anybody to collect absentee ballots—with serious consequences.
In 2019, a North Carolina Republican political operative was convicted of multiple counts of absentee ballot fraud on behalf of congressional candidate Mark Harris. The scandal so distorted the vote that the state board of elections scrapped it and held a new election.
The indictment in the case is a warning to vote-by-mail proponents: “Ballots were collected from voters and taken into possession unlawfully . . . and the ballots were mailed in such a manner to conceal the fact that the voter had not personally mailed it himself.”
Ballot fraud is hardly unusual. The Heritage Foundation maintains a database of criminals convicted of absentee ballot fraud—roughly 150 since 2000, even though the crime is hard to prove.
And this isn’t the only problematic activity Soros is funding, through “charitable” means, in an effort to reshape the American electoral system.
As the Capital Research Center discovered after our open records request procured the newest IRS filings from Soros’ biggest philanthropies, he is quietly funneling billions through a network of foundations, nonprofits, and advocacy groups–all funded by Soros and run by his personal army of employees.
In 2018 alone, Soros’ two wealthiest foundations—Open Society Foundations and Foundation to Promote Open Society—were the source of over $700 million. Of that, $500 million was in grants to other left-wing activist groups and think tanks, including well-known names such as Planned Parenthood, Center for American Progress, CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington), and Media Matters for America.
Most interestingly, the little-known but vastly wealthy New Venture Fund also makes Soros’ giving list. New Venture holds particular interest for Capital Research Center because it’s the flagship of Arabella Advisors’ $635 million-a-year “dark money” network, which we uncovered last year.
Another link exists between the Arabella Advisors network and Soros. As Aaron Klein of Breitbart has reported:
The Soros-funded Brennan Center’s mail-in ballot plan was weaponized by the Stand Up America activist group, which launched a nationwide program urging Americans to nudge Congress to fund the voting changes. … Stand Up America is funded by the Sixteen Thirty Fund, which is managed by the shadowy Arabella Advisors, a for-profit consultancy funded by far-left donors. The Soros-funded Democracy Alliance recommended that donors invest several million dollars into Sixteen Thirty Fund.
Far from competing to be kings of leftist funding, it would appear Arabella Advisors and Soros are happily collaborating to achieve the same goals.
In all, Capital Research Center has charted almost two decades of spending by Soros groups. Between 2000 and 2018, Soros’ biggest foundations paid out an incredible $5.8 billion in grants to leftist nonprofits.
That’s serious money for a serious plan to reshape American governance.
Campaigns for far more voting by mail may sound fairly innocent in the current pandemic. But rest assured: They are merely the tip of a very large and well-funded iceberg.
(Excerpt from The Daily Signal. Article by Scott Walter.)
READ MORE ABOUT WHAT ELSE SOROS IS FUNDING. Click here to read IFA’s article on more Soros plans.
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I thank you for your support of the truth about our elections and the lies that we have told. I am praying for President Trump to elected because China is afraid of him and he stood up to them last time as they knew that he would not tolerate their evil deeds and expose their harvesting organs of the dissidents in China to sell which is excruciating torture!!
Fraud is not effective if easily detected.
George Soros is “the head of the Snake” whose head needs to be crushed. He is an evil, vile man who is and has been corrupting other countries by infiltrating their financial systems and obliterating countries.(check his background)
I pray that this evil, communist man’s sources be dried up and cut off! [By the way, can this country go after him legally?] ENOUGH!
No weapon formed against America USA will prosper
Lord, the Almighty, You tell us to pray for our enemies and You say You are not willing that any should perish. George Soros is a man in need of the Savior and so I pray for his salvation. Bring him to his knees before You. Open his blind eyes. Soften his hard heart. And take the vast amounts of money he has to turn around America in the right direction. May he become a profound proponent for life. But, if he will not respond to Your voice then will You deal with him as You see fit? Thank You for promising to answer. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen
Father God, reading this mail-in vote …. so scary BUT I remember that You Are OMNIPRESENCE therefore I ask You to put in the heart of all USA citizen who are trying to do the right thing to go out and vote in person for Nov. 2020 election. You’ve reveal in 2020 all the sins that were done in secrets. Bless P Trump winning team by landslide. Bless P Trump with help from all parties including Democratic party who will be silent for the next 4 years at least. No more money spend on unnecessary stuff like impeachment to any member of P Trump administration. So that P Trump can work according to Your Plan for USA.
Thank You Father … I Jesus’ name we thank You
To prevent mail fraud why not establish drive by voting using printed ballots only. The voter is mailed the printed ballot. Voter completes ballot & delivers it personally to a drive by authorized polling station. The ballot is stamped with date received & voter is given a receipt with tracking # so voter can follow up on recording of vote. Printed ballots are counted via a key Mark similar to those used for verication of point of purchase. Ballots are counted either by hand or computerized machine that recognizes key mark.Software established to service ballots. Proctor present at each computer to eliminate fraud. This would prevent mail fraud, insure voterID, prevent voter count fraud.
Eliminate choice of voting party ticket Individual vote must be given to each candidate. Results of vote printed ballots placed in vault in case recount is needed. Voter receives notification via email or text date vote recorded.
Talk about ability to tamper with votes. Read the reply I posted earlier.
The system is not broken. Except dor the reduction of voting accessibility.
The left pushes for mail in voting because it is the easiest way to steal votes. They must know that they cannot win unless they cheat. I agree that there should be some mail in voting, such as for the home bound or those who are planning a vacation out of their districts during the time of the vote. But most should physically go to the polls and cast their vote.
All types of voter fraud in US is miniscule in comparison to the number of ballots cast, according to elections experts. Taking that into consideration, it is problematic to make comparisons between types of ballot-casting systems and erroneous to claim mail-in voting “substantially” increases the risk of fraud. From fact check.
Voting by mail or absentee ballots(no difference)is a
nonpartisan way of ensuring people can vote from the safety of their own home,especially during this pandemic. Its not cheating. Making it harder to vote, less accessible and limiting voting stations in minority,black orpoor neighborhoods is a form of cheating.
I have personally heard the chairman (?) of a county Democratic Party bragging about the reliability of the occupants of the town cemetery to vote for Democrats! This was not a private conversation. It was in his address to an audience of which I was a member.
A chuckle went through the crowd.
Scary… wait till it really drives them crazy when Trump wins to spite the left cheating.
Why doesn’t Soros donate all his money to Black Colleges? I
Ask him.
Trump quote: “when people wrong you,go after those people,because it is a good feeling and because other people will see you doing it. I always get even.”
Jesus: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,bless those who curse you.”
Please provide the source of that quote.
“But set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”
Luke 8:17 “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.”
Proverbs 3:27 “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.”
There are so many instances he talks about getting even. Listen watch 1 example: Donald Trump at Liberty University Convocation
Did you one of hundreds of sources of that quote
Military has voted by mail forever What a joke. What is the scheme? I thought this was a Christian site. Sounds like fanatics.
Voting is supposed to be accessible for us. Not voter repression?
Whats going on. Have faith let there be free and fair elections.
Don’t you have faith.
This is insane here I thought I would find real Christians.
Sounds like propaganda and fear mongering to me. With a lot of conspiracy theories.
Be honest
What exactly is your point? You need to be honest as well. Don’t beat around the bush.
SOROS conspiracy theories have all been debunct. Since the murder of George Floyd the circulation on this propaganda has increased in social media Facebook etc. It is taking away from the obvious and truth of what’s really going on. People protesting make there own minds they are not Soros minions. He is Hungarian American jewish being falsely accused of antisemitism. Like I said I thought this would be an honest Christian site but there is an obvious agenda to push Trump for president. We are Christians first not democrats or Republicans
Please let us know how that you know that George Floyd was murdered.
He died from an overdose of Fentanyl, a dangerous opioid. He was complaining of not being able to breathe when he was removed from the car.
Read the autopsy reports, watch the video … why so quick to defend a wrong doing?
Opiates cause respiratory depression did he he look sedated? I am having to come to terms with Christian fanatics. Very hard to have to come to this realization.
I heard a renowned pastor say this week, words to the effect, that if each member of the congregation and each of those people who were viewing the program would pray and ask GOD to help them win one other person to Christ this next week, then the country could be turned around in a few months.
Let’s all, with GOD’s powerful enabling, just do what he said.
We can quote the Word of the Lord as many times we want, but unless we, the church, humble ourselves by seriously fasting, and seeking His face and turning from our wicked ways, the Lord will not hear our prayers. We have compromised his word. Our lifestyle does not reflect the Lord. We have conformed to the world. We spend more time in front of a monitor than the time we spend in His presence or meditating in His word. We think that the Gospel is all about us or that salvation is the main goal. LET’S WAKE UP. WE NEED TO REPENT AND HUMBLE OURSELVES BEFORE IS TOO LATE! The Lord is giving us the opportunity. Do not waste this opportunity and LET[S TURN TO THE LORD.
Salvation is the great commission and not all of what you’ve stated is balanced in truth….let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return to the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and God will abundantly pardon…not all in the church body has compromised…
REPENT, Ask for FORGIVENESS and pray for our Salvation!!! LOVE, APPRECIATE, and BE GRATEFUL FOR OUR LIVES each day 🙏❤️😉 AMEN
The enemy has become so sure of himself that he is openly displaying his plan to interfer in the Presidental election. Pride comes before a fall and we decree that the fall of this plan will be swift and devestating.
I agree with your prayer, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I agree with your pray that the plans for a mail in vote will be thwarted and destroyed… We declare and decree it in Jesus Name!!
I agree and believe God for the manifestation of it happening suddenly. Amen
Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together,
against the LORD and against His Anointed One:
“Let us break their chains and cast away Their cords.”
The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord taunts them.
Then He rebukes them in His anger, and terrifies them in His fury:
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Thank you, Lord, for your great power and might to thwart injustice. May it be so!
It is so, dear Rita.
It is The WORD Of GOD–Psalm 2.
Of course Evil Soros would fund mail-in voting. He will try every trick in the book to have the dems win the election. BUT GOD is so much smarter than Soros – that is why he always loses. Praise the Lord, his money will hit the trash while he tries to hamper this election.
The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous this evil man will reap what he does.
How much hate and anger lives in this man only God knows it will eat him up from the inside out. What a shameful way to live a life that God has given him.
Let us continue to pray that righteousness will be exalted in our nation’s and everything that is hidden will be revealed.
Yes, you are right. God bless you.
All types of voter fraud in US is miniscule in comparison to the number of ballots cast, according to elections experts. Taking that into consideration, it is problematic to make comparisons between types of ballot-casting systems and erroneous to claim mail-in voting “substantially” increases the risk of fraud. From fact check.
Voting by mail or absentee ballots(no difference)is a
nonpartisan way of ensuring people can vote from the safety of their own home,especially during this pandemic. Its not cheating. Making it harder to vote, less accessible and limiting voting stations in minority,black orpoor neighborhoods is a form of cheating. How do you fund mail in voting?
I am sorry but I do not trust mail-in voting. In my own neighborhood there were multiple people that requested a mail-in and the mail-ins never reached these people, however, they were supposedly mailed to each person. What happened to them? Unusual? Yes, where did they go? Did someone take those votes and fill them out for their own party? I am a person that cannot get out anymore, but I will find a way so I can vote my party. Fraud is so prevalent today.
Hi Dee sorry you are unable to get out. Do you live in a mixed neighborhood? Or poor neighborhood? This has happened people did not get there ballots. But that said… that is what needs to he fixed. They actually prosecuted some government officials. Again I want everyones vote to count. Occurence is so miniscule in comparison to the number of ballots cast, according to elections experts. That not enough to change elections. Stay safe
No, I don’t live in a mixed or poor neighborhood. Actually the area of people that did not receive their mail-in votes live in a very nice neighborhood. That said, the fact that they are already trying to steal votes makes it look really bad for November when the numbers will climb extraordinarily if they have their way. And they know the only way they can win is by cheating. Sorry but we do not agree on this.
Fraud is not effective if easily detected.
Soros serves satan! He is a stock market thief. Never earned a dollar in his life. He should be jailed forever! The stock market is a fools game and should be closed permanently!
7 reason for CoronaVirus: #1. & #2. China must reduce its aging dependent social security population, because their one child per family has not allowed the creation of a replacement youth population to pay for the elderly retired generation, and may additionally believe the world in general needs a population reduction. #3. The spread of the Virus and a possible shut down of the world economy including the USA, and may have thought [with the help of the media] it would bring about a replacement of Pres. Trump with a communist put into the presidency in the US favorable to China. #4. The creation of a digital currency where banks own and control all of your money #5. & #6. Allow Bill gates to us his anti-Fertility Vaccines and RFDI chip everyone in the world. #7. Election fraud, through mail in ballots and ballot harvesting, in order to appoint a communist for president. You could add that creating fear, opposes the Nature of God Almighty & the Eternal Lord Himself, who has given us a Sound Mind.
I’m saddened by how the Christian’s who are “suppose” to be salt and light have literally caved to fear of man, which brings a snare. Christian’s don’t believe that fear is not of God. Yet they are hiding behind the mask. They have been deceived by satan. The media exacts fear. I smelled a rat when michelle Obama was pushing for mail in voting. This whole plan/scamdemic is a fraud. Lord help us please.
Perfect love is coming with renaissance and perfect love casts out fear, so it is the job of the devil to create perfect fear to cast out love. He who is perfected in love doesn’t fear.
All types of voter fraud in US is miniscule in comparison to the number of ballots cast, according to elections experts. Taking that into consideration, it is problematic to make comparisons between types of ballot-casting systems and erroneous to claim mail-in voting “substantially” increases the risk of fraud. From fact check.
Voting by mail or absentee ballots(no difference)is a
nonpartisan way of ensuring people can vote from the safety of their own home,especially during this pandemic. Its not cheating. Making it harder to vote, less accessible and limiting voting stations in minority,black orpoor neighborhoods is a form of cheating.
Lord God,
Power, greed and control are satan’s tool to fuel the flesh. George Soros and those who support these evil organizations are working hard to disrupt our elections and change the foundations of our country. But You Lord are more powerful and nothing is beyond You! They can pour billions of dollars and even try to change the outcome of our election but You, Lord can change every vote back! You can reverse their efforts and bring their plans to an end!! You are God and they are not! Lord, as we go to vote help us to do our part by voting in ways that glorify and honor You! Let us vote for protection of the unborn and a stand for biblical marriage! Let us vote against all the transgender deceptions and evil to steal the minds of our children! Oh Lord, turn us to Yourself! Lead us to repentance and save our nation! Lord, please bring revival to America and to the rest of the world! Let Your Church rise up, stand firm and declare the Truth of Christ! Lord Jesus, help us to daily do the tasks set before us sharing the gospel in word and deed until the trumpet sounds and You receive us in the clouds! We love You! We wait with great hope and anticipation! We pray in Jesus Name
They passed laws in Hungry banning Soros and his destructive plans. He’s a Jew who turned in his own people in to the Nazis. He is funding terrorist groups Antifa and BLM which is illegal. So why does he get a free pass at least on the plane. I do pray for his salvation and I asked God why someone like him gets so much and lives so long. His answer was “I am using him as my instrument of wrath.”
These malefactors may be mighty, but the Lord is Almighty. Defeat their counsels and give us free and fair elections O Lord God.
Where is the enemy? Plotting spewing and expending this much energy and time to taint a person with lies.
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts”
What are Trumps fruits?
Trump quotes
“Why do I have to repent, why do I have to ask for forgiveness if [I’m] not making mistakes?”
“When people wrong you, go after those people, because it is a good feeling and because other people will see you doing it. I always get even.”
“We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated.”
—On his performance with poorly educated voters who helped him win the Nevada Caucus (Feb. 23, 2016)
“I love the old days, you know? You know what I hate? There’s a guy totally disruptive, throwing punches, we’re not allowed punch back anymore….I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell ya.”
—On how he would handle a protester in Nevada, sparking roaring applause from the audience (Feb. 22, 2016)
“Dwyane Wade’s (sic) cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Just what I have been saying. African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!”
—Tweeting about the tragic death of Nykea Aldridge, cousin of NBA star Dwyane Wade, and making it all about him (Aug. 27, 2016)
Always him first true Narcisist
Father, I pray that every scheme that the enemy has planned to come in to kill,steal and destroy this nation that was founded on your your Word, will fall by his own designs and counsels in Jesus Name!
Yes we speak confusion to the plans of the enemy in Jesus holy name.In the name of Jesus we loose, crush smash and destroy all and every detestable thing that evil people plan to do.
The Lord God alright Mighty will always have the last word. Let us continue to stand in the gap or the leaders of the United States of America and her people wake up America your Redemption draws nigh.
Father, we ask You to send powerful angels to stop ALL evil agendas perpetrated agains our elections. Expose ALL fraud and the people and spirits behind satan’s agenda. You o’Lord are sovereign and Your will shall prevail. In Jesus mighty Name.Amen.