Situation Worsens at the Border
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Situation Worsens at the Border
From the Washington Examiner–THE BORDER GETS WORSE AND WORSE. These days, the Biden White House talks a lot about the border. At press briefings, there are many questions about the border. But it’s the Russia-Ukraine border. Meanwhile, the situation on the U.S.-Mexico border is deteriorating daily.
Two new developments. One, we are learning more about the administration’s covert effort to relocate thousands of illegal border-crossers — single, adult males, not families — into the nation’s interior. We’ll talk about that today. And tomorrow, the second development — new information about the changing makeup of the thousands of people crossing the border illegally each month.
First, the relocation effort. Last week, Fox News broadcast body camera footage from security officers at New York’s Westchester County Airport, about 30 miles outside Manhattan. It was the middle of the night. An unmarked passenger jet had just landed, and a steady stream of single, adult men came down the plane’s steps. They were accompanied by federal contractors…
Earlier, in Texas, Fox News’s Bill Melugin witnessed bus after bus of illegal border-crossers being readied for flights further into the U.S. “Adult migrants have their chains and cuffs removed as they’re released from ICE custody in Brownsville today,” Melugin reported. “The men were then escorted into a parking garage where a black tarp was set up to obstruct public view, and they were discreetly taken away by a nongovernmental organization.” The operation has turned ICE into an “unofficial travel coordination agency,” one ICE source told Fox News…
Jen Psaki (White House Spokeswoman) “I’m not sure the specifics of what you’re referring to” — and then explained that one way the administration deals with single adults who cross the border illegally is “an alternative to detention program in the interior of the United States. Sometimes that means moving migrants to other parts of the United States to move to different detention facilities, where they wait for the next steps in the immigration process, such as a court hearing, and are required to check in with a local ICE office…”
Later, Melugin reported that the Biden administration is allowing about 40% of single, adult illegal border-crossers to stay in the U.S. They’re the ones being put on planes into the interior. Melugin also reported that some of those released have misdemeanor criminal histories, “including assault, DUI, drug possession, and illegal reentry.” When Melugin asked ICE for comment, all he got was a statement that the U.S. government assesses each illegal immigrant on a “case by case” basis.
The public knows very little about this process. How many illegal immigrants have been relocated? Where have they been sent? How many have been charged or convicted of crimes? How many have complied with the requirement to check in with immigration authorities? What nongovernmental organizations are assisting them? How much is the federal government paying for this? Is there a limit on how many will be relocated? And more.
What do you think? Share in the comments!
(Excerpt from The Washington Examiner. Photo Credit: Getty Images)
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For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. Luke 8:17 NIV
Father let what is hidden about our open borders be disclosed, and let what happening at the border and people crossing the border that is concealed be known and brought into the open to media, our representatives, but most importantly to us as a nation and to the world. Amen
Stop the distribution of immigrants around the country. There is NO logic to this, except to create more chaos. Destroying the laws of our country.
Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that he has done through God. (John 3:19-21). What has happened to TRANSPARENCY by our elected leaders???
I pray. I live in Seeden.
Ok I get that these people are seeking a better life, but they are 1. Crossing illegally 2. Taking away American jobs 3. Allowing drugs and sex trafficking to escalate exponentially 4. Causing danger to U.S. Citizens when the federal government’s job is to protect the U.S. against domestic & FOREIGN INVASION 5. Has created overwhelming and unsustainable consequences to local and State cities 6. Much more consequences than listed.
The U.S. needs to first STOP & SECURE the borders and get back to our Biblical Constitutional values so we can THEN help others. As it is we are in COMPLETE CAOS and cannot even help ourselves with all that is going on: Inflation, Corrupt Politicians & President, Woke ideologies including CRT, Cancel Culture, Gender indenitity confusion, loss of Medical and Religious Freedom, Leftist (False) ideologies, etc….
I agree – if we fall into chaos and Communism, we are not able to help the freedom seekers that are coming into our country, if our country is no longer a land of opportunity and freedom for all, they will find a situation as bad or worse than the one they left behind. (and of course, the drug traffickers and sex traffickers should not be allowed in to prey on U.S. citizens) see post – “put on your oxygen mask” at
I am horrified at the audacity of this administration to turn our nation into a hot bed of chaos & crime. Their efforts will only be turned back on them (backfire) as they try to create a situation that will give them more excuses to control the people—a militant state. But God…He sees & knows all. He will have mercy on His nation America. And won’t they be surprised! We will fight & stand for truth & justice not only through our prayers but through our actions. God bless America 🇺🇸
4,900 views and 900 prayers, what are the other people doing, are they just reading these articles to gather information? For good purposes, or for evil? Examine yourselves, and take the time to bring these heavy issues before The Throne of The God of The Universe.
I pray. I just forget to touch “I prayed” to say so.
I pray the prayers that have been posted here. I’m also learning how to better pray by doing so. Thank you.
Stop letting illegals into the USA.
Praying that these illegals will encounter on fire members of the Ekklesia and become saved and be discipled. Father God will turn the plan of the liberals from evil to good, and rather than have a huge influx of people who will vote for and support the liberal agenda, they will be a transformed people whose allegiance is to King Jesus and His agenda for this nation! That which is intended for evil, God will use for good!
Lord of Hosts, I pray that You would dispatch Your holy angel armies to our southern border,there to guard people from harm and to do battle with wicked spirits. I pray. too, that You would move upon the hearts of Your people to proclaim Your Good News of love and mercy on the properties along the border, through broadcasting that Jesus loves these people, that He forgives and saves through His blood. Let Christian people go there and praise and worship the Lord in power and might. Let big signs be erected, proclaiming Jesus’m love, in Spanish and other languages. So let the people entering be met with this powerful message: Jesus loves you; Jesus forgives; Jesus saves, by His blood. Jesus is LORD!
I can’t understand how this is allowed! Has any of these migrants been shipped to Biden’s, Pelosi’s, Kamala’s home towns? “Leaders” who allow this should be tried for treason!
The Border of the US is a low priority with the Biden Administration. Much higher is the border of the Ukraine. This needs to be reversed. Our border is a disaster area. Allowing illegal entry without health checks or masking reveals the true understanding of health issues of this administration. They obviously do not consider our health as a high priority. The hypocrisy of closing businesses and requiring not-at risk children to get dangerous and even lethal injections while allowing massive entry of unvaccinated, untested, unmasked illegals is shocking.
Either our government wants the population decreased in large numbers or they are willfully ignorant of true health issues. We must pray that the God of truth will expose all the deception taking place both in our Government and in the main-stream media. God loves light and evil loves darkness. Lord send light to our nation and the world.
Have mercy on our nation, Lord God when we do not adequately protect the citizens of America from criminal activity coming across the border and allowing it to be transported across our nation. In Jesus name I pray.
I prayed
“Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, I pray for the truth to be known by all Americans as seemingly
covert methods are being implemented by our government to place illegal immigrants into the fabric
of America. I pray the motives of those who support illegal immigration to be shown to all Americans. I pray for Border patrol, people living near the Southern border, and all illegals.
Lord, only You can work good in this matter, and with You all things are possible. Please help us, Lord.” Amen.
Many our God put a hedge of protection around those of us who have grown up here in the U.S. And those looking for a better and safer life.
This is quite the fiasco, all part of Biden’s attempt to ruin our nation. Truth is, they don’t want to change ANYTHING. They are obviously okay with criminals being allowed to enter our country, and relocating them into our cities throughout the country.. Asking Jen Psaki about it in a press briefing is like asking Sgt. Schultz from Hogan’s Heroes- she knows NOTHING ! The public knows very little about this process, and it is symptomatic of how deceptive and secretive this bogus Administration truly is. Dear Lord, by Your mercy and grace, please, let this border issue be resolved. Please, Lord, give our misguided , deceived leaders a Damascus Road experience. Show them the terrible error of their ways, and set them on the right path for our nation and its future. In Jesus’ name.
It’s the Democractic Party’s new ghost army of first generation voters. It’s well known the two biggest voting blocks of the Democractic Party are the illegals and the deceased.
Praying for all, knowing that the Lord has control of all things. And judgment is on the way.
Your Article on the FBI awarning and Olmpic games has been deleted….I dont know if you or some other entity did this.but THIS IS CENSORSHIP…
yes, I noticed that also! I kept trying to access that article. It is dated Feb.4th – does that have something to do with its availability? I wondered about censorship as well? inquiring minds want to know – the truth – always the truth – thank you.
This has been going on ever since January 2021, when Trump’s remain in Mexico policy was discontinued. The irony is this is happening at a time when many countries have their borders completely closed due to COVID (such as Zambia where I went on mission trips prior to the virus) So during this past year, our Canadian border has been closed (blaming COVID) while almost two million illegal, unknown, unvaccinated individuals are admitted into our country? Moving them under cover of darkness shows the sinister nature of this operation which is doing harm to our country and harm to its citizens. Other countries protect their citizens from invaders and from COVID (our government says we can’t go to work or eat out without the vaccination but this doesn’t apply to illegals?) Praying for what is hidden to be revealed and what is being done in darkness to fully come to light for all to see. And for truthtellers to admit what is being done so that it can be stopped and corrected – those working on the border must be seeing this first hand – may they have courage to speak out and not to go along with all this clearly illegal and unconstitutional activity that is destroying our country – but then that’s the unspoken goal, isn’t it? to destroy this country that has been a beacon of freedom for so many in the past, but if we are no longer free, where will people go? This administration clearly prefers China to the U.S. – God is our only hope – He is our sure foundation.
Please study what The Bible tells us about people from other countries coming to be part of our nation. There were requirements that had to be met before they were considered “citizens”.
If the things that are being done are right and lawful, why do they need to be hidden?
This is wrong on so many levels. We must continue in prayer and contacting our officials, expressing our concerns. Ultimately, Jesus will fight and win this battle for us. What that looks like….we wait for the promise to be fulfilled.
Saviour Jesus, call each invited intruder into your kingdom for we, your children, do not wrestle with flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and every wicked thing that tries to lift itself up against you; Oh my God, save now, bring salvation to all those men brought in to the U.S.A. in an attempt to do is harm. It appears the enemy of our God is rising up a physical army to bring fear, but you oh God are greater than all the forces of man and the devil combined. Nothing in heaven on earth or under the earth is greater than You!
At what point is this administration charged for treason? Openly mocking all of the constitution for which they swore an oath to uphold, to orchestrate illegal immigration funded by tax dollars, constant attempts to overthrow the election processes that have been in place since the birth of America, the daily scandals and corruption is blatant. Praying daily Everything done in darkness is exposed and brought to justice. The daily assault of illegal activity forced on American families is beyond comprehension.
Father, there is nothing done in secret that won’t be exposed publicly. You are a God of mercy and Justice. For those in political offices blatantly attempting to destroy this nation we are praying for help Father. The lies and mocking of evil people is being exposed daily but not stopped and we are asking for Your help. For the protection of our children from demonic indoctrination, safety on our streets as crime explodes while law enforcement is dismissed, for our military weakened by mandates and corrupt leadership, billions spent in multiple attempts to overthrow what hard working Americans for generations have built, an all out assault on all that is Holy, we look to You and pray for help. Raise up strong attorneys, raise up Your people to war in the spirit but call to action those who can serve, make a way for us Father, please help us, in Jesus Name we pray.
Is there a more swift policy to remove an entire administration of “leaders” when they live and serve in direct conflict with our constitution?
Do we have to wait until we are destroyed and on the brink of tyranny. Praying the power of God’s words save us and this nation by His merciful spoken words of stay.
Father in you we trust.