This is probably one of the most important weeks in America’s history. What takes place will affect every single one of us as well as the future of this Republic and our children’s future. It is urgent that we band together as one in prayer and action. It will not be the end of this challenging issue—it may, in fact, just be the beginning.
January 5 is the senatorial runoff election for the two senate seats in Georgia. It is essential that conservatives win these seats to remain in control of the Senate. Georgia is one of the contested battleground states that experienced enormous voter fraud in the presidential election. If the Deep State gains control of the Senate and keeps control of the House, our battle for the presidential seat almost doesn’t matter as President Trump’s hands will be tied and nothing will stand in their way of their goal to remove him from office. If we thought 2020 shenanigans were bad, it will pale in comparison. And with a President Biden in office, there will be no brakes on the radical progressive policy changes he has already promised to pursue.
January 6 Congress will meet at 1:00 p.m. EST to open the electoral votes. Currently ten senators and numerous representatives have said they will contest the votes in the battleground states that still have unresolved lawsuits and questions. What many don’t realize is that the evidence and affidavits of eyewitnesses to the voter fraud have never been looked at by a single judge before the judge said “not enough evidence.” Question. How can you know there isn’t enough evidence if you refuse to look at the evidence? The eyewitness reports, videos, affidavits, anomalies, etc. are overwhelming and undeniable. To say otherwise confirms corruption.
Join IFA at 12:15 pm ET, Wednesday, January 6, to pray about this historic day in Congress. We will also have reports from the patriot events in D.C. that day. Dial (712) 775-7431, code 2452# or
We were failed by those overseeing the polling places and those counting votes who allowed ballots to be carried in during the dead of night, who counted the same ballots more than once, who certified and sent in results which did not balance (more votes than voters) and who flipped ballots for the candidate they desired and allowed Dominion voting machines to be used.
We were failed by judges all across our nation who refused to review the massive amount of evidence put together by the Trump legal team (as well as Sidney Powell and Lin Wood) and either ignored it or refused it on technicalities.
We were failed by governors who then certified fraudulent votes from their electors and forwarded them on to D.C., unwilling to make stand.
Will we be failed again by our elected officials in Washington, D.C.? I pray not. But courage has been in short supply through this election. To be sure, the outcome is not contingent on the heroics of any man, but I believe will without question be from a God intervention because He HATES injustice and He sees from on high. He said He will contend with those who contend with us and fight against those who fight with us (Ps 35:1).
Because our elected leaders obviously have struggled to do the right thing, we, the American people are headed to Washington, D.C. to remind them they work for us!
To prevent and hinder our ability to be there, some governors rushed to put new COVID mandates in place to keep us from flying into their airports as they applied more stringent restrictions to make it difficult. Also, D.C.’s Democrat mayor, Muriel Bowser, has demanded the closing of streets into the Capital Hill area as well as all restaurants and the majority of bathrooms in the city. (Considering many of us are fasting this makes me laugh.)
They are desperate to stop us. It simply shows once again the overreach and nearly unlimited control they feel they possess and which they will continue to use if we do not stand up. They care nothing for the businesses in D.C. who would get a huge boost from our presence. They will go to any lengths, no matter how evil, to stop us. Please pray for those of us who will be there and for the senators and representatives who have now said they will contest the certification of illegal votes, for their protection and that they will have courage. And pray for our President and his family.
Download a PRAYER GUIDE for this week. Click HERE.
According to the Constitution, in the event of a contested election, the House will be responsible for choosing the president (one vote per state) and the Senate will be responsible to choose the vice-president. This IS a contested election.
Mario Murillo exposed the hypocrisy from the Democrats in a recent article. He shared, “In 2005, Democrats in Congress objected to the certification of Ohio’s 20 electoral votes for George W. Bush on the grounds that, ‘they wanted to draw attention to the need for aggressive election reform in the wake of what they said were widespread voter problems.’
“The late Rep. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones, (D) Ohio, said. “How can we possibly tell millions of Americans who registered to vote, who came to the polls in record numbers, particularly our young people … to simply get over it and move on?””
That is the very question we ask now.
Here are actions steps you can take, even if you are not able to join us in Washington, D.C.:
- BOMBARD your senators and representatives with phone calls and emails to let them know you expect them to do the right thing and contest the votes in the states in which illegalities are not resolved. It doesn’t matter if they are Democrat or Republican. It doesn’t matter if they have never responded to you before. Please do it.
The Capitol switchboard number is (202) 224-3121. Call and ask for your Senators’ and representative’s offices. Or search for your zip code at the home page of and find out contact information for all of your elected officials.
- Go to your state capitol and join a rally and prayer team there. This is about banding together and letting them see our numbers. There are more with us than be with them.
- FAST AND PRAY especially Jan 4-6. Everyone can do this to some degree. You decide the type of fast that works for you, but please do something. The combination of fasting and prayer is a powerful force. Historically, there has been supernatural reversal of impossible situations when a country and/or people come together in prayer and cry out to God. We are there.
It should not surprise us that there appears to be a prophetic sign on January 6 which is the Day of Epiphany celebrated by churches in commemoration of the coming of the Magi as the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles or in the Eastern Church in commemoration of the baptism of Christ. Let’s look at the definition of the word “epiphany.”
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary it is:
- an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being
- a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something
- an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking
- an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure
May it be!
Here are some specifics to pray:
- That the senatorial run-off in Georgia will be fair and authentic and any attempt to steal or change the votes of the people will be stopped.
- That there will be an Electoral Commission created to consider and resolve the disputed returns from the contested states with a 10-day emergency audit to restore voters’ faith in the U.S. election process. The evidence MUST be reviewed and come out into the open.
- For courage and integrity in our elected officials and that ALL corruption will be exposed and brought to quick justice.
- For strength for those who have grown battle weary. We cannot let go of this fight. It isn’t going away.
- Protection for those of us who will be in D.C. as we make our stand for only fair election results to be certified. The mayor has already proven she will make it as difficult as possible for us. However, my sources tell me the police do not support her. And it is difficult for one person to override the tens of thousands who will likely be there. Pray that it will remain peaceful and for a God intervention.
Lord, You see the conflict in our nation as Light and Darkness collide. Lord, we cry out to You to reach down your hand to intervene. We say as in the days of Jehoshaphat, “We don’t know what to do but our eyes are on You.” As they fasted and prayed then, so we fast and pray now. Lord, We ask that as You intervened then, You will intervene now. We know that You hear our prayers and that You are faithful and just. Lord, remove this injustice and corruption from our land. We desire YOU to be enthroned and honored in our nation and we have voted for the person willing to do that. Lord, we have done all we know to do. Our eyes are on You.
Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma,, The Elijah List, etc. To order her new book: “INFECTED: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity” click here. To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to: For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: or you can contact her at (Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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I am still praying for Tom Cotton, AK, to join the fight and, now, for the fraud in the Georgia senate race to be exposed and dealt with.
Greg From Australia.
Thank you for the stand you make in the name of true democracy. This is all due to the Democrats who love to support protests except when its against them or their left-wing anti-Christian ideology.
Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus, thank You for going through this storm with us. Thank You for Your strategy and counsel. As we reach a point in this battle that seems impossible, help us remember that what seems so impossible to us is always possible for almighty God. May Your Hand of strategy and counsel be mighty upon Your people with signs and wonders following through the holiness of Your son, Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.
Father we stand firm believing You are our strength. You desire truth& Your justice will reign!
Thank you for all you are doing for the glory of God. I am praying.
LORD be praised for your faithful work…
On the evening of May 26th, 1941 the German battleship Bismarck foundered in circles unable to maneuver due to a badly damaged rudder from a prior attack. Four British ships circled her, illuminating her with pyrotechnic charges throughout the night. When morning came, British Admiral Tovey maneuvered his fleet of 2 battleships and 2 heavy cruisers that were all extremely low on fuel into position. By 1030 on the morning of May 27th, 1941, the battle was over. The prior night, tensions were high on both sides. However, morale was low for just one while high for the other. I believe that is where we are tonight. Satan and his host have been damaged by the prayers of the saints over the last two months. Tonight, God’s army (as much as I want to say “NAVY”)– weary and low on fuel — is eagerly preparing for what we believe will be a fatal salvo of warrior prayer against Satan, powers of this dark world, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Let the rains of revival and renewal fall!
“Then Asa called to the Lord his God and said,
‘Lord, there is no one like You
to help the powerless against the mighty.
Help us, Lord our God,
for we rely on You, and in Your Name
we have come against this vast army.
Lord, You are our God;
do not let mere mortals prevail against You.’”
And that is our prayer today, also.
Father, Your people are in position,
and our eyes are on You.
Thank You that You are mighty to save.
Thank You for winning the battle for us!
May the sound of Your victory echo
around the world as You bring
glory to Your Name!
Psalm 29:10-11
The Lord sits enthroned over the flood;
the Lord sits enthroned as King forever.
May the Lord give strength to His people.
May the Lord bless His people with peace.
WhT am I to do Father? Mercy, I plead the blood of Jesus to make us whole, let the healing begin Father, whatever it takes,abba Father amen.
Lord if there is anyone who is still believing the lie to boycott this runoff and not to vote Republican, please shake them to get in the queue to vote by 7PM ET. Lord twitter does not think that the Republicans will win this run off. Please have mercy on your people. Lord your people have been divided. Lord forgive those who spoke not in accordance with your will. Lord we can only look to you now to deliver us from the onslaught from the enemy which will follow.
in Jesus’ name. Amen
Thank you so much Karen! I have sent this on to a number of people who care about what is happening and need more information and prayer points.
God be with you and so many others who are headed to DC for tomorrow. We pray for your protection. We pray for God’s presence in a mighty way. We pray for God’s courage to be instilled in our Congressmen to do what is right and honorable to the Lord. We place Vice-
President Pence in your hands at this very critical time and to please give him the wisdom of Solomon. And we pray that you comfort and continue to embolden our President!
Many of us cannot go to DC but we are definitely there in spirit and in prayer interceding! Dear Lord, We can only count on you and no other! Please hear our cries Lord! You are the God of the universe and you know how to best handle this situation! We are ready to do as YOU lead us! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
This was so good and I prayed along as I read the paragraphs sharing the imp needs in this article. This assures all readers of it that we are not alone!! There are many, many people striving in prayer for the nation we love. The nation our Lord put together so long ago by God-fearing patriots that put everything, even their lives on the line for freedom! We must go on to protect our values. To protect our land . May God forgive the many sins in our land He looks down to see each day. How the sin grieves Him. He sees all and uncovers all. May He go before us and expose all evil deeds right on the spot in this election and that truth and right would prevail. May people be vigilant and ever alert of the voting process. Together we trust the Lord to make the Ga. election honest and true. May our Lord pave the way and part the streets in DC so that people who love Him and truth may enter in and pray and stand. May many seekers of truth come alongside and find it in our Lord and thru His people. Our Lord is able to part and open the streets as He parted the waters for Moses and Joshua. May the Mayor relent and soften to allow freedom of speech to prevail. Surely if it were other protests or gatherings by folks who support liberalism, she would gladly open the streets. We remember when Pres. Trump was elected, the nasty and ugly marches that went on. We remember all the protests of the summer of last year. We also remember all the violence that occurred. May the Lord’s hand of protection be upon those who desire to go to the capitol to peacefully demonstrate and pray. We also pray that our leaders who are too bold and narcississtic, will get off that train and humble themselves and see they are servants of the people. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. I also pray against the lust for POWER over the people. This has the potential to destroy our great country and many, many lives. We beseech our Lord to show us and help us in these days. I must lift up our precious unborn. They cannot be heard on their own. It will take the hand of God to rid our society of this evil. In the following days, let us all be diligent in prayer of all that concerns the 2020 Presidential Election. Many requests were listed above. We lean into the Lord as He leads us in our prayers in these matters. God bless our President. He has put up with so much everyday while in office by many many actors. May he trust fully in our Lord as the days unfold. We will glorify the Lord in advance as we expect His hand to move over our land.
This scripture was great encouragement:
Ps 35:1
God will contend with those who contend with us!
We don’t know what to do, but Our eyes are on the Lord.
God is faithful and Just. We want him to be inthroned and honored
and we voted for the one who can do the.
Sometimes I have a thought and do not know how to express it,
and pass it on to the Holy Spirit to take to Jesus and our ABBA.
I like: “Lord remove the injustice and corruption from our land.”
Thank you for the privilege of praying together.
When heartfelt prayers are in our hEarts but not on our lips, praying in the spirit is a beautiful way to pray. Crystal thank you for your beautiful and sincere prayer. God bless.
I am on this wonderful prayer call right now!
Please remember that those who went to Senator Josh Hawley’s home to intimidate and vandalize are NOT protestors! They are Antifa: domestic terrorists.
May God expose them for who they are! Use our nation’s leaders, dear God, to bring about revival. Lord, you use politics, individuals, and anyone of your own choosing to bring about revival and your glory.
Thanks Karen for leading the charge.
Dear Father, I come to you this morning with a heaviness on my heart. Over the last 5 years, we have come to you praying for Truth and justice to reign over so many situations that have occurred in our nation, yet justice has not been granted. Almost nothing can be agreed upon as being good or evil. In fact, good is called evil and evil is called good by those that oppose us. To some there is no fraud in this election, yet I have seen with my own eyes mountains of evidence. Father, it is this dichotomy of two realities that burdens me. It’s one thing to have a majority of the people knowingly choosing evil, but when even simple truths are denied and call lies, how are we to function as a nation? Lord, it’s like half the nation is in the “twilight zone”, seeing a completely different picture of reality.
But isn’t this how Satan works? The father of lies, there is no truth in him; the great deceiver. Oh Lord how far we have fallen as a nation. How our collective sins have allowed this demonic structure to set up such a strong network to be able deceive so many people for so long.
Father, we sense we are coming upon a crossroads where we must see a turnaround. The prophets have spoken and almost all agree a turnaround is coming. We know it’s only by your grace and love for us and our nation that this turnaround can occur. So we pray dear Lord, that you destroy this demonic network that has much of our country so deceived. I pray Your mighty hand will sweep across this nation and destroy those strongholds of tyranny, deception, perversion, witchcraft, chaos, fear, and division. May these be replaced with freedom, love, charity, order, unity, and respect.
I pray for those presenting the evidence to congress demonstrating the fraud in the election. Father give them the wisdom to present the evidence in a clear and concise manner so everyone can understand. I pray for conviction to come to the perpetrators of this fraud, that they may confess their crimes. I pray our elected representatives would have courage to defend the truth. I bind the spirit of fear over them.
I pray for protection for all those attending gatherings to support our President. Shut down the plans of violence against them.
Father, I call upon You for a miracle. A miracle that will, at the minimum, level the playing field. I don’t know how or what that even looks like, but your Word is very clear that You hate what is going on in our country right now. Your word promises justice will come, and I stand on Your word.
Thanks Michael! I join you in that prayer!
“I pray Your mighty hand will sweep across this nation and destroy those strongholds of tyranny, deception, perversion, witchcraft, chaos, fear, and division. May these be replaced with freedom, love, charity, order, unity, and respect.” That is the heart of this prayer and I totally agree.
Lord, I am integrating Psalm 33:10,11 in my prayers. “The Lord brings the counsel of the nation’s to nothing”
(Plans done now in Georgia and for blocking showing real evidence of voter fraud to supreme court.
the cheating and lying and voter fraud and the ungodly Democratic and socialist agenda with dominion voting machines) OF NO EFFECT!!! Verse 11, “The COUNSEL of the Lord stands forever” (We pray that you will give Mike Pence and Republicans and some of the righteous Democrats you’r counsel to join with Gods will and COURAGE and not take an apathetic stand) is given your counsel and have COURAGE in addition to people that you are choosing to speak up and for them to stay focused. Lord, give them wisdom and knowledge but rely on your directions and for them to HEAR and follow your will. We pray for the Georgia election and to have godly righteous leaders for the sake of your people. We pray for the blind eye to see and the scales of destroying deception to be removed from our government and our democratic, Republican leaders in local and state level. We pray for the supreme court wisdom, courage and to stand for righteous Godly principles of justice. We are facing a giant but Lord, just as you stood with the boy DAVID facing the giant, WE face this with the God of Abraham, Isac and Jacob who sent his own son Jesus Christ who has authority over ALL things here on earth and in the heavenly realm.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers and we pray all this in the name above all names,
I travail in prayer for you all from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Our beautiful nation has already surrendered to the globalists agenda with our prime minister welcoming this great reset with open arms. So the war here is well on it’s way. We need to pray and fast now more than ever and none of my Christian sisters here want to join me for this 21 day Daniel Fast even if it means just giving up one thing. I stand with you in Spirit and so appreciate the priveledge of joining with you. Love, prayers and gratitude Sharron
Sharron, I thank you for joining us in prayer and fasting. My husband’s family is in Ottawa.
It is terrible what is happening in Canada, what PM Trudeau is doing.
Let us join in prayer for both countries. God bless you.
Thanks Maureen for your reply as my heart is broken for our nations. The Word is illuminated as I pray and fast. The tears are flowing. I still have no one to join me here but I know millions are praying and fasting and God sees our anguish. I need to pray and then focus on praise, worship and remember His miracles of my past. Who am I Father and what is my family that You brought us this far. 1Chron17 Love Sharron
So encouraged AND provoked by this article!!! Praise God for ifapray and faith-filled writers! And I am filled with rejoicing that we serve a God who watches over His Word to see that it is performed!
I sent the following email to my Congressmen and VP Pence to do my part:
“Our nation is in an Isaiah 59 moment—please take time to read it.
If you side with the media/deep state and the false narrative that there is no evidence of election fraud before the evidence is even presented, I can only assume you are part of the problem.
I am calling on you to fulfill your oath to defend this nation against ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic in this case. Not only are the eyes of the nation watching what you do in this historical moment, God is watching to see if you fulfill your oath; to see if you will take bold, courageous action to align with righteousness and justice, or cower in fear of reprisals and lie to guard your personal interests.
The Lord will not stand by and allow this nation to be ruled by self-serving men willing to betray the people of this nation THAT THEY VOWED TO SERVE in order to save their own skins instead. Those doing so will be exposed in the wake of the January 6th decision, regardless of what is ‘decided.’
I appeal to you to stand for truth and the best interests and future of this nation. Have faith that God will intervene on behalf of this cause to bring down the evil forces at work behind the scenes if only you and other leaders will rally to the cause of truth and justice. I pray the fear of the Lord grips your heart with such power that it erases all fear of man in the process.
Many equate our waffling Congressmen with spineless, deluded Denethor from the Lord of the Rings, and American patriots (who will defend this nation even if our elected officials will not) with Gandalf, who had the resolve, conviction, and courage to fight for what is right and push back darkness.
When the dust settles, can we count on you to stand with those boldly contending for justice and America’s future? Will you have the courage to be a part of the solution? May the Lord send leanness of soul to all who do otherwise. I am praying that your faith will not fail.
Those who remain loyal to their God will be strong and take valiant action to oppose the corrupt (from Daniel 11:32).”
I will be fasting and praying with all my heart. God’s Will Be Done!
Prayed in agreement with your prayer points.
The Lord has had me praying prophetic prayers of faith regarding the elections, the wicked, voter fraud, for Pres Trump’s victory, the church’s, and America’s. He’s led me to speak/pray in the name of Jesus as David did when he went to battle with Goliath where he declared victory over his enemy before he located his 5 smooth stones.
“God called David a man after His own heart (1 Sam 13:14). To those who don’t have an intimate relationship with the Lord, David’s words in 1 Sam 17:45-47 may seem arrogant. Oh, but they are so very far from arrogant, presumptuous, even overly confident.
Before the “battle” even began, David told Goliath exactly what he’d do to him in the name of the Lord. Why? Because He knew God’s heart and character AND that He was in covenant with Him as a child of Israel.” …an excerpt from “Of course we can know God’s will regarding the 2020 elections just as David knew it BEFORE he defeated Goliath,” which also includes a prophetic prayer of faith:
“Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
This day the Lord WILL deliver you into my hand, and I WILL strike you and take your head from you.
And this day I WILL give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He WILL give you into our hands,” (1 Samuel 17:45-47).
Yes, He will. Glory to our Mighty God, a mighty warrior for His people.
“The Lord will go forth like a warrior,
He will arouse His zeal like a man of war.
He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry.
He will prevail against His enemies.” – Isaiah 42:13
I try & write our Represenative, but all I get back is a pre written response. Prayer is our only hope. I respond & pray & fast & I know God is up to something. I definitely know that “No weapons formed against Gods people will prosper. I pray for Israel, our President & Vice President & the United States of America, & all who stand for Gods truth & purpose & direction.
Praying this morning for our nation. Praying that our brothers and sisters around the world would come to our aid in crying out to GOD IN BEHALF OF OUR NATION. We are needy now, and praying our nation would now reap the blessings of prayer from these many nations and peoples whom the USA HAS HELPED OVER THE YEARS WITH AID AND HELP WITH THEIR NEEDS AS THEY FOUGHT FOR FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY AND DESTRUCTION. DEAR LORD, I pray YOU WOULD HEAR ALL THESE PRAYING FOR YOUR DELIVERANCE IN THE USA FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!!! PSALM 18 CAME TO MIND TO PRAY AND DECREE OVER THE USA.THANKS BE UNTO GOD WHO ALWAYS CAUSES US TO TRIUMPH THROUGH JESUS CHRIST!!! The song in my spirit we sang years ago : We can run through a troop and leap over a wall, HALLELUJAH, FOR IT IS GOD WHO HAS GIVEN US THE VICTORY!!!
We around the world are here with you. We in the UK love you and are praying all day UK time with you.
Georgia please vote do not boycott.
hi sherry, We know the problems England is also facing with Brexit and Covid and we so appreciate your prayers and we love the U.K.
You are our brothers and sisters in the Lord. God Bless You, Linda
Amen and amen! Please continue to write these.
1) Please pray for the many discouraged Christians in GA who are refusing to vote because they don’t think it will do any good to vote on the same machines. (It is true that the machines still say “dominion” on the screen. I saw that for myself when I early voted the week of Christmas.)
2) Please also pray for the many layers of fraud. People who work in government buildings in GA have seen many, many layers of fraud but they are afraid to speak up because they feel threatened. Please pray that full-time election workers and cleaning crews will speak up and tell what they know.
3) Please pray that election board officials will listen. An article was in the Gainesville Times newspaper on the weekend of December 26-27, stating that citizens of Hall County found 8,500 illegal voters. The head of the elections board (Mr. Smiley) to hear the information. That man is a pastor at a local church in that area, and he threw out the many hours of work the citizens put into researching the fraudulent voters.
Please tell the discouraged Christians to vote even though the machines say Dominion. There will be a paper trail. People cannot prove voter fraud unless people vote.
Lord shout it from the rooftops that people must do their part and vote and you will act and expose what is hidden. Lord please shake your people to hear your voice.
Lord I am so discouraged by reading accounts of a boycott of the vote and people not voting. This is one of the most important elections in modern history. It will affect Christians around the world.
Lord we can only cry out to you and say the enemy has divided your people and lied to them. Lord please overrule for the sake of souls, the unborn and Israel.
Lord overrule on twitter and at the Georgia boycott rally. We cannot play clever games with the enemy. We must stick to the rules and vote and then fight.
Lord have mercy and rescue your people.
You who love the Lord, hate evil! HE preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked.
Light is sown for the right-eous,and gladness for the up-right in heart.
Rejoice in the Lord you right-eous, and give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name.
Mathew 25:41
Than He will also say to those on the left,hand- “Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.”
I love this!!!
…and so shall they be DEPARTED!
My joy knew no bounds at all the revelations concerning January 6th. EPIPHANY!!!!!!!!
So prophetic.
Isaiah 42:16… “Every highplace I Will bring down…..”
2Corinthians 10:3-5…”we wrestle not against flesh and blood……to the PULLING DOWN of strongholds…”
Revelation 12:11…” We OVER CAME BY THE BLOOD….
Hallelujah 🙌🙌🙌🙌
Jesus has overcome. Yeshua WON. He reigns forever ❤️!!!!!!!!!
I say AMEN. especially now that Pelosi is trying to destroy God’s Word. Amen and Amen
Praise God that His ways are higher than our ways! Early this morning He tapped me on the shoulder to get up. He shared He is cutting the strings of the puppeteer. The evil one believes he is in control right now, but God! As He cut the strings from the puppet’s handle people were falling on their knees and God was filling them with the Holy Spirit fire and they couldn’t get up until He filled them to overflowing and were anchored on the Rock, Jesus Christ! Jesus has already won the Victory on the cross of Calvary and He is alive and coming with a vengeance! Never fear! We win!!! No matter what we win!!! Thank You sweet Jesus! Thank you so much for sharing, Karen. You are a blessing! In His service until He returns!
Praying and fasting for our Great Nation, and for Georgia’s election, and for our President, Donald J. Trump.
Praying also for all those gathering in D.C., for an outpouring of miraculous protection and provision, and that the Lord’s angelic army will make continuous “end runs” around all obstacles placed in the path of the patriots–I speak to the mountains of all those obstacles intentionally placed in and around D.C. to thwart the patriots and make their way hard, and command those obstacles to be removed and cast into the sea! Instead may there be a way made where there is no way, and a straight, plain path–favor, and great grace! I decree safe passage in and out of D.C., and blessings upon the heads of all those heeding the call to rally for the future of our Nation!
“For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.” (Mark 11:23)
Heavenly Father, today I join my family of Christian brothers and sisters who are seeking your face. Isaiah 49:23 reminds me; “Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame.” We have waited through many months of political turmoil. I pray that, as we seek your face again today Lord, for your hand to move against the evil forces that are attempting to turn our nation away from honoring you. Fill your children with hope and joy. Let our faith in You shine and draw others to faith in You, the only living God. Thank you for what You are doing. We praise Your Holy name. Amen
Thank you, Karen, for this reminder of the part that we, as intercessors, play in this crucial time in our nation . Lord
As usual, Karen, great article highlighting the important part that we, as intercessors, play in this crucial time in our nation’s history .We have prayed, continue to pray, and trust that Your will shall be accomplished. We pray for good to win over evil. We pray for ALL of the voting corruption to be exposed, and to be dealt with in a way that will make a difference in the election results. We pray that all falsehood and deception will be exposed for what it is-sin. We pray that once everything has settled, that President Trump will be re-elected. We thank and praise You in advance for what You are about to do.
Genesis 18:23-33. Finally Abraham said,”Lord, please don’t be angry with me if I speak one more time. Suppose only ten are found there? And The Lord replied,”Then I will not destroy it for the sake of the ten.”
2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he( Holy Spirit in believer) who now restrains it will do so until he Holy Spirit is out of the way.
Holy Spirit in us is still restraining evil. Church we are still here for His purpose. We have risen up by Jesus Messiahs powerful Spirit and restraining force.
Put on the whole armor of God as you pray and while in D.C. and cover our body in His blood and prayer.
Amen, Gabby – the Lord has given me the same Scripture in Genesis to pray and to appeal to Him for America as Abraham did for Sodom. I am encouraged knowing that He is giving the same Word to His intercessors. We give thanks to You Lord, for You are good and Your mercy endures forever!
we will be strong in the Lord and the power of his might. The battle is the Lord s.
I was so encouraged by this article. It was so helpful to hear exactly what we need to see. It was also so encouraging knowing that many others are praying the same things, and being reminded that God hears our prayers. I’m grateful to know that the police are with us in Washington D.C.
Father you said in Ecclesiastes that the heart of the wise is to the right and the heart of the fool is to his left. Even as the fool walks along the way, his heart lacks sense and tells everyone what a fool he is. Father even Solomon witness the evil in his day that we are witnessing, he said: “ There is a wrong I have seen under the sun like an error proceeding from a ruler. Fools are placed in many high positions, while the rich sit in low ones. I have seen slaves on horses, and princes walking on the ground like slaves. We today can testify as Solomon did in his day Father that fools are in postilions of high places. The fool has said in his heart there is no God. The fool has no fear of YOU, Father. They kill, steal, and destroy as their father does, the enemy of our souls. Father Solomon went on to say too that whoever digs a pit may fall into it, and whoever breaks through a fence may be bitten by a snake. Whoever quarries stones may be hurt by them, and whoever splits logs may be endangered by them. If the iron axe is blunt and one doesn’t sharpen the edge, then he must exert more force. SO WISDOM HAS THE ADVANTAGE OF GIVING SUCCESS. FATHER you said “the fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom.” We thank you that most on the right fear You. We thank you that wisdom can win this election. We thank you that even as hard as the left has worked by digging, and breaking and chopping away to kill, stealing and destroying this election and the constitution, that WISDOM HAS THE ADVANTAGE OF GIVING SUCCESS. Father we surrender to Your Will and ask that Your will be done in AMERICA as it is in Heaven. In Yeshua’s name Amen
For the past 16 years Indiana had a prayer service. The public can join with their elected officials to pray for them. Opening day was Jan. 4. No information available or invitation found. The usual sources strangely empty.
I decided to go at the usual time after seeking God’s face. The city streets were much less congested. Going through security was more invasive (having to take content out of my purse and having it rescanned). Thankfully they still had the service. There was a fourth as many people as they usually have. And it lasted half as long. The mood was somber. Being the only outside person, I could see and feel security keeping a close eye on me. Including having a state policeman standing next to me while the governor prayed.
Going was a blessings. Now I know what is on there hearts to pray more specifically: To bind the spirit of anxiety and fear to loose the spirit of love courage and sound mind.
I did talk to one of the statehouse chaplains. When I asked her if she knew about IFA, she said, “I am quite familiar with it.”
I strongly encourage others to go to their statehouse. They need our prayers and presents more than ever.
Thank you for going and sharing. Good advice and insight. It’s helpful to hear what is happening in other states.
Thank you, Karen, for this VERY HELPFUL article, prayer points and resources attached to guide us in this battle for the soul and spirit of our country. May our country be truly “One Nation Under God” that governs with truth, justice, and righteousness! And that will give ALL the GLORY to God!
I intend to share your article with other intercessors!
Thank you!
Lord we pray for Your Divine intervention in this election. I pray for vote integrity and voter turnout and that Biblical values and Religious Liberty will win the election. Help us to fast and pray through this. Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Father,Our nation deserves nothing but Your wrath for our shedding of blood and celebration of it along with celebration of every form of immorality. We love to be entertained in a way that fails to point out Your hand of judgment for sin, but You will not be mocked. Whatever a man sows, this he shall also reap. May Your strengthen Your own and may Your will be done in this most critical election today. May we accept Your wisdom and cherish that You will provide for us. I pray for repentance to fall upon America even as we see daily more evidence of increasing sin. Grant us faith and boldness in a society that hates us. In Jesus name, Amen
We lift up holy hands to praise the God who sees us, and He sees every evil attempt to rob America of its roots in the Word of God….denying the covenant made by our founding fathers. He sees His people running toward the battle with the banner of Christ, whether it be in fasting and prayer at home or in the streets of Washington. May His mighty army of heaven intervene, invade the territory held by demonic forces, routing them out with a mighty shout…..and as the demonic flee, may God’s peace flood into the atmosphere there and all over the country in the wake of corporate prayer and faith in the One God….there is no other. May all blasphemy prayed over our congress this session, be renounced, rejected, and may the high praises of God fill the mouths of righteous representatives….with boldness in the Holy Spirit. May the victory of Elijah destroying the prophets of Baal gods, be seen in our day as all false gods are exposed and destroyed. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. We humbly seek you, Almighty God….save us and our country, in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. May you alone receive the glory for victories You win; we totally depend on You, Lord God.
So well written, thank you! In the Lord’s mighty and beautiful name we pray! Amen.
We do know what to do! We stand with God come what may! Don’t wake the master asleep in the boat but only believe!!
Don’t let Jesus have to say to you, “Where is your faith?”
RESIST THE devil and his messages of defeat, doubts and fears…he WILL FLEE!!
“ Father God, thank you for your presence with us, your encouragement to us, your purpose strong within us. Thank you for courage to continue in the great heat of this day, one like the day Joshua fought the Amorites (Joshua 10) assured not only by your command, but your Divine intervention. May we fight with your weapons against the enemy not just of our country but of our very souls as you command us.
We have humbled ourselves; we are praying; we seek your face; we are turning in response to your Spirit’s gift of repentance. Grant us the things are hearts stand united for- the return of true justice, the cleansing from wickedness at every level of government, revival in our land to the world.
Today, and tomorrow, mighty God turn the rudder of our ship around to head back into your way. Without you, we are lost. We stand in our place, ourspheres of earthly and heavenly
Influence lifting our hands and hearts of faith, creating the Great Wall of prayer in the mighty and holy name of your Son, Jesus. Amen
Amen…so thankful to pray to the Living God in agreement with His Word and with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Lord God,
We come humbly on behalf of a nation that has lost its way. We are just like Israel and Your patience and loving kindness are immeasurable. The evil one continues or twist truth, deceive and feed the lusts of man. He has disguised himself by slowly changing our reception of love, tolerance and truth. His confusion has led to much confusion and many, even those of the elect have been deceived. But You warned us that when this happens, when we see false teachings, deception, pestilence, famine and wars and rumors of wars to be alert for this is the beginning of the end, the beginning of birth pains (Matt 24 1:14). Please Lord, hear the cries of Your children. Unit is through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Grant courage, wisdom and righteousness to those who lead our country. Rise up in the heart of Your Remanent! We trust in You alone and we walk by faith confident in Your power, goodness and plan…..Nothing is beyond You! Maranatha, Lord Jesus COME QUICKLYand receive Your Bride. We look to You as we wait in obedience, perseverance, serving You as we serve others. May many come to know the Love of Christ and receive His mercy and grace! Thank You for Jesus and the gift of Salvation! We love You! In Jesus Name we praise, stand firm and pray!
Please correct typo in Psalm 35:1
He said He will contend with those who contend with us and fight against those who fight AGAINST us (Ps 35:1).
Lord, we Consecrate ourselves as you about to do amazing things tomorrow. We will remove our shoes as we stand on the Holy ground where you reveal your glory. Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing is too difficult for Thee. We stand amazed in your presence as the world awakens to your holiness!
Our eyes are on you Lord!
“The land is still ours because we sought The Lord our God, and He has given us peace on every side.”
2 Chronicles 14: 7b.
Lord Almighty, this is what happened 4 years ago, the land was not taken from us then because we sought you and you gave us mercy. But now the enemy has come back bigger and stronger, so this is our prayer today:
“O Lord, no one but you can help the powerless against the mighty! Help us, O Lord our God, for we trust in you alone. It is in your name that we have come against this vast horde. Oh Lord, you are our God; do not let mere man prevail against you!”
2 Chronicles 14:11.
In Jesus name, Amen!
God knows full well we came out for HIM AND HIM ALONE FOR HIS WAYS HIS VALUES!! He knows!!!
It’s encouraging that there are leaders who have courage to stand up .
God hates injustice and that he intervenes.
Open the eyes of the blind to see truth.
Heavenly Father we come to the Courts of Heaven on the testimony of Jesus and the price He paid on Calvary to set us free. We remind You of His Blood and the Wounds on His Body. We come with the Cloud of Witnesses as well interceding for our nation. This is a crucial time in history and you have never ever let your people down when they cried out to you as we have done and doing now! We know you heard our prayers and the bowls in heaven are tipping over…we know that the Army of Angels including Michael & Garbriel are also fighting with us and for us. We remind you how you sent Michael to help Daniel who was fighting against the Prince of Persia. Now Lord we dont know how many many evil princes we are warring against but we know one thing our Jehovah God is mighty in battle and just one strike from the Throne of God can shatter all the evil that is going on with the elections. Supreme Court, Senators, Governors and others have betrayed us BUT we know YOU ARE GOD and you will never ever betray us! The final word comes from you Lord! Like the Israelites we have sinned greatly and gone after other gods. Forgive us and dont judge us as our sins deserve. We ask you forgiveness for the corruption, greed, dishonesty, killing of babies and much more. Do not keep an account of our sins but forgive us. What will the heathen say if this battle is not won by Donald J Trump. We know too you have never ever let your people down when they repented and we do it again even on behalf of the democrats & republicans who are traitors for their own gain…as you rightly said be careful of people who are wolves in sheeps clothing.
We believe the prophets who said Pres Trump will win and those who apologised we stand in the gap for them and ask you to forgive them for not believing your word! Although the battle is raging in the physical we know we are at the Red Sea crossing with our rods ready to strike and see the sea part as we walk in victory! Are you not the God of the 11th hour and you are exposing deeper things that need to be surfaced & taken care of. We are patient Lord (forgive our impatience, fear or doubt). We look and wait in anticipation to see your glory come thru in this battle. Forgive the divided church but you only need a remanent as you used Gideon. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to work with us on earth. We acknowledge His presence. We pray this in the mighty Name of Jesus, Your precious Son who paid a very high price on Calvary to set us free. Amen Amen in Jesus Name the only one true God.
Praise our living and true God, for all He is doing in the hearts of men and women . I keep crying out for mercy and forgiveness of all our sins and you said it all. a beautiful prayer and right to the heart of God. God be glorified and part the sea of evil for His children.My tears flow for our nation as she has allowed such evil to come. forgive us father and come raise up TRUETH once again.
God bless you , as I loved the way you prayed. The Lord hears and will answer and show us mighty things of which we have not yet known. Be ready for a season.We stand on the Word of God and know it doesn’t return void but accomplishes all that is there in.
God be with us all
Amen and Amen. In judgement, Lord, remember mercy
Amen and Amen!!! Hallelujah, thine the glory, Hallelujah, Amen! Hallelujah, thine the glory! Revive us again!
Amen, Amen, and all of God’s people say Amen!
“This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.”
1 John 5:14-15 NASB2020
Lord, we have prayed and asked and I believe we have prayed in accordance with Your will. You, Father God, founded and established this Nation. Therefore in accordance with this Scripture we know You have heard us and that You will answer. What You, Father, have ordained will come to pass and nothing, absolutely nothing can stop You. Thank You, Father God
“Let God arise, Let His enemies be scattered; let those also who hate Him flee before Him.
As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked
perish at the presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; Let them rejoice before God;
yes, let them rejoice exceedingly. Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides
on the clouds. By His name YAH, and rejoice before Him.”(Psalm 68)
Oh, how hard this is to do when our hearts are broken for what is happening in our country,
nevertheless, we must do it all the same. We must trust Him, no matter what! And giving thanks
to Him as Paul and Silas did when bound in chains in prison is our example of how to be set free.
(Acts 16:25-34). Oh, and Psalm 119: verses 49-56 is also a great encouragement and prayer!
Blessings of singing God’s praises, even all the more, when darkness covers the minds of so many
in our country. He will never leave us or forsake us! Anita
Psalm 67
God, keep us near your mercy-fountain and bless us! And when you look down on us, May you beam with joy.
(Pause in His presence)
Send us out over all the world so that everyone everywhere will discover your ways and know who YOU are and see Your power to save. Let all the nations burst forth with praise; let everyone everywhere love and enjoy You!
Then how glad the nations will be when You are their king. They will sing, they will shout, for You give true justice to the people. Yes!! You, Lord, are the shepherd of the nations.
(Pause in His presence)
No wonder the peoples praise You !! Let all the people praise You more! The harvest of the earth is here! God, the very God we worship keeps us satisfied at His banquet of blessings. And the blessings keep coming! Then all the ends of the earth will give Him the honor He deserves and be in awe of Him. TPT
Father we stand in awe of You. And we thankyou that you hear the cries of Your children as we come before you in faith standing on your Word believing that it will not return to you void, empty of power, but it is able to complete the task for which it was sent. As I read the prayers and the heart of these intercessors I am moved in my Spirit knowing full well that You hear us, and if You hear us we have received the things we have asked for and We will walk by faith and not by sight. So now we praise You Abba for rescuing us and showing the world that is watching that You are God Almighty, You will not be deceived. You alone will get the glory for saving this Nation that You birthed through the obedience of Your children. You have told us not by power, nor by might but by my Spirit says the Lord. Thank you Father for inviting us into Your story, we stand in awe of You and wait with great joy and expectation as You rescue your people once again. We pray Your kingdom come and your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. In the Mighty name of King Jesus we come to You throne of grace
Of course I mean to say ‘Loved the definition of Epiphany!’ May it be so!!
Lived the definition of Epiphany! May it be sob to is January 6th!!
Dear IFA prayer warriors, numbers 23 and 24 tells the story of one who was asked to curse Israel but blessed instead. We know that what was written then was written for our instruction……Romans 15:4. And all scripture is God-breathed….2Timothy 3:16-17. Father, I pray that those who intend evil against righteousness will be turned away from it and bless instead. What they intend for evil You will use for good. In Jesus name I pray.
Good reminder! Thanks for sharing!
I pray for TRUTH and JUSTICE! Our Lord and Father is ALL about Victory!
Quite frankly He has already won the battle!
I pray psalm 91 over Georgia today and Washington tomorrow!
He will cover you with his feathers, and shelter you under his wings, HIS faithful promises are your ARMOR and PROTECTION….
Just open your eyes and see how the wicked are punished.
Protect us Father as we do battle in your name!
I ask in Jesus’s name, AMEN
Heavenly father – in you all truth is seen and evident. Allow that truth to be revealed in GA and Washington DC over the next 12 days. Allow ALL truth and evidence to come forward. Let no resistance from any person prevent that. Let no trick or twisted interpretation of our laws PREVENT that from happening.
Pour out your courage on the DC law enforcement that they would uphold the 1st amendment rights of those peaceably praying and supporting those people present in our capital. Let your spirit descend on every officer to show favor to the people who have come and will attend in DC. I pray that restaurant and store owners will defy the mayor’s wrongful edicts and stand opposed to her and that they will open to serve the people. We pray and ask that you will set yourself against the mayor’s overreach of power and that those within DC will rise up in courage and stand against her wrongful orders that take away our guranteed freedoms. Neuter her evil actions Lord through whatever means necessary.
Surround your people in DC with your holy protective presence we pray. Move in mighty ways unlike anything we have seen before. Let your name be glorified because of your holy works Lord God. Amen.
Please pray and listen! This song states that we are to follow His Star for guidance. The advent season ends with the feast of the Epiphany- (incarnation-Nativity-Epiphany) This is the sovereign King of the Universe come in human form Philippians 2:8 (KJV)
[8] And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Have no fear, Jesus is here in His Spirit shed abroad through the Saints. Please pray and listen
Awesome, amazing music! Thank you for that blessed link. I felt God revealing his whole story from Christ’s birth to death, his blood poured out for us. How undeserving we are! But he gave himself wholly for us. He gave the first settlers in America, fleeing from persecution, a new land and freedom. As it was founded may it be preserved. Lord we reclaim this land out of the hand of the enemy for your name and to your glory.
I am a missionary, praying from Japan. There are Japanese, as well as missionaries from other nations, who also are praying. This is a moment for the Body of Christ to stand up, and we have Jesus’ promise that the gates of hell will not be able to withstand us.
Amen, thank you! May our great Lord and King, Jesus, bless you! What a blessing He has given us that we have become so united in love and prayer! Praise the Lord!
Thank you so much for your prayers for our country. You are so right saying this is the time to stand up for all Godly values and for righteousness and justice to prevail in this land.
Christians around the world are praying for the USA. I have never felt a spiritual battle like this. In the UK we had a huge spiritual battle over Brexit and the enemy contested at every turn. This spiritual battle in the States is worse as those who profess to be the remnant are divided against President Trump or divided in strategy.
Lord we pray that you would forgive your people in America for any division. Lord we pray for unity and discernment of what you are saying. Lord forgive us when we run ahead of you. Lord please stop the division by the enemy of those who support President Trump. Let there be unity in battle and strategy. Ultimately you are our deliverer Lord and we cry out to you. Have mercy and forgive your people for our folly. In judgment remember mercy.
In Jesus’s name. Amen
GOD IS GREATER THAN ANYTHING!! HE IS THE GOD OF ALL FLESH!! IS THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR HIM?? Thank You Father for connecting us by Your Spirit and Your Word…wooohooooo \o/HALLELUJAH\o/
Thank you! It is amazing how many people from all over the globe are praying regarding America and for our deliverance. We are grateful.
thank you Jackson and blessings to all the other missionaries with you for your prayers.linda g
Amen! Amen!
Come in, LORD GOD! May all the glory and honor be Yours as we stand together and fight together in You.
Good morning… As we fast and pray and ask for intervention from God… I have gotten a real revelation of what it’s like to send your first born into the battle… My daughter and her husband are on their way as we speak this morning… And I’m here in the throne chair…So thankful that I have like minded intercessors and warriors here on the wall joining together and agreeing in the name of Jesus and by His blood for protection of all who are there. And all who are here on the homefront, standing guard on the wall.
Know that we are praying for all of the patriots who are en route to DC. May the Lord give them shelter under His wings. I pray also that the wicked schemes of the mayor will be destroyed. Please, Lord, open the restaurants, bathrooms, and streets for Your people who are coming to DC! Open the gates of the city for Your people who want this nation to do Your will! I pray that you will provide for all the needs of the masses coming and please give them a special outpouring of Your Spirit as they obey Your call – please call millions to DC! AMEN!
Sue reads
Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and for the cities of God;
And may the Lord do what is good in His sight.
2 sam. 10:12
We sing praises now and forever to You, our God.
You are trustworthy and You are faithful. .
Father GOD we praise You for you alone are GOD and worthy of all praise. LORD we ask for your hedge of protection to all that you have sent to DC. We ask that any evil stronghold be torn down and Your truth prevail. LORD please take back America, the land you created to do Your will and to serve You alone. Father GOD we praise You for what You are going to do for America. LORD we have no idea what that will be but we do know whatever You do will be perfect. By Your strength and power help us to stand strong and firm in You.
Is not My word like like a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?
Jeremiah 23:29
Father God,
We thank You that through the precious blood of Jesus and the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, You have given us weapons of warfare that are divinely powerful for the taking down of strongholds. As this gathering takes place in Washington DC, may Your intercessors wield the Sword of the Spirit!!
May Your Word, which is like a hammer bring about cracks in the walls of the strongholds of evil so they come crashing down. As the mockers and scoffers are exposed to the light of Your Word may they come to repent of their sin. For You take no pleasure in the death of the wicked but rather they repent and live.
Ezekiel 33:11
Else, may they reap what they sew.
The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:8
Amen. I had a similar prayer just now based on scripture so the Lord is confirming your prayer.
Ephesians 6 v 11-12 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Lord we know we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places.
Thank you that the weapons of our warfare are mighty for the tearing down on strongholds.
Colossians 2 v 14-15
14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
Lord thank you that you made a spectacle of every principality that comes against your word and your will. Lord thank you that you rebuke the enemy. Lord thank you that you have the victory over the spirit of confusion, division, witchcraft and every lie and demonic protection and deception will be shaken and broken.
Lord thank you that you will reveal everything that is hidden in the darkness. Lord remove the demonic protection and lies and deception and show the whole truth.
Matthew 10 v 26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
Lord may thy will alone be done. Protect your people and America from those who are too strong for her in the flesh. Protect the unborn children who are surrounded by enemies and demonic powers and lies. Lord break every lie.
Lord move mightily on behalf of your people.
Grant unity to President Trump and Mike Pence and your mind and your will. Lord speak your words and save.
No weapon that is fashioned against your people will prosper and every tongue that rises up will be confounded.
Isaiah 54 v17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.
Confound the tongues of the wicked. Confound their schemes. May their counsel be like the counsel of Ahithophel. Break their bows Lord, break their schemes. Expose their lies and plans by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Their weapons against your people and the unborn and Israel shall not prosper for you have commanded it. The blood of children and the unborn cries out and you have heard it.
Lord thank you that you will arise like a mighty man of war because you are merciful in judgment and your desire is that none should perish.
Lord save many. In Jesus name. Amen
The power available to believers in prayer and fasting
A Lamentations 5 Petition
Look O Lord at what is befalling us, look and see our reproach.
Our inheritance has been turned over to strangers and our houses owned by aliens.
We have become orphans without a father, our mothers are like widows.
We have to pay for our drinking water, our wood comes to us at a price.
Our pursuers are at our necks and we are worn out, there is no rest for us.
We have submitted to wicked nations to get enough bread.
Our fathers sinned and are no more and we bare their iniquities.
Wicked slaves rule over us, there is on one to deliver us from their hand.
Our food comes at the risk of our lives because of the sword laid against us.
Our health has failed because of the burning heat of pestilence.
Our women are ravished in our nation and the virgins in our cities.
Our leaders are hung by the media and elders are not respected.
Young men labor fruitlessly at their work and youths stumble under heavy requirements.
Elders are no longer appreciated and young men are hopeless.
The joy of our hearts has ceased; Our dancing into morning.
The crown has fallen from our head; Woe to us, for we have sinned!
Because of this our heart is faint; Because of these things our eyes are failing.
Our nation has become desolate of life, and the wicked rule it.
But You, O Lord, rule forever.
Your throne is from generation to generation.
Do not forget us, Do not forsakes us.
Restore us to You, O Lord, that we may be restored.
Renew our days as of old, where we served You.
No not utterly reject us or be exceedingly angry with us.
Let us turn and repent.
Deliver us.
There is a boycott the runoff rally in Georgia 5 January 2021. Intercessors must pray and any in Georgia should attend to pray as it is a lie to boycott the runoff.
This article proves it. If the Democrats win the run off because the Republicans boycotted the run off, President Trump’s hands are tied.
Lord bind the spirit of confusion and division amongst the Republicans. Today is one of the most important elections in history.
Lord at this point we are not concerned with conspiracies but truths. The life of the unborn is at stake. Our religious freedoms are at stake. Lord move upon the hearts and minds of Georgians to vote to protect the unborn. Lord rebuke the enemy, the father of lies. Lord push back the powers of darkness and say thus far and no further.
Lord you are our deliverer not man. You will expose what is hidden in the darkness. Rend the heavens and come down. Lord part the red sea, that your people will pass on dry land. The lives and souls of many are at stake.
Lord in judgment remember mercy. Lord you know who the voters voted for on 3 November 2020. Lord come in power and do more than we can imagine.
Tell the people who do not speak your words to be silent and still. Stop uncommanded works and words which the enemy can use.
Lord stir up the hearts of those who are considering the boycott and tell them to vote even if it is at the last minute. Lord stop the steal of souls and lives. Protect the gospel, protect the unborn and children, protect Israel.
Lord this is urgent but you are in control. Thank you that we have the victory because of the cross. Every principality and demonic deception was made a spectacle of by your death on the cross. You shed your blood for the sins of America. Cleanse America and make her white as snow and convict and challenge by your mighty hand.
In Jesus name. Amen
Yes yes yes…standing and praying with you.
“We don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you!” God has this!
Jesus come quick. It is now legal in Massachusetts for 16- and 17-year-olds to get an abortion without parental or judicial permission, after a veto override by the state legislature.
NO‼️ Father, in Jesus’ Name to and for Your Glory we bind this legislation and command by the power of the Hioly Ghost that it will not be that way!! We bind the spirit of death and loose YOUR SPIRIT OF LIFE RIGTEOUSNESS AND TRUTH IN THIS NATION…RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW!! To Your Glory Amen and So Be It as You Will in our land
Father God, Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth, you are sovereign, you are higher, you are love. You are merciful, YAWEH, OUR God in
YOU are all Knowing…Nothing is hidden from YOU…NO not even DECEIT, CORRUPTION, LIES, BRIBES, BLACKMAIL and the like that were used in this election.
Lord, we cry out in despair and ask for YOUR LIGHT to shine brightly into the darkness to fully expose the evil hiding in the shadows. Let YOUR TRUTH and JUSTICE come forth so that every person will know that Pres Trump won fairly and that even the fake news will proclaim victory for Donald J Trump. Ever voice will proclaim your name..Lord of Heaven and earth!
Lord we pray for your anointed and we ask you to protect him.
Lord part the Red Sea in the USA so we can be saved from the enemy of communism that is pursuing us. Lord stop the enemy cold and lead YOUR people back to One Nation under God.
Lord we pray for your miracle to come forth and bless our president for a second term and destroy the enemy fighting against our God and our country.
Lord many people are traveling to Washington to support our president. We ask for blessings and safe travels for these your children.
Thank you Lord for making a way for victory when all seems lost and hopeless. We praise your name, God Almighty, Elohim.
Ps I have never been involved in politics in my 68 years, but felt called to travel to Washington from South Florida to support Pres Trump, OUR country and our Great God.
Please pray for my husband and I for safe travels and to banish my fear of large crowds. May we all join together with other intercessors and prayer warriors with one voice and one heart… praying and fasting during this critical time. Thank you and God bless.
Father God,
It is an honor for me to pray for Maureen, her husband and every one from IFA who are determined to fight this battle against election fraud. Protect them as they travel between their hometown and DC. Keep them safe all the way. Lord Jesus, the divine peacemaker, stop any evil force from disrupting the march on Jan 6, put peace and joy in the heart of everyone who come out to support this march. Holy Spirit, the divine messenger, send the cries for election integrity into the ears of lawmakers inside the Congress on Jan 6, invoke their conscience regardless republicans or democrats, open their eyes, their hearts and their minds to perceive the irreversible damages done to the nation democratic system if they turn a blind eye to the widespread frauds committed in the 2020 general election. I pray these in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen
Amen! Lord, please cover Maureen and her husband with Your wings and banish any spirit of fear that is around them. We pray that all who heed Your call to come to Washington will dwell in Your shadow and find peace and safety there. Please pour out Your Spirit upon this gathering and let the world see Your glory! Thank You, Jesus!
Maureen, thank you for your and your husband’s courage to go to DC at the leading of the Holy Spirit. Indeed , we declare you have not been given a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind! My son, Austin, God fearing, God loving, former Marine,has made the journey also feeling led by the Spirit to do so. We are praying and fasting for all those willing to represent God and His righteousness with this act of obedience and sacrifice for those who cannot go. We pray God bless you, protect and provide for every need according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.
2 Thessalonians 1:12 This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ. … so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you [by what you do]
Praying 🙏
I pray that the traitors that are interfering with support of honest elections will be exposed and fall into their own trap.
New Living Translation
Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.
English Standard Version
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
Berean Study Bible
Have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
Berean Literal Bible
And do not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even expose them.
King James Bible
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
New King James Version
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
Yes Lord. We ask you to expose, expose, expose everything that is evil and justice and consequences be brought down upon the heads of the perpetrators.