I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: 3 minutes

I was recently involved in a heated conversation on Facebook between Christians who are angry with President Trump and those who defend him. Most of us have heard, or taken part in, similar conversations. As I have reflected on and prayed about what is going on in America, I have one point and two questions.

First, my point. We get the government we deserve. The Church is called to be ā€œsalt and lightā€ in any and every culture in which we find ourselves. If we have ineffective government and anger within our nation, we must first look at ourselves, the Church, the body of Christ. The Church is not the barometer of our nation, measuring the spiritual climate. Rather, the Church is the thermostat, guiding the ā€œspiritā€ of our nation. In my more than twenty-five years of working in national Christian ministries, I have not seen the Church as fractured as it is today. Political issues seem to be the subject of most of the discord.

The Church must lead the nation by doing away with the pointing finger and the malicious talk (Isaiah 58:9). We, the Church, must stop fighting for our particular point of view or position. We have to tone down the conversation. The Church should model respectful and loving discussion. We must stop fighting for each of our opinions to win, and start promoting Godā€™s opinion. To know Godā€™s opinion, we have to ask Him. We cannot assume or presume to know Godā€™s heart before we ask Him.

As I have asked God about the strife I see in and out of the Church, I think of two questions to ask every Christian involved in these debates.

Question #1: Is God powerful enough to direct President Trump? If you or your friends have given up on President Trump, this is the question for you. Scripture provides a clear answer: ā€œThe kingā€™s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He wishes.ā€ (Proverbs 21:1 NAS). There is no ruler, king, dictator, or president outside of the hand of God. Godā€™s sovereignty reigns. So when we have a problem with President Trump, letā€™s understand that his authority comes from God. Letā€™s not ā€œgive upā€ on President Trump, letā€™s go to God about him. This leads to my second question.

Question #2: Do the Scriptures command us to pray for our President? The answer is clearly yes: ā€œI urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all peopleā€” for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.ā€ (1 Timothy 2:1-4 NIV) Paul urges us to pray for our leaders because our prayers make a difference. Our prayers are the primary way we can affect our culture and be ā€œsalt and light.ā€ God invites us to shape history with him through prayer and intercession.

Our ministry supports a network of tens of thousands of intercessors. We know that there is no neutrality in spiritual issues. We are either working with Godā€™s will or against it. I urge us all to obey Godā€™s command to pray for our Presidentā€”choosing to have faith in God to achieve His will through the President, whoever he is. When instead we choose prayerlessness, malicious talk, and pointing the finger, we cooperate with the adversary, rather than God.

These are critical times, with much at stake. The Church must be united in fervent prayer for our nation and its leader. (By David Kubal, President and CEO of Intercessors for America (IFA). IFA equips and supports praying Christians to shape the nationā€™s history through prayer. As the President, his vision is to mobilize a multi-generational army of intercessors.)

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Diane sue Hollier
August 30, 2017

Father God we want to say thankYou for Your mercy and grace endure forever

August 26, 2017

Lord God, help the American Christians to stop being consumers. Help us to stop pointing the finger instead of realizing there are three fingers pointing back at us when we do this. Lord give your children here discernment so that they are not lead astray by winds of doctrines and the emotional ideology of those who do not honor God nor admit that there is a sin nature in each and every one of us. Lord, your people here treat you more like a Butler than Almighty God. Shame on us for pouting instead of continuing on to fight in this battle. It is because we, the Christians, have not been salt and light that we almost lost our Republic, and this nation is still just barely surviving. Lord God, help us to be your servants here, bind our minds to the mind of Christ, bind our wills to Your will oh God. Firmly lead us in Your ways of righteousness, In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Elaine Helms
August 25, 2017

Thank you, Dave for a blessed prayer time today and for this article. Remembering the authority God has given us in prayer is so important; so that we use our prayers for God’s glory and for His purposes. God bless you as you lead intercessors to remain faithfully on the wall of prayer for our leaders in positions of authority.

Sister Georjean
August 25, 2017

Thank you so much for this! It helps us to communicate the needed truth and to encourage others!
Thank you for your special time of prayer this morning!!! Very well done and so needed!!
we all send warmest greetings, Sister Georjean

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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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