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IVF has taken center stage in today’s political landscape and may play a big role in November. 

From The Epoch Times. Three Senate Democrats introduced a package of bills meant to protect access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) on June 3, kicking off the party’s pre-election push to put reproductive issues front and center.

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The Right to IVF Act comprises four bills previously introduced by Sens. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.). …

Ms. Duckworth, who conceived her two daughters through IVF, said the package would make such treatments more affordable and accessible for other families dealing with infertility.

“In the nearly two years since the Supreme Court threw out Roe v. Wade, our nation has seen the horrific consequences of Republicans’ anti-science, anti-woman crusade that has put IVF at risk for millions of Americans who rely on it to start or grow their family,” she said in a statement. …


The legislation would establish a statutory right to access and provide IVF treatments, ensure they are covered by private and federal health plans, and require the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs to provide IVF and other fertility services to military members and veterans.

Alabama Ruling Sparks National Debate

The move to protect IVF access follows the Alabama Supreme Court’s Feb. 16 ruling that human embryos stored outside of a woman’s uterus are children under state law.

The decision came in response to a wrongful death lawsuit in which the plaintiffs claimed damages for embryos stored at a cryogenic facility that was destroyed. …

Nationally, the case has prompted a wider debate over what rights human embryos should have, if any. For Democrats still hurting over the Supreme Court’s 2022 reversal of Roe v. Wade, the ruling represents another Republican attack on women’s reproductive rights. …

Congressional Republicans, however, have widely expressed support for IVF, including Sens. Katie Britt (R-Ala.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who have introduced their own proposal that would withhold Medicaid funds from any state that would ban the treatments outright. …

Still, other Republicans have opposed expanding access to IVF. …

What do you think of IVF and this new package? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash)

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Geneva Goodell
June 5, 2024

I do not like the idea of my tax dollars going to pay for IVF, as Senators Cruz and Britt are pushing for. Many “excess” embryos are thrown away, like trash, and it is an abomination in the sight of God, who ordained the act of sexual intimacy in marriage to produce children and they are a reward from Him(Psalm 127:3).
And btw, every person in the Bible who asked God to give them a baby, received a baby from Him! IVF is not needed, period, full stop!


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