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Almighty God, true justice is only found in You and we pray for justice for Pres. Trump.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Donald Trump may have been found guilty, but legal experts seem to favor his chances in higher courts. Will justice be restored?

From The Federalist. Leftist District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s show trial delivered the Democrat Party’s dream: A felony conviction against their most hated political enemy.

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The prosecution and the trial also were also littered with legal landmines and “reversible error” that should make former President Donald Trump’s looming appeal a slam dunk, legal experts say. …

‘One of the Craziest Things’

Constitutional law expert Hans von Spakovsky says the conviction isn’t likely to stick, for an array of reasons. Chief among them: Merchan’s convoluted jury instructions, in which the Biden campaign-donor judge framed the jury’s deliberations in a way that, according to legal expert Jonathan Turley, “seemed less like a jury deliberation than a canned hunt.” Merchan told the jurors they didn’t have to agree on the three possible “unlawful means” prosecutors vaguely alleged Trump had employed to “influence” the 2016 election.

“The jurors were told that they could split on what occurred, with four jurors accepting each of the three possible crimes in a 4-4-4 split. The court would still consider that a unanimous verdict so long as they agree that it was in furtherance of some crime,” Turley wrote in the Hill before the verdict was handed down. …

Von Spakovsky said Merchan’s instructions point to reversible error — “an error in trial proceedings that affects a party’s rights so significantly that it is grounds for reversal if the affected party properly objected at trial,” according to the Legal Information Institute.

“This is such a mistake. … If I were the court of appeals, the moment this case came in, I would overturn the conviction,” the former Federal Election Commission member and Heritage Foundation fellow told me before the verdict this week on the Simon Conway Show. “That is one of the craziest things I have ever heard and it is a complete violation of President Trump’s substantive due process rights.” …

Speaker Mike Johnson has called on the U.S. Supreme Court to quickly take up the case because of its unprecedented constitutional implications. The state appeals courts in line to preside over the Trump case are lined with Democrat-appointed judges. …

How are you praying about Pres. Trump’s appeal?

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Ann Shaw
June 9, 2024

God has known the truth and is the truth. I pray that President Trump would be exonerated and be able to go forward with his campaign for President in 2024.

In Jesus’s name Amen

Michael and Ellie Briney
June 8, 2024

We believe strongly in the power of pray and an almighty God who answers prayer. We truly believe that God has the conviction concerning President Trump in His hands and that the decision of the crooked court will be overturned. We also believe that the crooked judge and district attorney will be dealt with properly.

A T,
June 6, 2024

As he declined to take the stand and give evidence under oath, he can hardly complain of the result.

June 5, 2024

IFA apparently limits the size of a comment, so I wish to add here to my posting below.

No lawyer or judge knows everything about every possible topic that comes up in court, so they have to research related court cases. In the case of Trump’s recent trial, they would have to research New York City, New York state and Federal court cases. I think the case I mention below was not known because Trump’s lawyers did not bring it up. So, it is likely neither the judge nor the prosecutors knew about it as well. I would encourage everyone to be careful about making accusations. None of us can say for sure what any other person knows or doesn’t know. Please give grace to those you don’t agree with, especially those who are not of the faith.

June 5, 2024

It will be overturned for more reason than those mentioned. In 2010, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310, the Supreme Court ruled that the freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting expenditures for political campaigns by groups like The Trump Organization. So, it would have been acceptable for The Trump Organization to pay Daniels $130,000 in hush money to conceal her affair with Donald Trump.

Linda T
June 5, 2024

Father God, we humbly ask your hand to move on behalf of President Trump, that he be vindicated of this sham lawfare and that you would continue to protect him and his family. Lord, our hope is not in a man, but in you. We recognize that you have used him before to bring about your will in stopping much of the evil that is growing so rampantly in our country and can do so again if you choose. Bring down the strongholds of evil that have this country on the wrong track, have mercy on this country and allow him to succeed in restoring order, safety and freedom in this land. Lord, it is so quickly slipping away and we boldly ask you to restore this nation so that it can be a beacon of all that is good in this fallen world. Forgive us for letting things go this far, for the tragedies of lives lost through violence, lawlessness, drugs and abortion. Forgive us our complacency in allowing these evils to grow unchecked. Help us each to be bold in taking a stand for you. Protect those who stand up. Protect the integrity of our elections and heal this precious land you have given us. In the precious name of Jesus we pray.

June 5, 2024

Nothing is a slam dunk without prayer, when we are dealing with the satanic evil ones that brought these bogus charges and sham trial judge and jury to the forefront! “Leave nothing to chance but with prayer and supplication and Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto GOD!” FATHER GOD please vindicate President Trump and let the accusers fall into their own traps in JESUS NAME! Amen!


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