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Father, we pray that You would protect the religious freedoms of every American, especially Gerald Groff. Move in the hearts of the justices, Lord, and motivate them to stand for You.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

UPDATE: The Supreme Court hard arguments for the case today. As they deliberate, let’s make sure we are covering them in prayer.

Once again, a critical religious freedom case has reached the Supreme Court. As arguments draw closer, let’s make sure to be praying for Groff.

From First Liberty. First Liberty Institute, Baker Botts, LLP, Church State Council, and Independence Law Center filed their opening brief at the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of former mail carrier Gerald Groff today.  The brief asks the Justices to restore the important protections for religious employees to what Congress intended before the courts watered down Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

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A copy of the brief is available at FaithfulCarrier.com.  Argument in Groff v. DeJoy is set for April 18, 2023.

“The U.S. Supreme Court has the opportunity to restore religious liberty in the workplace,” said Kelly J. Shackelford, President, CEO, and Chief Counsel to First Liberty. “Our nation has a long history of protecting its employees from being treated unfairly at work just because of their faith.  This is an important case for all Americans.”

“Justice Thurgood Marshall once said that a ‘society that truly values religious pluralism cannot compel adherents of minority religions to make the cruel choice of surrendering their religion or their job,’” Aaron Streett of Baker Botts said.  “Making sure everyone is treated fairly at work promotes our nation’s historic commitment to religious diversity.”

“Courts have interpreted Title VII so restrictively that employers need not grant even the most simple accommodations to religious observers to enable them to follow their faith,” observed Alan Reinach of Church State Council. “Restoring Title VII’s focus of protecting religious employees motivates everyone from the boardroom to the mail room to find a solution that works for the business as a whole.”

“No employee should be forced to choose between their faith and their job,” noted Randall Wenger, COO & Chief Counsel to Independence Law Center. “Religious accommodations should be treated in the same way we accommodate the workplace needs of any employee.”

Case Background:

Born and raised in the heart of Amish and Mennonite country in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Gerald Groff applied to work for the United States Postal Service (USPS) in 2012.  He thought working for USPS would allow him to honor the Lord’s Day each week by resting, worshipping with his church family, and serving his family and community.

But, in 2013, Amazon.com contracted USPS to provide Sunday delivery.  Initially, USPS accommodated Groff, but soon required him to work Sundays or USPS would make an example out of him.  Even though he covered his coworkers’ shifts every day (including holidays) except the Lord’s Day, over the course of almost two years, USPS subjected Groff to eight (8) pre-disciplinary interviews, a letter of warning, and two (2) suspensions while mocking his appearance, forcing him to carry more mail than other carriers, docking his pay without justification, and refusing his requests to take unpaid leave.

As a result of these hostile working conditions, Groff suffered hair loss, chronic insomnia, weight gain, anxiety, and more.  He resigned in January 2019 knowing his termination was imminent and initiated this litigation.

Groff’s attorneys appeal a decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit that affirmed a decision by a lower court that concluded that USPS need not accommodate Groff if doing so would harm employee morale.  Dissenting from that opinion, Judge Thomas Hardiman warned that, unless overturned, the Third Circuit’s decision offers “a heckler’s veto by disgruntled employees” to any employer who would otherwise accommodate the religious beliefs of their employees.

Groff v. DeJoy presents the Justices with the opportunity to re-evaluate the “de minimis” standard first expressed in Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Hardison (1977) and reconfirm the language of Title VII, as passed by Congress, requiring an employer to accommodate an employee’s religion unless it would cause an “undue hardship on the conduct of the employer’s business.”

How are you praying for Groff, the SCOTUS, and religious freedom? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Press Release from First Liberty. Photo Credit: First Liberty)

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Helen P
May 22, 2023

Precious Lord Jesus, You are the God of recovery, restoration, justice and Your Truth shall prevail.
In You everything Gerald Groff needs and desires is already provided for he and his family. Draw him close to You that he may see the mighty working of Your power to those that believe and that trust You

April 18, 2023

God will provide a job as we trust in Him and anything else we might need too.

Nan Harlow Johnson
April 18, 2023

Our relationship to God is the most important thing in anyone’s life and our lives need to be constructed around this vital relationship needed by all people. God is number one in a life that is ordered correctly. Nothing else must come first. May God help this man to win victory in court by the power of Jesus’s Name as we lift him up and any others in the same position as Gerald Geoff. We’re pretty much the only country that stands for God in this way left in this world!!! How this must grieve our dear Heavenly Father. May we all do everything we can to preserve godliness and Christianity in this land through prayer, speaking up, and godly actions led by Holy Spirit. Precious Lord we love you and worship you and may we grow more like Jesus every day. Remember the first commandment : “Exodus 20:3 You shall have no other gods before me. “ Not jobs, people we love, or things we want be allowed to be first in our lives by the power of Jesus’s Name I pray !!!

Darlene Estlow
April 18, 2023

Thank you for those who will stand for right even under persecution. May we as your people all have such courage as we face ungodly persecution. Bless Mr. Groff and give him favor with the Supreme Court. Our religious freedom in this nation makes us stand out as a nation giving people freedom, that we acknowledge faith in you as important and keeping a nation in righteousness.

Darlene Estlow
April 14, 2023

Father, I pray for the Supreme Court as they view this case. May they make a stand for religious liberty, based on the Constitution. I pray for Baker Botts that you would refresh him and fill him. I pray that you would cover the faces of those persecuting him with shame that they might seek you.

Nancy B Bryda
April 14, 2023

Respecting religious convictions is part of the Bill of Rights and I am hoping this man will win in court. He has won in the court of heaven and I declare he will find favor in our court. I think this is an important precedent for all religious freedom issues.

    Gail Segars Rainey
    April 14, 2023

    I am praying in agreement! Amen and amen.

Rose Rocha
April 14, 2023

Father thank you for the strength you have given Mr. Groff to endure this long persecution on his religious liberty to honor you on the Sabbath. Let him feel the confidence in your word that says those who endure will rewarded IJN I pray.


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