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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, thank You for answering our prayers! Stir more of Your people to get involved and be willing to be the answer to our prayers for change and transformation in education.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The results of the Virginia election have been widely reported, but less known is that there is a national effort underway to challenge and overturn school boards. This effort had a great deal of success in the elections last week.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board  commented on the “parental revolt.” “Voters flipped the school board in Douglas County, Colo., with the election of four candidates focused on parental and student rights who ran under the Vote4KidsFirst slate . . . Same in Wichita, Kan., which had one of the highest turnouts for a non-mayoral election in years. Voters deposed three incumbents on the school board. And in the Des Moines, Iowa, suburb of Ankeny, conservative candidates won all three open seats on the seven-member board. In the Dallas suburb of Southlake, parents rallied after the Carroll Independent School District sought to enshrine woke policies and a ‘cultural competence action plan’ in the curriculum.”

Even in districts that did not have a school board election scheduled, the Journal explained, ” A spike in recall elections this year is another symptom of the parental fury. Ballotpedia has tracked 84 school board recall efforts against 215 members in 2021. (Some proved unsuccessful, while others are pending.) That’s up from an annual average of 23 recall efforts against 52 members between 2006 and 2020. Three members of the San Francisco school board face a recall election in early 2022.”

Along the same lines, a 19 year old ran for school board and won. “Nicholas Seppy told the Washington Examiner he ran because he saw that ‘parents were not being listened to’ and he ‘wanted to give them a voice on behalf of their children.'”

The Journal editors concluded, “But Covid and the woke agenda have been eye-opening.” You may not remember, but in May of 2020, in an article entitled “School Board Corruption Runs Amuck and Nobody is Voting“, IFA asked you to pray this:

Father, we come to you in the Name of Jesus and ask for a revival in America’s local communities. Give Your people a voice in their local schools as they take their place as the leaders You called them to be. Let those who stand for righteousness not back down but grant them larger platforms to declare your freedom for the children in their local public schools.

God has heard and is answering this prayer with a resounding YES!

Are you seeing an answer to this prayer where you live? Please let us know in the comments! And please share this article with your friends–it will increase their faith.

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Tanya Williams
November 10, 2021

Praise God for your victory Mike Henderson!
Unfortunately in my state, there is tremendous voter apathy. I saw an article dated 11/1 that 156 seats were open with no one running. 10% of the total amt. Only 2.9M votes were counted for governor…we have 9M people.
Father, I pray for the clouds of darkness over my state be moved in the name of Jesus! Call your ecclesia to stand in the public domain for families and children, for righteousness, and for your glory…in Jesus name. Amen!

November 10, 2021

Praise God! This is great and encouraging news! I pray that these newly-elected school board members will remain true to their convictions, and bring Godly policy that will be implemented in the schools. Greater is He who is in us, than He who is in the world. Thank You, Jesus, for this really good news.

Mike Sanderson
November 10, 2021

I am being installed as a school board member this evening tonight in our rural small school in Flournoy, California. I pray that I be used to bring Godly policy that protects the children, that impacts our community, and share Christ through my conduct and communications.

Scott Singletary
November 9, 2021

I live in Atlanta but have not heard about the school board election results.

Candy B
November 9, 2021

On the news this morning that SC has pulled out of the school board association.

November 9, 2021

I highly recommend that those reading this article download and circulate, to your trusted friends and family members, the guidelines on “how to push back on power hungry school boards”. We must use discernment in who we share that with but most of us know those people that can be trusted and will / want to be involved.

November 9, 2021

Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, We Thank You for permitting us to come to Your Throne of Grace. We seek Your favor in public schools throughout Your Creation where teachers dismiss the wishes of parents and go off track. What is called education comes across as indoctrination, too often against the wishes of parents as innocent children are introduced to topics outside their maturity. We see the outcomes of failed education: Families in turmoil. Riots in the street because morality is no longer taught because of the separation of church and state. We see how intentions are twisted and the poor results throughout society.

So we come to our Heavenly Father in humility and confession because of our complacency.

We trusted public officials when we should have investigated options.

We trusted the professionals when we should have asked questions.

We trusted the ever increasing demand for funds (increased real estate taxes) that resulted in very high payments for all teachers, regardless of teaching methods and advanced learning and test results of children.

We trusted the increased administrative overhead staff at public schools that eventually reached 50% of funding in local school districts. Money didn’t reach the class room; it paid for highly-educated bureaucratic staff which regulated instructional time in classrooms.

We confess our guilt and come to You, our Heavenly Father, and know that You love children and will bless those who come to You for solutions. We don’t know where or when the help will come from, but we do know that every blessing comes from above for those who turn to the Lord.

In Jesus’ Name ~ Amen

Lori Meed
November 9, 2021

In a local area, Souderton, where parents have been fighting hard against CRT and the LGBT agenda, there was a massive win for a conservative school board. The next day, however,”20,000″ mail in ballots were suddenly found and they are in a battle! Please pray!

    November 9, 2021

    Aaaack! These phoney “found” after-the-vote mail-in ballots are the SAME sleazeball tactic the Democrat Left used in the very recent NJ Senate President race, Lori! (See IFA’s post “BALLOTS HAVE BEEN ‘FOUND’ IN HISTORIC NJ ELECTION?”)

    WHY are Americans tolerating SO MUCH fraud?

    I pray in agreement with your Souderton school board win, Lori, in Jesus’ mighty name.

    “The LORD is known by his acts of justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands.” ~ Psalm 9:16

Allena Jordan
November 9, 2021

Father, we give all the glory, and honor, and praise to You. Thank You for stirring hearts. Thank You for little victories and bi ones. Thank You for young people stepping up to places of leadership. All glory to Your Name. Amen.

November 9, 2021

In our center PA school district race the two Republicans lost and the three Republicans running for Township Supervisor seats also lost. Both bodies are now 100% Democrats. In distress over what this means for the future I have since submitted my name to be active in a local political party, reversing a lifelong distain. This is a major step of faith into unknown and scary relationships.

    November 9, 2021

    Good for you, Mel! Thank you for your courage in rising to do what needs to be done, for democracy and for your area. Praying in Jesus’ might name for victory for you and for His guidance and council in this new endeavor in your life.

    “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path.” ~ Proverbs 3: 5-6

    “Commit to the lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” ~ Proverbs 16:3

    November 9, 2021

    Praying for your victory, Mel! God bless you! If God be for you, who can stand against you.


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