Satanic Performance at the Grammys Shocks Even Mainstream
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Satanic Performance at the Grammys Shocks Even Mainstream
A nonbinary artist and a transgender artist performed a satanic dance on a show sponsored by Pfizer. What does this all mean? God has a strategy! Read God’s Strategy for SatanCon.
From Fox News. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., joined a chorus of Republicans and conservatives voicing outrage over a controversial performance during Sunday night’s Grammys which featured a singer dressed as the Devil.
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“Nonbinary” singer Sam Smith’s duet with transgender artist Kim Petras for their song, “Unholy,” featured Smith wearing Devil horns, while Petras gyrated in a cage against the backdrop of flames. Dancers dressed as demons bowed and crawled around Smith.
“This…is…evil,” Cruz wrote in response to a tweet of the performance shared by conservative commentator Liz Wheeler.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) February 6, 2023
“Don’t fight the culture wars, they say. Meanwhile demons are teaching your kids to worship Satan. I could throw up,” she remarked.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. also condemned the “demonic” performance, which immediately featured “sponsored by Pfizer,” afterwards. …
The Grammy’s featured Sam Smith’s demonic performance and was sponsored by Pfizer.
And the Satanic Church now has an abortion clinic in NM that requires its patients to perform a satanic ritual before services.
American Christians need to get to work.
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) February 6, 2023
From Fox News. A tweet by CBS leading into Sunday night’s Grammy Awards caused a stir online with many people left wondering what message the media outlet was trying to send.
CBS responded to a tweet from Singer Sam Smith, which featured a photo of the nonbinary singer in rehearsal wearing devil horns.
“This is going to be SPECIAL,” Smith tweeted with a devil emoji.
CBS responded to the tweet, “….you can say that again. We are ready to worship!”
Smith and transgender singer Kim Petras delivered a raunchy performance of “Unholy,” during the music awards show, which was blasted by conservatives on Twitter. Smith was dressed as the devil while dancers acting like demons seemed to bow down in worship. …
Conservative nonprofit media watchdog The Media Research Center asked if CBS was confirming they worshiped Satan. …
Did CBS just admit it worships Satan?
— Media Research Center (@theMRC) February 6, 2023
Did you see IFA’s post, God’s Strategy for SatanCon? “I want to see transformation — it’s not coming about because hearts have been changed. Prayer is your most powerful weapon. Prepare the fields through prayer. Others are already sowing, and you will all reap a harvest soon. It will be a glorious harvest, but we must have the harvest workers; they must be called up. Pray to Me to send forth the laborers, and I will be faithful. I will follow through.”
Do you have faith to believe that even nonbinary satanic dancers can be saved? That even an utterly debauched culture can be transformed by the gospel? Share your prayer in the comments.
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Yes I do believe that no one is beyond hope where the Lord Jesus is concerned, his patience, grace and mercy is beyond all understanding.
God is moving & we cannot always see it. That can be frustrating & that is where we must have faith in believing He is moving. Even though we don’t see some of it, don’t be discouraged or give up. Keep praying.
There’s another element I would like to share. God is extremely patient, forgiving & merciful. I have heard some Christians falsely claim that His patience is without limits. If that was true, there would not have been the plagues upon Egypt, Goliath would probably never been slain, etc. Understandably – God does have limits. We are watching today as people brazenly shake their fist at God, openly & arrogantly serve hell & Satan, lie & cover up things that they know they are not supposed to, etc. We can say they don’t know better but that’s not true – God himself created *everyone* with a conscience to choose good or evil. For many, the clock has struck 12. We will see God bring forth situations that will force people to stare head on into a choice for their eternal home. It won’t be pretty for many. Many will not have but a mere fraction of a minute to choose or it will be too late. They’ll be given an opportunity but it will be very, very short.
We have arrived, most certainly, at a junction of time where our patient & loving Lord is & has said, “I gave you hundreds of opportunities to choose & you refused. Tonight your soul is required of you”.
If there’s one thing that is still lacking in many churches & Christians today, it’s the sharing of what used to be called “hell, fire & brimstone”. I’m not talking about condemnation of the unsaved – I’m referring to a reverent, unwavering, healthy & respectful fear of God Almighty. We must have that in our churches along with the love for sinners that accompanies it. If we don’t, Christians living a life on the fence “won’t change” and the unsaved will stay lost in sin.
Well said!
I did not watch as I figured it would have junk in jt! but good night nurse actual satan worship and that tweet about ready to worship is horrific! Lord God intervene! don’t let people watch evil stuff like that stop the youth from participating.Holy Spirit go and reach the youth of America give them a ” gut check” this blatant wickedness is wrong!! and the world who are influenced by this blatant wickedness for the world to see…show them Your kindness, Your Real love is the opposite of that debotchery We plead The Blood of Jesus over everyone who watched in person, or on tv Lord God!! and for all who applauded and encouraged this national public display of utter wickedness Father God We Cancel , Shut the mouth and Crush All the evil assignments of the enemy sent to lie, kill and destroy ! We believe and declare by The Authority given believers in The King of Kings and Lord of Lords these arrogant demonic powers and principalities are Rendered Impotant, Null and Void of All power nor Influence we Bind them, Close All Doors so No one can open their point of access We bdelieve and declare their hold over American youth and the world Is Dromen never to be repaired or replaced , Silenced, Exposed arrogant Wickedness in high places to the young culture of America will become a byword and Destroyed and we Crush All their plans and schemes are harmless as dust under our feet! Unable to send replacements Lord God in Jesus Name Amen!! Lord God OPEN the Door to the 3rd Great Awakening and bring in 1 Billion Souls to Your Kingdom Lord God!! Holy Spirit go before to turn the tide remove blinders, unstop ears remov e the heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh.Dispatch Your strong angels to bring people to good churches teaching Your Truth and grace! Turn the tide bring a sea change in the hearts and minds Open eyes, minds and hearts to Your Holiness, Righteousness Your forgiveness of all who sincerely ASK! Lord bring Hope, Joy and Peace that passes understanding Transform our nation Lord in Jesus Mighty Name Amen!!!!
Abba Father and Lord we come boldly before your throne interceding for the lost and those who are in darkness… we humbly ask for your divine intervention in changing the hearts and minds of these lost souls Lord and may we as the body of true scriptural believers stand firm in your solemn Word and speak with conviction and boldness against the forces of evil. May we also ALWAYS speak in Love and shine Your bright light with NO compromise or waiver!! Give us your Word at the appointed moments led by the Holy Spirit bc we know Your WORD is sharper than any two edged sword which cuts to bone and marrow Lord 🔥⚔️🔥⚔️🔥⚔️ Not from the flesh should we ever speak… But ONLY as the Holy Spirit leads!! Your Word never ever comes back void!!! Use the body mightily in this day and hour that many will come to true salvation in YOU Lord Almighty. In Yeshua’s mighty name we ask and pray. AMEN!!!
Yes I believe these people can be saved. We must pray for them, and that their hearts change and that they will see the light of Jesus Christ and led to him.
Thank you!
Pfizer supports the satanic? That shouldn’t be a surprise. They work hand in hand with the cabal.
Father God, let us as Your Body be as bold and visible this weekend as the world celebrates Superbowl. We pray that Christians on both teams would open their mouths to praise and give glory to You and You alone. We pray even the announcers would have this anointing. We undergird them with our prayers. Holy Spirit, when they open their mouths, fill it. When the enemy tries to rear his ugly head throughout the festivities, may Your Light literally outshadow him. Provide him no platform. May the message that Jesus is still on the throne be the prominent message for all to see. In Jesus Name, Amen,
Reality is there are only two kingdoms, so if we’re not in the kingdom of God we are in Satan’s kingdom. So absolutely I believe that the satanic worshipers can be converted! I just pray to God that a massive repentance in this nation happens soon.
People should start writing in to these tv channels and express their concern. This is not art, and the photos of Madonna as a Christ figure on that magazine are nothing to laugh at either. This garbage needs to be removed.
yes they can call cbs and voice their complains, this was indeed offensive to Christians. 212-975-4321. tell them you want to leave a reply to the grammys.
The enemy is being bold about what he wants to show the world As the body of Christ we also must be bold in speaking God Word over our nation and especially our children.. I Pray for people who allow the devil to use them. The must know that when he is finished them he doesn’t care what happens to them.. I will continue to speak the Word of God in seasonand out of season. Regardless of how it look the body of Christ will win over all of his lies..
I did not watch the Grammy’s but seen the “Unholy” song and dance. It truly seems to be a song of worship which CBS proudly shared with everyone. And to be sponsored by Pfizer seems most appropriate as well (since they have one of the so called vaccines). I pray that GOD gives these people His light to shine instead of the darkness of this evil. Nothing is impossible with our GOD.
Father you will be done on Earth as it is in heaven you are Almighty all powerful over everything and everyone father God destroy the evil schemes of the devil open up the eyes of the Blind and the deaf open up their ears father God enough is enough you’re a one nation under God and your wrath will be released on what evil lurks
Satan always overplays his hand. That giving over to demonic spirits will save some. Even the blind can see the dark.
Father God, am believing for salvation, healing & deliverance over these individuals who took part in this demonic display of evil during the Grammy Awards on Sunday night. Amen and amen.
The satanic number was sponsored by Pfizer, makers of one of the MRNA jabs. How appropriate! It is amazing how the hand of the enemy and connection of entities that are part of his plan are exposed. The enemy lies naked and exposed before the light of our Lord
Lord Jesus, you are more than able to reach even these satanic dancers who flaunt their debauchery before the entire nation. You are the one who stopped Saul on the road to Damascus, who can instantly overwhelm the evil inside of any person’s heart in a second. We ask for your Spirit to come and take over this nation and indeed stop the darkness from advancing. We as your Church resist the devil so he must flee! We now choose to advance the kingdom through our prayers, not through judgment and despair of these lost people, who are made in your image. We choose to war in prayer and worship and watch you defeat the enemy as you did in Hezekiah’s day!
We praise you that you are our only hope and we put ALL of our hope in you alone! We say that your gospel is POWERFUL beyond all our understanding and we anticipate a great revival in our days!! Come and move in Hollywood and in the Church alike, Lord Jesus!
This is all foretold in the last book of the Bible! My prayer is for our Country to turn back to God…the God of the Bible!
I pray for His protection for those who follow His call from His word!
I thank God that we are made in His image and what we do with that is precious in His sight when we follow Him.
The Bible says, He will not continue to strive with man; so in the light of what’s happening today in the world, we are blessed every day that He is merciful and does not strike us down for our foolishness…which he calls SIN.
I believe an even worse thing, was that Pfizer was the main sponsor?!
Not surprised or shocked. It’s been known for years that the “elite” of the entertainment industry are satanists and yet people flock to watch their garbage and laud it as good. Even Christians.
Lord, descend upon them with Your Father Love, which is what they are really searching for. Open their spiritual eyes and ears so they can see and hear and experience Your Truth and Love. In Yeshua’s Holy name.
Yes and Amen!
Prayer changes things! Even Satan Worshippers can be saved and delivered from the enemy’s strongholds.
We MUST pray for the church to return to its first love; then we will see the power of Christ set the captives free.
PleSe dear Lord, forgive us our sins. Watch over the children and shield them from this evil. We know you can do anything. Amen.
The lines of distinction between light and dark are becoming clearer and clearer. Thank God it was exposed and we
pray against it.
Father God, in the holy name of Jesus, I COMMAND the demons controlling those in the dark to get OUT of their lives, minds and bodies. I pray for holy encounters with You, changing hearts, calls to repentance and that they be exposed to the truth and life of your living Word. May they accept your son Jesus as their Lord and Savior and worship You alone. In the unfailing name of Jesus, I pray. 🙏🏻✝️
In Jesus Name I pray for an encounter with this action over our Nation against evil in Jesus Name. May this be revealed to the ones doing this evil and may they give their life to you. Your will be done in Jesus name. Amen
Absolutely possibly…praying that their blinded eyes will see the truth of God’s great love for them…and then bow to HIM in repentance,, accept HIM as Lord and Savior..and be set FREE!!!!
Father God we thank you that your love goes to the ends of the earth in the passionate pursuit of every person who is alive today. Your love is unfathomable and you desire that all would be saved. I pray deep conviction on those who have strayed far away from the knowledge of your goodness and I pray mercy upon their souls that their eyes would be opened to the hope and love that is found in Christ Jesus and that they would find a place of deep repentance. I call forth a mighty harvest into your kingdom and decree and declare a great awakening of truth and righteousness within hearts.. In Jesus’s name. Amen.
Help Your people Lord God to be lights to this wicked and perverse generation as Your Word says “You want no one to perish..”☦🌠
In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke and Bind Satan and his demons from America, Deliver us Father from all evil strongholds and demon worship. Protect our children and youth from these evil spirits. Cover America with your Blood. Please bring revival soon!
Oh Lord save Your people and bless Your inheritance. Grant victories to all true Christians over our adversaries. And by virtue of Your cross preserve Your Holy Church. Amen☦🙏
God help our Nation! Please, we need to follow you, and in this matter, we know the enemy is out to destroy our Nation, but we Bind this enemy in JESUS name, and you told us in Your WORD (The BIBLE) that whatever we Bind on earth is bound in Heaven. we claim this victory right now in JESUS’ Name. Thank You LORD, the battle is not ours, but the battle is Yours LORD, we Praise Your Wonderful HOLY NAME. Thank You
The WORD is Jesus… He is The Word made flesh.
The Bible is The WRITTEN WORD.
Psalm 107: 10&11, 14-16
Some sat in darkness and deepest gloom, miserable prisoners in chains.
They rebelled against the words of God, scorning the counsel of the Most High.
He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom, he snapped their chains.
Let them praise the Lord for his great love and for all his wonderful deeds to them.
For he broke down their prison gates of bronze, he cut apart their bars of iron.
Father God, we praise you! Please set the captives free!
In Jesus Almighty name.
Come quickly Lord Jesus!
The dance was so bad I cant bring myself to watch any part of it again. I pray with all my heart to Jesus, and to Father God to please help us remove the satanic display from our nation. Please protect the children from this evil we are seeing. In Jesus name Amen.
Father God we pray that you would shield our children from this world Father God because they can’t compare to You.. The Holy One! Father we pray for these people that they would come out of the darkness and into the light.. because Your light can overcome the darkness. We ask for all invoices to have a heart of flesh and not stone Lord Jesus and for You to speak to them. May they surrender to the Creator before it’s too late Father.. we pray for and bind any demonic influence on them in Jesus name and we loose Your love Your light and Your plans for their lives! May You cover them in Your love and may they turn to You for salvation. In Jesus’ Mighty name we pray amen 🙏
Father I pray that all people rise up and take authority over their souls and flesh in Your mighty name Jesus. I am praying for a spiritual revival – a Jesus Revolution!! I pray for TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH to this world wherein we all fall to our knees in praise and glory to You! We all come to know You, Jesus. In Your Mighty name. Amen. Amen.
I pray for Sam Smith and Kim Petras, that they will have a supernatural encounter with the King of Kings. That’s how the enemies agenda will be thwarted by our love for these two people.
Lord, You are not willing that any should perish–even those who are determined to avoid or attack anything that speaks of truth or life. We pray for a ‘Damascus Road experience’ for all who are enthralled and involved in anti-God words, plans & endeavors. We pray that truth-blinding scales would fall from their eyes so their eyes would truly see, their minds would truly understand and their hearts would truly receive real and eternal truth and so see Jesus and receive for who He is–The Way, The Truth and The Life. Amen
The company that promoted such a horrific show should be very heavily fined and berated by the industry.
That company has a LOT of control over our media and entertainment companies and we need to be praying and decree that it will flop. We need to pray for the owners and CEOS of that company have a REAL JESUS ENCOUNTER, that turns their lives right side back up, because they certainly are not walking the path Yehovah God designed for them.
Father, give them a Damascus Road experience. In Yeshua’s Holy name. Awaken their minds and bodies and souls to Your Truth.
Yes and Amen!
Absolutely YES. We believers are called to overcome all the power of the enemy. Nothing is impossible. We delcare deep repentance, restoration, and righteousness prevail over Hollywood and the entire entertainment industry. This we pray and declare in the all powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus has power to save he is victor
I love the question at the end of this article! It fires me up! Do I have faith a resounding Yes! Although never a satanist, I come from an LGBT background and I have seen many recently coming out of that darkness into His marvelous light. These performers are broken but Jesus heals! Father, invade this community! Come and take these modern day eunuchs and reveal to them how Jezebel has stolen from them. I decree that they will arise and cast her down. Send Your love to every coven, every practicing satanist and rescue hearts and souls! You are able! Send me. Amen
The harvest is ripe! Every single one of these incidents is a reminder that we must recognize that the people involved are precious to the Lord…but they have yet to see that. At the same time we pray for our children’s protection from this kind of activity we can pray for the vail to be lifted and for those involved in unholy activity to meet the Lord! The recent article about SatanCon in Massachusetts opened my eyes to recognizing that these activities, while unholy, are also fields of harvest that are ripening. Then the earthquakes yesterday…again, the Lord spoke to me and said pray for the harvest….I will reveal myself to many! We are part of an amazing move of the Spirit. Hallelujah!
Thank you for your courageous testimony, Lori!
Praying in agreement with you and others here, in Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!
God bless!
Thank you for this! It bolsters my hope and prayers for a granddaughter who came out of a liberal University with the belief that she is of the alphabet soup… I have bound, loosed and decreed over her ever since she “came out” 3 years ago… she hasn’t spoken to me since… my response was my firm belief in The Truth of Scripture… I failed in expressing love… I love HER but I hate the lie she has swallowed.
I have mailed her a card stating The Father Loves her and so do I… every week for 3 years and I won’t stop till she is set free from this lie and is back on the path God designed for her.
Keep sending those cards. Keep on. Keep on. Keep on.
I was dancing along with them when I was lost and blind. But now I see.
Trusting the plan of God and the small impact His children can have today as we pray and worship, testify and point to our Triune God.
Ugh! Hard to remember my former days. May I fall to my knees in prayer for the others. God hear our cries for mercy on these lost, confused and desperate souls. Our own children and grandchildren may be playing with fire.
Remembering Esau and Jacob. Hard truth.
A mystery really.
Lord Jesus help us to know the urgency of loving souls like You do! Keep us save amongst the wolves and the demons.
Give us strength, hope and wisdom to pour out Your grace where it is needed all the days of our earthly lives.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen
Dear Lord Jesus please protect those who see this performance as entertainment and don’t realize that this is just bringing more and more souls to the slaughter house. Protect the innocent minds who were subjected to this evil performance. Please Jesus awaken the Christians who for so long have been passive about this evil onslaught
Disgusting, disgraceful and utterly evil!
Lord we declare that the Kingdom of God is powerful. We declare the blood of the lamb is saving souls everyday. Lord, we join with many believers who are. Joining to stand in the gap for the salvation of Sam Smith and Kim Petra’s. I pray and thank You ! Jesus for opening their eyes and setting them free to worship the one true God and him only.
Where sin abounds, grace abounds much more! Father your redeeming grace and mercy reaches even the most vile of sinners through the sacrifice of your son Jesus Christ. Let evangelists rise up like Paul did among the Gentiles to preach the gospel unto salvation. It is your will that none should perish—-not even those who rebel against you in their actions and deeds. Your light dispels the darkness for in you there is no darkness. I pray Sam Smith and everyone involved in this production will have a life changing encounter with the true and living God. I pray that their influence is met with the power of the Holy Spirit that destroys their plan and purpose. It falls to the ground well short of it’s intended audience. Every attempt of the enemy to desecrate music and entertainment is cancelled in the mighty name of Jesus.
I believe that Jesus can bring salvation to these lost sheep. He loves them just as much as He loves each of us who already know Him. We must pray for them and present the gospel of His Love and Grace at every opportunity. I am not honestly surprised by Pfizer promoting this horror. But they should be held accountable for what they are exposing our children and young people to.
The fact that Pfizer, without any consideration of decency, would openly promote Satan on a world-wide broadcasted TV show is confirmation of why they would promote a pharmaceutical product (under the cover of it being a vaccine) that has already killed and maimed millions of people with millions more to come. It’s that simple. Come Lord Jesus, Come.
Prayer changes things! God’s love and His mercies can reach even the hardest and darkest of hearts, if they are willing for Him to!
Continuing to pray for those who don’t know Him and have not surrendered to His wonderful grace and love! 🙏💕✝️