God’s Strategy for SatanCon
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God’s Strategy for SatanCon
Update, Monday, February 6, 2023. The SatanCon Boston event location is now known: the Marriott Copley Place.
SatanCon, touted as the world’s largest satanic gathering, will be held in Boston on April 28–30, 2023. IFA’s Massachusetts state prayer leaders asked the Lord what the prayer strategy should be. This has been confirmed in multiple ways and is consistent with the word of God.
Scottish-born-and-raised sisters Suzie and Lynne MacAskill both married Americans and relocated to Massachusetts. There, the Lord paved the way for them to answer the call to lead the IFA state prayer group. Suzie graciously shares here her prayer journal entries chronicling what the Lord has been showing to pray about the upcoming satanic conference. Not only do her journal entries provide an intercessory strategy for SatanCon, but also they demonstrate how to prayer journal and listen to the Lord.
Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.
When we learned about the upcoming SatanCon event, I assumed we would “pray this event out” so that it would never come to Boston. I was then wakened by what I felt was God saying, “This is My harvest field.”
On January 3, 2023, I journaled:
Lord, how do You want us to target SatanCon in prayer? What do You want us to do and pray for?
Interestingly, satanists believe in something — a rebellion against Me, usually because they’ve been deeply hurt, wounded by someone in authority above them, or they’ve allowed dangerous doors to be opened due to poor choices or naivete. But they are all My children. I don’t look at them and see the costumes, the makeup, their desperate attempts to repel; I look at them instead as My children who need to know how very deeply valued and loved they truly are.
I need My intercessors to rise up: Do NOT sit back and wait for someone else to pray this out. I need each person to wake up to what is happening in their state and raise a hallelujah to counter the darkness. Praise Me, glorify Me, remember how praise and worship leads the way for victory. This battle is won already, but the fight in the natural can impact the future outcomes for Massachusetts either positively or negatively. So rile your people up, call them to the front, and get out of the church building and pray. Start prayer walks, fast and pray, and call out to Me.
Instead of a weekend of darkness we will see a glorious weekend of rejoicing as salvation after salvation takes place.
The harvest is ready — look at the fields, call up the laborers and send them forth.
I was still unsure if I was hearing correctly. I knew Arizona had prayed their SatanCon out, and I do not want to lead anyone astray.
On January 6, 2023, I journaled:
Lord, how do You want us to proceed for prayers with SatanCon?
You have clearly discerned My desire that none should perish. Rather than its ‘not taking place,’ I instead want to see transformation — it’s not coming about because hearts have been changed. Prayer is your most powerful weapon. Prepare the fields through prayer. Others are already sowing, and you will all reap a harvest soon. It will be a glorious harvest, but we must have the harvest workers; they must be called up. Pray to Me to send forth the laborers, and I will be faithful. I will follow through.
Then I journaled, Lord, what three points do You want us to pray?”
- that the Lord’s will take place for Massachusetts;
- that the harvest fields would be ready in Massachusetts;
- that the Lord would call up laborers into the fields — sending forth workers to Massachusetts.
Later, I was impressed with another important personal prayer point for each intercessor: Lord, help me to know if I am being called as a laborer.
My sister Lynne helps lead the Massachusetts state prayer group. She sensed confirmation of the harvest field. Jesus demonstrated His power to the woman at the well through a word of knowledge that convinced her of who He was. She told her town, and many were saved. At the end of that chapter, Jesus talks about the harvest fields and says in verse 38: “I sent you to harvest where you didn’t plant; others had already done the work, and now you will get to gather the harvest.”
Lynne sensed the Lord say: “This is a love harvest, the scythe and the sickle will be my love.”
… Swing the sickle, for the time of harvest has come; the crop on earth is ripe (Revelation 14:15).
Additional prayer points:
- for God to give intercessors and Christians His heart for the lost;
- for God to prepare participants’ hearts and release them from Satan’s hold;
- for leadership in Massachusetts to come completely under the authority of God;
- for God to break any spiritual blinding in Massachusetts;
- for His love to draw participants to Him;
- that the fear of our Lord would fall over Massachusetts;
- that God would dismantle any evil agendas or plans.
On January 10, 2023, I journaled:
Lord, is there anything You want to say to me?
Although you won’t have sown, you will have spent time preparing the ground and being out there praying and crying out to Me, standing in the gap for those who don’t know Me yet, but who will soon be back to being My precious children as the veil of deceit is ripped from their eyes and they see the true glory of the holy supernatural. I cannot wait to astound them. Keep going. I am gathering your tribe, your group, to go with you, and it will be beautiful, powerful.
The word “tribe” is very interesting, given that Donna with the IFA New Hampshire state prayer group has been very involved with us regarding SatanCon. Donna said she felt that God was impressing upon her a “unity” of involvement and that this included the Native Americans, as they were the original stewards of the land.
Further, Donna had moved from Massachusetts and still prays with a group in that state. As they were starting to pray to drive SatanCon out of Boston, they felt the Father ask them: “What if I AM bringing them here?” They sensed Him say that those people are Christ’s lost bride and that He wants them at His banqueting table.
On Tuesday, January 24, 2023, I sent out an email with the prayer points and strategies to the contacts I have through the IFA Massachusetts prayer group. An intercessor responded that he had initially felt, “Not in my town, you aren’t,” when he heard about SatanCon, but later felt he received a dream from the Holy Spirit that had altered his heart.
On Thursday, January 26, 2023, I appeared with my sister Lynne on Pray with America’s Leaders, with special guest Jeannie Ortega Law. The day before, I journaled:
Dear Lord, is there anything You would like us to say on IFA tomorrow?
I want the world to know that I don’t stand in condemnation against them. Yes, judgment will come at the end, but whilst there is still time, there is still hope, there is still complete forgiveness, complete cleansing, and My complete and all-encompassing love.
Every person (not just some, but every person) who plans on attending this event is My child, intricately and beautifully created by Me, created for relationship and love with Me, not with any other or by any other, but created for love with Me. But they have lost their first love. They don’t realize that all the hurt and rejection they have experienced has ultimately come from Satan. As they try and stand against Me, all I want to do is overwhelm them with My love.
They are known to Me. I know everything about them. I know what they’ve experienced at the hands of others, the words that have been spoken over them, the breaking of their hearts and value, their worth. They believe they’ve found acceptance, a community where they belong, and yet they are showing allegiance to the one who orchestrated all their hurts in the first place, blinded to this painful truth.
But I AM removing this blindness, I AM peeling the scales from their eyes, taking the veil down. They will see clearly again. Some of them will see for the very first time, and, oh, what they will see! The hands scarred by nails, welcoming them, beckoning them into Our arms to experience true love, powerful love for the very first time — to know they are known, to sense they really do matter and that they were created for a reason.
My banner is up over Massachusetts and I AM declaring — this is MINE, My children, My hearts, My glory, My salvation. All those who are weary and burdened, come to Me and I will raise you up, I will carry you, I will set your strengthened feet back on the ground and you will walk again, you will run, and you will know joy and delight in your salvation.
Strategies for intercessors:
- Prepare the way for victory with praise and worship. We need to raise a hallelujah to counter the darkness. This was confirmed by an intercessor I have never met, on an IFA state prayer call, who used the same exact phrase God had given me.
- Get out of the church buildings: Prayer-walk around the “harvest field,” take communion at the site (the venue has not yet been chosen to host SatanCon).
- Fast and pray, crying out to God for these lost people and for their salvation.
- Pray in agreement with the key prayer points above.
I was also challenged to consider this question: “Do we have a travailing, a weeping for these satanists who are lost from Jesus?” How would you answer that question? Please leave a comment.
Please share this strategy with everyone you know who will pray in agreement! Use the share button.
(Editor’s note: IFA seeks the Lord for discernment in selecting all of the information we post, and especially when sharing prophetic words. We encourage you to ask the Lord whether prophetic words may apply to you personally, or to the Body, and how they apply, as well as how you are to pray. Every prophetic word is to be tested by each believer, in accordance with 1 John 4:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:20–21; and Acts 17:11.)
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Lord God strengthen us to pray and draw these people into your fold. Open their eyes and hearts to see what Jesus Christ did for them, and welcome Him into their lives. See who Satan really is -John 10:10
Standing with you in prayer. May we be obedient in blessing those wounded souls. May the Lord bless them with comfort and healing, may He send laborers to the missionfield, may His love touch the hearts of those that are hurting, may He open their eyes to behold the Son and His blood shed for their salvation and healing, may every word that has come forth out of the mouth of God come back into remembrance and not return void. May the Son be lifted up high and be glorified in this occasion in Jesus’ name!🙌🏻
🙏🏼 They are his lost sheep ,we will pray for their return ❤️ Sacred Heart of Jesus guide and protect us in this Battle to save all of your lost children…
I’m horrified that this group exists. I pray for all those going to protest in the name of God.
I’m praying they are stopped from having their evil gathering
God bless all of you
Can someone ask Susie and Lynn to contact me please? I am here in Boston and feel like I need to explore be involved before April 28th….
Papa, thank You for allowing us to see and hear Your Heart for these that are lost. Papa, thank You for Your Love for them and thank You that You have not forgotten them. Just as the Good Shepherd left the 99 to go after that one that separated from the flock, was lost in the thicket on a ledge on the side of a mountain and thought no one knew where he or she was…Papa, thank YOU for Your amazing love to go after them and not giving up but staying in pursuit until they were found!! Papa, we thank You for trusting us with Your heart for these prodigals, for these lost sheep, who are sick, lost and confused! We know You desire to bring Healing, Love and Life to them and we say, Yes Papa…here we are… some of us can actually go and be boots on the ground warring in the spirit, releasing Holy Spirit grenades sabotaging the strategies of the evil one and Holy Ghost Fire Bombs of Love to penetrate the hardest and darkest of hearts! And others of us will be outside reinforcements releasing Holy Spirit Words of affirmation and strategies into the atmosphere to strengthen, encourage and empower the Holy Ghost filled Warriors on the ground. We declare VICTORY! We SPEAK THE NAME of JESUS over the city of Boston and we call them into the Kingdom of Light from the North the South the East and the West in the Mighty Name of Jesus!!
I see your heart in this prayer and word you say is from the Lord for these Satanist people. But because you said that God told you these are all His children: If it is not in the Bible it is not from God. If a person has not received Jesus as Lord and Savior, if they have not repented and believed in the finished work of the cross, they are not God’s children. John 8:42….If God were your Father, ye would love me: (Jesus speaking), for I proceeded forth and came from God: neither came I of myself, but he sent me…v. 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. ……… so if satan is their father, then they cannot be children of our Lord and Savior. Yes God wills all to be saved, but they have a choice in the matter. for now they have chose to serve their father the devil. You better repent for saying God told you they were all his children because you are teaching false doctrine, this will send a lot of people to hell. too many think because God is love , he just blinks his eye at the evil. Repent and believe ….. Repent or perish…..Jesus Words not mine.
No one probably wants my input, and maybe no one will see this. But here goes: I have a really hard time with this column. I strongly disagree. First of all, satanists are not God’s children nor part of His lost bride. Yes, God created them, and they are God’s creatures. But what does John 1:12 say? “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” These people are not God’s children but objects of His wrath . . . unless they turn to Him. Yes, show them love, but that means telling them the truth: they are lost, need to repent of their sins and turn to Jesus for salvation or suffer eternal doom in hell. Right now, they have no fear of hell. They are deceived and should fear serving the devils of hell, not celebrate them. Please remember that your journaling is not Scripture. Beware! Be a student of the Bible. Honestly, I say this humbly but with great conviction and concern. Satancon should not be invited into any city. The Holy Spirit might draw individuals to find Christians there who will present the Gospel and pray with them. I certainly hope and pray so. Nevertheless, God is NOT drawing satanists to come en masse to Boston to celebrate satan and further defile the territory. Pray this thing down, bind it in the Mighty Name of Jesus, pray for some of these souls lost in wickedness to run into you and the Good News you have to present. But pray that satan’s plans and these demonic activities and events will be STOPPED. Lord, have mercy on all the people serving this convention in hotels and restaurants, waiters, etc., all so vulnerable. What a disaster! Last night, I was frightened awake by a pack of coyotes seemingly right under my window. It was ear-piercing, and I had never heard anything so terrifying. They sounded like an angry, shrieking band of demons from hell all devouring some victim that was trying to fight back. I thought, “This must be what hell sounds like.” What we are up against is deadly, demonic, horrid. We need our full armor on. It’s war, not sweet dreams. Jesus was full of love, and it cost Him death on the Cross. Have no illusions about the spiritual battle about to hit Boston.
Ohmygosh, Cheryl Ford, I just posted my reply about not agreeing with their post as well….quoting from John 8:42….and then I read your reply. we are on the same page. I hope the authors of this prayer chain will see what you and I posted and repent. Its that kind of false teaching that sends more people to hell than being involved with a Satanist group.
Lord, we praise your Holy Name! We see your blood covenant continue to flow forth and to draw in you lost and oppressed children. Lord, we know nothing formed against us shall stand. We know your will and power will rule forever. In your Spirit Lord, we pray and petition on behalf of Your Kingdom Come. Find us faith Lord! In the Name and The Power and Blood of Jesus we pray, Amen
I would like to participate in Reaching out to people during the satancon event. Please let us know how to prepare and what to bring to this event. Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention! I have a prayer barn. If you ever want to have a live prayer session you’re welcome to use the barn. Thank you again!
We love the people coming together and pray for their salvation
Amen! I have prayed for the Holy Spirit to fall on this group of Satanists and that they will know the power of Christ’s love and the saving power of his blood, they will come to repentance and be saved by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen and amen! Praise you Lord!
We are fighting this battle within our own family! God is ALL GOOD and His LOVE UNCONDITIONAL, a TRUTH that I must acknowledge daily as I pray for my wayward family members who have been blinded by satan’s lies. So I am CLAIMING a VICTORY for CHRIST for these loved ones’ return to HIM.
born in MA. pretty positive that my birth family involved in the dark side. Cousins I did not know as a child who lived there were abused ny satanic people who where their family members- frightening
Does Jesus have scarred hands?
Will be praying, may you both be protected by the Precious Blood of Jesus, that no weapon formed against you prevail. God Bless You Both.
Saw this a few weeks ago and was curious what a Massachusetts native living in SC can do, and God answers prayers! Also a prayer walk or circle around the venue before or during the weekend would be a beautiful opportunity to share some love.
I live in Canton MI not far from Ann Arbor Mi. where U of M is. Is there any prayer group that you could refer me to close by. Also I have joined a local Catholic Intercessor prayer group but the training needs to accommodate new people on a different level. Any ideas on how to train to hear something from God when praying over someone? Thanks for all you do!!!
God may be leading you to the college. There is a revival that has already started at Asbury University in KY… God is working in young lifes…
God drew me out of new age. And into the Kingdom of His dear Son. He gave me a tract ministry to many people in many countries. Since I was born again in 1985.
God did the same type of work in me. I live in MA & plan on attending Revive Boston, a Christian Gathering on the same days as satan-dis con. Can’t call it con, the enemy is Not w/us but disconnected from this state, land, people, atmosphere & nation. Bur even prior to knowing about Revive Boston, God led me to pray His redeeming character over this gathering, these people-the planners, helpers, attendees, political leadership in Bos, the venue that welcomes them in, the market place that is making room for them. it is ALL ABOUT THE HARVEST FOR SURE!! Not just a fizzle of the enemy’s plans, but a Kingdom ingathering & territory taking for our King’s Glory & the rescuing of many!!
I am praying Acts 19: 11-20
over the event.
That Holy Spirit will move in a mighty way so that great fear would fall upon the city and the authority of the name of Jesus would be exalted.
That great numbers who had been practicing magic take their books scrolls of spells and incantations and publicly burn them.
Along with John Hancock’s 1792 Fasting Declaration which speaks of humbling ourselves before the Lord.
Written when he was governor of Massachusetts.
You can easily find this on the internet just by typing in John Hancock’s 1792 fasting declarationS
I get this whole strategy. There are a couple of people that I really thought were beyond the grace of God in my youth. In my eyes, they cared only for themselves and manipulated those around them. After I was away from them, God pressed on me to pray for them. It took awhile to get my heart ready for this. But as best as I could I prayed. God strengthened me and showed me they were also victims of satan’s trap. I began to feel differently about them and other unsaved. One has passed on, but before he did he committed his life to Christ. The other is still here but has found new life also. So now I know there is no one that is beyond God’s grace.
Here is my prayer. Father, we are here to help Holy Spirit rescue the perishing and care for the dying. The lost ARE those who are perishing and dying. If they do not repent, there will be another generation and another raised in this nightmare. Father, we pray that you will take our prayers and with each new person who was in this trap who repents, we will see the change in future generations. We pray that it will continue and openly ripple out. Help us to understand how to see each lost person as your potential son or daughter. We pray for each of your prodigal son’s and daughter’s. No reservations. Multiply each prayer and send workers into the harvest. A harvest that changes the world! Come Holy Spirit and remove the board from our eyes so that we can see the truth that no one is past your grace as long as they breathe. Raise up enough workers Mighty Father so the whole world is changed. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Because You say: If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways. I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land. Come Holy Spirit, and teach us to humble ourselves in the deepest way, and pray in ways that impact the whole world! Teach us Your strategy as we sit at your feet in adoration! It is not our might nor our power, but Thy Spirit! Come sweet Holy Spirit work through our prayers to set the captives free!
I asked God how he wanted me to pray and he said “ let’s start with the building” (Marriott Copley Place.). I began to pray over the building itself, that God would create a special protection around it, that no demonic presence would be able to penetrate. I was led to pray for the employees who would have to work during this event and that the Lord protect all of them from the evil. Then I prayed over the leadership and owner of the building and that there spirits would be moved to match the will of God. Then I prayed over the city and mayor and other leaders of that city that they would now seek God and submit themselves to his leading
This article has inspired me to start my prayer journal again. As a prayer warrior in Missouri, I find these same prayer points apply to our state as well so I will pray for both. I have been asking God if he wants me to go on a mission trip to Thailand. This was the third confirmation in the last week. Two other sources included a sermon that popped up on my phone and the Sunday sermon at my church. Your prayer points and scriptural references were also the same so I AM going.
As was already stated by someone else here, the declaration by the sisters that all people are the “children” of God is totally errant. God is the creator of all, but those who are unsaved belong to Satan and are NOT the children of God. The Bible is very clear that prior to salvation all people are “children of wrath” and separated from God and are the children of the devil. Ephesians 2:3 and John 8:44. Only those born again are “children of God”. 2 Corinthians 5:17, John 1:12-13. This is a fundamental tenet of Biblical salvation and it is a very poor reflection on IFA that you are posting “prayers” that are so doctrinal unsound.
Additionally, the fact that both sisters are writing as if they are God speaking is very concerning. God has given us His completed Word already and there is no new revelation. In fact, John is explicit in Revelation that there is judgment on anyone who attempts to add new prophecies and revelations to His finished Word. Revelation 22:18-19. Also, Deuteronomy 12:32, 4:2 and Proverbs 30:6. It is one thing for them to share a prayer about a scripture or Biblical truth application that God has laid on their hearts. It is quite another to be writing responses that are ostensibly coming from God.
I was kind of thinking the same thing. It sounded very much like “Jesus Calling”.
I too had a concern about the point of who God’s children are.
John 316 says for God, so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him, would have everlasting life. He still lives that way today, not just those who have received him, but all those that have been deceived by the evil one. We were all at one time without God, and without hope. And he loved us anyway, and sent people our way who would bring us into the truth and the life of his love….
Yes, there is God’s seed….and there is the seed of the serpent. The seed of the serpent (via Cain and Ham) are cursed by God because they have evil in their hearts. No one is saved from eternal death unless first called by God – who knows the heart of each of us. We cannot ‘save’ others who have not yet been called by the Shepherd who knows His sheep. However, we CAN pray that hearts will be open and that the innocents be protected from demonic forces who are always seeking souls to devour.
Surely you know that we can hear the voice of God. This was not stated as an addition to the Bible.
Remember, God calls those things that do not exist as though they did. That’s scriptural. Romans 4:17. And God does speak to us.
St. John was referring to the book of Revelation, not to the entire Bible, when he said not to add or subtract from “this book”. Also, the Bible warns us not to despise prophecy … and that’s what you’re doing. Be careful! We are called (also, according to Scripture) to pray and discern.
Amen and amen!
Holy Spirit, your words, please, as mine are lost, or at least feeble, for these desperate Satanic leaders and followers to see your light and return and surrender to you. Soothe and comfort them to tears for a renewed faith and acceptance of your agape’ love and salvation for eternal life with you forever. Amen.
Thank you so much for this! I have been praying these prayers for some people close to me who are on that path and believing for their eyes to be opened to the love of Jesus and the truth to be revealed to them by His Spirit. I rejoice with you in the answers to our prayers! Praise be to God for His great love!
I agree with this prayer that God have removed the eyes of His people’s will see in the Spiritual Realm with Ours Lord Jesus Christ is doing in the name of Jesus. Amen and Amen 🙏🏽
If we are Believers in Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, He dwells within us and works through us. He reaches out to the people of the earth- His Earth- with His love that is in us. It is His will that all might come to the Knowledge of the Truth and are saved!
I am praying and contending against these Luciferian operations to remove these legal rights of their existence from the Courts of Heaven. That the local people who have regional dominion and authority in Christ would fight this. I do believe creating a righteous altar of prayer and worship is a key strategy to this demonic altar that is being allowed by this event. May the more worshiped altar (of the LORD) be exalted and have victory! May Satan’s plans be spoiled and God be glorified!
So we pray in the worshipers of Spirit and Truth.
I do want to make an observation regarding the journal entries of God’s response to this prayer warrior. Unless I misunderstood or misread but It is not biblical to say that every single one of them are “My children”. That is not biblical.
Yes, God desires that non should perish. But until they turn from sin, repent and come into the saving knowledge and powerful conversion as a new creation in Jesus Christ they remain orphans and children of the world, of “the devil.” They have never known “The first love”. It was Jesus that spoke to the Church of Ephesus regarding the losing of their first love. They were already children of God.
I do believe though that God IS SAYING that He DESIRES them all to be His children but until they are reconciled to him through Jesus Christ they remain outside the family of God and fold of the Kingdom of God and His body, the Ekklesia, who is under the headship of Jesus Christ.
The Bible is clear that all people are God’s creation (Colossians 1:16), and that God loves the entire world (John 3:16), but only those who are born again are children of God (John 1:12; 11:52; Romans 8:16; 1 John 3:1-10).
In Scripture, the lost are never referred to as God’s children. Ephesians 2:3 tells us that before we were saved we were “by nature objects of wrath” (Ephesians 2:1-3). Romans 9:8 says that “it is not the natural children who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring.” Instead of being born as God’s children, we are born in sin, which separates us from God and aligns us with Satan as God’s enemy (James 4:4; 1 John 3:8). Jesus said, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me” (John 8:42). Then a few verses later in John 8:44, Jesus told the Pharisees that they “belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire.” The fact that those who are not saved are not children of God is also seen in 1 John 3:10: “This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother.”
We become God’s children when we are saved because we are adopted into God’s family through our relationship with Jesus Christ (Galatians 4:5-6; Ephesians 1:5). This can be clearly seen in verses like Romans 8:14-17: “…because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’ The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” Those who are saved are children “of God through faith in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26) because God has “predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will” (Ephesians 1:5).
Do we have a travailing, a weeping for these satanists who are lost from Jesus?”, you ask. While it is true that we must come against and pull down, annihilate every strong hold of the enemy in the name of our Sovereign Lord, we must always stay mindful that every soul held captive by his wiles is precious, and God is not willing that any should perish. He loves and values us all. I cannot think of any better or more devastating strategy against our enemy than to reach out in the Father’s wisdom, compassion and love, reaching and ushering those the enemy thinks he has in his grip into the Kingdom of God where they will receive and know His salvation and redeeming, life changing grace.
Praying God’s favor upon you. Declaring, decreeing commanding, His Heavenly Host, go with you pulling down destroying every stronghold, platform, attempt of any kind by the enemy to hold onto these precious ones! I call for the deliverance, freedom, and redemption of each one in need of You, Lord! I, also ask, declaring, Your compassion, wisdom, grace and favor upon every harvesting laborer! Father may everyone involved see and know and experience Your limitless manifested power, compassion and glory. Thank You in advance for Your redeeming love, grace and victory!
I was born in Massachusetts so I can pray into this situation with these intercessors even though I now live in South Dakota.
I pray for all those attending and aligning themselves with those attending satcon:
May they be given discernment of Who Jesus truly is! May they see satan as the liar, the adversary, the hater of their souls as he truly is. May their hard hearts be marinaded in Christ’s love to soften them into hearts of flesh. May they fear God! May they hate their dead bones. “Dead bones hear the Word of the Lord:LIVE!”
May the spirit of witchcraft over Salem fall into the pit of hell and take with it the spirits of occult knowledge, pride, greed, love of human and esoteric knowledge that are covering this event!
May every word of Light, Love and Truth ever spoken to or prayed over these individuals by believing family, friends or acquaintances be remembered and give them hope in the love of Jesus to break the chains of bondage, slavery, oppression, hurt, anger and hatred.
We declare and decree they shall be saved. Jesus gave His life for them. The blood He shed at Calvary is sufficient to wash away all of their sin. They shall say “Yes ” to Jesus for He is Mighty to save them . Amen
Wow! The Holy Spirit really opened my heart while reading today’s words@ i was praying for an aborted Satan.com conference. Then reading I realized God’s Love. Mercy and compassion for the Satan worshipers is really the same as for any human in his creation and that is to give them Life. His awesome life thru Jesus. Needless to say my own prayer focus now is for a mighty outpouring of God to open the eyes and hearts of those attending to bring many into the Kingdom of Heave thru this convention. Thank you IFA and all the prayer warriors for your God given revelation and impartation for this event
We need to pray and stand on the promises in the word of God consistently, and applied the blood of Jesus Christ over nation, our families, and our homes for Gods divine protection from the forces of evil, and put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to stand against the wiles and schemes of the devil as written in Ephesians 6:10-18.
Father in Heaven, You Alone are able to save! In the precious, mighty Name of Jesus I come in agreement with the prayers of my brothers and sisters for Your lost children attending satancon! Oh, Abba, save the most wicked & those at the top right away & let them then turn & lead the others to Your Truth & Salvation in Jesus Christ our Redeemer and Lord! Bind the enemies of our souls & set the captives Free! Break the chains of all the lies & addictions that hold these lost souls & cleanse these precious ones from all sin & degradation! Let them know Your great Love & teach them Your ways. Shine Your great Lights in the darkness, Father! In the mighty Name of Jesus ❤️🙏
I finally read this amazing article! Thank you Suzie and Lynne. This is my own testimony – I AM the woman at the well and I was radically saved on the street by someone who had words of knowledge about me. Subsequently, my entire family and most friends were saved. Lord, send us! Fill us with Your love and send us out to the white fields!
I sense great contradiction from THE LORD after reading this and I accept HIS correction for My own life and thinking. THANK YOU JESUS FOR opening the eyes of My understanding and revealing, in detail YOUR HARVEST THOUGHTS
I have an impression to share this with my church family. Hopefully, I can. If this event is as big as is thought to be, possibly some of us from others states would be able to support our Massachusetts brothers and sisters, in prayer, certainly and first, but also be there with you to serve that last weekend in April.
We must ask the Lord, “Am I to be there to bring salvation to lost brothers and sisters.” If it’s His will, He will foot the bill. Meanwhile, let’s follow the plan outlined above of what the Lord is saying here. He’s gathering an army of His children but first they must be saved and know Him. And they will need to be discipled… but I’m getting ahead of myself. As for me, I’ve made a printed copy of the Lord’s answers so I can pray it back to Him and ask Him about it for myself. We, as his children, must all hear His voice for ourselves. What is He saying to you? Ask Him. (and Sera, I will pray for Brian. Hang tough, Sister.)
Testimony Australia.
An inaugural international Inter-Faith Festival (which was planned to become an annual event) was to take place in my town, a high place renowned as a ‘thin place’ for occult activity. Our national Prayer Network called for prayer to Stop it. But my spirit felt a check; would this not be a grand opportunity to display and exalt JESUS among all the other religions? He is the Greatest! So intercessors prepared praying, walking the grounds, cleansing the land and worshipping the Most High. We put a Jesus’ Blood Boundary around the site and then around the town across all access roads, forbidding any anti-Christ spirit to cross that line. As people came from everywhere their evil spirit-powers were dropped off at that point and annulled. Intercessors interspersed with the people throughout the day lifting up the King of Kings. The end result was: an enjoyable day for all, Jesus got the best anointed airtime with Holy Spirit backing, and other presentations had no spirit-power to lure the people. The organizer died that same year and no replacement could be found. The annual event was a one-off for this high place. Subsequently we heard that a global witches and warlocks gathering was to be held here but their report was they “couldn’t access the mountain”. Go for it Massachusetts, the earth is the Lord’s! His people are its spiritual custodians.
“ The weapons of our warfare are not physical ( weapons of flesh and blood). Our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of strongholds.” 2Corinthians -10:5” AMP In essence unbelievers are prisoners, captives, slaves. Satan and his dark spirits have a stronghold on unbelievers that is evident in the Evidence of Satancon. In 1 Chronicles 14:11 —“So they went up to Baal Perazim, and David defeated them there. Then David said, “God has broken through my enemies by my hand like a breakthrough of water.” Therefore they called the name of that place [a]Baal Perazim.” He is! Baal is one of the first and principal of the seven princes of hell. Baal was the god of agriculture and fertility in Canaan, becoming a fallen angel and a demon. This is one of the main spirits that is attacking many and the Culture that has came into force across America, in homes, churches, children.. Per the Prophets Voices. Father God we need your wisdom, your words, your presence and the Holy Spirit to release and take away the mindsets of these Evil beliefs. God we understand these mindsets that are controlled by these strongholds. Ask the Holy Spirt to reveal to you the names, He will use these names and – Declare in the name of Jesus Christ saying I have Authority over you and you will not perform your rituals anymore and you will be demolished of all power. We must learn to use our Faith and the word of God. Thank you Jesus for teaching me the more I speak a word of Faith and pray against all things the enemy is pushing on us. I believe breakthroughs will start right now, especially when we plead the blood of Jesus over the harvest that God wants so they become His Children. I lift up prayers that the unbelievers be shielded from Satan,s thoughts and temptations and the veil of darkness be lifted. God I also pray that we take every thought captive in the obedience of Christ, Satan is good at spontaneous thoughts to control people. As we pray we must declare boldness that no weapon of Satan will prosper. Matthew-16-18-19 “ I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
“19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.“ Thank you Father God for the awesome word ( tool) you gave us. Let’s begin our breakthrough now, God you are our breakthrough we exalt you and protect those who are going and pray where this meeting is to be held. God my prayers are this Enemy takeover will fail. This occult ran by a fallen Angel will fall and his ungodly patterns will be destroyed. “ God says let my people GO” We ask You in Jesus name, and we thank you for your intervention. I Decree “that every stronghold in the Life of those we pray for will be torn down by the power of Holy Spirit and the word of God.” Be blessed. 🧎♀️Will be praying!
Thank you for sharing this information. “O Lord, raise up an Army of Your Children to pray and worship and walk and ask You to deliver these lost children back into the arms of Your Love. Give Your Children faith to believe and hearts to listen for Your instructions to them. Call these lost children back into Your Love, we pray. Thank You Lord, for Your love! Bless those You raise up to pray and fast and worship in order to do Your will. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
When I read the words the Lord gave you to pray for the lost, my heart leapt! For my own son is lost and I believe taken over these past few years, lead astray and I have been earnestly praying for his salvation. And though these prayers were meant for the event in MA, I know I was meant to read this. And use these very points to pray for my own son. Please remember him, Brian, in your prayers as well, as I will pray with you for these lost souls to come to know and love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
YES, the same here as I pray for my lost son, Josh. I will be praying these points for this event and for a great harvest of souls that will name the name of JESUS as LORD. And reading Priscilla’s comments has given me renewed strength to fight for my son in the spiritual realm as well. Please pray for him with me. Teach me, Lord, how to do spiritual warfare for my son!
Evangelism of love!!! Great!!! I’m praying too
Sandra Farley : Andrew Womack a great Minister said this prayer, I want to share it for you. “Healing is already an accomplished work. First Peter 2:24 says, “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.” Jesus isn’t healing people today—healing was given 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem when He took those stripes on His back” God wants you well. Be healed in the name of Jesus our healer. 🧎♀️ Father God thank you for the Healing of Sandra Body, give her the strength to pull through and just believe and Trust God. 🧎♀️🧎♀️
Thank you Lord for your heart that wants today bring salvation for the lost and to show your love for the lost. I pray that the harvest will come to save the lost. That satanic group will feel how much they need you and all their hurt and bring healing to his people and come back to their first love. Thank you Jesus for your loving heart
God wants to take back all territory that has been corrupted by the evil one. He is healing in Massachusetts. He wants to rid the area of sin and cleanse people from homosexuality, bestiality, sexual sin and perversion. Love conquers all. Love and prayer are powerful. God is pulling down the strongholds to bring His light and His love as well as holiness to Massachusetts.
Heavenly Father, thank you for placing me in Arizona last year to show me how you operated and that i am near to Boston and can go. Thank you for confirmation, as last year there were prayers for all of the Satanists to come to Jesus as well. He usually sends me ahead to pray walk, Lord please send others of like mind in your perfect timing that will go with me or that i will join. Let us all be aligned in spirit and united in purpose. Let the glory of God since.
Go there and take communion! Plead the blood over the grounds!
Praise the Lord for His raising up intercession for harvesting in the next SatanCon and for particularly the MacAskill sisters. I do want to point out though the incorrect reference to all being God’s “children”! Only those saved are His children; those not saved are His created ones until such a time they would hopefully be born-again!
CC, I agree with you in theory. And I appreciate your heart in wanting to be accurate and truthful. However, this sister was quoting what she heard the Lord tell her directly. If, indeed, what she heard is accurate, and I’m taking her words before the Lord for myself and He’s confirming them, perhaps it is because the Lord sees past, present and future. His words never fall short. He told her they were His children. Halleluiah!!! Now we just have to do the work.
It’s really dangerous to put our subjective journaling on par with Scripture. While this sweet sister believes God gave her a direct word, if it contradicts Scripture, it’s not truly from God. Let’s be like the Bereans.
Whoever lives nearby should do a Jericho march around the building or block and pour blessed salt as you go.
Great idea!!
Dear Lord we know there is a battle against satanic forces and we need your help to take down our enemies give the straight to leaving according to your will and pray for the poorest people those that haven’t receive the good News…. your salvation. Give to us a clean heart to love each of them without any judgment. In Jesus Name I pray.
Blessed saints prayer warriors thank you an I’m doing my part no matter how small every bit helps , an honor it is to serve our king , I’m battling breast cancer as a senior but it doesn’t stop me, I might have had to slow down but still moving thank you an God bless you plesss decree psalms 103 for total healing of my breast cancer an Ecclesiastes 3:3 thank you blessed family of God I’m also starting Bible studies in my apt this year believing for the light of Christ to invade
Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost.” His plan is Redemption.
Hallelujah! A thousand times Hallelujah!! He will bring many out of darkness and into
the light. The manifest presence of the LORD of Hosts will accomplish this, by the
mighty power of Jesus’ Name! Praying for those who will join Him in this harvest field.
Thank every Christian who will fall on their knees and claim this harvest for our Lord and Savior!! May scales fall from the eyes of these satanists and they will see their Savior holding out his arms to them, and will see the evil beckoning them to hell. May their choice be abundantly clear that they need Christ !! May they reject the Deceiver once and for all!! Praise God for what He will accomplish as we join in prayer!”
Well said!
Lord please send out laborers into the harvest. There are people involved in Satanism and other occult situations. Father God please help these people realize that they are wrong in turning to the wrong source of spiritual satisfaction. You are the God of the universe not anyone or anything else. Please help the lost. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Yes, Lord, help them to see that the deceiver only has power to give fake fullness. Let them see the magnitude of Your wonderous Love. Halleluiah! That is who You are! Halleluiah! “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 5:3) Lord, are these devil worshippers not poor in spirit, hurting, fatherless people in need of a loving Father? “Blessed are those that mourn” (5:4) Are they not still mourning a loss and feeling rejected? Please Father God, help them see that they do, indeed, have a Father who deeply loves them and wants them back like the prodigal sons and daughters they are, who finally see the error in their thinking! “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. (5:6) Lord, You know they believe something and are searching for something better but have be beaten down by life and the enemy have hopped on that with hopelessness. Please Lord, give them the hope and the righteousness they seek but have not found. Let them find You now, Lord! You alone are our only true hope, Lord! You are our righteousness! Please, Lord, let these lost ones coming to Boston in April exchange rags for riches, their sins for Your righteousness! In the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.
Just reading this word my heart was broken for these lost souls…Just one word could bring salvation and the love that Jesus is just waiting to pour all over them…He will do the same for them that he has done for each one of us….I’m ready to pray for the harvest!!!!
A friend shared this with me. God has moved my heart to pray for them and Massachusetts. And for God’s Glory to be poured out. I’ll be praying. Also asking God if I should go.
Thank you for sharing how to pray about this. I am praying.
Thank you to IFA for sharing these prayer strategies, which align so well with what the Lord has been speaking to me in this season!
Thank You, Lord, for this confirmation. I am in Connecticut and am believing that my state, and all the New England states, will stand for Righteousness, as You told me last summer. YES, You have called us to PRAISE & WORSHIP. YES, You have called us to PRAYER WALKING in our neighborhoods and towns. YES, we are to LOVE ONE ANOTHER as You have loved us! “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches”! Hallelujah. Speak, Lord, for Your servants are listening!
Praying God’s will to be done! Please share walk location where you will be those days if possible- will likely be in the area then and want to participate!
Heavenly Father,
These are the lost sheep! You are the wonderful shepherd. I pray for their souls. I pray Lord that you will use your mighty love to spread so much love in their hearts and open their ears and their eyes to your truth.
In Jesus precious name,
The Holy Spirit brought me to tears over these lost souls. The Lord will move mightily in love at this gathering, and many souls will be transformed to the glory of our Lord and Savior!
Check our Graham Cook’s encounters with Satanist on you-tube.
I posted one in a later comment, but there are sever recorded.
Thanks for the tip about Graham Cook with satanists. Pretty cool.
Father Your word says Jesus came to give life and bring light. And the Light will not be overcome by darkness. We pray a piercing light over all the heavenly in Boston Massachusetts. In the Name above every name. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus
LORD, Help them! Draw then all to You. May they drink deeply from Your well! Protect them from an angry enemy. I pray that they all cling to You with all they have in side. Send laborers.
When the enemy comes in like a flood, and the memories of all the evil that have done, pour out Your beauty and comfort on each one. Let them embrace Your forgiveness. They will need godly friends.
They may also need to make restitution so please give them the support the will need. I pray that none be lost and that they reach out to others who have embraced satanism, new age, witchcraft, etc.
Ignite a holy fire in them, LORD!
May they become like Paul! In Jesus name, so be it!!!
Thank you for posting this information and the journals concerning SatanCon. Forgive me Lord for closing my heart and viewing SatanCon from my perspective and not from yours. The victory is Yours, God. These followers are your lost children. Rather than pray against them, I will pray for them and for the Lord’s will be done. May the eyes of your lost be opened to the loving light of God through our Lord and Savoir, Jesus Christ. May the Holy Spirit guide all laborers and those praying over Boston, Massachusetts concerning this satanic gathering.
The venue has been chosen. It’s going to be held at the Marriott Copley Square at the Prudential Center.
Thank you!
Lord, we pray that their be prayer walkers immediately walking around this center daily. Let there be those who have access bless the rooms of the Marriott before the guests arrive. Cover the event center with Your blessing, Lord, that no demonic thing has power to do anything evil. Cover the entire place with You Amazing Love, Father God. Let them SEE Your Love, and abandon fake fullness forever. In Jesus Name. Amen.
I am praying for the grandparents of these people that are involved with Satan con I pray Lord for the grandparents to rise up and hear your voice and pray according to your will for their grandsons and granddaughters I pray Lord for them to see the blessings of their prayers the results of your working in and through them to save their grandchildren out of this evil deception in Jesus name
Yes and amen to this word. I agree that the Lord of the harvest is sending workers into this harvest. He is sending them out with spiritual weapons and supernatural power from heaven to be loosed at SatanCon. Love is the tool to reap with, and love looks like something. Love looks like Jesus showing off ” in His kids and bringing the kingdom from heaven to earth at SatanCon. Yes, yes, yes.
Father ready the hearts of your workers to harvest in this field. Prepare the lamps with special oil that the warm glow of God’s true love and heart healing forgiveness emanates from every christian those attending encounter from the moment they leave their homes until they return. Make their travels supernaturally safe. Protect them from harm. May the light of your love dispel the darkness in their hearts, and the fragrant oil of loving words heal the damage life has done to their hearts. Amen
The song, “Rivers Of Joy” comes to mind as I read the journal entries… this resonates with what my heart felt weeks ago when this first was mentioned. It made me laugh with joy!
Papa! Soak them in Your Love!
Thanks for your heart, Suzie, to seek diligently the Father’s strategy and heart regarding SatanCon, and to share with us so that we can come into unity in how the Lord would have us proceed. Even now, the unity among many intercessors shows how, what the enemy means for evil, God means to turn around for our good and His Glory!
Oh , sisters! God has been dealing with my heart this exact way! Thank God for your obedience to God !!!
Jesus IS really moving to bring in the most hurting in our society! I am on board to pray and travail, like never before with Cleveland House of prayer and other fellowships!
Yes, please feel free to share this information. Thank you!
Hello, I am a Portuguese pastor in Ma and thank God that I found you today. God had put it in my heart to join some Portuguese and Spanish churches so we are praying for this satacon event. So I want to join with you and use your material and move on to the churches that I have already contacted. I ask for your permission. God bless you Hugs
PR JOse Silva
Yes, please share this information!
Yes agreeing for a mighty move of God his manifest presence and love for Godly repentance and a turning away from darkness to his light and love.
Protection for those he’s calling to this mission field and Intercessors
To God be the glory
I pray for all the godly parents and loved ones to see the fruit of their prayers by opening the eyes of their children to the wickedness, blasfemy, and lewdness going on around them. May they turn back to their godly roots and repent of taking part in this evil movement.
Hello everyone,
I wanted to give testimony about this same group ‘satanCon’ that attempted to get a bigger foothold in the area that I live in North Country New York on Halloween week.
The prayer alert went out to what churches we have left and I am sure many prayed. There were to be 3 locations for this event in our town. Two women heard from the Lord “Jericho”which was taken as a call to march around each location once a day for 6 days and 7 times on the 7th day. They proclaimed God’ word and prayed each time. Then waited.
The report came back that the attendance was so poor that most all vendor (there were many) packed up and left the second day. To God be the Glory.
I challenge the people of each scheduled location to stand up and take your city for the Lord. Do not let the enemy have your city. God does not need many, he needs a few men and women with steadfast purpose for him.
Go forth in His righteousness.
Shalom Shalom
In Jesus Name.
Thank you for this Suzie & Lynne. I will be staying in that exact hotel the first week in April. I am planning to walk every floor & conference room in prayer. My son lives right behind the hotel so I have been very disturbed about all this. I would be anyways, but it just makes it so much closer to home. If either of you are reading this, would you pls recommend some churches to attend when we are there? I’ve been having a hard time finding a good one. Thx
That’s what I’m talking about. Prayers for you as you serve in this way. Shalom Shalom
Love & Blessings
Thank you for the direction
The Lord has been leading me to pray that the eyes of our hearts might be opened that we might see and that our ears may be opened that we might hear. We all need to see Jesus and to hear His truth.
These folks who are deceived to follow the satanic temple are not children of God, that is unscriptural. Be sure you test what you think you hear from God against His written Word. We become children of God only when we receive Christ. He loves all, as are we to love all, but those not in Christ are not children of God. Yes, we want all to be saved. We want to pray for the veils of deception to fall from their eyes, for the Truth to be revealed to all. But, to support this event in coming to Boston is to also invite the demons directing it and we don’t need more demonic influences in Boston especially affecting our children. We are to resist the enemy, not invite him. That said, we also should mobilize for revival in Boston, Massachusetts. Pray for these lost deceived ones.
Are not my/our children who are not in relationship with Jesus at this time still my/our children.
My prayer is that you have not missed God’s heart in these statements.
I think what they meant was
We all are created in God’s image
They are lost in their sin
God wants to redeem them save them deliver them.
This is serious people need to be called and fast and pray to be able to do this. I think it’s very serious like when disciples tried to cast out demons and couldn’t Jesus said only by prayer and fasting. Our culture so many lost souls so we will cry out for God’s intervention but yes they are not saved definitely.
LORD God, You alone are truly great! and You are full of steadfast love. I ask for Your protection over this city and any where the evil one plants his people. Please do not allow any demonic residue in this town. I pray for mirrors of angels to guard and protect the, the state, area and all who live there. This is a very serious matter and it needs to be soaked in prayer. I ask for increased angelic activity, and for spirit-filled believers to surround the place in prayer and proclamations of Your goodness, strength, and mercy to all involved.
Turn curses to blessings! I’m reminded of Graham Cook
– https://youtu.be/HPsIfj0pajk.
Listen to this. It’s great!. Be careful, pray – pray with others.
Amen! Thank you for also pointing out what I did above… it is unscriptural to refer to any as “children” of God if not saved!!!
What of the prodigal ?
Papa God, I lift up Wendy & Marie and Gianetta and so many others who knew you as a child but are now so hateful toward You and mocking of christians. Thank you for Your love shed abroad in our hearts. Loving our enemies cannot surely not be done with natural love. Interfere, Holy Spirit, with their plans as You see fit. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. MA is yours, USA is yours, the entire earth is Your footstool. We praise You and raise up a HALLELUJAH. in Jesus Name
This article is a huge paradigm shift for me. I tend to be fearful and reactionary when I hear about things like satancon. No more! Paul said, “Overcome evil with good.”. Overwhelm them with love–His love and mine.
This should have been obvious to me, but it was not. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and what the Lord has been speaking to you.
This is the heart of the Father that “non should perish”, May we be discerning of the Holy Spirit to know how to minister in power and in love.
Amen praying for those who will minister
This was so wonderful. It has convicted me and taught me as I have struggled with how to love these young people I encounter at places who have name tags with we they them and us. I want to love them. This was so
Convicting to me. Oh how
He loves you and me and THEM!’
I was born and raised in the Greater Boston area. It brings tears to my eyes what Our Father has said to these sweet women about His children. It amazes me the tremendous love of the Lord toward ALL His children … those who know Him and those who will know Him. Thank You, Father. You are worthy, worthy, worthy of our praise and worship!!! Thank You for ripping the veil of deception, the “death cloths”, from the eyes of our brothers and sisters who’ve been deceived by the enemy. Thank You for releasing them from the grave, and bringing them out of the dark places where they have been held captive into Your Kingdom of Light!
Deborah-can you recommend some good churches to attend in Boston? I am having a hard time finding one when I visit. Thx
Hallelujah and amen! The heart of Jesus will be exposed…how beautiful are the feet of those who share the good news… Amen
Father God Your Word says the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Lord of the harvest we ask that You send out laborers into Your harvest to draw those near to You whom are lost and broken. Jesus came to set the captives free and so we believe these made in Your Image Imageo dei will be free indeed! Prepare the laborers for Your harvest and give them eyes to see those who You want to save. Give them dreams and visions with faces that make them real. Allow them to see those who are praying for their loved ones and to see You Jesus praying over them. Jesus You prayed that we would be one as You are One- unite Your intercessors as one with You leading us. We are Your Body created in Christ Jesus for Your purpose. May You be glorified! In Jesus’ Name AMEN
Thank you for sharing all of this. I was just in Boston. I will be praying and let others know.
I am greatly challenged and affirmed by this article. I see it as the LORD’s direction for me to pray not only for the Satancon event or Massachusetts but for the seven mountains of influence and the whole nation. Even more personally, I’ll use it as I pray for lost friends, relatives and aquaintances. It affirms my prayers that we will “not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21 NIV) “Father God, raise up and equip harvest workers (empowered by the Holy Spirit) to spread the word of Your love expressed by Jesus’ life, death and resurrection to ALL of Your lost and hurting children. for Your glory LORD. AMEN
I agree and pray in agreement. We have a chat group interceding for this, PSALM 27:3 DO NOT FEAR. The target the Lord have been showing us, is pray for the lost and lift HIS NAME UP!
Thank you for your commitment to listen to the Lord’s word as it aligns with what He impresses you to do. May His Spirit fill you with all the faith, courage and love as He desires. To be praying for His people and even the lost to commence a great hunger and thirst for righteousness and truth is a part of what I have been praying. As well as for the courage and discernment to know the enemy and know the Lord’s might over those who will tell the truth and decide to fear not man, Satan nor anyone or anything but Our Lord God. May the Lord run out the evil spirits over this even and cause them to flee in terror and open the soil there for the hearing and receiving of His Gospel, His truth and His ways.
Lord, I pray that you would stir people up to know the plan you have for them. Call forth the workers into the field for harvest. Prepare hearts to see these people through eyes of faith. To believe that you have a plan for them and can change and transform them to the purposes that you have. In the swell of drawing people together to believe and to mourn these lives destroyed by Satan, let there be courage, transformations, hope, and zeal in the Michigan people to trust you and do this work. Bless them Lord. Amen
I am so blessed by these young women and what they are doing. My first reaction to this convocation of satanists was let’s pray it down but after having read what Our Father has said about them being His children in desperate need of having the blinders removed from their eyes, it gave me a new focus. I will pray for the harvest and for laborers to be there ready to go. I will pray Hallelujahs from now until the event and after for those who will be touched, even those who may not be immediately but eventually. I will pray for God’s presence to be there in full force for all to see and feel. May it be so. Amen..
This has been a very powerful article for me to read. I was so deeply touched by the things that the Lord was saying about this situation and what He is calling for. In view of this, it makes sense to me why for the last many days the Lord has impressed on me to sing the song “I raise a hallelujah”. I have been singing it to the Lord several times a day and I believe that is a confirmation not only to me but also to the McCaskill sisters that they are hearing correctly from the lord. I’m very thankful for the blessing this article has been to me and that God has included me in this calling of the laborers to intercede.
I speak Jesus into these gatherings, the name that is above all names. I plead His Precious Blood over every person who is there for Jesus’ sake and for everyone who is against Him. We do raise a Hallelujia and sing praises to the Lord which will bring down the enemy. Victory in Jesus Our Savior Forever!
We pray and rejoice for what God has planned.
I agree and pray for the Love of God to come like tidal wave, flood them and overwhelm people with Your love!
Amazing Grace! Scottish intercessors on our soul will stand their ground and git er done! !!!
I pray that God will help us see these Satan worshipers as victims of Satan rather than our enemies. Help us stand in the gap by praying for these deceived ones, that they will know the Truth.
Please excuse the mistaken words. Txt bombed. Post should read:
What a blessed heart of compassion. Of course God looks beyond our faults and sees our deepest need. Even the most vile may humble themselves and receive Christ. What glorious prayer points are made here
My prayer is that God will help us see these Satan worshipers as victims of Satan rather than our enemies. Help us to stand in the gap by praying for these deceived ones, that they will know the Truth.
What a blessed heart of compassion. Of course God looks beyond faults and sees our serpent need. Even the most vile may humble themselves and receive Christ. What glorious prayer points are made here.
I cannot believe that I read this post from end to end and then printed it to share at church tomorrow, but I did. And as I did I could identify with everything you shared and EVERYTHING that GOD told you. Many of us here in Florida are prayers for salvation of the prodigals and for our leaders and for this nation. I do not personally know how many of us there are, but the Lord has shown me thousands of them. WE WILL WIN, not just this battle, WE WILL WIN THIS WAR. AND MAKE NO MISTAKE: THIS IS A WAR—THE WAR WE MUST WIN.
Hear Our prayers Father, As YOUR Warriors do Battle on our knees & spiritual voices…speaking out against evil but redeeming Hearts & Minds to Your Biblical Truth & Your Love!
“Our ways are not His ways”. Such powerful intercession leading to revelation of His truth and our hearts. Yes, get out of your buildings – YOU are the church and God’s labourers. It’s not just about this event. Thank you Lord for waking up Your church and convicting us of our uncircumcised hearts. Glory to our God.
To all who love Your Heart, give them constant cause to say:
“The Lord’s Heart in the end will triumph;
the Lord’s Heart is like a divine Liturgy,
carrying peace for its people;
the Lord’s Heart is unshakeable,
reigning transcendentally in the heights;
come, come all of you who still waver for the cause of right,
come to our Lord and you will flourish in His Heart,
think this over and learn that your refuge is in His Heart …”
( Jesus Speaks)
peace to you, My flower;
tell Me, is there on earth any greater joy or glory than understanding My Heart? what ability has man without Me shedding in his intellect My divine light of understanding? the Holy One who is speaking to you and who transcends everything satisfies your thirst with the melody of His Voice to pass on My divine Words to all nations; what are My Words? My Words are a mystical contemplation to enlighten your mind by the Holy Spirit and penetrate into the sublime knowledge of God;
soon I will be visiting the earth; the Sovereign, the One who most of you have forgotten tell you, generation: I shall take My stand on earth; so many of you ask: “how shall He come?” to this I reply:
“do you not know that since time began and man was set on earth, the triumph of the wicked was always brief? the triumph of the wicked is almost over now because it will be swallowed up by My Triumph; just like the staff of Aaron that I turned into a snake and swallowed up Pharaoh’s snakes, in this same manner My Triumph will strike and swallow up the wicked man’s triumph; so that in this Triumph you will all extol My Holy Name!
Like a Dam in a river….It is the Christians who hold back the flood of immorality and evil that the “god of this world” pours out.
God Bless to all who believe and follow His Word.
Prayer ; Heavenly Father , Through your son Jesus True profit and true King , pour forth the power of your Holy Spirit And through the intercession of Holy St Mary ; forgive all sinfulness and Heal all brokenness in the souls trapped by Satan , that they may be made one in You Lord Jesus , Amen
I live in VT, but have friends and family members in MA. I will be praying for this harvest to come in April🙏🏻
I will share your prayer strategies and your insights from the Lord with our church prayer group, and we will pray for harvesters so that many will be brought out of darkness and into the light of His love. I believe that the Lord told me to pray for a harvester and a prayer warrior for each person attending so that those for the Lord’s salvation outnumber those opposed two to one. Praise the Lord.
A Satan Con??
Was this held “underground” all these years? May impact tourism Big time & Gods wrath
Father God I lift up Boston Massachusetts my city and state I asked you to thwart the devil schemes to bring his people to our city father God your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven father God you know each and every one of these children that are LED astray father God wake up the mayor of Boston wake her up immediately father God no weapon formed against us will prosper father God let the weather stop this from happening father God whatever your plan is and it might be to save a lot of those lost souls the churches need to rise up immediately this is what you want us to do father God they will not be able to release anything satanic on our city or state father God make them confused lost blind death at this time father God changed their heart father God you are Almighty all powerful nothing like this even concerns you because you will put your hand down and stop it immediately I believe you I will do this father God as long as these churches rise up and stop being timid and cowardly in Jesus name I pray bring your prayer warriors to the Forefront starting now in the name of Jesus
Ohio is Standing with you. In Jesus name, amen.
Thank-you for this article. We have a satanic temple in New Mexico that is offering religious abortions for women. This article has helped me understand God’s heart for satanists and encouraged me to pray for them more fervently.
Father, let them be deeply moved by all the strangers who love them enough to get on their knees and pray deliverance for them. Father, let Your love shine through all the prayers and prayer warriors at the location and around the world. Help us to obey Your Great Commission (Mt 28:18-20) by teaching those whose hearts are pricked to obey everything You have commanded us (John 7:16, 14:21-24, 2John 1:9, Psalm 119)! Then they will be TRUE disciples of Jesus and not disciples of men and their man-made doctrines and traditions (Mark 7:1-13, Mt 15:1-9)!
Your quote of hearing God say (regarding the Satanists) that: “But they are all My children.” No. That is unbiblical. Satanists are NOT God’s children. The bible says very clearly only those who have repented of sin, placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and possess the Holy Spirit of God inside of them can claim Him as their Father: “But you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (Romans 8:15b–16). Scripture also stated those who don’t have Jesus as their Savior, nor have the Holy Spirit of God inside of them, actually belong to Satan: “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:1 – 2). “By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother” (1 John 3:10).
Satanists do not practice righteousness, they are not saved, do not have their name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life nor have the Holy Spirit in them, so they are children of the Devil NOT children of God. You could not have heard from the God of the Bible, because He never contridicts His Word.
There is always time to repent and turn back to God. As long as you have breath in you, you can be saved. If you ask Jesus to forgive you, He will lift you on His shoulders and carry you into eternity as the lost sheep that He has found at last🙏🏻
It didn’t sound like she was condoning the Satanists or that there was no need for them to change; just conveying God’s love for them. Maybe she “heard” that segment of the word wrong, or maybe God meant that (because Ge sees the future), to Him they are His children who will be saved.
Since the lady who got the word is planning to pray for their eyes to be opened and speak to them about receiving salvation, I didn’t take this word as saying that Satanists are also God’s children (already redeemed).
John MacArthur would be proud of you! You’ve missed the point!
Several years ago, my father was serving at a retreat for prisoners. A man was sent to the retreat by a satanic cult operating in the prison,to disrupt the ministry to the other inmates. That prisoner testified at the end of the weekend, that he “had never encountered such a deep level of love by all of those serving on that weekend.” That man renounced his allegiance to the enemy and gave his life to Christ! I am praying that kind results for all of those that plan to attend this ” conference ” in Massachusetts. May the love of God they encounter fill them to overflowing!
I am concerned when people decide to choose satan over GOD. But this strategy to pray to GOD with the hopes that he brings His children back to Him is encouraging. We must be there for these people for they surely don’t know what they are doing.
Several years ago, my father was serving at a retreat for prisoners. A man was sent to the retreat by a satanic cult operating in the prison,to disrupt the ministry to the other inmates. That prisoner testified at the end of the weekend, that he “had never encountered such a deep level of love by all of those serving on that weekend.” That man renounced his allegiance to the enemy and gave his life to Christ! I am praying that kind results for all of those that plan to attend this ” conference ” in Massachusetts. May the love of God they encounter fill them to overflowing!
Yours is a beautiful God story, thank you Janese!
Thank you…thank you!!!
Thank you for sharing the Lord’s words and strategy for this event. His love for the lost is so beautiful. I will be uniting with you in prayer from South Carolina.
I unite in prayer for this from Pennsylvania.🙏🙏
I unite in prayer for this from Florida! 🙏🏻🙇🏻♀️🙏🏻 And Raise the Hallelujahs for God’s Victory and Glory! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻✨💖✨
Holy Lord, As I was meditating on your Word earlier this week about beseeching the Lord of the harvest to send our workers into His harvest, I couldn’t help but think about the different ways we harvest crops. Some trees are violently shaken to loosen the fruit, some berries and vegetables are gently pulled, and some crops are dug out of the dark ground–to be harvested. And the farmer sends out those laborers who have the skill to harvest each crop correctly, in order to preserve it. So Father God, call forth your harvesters into this field. Call forth individuals who are uniquely qualified. Call forth laborers who carry your message of love and forgiveness. I pray for divine appointments to share Your love and Word with these precious souls who are just lost sheep. They are as lost as each of us were before You found us. Jesus I pray for a huge harvest to come forth in Boston during this gathering.
Thank you for posting. These are the EXACT strategies the Lord has been showing me in prayer. I agree and we are already praying this way! Blessings to you both!
Father God, Jesus, Holy Spirit thank you for the insight you have given about Satancon and Massachusetts- so grateful for this. I had heard about the Satancon event, and because I live on Cape Cod, I have prayed about what to do, but did not have a sense yet. God is answering my prayer and the prayer of others I’m sure. I deeply believe that this land, this state, is strategic spiritually. I believe God honors and stands by every covenant prayer that our Forefathers and Foremothers made and lived out in this state and that they are the seeds of our national calling and covenant with God in America. I proclaim again: Satan you have no jurisdiction here. Massachusetts is God’s Kingdom. And I pray that the love of God would bring a great harvest of souls into His Kingdom through Satoncon. God’s will be done, God’s Kingdom come!
Massachusetts and the whole USA is God’s Kingdom. I pray for spiritual revival across this nation. The Holy Spirit just prompted this in my spirit to share this. May all come to know Christ as 5heir Savior and Lord. Amen☦️
This is an answer to prayer for my daughter, who will likely be in attendance. THANK YOU FATHER! It is time!!!
I agree 100% with the key points and what has been said in this article. It is not the people who are the problem. It is the evil spirits which will attend and be hosted, with them and welcomed by them. Thus I would add a key point to the above given, and I will add it, in my own devotional time : Along with the worship and praise, I will pray/ declare/ command that the stronghold of the enemy be broken over our city, over this event, and over the people attending. That God’s Holy Warring Angels are/ will be loosed to do spiritual battle over our city and over those attending, to hold back demonic forces, in the Heavenlies . That every demonic entity attempting attendance shall be rendered powerless and shattered, as it was at the confrontation of Baal and Elijah. That the spirits of Baal would be made Anethema, and those who come for an encounter with him, would experience the living Christ instead. As the water was poured out upon the sacrifice beforehand (signifyjng the praise and worship we are to pour out before the Lord?), that God’s fire will fall, shattering the darkness, and the captives will be set free. That this event, which the enemy is planning for victory will become for him a great defeat. Instead of a bolstering of evil in our land, we expect an outpouring of salvation, in Christ’ Name. And, may God have workers prepared in the fields, to meet, pray with and share with the attendees, before, during and after the event, ready to reap the harvest, for His glory. Amen.
Amen, Kathleen! I attended an event on Boston Common in 2018, part of Awaken the Dawn – Tent America, where there was a tent at the state capital of every state in the nation, praying for the states and the nation. I was praying during the drive to the event, and the Lord brought to mind the showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal, you referred to. What the Lord spoke to my heart was that the sacrifice He is looking for now, is the hearts of His children, totally given over to Him. He sends the fire of His Spirit into our hearts to burn away the dross and purify our faith. Then the light of His Spirit will shine brightly from us. There will be no fear of man and we will not be hiding our light under a bushel barrel. As I have been praying about SatanCon, He has brought this back to my mind. This time the image was of the laborers going out into this harvest field so filled with the light, the Holy Spirit, that it pours out from them to these attendees of SatanCon, and they are overcome by the Love of Jesus. Because of the preparatory warfare to bring down the plans of the enemy, the Satanists will come looking for power from Satan, but as one of my fellow intercessors said in the MA zoom call I am part of, they will be met by God’s Holy ambush instead!
I was deeply moved by God’s prayer strategy and His heart for these people. Thank you for sharing this. I also felt His same LOVE and this strategy would apply to other groups that are horribly lost and confused. I will use it for my transgender daughter and her friends. Thank you again for sharing. God bless you and Donna and Lynne and Susie and all the intercessors.
I am excited that this is taken place in Massachusetts. It’s time for the washing of its wall and street to the original plans and purposes of the whole body of Christ.
What an opportunity to show the living Christ, just like Elijah with the 450 false prophet of Baal.. Lets not our thinking become foggy we are well able United☝️as one in Christ 🙏🏼 1 King Chapter 18
The word, tribes, have been spoken to me so many times over the past year! Holy Spirit has spoken through so many different avenues that Native Americans have a large role to play in this end-time Harvest also to me.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16.
Heavenly Father, I pray that many in the occult will be overwhelmed by your presence and turn to you for forgiveness and a relationship with your son. “For salvation is found in no one else, for their is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12) in Jesus name.
Lord, we ask that the venue for this event will be “publicly established & known” within the next week. Our enemy Satan knows full well that he will try to hide the meeting area as long as possible because he fears God Almighty & His power – but You alone are God Almighty, all powerful & we declare & decree that the venue will be revealed for the purpose of having God’s people “prepare the site for the glory of God’s salvation, healings & wonders” and that NOTHING will prevent that from happening!!
Even now Lord, You know where the site will be. Send your holy spirit to prepare the ground & buildings for “the salvation of Lord”! Send your angels to do battle.
Glory be to God alone. We pray that every…not some but EVERY person coming to celebrate SatanCon will be enveloped with the presence of God the second they set foot on the site that Your prayer warriors have claimed for Your presence & Your purpose – to rescue those who are in need of the great Physician!
We ask these things in the precious name of Jesus… amen.
Good morning ladies and IFA community.
This is a wonderful prayer strategy and I am in agreement with you. The emphasis on the love of God is absolutely key! While I prayer walked around the site in Scottsdale last year, I was literally escorted by the love of the Father for all the attendees who were coming to the event with crushed and deceived spirits. And the lovely prayer walkers I met while I was prayer walking had such love in their hearts for the people attending this event. There were not many others, but they are to be commended for their love and compassion for the lost, and for the city of Scottsdale, Arizona.
Part of the reason that this event failed so miserably was because the love of Jesus was the motivating factor in the prayers, warfare and decrees of enforcement over the city of Scottsdale and the event site. Nothing can come against the love of God!
I will continue to thank and praise God for the harvest of many in Boston, Massachusetts. And I commend all of you for your faithfulness in prayer and love in this assignment.
Dear Jesus Blessed Be Your Name you are Lord Over All. We pray for the Lost to see your truth and their eyes open to you Jesus and your love. Lord help us, intercessors to pray the way you want us to, direct us Jesus. Dear Lord thank you for IFA and all involved in it. We love you Jesus amen
What a beautiful strategy in praying for all the lost. I am so encouraged reading this. This is His strategy and it reflects His heart for all people.
Yes! Thank You Lord for showing me your heart, You’re nothing willing that any perish but All come to know your Love. Yes I believe as we pray and praise You for the souls of your children that have been blinded by SatanCon, You Lord will move powerfully upon them and they will be set free through Your Love, in Jesus name, Amen 🙏
As God’s children, we have the greatest weapon that exists- the power of prayer. Let’s NEVER underestimate that! In the mighty, powerful name of Jesus, I bind this attempt to hold a satanic event in Massachusetts in April of 2023. I pray that this, and ALL attempts to hold these satanic gatherings, will fail miserably. I pray for the lost souls of all of these deceived people.. I loose a spirit of pure love and grace upon these people, that they see that Jesus IS the way , the truth and the life. Holy Spirit, please reveal truth to these misguided, deceived children of God. Show them the error of their ways, that continuing to worship the devil is futility, and wrong. Thank You, Jesus.
These prophetic words are right on point!!!!!! Well done! Excellent! And thank you for sharing! And I believe you are so right! For me, I would prefer to pray ‘something out’ of somewhere… but when I read your Words from The Lord – I knew it was heart – to save them. Thank you so much for sharing. I believe your words from The Lord – were on point, accurate, and exact. Thank you again.
These prophetic words seem to be right on point!!!!!! Well done! Excellent! And thank you for sharing! And I believe you are so right! For me, I would prefer to pray ‘something out’ of somewhere… but when I read your Words for The Lord – I knew it was heart – to save them. Thank you so much for sharing. I believe your words from The Lord – were on point, accurate, and exact. Thank you again.
These prophetic words are right on point!!!!!! Well done! Excellent! And thank you for sharing! And I believe you are so right! For me, I would prefer to pray ‘something out’ of somewhere… but when I read your Words for The Lord – I knew it was heart – to save them. Thank you so much for sharing. I believe your words from The Lord – were on point, accurate, and exact. Thank you again.
PrayerCon can be our response. That His will May prevail. And that His love May be felt by each person involved. Our prayers are in His holy Name.
Get in contact with Global Vision Bible Church, Pastor Greg Locke. They’re going there for the same reasons. https://globalvisionbc.com/
I am deeply touched by the Spirit’s word to pray FOR those involved in Satanic worship instead of AGAINST them. THIS is The Father’s heart! The Holy Spirit is COMING in a new way far beyond anything mankind has known. This even includes Pentecost. He is coming in WHOLENESS and UNITY …”that they may be one as We are one” and for those born from Above to no longer see themselves as sinners, but as Paul so clearly stated “For me to live IS CHRIST…” and “I live; yet not I but Christ liveth IN ME…”
ALL praise to the One Who gave Himself for all. May His word come forth in glory!
Isaiah 3:9-11 seems prophetic.
This is confirmation to what I have also been hearing and feeling in my spirit. A few days ago I was praying for the lost, revival of hearts and harvest of souls. I hear the Lord saying keep loving the lost and hurting; it is the love of God that brings people to repentance. Then I heard “ 2023 is the year they will see!”. I stand in agreement with you all for salvation and restoration, and am believing for miraculous events to be experienced in MA. Oh Lord, that You would lift the dark, blinding veil of evil and religion over this region, change the hearts of your people and bring them into Your loving arms. I declare and decree that Massachusetts will reap a great harvest for the kingdom of God, and we will see our beautiful state and country reformed to its original intent and foundation in Christ Jesus. Amen
Lord please help the lost people going to this event, turn them around towards You. Father God You turned me around towards You, so You can do this with these people. Open their hearts and minds, let them see what they are doing. Forgive them because they know not what they are doing. Amen.
As a Jew, I believe in God, I am concerned with the situation with the Satanic Temple as they seem to be growing in numbers due to the mind set of those who are woke and have turned away from God and what is expected of us here on earth. Schools indoctrinate our children in sexual identity, wokeness and after school programs for indoctrinating in Satanic ideologies, I pray for those parents who speak up on behalf of the Prayer for the person(s) who allowed the Satanic Temple to book this weekend is needed also. We also need to be thanking God for the good he has provided.
Satan and his supporters are getting quite arrogant and cocky. Let’s pray for the humans!
I call out to God for a spiritual awakening like never before, a revival, a revolution in His glory and in His name! I pray for TRUTH revealed for each and every person to see and to know – with no denial – bringing all to their knees in rejoicing and repenting before our Lord. Let LOVE overflow all …. In His holy and almighty name, Jesus. Amen
Just in skimming the article, I was reminded of when God “set ambushments against them”. It’s somewhere in the O.T. Could it be?
Yes…And they also raised a HALLELUJAH…God is so good!
As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.
2 Chronicles 20:22
Really enjoyed this equipping post telling us to love the lost no matter what their background is wanting to see them set free into his glorious salvation. As more and more negative things are exposed and rear they’re ugly head in our society, we need to be praying for these people who are involved that they will experience God’s love and become saved. The Great Awakening is coming and we must pray it in and be willing to witness to others.
Yes, yes, yes! It is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance… Romans 2:4… In The Passion Translation it says “do you realize that all the wealth of his extravagant kindness is meant to melt your heart and lead you to repentance?”
It is this kindness that brought me to a place where I feel God’s love in my heart! I agree with this strategy and this is the direction God has me going as well… People need the love of God… God is love! (1 John 4:8)
Thank you for sharing your prayer journal so we can align in this way. I live on Cape Cod and my husband and I did a prayer walk in some key places in Boston earlier this year, and will be praying to discern what God asks of us in regard to this. This geographic location, where the Pilgrims landed (Provincetown) settled (plymouth) and then where the revolution began (Boston) is key spiritually to what is happening in our nation and world now, and we have been and must continue to cry out to God for rebirth and spiritual awakening and revolution. There is a call on this land. The trumpet is sounding, calling forth a mighty remnant here to arise and declare God’s words, the love and mercy of Christ crucified, and the victory and redemption available for all God’s children through his resurrection. Satan you are a defeated foe, and we declare that there is victory in the camp of the Lord and that many souls will come to Christ through this event. What the devil intends for evil, God is already planning to use for good. Let us ask the Lord for the gift of prophecy to flow through mightily.
I recommend Emma Starks book “The Prophetic Warrior” – she and her husband have an amazing gift of prophecy and they go to New age fairs, set up a booth, and prophecy to people and win MANY souls for Christ out of the deception and darkness of the occult. Amazing strategy. I believe this gift is available for all of us and is to be used at this time and for these purposes.
Pray about backlash ..
We need to also pray for those laborers. They will be targets, so we must pray for a hedge of protection around them, a strengthening of their resolve, minds and bodies, protection for their families and homes. We say that no weapon formed against them will prosper and every voice that rises against them will be silenced, in the Name of Jesus!
An intercessor is made by God. He creates the fruit of the lips. As you unite corporately in prayer, The Spirit drops into the heart the heart of God for the lost. Fasting is powerful. “This kind cometh not out but by prayer &fasting”
Thank you for this prayer alert and strategy piece.
I remember a time when Jehovahs Witnesses / Mormons were very active in our region. Instead of turning them away, the Lord impressed on me that He wants them to be in His forever family.
He then reminded me that every place I put my feet is Holy ground and they are on Gods turf because of our presence there as leaven of the Kingdom.
As a prayer strategy He has impressed on me the power and effectiveness of our warfare as so strongly presented in Psalm 149.
☝️ Our God reigns and He wants His house to be full. More Lord!
Lord, please raise up people with Your voice to touch the hearts of those who rage against You. Open their eyes and turn their hearts of stone to a heart for You. Cool the hatred that fills them and generate Your peace. I pray this for our Congressmen and women as well. Why does the nation rage against You? They do not know You. Amen (may it be)
I am so excited about all the prayer pouring out over Massachusetts. May the overflow touch all in the area, including my son and his wife, drawing them, wooing them, to Him
Dear Heavenly Father I pray and will continue to pray that many individuals who plan on traveling to Boston for this event will have Damascus road encounters with Jesus before they even get to Boston.
I think about how Paul’s Damascus road encounter was abruptly stopped by Jesus Himself…do the same for all those who plan on going to this event…place laborers of the Harvest every step of the way…help me also to be a laborer of the harvest…HALLELUJAH Amen and Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Yes, Lord! We know you are already sanctifying these lost ones, setting them apart through encounters with Your truth, beforehand, before they set off to attend this satanic conference. Thank-You! In Jesus’ Name we pray for their deliverance from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light and eternal Life!
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Here in PA satanists are trying to begin children’s clubsbinnthe schools! Its also happening in VA! So, as this great meeting is about preparing the satanists for a stronger presence in our nation, its also about taking captive the most innocent, young hearts and minds! We all certainly need to be on our knees, about these spiritual battles already becoming so prevelant, and so sinister in their influence on our children. Many of my relatives are in the New England states, including MA and I know struggles abound in just finding local biblically sound, faith based, followers of Jesus Christ congregations. So, I am joining you in these prayers and for His Spirit to move and conquer all these satanic influences.
Dear Father,
Thank You, for your blessings, your Grace, Mercy, Love, Forgiveness and Leading us in these prayerful jpurneys. Help us all be in One Accord, and our voices be as One through Jesus Christ.
Help us to learn how to connect and teach those lost, in every way, not just to satanism, as a religion, but lost without Jesus Christ and salvation through Him.
Guide us, keep us strong, keep us mindful of our walk, and to be armored as it says in Eph.6:10-17 . And, to continually put off the “old Flesh” as in Eph.4:17-22, while putting on the new Eph. 4:23-32.
In Jesus Christ’s Name we pray,
Father God, thank You for these two sisters who have answered the call to gather up intercessors to pray for this event in their state. I pray you will put on their hearts and all of our hearts Your heart for the lost to the degree of travail and weeping. How tragic to be in the enemy’s camp against Almighty God, the Lord of Hosts. How incredible that He loves and forgives, and waits patiently to redeem and restore His children back to His image. Hallelujah!!! Amen!
Lord of the harvest,please send workers to the field. Fasting and praying for these lost souls. Thank you for preparing the ground in advance. May they see the Glory of the Lord rising among them and may thr fear of the LORD blanket Massachusetts . May eyes be opened and hearts changed as truth is revealed. May hallelujah be shouted to the Lord for His Victory in Massachusetts over Sarandon. Praying in the strong and Holy name of Jesus our Lord. Amen
I awakened two days ago very early in the morning. I was wide awake and asking the Lord if I should pray for something. He said Pray for what I’m doing in Boston. I had no idea what that meant until I just read this article.
Praise God! He is moving…what a mighty God we serve.
Praying for Boston!
I read Suzie’s prayer journal after reading another message this morning. It too highlighted Jesus’ words recorded in Luke 10:
“Christ has given us “authority over all the power of the enemy,” but we must use His authority. He assures us “nothing shall injure you” (Luke 10:19), but we must not yield to fear. We are new covenant people who have been sent by Jesus with His authority.” Francis Frangipane
Co-founders of the satanic temple are Lucien Greaves and Malcolm Jarry, headquartered in Salem, MA.
Jarry stated that the idea of starting a Satanic faith-based organization was motivated by the former president George W. Bush’s formation of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
“Do we have a travailing, a weeping for these satanists who are lost from Jesus?”
1 Timothy 2:8 Therefore, I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands WITHOUT ANGER or argument.
Galatians 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of ANGER, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar… those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for leading Suzie to share. I repent of my anger toward Lucien Greaves, Malcom Jarry and all the other followers of this group. Your Word says we are to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or argument. Your Word says anger is the work of the flesh. In the time preceding this ungodly event, I am praying in agreement with the sisters and all other intercessors. I raise a hallelujah to counter the darkness and praise the Name of Jesus Christ over Boston, Salem, NY, San Francisco, Atlanta, New Mexico, and all of America. And may Jesus Christ SOON be praised by those who now deny HIM. Amen
Heavenly Father,
We praise you ! We ask you to work your wonders in our land !
Before the scheduled convention,
May every unbeliever planning to attend accept salvation from your son Jesus and commit their lives to you God Almighty and be filled with your Holy Spirit.
May there be no convention as there will be no one to attend.
In the name of your son Jesus we pray. Amen
God bless you both. Pray HE keeps you strong in defeating Satan. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Heavenly Father, as the people traveling to this satanic event let them have divine appointments in every state they will pass through. Give your children eyes to see and ears to hear and words to speak as your lost children are drawn to your place of encounter.
Lord , we raise you up above all. We know you see and know everything and are everywhere. In the name of Jesus call out to those who are lost and seeking enlightenment through this deception. Show them who you are and show them your love. Let lovers of you come around these lost people who would choose to attend this evil, and let these lost souls be transformed from theor prison. God almighty, let the plans be foiled and let mercy, love and transformation to Christ be received. In Jesus name
Jesus, just as you healed the young boy with the demonic spirit and recognized his father’s desperate plea, call those that you will in Massachusetts and help your servants to have the faith you mentioned in Matt 17:20.
Please pray deliverance for J’s family from Enemy’s chains. Need The Word and Godly support
Heavenly Father, Almighty El Shaddai! Please deliver J’s family from being prisoners of war, POW’s, in the enemy’s camp! Lead the imprisoned layers of their souls out of regions of captivity as lies of the enemy are exposed to the light of Your truthful Love, Your loving Truth! We exercise Christ’s authority over the Adversary’s hold on them and loose the greater powers of the Father through the Son on their behalf! We ask you King Jesus to cut off the orders to the foot soldiers, imps, deaf, dumb and blind spirits, the hordes of Hell assigned to them to keep them bound, defeated, discouraged, hindered and ineffective for Your Kingdom and cut off from encountering the joy and peace of the Lord! Satan, we blow your cover, you defeated foe!!! You must now cease and desist your works, for greater is Christ in us than you are- as we intercede for this family boldly before the Throne of Grace to ask for help in their time of need!
Renew, Holy Spirit! Redeem, Jesus! Restore, Abba!
Satan’s chains and fetters are loosed in Yeshua Hamashiach ‘s Name, by the power of His shed blood which sets J’s family free! “Let the high praises of God be in (our) throats and two-edged swords in (our) hands, to wreak vengeance…and chastisement…” upon Satan’s cohorts, to bind these demonic forces with chains and fetters of iron, “…to execute on them the judgment written! This is glory for all His faithful ones. Praise the Lord!”
Harmony the Lord put Psalm 107 in my mind as I read your appeal. For J’s family….
10Some sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, prisoners in affliction and chains,
11because they rebelled against the words of God and despised the counsel of the Most High.
12He humbled their hearts with hard labor; they stumbled, and there was no one to help.
13Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress.
14He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death and broke away their chains.
15Let them give thanks to the LORD for His loving devotion and His wonders to the sons of men.
16For He has broken down the gates of bronze and cut through the bars of iron.
Father God, please draw J’s family in a way that will lead them to cry out to You. I pray compassion and kindness in this mercy. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Almighty God, please watch over and protect your true obedient followers as we await and look up to find our Christ’s return with a roar. We love you. In Jesus’ Ever Loving Name, Amen.
Absolutely beautiful and thank you so much for sharing God’s words of love and instruction. His words convicted me to remember that the lost are usually deeply wounded people who need our love not our rejection. May God bless all of you as you continue to pray for your state and this upcoming event.
Love NEVER fails!
Thank you for sharing your Prayer Journal!