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God, we pray for the truth to be revealed. We pray for Evan Gershkovich.
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After more than a year in prison, U.S. journalist Evan Gershkovich has been indicted in Russia on charges of stealing “secret information.” 

From Reuters. Russian prosecutors said on Thursday they had sent the case of detained U.S. reporter Evan Gershkovich to court after concluding he had been collecting information for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency about a Russian tank factory.

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Gershkovich, 32, was arrested on March 29, 2023, in the Urals city of Yekaterinburg on charges of espionage that carry up to 20 years in prison after the FSB, the main successor agency to the KGB, said it had caught him “red-handed” trying to obtain military secrets.

He denies any wrongdoing and his employer, the Wall Street Journal, said in a statement on Thursday after the latest Russian move that he was facing “a false and baseless charge” based on what it called “calculated and transparent lies.” President Joe Biden has called his detention “totally illegal”. …

“The investigation has established and confirmed with documentary evidence that Gershkovich, an American journalist for The Wall Street Journal, on the instructions of the CIA, collected secret information in the Sverdlovsk region in March 2023 about the activities of the defence plant NPK Uralvagonzavod JSC on the production and repair of military equipment,” the prosecutors’ statement said. …

Prosecutors did not release any documentary evidence to back the charge.


A joint statement from Almar Latour, his newspaper’s publisher, and its editor in chief, Emma Tucker, demanded Gershkovich’s immediate release. …

“Evan has spent 441 days wrongfully detained in a Russian prison for simply doing his job. Evan is a journalist. The Russian regime’s smearing of Evan is repugnant, disgusting and based on calculated and transparent lies.” [they said] …

Share your prayers and scriptures for Evan Gershkovich in the comments below.

(Excerpt from Reuters. Photo Credit: N-sky/Getty Images via Canva Pro)

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July 7, 2024

Wasn’t the wall street journal part of lies and false statements against President Trump. If that is the case they are experts in knowing about fabricated evidence. I will say a prayer for Evan though. Be safe and God bless 🙏😇🙏

William Thomas Bray
June 15, 2024

May the Lord give you strength to endure this injustice and use you as a witness to the Russians about faith in God and good journalism. Reporting the news is not espionage.

Dottie Robinson
June 15, 2024

So very sorry you are being put through this incredible travesty of injustice. So many of us your fellow Americans are praying for you. Do not give up. Keep doing the right thing, pray, seek God. We are all behind you.

June 15, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father: Again, I implore and petition you to help Evan. Only you know the truth about things and if he has not done what he is accused of we stand on your word that the truth will be told and that he will be released. You promise in Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. Luke 12:2 and 3 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. Help the American government do all they can to get him released. Open the cell doors for him as you did for Silas and Paul. In the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen


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