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Father, we thank You for giving these women the courage to speak out against injustice. Keep biological men out women's sports, Lord!
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After being sidelined by transgender athletes, four female runners are speaking out and suing their state.

From New York Post. “At the end of the day, this is just about fairness,” Chelsea Mitchell told The Post. “This is about biology.”

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The 20-year-old is fighting for the integrity of women’s sports after she lost more than 20 races over the course of her high school career — thanks to a Connecticut policy that allows transgender athletes to compete in girls’ sports.

Now, Mitchell … is challenging her state’s policy in court.

Mitchell is teaming up with fellow Connecticut residents Selina Soule, 20, Ashley Nicoletti, 19, and Alanna Smith, 19 …

The four are suing the Connecticut Association of Schools and the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference, seeking to overturn a policy that allows transgender athletes to compete in accordance with their gender identity rather than their biological sex. …

Chelsea realized her potential as a runner when she broke two school records in her first meet as a freshman at Canton High School in 2016. …

But in her first statewide competition, she was forced to compete against a transgender athlete …

In that race, the trans competitor bumped her out of qualifying for the next round of competition. …

By her sophomore year, she says, there were two transgender athletes regularly blowing biologically female track stars out of the water. …

“Just two athletes took so many opportunities away from biological females,” Mitchell told The Post. “Even though there were only two of them, they took 15 state championships away from other girls — and there were 85 girls that were directly impacted from them being in the races.” …

Today, Mitchell is running track as a college senior (she declined to disclose where she goes to school for privacy reasons), but she said she’ll never know how the dings to her record impacted her recruitment and scholarship prospects.

“When colleges looked at me, they didn’t see a winner. They saw a second- or third-place,” she said. “I wasn’t a first-place finisher, and I think that’s what really hurt me.”

On June 6, her argument will be reheard before the full Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York City after a three-judge panel of the Second Circuit ruled against it in December.

“We’re hopeful that the court will declare that this Connecticut policy violates Title IX,” said Mitchell’s lawyer Matt Sharp of Alliance Defending Freedom. …

In their filing with the Second Circuit, the athletes request that the court order that their athletic records be updated to reflect the titles and rankings they would have earned had trans athletes not been competing against them. …

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(Excerpt from New York Post. Photo Credit: Canva)

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June 2, 2023

I don’t blame these young ladies for wanting to have their records adjusted to reflect what they would have won had they been treated fairly. I think it would be more telling- and effective, however.. to have all the legislators who voted for this garbage- since fay one…. going back no matter how far in time ..and all the transgender activists ..all put in prison- for crimes against humanity. And They ARE crimes. And, I would petition the Lord to be the one to enforce this through Supernatural means.. through Holy Spirit influence and power.. oh however or whatever it takes to put useless and criminal legislators and perverted people..that refuse to repent..in prison. All that is necessary to do is to look at the history of free peoples being oppressed by tyrants going back to the time of Herod.. and good law-abiding people always wanted to be nice to them and give them a break.. and all that resulted in was more violence and agreed just sin against humanity.
Lord.. to me it is unmistakeable that your allowance of these crimes to continue- to take place- is glaring evidence that you are so completely tolerant of the sin of humanity-,and the resultant heartache against those who have been violated, realizing of course the reward for this evils will come on the day of judgment if they do not repent.. is a clear indication of your incredible graciousness and forgiving nature and incredible love for Humanity. All those who say they do not believe in you only need look at these things if they are to be honest with themselves.. Lord I lift up to you the young ladies that are athletes in this article and I pray Lord that your mercy would flow through them as they seek to deal with this and your peace and holy spirit would bring healing to their emotions and their minds ..and their spirits-,and they would be able to go on in life..as they have had the courage to fight against this- we thank you for instilling them with that courage.
However, I pray that as the inevitable unfolds n and these vile criminals continue to get away with these things..that the victims of these crimes can go on and live their lives in other Pursuits of academic or career interests -,with enough peace and sense of purpose that their lives are not ruined. Please let this situation and similar cases be a witness unto your glory Lord. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Judy Budi
June 2, 2023

Dear LORD, please stretch Your right arm over those who are standing for Your truth, Your design, Your will to be done. Please give us wisdom abundantly to navigate the path You have set before us, esp those engaged now on the front lines. Please have mercy dear LORD. Hear our humble prayers as we come boldly to Your throne. We love You, dear Lord, we praise You for You are Holy and True, and You have given Your Word to us, and we trust and obey with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. We ask that You would turn those who are deceived to Your Truth, Your Way, to receive Life. In Jesus precious Name we pray. Amen

June 2, 2023

Praying for God’s best will. He Created and planned the best gender for each created individual , He makes NO mistakes.
And medically, genetically, that should be the determining measure of what a person’s gender is. Period.


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