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Praise you Jesus--that you are RISEN!
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On Easter we celebrate that Christ is risen! His resurrection conquers death–and the power of death of us.  Worship with us and celebrate with this victorious song from Shawna Edwards…



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April 22, 2019

We christian celebrate the P A S O V E R….. PASOVER, no p a g a n “easter” from Constantino…G-D bless us all.. r e a l Konowledge ..is
We need to be HONEST..also where are the Church…need to be free from 501 ( C ) 3 🙁

Nancy Graf
April 20, 2019


    Linda Powell
    April 21, 2019

    Thank You God for dying for my sin’s, Thank you God for Your Resurrection that assures me of eternal life with You.

      Nancy Graf
      April 21, 2019

      Thank you Lord that you never leave us. He is risen indeed.

John Mitchell
April 20, 2019

“EASTER” is NOT a scriptural holiday. Yes, He is Risen! But He did not rise from the dead on “EASTER”! The sooner believers divorce themselves from this pagan word, the better. (P.S. He actually rose at the end of the Sabbath, when the sun was setting (at “twilight”), which was the beginning of the first day of the week. Matthew 18:1-6 says, “1 Now in the evening of the Shabtha, as it was twilight [on] the first of the week, Maryam Magdelaita and the other Maryam came to see the grave. 2 And behold, a great earthquake occurred, for an angel of Marya came down from heaven and came near [and] rolled the stone from the opening and he was sitting on it. 3 And his appearance was like lightning and his clothes were white like snow. 4 And those who were watching, trembled with fear of him and became like dead [men]. 5 Now the angel answered and said to the women, “Do not fear, for I know that you seek Yeshue who was crucified. 6 He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place in which our Lord was laid.” (Magiera, Janet. Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation – Messianic Version . LWM Publications. Kindle Edition.)

Linda Woerman
April 20, 2019

“Risen!”🎶 Thank You, Shawna Edwards and Choir! A beautiful offering of Praise for this weekend!
May we sing together for His Glory as we in this nation turn our hearts and lives back to Jesus/ Yeshua, our Savior!

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