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Heavenly Father, thank You for Your countless ways that You show us Your love through Your Words of truth.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Christ’s incarnation is the most amazing event in history. God came into the world as a man, Jesus Christ, to redeem mankind and restore all things. The Bible – God’s Word – tells us about the God who made the universe and everything in it, including our planet earth, and then visited it to provide a way for man to get to heaven, to be a part of His family, and to show man how he may share in God’s kingdom and assist in bringing it to earth.

One point of evidence of Christ’s divinity, as well as the divine origin of the Bible, is fulfilled prophecy. In Luke 24:24-27, Jesus claimed Himself to be the subject of prophecy all through the Old Testament. He said Scripture must be fulfilled (Matt. 13:14; Luke 21:22, John 13:18). He claimed His own words were inspired (Mark 13:31, John 6:63). In John 10:35 He said Scripture cannot be broken. His own claims to Divine origin and the claims of the Bible stand or fall together. If He cannot be proved a liar or a lunatic, the Bible is God’s Word. (Used with permission. By Stephen McDowell – Providence Foundation)

The Old Testament contains over 300 references to the Messiah that were fulfilled in Jesus and recorded in the New Testament. Some of these include:

Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus Christ

Jesus claimed to be the object of fulfilled prophecy (Luke 24:27; Luke 24:44; John 5:39-40, 46-47; Luke 4:20-21; Luke 22:37). The Old Testament (O.T.) contains over 300 references to the Messiah that were fulfilled in Jesus and recorded in the New Testament (N.T.). Some of these include:

Prophecy Prophecy in O.T. Fulfilled in N.T.

Born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 Matt. 1:18, 24, 25

Born at Bethlehem Micah 5:2 Matt. 2:1

Presented with gifts Psalms 72:10 Matt. 2:1, 11

Ministry to begin in Galilee Isaiah 9:1 Matt. 4:12, 13, 17

Ministry of miracles Is. 35:5, 6a Matt. 9:35

Teacher of parables Ps. 78:2 Matt. 13:34

He was to enter Jerusalem on a donkey Zech. 9:9 Luke 19:35-37

Betrayed by a friend Ps. 42:9 Matt. 10:4

Sold for 30 pieces of silver Zech. 11:12 Matt. 26:15

Money to be thrown in God’s house Zech. 11:13 Matt. 27:5

Forsaken by His disciples Zech. 13:7 Mark 14:50

Accused by false witnesses Ps. 35:11 Matt. 26:59-60

Dumb before accusers Is. 53:7 Matt. 27:12

Wounded and bruised Is. 53:5 Matt. 27:26

Smitten and spit upon Is. 50:6 Matt. 26:67

Mocked Ps. 22:7-8 Matt. 27:31

Hands and feet pierced Ps. 22:16 Luke 23:33

Crucified with thieves Is. 53:12 Matt. 27:38

Made intercession for His persecutors Is. 53:12 Luke 23:34

Rejected by His own people Is. 53:3 John 7:5, 48

Hated without a cause Ps. 69:4 John 15:25

People shook their heads Ps. 109:25 Matt. 27:39

Stared upon Ps. 22:17 Luke 23:35

Garments parted and lots cast Ps. 22:18 John 19:23-24

To suffer thirst Ps. 69:21 John 19:28

Gall and vinegar offered him Ps. 69:21 Matt. 27:34

His forsaken cry Ps. 22:1 Matt. 27:46

Committed Himself to God Ps. 31:5 Luke 23:46

Bones not broken Ps. 34:20 John 19:33

Heart broken Ps. 22:14 John 19:34

His side pierced Zech. 12:10 John 19:34

Darkness over the land Amos 8:9 Matt. 27:45

Buried in rich man’s tomb Is. 53:9 Matt. 27:57-60

His resurrection Ps. 16:10 Acts 2:31

His ascension Ps. 68:18 Acts 1:9

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Betty Beardsley
April 23, 2019

Thank You Jesus for the sacrifice You made for me and the whole world. May the Word go forth in TRUTH with great POWER of Holy Spirit to bring the Truth to the world that others would have their eyes opened & believe. We ask for a great Harvest of lives dedicated to God our loving Father and Creator. Amen & amen.

April 20, 2019

It’s truly wonderful how we can read both prophecy and history in one amazing Book! I was reading Isiah 53 this morning and meditating on how he was able to actually describe the future Easter story over 700 years before Jesus birth. It just shows how the Bible has to be the inspired Word of God. Thank you Lord for you word and for The Word!

Mary Miracle
April 20, 2019

Truly, we could never get bored with the Bible, God’s amazing Word!

Mary Miracle
April 20, 2019

So wonderful to consider the specific prophecies given hundreds of years before were fulfilled in Christ our Lord!

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