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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, bring TRUTH and JUSTICE to this situation.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Attorney General Barr, Special Counsel Mueller, Justice Department officials have issued official findings of the Special Counsel–with no collusion, no obstruction and no need for further investigation. The more objective media have all read and accepted and reported the findings that there was no collusion, no obstruction, and no need for further investigation. However, there is a very different narrative still coming from much of the media.  It’s as if the report and it’s conclusion do not even exist. In a scan through many of the television channels, a survey of much of the print and online media (and soundbytes from some elected officials), reality and truth seems to be in short supply.  Let’s pray for TRUTH and JUSTICE.

Our nation–all elected officials, media, and citizens should be relieved and encouraged that our President has been exhonerated.  Instead, we are hearing more politicitzation, attacks, and false reports– even in the face of findings that say to the contrary. Pray for TRUTHFUL media reporting and TRUTHFUL responses from elected officials. In addition to praying for TRUTH, let’s also pray for JUSTICE.  Obviously a great wrong was done–this whole Special Counsel process has ended up resulting in an additional 14 investigations of wrongdoing–none of which include President Trump.  Many others have committed illegal surveillance, falsifying reports, illegal actions and many more illegal and unethical acts–and all of these actions need to be followed up on with a thorough search for justice. Let’s pray that the real perpetrators of wrongdoing in this whole situation will be brought to justice.

Join me in praying about TRUTH and JUSTICE with this special prayer guide.


Pray for the American people to see truth for what it is–and not to be swayed by the dishonest media and elected officials who are reporting false findings. Pray for those who will be seeking justice–the Justice Department, and any outside investigators who will be pursuing the true perpetrators of illegal activity in our government. Pray for protection for them as they seek the truth–many people will not want the truth to be found and justice to be levied.

Read the Special Counsel Report in it’s entirety here. 

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susan smith
April 27, 2019

Praying for the anointing of the Holy Spirit

Lorena Ayala
April 24, 2019

Father we pray for grace and mercy upon our government. Help our President guide him and give him peace and intelligence. we revoke demons and send them to where they belong. we ask for protection and for your Holy hands to disarm all this corruption. Amen.

Kenny Lane
April 20, 2019

The media are trying to spin out this report. Let the democrats and the MSM say all what they want. it’s just a distortion and twist of facts. This is nothing but keep slapping Americans on the faces that the democrats just can’t take the beating and lost. If you are an American and believe our political system of constitutional republic, you should be able to accept gracefully of the political outcome of an election and try harder to convince the voters next round. In last two and half years, there was no such case but the losers were trying to strip a duly elected president and his administration by spying illegally on while it’s still in campaigns, fabricating accusations of non existence stories,then turning into a trap that framed Trump’s reactions into obstructions of justice. Well done but God forbids that none of those came to pass because Donald Trump knew full well what the democrats would do to him, their schemes and their games of staging a coup. Americans are fully clear what was going on in Washington and only in Washington are still intoxicated in using government agents and taxpayers money to engage in personal vendetta, partisan political games in personal destruction and defamation. yet they pay no attention of national emergencies and border crisis, opiate crisis, national debt, no budget solution since 2005. Americans are darn mad now, they feel betrayed and contempted by Washington politicians and the willing participants from the media to the boiling point. They feel that those in Washington are nothing but full of scoundrels, thieves and thugs in pantsuits. They are very sick of the those faces that say nothing meaningful but lies and spins in their faces 24/7. Earthquake is coming if not from Almighty, but will from the mass of American people.!

    Dave Kubal
    April 20, 2019

    Kenny, thanks for your comment, we need to pray the fear of the Lord to fall upon our government.

Deborah Rackliff
April 19, 2019

Praying for the Lord to bring swift justice and expose all evildoers. Let them be caught in their own traps while the innocent pass by in safety and escape. Let all liars be stopped and exposed in Jesus Name! We call for truth in Jesus Name!

Alan K. Veasey
April 19, 2019

Thank you heavenly Father for life and salvation. Both life and salvation are tied up in righteousness. Thank you Lord that righteousness does not vary from person to person or generation to generation. Those who choose fantasy and lying are choosing death. Many will do so as it is written: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. Whomever believes on the Son is not condemned, whomever believes not is condemned already: and this is the condemnation thereof; having seen light they preferred darkness for their deeds were evil. Believing falsehood is no accident. Pray for the misunderstanding and misinformed because they need it, but all of them will not around.

    Dave Kubal
    April 20, 2019

    Kenny, thanks for your comments, we need to pray for the fear of God to fall upon our government.

    Dave Kubal
    April 20, 2019


    Paul Arthur
    April 21, 2019

    Most everyone is seeing what I see about those, mostly on the left, are stopping their ears to the truth and chosing the mean spiritedness, that truly springs from our emeny the devil. lmighty God help our leaders and country and deliver us from the dark forces of evil.

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