Asbury Revival! Daily Updates
How to Approach Revival: Wait and See, or Water the Seed?
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Asbury Revival! Daily Updates
Did you catch IFA broadcasting LIVE from Asbury University today? Click here to watch the video on the IFA Watch page. Please share your prayer for revival in the comments.
Friday, February 24, 2023
While driving home to New York City from Asbury University we passed through the Washington D.C. area for a family event. We prayed into the commissioning we sensed we have all been given from Asbury.
On the drive down we prayed for IFA state prayer leaders as we drove through their states, so we also picked up Virginia and Delaware on the drive home:
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Today is the commemoration of the 200th Collegiate Day of Prayer (CDOP)! Years ago, Asbury University was booked to host the event tonight. Over the past year, leaders at Asbury kept telling the leadership of the CDOP that they believed that God was going to move in a special way before the event. He did! Exceedingly abundantly beyond what we can ask or imagine!
There is another really interesting connection: Jesus Revolution, a moving and compelling film about the Jesus Movement, opens this week across the country. The makers of the film have been working closely with the CDOP for months, cross-promoting and coordinating.
God is on the move! Read more about the Collegiate Day of Prayer and Jesus Revolution by clicking the links.
We also bring you this reflection on the Asbury Outpouring from IFA contributing writer and prayer leader Rich Swingle, who attended the Asbury revival for three full days:
Lord, thank You that you invite us to abide in You! Help us be more focused on our connection to You than on the fruit that we bear.
On Thursday, Feb. 16, a speaker at Asbury University (they are intentionally not introduced to keep the focus on the Lord) read from John 15, focusing on verse 4: Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.
Then the speaker referenced Matthew 11:28–30: Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
He challenged those who are age 25 or younger to see the passage as “one of the most evangelistic verses for your generation.” He said: “It needs to be on your heart as you’re preaching it to the lost. Your generation is tired, and there’s a Man who will give them rest, not self-care, not sleeping in, but supernatural Sabbath spirituality.”
He challenged people who have been more fruit-focused than Vine-focused: “Will you please stand and make yourself known so we can intercede on your behalf.” Many stood, but the speaker, having spent time in church-planting, made yet another challenge: “If there’s any pastor or Christian leader here that’s embarrassed to stand up right now because of the people you’re with, I cast out the spirit of embarrassment and the fear of man.” Several others stood, and the speaker prayed over them.
You can watch it here:
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
The Holy Spirit is moving in the hearts and souls of Christians all over. Hundreds of Baylor University students gathered to pray for revival. People from all over the world are watching what is happening and pressing into the Lord for more.
On IFA's webcast, host Dave Kubal and guests IFA board members Cynthia Dunbar and Jeremy Story explained that revival is so integral to the fabric of our nation that America likely would not exist without it! Watch Cynthia explain:
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Lord, let love pour from Asbury to the Kingdom and from the Kingdom to the nations.
The small town of Willmore and Asbury University welcomed masses over the last 13 days. Missy Baggerman, IFA Kentucky state prayer group co-leader, reported from on-site that police estimated crowds of 20,000 had gathered for the Outpouring. You can hear more from Missy on Monday's live webcast.
Public worship services have been moved to a larger location in the area. Find out more from their website.
From IFA Contributing Writer/Prayer Leader, Joyce Swingle: My first day, Tuesday, February 14, at the Asbury outpouring, I spent less than a minute in Hughes Auditorium, the main venue for the worship services. Even so, the presence of the Lord was so tangible, I burst into tears.
That it was Valentine’s Day — a day on which love is traditionally celebrated — seemed especially significant to me. The holiday named for a martyr whose love was radically Christ-centered has devolved into one that has expanded the definition of love into carnal and ungodly forms.
God seems to be want the day — and the definition of love — back. This outpouring was sparked by a chapel speaker who spoke transparently about the perversion of love he experienced as a child because of abuse. The speaker invited students to come into the Lord’s love, even as he prayed the Lord would revive all.
The Lord answered and is still answering those prayers in abundance. Student after student, attendee after attendee, have testified to sensing the Lord’s love for them. They have returned that love in adoration.
This is what I experienced in Hughes on Valentine’s day — the circle of godly love of which the apostle John spoke. Love beginning with God and flowing to us and flowing back to God and out to our brothers and sisters in the Kingdom and beyond (1 John 4:7-21, ESV).
The love is flowing forth. More than 20 colleges and universities have sent students to Asbury to taste and see that the Lord is good. Students on at least three other campuses appear to be loving God back in non-ending worship services. Hundreds of non-students are receiving the Lord’s love anew. Who knows where these ones will take God’s love?
Contemplating that itself is worth tears of joy.
Monday, February 20, 2023
Asbury University professor Carol Anderson shared with IFA an intimate glimpse of the ministry happening at the outpouring:
"A lot of what's happening here is healing: inner healing and some physical healing. At the prayer rail, I hear the crisis moments.
"And the moments of just longing: Pastors coming, just longing for renewal; people edging in burnout in ministry, needing to have a sense of intimacy with the Lord; from that, all the way over to addictions. And one blessed woman — she had driven three hours from ICU, where she'd been told she had to make the decision to put her father on a ventilator with a feeding tube, which would be his life from then on, or to say that's enough and head him to heaven. And she was in anguish, because they'd never had this conversation.
"Pray for those who may be skeptical as they hear about this revival, who might be not understanding or who feel like this is something that's been ginned up. We know that's not true. Let's pray for people to see the reality, the realness of what's happening."
Dear Lord, as we bask in Your presence in the in Hughes Auditorium, we know it's not the building. We know it could be any building, and that this comes out of the prayers of generations of students who have prayed for this, alumni who have prayed for this community. We know that many have prayed for this, and many come longing for this to be happening in their own churches, in their own homes.
Everyone who is there knows that this is You. This is the Holy Spirit's gracious, mysterious outpouring.
Read the statement from the Asbury University President here: Outpouring – Asbury University Today is the last day of public services.
Sunday, February 19, 2023
The public meetings at Asbury University will end on Wednesday, and the 200th Collegiate Day of Prayer will be celebrated and livestreamed from there on Thursday (IFA will continue to host daily prayer webcasts of the meetings and will broadcast the Thursday livestream as well).
Carol Anderson, a professor at Asbury University, prayed with IFA on Friday and Saturday. She reports that prayers which the IFA community prayed on Friday for the faculty and others were answered before she joined us again on Saturday! She told us that the IFA community is like Aaron and Hur, who held up the arms of Moses (the Asbury faculty).
Carol also shared a beautiful testimony from one of the students on the ninth day of the outpouring. The student wanted to address the myth that this outpouring “just happened.”
"He said that he and the other students know it has come out of faithfulness, praying, coming to chapel three times a week, worshiping God together in ordinary days. And the story that the students repeat and is true is that it was an ordinary, unremarkable chapel.
“' Unremarkable' meaning there wasn't a big rev-up to make something happen. It was about love, and it was out of Romans: Let your love be genuine. How do we love? By looking to Jesus. A group of students stayed afterwards that day and just prayed together. That came out of us taking in what we had listened to and had built up over time. They prayed together and prayed into that love.
"Out of that came this whole outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It wasn't a big emotional thing that happened as they prayed. People left and went to class. It was not extraordinary.
"It came out of worship. And confession. There was community, and there was the Lord's Spirit, and they were texting one another on the day that it happened, and people were coming back to the chapel. Some were just magnetized to come back.
"I got an email in the midafternoon saying something beautiful has been happening in the chapel.
"And so this event has gone on morning, noon, and night. There's been no promotion about this. Asbury has sent nothing out to say, ‘Oh, aren't we so wonderful!’ It's not about that at all. It's about God in our midst. And now people are coming from all over the country, from other countries. The world has come to us in this."
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Lord, continue to meet those at Asbury in powerful ways!
From Rich Swingle, IFA contributing writer and prayer leader: "My favorite moment at Asbury University — and actually a favorite moment of my life — was early Tuesday morning, Valentine’s Day. I woke up and saw that it was 2:44 a.m. I remembered that Jeannine Brabon said she first experienced the Shekinah Glory fall at 3 a.m. on October 3, 1969, four months before the 185-hour revival. I wanted to be fresh for Tuesday’s Headline Prayer Live, so I asked the Lord if I should go. I just burst into tears remembering how I sensed Him say: 'You need my permission?'
"Click HERE to see the footage of me entering Hughes Auditorium and some glimpses of why it was so special."
Friday, February 17, 2023
Lord, let worship tear down demonic strongholds.
Yesterday Rich Swingle, IFA contributing writer and prayer leader, spoke with a man who had been a classmate of Jeannine Brabon, who was instrumental in the 1970 Asbury revival. The man made an interesting comment about the differences between the two outpourings: The 1970 revival was marked by testimony, usually focused on repentance, and then with worship: this current outpouring seems to be marked by worship, followed by testimony of repentance, healing, and deliverance.
Worship has always been central to spiritual warfare. Judah — the tribe whose name is linked to praise — was the tribe that disembarked first from the Israelite camp (Numbers 2:1–4). Joshua sent first the priests carrying the ark of the covenant, representing the very presence of God, into the Jordan when the Israelites began to take the land (Joshua 3). The Lord ripped open prison walls when Paul and Silas worshipped in the Philippian prison (Acts 16:25–40).
Further, the Bible tells us that the Lord is enthroned on the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). That being the case, is not the heartfelt expression of worship going to bring the overwhelming power of the presence of the Lord into our environment, circumstances, and community?
And given that the days are increasingly evil — seemingly more evil than those of 50 years ago — the presence of the Lord in overwhelming abundance is even more necessary to the clearing away of demonic strongholds. As the love of most grows cold, the fire of His presence as He inhabits the praises of His people melts away the ice, burns away the demons, and creates a new ladder to heaven (Genesis 28:12).
The Lord is accomplishing His work today in Asbury and beyond, even as He did in the 1970s. Throughout the ages and across the globe, the Lord has visited His people to recover them to Himself through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. In His wisdom, He chooses the means and the expression of His visitations. We are left to revel in His goodness and rejoice with the saints.
As Joyce Swingle, IFA contributing writer and prayer leader, reflected on the Swingles' days in Wilmore, she told IFA that a spirit of humility is dominant. This was also emphasized by student body President Alison Perfater in an interview with Glenn Beck: "My generation struggles with pride, and what we've seen here is a radical humility. Students are standing up and confessing … and they're opening their hearts up not only to the presence of God but to each other, and that is a very intimate thing. … There is that core of honesty that we are holding onto."
Radical humility. Is that something you want? Please post your prayer in the comments.
Thursday, February 16, 2023
"Viral is not revival." Joyce Swingle reports from on-site at Asbury University: We spoke to two professors. One mentioned that he realized he had assigned a group project for a Friday deadline and he thought it would be difficult for the students to get together to do the work. He queried his class and realized they were keeping up with the schoolwork. He also mentioned he and several of the professors were finding that the outpouring was not keeping students from their classes. Fewer were cutting than the professors expected. Seems this outpouring is not making the students indolent but industrious!
Much of this is related to the "selflessness" of the outpouring. I overheard many students saying that it was about "going lower" not higher. This may be one reason manifestations are not erupting with the frequency of other outpouring. I think many feel this joy (I do and feel I might bust at times) but know from the Spirit better than to draw attention to themselves. The leadership are very much underlining this because even in the most recent chapels, the online offerings are no longer listing the last names of people to try to keep the focus not on the person but on the Lord.
I discern the Spirit all over the campus. Our friend brought us into the control room from which the video for future documentaries, etc. archiving is being captured. They are deliberately not streaming. Said one person, "Viral is not revival." The school is focusing on humility in stewarding this visitation.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Chapel on February 8 at Asbury University went long…and as I write it’s still going! In 1970, a chapel service in the same Hughes Auditorium went 185 hours. Ever since I heard about it circa 1987, I’ve been praying — as many of you have — for another revival to break out! I believe revival is breaking out.
The First Asbury Revival
Jeannine Brabon was a freshman at Asbury College in 1967 when the Lord put it on her heart to pray for revival. In an interview you can watch below, she said, “I never missed [chapel]. I was always there waiting for Jesus to come.” She got permission to use a room half an hour before chapels, and she said, “I put up a sign: ‘Come apart and pray.’” Her junior year she got a list of the more than 1,000 students and prayed for them by name. An overnight prayer meeting they announced to a group of 70 drew 120.
Among other things, they prayed 2 Chronicles 7:14: …if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. At about 3:00 a.m. she said, “I just felt the Shekinah Glory fall on that place.” The next morning Brabon said, “Chapel came and went, and there was no great move of God, and one of the students said to me, ‘Jeannine, nothing happened.’ I said, ‘You know Acts 1:7?’” It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you… She said, “He's coming. When — I don't know, but he's going to come.”
Then Brabon invited 30 student leaders to enter into a version of John Wesley’s Great Experiment she adapted for college life. They would spend time in the Word, fasting, praying, and witnessing each week. They would meet in three groups of ten once a week to be accountable to each other. On January 31, 1970, they talked about the Experiment in chapel; 300 students signed up to take part! Brabon said, "God put in place a follow-up for the revival before it ever hit.” Four days later it did.
In 1975 Brabon was a missionary in Spain when she had a dream:
I was in the hospital, and they came to me with this newborn baby and put it in my arms. And…I’m thinking, “Why me? This baby doesn't belong to me….” I wake up. So the Lord speaks to me….“Jeannine, you've seen the birth of a revival. Now believe for full maturity.” He spoke into my heart, and He said, “Jeannine, who sees the growth and development of a baby? When they’re first born everybody's all excited, but who sees the growth and development? It's the parents.” And the Lord said, “That's the role intercessors have. They're the ones that are going to see the move of my Spirit and my coming and believe for full maturity. Believe for…a major move of the Spirit of God.”
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
While working on an IFA article about Jesus Revolution, a friend sent me a text from Sylvia Cummings. She took her granddaughter Elisa, a high schooler, to visit Asbury to see if she’d like to attend. She had a very good impression! Cummings explained:
There is a revival breaking out at Asbury University! The 10 a.m. chapel service has not ended! Students and faculty are worshipping and many have not left at all while some have gone to classes and returned. There is no sign of this service ending! It's growing! They are now being joined by students and faculty from Asbury Seminary across the street and from students across Lexington who are hearing what is happening and want to join them. GOD IS MOVING IN WILMORE, KY! Pray for this revival to spread and for lives to be changed!

Kevin Combs graduated from Asbury in December, but he’s been driving an hour each night to experience revival. As he approached Wilmore, in the interview you can see below, he said, “I was taken aback by this cloud that was over Wilmore….I get into chapel, and unprompted — they haven’t been outside — they started talking about…how the presence of God is felt in a cloud.”
Olivia Rogowski, an Asbury student, jumped on a podcast with her uncle, Andy Miller III. She told how, leading up to this, there have been many times that students have stayed after chapel is released to worship, but it usually ends after ten or 15 minutes. She was in class Wednesday afternoon when students burst in, letting everyone know what was going on. She described the chapel:
It's like no other feeling you've ever felt. It’s just so much deeper than that kind of mountaintop feeling you get when you go to camp. Like you get that one night of worship where everybody's like, “The Holy Spirit's there," but no, it's deeper than that.

Miller invited Joshua Hallilan, Director of Discipleship at The Francis Asbury Society, onto the podcast. Hallilan said, “There there is no human controlling this. There’s no emotional games being played here. The Spirit is just having His way in people, and it is exciting to see!”
Alexandra Presta, a senior at Asbury, has been posting daily articles about it for The Asbury Collegian. On Wednesday she wrote:
I have been in Hughes Auditorium for almost twelve hours now without an intent to leave anytime soon. Peers, professors, local church leaders and seminary students surround me— all of them praying, worshipping, and praising God together….No one wants to leave. No one even expected this to happen. Not on a random Wednesday for sure. Yet, we sit and sing about God’s love pouring out and His goodness.
Carol McClain Bassett commented on Presta’s article:
I was a senior and in chapel that glorious day in Feb. 1970 when the palpable and “heavy” weight of the presence of the Holy Spirit fell on all of us….I had chills, recognizing The Presence in an unusual way. And when Dean Reynolds opened the chapel to testimonies, the deluge began!!! Who of us who were there that week even remembers when we left to grab a quick bite to eat (no food was provided in Hughes), or to sleep a couple of hours? We were compelled – totally captivated – to be in His Presence more and more. I was standing in the foyer the morning the news crew arrived….I asked the newsman, “What are you feeling right now?” He wasn’t able to answer. I told them, “Well, if you’ve never been in God’s Presence the way He is manifesting Himself in there (pointing to the doors into the auditorium) be ready to hold onto your equipment because your knees could buckle.” They stayed for several hours. And it was true – we had to hold onto the pews often as we walked. The weight of Glory!!!!
For Thursday’s update Presta wrote:
“We want more of you and less of us.” At the 32-hour mark, those words ring out across Hughes Auditorium as revival involving Asbury University and the Wilmore, Kentucky, community continues…. This revival isn’t about us. It’s not about trying to recreate history. It has been and will continue to be all about Jesus Christ. Because, in the words of Asbury junior Dakota Poole, “He is enough.”
Presta pointed out, “Testimonies and prayer have continued in between Spirit-led worship sessions.” About revival Brabon said,
There's a conviction of sin and confession of sin…realizing where you are spiritually…the breaking down of pride and thinking, “Well, I can do it on my own.” That's the key to revival — being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and opening up to…the fire of the Holy Spirit working in your life.
On Friday Presta wrote, “People are still wanting more. It’s like we’ve tasted His goodness and grace, and we don’t want it to stop.” She went on:
This experience is a true testament to show God’s timing. He knew when we as a student body and as a community needed a day like today. To confess, reconcile, heal and allow prayers to be spoken over us — He knew what we needed to do and helped us do it.
On Thursday Presta wrote, “As long as the Spirit calls for it, His children will remain here, allowing God’s overwhelming and holy love to fill hearts and touch souls.”
Brabon said in 1970, 500 students went forth to share what had happened, and indeed, in many locations revivals broke out there, too! Brabon prayed “that this will just be the beginning of a deep, deep work of You all over the world.” And she pointed out these students have something she and her classmates didn’t: the internet.
Please post your prayers for lasting impact from this fresh revival.
Rich Swingle has taught and performed in 39 nations on six continents, mostly with his own one-man plays. He’s performed in more than 45 film projects, and he and his bride Joyce Swingle, another contributing writer for IFA, have 39 screen children. The Swingles live in New York City.
(Photo Credit: Jeremy Story)
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May The Lord continue this outpouring not only at Asbury but in each place where people are praying and repenting and are hungry for the presence and humble intimacy with our savior and Lord.
The lord show me this revival and I wrote about it on Linkedin. Thank God to see the manifestation of His Power and Strength in America. Prayering that this will be world wide revival. This is the outpouring before the Rapture of the Church.
Hallelujah! Glory to GOD! Praise you Lord God Almighty! Thank you JESUS!
I would like to see revival come to CCC here in Lakewood, CO, but also to touch both adjoining properties that are merely? Philosophical..
Karen, praying with you in agreement! We’re setting up a tour of Songs of Revival ( in Colorado next summer:
We’d LOVE to add CCC to our itinerary!
Let us remain faithful in our love and obedience to the Living God, for the moving of the Holy Spirit is undeniably authentic, preparing many in this hour to humbly fall on their knees and personally witness repentance and a renewed zeal for God as we work in the Lord’s harvest.
Donnette, praying for your kidney and lungs, for them to be touched by The Lord and work properly in the Name of Jesus. By His stripes are healed.
Steve, we pray for that spot on your. . lung to be gone. Taking delegated authority over it in Jesus’ name. Applying what was done to His body, the day that He was crucified, to Steve’s lung. By Jesus’ stripes we are healed. Amen!
Heavenly Father you are so good and there is no greater Love than your unconditional and merciful Love. You gave your life Jesus to set us free from sin and guaranteed us eternal life with you. Lord I come before you asking that these young people college students not only in Asbury but in colleges and schools all over the world have a revival a restoration and that the Holy Spirit speaks to each and every one and their life be transformed to say yes to you and follow you into eternity in heaven. I ask that you turn the hearts of our leaders our president . Lord you are moving in our church in our homes and schools and I pray for repentance and restoration to serve you God and you alone. I pray for all who serve you now to continue praying for all so that none will perish because you came for All and for not one to perish . I ask these things in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen
meeting to pray in revival at Kansa s State university @10pm@
All Faith Chapel
old and young invited
Praying for a genuine sprit of repentance binding spirit of intimidation…calling forth humility❣️
Hallelujah to God be the Glory!!! Father God you haven’t given up on us yet, we can do all things through Christ who is our strength. Lord continue the work you have begun, may many souls come into the Kingdom! I pray in Jesus Name, amen.
Will this revival still be going on this Saturday 2/25 ? I’d love to drive there from Chicago, IL. Please let me know 🙂
Thanks so much for the Asbury revival updates. Praying for this move of God spread everywhere.
Please pray for me. I have a spot on my lung that needs healing. Scheduled for surgery March 13. Praying for it to be gone, in Jesus name!
This is a great outpouring of people seeking God. It’s a miracle. I watch this and I’m amazed. God is so wonderful !!!
Jesus says ” I am the way.” Please do not turn from God for he’s all we have . God has healed me and blessed me beyond imaginable. I’m praying for all hearts to be mended.
Does anyone know of revival happening in WV or the mid Atlantic region such as MD or VA?
Prayers my kidneys and lungs
[email protected]
Father, we praise your name for what you are doing! Thank you that many are being changed, saved, delivered. May the Spirit cover many schools, indeed our whole nation, bringing you into focus. Thank you Jesus.
Pray for my husband, he had a stroke, very young man. I wish we could be there to be a part of this revival. Pray for his left side to wake up and start working. Mark
Father thank you with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength for the wonderful work Holy Spirit is doing at Asbury University. How beautiful that this began with love from you on Valentine’s Day!!Let this revival spread to every state, then the whole nation and after that to the whole world. Let’s repent of our busy worldly lives and put prayers to you for revival number one in all our lives. Father May every Christian proclaim Jesus as God gives opportunity and May we give our time and energy toward promoting and living a Godly life. One thing I notice that we as Christians really need to repent of and model for all is forsaking living together for the honorable godly estate of Christian marriage. Many Christians are not living God’s way but the corrupt ways of the world. Repent and seek His face now. Show the people around you the difference between Christians and worldly people and cover all this with Christian LOVE ❤️ for the unsaved How will they want to know Jesus unless we model a lifestyle difference??
I cannot be at Asbury, but I am so grateful to see the move of God’s Spirit among young people! I am a product of the Jesus movement 50 years ago, as are many of my friends, and so thankful for the move of the Holy Spirit during those years.
Young people of the last 2 generations have been deceived, manipulated and exploited by evil. Jesus knows this and is reaching out to them in a supernatural way. Pray that God will remove the scales from their eyes and spread this revival across our Nation and around the world. May their legacy be another Great Awakening! I am praising God for #KYREVIVAL .
If anyone can provide some information on where the new location of the Revival will be that would be great. I haven’t found any updates since they said it will be moved and my family and I planned on attending today
I’m so blessed I came across this Asburg Revival I’ve been praying as a church and personally for revival for over 40 years . I pray it spreads through out all corners of America to the high official and thee general people. Oh Lord I welcome You.
I pray that this revival prompts our young people to sincerely seek the Second Coming of the Lord; with the possibility that he may not come the way conventional Christianity thinks it will; that the clouds in the Bible may very well be symbolic terms. If we believe in the returning Lord coming on the physical clouds of the sky and he doesn’t, we will surely miss him.
Praying for the children and care providers that I work with. I am also asking the Lord to send more believers into the field of Early Childhood Education.
These little ones must be protected from “woke ideology”.
Praying for souls to be saved bodies to be healed and the infilling of theHoly Spirit that many would go from this revival and become Spirit filled witnesses for Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thank you Jesus, I believe you will heal my children and convert their hearts and the hearts if their spouses along with so many of my friends children Praise You Forever!
I pray every day for a revival in our country
I do too Mary, bless your heart!🙏💗
i am praying for revival to break out in the lives of the people of Michigan and in the
hearts of our family, our grandchildren and their families. In the church we attend.
start with me Lord!
I am a pastor coming all from Norway tomorrow to experience the revival. how can I join if the university is closed?
We are wanting to drive in from Canada today to make it there by tomorrow, Tuesday 21st. Just wanting to check that it is still going on and nothing has shut down yet??
Lord revive me, revive every member of my family, revive Your church, revive our nation and all the nations of the world.
Let this revival spread O Lord our God and heal our backsliding, and make our love for You to overcome every other obstacle pulling us down and hindering us from worshipping You in spirit and in truth.
Make us hot for You.
Purify us of anything that is contradicting Your holiness in our lives.
Beautiful prayer!!
Thank you Jesus!
Lord we are grateful. Please continue to make the fire bigger and wider, let it spread all over the country and the world in Jesus Name.
Praise God from whom ALL Blessings flow. Praise Him All creatures here below. Praise Him above all heavenly ghosts praise Father,Son and Holy Ghost.
Lord thank you for this Revival and for those surrendering their hearts or recommitting their hearts to You. Prepare them Lord to desire Your Word. Place them in a Bible Teaching Church that teaches TRUTH and prepares them to run their race with endurance. When the trials of life comes upon them equip them, surround them with God fearing people and keep them in Your mercy and grace.
Thank you for answering prayers of intercession for Revival in America. May Your Glory and Truth be known to All Nation and Revival break forth in the hearts searching for Truth. Amen and Amen
Gospel of Jesus Christ ==
Any revival must proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth must be told and by necessity truth must divide, those who choose to remain dead in their trespasses and sins from those who receive eternal life God offers as a gift by grace through faith. Those who listen to truth will accept by faith alone in what Jesus Christ accomplished for you by His death, burial and resurrection.
Here is a gospel tract so you can study the scriptures for yourself.
THANK YOU FOR TAKING A STAND. Please don’t allow this sweet worship to become a platform for showboating.
The last thing this nation needs is church as usual. We’ve had far too many religious power plays, I’m better than you are games, manipulation, and misinterpretation of scripture has taken place.
It is my prayer that your young people become the catalyst for the prophecy in Joel 2 coming to reality and being fulfilled in this life time. ESPECIALLY THE PART CONCERNING THE LATER RAINS.
Please keep your hearts purified and return to Torah.
Lord, we pray protection for this revival and that you would deep in it and extend it throughout our nation and even around the world. Help us keep our eyes focused on Jesus; please keep this from being sensationalized… Keep it a move born of Your Holy Spirit and prayer. Watch over and refresh all those who are in the front lines and provide all the resources necessary to keep the flame fanned. And Father, we pray an extension of that cloud that rests on Wilmore. Thank you, God, for hearing the prayers of the many for revival. Let this revival endure.
🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨I. Would. Love prayer that. The. Prayer. and worship revival service never comes to an end
Why should it.
The. 100. Year. Moravian Revival was a result of a non stop prayer chain for 100. Years with. Breathtaking results
I. Will. Pray from. Australia.
God bless all. Of you.
I pray this spreads to California and the west coast.
Yes, I agree with you Mary… Praying this revival spreads throughout all of California and that the spirit of God falls on us as He has in the past. I am especially praying for the Holy Spirit to fall on San Clemente. God bless you, Mary
Thank you Jesus for this wide spreading of your word, a long time coming,
Dearest Lord Jesus, please send your spirit all over this country and let the unbelievers see your power. Please my Lord set us free from the evil in our country.
Lord I agree with Bill Johnson that you send your Spirit all over this country and that unbelievers see your power. Let goodness overcome evil and let the glory of the Lord fall on His people.
Let us understand the preciousness of this amazing work of His Spirit and we pray that You Will keep this move of Your spirit from corruption and any interference from the evil one. In Jesus Name.
Beautiful prayer!!! God bless you!!!
Bring the revival o the countries of Tukey, Syria, Napal, New Zealand. God is doing a new thing in these days. A wake up time.
Lord God, continue to pour out your Spirit in individual hearts and lives. Circumcise our selfishness from our hearts. Only through you, help us each to crucify the flesh and its uneven and evil desires. Replace, fill the voids with your Holy Spirit of worship to God alone. Fill the void with an accurate and selfless love of others. Help our praises to reflect that you are the provider of all comfort and the bread of life. In the name of Jesus who creates us anew. Amen.
Lord Jesus show us your glory. Not only in Asbury but in all the world.
Is the revival still going??? We booked and room for this coming up weekend to attend.
I pray for openness by all who now know the transforming power of His presence to the continuing work of the Spirit in our lives. The Lord of Hope, Peace Love and Joy is alive and flowing, come Spirit come… upon this place and this world, so that all may know your immense love of ALL.
God…bring a Holy Spirit fire not only to Asbury University, but to the whole nation. Let the rebellion of the past be purged, let the Holy Spirit Fire fall on colleges, schools and this whole United States nation. We ask this in the name, body and blood of our Savior and Redeemer…Jesus Christ!
Important update!!!
Asbury University to END nonstop ‘revival’ service, list new guidelines and schedule
The final public evening service will be held Sunday, Feb. 19, at 7:30 p.m. But public worships will continue in the afternoons through Feb. 22 at 2 p.m.
Starting Friday, Feb. 24, evening services will be hosted at other locations and no longer be held at the university
Dear Jesus. We need your saving presence in the world. Now. We know Satan is all over trying to win. We also know that evil will not win over good. You promised us that. Please send down your spirit and renew the face of the earth 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Praise to the Lord God most high and lifted up. Glorify his holy name. Breathe on them Holy Spirit and release their fears, wounds and comfort them as only you can. We thank you Lord God for showing us your awsome love, compassion, and abundant faithfulness. Protect all who come to you and let the seeds take hold in fertile soil and that each receives Holy Spirit filled men to mentor them in their faith.
I praise your mighty hand to reach people to people, nation to nation and all will lift up their voices and call upon you God. In Jesus name, Amen
Father, I pray that You would raise up those of us who lived through the Jesus People revival in the 1970’s to come alongside these (mostly) young people in prayer, in counsel, in support, in discipleship – and that these who are being touched right now would receive Your fullness in a permanent desire to study Your Word, to seek out sound teaching and Bible-based church fellowship, to share You with the unsaved, and continue to grow in Christ for the rest of their lives!
In August of 2015 God dropped the great Welsh Revival of 1904-1905 into my lap. Every single day for about 3 weeks someone or something was bringing up the Welsh Revival. God instructed me to begin praying for a nationwide revival in the U.S. It has been part of my daily prayers every day since. Praise the Lord! It’s starting!!
Praise the Lord! May this revival continue and touch as many souls as possible. May God rain His blessings down and open the hearts and minds of those in attendance and all over the world. Glory be to God!!
May you be glorified LORD in all that is happening here…….
Dear LORD, we give You praise and thanksgiving for Your mercy. On Sunday we sang “LET IT RAIN, LET IT RAIN, OPEN THE FLOODGATES OF HEAVEN”. I have continued to sing that refrain God, pour out Your presence in ALL THE EARTH. For Your namesake LORD, do what only You can do and magnify and glorify Your name. We are hungry for Your presence and we desire You! In Jesus’ power filled name we pray. Amen.
Come Holy Spirit, come! Not only in Asbury but across this nation!
We will lift up the Name of the Lord! Honor and glory and power to Jesus Christ the Lord! We lift Your name on high!
Amen hallelujah we praise you Lord ! Pour out in this Nation and around the globe
Come Lord! May a fire for you burn in our hearts for your manifold presence that shall never burn out! Amen 🔥
Thank you Jesus for what you are doing at Asbury. May it grow and sweep this nation.
I’m praying for this revival, for a Great Awakening, to move across this country. As a new legislator in Ohio, I’ve been praying for the Holy Spirit to convict America of sin and righteousness and judgement, to expose the evil and to bring us our knees in repentance since October 2016. I hope and am praying that this is God answering my prayer, the prayers of our ladies’ group and the prayers of the Intercessors across the world! We need you, Jesus, in the government, in our schools, in our churches, in our families, in our marriages, in our businesses – everywhere! Please God, forgive us, humble us, renew us and revive us to live for You!
Father, here is a legislator not afraid to lift up Your name publicly. Grant her Your favor in all she does for Your glory, Your fame, in Your name. amen.
Great Lord God, I pray this blessed event happening in Ashbury University spreads to universities all over the USA. Lord, please target the woke universities with your spirit, grace and revival, too. I thank You and praise You for all you are doing to bring us to our knees in repentance. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen
Is this the new Great Awakening our world needs so badly? Dear God, make it so. Send your living waters into every crack and crevice of our souls worldwide and let us be washed of our sins and make us shine in Jesus’ image. Amen
Lord, praying from Santa Clarita California 91351.. I lift up to you our two colleges here that I know of-,one is the Masters College, which John MacArthur is the president of-,and also our local Junior College, which is named College of the Canyons- which is of course secular.
Lord I thank you again, for this great move of your holy spirit- that we are seeing now, that to me is unmistakable in its mission- and the point in time to which it is pivoting us-,from the error of. our ways-,unto a new pathway. that we have been praying for-, for a long time..especially many of the intercessors here at IFA -,or a long long time. I pray that Masters College in their traditional and long-standing reputation- would not forgo acknowledging this move of your Holy Spirit’, but would be encouraged to repent- as all human beings. need to..and especially Christians allow you Lord to convict their hearts that they would in their tears receive this great healing-,and direction.. from You.. that America could be saved through her learning institutions- as well as the other avenues you are moving through-, and that College of the Canyons could repent from their secularism, Lord and at least acknowledge your presence and that the evils that have manifested here in Santa Clarita-, like the ‘queer day’ for young the Old Town Newhall Library-. Lord could be repented from, and eradicated- and that Godliness could prevail here in Santa Clarita-, once again..
in the mighty Name of Jesus,
Dear lord, thank you that you have overlooked our mishandling of prior outpourings of your holy spirit.. and allowed us to harvest from them certain parts of your provision-, and holiness.. that we mature and grow as a culture-, & as a society-,as the American people- in our colleges and universities-,and keep trudging forward, ever battling against the enemy, in our imperfection- that we would continue to seek You, and as we have continued to pray and not grow weary completely, although we may have been disheartened for a tim-, You-, in your goodness and fatherly love-,have continued to stand by us-,and draw us to You-, not wanting any to perish, but calling us all,..continually-,to repent..and return to the path of righteousness for your namesake- and now we see that You are nurturing and comforting our young people- in our University Systems that were originally founded, in the beginning of our country,as institutions that honored You Lord. And let those founding institutions repent Lord.. Yale, Harvard, and Princeton.. which have turned to ungodliness.. let this Holy Spirit fire infect them as well-, and that they would repent Lord, and absorb this move of your Holy Spirit, Lord, bringing godliness to every learning Institution for young people.. every University and college in the nation, thank you Lord- for Jesus name ..Lord thank you for doing for us- what we cannot do for ourselves.. in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
Amen!!.. and Hallelujah!! I just began praying as well, – that the secular colleges would be influenced and blessed by this move of the Holy spirit.. but of course we know as judgment begins in the house of the Lord-,that it had to start in the Christian colleges.. also let us remember that although we need a good president.. the system of government that God gave us is really based on the states being strong- and godly and actually running the country from their individual Congresses, and Senates-.. originally the president was not supposed to be an all-powerful office as it is now.. it has blown out of proportion greatly.
I think we should also pray that President Trump’s emotional state would be healed that he could mature in that area and abstain from the Adolescent name calling behaviors.. at least. He also I think needs maturing in the area of owning up to his own faults.. just as we all do.
Lord, praise God and thank you that this revival is happening ..and that is obviously spreading- and I have a great sense of hope-, as you said you would never leave us enough forsake us- Lord- Deuteronomy 31:6.. and I just pray and thank you that you are drawing us all in -,toward You.. and drawing me in as well.. and that I have hope that I haven’t felt in a while now-, great hope.. in Jesus name, Amen
This comment was originally supposed to be a reply to Priscilla Meyenburg’s first post here in this column
Arriving Monday in Asbury. Taking waters and snacks.
Best way to approach the chapel directions.
AMEN! Let continue to take root in all of American society.
This country needs you desperately Lord God Almighty 🙏!
Praises then and continued praises Lord….
Onecry prayer ministries focused this month’s prayer on the colleges and universities—it’s amazing how our Father is answering these prayers. May satan be bound and May this work of our Lord grow and move for the across the nation and across the world. Hallelujah!!! What a Savior 🙏
Oh Lord, we are ripe for revival. Thank you for moving in the hearts of those at chapel in Hughes Auditorium at Asbury University and filling that place with Your Holy Spirit! We pray that this will be the beginning of a world-wide revival. That sparks from this small town in Kentucky would reach to the uttermost parts of the world and Your Name would be glorified because You are our Awesome God and nothing is impossible with You! As we bow down on our knees with repentance, worship and praise, we ask in Jesus’ name that you would hear and heal our land. Praise be to God. Amen
I’ve been praying for a deep, sweeping Revival for years! I’m praying now that this could be it!!! I can barely type as my eyes are blurry from something….
Praise the Lord!! O please dear Sovereign Lord Send to us and to your whole world, REVIVAL NOW!!! We need you desperately, dearest Lord of Lords, King of Kings!!! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise God! Hallelujah! Shalom! 💜🕊💜✡️✝️💜🕊💜
God we know in our spirit you are about to show Your Self strong again. Father God when will Satan and his dark spirits ever learn that he can never learn to outwit you. I pray that the Holy Fire will consume all of these students at Asbury and will burn Gods words upon their lives to stay strong and penetrate to the out side Secular Schools and their leaders to repentance. You said through the Prophets: your words that your Glory will be felt and seen among the nations. That is being fulfilled. The dark spirits will fall as they are overcome with the blood of the lamb. You are showing once again that you are wiser and stronger than the enemies that have taken reign in America. God I do understand why it has taken so long for the moment of this Godly led presence at Asbury.; it’s because the evilness, the darkness needed to be exposed. God you are showing us, what has astounded many of the Christian people and Nations – that what has infiltrated us with such devastation, it has been hard to comprehend. God my heart hurts so bad at time for what has been exposed, without your words of love and Faith it would be impossible. I ask that your glory would heat up and surround all 50 States so that they would be able to see your power and glory that offers forgiveness of our neglect to you. Father God I do believe that you will set the right President in place over America that has the knowledge and skills to thwart all of the enemies that are threatening America. God I see a healing of Families, healing in our schools, healing in our Government, in our churches, and acceptance of your Grace and Mercy, that you are our King of Kings, Lord of Lords. And your inheritance will flourish under: once again from the Words you created from a Powerful Book, called Gods words. (Bible). I give praise and honor to you Jesus Christ that your will is being accomplished by: only You our redeemer. I am so excited that we have a second opportunity to see, hear, and feel your glorious presence where ever we go. We have Freedom back, security, your love felt presence, peace and harmony, No prosperity threats, Truth will be accomplished and our Youth filled with Gods words of excitement, as they share the gospel. To America and other nations. That they will prevail as we align with you Jesus. America will be saved I can hear the angels singing Holy, Holy to the most High God, Jesus who saved us. Amen, Amen
Lord You Promised that you were pour at your spirit upon all flesh. I see this beginning in Asbury, and then other colleges and universities beginning. Thank you for making them hungry enough to stop and linger in your presence. We have heard in our spirit of the great awakening that was coming. Now we know it is here.
This will change our country and the nations of the world.
Father, I ask that you would pour out an awakening among every college campus, high school, and preschool There is such a need for the youth and all to see a true presence of Your Glory.
Cover the earth until all are awakened.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
Glory to God! Heavenly father that you send your spirit to invade schools, colleges and universities all over the United States in Jesus name.
All praise be to You, Lord Jesus.
Thank You.
Lod, keep it pure, prevent it from becoming a marketing or media event, and mat it spread.
I am sharing a prayer from GH15, this is a prayer I could not write better. I have been watching do many video and listening and seeing the presence through many short videos. I praised and cried along with them wishing I was there. There have been several Prophetic messages given these past two years God is going to use the younger generation: This is exactly what is happening. 🧎♀️🧎♀️. “Pray with me:
“Father, we know You are planning big things. The Kingdom of Christ is ever-increasing (Isaiah 9:7), going from glory to glory and strength to strength. A part of these extraordinary efforts will involve young people around the world. You have no intention of leaving them without a true witness of who You really are. Since You work through our prayers, we ask for this.
Thank You for the outpouring at Asbury College, which is now bleeding into other colleges. God of revival, do it again! Open this well wider than it has ever been opened. Dig it deeper and connect it to the river that flows from You and Your throne (Revelation 22:1-2). This is a thirst-quenching river, a life-changing river, a nation-healing river.
And Father, cause this and other outpourings to expand to those who don’t yet know You. They’re thirsty for You, they just don’t know it. Rescue them from the demonic movements attempting to steal their futures, their destinies, their posterities. Deliver them with the greatest outpouring of Holy Spirit ever experienced on Earth. In the vision You gave me in 2001, the revival couldn’t be stopped. We agree with that now: it won’t be stopped!”
Our decree: 🧎♀️🧎♀️✝️🇺🇸
“We decree that God is coming to young people around the world with a SWEEPING revival that cannot be stopped.” 🧎♀️Father God this awakening is going to break strongholds not only through our youth but into lives of adults, I feel your presence “Jesus Open The Flow “we want to see the Flow of Gods spirit touch hundreds and hundreds. We want the flow so badly along with removal of sin. And only as we rid ourselves will the Power and Glory of God will Manifest through us . Oh! Father God I pray for more wonders and signs of healing to take place as have been prophesied to take place in this generation. “ 2 Timothy 2:19-23
19 Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.”
“20 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. 21 Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.”
“22 Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 23 Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.“ To God be The Glory. “ 🧎♀️I am more than excited!! I am humbled!
Wow. This is exciting. I’ve been praying for the Eagles in Dutch Sheet’s dreams to set hearts ablaze and to saturate the ground. It is completely humbling that God, Who spoke the universe in to existence, hears the prayers and pleas of His saints!
Father! Let Holy Spirit to flood the earth with Your life altering love!
I attended Asbury in the mid 80s. I heard about the 1970 revival and how it had a huge impact on the whole community and beyond. I heard on the radio Monday morning about this revival and I started praising God and praying for revival in my community and across America. Praise God!
Praising God for his outpouring of the Holy Spirit! I have been praying for the University of Texas to experience revival as Austin, Texas needs a powerful move of God! So many radicals have moved there!
Take note: “conviction of sin, cofession of sin, repentance” contrast that with past recent so called revivals of gold dust, so called holy laughter, jerking motions (kundalini demonic spirit), and howling,growling, and barking like animals”. “Cultivate Revival” in 2017/2018 said ” Revival is an outpouring of the Holy spirit in which people’s lives are dramatically transformed and changed through miracles, signs and wonders”. The first part “outpouring of the Holy Spirit ………… people’s lives are dramatically transformed…………” yes, but not by “miracles, signs, and wonders” but rather by conviction of sin , confession of sin, repentance, the holiness of God, the holy presense of God, healing of bitter unforgiving hearts, and deliverance from demons!
Do we (corporate body of Christ) desire a true outpouring of the Spirit (rather than simply have our ears tickled)? , and do we have the discernment to know the difference?
This seems the genuine thing, do NOT allow the enemy to bring mixture and pollute this work of God! may the leaders stewart it guarding against this, as such I pray!
May the hearts on this earth stand in awe of Jesus presence. May the wilderness be quenched with You Holy Spirit. Putting the darkness in its place for it has no power on Your people, and the land in which we walk, God! We love You and Praise You and ask for You to continue doing a mighty work within all of our hearts open our eyes and break the captives free in Jesus name Amen
Thank you Lord Jesus…
Spread it far and wide and deep, Lord. To the young and to the old. Refresh Your people, Your Church, that we will return to You and reach out to the lost. Have mercy on America, Lord God. 🙇🏻♀️✝️🕊🙏🏻❤️
That is exactly what happened in northern Canada in 1948 when God restored the office of apostle and the ministries of prophet, pastor, evangelist, and teacher. That was a local event. From that event came the charismatic, latter-rain, and Jesus people movements that lost much of the revelation, but the body of apostles that was established in such a sovereign way still persists among those who submit themselves to it. I pray this current move of God starting on this campus goes worldwide and fully restores God’s order to the church.
Thank you Father…Bless your Holy Holy Name…You are The Way Maker.
I pray for the manifest presence would appear to the universities and colleges near & far. Lord have your way. We need you now. You will keep in peace him who trusts in you. Refresh us Oh Lord!
Praise the Lord! Revival has come. I must admit I have not prayed that much for revival. But I am excited to hear about this development.
God is good all the time!! amen-,he will never leave us a nor forsake us.
That’s okay.. God is good all the time.. you can begin to pray now!!!!✝️✝️🤠🙏🙏🙏
Come Holy Spirit!!
Spread across our land and all the nations of the earth!
Come to Washington State into every home , school, college campus & into my community & family!
We praise your Holy Name!!!
Fan those flames, Holy Spirit. Move through the world. Let this fire be a roaring flame for your lions! Jesus be praised!
Thx lord for your love
This is thrilling!!!!! We have been praying for the out pouring of the Holy Spirit on the young people the now generation. It’s beginning, I pray it knows no bounds but the Spirit is poured out in secular colleges and universities as well! Praise God !!!!!!
Why Asbury is my question? Discuss?
Why not, has to start somewhere. It’s God that chooses.
It started long ago.. if you search for Dutch sheets Ministries.. at the bottom of his blog for today there is a link to YouTube for his daily Channel prayer.. where he is covering this and he gives the history of revivals at this location Asbury University or college whichever it is.. I do not remember if he said exactly why the Lord picked this location-. but you know the Lord could pick any location for various reasons-, I don’t know that it would be any reason other than the devotion, and/or discipline of those praying in the area….continually-, without wavering in terms of what I’ve learned about God responding to us… he knows our hearts, and he knows the hearts of those praying-,wherever they are praying from.
Why not?God is Sovereign. It’s His choice.
Hi Rich, I listened to some of the interviews you did and read through the comments you and others made about what God is doing now at Asbury. In Feb of 1970, I was an unsaved student at Seattle Pacific College in Seattle. A couple students came from Asbury to speak in my dorm about what they had been experiencing at Asbury. I had to have the love they did for Jesus, so I immediately left my seat and went forward to receive Jesus. In 1976, God called me to assist pastors in the Northwest in the process of revival. In about 1995, I had the privilege of having lunch with Dr. Dennis Kinlaw, who was the Asbury president in 1970. What a privilege. I now partner with David Bryant at Proclaim Hope and to help the Church of American come into an American CHRIST Awakening. All this began for me as a result of the 1970 Asbury revival.
Praying for this most mighty uprising of your Holy Spirit to continue at your campus along with other campuses around the world! This is an answer to prayers and it is about to change the world. God is working to take our nations back from the evil one! We receive and declare it in the name of Jesus. Amen
All praise to The Most High, let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Amen!
I was in chapel on Feb. 3, 1970 and pretty much lived in Hughes for the next 8 days of glory!! After reading Dutch Sheets’ prophecy about massive revivals breaking out on college campuses (a recent word), when I heard from a family member about chapel still going on last Wednesday night, something in me “knew.” As an intercessor, I knew we must shepherd this movement on our knees, praying that NO ONE or NO FORCE will interfere, as surely as we know the Enemy will try! May the sparks from this Holy Fire blow across the colleges and churches of America. It’s not about signs and wonders (although those are surely present), or even about our individual needs (although Jesus surely cares)…IT’S ONLY & ALWAYS ABOUT EACH ONE OF US LAUNCHING OUT INTO THE DEEP OF OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS and putting Him back where He belongs – at the TOP of our agenda. Our unsaved family members, those we love who are seriously ill or financially destitute….and all the deep needs in our lives…must come after our passionate pursuit of Jesus. My comments about an encounter with the news media in 1970 are above in this article.
..How glorious to be a part of this history!!
Prayers for revival of this nation and world. Yesha is coming back soon, we all nxto keep our lamps lite. Holy Spirit come.
Need help getting the program today # 2452
Lord Jesus light Your fires of Revival in my heart and in the hearts of all Your men women and children. Let us see Your Revival Fire burn up destroy and undo all the works of the enemy. Love blessings and Shalom to all.
I was a student at Anderson College in Anderson, Indiana when some students came to our campus and started our out reach there. We would go to area churches and tell of the story about how Jesus was reaching into our lives. I am now in going to have my 80th birthday and know God can help us with revial again. I am now living in Louisville, KY and writing and praying for our county.
How blessed you were.
As of this move of the holy spirit in our time-,I am hoping and praying that finally this will be the Lord’s final victory in my life.
After being saved in 1985, originally, I had a lot of previous wounds and generational type attacks on my life from a trusted family member, as a child, to overcome..and in fact I’m still overcoming.. even though I rededicated in 1991. It has been a long road, – but I am rejoicing in this outpouring of the Holy Spirit….and pray that in my 69th year of life, that the Lord will finally allow me to stay on the path of righteousness for his namesake..that I could be victorious- in a life of abundance for Jesus.
Thank you, God, for this outpouring of your Holy Spirit – I pray for many more outpourings around our country and world, beginning with the church!
I pray for the Holy Spirit to increase our hunger for God, our willingness to praise and worship God, and our openness to see and hear the interruptions in our lives – that may be from you. Come, Lord Jesus!
Fall on them Holy Spirit and bless them that this would spread and your name be known amen
Please, Dear Father, Let his revival spread across campuses all over America. God I am asking that something happens at NMSU , at UNM, at ENMU and all the other campuses in theUnited States. This could be second Great Awakening. Satan thinks he has New Mexico, bu we know that isn’t true. We pray for our state to be on Your list.
In Jeus Name, Amen.
..How glorious to be a part of this history!!
I apologize as the response here was intended for another comment but somehow the software on this phone jumped around.. although I do thank you for your prayer.. I believe we are in our-,3rd..great awakening.
Make us dangerous devoted warriors for You O Lord. We honor and worship You alone. Fire. Fire. Fire. We bow low. Low. So You are lifted higher. We hunger and thirst for You God. May we swim in Your great love and grace. I pray for wisdom, understanding and hearts that obey Your voice and trust You alone.. We love you Lord!
I praise Yehovah God for what He is doing… but as Dutch Sheets says, we need MORE THAN REVIVAL, WE NEED REFORMATION!
He explains it clearly in yesterday’s (Monday’s) GH15.
We need to pray for REFORMATION.. of the hearts of all, of The Church, of the governments.
Father God, my generation dropped the ball in the 70’s and didn’t carry the revivals through to reformation.
Please, teach THIS generation about what that means, looks like and behaves like. In Yeshua’s Holy Name, Yes and Amen!
We tried! I got saved in 1971, graduated from college in 72 then taught middle school, tried to be a Jesus influence. My husband became a CPA, and definitely influenced the firm and clients.
I went last night with a friend. It’s wonderful to see what Yehovah God is doing in the young people… and to hear the building packed full all singing in unison, praises to Our God causes me to Invision all the saints and angels in heaven and the angels surrounding the campus singing with us… what a Blessing!
There were so many there, ON A MONDAY NIGHT, that they had to open up two other buildings for the overflow!
“Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and Is and Is to come. For He is worthy to receive all Glory and Honor and Power.” We bow before Your Holy Presence with broken and contrite and repentant hearts. Break the hearts of those in attendance with what breaks Your heart Lord Jesus. Rejoicing in Your Glorious Presence Holy Spirit. We enter Your gates with Thanksgiving and Your courts with Praise. Amen
HALLELUJAH it has started, the greatest reformation awakening revival of the youth that Dutch Sheets saw many years ago!!
Yes and Amen!!!
I am 81 years young, retired United Methodist Charismatic Pastor who has delighted in many revival meetings. Today I delight in the Holy Spirit outpouring at Asbury again. Thank you faithful younger generation for freely embracing Christ’s love and the Father’s grace and the Spirit’s infilling.
Blessings Rev Ken Steigler
On another front, my awesome husband of 65 years went to be with Jesus 3 months ago, and I have not experienced sadness or grief! God’s Holy Spirit is keeping me full of His precious peace, love and joy 24/7! It is absolutely awesome!
Lord God, I pray and stand with these students that the Holy Spirit will break out all over America, because revival is needed for our survival! Please fill us with the fire of the Holy Spirit, use us as You used those on the Day of Pentecost, to spread the “Good News”! Let Your Holy Spirit be palpable and move us to do Your will. It’s in the name of Jesus I pray. Amen
I attended a small Christian college in Massachusetts during the 70’s, and I also remember what it was like when a revival broke out during a chapel service. There were several days of responding to the professors with: “He is still at the altar!” Also, there were long-lasting and in some cases permanent life changes in many individuals, students and staff alike. I graduated in 1978, but from time to time, there still are articles in the school paper about similar moves of God that seem to ‘jump’ from one campus to the next! Oh Lord God—how we need the Fire again!
This is the Holy Spirit poured out upon the young people Joel 2:28 I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions etc.
Fires of revival…. Burn!
I have been praying for almost 3 years that a mighty spiritual awakening and Heaven-sent revival would sweep this nation and the nations of the world; that God would pour out His Spirit upon all 8 billion souls on this earth. The Lord Jesus has called me to fasting and prayer twice a week and in my heart I am believing Him for a great harvest of at least 2 1/2 billion souls to be swept into eternal Life with our Father thru saving relationship with Jesus that would touch and transform every area of life in every nation and culture. So, let the Jesus Revolution begin!! 🙏✝️🔥🛐☝️
It has begun…3rd awakening!!🙏✝️
This is remarkable and incredibly warming. I experience a heart attack resulting in an NDE whick resulted in a long-past away friend reaching out and comforting me. Yes I know there are many conventional explinations but none of which address the emotional aspect of the experience. “HE is real.” I am so elated that this event is occuring to “Make HIM Known” God Bless each and every one of you.
Greetings from Belen New Mexico! I am declaring that Holy Spirit will visit us as well. Holy Spirit breath life into our bones, just like You did in the book of Ezekiel. Enough of man made programs. Set us free so we can worship You in spirit and in truth!
Lord we hunger and need your power. Forgive us and wash us anew with your Holy Spirit. Our land and people are desperate for you. Nothing else. May your presence flood the nation and change hearts forever. Thank you Lord Almighty, for answering prayers and reminding your people that only YOU are the Savior, and coming King. AMEN..Jeshua Lord of all.
Wonderful to hear of revival in Asbury and beyond. The move of God us here. All Intercessors need to continue praying for their home, church and community. It’s a time for harvest of souls! Halelujah!!!!!
Praise God!!! Hopefully, this will spread across the nation. Thank you, Jesus!
Praise God! I will share this latest update with our Tuesday morning Prayer Team today!
Thank you Jesus! What a Blessing to hear. I am praying with you all here in Brentwood Tn. Praying that this is just the beginning. Praise His Holy Name Jesus God Is On The Move
I am just so overwhelmed by what is happening at Asbury Theological Seminary! I have been praying for God to add to his kingdom and indeed he is. This does my heart so good! Lord, please continue to light a fire that spreads throughout the nation and the world that people will see your goodness and repent and come to you in these last days of time!! Thank you Lord, for what you are doing with these young people. This is so much needed especially right now!!! We praise you Lord for bringing us through these storms and we know that your coming is nigh and you are trying to awake the young people who have long been deceived. Thank you, thank you, thank you dear Lord. We love you and give you all of the honor and praise!!! Hallelujah to the Lamb of God who lives forever and ever.
Praying for Revival to sweep across this world in Jesus name amen amen and amen
I prayed 1 Timothy 2:1-3
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercession, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for ALL that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour………..
I pray this Word over the leaders of our country in governments
I love revival, I crave the heavy, tangible, presence of God, the Holy Spirit. I pray in agreement for this move of God to spread across each and every inch of this country. 2 Chronicles 7:14. Praise You Lord.
i crave the presence of God
Sweet Spirit of God hover over those precious Glory Carriers that you are raising up and giving g a fresh touch of your spirit so they can be used mighty in the earth!!!
Please pray for the United Kingdom
We desperately need God here!
Desperate for the drought to end
Thank you 🙏🏽
Just as Jesus had authority over the wind and the waves, so do you. I agree with you that the drought ends and moisture comes, in the name of Jesus! We have the same authority and power he has! It doesn’t matter who tries to impact our weather we have the greater power! Believe and put your faith toward this. Get a few other ones that are like minded and change your weather!
Been doing this with a few in North Texas over our hot summers since 2016. The change has been awesome!
Our little prayer group did this in Hawaii and the LORD used us to stop all kinds of tsunamis and hurricanes. He has now had me come to North Texas. I will join you in prayer, over the weather.
Praying for revival from Thailand!
We are a very small church in rural Alberta Canada. We have 8 ladies who meet weekly for prayer every Thursday morning. We are praying for revival in our church and community. Please pray for Warburg, Alberta
We surely will be praying Sandra. God is not limited to time or space. He can be everywhere at once. This revival here in Ky. is taking this state by storm and lighting fires of inspiration and hope. May it spread throughout this nation, this world, and your country!!!!
God bless you Sandra! We have a team on Tuesday mornings, about 12 usually praying for people’s needs and for revival in the land here is Maine.
Revival+ is coming!!!
I have read in previous reports how just two touching and agreeing resulted in national and international transformation. You have EIGHT! Let the praise reports begin! 😃
We have been praying for revival in our little church…Victory Christian Assembly in Palm Desert, CA since 2 years ago. Every Wednesday and Sunday our pastor leads us to pray for revival. Little by little “they will come”
Marylin-, thank you for encouragement concerning California.. I am in Santa Clarita california.. since 1961.. I am 69 years old. This little town has changed a great deal since then and not always necessarily for the better. I will be praying for you
This is so exciting for this Nana and Grandad as our first grandchild, a granddaughter, is a freshman this year at Asbury and she called home right away to tell her parents what was happening on campus. However, my husband and I were juniors at Houghton College in NY when the 1970 Revival hit Asbury and they brought a delegation of students to share with us – and we, as a result, had a revival go on on our campus. I gave our granddaughter the ASbury story in One Divine Moment. Now, she will be able to experience it herself.
Alexandra Presta- The Asbury Collegian
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
42 minute video of someone (evidently a student)
Photos 2-9-23
Photos 2-12-23
Video 2-9-23
Video 2-12-23
47 minute video by Michael Yeager:
Revival in Wilmore
Few people in the world have been privileged to see the birthing of true revival. Incredibly fewer have seen it twice, that is until this week when a spontaneous move of God broke out after chapel at Asbury College in Wilmore Ky.
On February 3rd, 1970, during a chapel service, God sovereignly came into Hughes auditorium that ignited a 24 hour a day 7 day revival. Dean Custer Reynolds was to speak that morning but felt led to allow student testimonies. As students began to speak, God began to touch hearts for His kingdom.
This week 53 years later in the same auditorium Zach Meerkreebs was scheduled to speak. His message was longer that the allotted time which prompted campus leader Greg Haseloff to dismiss chapel but let students without classes stay to hear the rest of Meerkreebs talk. Without knowing it, students had given an open door for God once again to show up. Now 48 hours later, the auditorium has stayed full of God and full of students through a truly charged time sensing the Holiness and Convicting power of the Holy Spirit stirring their hearts.
As a reporter, it’s seldom, I’ve been to a place where I felt the ground was too holy to take in a camera. I have captured some photos and video clips on my phone. There were times, during worship, I could barely stand due to the presence of God.
The primary format is simply worshipping the King and times of prayer.
This overpowering presence of God is causing students randomly and without prompting to pray, lay prostate on the floor, to openly weep, to make their way to the altar and to draw students to stand at their seats drawing people to gather around them all over the auditorium to pray for them. There have been obvious times of joy mingled with confession of sins and times of weeping.
Alexandra Presta, writer for the Asbury Collegian is recording events and testimonies helping us to visualize the charged atmosphere within Hughes, “He hears our cry for mercy,” Asbury junior Elise Terpstra said. “He brings complete, abundant healing and redemption.”
Amidst worship music honoring God, student leader Zach Meerkreebs and others lead in scripture reading and specific calls to prayer. At one point, attendees were invited to go to perimeter walls, placing their hands on the wall asking God to send this stirring and breath of God to move outward across the nation. For this early part of February, it was notice, the wind was blowing so hard, it was difficult to make the four hour trip and keep control of your car.
Presta in other testimonies writes, Part of me is filled with nothing but gratitude. We have sung the popular song by Brandon Lake more than once, but the truth of the lyrics hit every time: “So I throw up my hands, and praise You again and again ’cause all that I have is a hallelujah.”
I have embraced friends, cried with strangers and overall felt more connected to God than I have in a long while. And I am only one person, one witness to healing and transformative action taking place on the carpets, against the walls, and between the wooden rows of seats.
Junior Abigail Glei said she felt peace about the sovereignty of God. “He is teaching me to believe that He is in control and that I don’t need to worry.”
Senior Ashley Schumacher described feeling the weight of the Holy Spirit the second she re-entered Hughes after chapel had been dismissed.
In a moment of testimony, junior Andrew Seamands shouted, “God is so awesome!”
Another student Andrew Johnson spent hours in Hughes and found himself being reminded about how “it’s okay to be vulnerable and emotional.”
Freshman Kiara King told the Collegian she felt a push from God tonight. “He gave me the push to keep going and to truly know He has me on the right path,” she said.
No matter what anyone has been through or how God spoke to them individually, there was a collective understanding that it was time to surrender, pray and keep worshipping.
According to the school leaders, currently they have no plans to stop this move of God. People thinking about making a trip might want to call the school 859-858-3511 to insure it is continuing before making a trip.
Sheldon Livesay
Of One Accord Ministry
PO Box 207
Rogersville, Tn. 37857
423-921-8044 office
423-923-0864 cell
Just WOW Sheldon!!! Thank you for your extensive report!
Father of glory, we come to You with thankful hearts for the fires of revival which have begun. May we all stay humble and repentant in prayer before You, seeking Your face, turning from our wicked ways – both the overt sin and the covert (not even yet realizing it) sin, so that You will hear from Heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land. The nation of America is in great need of a healing, the soil of our hearts need Your healing, may our hearts and lives become literal houses of prayer where Your spirit can have Your way.
Praying for healing of the mind
Praise the Lord
I graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary!. So joyful to know it is the place of another great revival in America’s colleges. God is so good. God is on the move, Halleluiah!
Lord, as revival moves outward from Asbury, let Your Holy Spirit fall upon everyone in our media, from scriptwriters, actors,
and cinematographers, to newscasters, journalists, and talk show hosts. Revive them! Let Your revival fires purge their sins and their consciences, and fill them with an exuberant joy in broadcasting Your truth in the news, films, music, literature, and every thoughtful discussion. Let Jesus’ Name be lifted up in great honor and glory, and let everyone who hears embrace His saving power and love. In His Name, Amen.
“Kodesh Ardoni Elohim Shadday, Holy Lord God Almighty may the Spirit be poured out in unprecedented measure, greater than as in days of old, greater than in Acts, the greatest ever in all time (Hag 2:9) that will change nations as never before”
I was also a student at Asbury when the 1970 revival started. I was one of the several students that prayed with Jeannine Brabon every morning before chapel in the basement of Hughes. Also my brother was a junior, I was a sophomore, and my sister was a freshman at Asbury when the revival started on my sister’s 19th birthday.–February 3, 1970. My parents and grandma all came from Florida to help celebrate my sister’s birthday. We didn’t do anything but stay in Hughes and worship together as a family. It was wonderful We have never been the same since. I went out with four other students from the college and represented the college almost every weekend and all summer of 1970. We were called the Calvary Singers. It was wonderful to see the Holy Spirit work as we were obedient to Him and shared what Jesus was doing at Asbury and around the world.
i praise God for this revival that is becoming more and more widespread. And I pray that it goes on further and becomes deeper and richer, if that is possible.
Please include me
Karen Fidani
So excited to hear of this revival . Have been praying for years for a fresh work of the Holy Spirit . Praying Lord May it continue and move across the US and the world. Lord the whole world needs the work of your spirit.
Thank you Lord for this revival. May it spread across our land, our churches, our people.
May Jesus be the center of our lives,
Let a genuine move of he Holy Spirit break out here in New Hampshire the least churched state in New England and probably the nation. Let God move in cold dead New England like never before, which has been called the graveyard of preachers and as it has been prophesized there would be a great move of the Spirit here.
God uses the natural environment to teach us spiritual lessons. As a wise farmer staggers the planting of his crops so that things will not all mature at the same time, so the spiritual harvest will not all be ready at the same time. Crops mature at different times. This is the beginning of the harvest of many souls! We pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send the right workers at the right time to harvest the right souls for Your Kingdom! In Jesus’s holy name.
Glory to our FAITHFUL GOD.
I was 30 yrs. Old 1970 and was
definitely impacted by that revival.
I received the Baptism of the Holy
Spirit with my prayer language and
have never been the same! I will
be 80 in one month and have been
praying for another outpouring of
His Spirit ever since. I witness this
KY Asbury is another time God is
moving and plans to include the
whole earth this time. SO EXCITED.
I pray that He the Holy Spirit will powerfully infiltrate our Tuesday noon prayer group in Bronx, NY @ Van Nest Assembly. May that which is happening in Asbury Univ spread like wildfire. Set the believing churches on fire. Come Holy Spirit.
Come Holy Spirit Come! 🔥🙏❤️
More Lord we Ask for more of the Holy spirit. Holy spirit move upon us at Evangel Heights and bring revival fire to us. Touch hearts and lives and change them forever for you Lord
Do it again, Lord!! We are expectant!!
Asbury is my son’s Alma Mater, graduating in 2013. I’ve never experienced such a holy atmosphere! When I learned of the revival, Thursday, I began to pray for its growth. God is moving there! Praises be to God Most Holy!! I’m reading about the revival, everywhere! The revival is spreading, and I pray it continues to spread, leading to acceptance, forgiveness, and repentance!
Our son also graduated from Asbury – in 2017. Every time we were there I sensed the shalom of His presence there. Praying for the sparks of this fire to spread far and wide, igniting this dry land and the dry bones in dry churches to be on fire again for Jesus. To actually believe Him and use the authority and power He left us with – to heal the sick, the broken-hearted, cast out demons and overcome evil with love, kindness while declaring joyfully the Good news of His salvation and return!
Thanks be to God Almighty for this revival once again!!
I grew up Methodist, and credit the one pastor I heard giving an altar call with my accepting Jesus at age 6 or 7. I am so thankful to hear about this move of the Holy Spirit at Asbury, and will be praying this movement of the Lord spreads across our nation and around the world. I am one intercessor who has been calling for the salvation of a billion souls, and am thankful to see this taking place in 2023! Thank You, Holy Spirit, bring this same life-changing experience to all those who are destined to bring forth what the Lord has planned for our world.
In Jesus’ Name,
Praise God! May the Spirit of the Lord set our hearts on fire! May the fire spread across our families, other college campuses, our nation, and countries around the world.
My heart is overflowing with the power of the Holy Spirit showing up. I heard testimony from a sophomore student saying that they have prayed for revival and God answered their prayers. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the movie “ Jesus Revolution” is being released next week. I’m in awe of God and His power🙌🙌🙌
Not a coincidence at all. Add in the powerful effect of the tv series, The Chosen, and this appears to be a “fullness of time” moment. Hallelujah. Our prayers for a much needed outpouring of the wonderful Holy Spirit are being answered! “The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord….” We say “More Lord!”
Amen Cynthia! I’m a big fan of The Chosen and agree this appears to be a “fullness of time” moment. I’m praying for revival to break out in many areas! It’s already happening!
Lord, send your Holy Fire.
Bend our knees. Break our
prideful hearts.Open our ears to hear Your holy call for where you want us to be. Praises to You, The Eternal One. All praise and thanks. Amen
This is marvelous. I have been praying for quite sometime now for revival tobreakout in our highschools, our universities, our liberal university . This kind of move of God is what we need for thisgeneration.The enemy is targeting our children and young people But God has a plan and that’s what we want.
God bless you. Thank you for including me, I’ve been blessed and am looking forward. James Jetton,jr. ([email protected]). Selah “Let it be!”
Come Holy Spirit!!
Spread across our land and all the nations of the earth!
Come to Washington State into every home , school, college campus & into my community & family!
We praise your Holy Name!!!