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God, it feels like our elections are under attack from all sides. As we approach one of the most consequential elections of America's history, we ask You to supernaturally protect the vote!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Representative Roy, speaking in favor of the SAVE Act, has presented even more evidence of non-citizens voting in elections. As November draws closer, how can we ensure our elections are secure?

From Breitbart. There is “repeated evidence” of non-citizens voting, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily, discussing the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act.

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“Let me just say this about the overall state of the election issue,” Roy began, explaining that “we’ve got repeated evidence of … non-citizens voting.”

“We’ve got studies demonstrating that. We’ve got evidence that it may have tipped the election for Al Franken and his election back in Minnesota. Objective studies have showed…Virginia tossing out 1,500 registered voters just last year. I can go through a laundry list. We’ve got local jurisdictions — Oakland, San Francisco, our nation’s capital in Washington, DC, and New York City — who are registering voters specifically for their state and local elections, but we know that they don’t work hard to make sure they’re not voting in federal elections,” he said …

Further, Roy said, because of the Motor Voter Act — the National Voter Registration Act — passed in the 1990s, the courts have interpreted federal laws to limit the state’s ability to “determine and collect the information necessary for determining and checking citizenship.”

Essentially, Roy said the U.S. has set up a system that requires federal agencies to push out the forms, encouraging individuals to register to vote. And while they ask one to identify if they are a citizen, and while federal law requires one to be a citizen to vote in federal elections, the congressman said there is nothing there to actually check citizenship.

The SAVE Act would help address these issues and correct what Roy described as the “glitch,” making it so every state would require anyone applying to register to vote to prove their citizenship.

“By doing that, though, it is correcting the glitch. It also goes through and it addresses some of the issues that have been complicated. …” Roy said. This is a bipartisan issue with massive support. …

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Chip Roy, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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lee scheele
June 22, 2024

Lord God, give this diabolical election-stealing plan much exposure in mainstream media and in Congress.

Let it be quashed like a bug and heavily monitored for prevention.

LORD, Cause their every plan (for they have many schemes) for voter fraud to be exposed and cause EACH plan to be foiled and to backfire against them.

Cause whistle blowers to come out of the woodwork against crooked state election officials and to expose current and previous means of stuffing ballot boxes and skewing votes electronically.

Cause outrage in the hearts and minds of every American and cause voter ID (as proven American Citizens) to be demanded and required in every state for Federal elections.

Let true patriots rise up even in liberal states and demand that proven legal voter IDs be required in their state and local elections.

Do not allow michelle or any other substitute D candidate make a dent into a landslide win in Nov, for Republicans taking back the WH and both chambers of congress.

Allow Your remnant, by your mercy and grace, to prevail in this final opportunity to take back and restore
our country which is called by Your name.

Protect your humble servant Donald and use him mightily, TO YOUR GLORY,
in Jesus name.

June 22, 2024

Today’s blog indicates illegals need ID for supported city housing but no ID is needed to vote in CA…
That the lie stated as true and truth a lie be exposed as iindicated by Hezekiah..

June 22, 2024

Father God,
We plead the Blood of Jesus over all our righteous Supervisors of Elections and pray they as well as the unrightous ones be moved by the holy fear of the Lord and have boldness and clarity to supervise righteously and adhere to the highest and strictest election laws and in every state. May every fake unlawful ballot be rendered invalid. Vindicate President Trump and the righteous dear Lord and may those who hate you Father and our nation, be put to shame. Show yourself strong oh Lord our King in this matter. Restore righteousness in our nation. Overthrow the wicked in their attempts to weaponize our election system and attempts to destroy America. Drive them into utter chaos and make all their evil plans fail.
”Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name: And deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name’s sake.“
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭79‬:‭9‬ ‭KJV‬‬
In the matchless holy Name of Jesus we pray and decree this. Amen.

Darlene Estlow
June 21, 2024

Amen! May this bill pass!

Patricia Owens
June 21, 2024

Lord God, Father, raise up those of your people here in America who qualify to volunteer as verifiers to actually check for citizenship. I have no idea on how this works, but I feel assured certain states, DL offices do not have the resources for this one more thing to do. There will be many offices, departments full of objections, but Lord, we know your will will be done, if we, your hands and feet, just get ourselves into the ‘listen to you’ mode. Lord, spark that part of our brains, our thinking process, awaken us in our sleep for ideas, thoughts on combatting the sleight-of-hand maneuvers of our enemy. Thank you for listening, for considering..in our Saviors name, Jesus.

June 21, 2024

Father protect our nation from illegal people voting in our elections. Put the people in place to use the technology to check if some one is an American citizen eligible to register to vote. We need you now more than ever before. In Jesus’s name.

June 21, 2024

EL Shadday, EL Olam – Eternal God: I thank You that Your Word says that You know every hair on my head, You know how many stars are in the sky, how many tears I have cried. At any given time, You know the number of grains of sand You placed in Your creation. You are Awesome. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You as You alone are the Master and Keeper of the Universe.

Shophet – Judge turn Your ears to this petition/prayer for this matter of election integrity. Send Your Angel Armies across this nation to all voting events to protect the election process.
Void non-citizen fraudulent ballots from being counted for any election – may they not even make it to the polls.

May this measure of “Prove Your Citizenship” be overwhelmingly passed and put into effect and adhered to for all elections.

Father: You are the Author of Govern-ment. May those who are elected be governed by You, if they are not governed by You then please do not let them govern this Nation.

In Jesus’ Holy and Majestic Name. Amen

Denise J Kitson
June 21, 2024

Praying for our elections to be safe and protected


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