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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for this ruling and we pray that this temporary block would be followed by a reversal of direction.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

We have prayed about these unbiblical changes to Title IX. Now, these changes have been temporarily blocked in several states. Praise God!

From The Epoch Times. A federal judge on June 17 issued an order temporarily blocking the Biden administration’s new Title IX transgender rule in an additional six states. The rule has sparked controversy for changing the definition of “sex” to include “gender identity” and giving female-identifying male students access to girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms.

Connect with others in your state in prayer.


There are two sexes: male and female,” begins the memorandum and opinion written by U.S. District Judge Danny C. Reeves, filed on June 17 at the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Kentucky, Covington Division.

The judge’s order grants a preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of the new rule in six states: Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. The rule has also been blocked in at least five other states.

Judge Reeves found that the Department of Education (DOE) exceeded its statutory authority in setting the new rules and acted in a way that was “arbitrary and capricious.” …

The changes, which are slated to go into effect on Aug. 1, give males who identify as females the right to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms and to join female-only organizations while construing “harassment” as including the use of pronouns that conform to one’s sex rather than one’s chosen gender identity. …

Judge Reeves said the department failed to meaningfully address concerns regarding risks posed by the new rule to student and faculty safety and that the expanded Title IX has “serious” implications for free speech.

“The rule includes a new definition of sexual harassment which may require educators to use pronouns consistent with a student’s purported gender identity rather than their biological sex,” the judge wrote. …

“A rule that compels speech and engages in such viewpoint discrimination is impermissible.”

A DOE spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement that Judge Reeves’s ruling is under review. …

What do you think of this ruling? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: iStock)

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July 16, 2024

Judge Reeve’s ruling is a step away from Satan’s Evil and back toward the Truth. It is a step closer to our founding documents and “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” that come with other inalienable rights. We were founded on the principles linked below and we each have an obligation to learn, uphold, follow, and share them with our fellow citizens. To do otherwise is to label ourselves as POW’s in this never ending battle of Spiritual Warfare between God’s Kingdom and Satan’s Kingdom.
“Who is The King in America?” youtube.com/watch?v=8VycYkXjnvU
How to Pass From Curse to Blessing: youtube.com/watch?v=H_6YavYnMk0

July 10, 2024

I think God is at work and I applaud judge Reeve’s ruling. It is nice to see a judge use common sense and biblical teachings in his ruling. May this be just the beginning of the reversal all the evil satan is trying to force on the US and the world. So sad that many are buying into satan’s evils. May God open their minds to the truth so that they may repent and return to God’s ways. Let us trust in God with God on our side none can stand against us. Be safe and God bless. 🙏😇🙏

Kathy Emahiser
July 4, 2024

Father, please uphold Judge Reeve’s finding, and let it make precedence in all other states. I speak blessing over Judge Reeve. I pray that other judges will also make a bold stand the way he did. I ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.

July 1, 2024

Thank the Good Lord there are sound Judges giving Sound Judgments on these Issues !! When God created Human Beings He said, ” LET THERE BE MALE AND FEMALE !! “

Robert Moss
June 26, 2024

Judge Reeves is a welcome voice of wisdom in this chaotic gender confusion onslaught. May we reason with The God of Abraham, Isaac, nd Jacob on this subject!

JoAnn Abrams
June 25, 2024

By adhering to this expanded Title IX we are compelled to agree with the lie and to speak it every time we refer to someone by their chosen identity. Thank You, Father, for the wisdom and boldness of Judge Reeves to stand up for truth.
I decree this is the first fruits of many, if not all, states following the truth about transgender.
The enemy is a defeated foe! PTL!!

Connie Crank
June 24, 2024

ABBA Father. We thank you for your power and authority over this issue. We know that the battle belongs to you and YOU are justified in judgment. We trust in you. We rebuke the devil’s plans to come against what you have ordained as biological truth. May YOU be glorified in this decision and may the Holy Spirit provide wisdom to the judge. Amen

Darlene Estlow
June 24, 2024

Praise the Lord! Father, we pray this decision would stand. Protect us from this evil to the glory of your namel

Brian Lynch
June 24, 2024

Praise god! This is a start- Never despise small beginnings. I pray, Lord, that this is just the beginning of greater things.

Judy Frederick
June 24, 2024

So thankful God is hearing our prayers and that we have elected personnel who follow what is right in God’s eyes.

Ruth Marie Jordan
June 24, 2024

Thank you Jesus! You are a faithful God who answers our prayers!

June 24, 2024

Praise God for this outcome. But we cannot stop praying for out country and our leaders.
2chronicles 7:14

Catherine Jarvsis
June 24, 2024

Dear IFA,
The ruling is a breath of fresh air in a seemingly hopeless situation. A win for Christian Conservatives. It does seem that there are only a few left who have any common sense. Years ago, it would be laughable to think that there are more that two sexes. But here we are in the midst of a battle with those who are as blind as bats.

Christa Reed
June 24, 2024

I wholeheartedly agree with Judge Reeves’ ruling and commend him for taking such a stand in our society that is continuing to spiral downhill regarding Godly morals and common sense!!!

Mary Jorns
June 24, 2024

It takes away my free speech and try to force me to agree and think like people I do not agree with. It’s against GOD teaching and my beliefs.

June 24, 2024

Lord I pray that the plans of the enemy would be stopped and our country would be turned toward God and His plans!

June 24, 2024


Lisa Bell
June 24, 2024

I pray that the enemy is consumed by it’s own flames of hell!

June 24, 2024

Amen! May this be the building of a thread strengthened by many, not to be shaken.

June 21, 2024

Thank you Judge Reeves!
MY the Lord God bless you and continue to give you wisdom and boldness.

June 21, 2024

It’s about time that a Federal judge looked at this with a biblical and common sense perspective.
Praise God for this judge’s courage and integrity

June 21, 2024

God made two genders, male and female. You cannot change the one you were born as.

June 21, 2024

There are TWO genders. Male and female. Man and woman. Boy and girl. God is our Creator. Bless His HOLY Name!

June 21, 2024

Praise God in the Sanctuary and the whole earth for this ruling. He rebukes the devourer for our sake. Thank you God for hearing our prayers and answering our prayers. People are waking up and saying “no” to these idiotic demonic ideas. We will never give up, NEVER! We are taking back our country with God’s commands.
Keep praying, keep asking, keep knocking. Thank you that we still have judges with cogent brains and pure ideals. In Jesus name Amen.

Bernadine Reid
June 21, 2024

Our Creator Father God, only created Male and Female there was not a multiple choice. Thank God for waking up our Judges to stand up for Biblical Truths. May the eyes of every state Judge and those who legislate laws that affect us open their mouths and speak up. Our children are at stake here the spirit of confusion and compromise is broken NOW! In Jesus name Amen.

Debra Bradford
June 21, 2024

Thankyou Lord for blocking title IX. I thank you now for complete ly completing the finish of these filthy works of the devil, operating through the sin nature. We are not subject to sin. We are free. Therefore we will not exist in a sin driven society. Sin will not rule over the Godly. Sin will bow now to the power of the cross and the work Christ wrought. We will lead this Nation back to God and Nations around the Globe will follow. Amen!!

June 21, 2024

God, please make this permanent, and add CA to Your collection!
In Jesus’s Name Amen!

June 21, 2024

Amen! Lord Thank you for restoring sanity back to the people you created. Give us all eyes to see truth that comes from the throne room of heaven. We bide all worldly logic and wisdom that tries to exalt itself against the knowledge of your truth.
Father we lift up those who are deceived and identify as they,them,etc. Father expose the identity thief Satan to these people.May they have an apostle Paul Damacus experience with your Holy Spirit,repent and ask for forgiveness which you so freely give.Do what only you can do Lord. In Jesus most glorious name.

Heather Wright
June 20, 2024

PRAISE GOD!! HE’S SO SO GOOD! He has heard the outcry of His people and is moving in our favor and for his righteousness! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I just can’t thank Him enough for this!!!! 💪🏻🔥🙏🏻⚔️ Keep Praying 🙏🏻 keep fighting the good fight, keep rebuking those demons, and keep the faith strong Amen!
Lord Jesus we ask you to spread it across the nation that other states follow suit and rule in righteousness. Lord we take the territory of the courts in our Nation for You and Your Glory and ask for righteous judgments and a complete reversal of the plans of the enemy in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! Amen!
I call for Jericho marches around the courthouses by some bold Holy Ghost filled saints of the living God determined to see changes in our Nation for God’s Glory and Victory alone!

DeeDee Phillips
June 20, 2024

We are so thankful and proud of a judge brave enough to stand up for the truth! May the fear of God come on all judges trying to change the laws of God and nature!!

Diane Flowers Rice
June 20, 2024

Thank God. I pray common sense is beginning to rise up

Martin Simon
June 20, 2024

We need to have more judges who have common sense and the ability to make right what some people have gotten wrong, knowing full well that it is not possible to make a change such as that, and pushing a child into that situation is disgusting and despicable. My dad had a saying when he couldn’t make a change to something that needed to be changed, “it’ll all come out in the wash”, he’d say. There will be a day of reconning, and we’ll all get what we have coming.

Dennis and Becky Rice
June 20, 2024

The judge is correct People need to wake up to all the wicked and evil things going on in this country and stop all this nonsense !!!

Gail Segars Rainey
June 20, 2024

I am praying that the current federal agency, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, is completely abolished in the next administration, among other agencies that are weaponized against conservative Americans who believe in the U.S. Constitution and our inalienable rights granted by God Almighty. Enough is enough!!!!! I trust in Jesus Christ alone and He sees all, knows all, and His day of wrath will be coming much sooner than we may realize. Thank You, Jesus, that You never change and You hear all our prayers, In the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, Amen and amen.

marnie crothers
June 20, 2024

This judge is RIGHT ON.

June 20, 2024

I am grateful for a judge that stands up for our right to free speech, liberty and security that this rule would have taken away. A woman, of any age, has every right to be secure in her person when using a restroom or dressing room designated to her specific gender.

June 20, 2024

I appreciate Judge Reeves standing up for what is true and right verses a lie that can be harmful to girls of all ages!
God didn’t make a mistake when He made male and female.PERIOD! I appreciate he’s strength and righteous judgement!

Daniel Felice
June 20, 2024

I can only thank God that He has awaken people to what he did….in the beginning -male and female.

June 20, 2024

I LOVE it!! Thank God that Judge Reeves had the courage to stand for what is right and uphold God’s standard, the only truth! Glory to God!

June 20, 2024

We are, by God’s true creating Word, created male and female. Thank you Judge Reeves for standing in God’s Word and protecting the lives and futures of many young athletes and training staff.

Rex A. Branum
June 20, 2024

I am so grateful for this judge who was willing to stand up for what is right and true!

Janice Dunbar
June 20, 2024

Concur with the Judge’s decision and statements. However, there is a simple solution that recognizes the transgender community and ensures the safety of everyone. It would not be that expensive to implement.

Make new signs for the bathrooms, locker rooms, and any other space that should be biological male or female. These sighs should say
1) Male and Transfemale only
2) Female and Transmale only

In this way, you are acknowledging the persons existence and informing them where they are supposed to be or not be.

Make everyone wear name tags of what name they wish to be called and do not use pronouns at all.

Janice Fortney
June 20, 2024

If a biological male wants to be called by a name primarily used by women, I’m fine with that. But I refuse to play the pronoun game. Thank God for a judge who exercises common sense! May He bring on more and stop the tide of wickedness that’s sweeping this country!

G Jim Roth
June 20, 2024

A proper and important step in the correct direction.

June 20, 2024

Amen, Hallelujah 💕🤗

Kim D
June 20, 2024

This is like a breath of fresh air! It’s very encouraging and I pray for Judge Reeves protection, and for other states to follow suit.

Vicky Salisbury
June 20, 2024

I agree with Judge Reeves. Little by little the Left is taking away our free speech this cannot be permitted. Safety is the big issue. Females are not safe around males in intimate spaces. The most important issue is what God’s Word says. Created male and female.

June 20, 2024

Kudo’s to Judge Reeves! If only we could have some good, common sense rulings like this in California!

Anita M.
June 20, 2024

according to the Bible “God created them male and female”

Ben Bender
June 20, 2024

Its about time a court found out what the word intelligence means. Morality in part is what this country was founded on.

Zoe Ella
June 20, 2024

Thank God we who are covered by the block will not be required to support a lie by action and by speech. Even assuming that transgender males are actually female, which they are not, begs the truth that there is no way to assess or prove the claim that a male is actually transgender just because he says so. No test to determine if he may actually be “female”. What a wonderful way for a male to break into female territory to gaze at will or even harm!

We need to be compassionate towards transgender people, whatever the underlying cause. Vilifying or casting them out helps nothing. However, we do not have to agree that male DNA is female by mangling the English language to refer to them or by admitting them to female spaces.

Patrice Fairbanks
June 20, 2024

God created only 2 sexes, man Adam & woman Eve. ALL of their posterity, and as far as I see, that includes every human ever born since then is one sex or the other! In a few VERY rare cases, there are birth defects that are otherwise. “Identifying” as a sex other than what a person was born with, does not change who they are. This choosing of pronouns & gender identity is a plan created by our adversary, Satan/Lucifer. He is and always has been, an enemy to God, our Father & His Son, Jesus Christ. The battle began in the “war in heaven”, continued in the Garden of Eden & will continue until our Savior comes again, to banish Satan forever. Let us continue to “fight the good fight”.

Diane Snider
June 20, 2024

Thank God for a Judge with common sense and bold enough to stand on the principles of male and female as God created!

Debbie Reyes
June 20, 2024

Make it permanent 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Ann Shaw
June 20, 2024

Praise to the Almighty Father and Creator of all life.
In Jesus’s name Amen

Faith Lopez
June 20, 2024

There are only two genders male and female. God made a man and a woman. We need to pray for this country more than ever. It is very sad that the Biden’s administration thinks that they can change what God created men and women, truly Biden’s administration needs a lot of prayers. I agree with the federal judge’s decision and we need to pray for all the judges that stand for the truth.. A biological male has no right going into a female rest room or any other female facility. We are hurting our children with all of this evilness. May God have mercy on our Nation and may all christian stand for the truth no matter the price.

June 20, 2024

Keeping the original purpose of Title 9 is obviously the sensible thing to do. It’s just common sense!

    Patrice Fairbanks
    June 20, 2024

    Common sense seems to be something that is sadly lacking in the world today!

Ron Glenn Deere
June 20, 2024

Here is the stupid thing – people can undergo surgeries, but they do NOT have the capability to change the gender of each of a trillion cells.

Lynn Brady
June 20, 2024

FATHER GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, protect this righteous judge and surround him with your protection, assurance and confidence and please may this ruling become permanent, sweep through every state and give other judges the courage to stand for common sense and all Biblical righteousness in these arenas! Praise You!

    June 20, 2024

    God give us all the boldness to stand for truth and righteousness! In this world where good is evil and evil is good forgive us God for lack thereof. God we lift this nation and Biden administration to be shown truth.May the veils be lifted from their eyes give them ears to hear truth and soften their hearts. Show them All the error of their ways and God if they refuse remove them from their positions. I pray for Godly men and women to step up and stand on God’s truths. I pray for this nation to put God back in the middle of everything! Amen

Sandy Grogan
June 20, 2024

I pray more judges and those in leadership will recognize the need to abide by the laws already presupposing that there are two sexes only! Our nation needs to support with all we have to support those upholding a healthy mind.
we are in a dangerous place of lies becoming laws!

Sharon Ballard
June 20, 2024

This is common sense and needed confirmation in an out of control confusion adversely effecting so many innocent people. Stick to the facts, the real science and reality.

Nancy Baker
June 20, 2024

I believe this is a fair ruling, setting common sense rules for protecting women’s restrooms and changing rooms from unnecessary intrusion by biological males who think they are female. I pray it will stand.

Shirley Applebee
June 20, 2024

FINALLY!!! This whole gender identity is man-made, and tiresome!! So glad that Judge Reeves stood for the truth, and is not willing to bow to this agenda. God made male and female; and everything else is a LIE!! Let’s stop pretending. I will pray for his protection because so many will come against him for this. We MUST start taking a stand for righteousness.

Bridget E Colp
June 20, 2024

So thankful that a U.S. judge made the right decision! My prayers for continued rulings for righteousness and constitutional rights of the citizens of the United States.

BJ Edwards
June 20, 2024

I do ever so appreciated your emails as I have a Saturday morning Podcast in which I like to emphasize the good news and use your email as a constant source. If we look objectively and not be so pessimistic there is good news all around us.

Thank you and In His name

BJ Edwards

Billie Cash
June 20, 2024

We are born male and female. . Our DNA declares .it. This is common sense . The medical community its knows it . We must stop destroying our children . They are our future. . The Bible is truth

Gary Driessen
June 20, 2024

Praise the Lord our prayers are being answered. We need more judges who can see the truth and what the Biden administration is trying to destroy our democracy, country. Praying that more judges will follow and turn away from this evil. Praying for Judge Reeves as well.

June 20, 2024

All Glory be to GOD our Father who created us, male and female. We praise you Lord and thank you for this. GOD WINS!

Sandra Graack
June 20, 2024

God is always right, and so is the Bible.

Phyllis Eix
June 20, 2024

God bless that Judge.
[email protected]

June 20, 2024

I agree with Judge Reeves ruling. God does not make mistakes. Man does but God does not! If you are born a male, God has a purpose for you as a male. If you are born a female, God has a purpose for you as a female. The enemy wants to thwart God’s purpose by bringing confusion.

Darlene Scroggins
June 20, 2024

I love this ruling and praising God for a Godly man standing firm to the truth! I also love what others are saying and encouraging him. We need to continue to pray for him and his family.

Terry Durnal
June 20, 2024

God made two Male and female! Period! Just because a man says he’s a woman, or a woman’s says she’s male, doesn’t make it so! No one can change that! God doesn’t nor will He ever make a mistake. He made a person male or female, for a reason. Embrace who you are!

Debby Abel
June 20, 2024

Thank you, God, for giving & sustaining this judge with sound wisdom & hard courage to proclaim truth against these wiles of deception, stupidity, perversion & wickedness. Please continue to do so in his heart, spirit, soul, mind & will. Please raise up other & more leaders & judges to do the same. Please intervene in all the damage that the Devil is attempting to do to destroy your creation of human beings. Amen

June 20, 2024

Thank you, Jesus, for giving us a glimmer of hope in this craziness. Prayer works!! God moves through our prayers and we must keep pounding at the doors of Heaven with our heartfelt pleas for His Glory to be shown in these victories over evil.

Patience Alonge
June 20, 2024

Great ruling! Excellent reasoning and execution of justice for the nation’s education system.

Jackie Hardman
June 20, 2024

Thank you judge for having passed 9th grade biology and remembering your lessons. Aside from the fact that our Lord created two sexes only and the fact that any sane person understands this, you have taken a Godly, courageous stand in this era of insanity, perversion and evil. May God bless you abundantly.

June 20, 2024

I back the judge’s decision 100%.

Amanda Zellers
June 20, 2024

I think this judge is great, I hope this ruling stands. To me it is crazy that people think they can just say they “identify” as someone they are clearly not. God don’t make mistakes! I have 2 grand daughters and I sure don’t want a guy in their restroom or locker room!

June 20, 2024

Praise God for Judge Reeves!! Lord help him and other to continue to stand for righteousness and justice. Have mercy on those that are blinded to truth. Thank You Lord God for hearing our cry, as we turn back to Your way
We are Your creation, not our own. In Jesus name, amen.

Donna J Weston
June 20, 2024

Great to see someone has some common sense

June 20, 2024

Thank you Lord for the proper judge’s decision, which reinforces the truth of Your creation. You made us male and female. In Your kingdom & Your creation, there is no confusion, distortion or perversion when we FOLLOW Your truth.
I pray this decision will encourage an avalanche of similar rulings across our nation. As believers we stand in unity & bind Satan from changing these proper & truthful decisions.
In Jesus name amen.

June 20, 2024

reason, now in a world out of control by sad individuals seeking ATTENTION. Remember
negative attention is still an attention these people crave.
Lord , grant peace of mine to those people suffering in their lives so they may again
understand your will and become happy complying

Beverly Steckler
June 20, 2024

Great God of all, we ask that you bless and protect Judge Danny Reeves for his righteous ruling to uphold Your Word. Protect all our children from evil rulers and rulings that may try to come against Your will. In Jesus mighty name we pray, Amen

Dave Rittenhouse
June 20, 2024

Since the beginning of time it is estimated that 105 Billion people have lived on planet Earth. Not ONE was born by a man, and not one was born without the sperm that originated from a man.

The question is not valid and anyone who beleives or supports this preposterous idea doesn’t have the ability to determine day from night. To think we have members of the Supreme Court who can’t define what a woman is??? We need prayers as we have lost our way! I don’t care who you have sex with thats a personal choice so keep your mouth shut.

Sharon D. Giles
June 20, 2024

Thank you Lord! We praise you, and we acknowledge You are sovereign, and Your plans are perfect. Please help the rest of the states to have a similar ruling, so women and men can use their separate restrooms and locker rooms!

Miriam Cozza
June 20, 2024

I praise God for this ruling and continue to pray for our nation.

Carmen Quiñones
June 20, 2024

God is Perfection. And he did the men and women with his perfection. No one is to altered whats done by him. Praise his name for doing a men and women. He did it right dont change perfection to imperfection. Men and women sre perfectñy created. Thank you Father God🙏

    Barbara Hughes
    June 20, 2024

    Well said, Carmen, especially by a person learning English as a second language. Just keep your focus on the LORD.

Marlene Willis
June 20, 2024

I am so very thankful for this ruling and I pray more and more judges will act in the same way regarding this abominous ideology. Lord, we thank you and we pray you will continue to move on our behalf and for your glory!

June 20, 2024

God created man and woman. Pray for stop evil in our nation and whole world. God in heaven.

Kathie Chipouras
June 20, 2024

Keep praying! Evil is upon us and our Lord and Savior warned us this was coming. Pray for people’s eyes to be opened and His truth to be seen. He loves us all but is a holy and righteous God. Pray for our government. They are in DESPERATE need.

Gary Bucher
June 20, 2024

This gender identity has got to go. Hopefully the courts will put an end to this foolishness.

George McSorley
June 20, 2024

God is reviving his spirit of consciousness in society and those in authority however few there are. May this revival of consciousness spread like wildfire and change the United States back to Christianity based morality and STOP this evil agenda before God’s wrath destroys us for disobedience and sin.

June 20, 2024

Keep praying everyone! God hears our voices raised for His glory. He is intervening on our behalf and for His glory. God will NOT BE MOCKED!

June 20, 2024

Thankful for this ruling. Prayers it will stand.

J. L. Semones
June 20, 2024

Praise God for this judge! God’s Wisdom in the courts is what we need.

Nancy Bulow
June 20, 2024

Thank the Lord for the judge with godly common sense! May this become permanent!

June 20, 2024

Praise God!!! There is finally a judge on God’s side!

Diane Glover
June 20, 2024

I Thank God for this and pray it becomes permanent and more people’s eyes will be open to the truth and the harm this gender ideology is doing to our children. Lord, please protect the children from this atrocious lie of the enemy.

June 20, 2024

Thank you My Dear Savior for your help and intervention on our behalf. Father we need a complete reversal of this and other of Biden’s attempts to alter or change your creation and directives. We continue to be sickened by the lunacy and madness of this lifestyle choice being thrust into our lives with every news story or show. Children are being subjected to this on a relentless basis — even babies in cartoons and commercials being shown once you find a show they could even watch. While those who are lost think they have a right to do as they please, we Christians should ALSO have rights allowing us NOT to have to be constantly bombarded by or expected to accept their sin. It has become that the rights of one small percentage of people have overtaken everyone else’s rights. We need your help Father. Continue working in our behalf Father to stop this in all of our NATION. I know that you are in control, that none of what is going on escapes your knowledge and ability to reverse the madness. I humble myself before you and stand in the gap as a praying intercessor for those who don’t know you and ask you to please heal our land. I am so sorry America has taken a turn toward the depravity and sin that we have, and I know that we have hurt you deeply. Father I praise your Mighty Name. You alone are worthy to be praised. Psalms 143:5 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his Greatness is UNSEARCHABLE!! Amen

brian Lynch
June 20, 2024

Praise god! It is time to take back from the enemy all that we have allowed him to take from us as a nation. I pray, Lord Jesus, that, by Your grace, that this move will be made permanent by law. thank you, Jesus.

John Furlong
June 20, 2024

Absolutely correct

June 20, 2024

Our Lord has made two sexes to love and support one another. Mutilation and chemicals will not change that. May God grant us wisdom to overcome this fad which is harming our children and society.

Connie Segeleon
June 20, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father,
We praise you in all you do and thank you for having given sight to the judges regarding this Janis act of trying to add sexes other than male and female of which you created. I praise your holy name.

Meredith Marden
June 20, 2024

Matthew West song, “ Don’t stop praying”. Let’s keep on praising and praying:)

Michele S
June 20, 2024

Thank you, Lord! Now, it’s time to pray that this will stick, and that more and more people in power and with influence will also be on board!

Jesse Oliver
June 20, 2024

Bless The Lord for this ruling. We pray it will be catalyst for future “Common Sense” decisions concerning God’s intelligent design of Male and female.

Jack Hunt
June 20, 2024

Praise the Lord. Federal Judge has the
Tenacity to realize that God’s word is true whoever the judge is thank you for your decision

June 20, 2024

Thanks be to God for this ruling! Finally, a judge who has common sense! Please continue to pray for Judge Danny C. Reeves that he will continue to fight for the moral
integrity of our country. Keep fighting the good fight so that we may turn back to God and put God first. God is great, all the time. He is king! He rules, orders, & conquers all.

    June 20, 2024

    We must pray a hedge of protection around Judge Danny Reeves, and others who are standing up for what is right in the eyes of GOD, to protect him, keep him safe, his court, his family, his home, everything and everyone concerning him! FATHER, surround this judge and ALL who stand for what is right according to YOUR Word, with a strong hedge of protection for them and all concerning them! We give YOU ALL the Glory, Praise, Honor and Thanks for doing what only YOU can do! GO GOD!!!

June 20, 2024

Praise and Glory and Honor to our Lord God and Father.

Kelly H
June 20, 2024

Thank you, Lord, for this brave and just judge who has set forth this preliminary injunction to stop the new rules as outlined in the expanded Title IX. These egregious new rules in Title IX must be stopped, and this judge is making a grand effort to do so. Bless him and keep him safe, Lord.

June 20, 2024

We live in an age of glorifying confusion; God created man and woman and that is the way humanity, even other living creatures increase and multiply. When you go or act against nature,
wait and see what will happen: confusion and anarchy. Let us try to be people of commonsense and not of anarchy.

June 20, 2024

Lord, thank You for this ruling & I am grateful that in America we can fight stuff like this! I believe that You, Lord, have used this administration to open the eyes of the American people, especially Your Kingdom family! We can no longer just stay in our own little worlds & just trust that the gov’t is gonna take care of things. I keep wondering why You allow it all to go on & on — but I know that You use evil — to wake up Your people — to rise up & take a stand for You & for Your Kingdom Law. Help us each to not abandon our posts as intercessors please! There is SO MUCH @ stake! Lord, I pray that You will give the American people willing hearts — to enable us — to allow You — to lead us to the center of Your will for America & give us Your burden to fast regularly — because THAT IN PARTICULAR is how we can co-labor w/ You! Lord, please stop the enemy from stripping away all that You’ve sown in us — to stand for You — which enables us to reach out to a hurting world, in Jesus’ name! Amen!

Maria F
June 20, 2024

Father God we thank you for this ruling and that many more will see truth and not be deceived by the lies of the enemy. In Jesus name amen

June 20, 2024

This judge brought some sanity to this egregious situation that is harmful to women and girls and rejects biology and God’s creation. This is the invention of those who wish to destroy our families, our culture and our country through evil perversion.

Mary Alice Aldridge
June 20, 2024

Thank you IFA for your continued diligence in pursuit of Godliness in righteousness in the Lord’s eyes! I will continue to pray alongside of you!!

Kathy Stitt
June 20, 2024

I agree with Judge Reeves God made us male or female know what what you try to change on your body in the in you will be what God made you to be whether you believe in him or not I pray for these people.

June 20, 2024


Sex is determined at conception! It takes a male sperm AND a female egg to create a baby.

At conception, God creates us either male OR female; we don’t get to choose which sex we are.

Any/all other “genders” are agendas from the pit of hell – lies, deception, and anti-God.

May this rule become permanent. May the lie about “gender choice” fall to the ground fruitless!

We speak ORDER, Your Divine order, over America! We speak order into our judiciary system. We speak order into Government – at ALL levels! We speak order into the Department of Education. We speak order into our homes, families, churches and schools. We speak order into the medical industry and into businesses. We speak order into our utilities and our water systems. We speak order into AI and technology. We speak order into Sports, Arts & Entertainment, and our Media!
We speak forth Your Divine ORDER, in Yeshua’s name!! May YOUR kingdom come and YOUR will be done!! May Your righteousness rule and reign here in America, here over the seven mountains of societal influence. And may Your glory cover America as the waters cover the sea!!
Amen and Amen!

Linda Henderson
June 20, 2024

Thank God there are still some judges who haven’t lost their integrity to the woke mob. Someone has to protect the 99% of the youngsters who are being ignored. Our current Federal administration, as well as many current State administrations, would rather acquiese to the small minority without a care or concern for the majority. It’s our job to protect ALL our children, not just the vocal minority. We should keep Judge Reeves in our prayers, as well as youngsters who struggle with gender dysphoria.

Grant R
June 20, 2024

And God made them make and female. Period!

June 20, 2024

We need more judges like U.S. District Judge Danny C. Reeves to protect the sanctity of the God-given two sexes and to protect our women.

Ferghil Henderson
June 20, 2024

A man with courage and belief in the scientific reality of a human being – nothing can alter the truth – one’s feelings should never constitute “a “right” – feelings are just that, feelings – Neither right nor wrong.
Evil has invaded the mind and hearts of so many people in leadership in USA that it has overtaken good and love of God who created all.

Carolyn Jenkins
June 20, 2024

God bless and strengthen this righteous judge! Pour out your divine favor on him in this hour of confusion. Be a shield of protection around him as he battles for godly principles.

June 19, 2024

I am praying that this is a permanent rule that will effect everything and everywhere . I live in what is supposed to be a women’s shelter and you have to sign an agreement to use the pronouns of every transgender guest or you will get kicked out of the homeless shelter.

Juanita Colvin
June 19, 2024

God created Male and Female, both of which are born with physical features that are unique and different from one another. Even though a person may wish they were of the opposite sex, there is no human way that Doctors and/or Scientists can alter the genetic DNA of a person.
Hormones and destructive surgeries only cause further damage to the persons mental, emotional and physical body.

June 19, 2024


Ruth M
June 19, 2024

Father, we thank You for this ruling and we pray that this temporary block would be followed by a reversal of direction. Let your glory cover the darkness and triumph over evil. Thank You, Lord for Judge Reeves for watching over this ruling with an eagle eye and taking action to act. Put Your angels charge over him and his family in Jesus’ name. Continue to pour your glory in all flesh that everyone may see the truth of your word in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Beverly Ann Taylor
June 19, 2024

I thank you Lord for this ruling. I thank you that you are hearing the prayers of your sons and daughters. I thank you that you are enforcing your righteous judgements in our land. Let the glory of the Lord cover the earth as the waters cover the see. Jesus, light of the world, break through the dark places in our nation so that you will be lifted up. We take back the gates of our justice system, we declare them to be holy and righteous, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Dona Schmidt
June 19, 2024

Thank You, Lord! We pray all of these states will remain faithful to Your Word and I ask You, Lord that all states will honor Your creation of male and female, May we be holy as You are holy, May we protect our children from the enemy and his tactics to rob steal and destroy. I pray that those who teach, preach, or encourage gender confusion to be removed from their positions of influence. I ask You Lord for an awakening, a revival of righteousness to return to all levels in our states. Awaken us to know that You don’t make mistakes.. we are created in Your image to be image bearers.
Thank You, Lord for Judge Reeves, protect him, Lord. Put Your angels charge over him! We bless You Lord!

June 19, 2024

Praise our Good and Great Father in Heaven for the Judge of great courage and principle! Judge Reeves stand firm and may God continue to give you the means you need to fight, rein and rule in your courtroom! Thank you Jesus for men such as this, of sound mind and clear thinking! Please sustain Judge Reeves and protect him and his family and the people of this nation through his courtroom!
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen

June 19, 2024

My thoughts: Finally, some sense. Surely, the edicts coming out of the Biden administration have no and make no sense.

Marxist dems are agents of evil. Period.
Anyone who permits this, promotes this.

Father Everlasting; King of Kings: Thank You for having Your Hand in writing this decision. Let this resonate with the remaining states in this nation and have them follow suit. Nothing is too big of an ask for You. You have delivered many from the throes of evil; deliver again and again.

Be a shield about the Supreme Court Justices who are delivering these rulings. Be their Peace, Dwelling Place, Fortress and Strong Tower. Keep them, their families, friends, associates and staff safe from the wiles of the upset one, the revelers and the character assassins.

In Jesus Name. Amen

Phillipians 3:18. “For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.”


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IFA President
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