I Prayed have prayed
Lord, hear our prayers that You will use Jesus Revolution to empower the Church to reach the outcasts of this civilization moment.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Jesus Revolution. A film about revival that has been bathed in prayer. Greg Laurie (whose story is told in the film), pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship based in Riverside, Cal., has challenged us to set our alarms to pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 every morning and/or evening at 7:14; Lou Engle is launching a 40 day fast starting Ash Wednesday, February 22 (which is the opening night of Jesus Revolution in select markets), and the film’s marketing team hosts prayer calls every Friday.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.


The film shows a central story of the Jesus Movement of the late ‘60s and early ‘70s through the eyes of a young Laurie — specifically how Chuck Smith (played by Kelsey Grammer) invites Lonnie Frisbee, a hippie preacher (played by Jonathan Roumie, who also plays Jesus in The Chosen) into his church. It’s a picture of Christians loving those rejected by most churches of their day, and how that love expanded the Kingdom of God.

DeVon Franklin, who plays a reporter for Time magazine in the film, led the first prayer call for the film. Franklin pointed out how the 1971 cover of Time “really legitimized this movement, and also legitimized contemporary faith at that time.” He believes “that the movie has the opportunity to do very similar things. The fact that the movie is coming out in theaters from Lionsgate – a major Hollywood studio, been around for a very long time – it adds legitimacy to the message.”

On the February 10 prayer call, Jon Erwin, co-director and producer of the film, drew several connections between the culture at the time of the Jesus Movement and today. During his talk he pointed out that there’s a revival happening on the Asbury University campus, where chapel went for 185 hours in 1970. Erwin said, “Then they went out to all these colleges in the region after that.” In my interview with Jeannine Brabon, who was at the heart of the 1970 Revival, she said there were 500 Asbury students who went out as far as California. Erwin said, “That was a huge part of the Jesus movement, and that’s literally happening right now.”

Kevin Downes, a producer of Jesus Revolution, has been making films that point people to the Lord since he was a teenager. In the interview you can see below he said, “During filming, doing some of the baptism sequences out at Pirate’s Cove, God was so present in that moment we had people getting baptized for real while we were shooting the scenes.” And baptisms have also marked the screenings of the film. Downes said, “Literally the first time that Jon went out and screened a rough cut of it, it was in a church, [and] 16 people got baptized right after the movie.”

Can Jesus Revolution Tug People Back to Their First Love?

David Almgren, CEO of Advance Team Films, which is helping to market Jesus Revolution to Christian audiences, said during the Jesus Movement:

In California alone, there were 400,000 that came to Christ. This spread from the 60s and early 70s around the country and the world. I’ve heard a few stories of people that are in their 70s that are still serving the Lord, but how many have fallen away, and could this movie be that one element or tug or story that brings them back to their first love and serving Christ?


Almgren is already seeing lives changed as the Holy Spirit is speaking into souls during the screenings. One man testified he threw out a cell phone he was using for sinful activities. The night Almgren screened the film in Harlem, NY, a woman said she identified with some of the characters who were looking for all the right things in all the wrong places. It encouraged her to use the film as a calling card to reach those who are where she once was.

Willie Perez, a team leader with Cru Inner City, brought several team members to the screening in Harlem. He said Jesus Revolution is “a movie that brought us to a decision where we can actually say, ‘Okay, am I willing to put myself to the side and reach people for Jesus?’ not make it about me, but actually make it about showing Jesus’ love to those who maybe were the misfits or the outcasts, or those that not many want to love.” He’s looking forward to the release because “it’s another tool for churches to…invite those that don’t know Jesus.”

Perez’s colleague Glen Kleinknecht, who has been focused on ministry to inner city New York for decades, said:

I think believers like myself and like you will really resonate with the message and be maybe reinvigorated to trust God in a new way. I want to see non-believers see this message. See the realism. See the changed life. See the message that for those who are hurting — and there are a lot of people hurting these days — that Jesus can really meet their needs.

A Civilization Moment

On the February 9 Pray with America’s Leaders IFA CEO Dave Kubal quoted Os Guiness, who has said that we are in a “civilization moment”: Either we must reestablish our foundations, replace them, or diminish as a society.

I mentioned “God’s Strategy for SatanCon,” to Downes. He was surprised to learn of SatanCon, but glad to know IFA is praying for many who are planning to attend. Downes believes:

Jesus Revolution can speak to anybody, and I would never put a limit on what God can do. I’ve seen in my life so many miracles and so many things that I didn’t think would go a certain way. And God certainly has the power and the ability to change hearts and to change lives, and even those that might be trapped or mired in their sin. God has the power to be able to [deliver] you from that.…Prayer is a significant piece of that….We just don’t spend enough time in prayer. I think that is the truth in our country. And we need to have that connection and that one-on-one relationship with God, and not just ignore it and put it off. But if we put on the attributes of God as defined in the Bible, wouldn’t our country be a better place? It certainly would. And to start, it does take prayer. It takes constant communication with God to be in alignment with Him to be able to get to that place.

Speaking before there was a standing ovation for Satan worship at the Grammys, Franklin spoke with an urgency:

The faith-based space in Hollywood is shrinking, and the opportunities that did exist even five, six, seven years ago, those opportunities are few and far between. So, you know, I personally believe that if the Jesus Revolution movie is not successful at the box office, that it may put a moratorium currently on the faith-based business, at least for the foreseeable future, as it relates to major studios making theatrical releases that are predominantly faith in content. So I do think the stakes are high. And I think that it’s important for the community to understand the moment because it’s about sending another message to Hollywood, that we are a vibrant audience, we’re not going anywhere, we want more content, we want more movies, and when we get them, we’re going to show up.

Almgren sees Jesus Revolution speaking directly into the current culture, and he, too, is excited about the timing of the Asbury Revival, in its 121st hour as I write. He texted Sunday night: “I am more curious to follow what’s happening at Asbury than what the score is with the Super Bowl.” In another text he wrote, “There will be revivals breaking out in theaters.” Lord, hear our prayer!

You can buy tickets now for the film, which will be released February 24, 2023 in 3,000 theaters nationwide.



Post your prayers that the Lord will use Jesus Revolution for such a time as this.

Rich Swingle has taught and performed in 39 nations on six continents, mostly with his own one-man plays. Hes performed in more than 45 film projects, and he and his bride Joyce Swingle, another contributing writer for IFA, have 39 screen children. The Swingles live in New York City. www.RichDrama.com. Photo Credit: Jesus Revolution.

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Dena Nelson
February 23, 2023

LORD, be GLORIFIED by this film and send HOLY SPIRIT to touch every person that watches it! YES, stir up revival in theaters where JESUS REVOLUTION is shown, and wake up the Church to lovingly disciple those who have and will be touched by it! Let YOUR PRESENCE and GLORY minister powerfully, as it has been doing at Asbury, spreading far and wide, so that lives are radically turned away from evil and towards YOUR TRUTH, MERCY and GOODNESS, in America and throughout the world! AMEN!

February 21, 2023

OH LORD JESUS HOW WE NEED YOU! We need your mighty moving across this nation for Your glory! We are so thankful for what we are seeing You do in places around our country, please use this movie, Jesus Revolution, to ignite a Great Awakening of Christians in this country and more important to draw many people to Yourself! I believe You will use this story of Yours in mighty ways for Your Kingdom! Thank you Jesus! Thank you for Your great love!!

Ted Bjorem
February 15, 2023

Praising You Lord in all things because You inhabit our praises!!!
Etc Holy Pure Forging Restorimg ….

Bob Huseby
February 15, 2023

I’m one of th 70 yr olds that was lifelong effected in th early 70s .
Father bring again your holy fire and let your spirit sweep our frigid nation in Jesus precious name amen !!!

    February 15, 2023

    Praise God for your testimony and God’s grace to you!

February 14, 2023

I love this encouraging article and I can’t wait to see this movie. I watched the trailer and cried. I believe this movie is going to ignite revival all around this country and I am praying and decreeing it in the name of Jesus! Heavenly Father, we pray for an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit in the theaters where this movie is playing. We pray for an anointing to flow from Your throne room into these theaters. We decree Your all consuming fire to spread across the globe and bring in the greatest revival and harvest the world has ever seen. Father, may Your name be glorified and lifted up all across the globe that Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus mighty name, amen

Margaret Nezhadpour
February 14, 2023

Please pray with me that the date this is being shown in my community will be changed from Feb. 22 to some other week night. This is a Wednesday, and many who would love to see and support it will be unable to because of church commitments.

    February 15, 2023

    Maybe you could help put the brakes on the usual activities and schedule this instead. Praying for all churches to remain flexible and united for the revival!!

    Rich Swingle
    February 21, 2023

    That’s just the first night. This is a major release. It will play at least a week, and if does well opening weekend it will be extended.

    Praying your church can get there, and that they’ll be blessed!

judy hansen
February 14, 2023

This is sooo Good!!! Many like me are praying by ourselves so so hungry for God-
with all the censorship –This movie could bring many out of the shadows to come
together in larger groups -church’s coming together to share what God is doing in their
hearts – I think there could be an explosion of Holy Spirit in believers who have been
holding it back and not releasing it – Holy Spirit bring us together who have Hungry Hearts
of praise and thanksgiving to pour out to you the Holy Spirit in us, and bring that Unity and
bring us together — and move in us and all over the world –We Need You LORD.

Tanya Williams
February 14, 2023

Father in Heaven, your name is higher than any other… Adonai, Yeshua, Elohim, Yahweh….thank you for calling your servants to be your hands and feet, your vessels of light through this film. May it glorify you Lord Jesus, and spread the message of salvation to every living creature. Thy will be done. And bless all who came together on this project, in your mighty name I pray. Amen!

A Consuming Fire
February 14, 2023

Heavenly Father, Pour out on our lost culture like a consuming fire. We see the hurting, the confused, the pretenders everywhere.
Use this avenue, the film Jesus Revolution, to speak into the souls of all people who need Your cure Lord.
You did not come for the healthy, but for the sick. And so, so many are.
Make all who catch even a glimpse become hungry and thirsty for Gospel.
May lives be shaken up and changed like the life of Greg Laurie, and even my own when you chose me!
Prodigals return! New and old believers be ignited! Armies of churches remember Your first love.
Holy Spirit guide the hands, the hearts and the feet of those who have been waiting for this time.
May the walking dead prepare to wake up with or without the movie.
May church doors open their doors wide to receive all confessing their sin. May the church remember how stinking and filthy their own sin is as well.
We praise You Triune God for this time in our world as You continue to work and move and NEVER change as that consuming fire.
Send the light, the love and the life to Your chosen people.
In Jesus’ PRECIOUS blood and name, Amen

February 14, 2023

Matthew C. 6 declares:…
5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

9 “This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.’

14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. [NIV]


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