I Prayed have prayed
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You to petition You again for righteous government at every level in America. Hinder, confuse, expose, and remove every wicked and evil politician in America, in Jesus’ name.
Reading Time: 7 minutes

As intercessors, it is our duty and privilege to pray the will of God. However, praying the will of God doesn’t always mean we pray for people to be blessed.

Of course, we always pray first and foremost that people will be saved. However, according to Scripture, there are some who have given themselves over to a degenerate mind and no longer listen to their conscience. These people have no hope of salvation, for they have rejected God for the final time.

I’ve written before about how to pray when people have become the enemies of God. Today, however, I want to invite you simply to pray with me about the wicked, evil politicians in America.

As we pray the prayer below together, please note that I am not calling any specific person wicked or evil. We should judge the fruit of every person’s behavior, just as Jesus mentioned pertaining to false prophets in Matthew 7:15-20:

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”

The fruit of every person’s behavior must be compared to the Word of God, the Bible, according to Isaiah 8:20:

“To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20).

And many other Scriptures list the works of the flesh and of evil. Therefore, even though I am not applying the prayer below to any particular person in this article, we should always discern evil behavior based on these criteria of Scripture—and should stand for righteousness, no matter how the world tries to lead us or how much the world likes a particular person or organization.

That said, would you pray with me today for the wicked and evil politicians in America at every level?

Related: Read here for more on how to pray for leaders and people in general that you don’t like.

Pray this:

“Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name.

Father God, Your Word says to enter into Your gates with thanksgiving, and into Your courts with praise. Therefore, Father, we thank You that You alone sit above the circle of the earth as the Judge and Redeemer of mankind and of nations. You alone are great and fair and wise and just, and You hear every righteous prayer. We praise You for that, Father God. We praise You for who You are, and we thank You that You can be depended upon.

Father, we lift our voices and cry to You right now for Your help and justice in America.

We ask You, Father, first and foremost, that if there are any unrighteous politicians in America who can still be saved—from the local town level to the highest levels of government—we ask You to save them:

  • Wake up their consciences to see the horrors of every sin they are involved in or perpetuating.
  • Convict them of sin, righteousness, and judgment.
  • Show them Jesus so clearly that they cannot deny He exists.
  • Let them have a holy terror when they see Jesus. Reinforce to them that judgment is coming if they are not clothed in the white robes of righteousness, washed and forgiven by Your grace through the blood of Jesus Christ.
  • Let them experience a holy horror at what they have done and are doing.
  • Grant them a deep, heart-felt, gut-level, transformational REPENTANCE, and turn them around to go after the righteousness of Christ.
  • Help them bend the knee to Jesus, making Him the Lord and Savior of their lives!
  • Help them then to make right everything they have done that was wrong; help them to mend, restore, and rectify every evil they have perpetuated against the American people at any level!

But Father God, for those wicked and evil politicians who have given themselves over to a degenerate mind—those who have rejected You for the last time, who have no conscience left and for whom there is no hope of salvation—for these, Father, we ask:

Expose them:

  • Reveal their evil works of darkness to the world.
  • Let Your light shine in the darkest places, and do not allow them to hide what they have done any more.
  • Let truth-telling witnesses and truth-telling whistleblowers come forward, and let them tell their stories at the right places, to the right people, at the right time.
  • Let people listen to these truth-tellers according to Your will.
  • Let every media outlet share and reveal these stories of evil according to Your will.
  • Let there be no more coverups any more, Father! Expose the unfruitful works of darkness, and let the American people be incensed!
  • Let these wicked and evil politicians become disgusted with their sin, and cause every one of their colleagues to be revolted by their sin as well.
  • Let every person surrounding these wicked and evil politicians decide to keep no company with evil and divisive men; let the wicked person be found alone and without any help that would perpetuate his or her wickedness.

Hinder them:

  • Let their evil plans come to nothing.
  • Hinder and prevent them from carrying out any more evil. Bind their hands from doing any evil.
  • Remove their resources; transfer those resources into the hands of the righteous.
  • Let confusion and chaos enter the camp of the enemy, but let righteous order and victory be found in the camp of the Lord.
  • Let the wicked turn upon themselves, as they did so many times in Scripture when YOU intervened on the day of battle.

Bring them to justice:

  • As the great Judge of the earth, Father, we ask You to force the correct law enforcement departments to get involved in each situation and case, according to Your will.
  • Let reliable, solid evidence come forth and be preserved.
  • Let all truthful, reliable, solid evidence be considered admissible to court—but let zero evidence be admitted to any court anywhere that is doctored, false, or fabricated in any way.
  • Cause these cases to be assigned to righteous judges, and protect those judges and their families.
  • Cause these cases to be prosecuted and brought to court by righteous attorneys, and protect those attorneys, their families, and their businesses.
  • Give the witnesses a holy boldness to appear in court and speak truth with credibility. Protect these witnesses and their families.
  • Make the wickedness and evil which have been perpetuated upon the American people so odious in the sight of law enforcement that they prosecute these cases to the fullest extent of the law.
  • Eliminate the two-tiered justice system, Father, and ensure that the wicked and evil politicians are prosecuted and brought to justice no matter who they are, who their friends are, who has paid them money, or to whom THEY have paid money.
  • Let the juries, councils, commissions, and committees see, hear, discern, and recognize TRUTH. Let them refuse to rest until the wicked ones are brought to justice, and give them no peace until they see righteousness and justice served.
  • Convict each perpetrator, Father God, and cause them to be sentenced according to Your will.
  • Force them to take their punishment and prevent them from escaping from it.
  • Remove them from political office in every capacity, and let a righteous person who will uphold Your values and Your Word take their place in every instance. Position and prepare those righteous people to assume office now, so they will be ready when the time comes.

Father, Psalm 109:8 says, “Let his days be few, and let another take his office.” While we do NOT pray for the death of any person, we do ask that every wicked politician’s DAYS IN OFFICE would be few, and that a righteous person would take their office.

Father, You have ways to bring the wicked to justice—and we ask You to do it. We ask that, starting right now, the countdowns would begin and the clocks would begin to tick if they haven’t already—and that left and right, wicked politicians would be exposed and removed:

  • From city councils, school boards, and every other office at the local level;
  • From election commissions and everything associated with them;
  • From mayor’s offices;
  • From state legislatures;
  • From governor’s offices;
  • From every level of the federal government.

Thank You, Father. We depend on You to give us righteous leaders and righteous government. Let us rise up and vote Your will, but we depend on You to do the rest which we cannot. Help us, Father.

Thank You, Abba Father. Thank You, Lord Jesus; and thank You, precious Holy Spirit. We love You, and we give You all the praise. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen and amen.”

Beloved, we must always obey the Word of God to pray first for our leaders:

“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior” (1 Timothy 2:1-3).

… But that doesn’t mean we ever pray for them to get a free pass to do whatever they want to do. As Christians, we MUST stand for righteousness and justice, which are the foundations of God’s throne. These are bold prayers, but they are biblical and therefore in line with God’s will. As we pray, our God who sits on the throne of the universe WILL hear and answer … so take heart! As 1 John 5:4-5 says: “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?”

Did you pray this prayer with me today? If so, leave a comment below!


Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author and speaker who equips people to walk in the manifest presence and power of God. Jamie blogs for a global readership at FromHisPresence.com, where she writes about radical prayer, the prophetic word, the supernatural lifestyle, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. She is a frequent contributor to Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. You can download her free ebook containing 555 names of God for prayer and worship here. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

DOWNLOAD this in a prayer guide format. CLICK HERE.

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Daniel Mukuha
March 21, 2025

this article and prayer resonates with every county in the world not only in America but the whole world needs this prayer.

Tracey Solberg
November 23, 2024

Thank you so much for this prayer. It’s is a very frightening time in our beloved America. We sometimes get too fearful of what our future will bring with all this 2024 Election and are beginning to see some things that are taking place. My faith in God is so very strong. I want to learn and pray more to him in guidance as to what can make me understand the evil that is upon up, and how I can talk to Him with clarity. I’m frighten gor my family and I feel we need the Father more then ever. God Bless and have Mercy on us all. Thank you.

November 15, 2024

AMEN ! Powerful ! In Jesus Name ! We pray this also for Australia right now in Jesus Name

October 19, 2024

I live in the UK but not the US and I have been using this prayer DAILY! Thank you for this righteous prayer, I am joining all prayer intercessors around the world and joining this prayer to my daily life to bring forth justice and righteousness.

    Jennifer Collins
    November 23, 2024

    we just prayed this UK too –God Bless!! He’s working in your country too

October 3, 2024

Thank you so much for this righteous Godly prayer, & explaining & giving to us a prayer to confront evil politicians, & evil laws in a way that is acceptable to Almighty God.

Julie Bumpus
August 10, 2024

My husband, Roger, and I read this out loud together in our agreement! Thank you for this amazing prayer!

August 8, 2024

Thank you for this prayer 🙏 I am hopeful it will help me get some peace. I’ve been struggling with the evil from this administration far to long. I try to hold it in, but I had to leave work early this morning because my heart just hurts for the truth and good to come out of our government. When asked to give more of myself today I just threw my hands up and said no I can’t today and I need God’s help. I cannot and will not stand for the far left policies to be forced onto me in society anymore. I don’t know how to move forward in this life, but I know God heard my cries today.

    Julie Bumpus
    August 9, 2024

    You are not alone! I pray this prayer everyday! I need God’s strength also! We need to have faith that God will hear the cries of His people and eliminate the current administration! They have no intention of including God into any of their plans! We can petition the Lord to come against the evil! Keep praying 🙏❤️

Julie Bumpus
July 26, 2024

Thank you for this amazing prayer and these words of wisdom and encouragement! They are just what God wanted me to hear and pray! I am struggling with the battle of good and evil in this world with our current government and the absence of Gods presence in the political arena! I will read this and quote these scriptures several times! I have also prayed for Jamie’s safety and protection from our Lord and Savior!

March 19, 2024

Hello I have been very very disturbed and depressed and heartbroken over the conditions of my country I am absolutely devastated because of the things that they are doing to President Trump they’re trying to hurt him they are trying to destroy him The evil politicians the evil Democrats the evil Republicans George Soros Nancy pelosi Chuck Schumer all of the evil politicians that are coming against President Trump and trying to destroy him because they’re trying to destroy this country I’m so happy that I found this prayer and I found this website because I needed this prayer so that I can pray this every day over my country and I know that God hears and I know that he is in control and I know that he will make sure that righteousness does prevail and that evil will be destroyed

Rebecca Macias
February 6, 2024

Im unable to download the prayer. Not available anymore?

January 27, 2024

Thank you. I feel more peaceful after praying this prayer and leaving these serious and very troublesome issues in the hands of our loving God.

Alison Reane
January 14, 2024

Thank you for this prayer. I have added it to the prayers I repeated during the last election to remove Trump from the White House, and will keep praying this to keep him out again. I am thankful that these prayers include protection for those brave enough to come forward with their testimonies and protect our democracy. May you all be blessed.

    March 19, 2024

    President Trump is not the enemy here! The enemy are the Marxist Democrats, The progressives the socialist the communists they are the people that are destroying this country President Trump loves this country and if you can’t see that then you do not have God in you!

      Marcy Overby
      October 29, 2024


Ken Budz
November 7, 2023

Lord we ask You to “Let his days be few, and let another take his office.” Psalm 109:8 has us hope for righteous leaders. Lord today we have too wicked people in office, please remove them and replace them with leaders who will help the taxpaying citizens of the USA. Amen.

Darryl T
September 30, 2023

I am excited for this is the type of prayer I need to see. I was baptized, saved as a teenager,and went down some intense roads of which were initially good intentions,but brought out evil allot. I have recently had and continue a divine spiritual relationship with God brought to a level unknown to me over the last few months. I am reading learning and watching God work through me when I am fully convicted in his love and humbled. I have experienced miracles and am still in awe of his power, I prayed with conviction before today and have seen things start to transpire. You are a blessed writer and may Our Father’s Love stay firm and true in our lives and grow. In this time of Revalation., God will see us through this.

Sheila D.
September 22, 2023

Thank you for providing this prayer. I have been so bitter about the way our politicians are leading our country and bullying other nations to fulfill their evil greed. With this prayer, I can finally remove my bitterness and replace it with Hope and Faith.

    October 17, 2023

    Me too Sheila….prayer is better to get rid of our bitterness
    Praise the Lord that he heard our cries

Kelly H
August 16, 2023

This is a prayer every believer in every country should pray to end evil leadership and ask for God to instill righteous God fearing and loving leaders into government positions.

Elia Guarneri
July 30, 2023

I too pray for them as Paul commands, but for their ruin so they can come to Jesus as well. Because if God cruhs them to the breaking point there is a chance for righteousness to provail.

Dolores Smith
July 22, 2023

Thank you for this prayer, I’ve been trying to find the words to pray for our nation. I am going to save this, say it often & apply it to all of the corrupt agencies. May the Lord bless all that you and your family do. In Jesus Christ mighty name, Amen.

July 21, 2023


Teresa Pitts
June 14, 2023

I prayed that prayer today, I pray that good will prevail over evil in this country.

April 26, 2023

Absolutely did I pray that prayer!! I thank you that it was thorough and touched on everything and everyone where it mattered. I too will save this pray and will continue to pray this until we see God’s work at hand in demolishing those evil and wicked politicians; be it the left or the right! Thanks again and God bless!

April 26, 2023

A perfect prayer for what is happening in our Nation, today. I have prayed this and marked the Website so I have it to pray at will until our Nation has been rid of the evil destroying it, and Godliness and righteousness abounds.

March 28, 2023

Reading from the brief bio of this author I can say scripturally and confidently that much of her theology is messed up. Inner healing, manifest presence of god and so called kingdom wealth are radical fringe, IHOP, NAR and Bethel Redding heresies. The prayer is sound. I intend to use it at the next County GOP meeting. She should put down Charisma magazine and read the Voice of the Martyrs monthly magazine.

March 28, 2023

Thank you for the prayer, may God help our country, and wake up the people to salvation and truth. may God bless you and keep you and all believers in Jesus Christ our savoir in this world.

Earnest Edwards
March 2, 2023

This Prayer was a very blessing to my soul! I pray for our government and politics but my words get garbled and confused sometimes! This Prayer is everything I’ve tried to pray!! Thank You!

Jacqueline Stone
February 13, 2023

Yes I prayed the prayer and will use it again and again, if that is ok. Thank you for doing this and may God continue to bless!!

Betty Cannon
December 1, 2022

Thank you for sharing this special prayer. It really helped me to learn how to pray for our leaders when so many are evil. God bless you.

Louisiana lady
November 13, 2022

Jamie, you’re an awesome woman of God; never forget that! I prayed that prayer and didn’t even realize it was your post, until I finished it. But I’m not surprised. You say what I often feel in my heart but can’t always put into words. I love your blog. I KNOW you hear from God. I know in my heart evil politicians cheated AGAIN in the midterms, and their fall is imminent. A few I’ve started to pray for, (two high-level politicians in particular), but when I started to pray a certain way, I felt God telling me not to bother, they have a reprobate mind. For those I only pray they’ll be fully exposed and brought to justice. It’s too late for them, they’ve completely rejected Christ, and won’t be saved. As patient as God is, it takes a LOT for that (no chance for salvation) to happen. Your prayer helped tremendously with putting that into words!!

Mary Ward
September 5, 2022

Thank you for thie prayers for politicians and our government. You were so to the point and mentioned everything I think and want to say in prayer……….this will be daily for praying reading your words, been searching for all the words to cover all my thoughts and you have done it in perfect form.
Thank you, God bless

Judy hammack
August 26, 2022

thank-you for this prayer

Camille Ervin
August 23, 2022

Thank you for sharing this prayer with us. This is the most powerful prayer I have experienced and can agree with. It is my prayer that through our agreement, many corrupt leaders will be saved by the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. My God continue to us you and shower his blessings upon you.

Christine Keller
August 16, 2022

Excellent prayer! It also reminds me that we Christians are beacons of light to shine in this dark world. Amen

Martha Croswell
August 9, 2022

Thank you for a powerful pray for repentance, redemption and ultimately justice.

Cee G
June 4, 2022

One of the most powerful prayers that I have ever prayed over America! God’s anointing is on this prayer and Presence of Holy Spirit was present! Powerful! I shared with friends and family! God Bless you for posting it! ✝️💕🙏

May 28, 2022

Powerful prayer of taking our authority and declaring justice and righteousness come forth in California and the nation!!

May 5, 2022

Good to pray this now, in these trying days, but especially on this National Day of Prayer. Thank you!

Claudette P Anderson
April 27, 2022

When I was in Tyson’s Corner I Mall right before the Christmas holidays and I overheard a young Hispanic couple stating “we’re sorry Jaime Rohrbough, we thought we could take Ms. Anderson’s partial financial settlement from her to help your church, but you don’t even have a REAL CHURCH, you’re just on-line and your husband is an unfaithful cheater, we were wrong, she and her African American loved ones REALLY ARE REAL CHRISTIANS. We judged them (me and my adult children and their families, and my 99 yr old mom). I was so angry I broke down and cried sobbing and cursing because of the non stop hell we’ve been going through for the past 20 years straight. These people belong to Ebenezer Baptist Church in Occoquan, VA. They rent or lease that church from evil Rev. Charles Arthur Lundy one of the African American hypocrite Republicans with a shady occult linked Democratic congregation full of bad cops, FBI clerks, agents, DEA agents, Defense Intelligence & Logistics Agents, FDA, etc….all corrupt till this day. We joined in 1990 and left not long afterwards because of GOSSIP AND MISTRESTMENT, DEEP DEEP HURTS, PHYSICAL AND BRUTAL SEXUAL ABUSE AND ROOT WORKERS INVOLVED IN ALL LEVELS OF CORRUPTION AND BAD POLITICS. THIS MAN AND MY BIRTH FATHER wicked Clarence Anderson from Monroe, LA; Houston, TX; Leesburg and Woodbridge, VA and as a bonus slap in our faces Howard Eaves, Sr and his entire sick family, friends and Jewish lawyers who turned in the Italian Mafia and more starting ALL THE CRAP WITH THAT IRANIAN FCC TERRORIST ROC AND BE ITALIAN GRINGO WANNA BE MOB BOSS FROM MARCONI FEDERAL BE SALES. THEY ARE TORTURING MY DAUGHTERS SEXUALLY AND PHYSICALLY RIGHT NOW IN THE FERLAZZO BUILDING SHELTER IN WOODBRIDGE, VA THE STAFF, MGMT, CLIENTS, AND SECURITY GUARDS BACKED BY PWC GOVERNMENT AND THE JOHN AND ANN B. WHEELER AND OTHERS FAMILIES. YOU’RE INVOLVED, YOUR WORKING MY FAMILY…PIMPING, BEATING, KILLING. DIE BITCH!;YOUR A HYPOCRITE TOO! I HATE YOU, BUT YOUR PRAYER SOUNDS SO SINCERE AND GOOD. PURE DECEPTION….TSNOKA MCGHELL IS ON STAFF TONIGHT HE BELONGS TO ANOTHER LAUGHING EVIL CHURCH IN STAFFORD, VA. ALL OF YOU NEED TO DIE IMMEDIATELY!

    Cee Greene
    June 2, 2022

    You need to repent and get saved, Lady! Your heart is not right! Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh! Ask Jesus to forgive your sins and to come into your heart! Today! Now! Hell is a real place and “today is the day of salvation.” Tomorrow is not promised so choose the Lord TODAY!!

Ally Simmons
April 25, 2022

Thank you for putting this prayer here. I was praying Psalms 35 against the evil and binding and loosing of course but this this prayer covers everything. I will be praying it everyday with you.

March 31, 2022

Powerful Prayer and a great format to use to add even other scriptures regarding wicked & evil politicians who will not repent. So many politicians have forsaken the people who put them there thru their votes and have gone down the path of unrighteousness for “mammon”(money)…what does it profit them to gain the money and lose their souls. They have become like Balaam-the son of Bosor’ who loved the wages of unrighteousness. Yes! Many politicians in America are leading the nation astray for unrighteous money while God’s judgement draws closer for them each day. Let us intercede that they would repent before it is too late. God help us all!

    Claudette P Anderson
    April 27, 2022

    Amen. This dog named Simms from Mississippi is here right now talking out of both sides of his neck. I am sick of being fair and good. I am done trying to be a Christian. Done hurting. Done crying. Done begging. Done waiting on God and men be and women worshipping Baal, Baalam, Belzubub, Belzubab, Lilith, Diana his wives Baphomet the Masonic Goat Demon….done! Read The Book of Genesis, 70 weeks of Daniel, Revelation and all the books of prophecy in the KJV not the NIV or hip hop versions RAPISTS! Cops across the darn parking lot and these criminals are laughing at them and the Feds because they think Verizon and Comcast and Vertiv Veritiv and PWC/evil Biden Obama house of I’ll repute thinks they are above the law like Trump, Clinton, Peliso and John Baner, Ret. Ohio that put evil Alexander Gambino, Sonny’s wicked son into that stupid Whitehouse. Stop Gotti, Jr and Family. I will contact ATF&E will get it CORRECT!

      Louisiana lady
      November 13, 2022

      One thing I can’t stomach is people calling themselves Christians but then including former President Trump in with the wicked and evil people that deserve the criticism. We don’t elect a President to be our national PASTOR. No matter who is elected, we will always pick a flawed human being. What we look for is someone who loves this country, and Donald Trump certainly does that. He did more good for this country in four years than any other President has done (some of them had 8 years) at least in my lifetime (I’m in my 60’s) Our borders were finally becoming manageable, our economy was soaring, everyone had a job, unemployment was historically low, there was a 400% jump in black owned business start-ups, gas prices were low, businesses that had to shut their doors during the Obama years, were able to reopen and hire new employees and rehire former employees once Trump was in office. . I could go on and on about the good Donald Trump did. He may not talk like you think he should, but on the other side of the political aisle we have ALL talk and literally NO action. The proof is in the pudding, as they say. And fyi, Donald Trump (who happened to be born on Flag Day btw), acknowledges God AND Jesus, I’ve heard him do that more than once. He says frequently that America needs God, or else America can’t be a great country. What do you expect? A POPE?? Well, scratch THAT idea, because even the pope has said publicly that all you need to do to be saved is to “be a better person” and that it’s “not necessarily about Jesus because God will accept you if you’re ‘good”. What a bunch of malarkey!
      Compare that to PRESIDENT Trump who says we need God AND Jesus, I’d put my money on Trump any day! Quit listening to the liberal media and the swamp politicians who criticize Trump constantly….they know if he gets re-elected he’ll be able to finish what he started in his first 4 years, to bring THEM to justice, and that’s why they’re so preoccupied with bashing him. Even Hillary Clinton said (in 2015) “if Trump gets elected we’ll all hang!”then laughed nervously. I’m tired of so-called Christians bashing Trump… he’s not perfect but NONE of us are perfect. We’re only righteous because of Jesus Christ, as Christians. Many (some well-known) Christian ministers that prayed with Trump said he’s been born-again but like me, and others, he wasn’t instantly delivered from every bad habit and behavior;, some take longer to overcome. I know because that happened to me. Anyone that doubts he’s saved because they didn’t SEE it happen, I can testify that I got saved, ALONE , in my house after my husband left for work, and no one, except GOD, saw it happen, but I can tell you I’m as saved as ANYONE! My witnesses were only Almighty God and his angels… That was 30 years ago. Trump has more witnesses (HUMANLY speaking) in that room, than I did in mine!! I made it public later on, but I was just as saved when I prayed alone in that room as I was when I repeated it again in a more public setting!! My heart was all in it both times!

        March 19, 2024

        You are absolutely correct in everything you said President Trump is a true man that loves Jesus and loves God he always gives God the glory and he loves Israel and he protects Israel and Israel is important to God the word says I will bless those that bless Israel and cursos that curse Israel President Trump was put in office for a reason and I believe that that reason was God and anybody that doesn’t see that doesn’t know the truth My family and I pray and love President Trump and we will pray for him and his family everyday and I pray that these lying cheating Democrats do not steal this election in 2024 I pray that God stops that and I pray the President Trump returns to the White House because he is the only one with the help of God that can save America

Stella Harrington
March 14, 2022

we are blessed by Father Jesus to give you the prayer we pray, and keep praying for father Jesus to intervene.
we have got to have a change in our Government.

thank you. Lord bless you.

Helen Adair
February 18, 2022

We need this prayer desperately now. The politicians are causing us such sadness and despair. Thank you for publishing it

February 10, 2022

I included our Canadian government leaders in this amazing prayer !!!
Greetings from Canada

January 15, 2022

I will be praying this daily until we see this Nation saved. Thank you for the precise and concise prayer.

Krista Ruark
December 31, 2021

Thank you for this prayer guide. I have tried several times to download it and the web won’t let me. I will copy and paste is and give it to our church and prayer group. Blessings from Texas!

November 9, 2021

Thank you for this prayer.
May God bring to justice everything and exposed all wicked deeds that He may strike fear in the hearts of those who do evil. Let God’s will be done by the powerful blood of Jesus Christ amen.

September 19, 2021

This a great prayer. I try to pray this prayer when I can.

June 14, 2021

I prayed it. Great prayer. I agreed with it 100%.

Regarding a scripture like Titus 3, we submit to authorities who are doing good. But… what about when they do bad? My pastor says we follow Titus, and submit to the bad boss. But, I challenged him on that.

* What about when the government tries to upend or invert justice? Do we submit to authority then?

* In our system, WE THE PEOPLE are the rulers, not the elected officials.

But, he just smirks and shakes his head at that. He has provided no counterargument other than to point to that aforementioned scripture and the saints who submitted to execution in Rome.

People who think this way then should condemn Dietrich Bonhoeffer, or our founding fathers.

But, I agree. Pray for and then pray against the wicked politician and administrator, “journalist”, etc. I pray for the salvation of AOC, Nicole Hannah Jones, Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, Lemon, both Cuomos, Harris, etc, etc. I also pray for their removal and proper exposure if their redemption is not to be.

April 19, 2021


elaine liberto
March 22, 2021

I love this article. Many Christians struggle with prayers according to scripture as we are to pray for our enemies. This is so clear and precise as we seek scriptures that apply and not isolate. The truth is throughout all the bible and God will reveal all truth as he wants our time to spend with him. Lord thank you for using these difficult days and year of tribulation for good. You are the waymaker,truth, and life and I give you glory and honor as you will make all things new,right and will deal with the wicked.

Elaine Reis-El Bara
March 12, 2021

I have read this beautiful, beautiful prayer. I wish I were so eloquent when I pray. It says everything. and I want to pass it on to several neighbors. Thank you. Franklin Graham will be on Huckabee Sat.

March 9, 2021

I find it so hard to pray for the Obama administration…eh, I mean Biden/Harris. Fighting depression over all the years of prayer with nothing to show for it. I need some help in this area, so thank you for this guidance. Maybe if I mouth the words I’ll actually start to feel it.

    j m
    March 31, 2021

    Keep trusting the Lord. He is sovereign,faithful and He sees your heart. His promises are true and trustworthy. We must keep our focus on His goodness and not lose heart.

    June 14, 2021

    I understand you completely. But, then I come across a number of verses that tell me to keep pushing forward, despite what’s going on around me.

    We complain, we lament everything that’s been going on. But, then the Bible tells us to keep praying, that God rewards the person who’s diligent in their prayers.

    Lamentations 8 is a great one. I’ve saved some of the verses into a sticky note…

    8 And though I cry and shout, he has shut out my prayers.
    9 He has blocked my way with a high stone wall; he has made my road crooked….
    17 Peace has been stripped away, and I have forgotten what prosperity is.
    18 I cry out, “My splendor is gone! Everything I had hoped for from the Lord is lost!”
    19 The thought of my suffering and homelessness is bitter beyond words.
    20 I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss.
    21 Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this:
    22 The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease.
    23 Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.
    24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!”
    25 The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him.
    26 So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord.
    27 And it is good for people to submit at an early age to the yoke of his discipline:
    28 Let them sit alone in silence beneath the Lord’s demands.
    29 Let them lie face down in the dust, for there may be hope at last.
    30 Let them turn the other cheek to those who strike them and accept the insults of their enemies.
    31 For no one is abandoned by the Lord forever.
    32 Though he brings grief, he also shows compassion because of the greatness of his unfailing love.
    33 For he does not enjoy hurting people or causing them sorrow.

March 7, 2021

Thank you so much for providing such clear and focused prayer for me to participate and join in with you and all intercessors throughout America and beyond!
Amen and Praise be to Jesus our Hope and our Salvation!

March 6, 2021


Barbara Doucet
March 4, 2021

I am saying this prayer 2 times every day.

Lilian M. Carolan
March 3, 2021

I have joined in prayer.
Thank you for helping me know how to pray for leaders who are corrupt and evil

March 2, 2021

Amen! Prayed this prayer today!

Joan H. Richardson
March 2, 2021

I prayed all of it aloud with all my heart, my brother! Thank you!

Diane Hall
March 1, 2021

Rush had a faith in Jesus Christ and it wasn’t at the end of his life. He did not preach hatred. He loved his country and pointed out the evil of the democrats. He informed us about how they operated and what they were like. I had not interest in politics, but he changed all that. He was a great guy!!!

Emilio Orozco
March 1, 2021

I confess that it is difficult for me to pray for those who have denounced GOD. But because in obedience to GOD I will pray for our leaders. This prayer is most certainly powerful.Just thanked GOD for listening and answering my prayer.GOD bless America!

Sandra Lee
February 27, 2021

I prayed this prayer and I felt the boldness rise up in me. Thank you for sharing as I am always learning to pray the Word.

April Louise Kiessling
February 27, 2021

Thank you for this. I pray but haphazardly about whatever is gaining my attention at the moment, and there are so many things! This is comprehensive and causes us to truly pray for “all men” in authority. I can add the names of all those in authority in my area as well.

Dana P Gescher
February 26, 2021


You are wrong about Rush Limbaugh. You obviously didn’t listen to him. Your comments are very judgmental.


Sue C.
February 26, 2021

Thank You Lord for removing evil politicians last month. Your Name be glorified!

February 25, 2021

I find this prayer helpful. However I have to agree with the 1st sentence of Gloria’s comment (2/25) that God’s offer of salvation is available to everyone until death. I pray for those “wicked and evil politicians who have given themselves over to a degenerate mind” WITHOUT making a judgement (as ONLY GOD KNOWS) by disregarding the rest of that paragraph on their having no hope of salvation. In fact I pray that God will use the subsequent prayer points from Jamie i.e. “Expose/Hinder/Bring to justice”, etc to confront them with their depravity and cause them to turn to Him. Regardless of the likelihood of that happening, we need in prayer to become more like our Father – yes to justice & righteousness, but even more so to align with His heart of love for all sinners to turn to Him & be saved.

    Cee G
    September 26, 2022

    God knows those who have rejected Him over and over again after He has gone to them many times and they have refused to repent. This is a righteous prayer based on The Word of God. I pray for God’s Justice, His Judgment upon these wicked and evil leaders and for their removal from their positions of authority and power. Most were not elected by the people but instead they rigged the election and ate not even supposed to be in office period.
    I pray for their exposure and judgment now. God can, will and does tell His people not to pray for certain people because they have turned away from Him for the last time and He knows their fate. God does not send people to Hell, they sadly make that choice. Whatever you believe, follow your own heart but either way these very evil and wicked people need to be removed from office. Many of these wicked leaders are so wicked and evil that they will lose their very lives. We do not rejoice in that fact but God is a Just and Righteous Judge! I rejoice in their removal and for God to Bless and save America!

February 25, 2021

No one can reject God for the “final time” until they are dead. To suggest otherwise exposes the bad faith and evil intent behind the idea of this prayer. You cannot claim to know another person’s mind and heart in such a way. If you believe Rush Limbaugh was saved at the end of his life and forgive the hatred he preached while living, then look in your heart and find love for others who strive to bring love, equality and peace to all people.

    March 2, 2021

    Sadly, you have judged Rush and agreed with lies about him. He was a good man who loved God and Country, exposing evil. That offends those who disagree.

    Louisiana lady
    November 13, 2022

    Gloria, actually the Bible says God turns some over to a reprobate mind, meaning at some point they won’t be able to repent because they’ve rejected Him so often, He gives up on them. Look that up. I’m sure it grieves His heart to do that, but He won’t strive with man forever. He knows the future and whether they’ll ever repent, or if they’ll continue to harden their hearts and refuse Gods gracious offer of salvation through Jesus. It’s not our place to judge someone’s heart, but I know a couple times God told me not to pray for someone (actually two people) but rather to pray they’re brought to justice and removed from office. I won’t name names though since that’s not my point.

Susan Nickels
February 25, 2021

Praising God, that He WILL expose all the evil and put righteous people in their place. He is a just God and He keeps His promises to those who love Him. Thank You Father for who YOU are! May we always give YOU honor and glory. In Jesus’ name…Amen and AMEN!

S. Flannigan
February 25, 2021

Wonderful, scriptural prayer. So many of us don’t know how to pray for the people who have seared their conscience yet we have prayer exampless in scripture. Thank you for posting this prayer

John Butler
February 25, 2021

The Whole Armor of God as described in the 6th Chapter of Ephesians is also quite useful. We need the “Helmet of Salvation” to protest against the fiery darts of the wicked.

Penni Bulten
February 24, 2021

Amen! Now that is how we should be praying for them, thank you for broadening my perspective on this!

Ruby Sherrett
February 24, 2021

I could not agree more that we need to pray for the evil to be removed and held accountable for the evil perpetuated on people.

Deborah Maloney
February 24, 2021

Thank you for this beautiful and powerful prayer! My heart is with you dear believer!. Let us stand still and see the salvation of our Lord.

Christopher Bomboy
February 24, 2021

Thank you for this much needed prayer. I pray for God’s blessings to be upon you Jamie.

February 24, 2021

Thanks for these prayer videos by Derek Prince and others which are powerful . These videos are very helpful in having the Ekklesia praying for those in government, rulers, Presidents, Governors, Senators. They will face the consequences of their actions and decisions made in State after State, locally and federally. Lord, hear our prayer. You said if we agree together according to your Will, it shall be done. Scripture shows many examples of those in leadership that were only thinking of themselves and not of the people whom they are supposed to serve.

Christopher Fallon
February 24, 2021

Yes, may the days of the wicked in office be few, and may they each be replaced by one whose hope is in the LORD, and who is wise and discerning. The Lord is exposing the wickedness and corruption.

estella vergara
February 23, 2021

I agree and have faith in the Father I am going to print and pray this Dailey

February 23, 2021

Yes and Amen!

February 23, 2021

This prayer is great! I was just asking the Lord this morning to show us how to pray for all who are in authority over over. He is Faithful!

Yours in Christ,


Lori Evans
February 23, 2021

Yes and Amen!!! I agree and May God’s Will be done and His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven for His Glory in Jesus Name Amen!!! Thank You Lord that Your Truth, Your Righteousness and Your Justice will prevail over America and the nations for Your Glory in Jesus Name Amen!!!

Julia Sanford
February 23, 2021

May God be enthroned upon the praises of His people. May His will and Word be established in these places.
Praise God for the joining of believers to cast off the evil from a place of prayer. Let us not stop crying out day and night to the Just Judge! Thank you, thank you, for bringing this article to us.

Kathleen Flannagan
February 23, 2021

Thank you for this God’s Word-based prayer. It covers all aspects of prayer regarding people in authority. God IS on His throne and His Word will not return to Him void. Praying His Word IS consequential. God bless you and everyone who has prayed this prayer.

Marty Robinson
February 22, 2021

The comprehensive reach of this prayer and comment renders me speechless!
It is certainly not a “quick take” nor is it based on anything but God’s Word
and His will for us who belong to Him. To just say “thank you” falls very short
for me. We are indebted to you for the time in prayer and seeking of the Lord’s will
in these matters. Greatly indebted! I find myself quickly recovering from my speechlessness!
Just in time to offer praise where it is surely due. Praise to the One you have honored by your
efforts and your faithfulness to Him.

February 22, 2021

The most sensible prayer I’ve seen for this time!

February 22, 2021


At the sound of the great Name of Jesus, the enemy must leave! May they bow to His Name now in repentance, or they will bow to Him in fear at the Last Day.

February 21, 2021

Thank you, Jamie, for the prayer guide and prayers.

Unfortunately these prayers are also needed for church leadership and staff.

I am thankful for archives. I hope I can locate this article when my printer/computer connection works.

Danny Harris
February 21, 2021

You put so well what has been on my heart for some time now, something I have been praying for. Your prayer has been a word of confirmation to me that I was going down the right path. Thank you for your faithfulness.

Elizabeth C. Ferrell
February 21, 2021

Well written. How I hunger for righteousness to prevail! We must continue to petition God to clean out our government and for the American people to see the truth and be stirred to vote against such people. We also need those who respect God’s values to be prepared to serve.

Leah Fusco
February 21, 2021

Thank you for providing this opportunity to join other believers in praying for our leaders and nation according to God’s word. My tears fell liberally as I read each word. May God hear the prayers of His people and stretch forth His mighty hand of righteousness and render all evil doers powerless and cleanse our nation of all wickedness wherever it raises its ugly head. In closing, is it possible and permissible to share this on Facebook? God bless you and your ministry.

Jo Anne Woodall
February 21, 2021

Thank you so much for this guidance ! I struggle with this every day. I will keep this guide . The scriptures are particularly helpful.

Joyce Young
February 21, 2021

That prayer is awesome. I will continue to pray it as long as it takes.
I will send it to all the prayer warriors that I am acquainted with.
Praise the Lord and thank you.

Claire Taylor
February 21, 2021

May we continue to petition the throne room of God until all wicked, evil & corrupt politicians at every level are removed and/or voted out of office and Believers in Jesus who live and uphold God’s Word take their rightful place at every level. In the Mighty Name of Jesus- Amen ✝️🙏🏻🙌🏻🔥

Millie Gerhart
February 21, 2021

We sent this prayer to all in our prayer call e-mail list and also prayed through it in the Central Time Zone watch ZOOM call this morning. We will be praying through it, adding to it as the Holy Spirit leads in our nationwide prayer call tonight.

February 21, 2021

Thank you for this prayer! Right on point with the Bible! Praise God for victory!!!

Irma Gomez
February 20, 2021

Yes Amen and Amen! The Lord says “Call on to me and I will answer you.” In Jesus Precious Name. Thank you so much.

Dorcas Mason
February 20, 2021

What a joy to join with you in intercession! I agreed with every word of your prayers.
Thank you!!

Charles Wendler
February 20, 2021

I find this article to be extremely appropriate and timely. The writer is to be applauded for boldness and truthfulness of where God must be with us. He is growing wearing of our antics and is letting us know that we need to step-up our efforts at being reconciled to Him.

Kathryn J Wix
February 20, 2021

I prayed this prayer….am giving all the honor and glory to our Father in Heaven in his glorious son’s name Jesus

Dorothy Black
February 20, 2021

Amen again I say amen

February 20, 2021

I just prayed this prayer. May God be honored and glorified in our country.

February 20, 2021

Prayed this prayer out loud with my wife and son present.

Mary Ann T. Allen
February 20, 2021

I have just prayed this prayer for our government officials. Is there has been to pray prayers such as these. My heart hurts and then burden for this country. I will pray this prayer over and over again. Praying God’s will to be done in Jesus mighty name.

Kathie Bortz
February 20, 2021

Thank you for this prayer. I have committed to pray for my leaders but find it very difficult to find the right words. This is a very helpful article and I will use it as a model in how to pray for our corrupt leaders.

Tank you!

February 20, 2021

Thank you for this wonderful prayer! I have begun praying it through and will continue to as we trust God to answer, so that we may see his righteous holy will done in our nation and in the earth It is in heaven.

    Elaine Milentis
    February 20, 2021

    That was so superb. Very well stated, you have a wonderful prayer model to pray. Thank you so much. Will continue to pray this way.

February 20, 2021


Laurie Schultz
February 19, 2021

Let us boldly approach His Throne of Grace and Mercy. Thank you for this bold prayer. Im grateful. I’m from Michigan and I’m praying for our politicians.

February 19, 2021

This prayer has been so helpful to me as I have struggled so knowing exactly how to pray for my enemies. Thank you! I have forwarded this to many of my friends.

Garrentine Lewis
February 19, 2021

Awesome prayer will pray each day going forward, thank you for it. God bless you and Jesus Blood covers you.

Reply Report comment moderated
February 19, 2021

Praying for the wicked in our government to be exposed and brought to justice and rooted out of office. May they also repent and receive Christ as Savior.

Sharon Norris
February 19, 2021

I agree and look with expectant hope to see it all come to pass very soon.

Carol King
February 19, 2021

A powerful prayer! A complete prayer! Thank you!

Susan Camacho
February 19, 2021

So be it. Amen

February 19, 2021

Amen and amen

Martha Meadows
February 19, 2021

This prayer for leaders is wonderful. We ask God to change hearts or remove them from leadership!!

Martha M., OHio

Annette"Annie" Cornell
February 19, 2021

I Agree with you in prayer that I ask in Jesus Name for the Will of God to of God to be done and GLORY BE TO GOD ON HIGH in Jesus Name I pray. Àmen 🗝️💝

Nancy L Clark
February 19, 2021

Beautiful Prayer and so perfect for these times. Thank you!

Susie Richardson
February 19, 2021

I have been convicted to pray and intercede for, not only those leaders in government and in the 7 mountains of culture with whom I have been in agreement, but perhaps just as important, for those I have disliked. I have struggled with this, not because I was unwilling to pray for these latter ones, but because I didn’t know how to pray for them sincerely, in a love that I simply didn’t feel. This prayer is spot-on, and put words to what my heart wanted but felt unable to do! Thank you so much!

Janet Watson
February 19, 2021

As I was singing the second verse to “Jesus Paid it All” this morning the words jumped out at me to use in prayer against wicked leaders. “For now indeed I find Thy pow’r and Thine alone, Can change the leper’s spots And melt the heart of stone.” Lord may our cause leaders to call out for cleansing and have melted hearts to follow your ways.

Gwyn Lawson
February 19, 2021

Yes! Perfect! I prayed some of these scriptures with my noontime national prayer team. We also prayed for the Supreme Court cases today. Ephesians 5:10-14
1 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 14 This is why it is said:

“Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”

Gayle Kennedy
February 19, 2021

Thank you Jamie for giving us a model prayer that answers my question: How do you pray for leaders who seem to be in the complete opposite end of what Christians believe?How do you pray for them without endorsing their actions that are not in line with God’s Word.I will use your prayer as a guide, then perhaps the Holy Spirit will open up other ways I can pray.

February 19, 2021

Praying this powerful prayer of Intercession daily after my time in God’s Holy Word.

February 19, 2021

Thank you, Jamie, for the time and mental energy that went into this prayer. I completely agree with its petitions and am sharing it with others who love this nation and the LORD. Thank you for bravely confronting the reality of evil!

Jesus obviously had a specific calling and destiny: to be the Savior of the world. He fulfilled that on the Cross and through His Resurrection.

None of us have that calling. The household of faith is to advance God’s Kingdom on earth and to be faithful in doing that until He returns. One way we do that is through our prayers. If the prayers are going to be effective they must come from our sincere hearts and minds.

Our nation, the United States of America, has a unique role to play in advancing the Kingdom of God at this time in earth’s history.

Eighty cents of every dollar that goes to missions comes from the USA. These missions spread the gospel
(especially through supporting native missionaries in their own cultures) who evangelize, disciple, plant churches; rescue children and adults who have been sex trafficked or enslaved; create and complete Bible translation projects to give everyone a Bible in their heart language, either in print, video, auditory, or sign language; provide food, medical care, homes for orphans, legal protection, trauma counseling, encouragement and support in many vital ways.

Our brothers and sisters in Christ in nations around the world are praying for our country and our government because our policies will dramatically affect their daily lives and their future.
Globalprayerlive.com is a wonderful way to join praying Christians around the world on Wednesday and Sunday evenings at 5pm Pacific time and 8pm Eastern. You can find it at
Wellversed website.

It is our God-given duty to ask Him to change the minds and hearts of people in positions of authority and power if they are making evil laws and denying justice, but it is also our duty to ask Him to remove government leaders who refuse to repent.

It is shocking to us who have constantly heard about the love Jesus has for every sinner, when we read in the Bible of Jesus confronting evil when He overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple and drove them out with a whip.
Our God is not only loving and merciful, He is Holy and He will judge wickedness. The fear (reverence and awe) of the LORD is truly the beginning of wisdom.

    February 19, 2021

    I should have summarized what I wrote above by saying that when we pray Jamie’s prayer, we are not just asking God to do something to help us. When He removes wicked government officials in our nation, He is also blessing people around the world.

February 19, 2021

YES I PRAYED, spoke out and stood in agreement! I even spoke out several of them 2 and 3 times as I felt lead by Holy Spirit to really impress conviction and importance of some of these out into the atmosphere. Especially the ones regarding and pertaining to the righteous judges, attorneys, their business and families!! So important to keep them protected! THANK YOU FATHER for listening to our prayers and answered prayers! I will keep praying this prayer as the Lord leads!! GOD BLESS AMERICA WITH PEACE AND SHALOM!! WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD!!! GOD WILL TRIUMPH!! IN YESHUA’S NAME!! THANK YOU ABBA!!!!

Alta Lee Maxwell
February 19, 2021

Thank you so much for those prayers
Lord help me to pray them often, share with others, and praying they will pray so we will see OUR GREAT GOD move among the wicked pokitical leaders for all to see! Thanking You ahead of time Jesus

Margaret Alexander
February 19, 2021

I prayed this prayer as the Holy Spirit just yesterday prompted me to pray for my enemies. While I was praying this prayer I added the secular news commentators as I prayed.
I will share this.
Thank you, Margaret

February 19, 2021

I agree with those prayers and resolve to pray those on a regular basis so that the righteous will take back every position of government. I will add prayers for every unrighteous judge and attorney either come to Jesus or be removed from their positions as well. Thank you J. Rohrbaugh

Jane Fain
February 19, 2021

The news media needs to be added to this prayer list. Since they lie like the Democratic leadership does and the RINO Republicans and they push the Democratic agenda, it would only be right to add the news media to this prayer list.

    February 20, 2021

    Standing in agreement. I was compelled to add news media and social media giants to this wonderful and powerful prayer too.

Martha Martínez
February 19, 2021

Thank you for sending to us such a heartfelt prayer.
As I was praying it, I felt such an encouragement and hope for our nation.

Angie Thibodaux
February 19, 2021

Yes and amen to it all! Since March of last year I have been fasting praying reading and waiting on God. He has given me the same scriptures you just had us pray! I keep a journal lots of them over this last year, I have kept journals for over 32 years at all the things you said I’ve written them down praise Him out loud, fast it over them and I’m expecting Him to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think according the power that work is within us thank you for your faithfulness🙌

Rick Noto
February 19, 2021

Timely for today’s new administration

Susan Carlson
February 19, 2021

Yes, I prayed along side you this prayer this morning…..
In Jesus name…and am sharing it with other believers

Joy Anna Rosendale
February 19, 2021

I can really understand our sister’s point. All of us intercessors feel grave concern about the wickedness that is suddenly being foisted upon our country through the new political system that has come to power. We, appropriately, are crying out for God’s justice and righteousness to permeate our land and for evil to be mitigated. Actually, we have been praying for this together for many months, starting long before the election.

But somehow, I can’t feel completely in agreement with Jamie Rohrbaugh’s important article, because I feel it isn’t balanced quite well enough. I believe this situation is more spiritually complicated than just discerning, denouncing, exposing, and judging evil in our new politicians. The politicians are people, not just ideologies. What if Paul had told Timothy–and by extension, the believers in Ephesus as well as every Bible reader–to pray the way Jamie suggests? To pray this way about Nero, who was in power while Paul wrote, and the other brutally wicked Caesars who were to follow? They were evil beyond anything we Americans can imagine, and they were committing horrible atrocities, especially against Christians, worse than anything we will ever experience in America!

No, instead Paul simply commanded in 1 Timothy 2:1-4, 8 (Jamie quotes some of this at the end of her article): “Therefore I exhort first of all that you make supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for everyone, for kings and for all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty, for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth… Therefore, I desire that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath or contentiousness.”

Paul opened this epistle by stating “This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I was the worst. But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, first, Jesus Christ might show all patience, as an example to those who were to believe in Him for eternal life” (1 Timothy 1:15-16). Paul was saying, in essence, if Jesus can save me, He can save anybody.
This is our encouragement not to give up on “super-sinners.” What we intercessors are dealing with now in our new government is a classic case of needing—and being required by God—to hate the sin, but love the sinner. I think Jamie’s article would have been better balanced if she had presented an equally strong case for the urgent need to love, with Jesus’ love, the sin-laden politicians.

Like all the politicians whom we are especially concerned about, every one of us started out as “the enemy of God.” Every one of us began our time on earth as a wicked and evil sinner who had come short of the glory of God and deserved hell. We can judge that our sins aren’t as bad as theirs. But everybody’s sin—yours, mine, and the ungodly politicians’– required the crucifixion of Jesus. God sees all sin as terrible!

All the wickedness and evil we are being confronted with, Jesus took into himself on the Cross and was punished for it. Why? Because He wants to save these wicked, horrible, despicable sinners. That’s what Jesus is all about! We are way too quick to give up on people. It is not our place to evaluate another human as having gone past the point of no return. This is God’s sole prerogative. True, we can see their bad fruit, but that doesn’t mean the story is over. When James and John wanted to command fire to come down from heaven to judge and destroy some wicked Samaritans, Jesus said, “You do not know what kind of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them” (Luke 9:54-55).

I think we intercessors are really struggling to know how to cope with the onslaughts of evil we are suddenly experiencing in our nation. But, in addition to however else He instructs us to pray, we can know that the Lord expects us to respond with the character and heart of Jesus to the politicians themselves. The character of Jesus is the fruit of the Spirit, and the heart of Jesus is redeeming love.

We intercessors have been crying out to God for so long, and we are battle weary, and our nerves are on edge about what terrible thing is going to happen in our nation next! It is humanly understandable that we would like God to just blast the wicked people and get rid of them in order to restore peace and well-being to our beloved nation. That would be quick and easy—if we could just coax God into doing it!

But Jesus is calling us to something much more difficult: to relate to this wickedness with extravagant faith in His power to redeem anyone, and to love the wicked and evil politicians the way He does. He is calling us to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21) and to speak to those hurting us with blessing instead of cursing (1 Peter 3:9).

Probably the main reason God has sovereignly allowed wickedness and evil to temporarily take over our nation is to purge the church. He wants to teach us to be like Jesus. And to do that, He has ordained that judgment begins with us first (1 Peter 4:17). He needs to expose us—so we see the anger, bitterness, and vengeance inside us. Then He needs to bring us to justice—which means coming to the Cross in heartfelt repentance for all the ways we have not aligned with Jesus in our feelings, character and behavior.

Once He has corrected His people, then He can deal with evil society. His method for healing our land is to raise us up as an army of true disciples who carry His message of reconciliation, forgiveness, and new life in Jesus into grossly evil situations. Thousands upon thousands of sinners—politicians and everyone else—coming to Jesus and being born again will radically change the culture and politics in America. He spiritually heals our land by spiritually healing us first.

Jesus, please help us! We all feel like calling down fire from heaven! But instead, show us how to be people who intercede according to your amazing plans and purposes. Help us to get in line with your redemptive strategies. You see these wicked people’s hearts, and yet you love them anyway. You are powerfully and intimately aware of their sins, because You suffered agonies by bearing them on the Cross! We pray that you will teach us to truly and compassionately love the people who are currently encased in wickedness—the way you love them, Jesus. Help us to come into a new level of discipleship. You want to heal our land by saving multitudes of wicked and evil people—politicians, and others. You need our help with this, Jesus. Please show us how to get in line with your heart and your strategies, Wonderful Savior. We love you, Jesus!

    Lane Michaels
    February 19, 2021

    The Saints have been praying. Evil has and continues to be exposed yet, the Lord allows it to continue with no earthly consequences. How much longer will it take to bring these people to
    justice? Nonetheless, it is not my job to figure out God. Only to trust He knows what He’s doing. His Will, not my will be done.

    Lisa DiPasquale
    February 19, 2021

    Want change, pray for a change of heart for those in power in corporate America to halt political fundings because it’s Corporate America that is feeding the Washington Beast!

    February 19, 2021

    Read John 8. JESUS called the scribes and pharisees children of satan and liars like their father the devil. Also scripture says in 1 Corinthians 5:5 “To deliver such an one unto satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the LORD JESUS.” JESUS never coddled evil people. HE even told Peter to “get thee behind me, satan: thou art an offence to me: for thou savourest not the things that be of GOD, but those that be of men.” Matthew 16:23. Read the entire chapter, then read the entire Bible: Matthew thru Revelation 1st. Then Genesis thru Malachi. The most Amazing Book in the world! Be Blessed in JESUS Name!

    John Douglas
    March 10, 2021

    Thank you Joy for your response & prayer. Well said & I agree. Judgement begins with the house of God & I believe, along with you, that God is aiming to get the attention of His church & bring a change of heart so He can heal our land. The scripture that has intrigued me for years is that Jesus told us that if we forgive men their transgressions that they are forgiven, if we retain them they are retained. Is it possible that we are holding back the Lord from doing what He wants to do? Yet I rest in God’s faithfulness that He is using these things to reveal the spot & wrinkle in His bride so she will be prepared for every good work as He pours out His Spirit on the earth. Our hearts & flesh may fail us, but God is the strength of our hearts & our portion forever!

February 19, 2021

Prayed the prayers and recordings God to answer according to His perfect will.

Debbi Carlson
February 19, 2021

Great article and prayer Jamie! I encourage all to read the prayers aloud in agreement!

Susan scott
February 19, 2021

Thank you for guidance in our prayer for our nation and leaders.I will pray it everyday and stand for righteousness.

Brenda Davis
February 19, 2021

In agreement in Jesus name
Righteous and justice for our nation

CM Brown
February 19, 2021

Father, I pray for everyone in a political position – from county government, to state, to national. I pray that they all would seek Your face in the decisions they make. I pray that there will be an end to evil, and a revival in our nation.


February 19, 2021

AMEN AND AMEN!! Father, let it be!!

Vickie Duggins
February 19, 2021

Lord God I pray for Your intervention for our country. Confuse and thwart the plans of the evil one. We come to You in petition and pray that our leaders would have a change of heart and be turned toward You in repentance. My prayer really is that You remove every wicked and evil politician in America. In Jesus name, Amen.

Laurie Collins
February 19, 2021

Yes I prayed this powerful prayer in agreement with you 🙏🙌🏼✝️🕊

February 19, 2021

I prayed it 😍😍😍 and I can’t wait for our breakthrough- Our Lion is gonna ROAR!

Deb Hazama
February 19, 2021

Yes. I prayed … Thank you. Lord, God – Our Father … “ ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. ’ For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:9-15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Diane Cooley
February 19, 2021

Amen and Amen!

Lois Kindley
February 19, 2021

Thank you so much very this powerfully detailed prayer! My spirit jumped in agreement! Printing, praying and sharing. In eager anticipation of what Father has next for His covenant nation, Lois

Marie Jacobs
February 19, 2021

I did pray this prayer with you today and I thank you for posting it. I am printing it out and will be praying it daily. We have a good God. He is worthy of all praise honor and glory and his Word is faithful to accomplish what he sends it to do.

Danny N.C.
February 19, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, please free our nation from the corrupt and evil cabal that has stolen power from the people and our rightfully elected leaders. Lord, they are trying to force one agenda after another on us that the we do not agree with or want. They have made so many promises to so many different special interest groups, many of them with unholy positions, that they must now try to satisfy all of them leading to chaos for all. Lord, of course we pray that some of these wicked people might have their eyes open and repent, but Lord, I suspect that many of them would rather not have their eyes open and wish to reject Your truth. Lord, I even suspect that the very worst of them may know full-well the evil they do, and they do it with an evil glee. Lord, please, please, please, free us from their grasp. Lord, please expose their evil in all its ugliness that some of their minions may realize the folly of their ways and yet repent. Lord, please, I beg you, confound their plans and let truth and justice prevail. Lord please, remove the truly wicked and unrepentant from us by any means necessary. Lord, I cringe at the thought of the horrible indoctrination of lies these foul people and their dark, shadowy overlords are forcing on our youth through false teachings in all levels of education, and thinly veiled messages in just about all forms of entertainment. Lord, the assault of evil against us is now so great that, from our humble perspective at least, I cannot imagine how this can be undone without something huge. Still, our ways are not Your ways. We await that which is to come, and pray that You direct us now that we may do Your work, whatever it may be. In Jesus precious name I pray, O’ Lord, Amen.

Edith Sankey
February 19, 2021

Amen and Amen

Sherry Brown
February 19, 2021

Thank you for sharing this prayer and using scripture as a foundation. I’ve shared with many friends and encouraged them to pass it on. Bless you!

February 19, 2021

Praying for the blinders to come off of them. Jesus forgive them for they truly do not understand the deception that is holding them captive. Bring them the blessing of knowing You and Your love for them. In Jesus name. Amen

February 19, 2021

Thank you for
allowing me to join with you in agreement in Prayer. This is how I feel. Your prayers are mighty. Not of this world. They have Divine Power. To pull down Strongholds or centers of support for a cause. And to demolish Arguments. This is Spiritual Warfare. And our God is God. There is none other. Praise you Adonai Tzva’ot, Eternal Commander of Heavenly Armies for fighting this battle for us. Lead us guide us instruct us. May we pray your prayers of Victory. Thank You.

February 18, 2021

I prayed & I am in agreement wholeheartedly!
I am blessed to be involved in righteous prayer for our nation so it may be restored to give glory to God!

February 18, 2021

Thank you, Jamie…SPOT ON! I FULLY AGREE that this should be our prayer!
We are under the authority of the “Declaration of Independence” – based on
God’s Law – where we are called to pull down these wicked evil politicians
and government that have overthrown our government by their THEFT!

These are not our leaders – we didn’t vote for these people!
So WHY are we referring to these THIEVES (who have committed treason!) our
president and vice-president??? WAKE UP CHURCH! DON’T FALL IN LINE WITH THIS!

February 18, 2021

Amen!! Agree wholeheartedly!! Thank you Lord for the prayers of the saints joining together with yours to see your will established in America! We pray that you will bring it to pass! That the righteous will see your works in our time.

Carol G.
February 18, 2021

Amen. Thank you so much for leading us in this prayer. This has helped me, for your prayer is more comprehensive than I was previously praying. Let God have the pleasure of responding according to His will, His way, His timing. We praise you and bless you, Holy God. As you dismantle the houses of deception, remove the unrepentant evildoers, and restore Godly righteousness to our nation, may you receive the praise and glory you so richly deserve.

Ken Laurion
February 18, 2021

Lord, God – I humbly agree with every request of this prayer. May we, your church, embrace that we are engaged in a spiritual battle against an enemy who already knows his eternal fate and is desperately seeking a hopeless overthrow. Help us to see the reality of what is happening in the heavenly spaces and how it is manifesting it in the natural. Give us the spiritual discernment to stand boldly in the face of only two immediate outcomes to victory: Salvation for the wicked or judgement upon the wicked. Bring us face to face with the reality of this battle and embolden us to take up the weapon of bold prayer. To you be the glory, the honor, and the swift and sudden victory.

Catherine Wyly
February 18, 2021

So encouraged to see this. I did a deep study of imprecatory praying last summer and have diligent!y prayed just as you have here since. There are many scriptures backing up exactly what you outlined in your prayer. I quote God’s word and tell Him I am asking for no more than what He has said. Most people seem to believe this is not biblical but I believe every word in the Bible is truth-even imprecatory prayers addressing enemies of God and His principles. I truly believe if Pastors lead prayers like this in their churches, we may have seen a different last 3 months. It is time for God’s people to be bold and stand for God.

February 18, 2021

Yes, I have prayed in earnest tears pleading and agreeing with this prayer to our beloved holy Father in heaven and in Jesus name!!!!

I’m going to print it out and use it at our prayer group next week.

Kurt Klemm
February 18, 2021

Father thank You for this prayer and for your answering of our prayers even before we’re done speaking. As we pass this on to others of your children guide them to take their responsibility of praying without ceasing and joining the rest in obedience to You making a difference in our nation through prayer. Let your will be done LORD as we pray and you bring Truth, righteousness, and justice into our land. Glorify yourself LORD.
Amen and amen.

David Scott
February 18, 2021

I wholeheartedly agree with everything stated in this prayer, to which I say, “Amen!” I would like to add something that proves some politicians have given themselves over to evil to such an extent that there is no more hope for them. When I was God’s ambassador to New Zealand 2003-2010, I had the opportunity to meet the Prime Minister in 2005. I was escorted into the PM’s presence by a Minister of Parliament. When I was about 30 feet from the PM, the Lord activated discernings of spirits in such a way that I could see a black cloud of demons swirling around her like a tornado. They were moving slowly enough to make out their features in a general way. But they were moving too fast to describe them in detail. When I was close enough to look the PM in the eyes, God activated discernings of spirits another way so I could see a reptile looking at me through her eyes. In that same moment, the Holy Spirit spoke inside my mind and said, “She is no longer at home in her body. What you see has total control over her life. Everything she says and does as PM is under complete control of the demonic entity.” I knew she was a communist before I met her, but afterward I learned that communism lead her to satanism. It reminded me of a book I read about the revival in Argentina in 1953. The author knew a Christian, who told him that the Lord Jesus revealed to her that some people in the last days would become more demon than they are human. PM Helen Clark turned out to be one of them. She now has the third most powerful position at the UN.

    Catherine Wyly
    February 18, 2021

    That is very scary. If only we could all have discerning eyes to see the demon in these politicians. We have seen in the last 3 months many were very clever in hiding their true person. Not surprised at all to know that person is in the UN

      David Scott
      February 19, 2021

      God gave me discernment like that only twice in my life, about 30 years apart. I’ve also experienced discernment in other ways that wasn’t do dramatic. Discernings is plural in the Greek text of 1 Cor. 12 because there is more than 1 way to discern spirits. It can be positive as well as negative. For example, there were 4 times when I looked someone in their eyes and saw the spirit of Jesus looking at me. I instantly knew they were born again Christians. The first time, it was a Baptist lady. The second time, i was a co-worker from India, who was Pentecostal. The third time, it was a Messicanic Jew. The last time was another co-worked, who was Baptist. I’ve experienced discernment 7 different ways since 1969. That’s why it is plural in the Greek text. I began to pray for discernment after hearing a pastor tell about a time when the FBI asked for his help regarding a famous Pentecostal preacher in CA, who was a known KGB infiltrator. That pastor experienced discernment about that man at the lowest level – he had a gut feeling something was wrong with him, but didn’t know what or why. God used the FBI to confirm what he was feeling. Before he was assassinated, a KGB defector, who found the Lord Jesus, reported that all churches in the USA have been infiltrated by at least 1 communist ot spy on them. Some even infilrate the clergy, like the one mentioned above. That pastor exhorted all the students in my Bible school to pray for discernment to avoid the snares such people lay inside the church. That is what motivated me to pray for discernment. God has blessed me with the ability to pray in tongues whenever I have a desire to or feel a need to. But I can’t turn discernment on like that. It only works when the Holy Spirit wants it to. I have to walk as closely to the Lord as possible for Him to do that. It won’t work if I’m struggling wih something that hinders my relationship.

        Catherine Wyly
        February 19, 2021

        It is comforting to know that God is anointing you and others relative to discerning evil in the church. My calling and hopefilly anointing is intercessory prayer. I always have been serious about prayer but a deep study in it two years ago opened my eyes that I wasn’t taking it to the level God was directing me. This past summer is when I discovered imprecatory praying and spent months researching scriptures and listening to what God was trying to teach me. So I guess He was giving discernment through His word of how to effectively but accurately use that word to accomplish what He wanted me to pray. I am happy I have found your writings and will continue to follow what you share. Thank you so much for responding to me. Although I take my intercession very seriously, I am always looking for confirmation that I have not stepped out on my own in a belief but rather being in complete alignment with God’s direction.

          David Scott
          February 20, 2021

          While God has used me as an intercessor too, I think you may be a couple steps ahead of me at this time. However, there were some things God taught me about spiritual warfare while doing missions work in New Zealand that may encourage you. The best way is to read my book – Ambassador Undercover – which describes those tactics using details that can’t be expressed in this brief note. For example, on one occasion the Lord put it on my heart to ask Him to destroy Witch Mountain, overlooking Christchurch, with an earthquake. God answered that prayer in a way that amazed me. On another occasion the Lord told me to do a Jericho march around the largest Anglican cathedrat in the city because of its apostasy. I met a Maori brother doing the same thing for the same reasons when I went there to obey the Lord. God answered that in an equally amazing way. It took 3 earthquakes and 4,000 aftershocks to split Witch Mountain in half. It took 2 earthquakes and those same 4,000 aftershocks t bring down that cathedral. If you read Binding the Strongman Over America by Pastor John Benefiel, you will see how a group of intercessors motivated the Lord to use an earthquake to put a nasty crack in the Washington Monument in DC, but it didn’t bring it down.

          David Scott
          February 20, 2021

          I forgot to mention that you would be inspired to see some documentary dvds about revival called The Transformation Series produced by The Sentinel Group. My favorites are Transformations, Transformations II, Let The Sea Resound, and Appalachian Dawn. Unconventinal War is also outstanding, but you shouldn’t watch that untel seeing Transformations II first. That will keep the history of how God gave Uganda a Christain president for the last 30 years.

Laurie Nelson Posner
February 18, 2021

Yes I have prayed this prayer 🙏 2/18/21 8:48pm ET .

Sylvia McLendon Sykes
February 18, 2021

I did pray this prayer with you and in agreement with you! Thank you for leading us in this prayer and help me to continually lift the wicked up the to Lord for salvation and/or exposure. Thank you, Lord, that you hear our prayers.

Cassandra Tidwell
February 18, 2021

Thank you for putting so much in this prayer. I have been praying this way for several years. But you put so much more into your prayer. Thank you; this helps me to pray better. We are Prayer Warriors and we should pray as warriors.

Sharon Culp
February 18, 2021

Lord I thank you that You are a Just God, long-suffering to all men. Thank you that You know the days ordained for all men and the consequences of living in rebellion of You. Lord I stand in agreement with these requests and I also pray You remove the deception, the lies and strongholds over the people in this Nation who voted in these persons. Lord I pray s
For Revival to break out in America in the Church and in the homes of the unsaved. May our praises out way our grumbling and reach your heart bringing You Glory. You are Worthy Oh Lord. In Jesus name. Amen

Kevin Parsons
February 18, 2021

Awesome prayer thank you lord

February 18, 2021

Thank you for this guide. It is just what I have been looking for to pray with power and direction today. God bless you.

rick rockman
February 18, 2021

May our God — the one, true God of the Bible bless you Jamie Rohrbaugh. You have given traction and truth in prayer to what many, many American believers are feeling and living since election day. Your careful explanations of what to pray and how to pray were well presented and founded in God’s inspired Word.
Psalm 33:12 states, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as His own inheritance.”
May we spiritually awaken, grow to a spiritual revival … and may we choose to be the nation of Psalm 33:12 once again through the Holy Spirit’s leading.

Linda Jean Quigley
February 18, 2021

Very good & specific prayer for us to come into agreement with! Powerful! Amen, so be it, LORD!

Brother Amartey
February 18, 2021

It is biblical to pray for our leaders and it’s also biblical to pray for judgement against corrupt leaders! Lord, I pray that you destroy the corrupt leaders, individuals and organizations that want to destroy America and Your world. Lord, do not show them mercy, but expose them and destroy them!! Amen and Amen!!

February 18, 2021

Thank you, Jamie for Scriptural and accurate prayer. Now is the time for boldness, not timidity. Now is not the time for misplaced sympathy. Now is the time for Truth and Justice. Let us continue praying in this way. Already we are hearing reports that one enemy group has turned their evil schemes onto each other and practically annihilated the group! Blessed be God, forever and ever! Blessed be His Righteousness! Blessed be His Faithfulness to His children.
May those who do evil be destroyed by their own duplicity – Proverbs 11:3
May those who walk in unrighteousness be overthrown – Proverbs 13:6
May the sword of the wicked enter into their own hearts – Psalm 37:15

Judith Creed
February 18, 2021

Yes I prayed this powerful prayer!

Jerri Pope
February 18, 2021

Thank you for obeying our Holy God who hates evil. I use to live in darkness so I know evil people do exist.
But, Prayers were answered and I’m washed in the blood of my savior Jesus. I will continue to cry out to Jesus for His will to be done in the United States of America and for all the lost souls that may yet be set free.

Mary Meens
February 18, 2021

We, as the American church, played a significant part in allowing our leadership to get to this point. The Church has the mantle to push back on the darkness in our nation and we have failed. Thanks be to our merciful God who will give us another chance! May all of us and especially our pastors and ministry leaders get fireyHoly Spirit boldness and never be silent about moral issues in our society! We are Gods hands and feet, and most importantly, His voice on this earth. Let us never fail to speak His Truth. Pastors MUST serve God and NOT the IRS and their 501c3.

    Rena Trinidad
    February 18, 2021

    Amen we prayed this wonderful powerful prayer.Jesus we trust in you amen 🙏

Homeschool Cindi
February 18, 2021

Thank you! Spot on!

No more trying to prop up an Ishmael as the promise.

Angie J
February 18, 2021

Wow how dare you call someone evil and wicked…we have no right to do that.this is disheartening to read

    Homeschool Cindi
    February 18, 2021

    Who is being called wicked besides … the wicked?

    February 18, 2021

    The Evil One has NO power in the world unless people allow him to use them for evil schemes. When a person turns away from God he/she turns instead to the wickedness and schemes of the Evil One. Therefore, they become immersed in their own wickedness, and become evil themselves. In reality there are there are wicked people walking on this earth!

    Jacque P
    February 18, 2021

    Have you not read Roman 1 and Is. 5:20???
    Rom. 1:16-22
    16For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
    17For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
    18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
    19Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
    20For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
    21Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
    22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
    23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things.
    24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
    25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
    26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
    27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
    29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
    30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
    31Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
    32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

    Is. 5:20-23
    20Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!#call…: Heb. say concerning evil, It is good, etc.
    21Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! in their own sight: Heb. before their face
    22Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:
    23Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

    C F
    February 18, 2021

    Read all of John chapter 8 in the King James Version: JESUS is talking to the scribes and pharisees: verse 44: “ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” This current administration lies constantly. They forget that there are past videos showing them all lying. We call them evil and wicked because their fruit (what they say and do) is wicked and evil. JESUS said “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” Matthew 7:15-20. FATHER GOD thank YOU for Jamie’s encouraging prayer.
    Please teach us all YOUR WORD so we can pray more effectively in JESUS Name! Amen!

    Louisiana lady
    November 13, 2022

    Angie, the Word of God calls out evil. If there’s no evil in this world then why does the word “evil” even exist? If you believe Pharoah, Jezebel, Ahab, the Sodomites, Haman, etc… were evil (the word makes that clear) then why don’t you believe there are people that exist today that are evil? The AntiChrist will be an evil, vile person. We can’t shut our eyes and pretend everyone is good at heart, because not everyone is. Of course people go from evil to righteous if they get saved, but some will never do that and will choose to remain evil.

February 18, 2021

The harvest is definitely ripe in Washington DC.

There is plenty of bad trees in Washington, that bear bad fruit. Wolves in sheep’s clothing.

They are bad trees that pretend to bear good fruit. But as the Bible says, “a bad tree cannot produce good fruit.”

The Bible says, “you can also tell a tree by the fruit it bears.”

From the looks of things in Washington, there are a lot of bad apples.

God, help us to pray for the bad apples.

In Jesus name Amen.

Miriam Lambert
February 18, 2021

Thank you for a guiding outline. It is hard to pray for leaders that are evil. I have long prayed that they devour each other.

Joy Anna Rosendale
February 18, 2021

I can really understand our brother’s point, but somehow I can’t feel completely in agreement. What if Paul had told Timothy–and by extension, the believers in Ephesus, as well as every Bible reader–to pray this way about Nero, who was in power while Paul wrote, and the other brutally wicked Caesars who were to follow? They were evil beyond anything we Americans can imagine, and they were committing horrible atrocities, especially against Christians, worse than anything we will ever experience in America!

No, instead Paul simply commanded in 1 Timothy 2:1-4, 8, “Therefore I exhort first of all that you make supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for everyone, for KINGS AND FOR ALL WHO ARE IN AUTHORITY, that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty, for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth… Therefore I desire that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath or contentiousness.” And Paul opened this epistle by stating “This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I was the worst. But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, first, Jesus Christ might show all patience, as an example to those who were to believe in Him for eternal life” (1 Timothy 1:15-16). Paul was saying, in essence, if Jesus can save me, He can save anybody. This is our encouragement not to give up on “super-sinners.”

I think we intercessors are really struggling to know how to cope with the onslaughts of evil we are suddenly experiencing in our nation. But, in addition to whatever else He instructs us to pray, we can know that the Lord expects us to respond with the character and heart of Jesus to the people themselves. The character of Jesus is the fruit of the Spirit, and the heart of Jesus is redeeming love.

All the wickedness and evil we are being confronted with, Jesus took into himself on the Cross and was punished for it. Why? Because He wants to save these wicked, horrible, dispicable sinners. That’s what Jesus is all about! We are way too quick to give up on people. When James and John wanted to command fire to come down from heaven to judge and destroy some wicked Samaritans, Jesus said, “You do not know what kind of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them” (Luke 9:54-55).

We intercessors have been crying out to God for so long, and we are battle weary, and our nerves are on edge about what terrible thing is going to happen next! It is humanly understandable that we would like God to just blast the wicked people and get rid of them in order to restore peace and well-being. But Jesus is calling us to something very difficult. That is to relate to this wickedness with extravagant faith in His redeeming love.

Jesus, please help us! We all feel like calling down fire from heaven! Show us how to be people through whom you can intercede according to your amazing plans and purposes. Help us to get in line with your redemptive strategies. You see these wicked people’s hearts, and yet you love them anyway. You are powerfully and intimately aware of their sins, because You suffered agonies by bearing them on the Cross! We pray that you will teach us a different kind of praying than what comes natural to us. Help us to help one another, Jesus, to come into a new level of discipleship. We are in such hard times! Strengthen, comfort, and encourage us. We love you, Jesus.

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William Daly
February 18, 2021

A powerful, wonderful prayer that can’t help but have a great impact. God listens to prayers like this. Praise Him!

February 18, 2021

Thank you for such a powerful and timely prayer! And for showing how to pray against wickedness and evil in our government and in other places or people of great influence. Evil minds and no conscience—how dangerous!

J Paquette
February 18, 2021

In agreement with this prayer, YES and Amen!

February 18, 2021

Prayed….powerful prayer…Thank You!

Jean Wold
February 18, 2021

Oh Lord, that it may be so, in your will. Amen

Victoria Degand
February 18, 2021

This is a wonderful prayer thank you

Sharon Patterson
February 18, 2021

Jamie, l began following you last week. This prayer and biblical sources upon which you based is so thorough and right at all levels we should cover. Thank you🙏

Randie Ray
February 18, 2021

I am agreeing wholeheartedly with this prayer. This is my prayer and has been for quite a while now, or similar ones close to it.
I am afraid to make final judgements on people about when they have crossed that line of no return and so my prayers for individuals always ask that leaders be held accountable for criminal acts, but that God will create a way, an opening to tear down the barriers they have erected so that His love and mercy can work salvation for them. Right now I am praying a general prayer that God would do the Hebrides revival over again and that sinners would be compelled by Holy Spirit en mass to fall on their knees and cry out for His mercy and salvation. Lord, do it again, and let it begin in our so called churches and let it fall on our congress and all the halls of government in this land as well as the brothels and bars and drug houses.

D. Hetteen
February 18, 2021

I prayed this prayer. I say Amen to all of it. I want to see right and justice done and God, our Father is the One to do it. According to His will so be it! May the Lord put His fire in the people of God to contend for what is right in EVERY case! Amen and Amen.

Janice Gaskill
February 18, 2021

Yes, I prayed this prayer today. Thank you for giving us the right words to say. When we feel overwhelmed with evil in our government, it is sometimes difficult to even know where to begin.

    February 18, 2021

    So very true. It is often overwhelming! But not to God—praise be to Him!

Eileen Campbell
February 18, 2021

Dear Jamie,
Thank you so much for these prayers!God is just so good He is just so Holy. He woke me up on July 23 2020.To make my hands clean to have a pure heart,to repent and repent again. I know He hears my voice now, Thankyou for these prayers, Thank you King Jesus. I am not alone, thank you for these intercessors I pray with. May You Oh King Jesus “defend,deliver,pass over and preserve ” Isaiah 31. Our nation You gave u to us long ago.

February 18, 2021

Spot on!

February 18, 2021

Father God, hear the prayers of your people; may your hand move to restore integrity and righteous to our country. Father, please, intercede on our behalf and bless those who do your will in their governmental role. May evil be brought down and the foundations of our nation restored. Thank you, Father, may your will be done. In Jesus name, Amen

Shirley Gue
February 18, 2021

Yes, I did and will keep praying it and wrestling with God until He blesses us and our United States of America with Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, Truth, and Freedom once again. Amen.

Elaine Corio
February 18, 2021

Thank-you for this timely prayer.

I trust that the truth and the wicked
politicians will be exposed in His time.
It is beginning to happen in New York.

GILLIAN Krumdick
February 18, 2021

Yes I prayed

Michal Dutcher
February 18, 2021

Thank You Lord we live to ever join with You to make intercession. We ask that Your purposes for this country be fulfilled. Remove the evil people in government at every level of decision making. Replace them with the people who hear Your voice and serve You. We ask in Jesus Precious name. Amen

February 18, 2021

Thank you Jamie,
Just printed this off and will be praying for leaders in our country (Canada) as well as the U.S. and the nations! We want righteous leaders in the lands. Blessings & Shalom

February 18, 2021

Amen. Standing in agreement to this powerful prayer. Let the words of this prayer be fulfilled to Your great satisfaction, Lord. Praise You, Lord for what You are doing, what You have done, and what You are going to do.

February 18, 2021

Thank you Jamie for sharing this powerful anointed prayer. God is revealing his word to us though you.
May our Lord bless and keep you always.

Bob Bowers
February 18, 2021

such a wonderful prayer. I am sure god will answer and help us at this time. thank you

February 18, 2021

I join with the intercessors in praying for all leaders, wicked ones, & righteous ones.
I pray the wicked ones would come ” face to face” with almighty God! I pray their hardened hearts would be cracked wide open, exposing the wickedness of their hearts, that they would repent of their sins with a Godly sorrow. May they have a reverent fear of God, that true wisdom could begin to guide them.

If they refuse Jesus,may they be removed from any office that represents the people of the USA. Although my hope is first and foremost for their Salvation!

As for your righteous leaders. Hold them Jesus. Protect them and their families. Give them Your wisdom, Your discernment, Your strength. Surround them with Your holy angels. Remind them that if God be for them, who can be against them. Remind them that thousands of people are with them, praying for them; not to weary in well doing.
May their ranks for righteousness be multiplied.
Onward Christian Soldier. Let Truth go marching on.
In Jesus Name.

February 18, 2021

Thank you Jamie, these prayers are powerful and effective. Thank you because they are so comprehensive and cover everything! Yes, I prayed them and will continue to pray them. I will pass them on to others. Blessings on you for doing this for us who desire so much to pray feverently in the will of God

Robyn DiNatale
February 18, 2021

Thank you for this prayer. As a newer Christian still learning, I was confused as to how to pray about these evil “leaders.”

Anna Lovato
February 18, 2021

Father thank you that we live in the United States of America. Thank you that we have a form of government that not only allows us to participate in the formation of our government, but that compels us to participate so that we are able to be free to worship, to live, to work and to play. Remind us of our responsibility to watch our leaders and hold them accountable for their actions and behaviors as they affect the offices they occupy and the people they represent. Father, we pray that YOU will also keep the evil away from our elected representatives. Asking in the name of Jesus! Amen

Maria Morais
February 18, 2021

Hallelujah!!!! Now these are Jesus’ Warrior Prayers!!!! We as the body come in full agreement with these prayers!!! We come against the wiles of the Devil and all his dominions in the mighty name of Yeshua our Lord!!! What man has falsely put together for evil… Our God and Lord will turn it fir good and will restore what the enemy has stolen!!!!! We stand on the verses that were so eloquently mentioned… the men of God Moses Daniel Paul etc did not submit to the evil Kings who turned their backs on Gods precepts… on the contrary… they stood firm in faith of the ONE true GOD and Father.. the Great I AM!!! They did not fear them… they feared God Almighty and look what the Lord did!!! Wow!!!! Let this be a lesson to us that no matter what comes our way.. let us stand firm on the Rock of our salvation “Christ the Lord!!! And never bow down to Baal!!! Hallelujah!!!!!

    Donna Martin
    February 18, 2021

    Amen and Amen!! This is a powerful “prayer-warrior” prayer that I stand in full agreement with. Thank you for putting to prayer the words that are so desperately needed to be spoken. May YHWH hear from His throne and grant us the desires of our hearts.

      Maria Morais
      February 18, 2021

      Oh my fellow warrior for Christ!!! You made my heart sing!! We as believers need to take the authority given to us by the Holy Spirit and our blessed Lord and use the spiritual weapons God has given us to fight the good fight of faith!!!! Take up the armor of God Almiyand the sword of the Spirit my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus !!! Fir God clearly told us that “no weapon formed against us shall prosper!!!” Fear not fir what can man do to you saith the Lird if Hosts!!!! We stand on our Gods Words Always!!!! Thank you my Sister fir your words of encouragement and faith!🙏✝️⚔️🔥❤️

Jamie Rohrbaugh
February 18, 2021

Thank you, Gail. All glory to His name!

Joan Bloomberg
February 18, 2021

Holy. Holy. Holiness! Father God. Jesus. Our Comfirter Holy Spirut. Thank you, Jamie! This IS a powerful prayer. It has touched heaven and the earth below as we prayed and as I prayed. This is grounded prayer. Amen. Meaningful. Go Angel armies and bring this prayer to pass in thus time and era. Free the world into Jesus!! In agreement! Amen.

February 18, 2021

AMEN, Jamie! God is faithful. He will oversee in the affairs of people and nations to achieve His purposes. We must stand in light as Holy Spirit reveals and proclaim truth of scripture. Especially, that Jesus died for the sins of all and salvation is in Him!

Jessica Renshaw
February 18, 2021

As I prayed down through this entire list, I found myself physically crying out things like “FRAUD! FRAUD FRAUD!” and “REPENT! REPENT!”–and acting out some of the declarations with sweeps of my hand, pounding of fists, stamping of feet. I guess that’s a kind of prayer in and of itself. I’m done and I’m exhausted. Whew!

Carla V Larson-Tucke
February 18, 2021

Jamie, this prayer is exactly what I needed. I struggle to pray for those people I know are evil or lost and although I know I was once lost, and am still a sinner yet loved by Jesus. Thank you! Amen. I will pray this prayer until I can feel my heart soften away from anger and towards loving my enemies.

Susan Garrison
February 18, 2021

Amen Jamie!!

February 18, 2021

Amen and Amen! Lord, work righteousness in our hearts and provide for us leaders who seek Your righteousness, truth and justice. Our hearts rise up with this prayer day and night. Hear our prayer and heal our land. We lift this great request to our incredibly great God.

February 18, 2021

A wonderful prayer. Amen!

Linda Stewart
February 18, 2021

This is right on. Thank you for putting this into a prayer. Ps. 94

Jacqueline Davis
February 18, 2021

Thank you so much for this. I had been in prayer about how to pray for leaders and this was an answer.

February 18, 2021

What a wonderful compilation of petitions, declarations, and truth! You put what I have been thinking into such a concise and comprehensive document that was a joy to pray through. Thank you! I will pass it on to others of like heart and mind.

Lynda Jackson
February 18, 2021

Yes I did and passing it on to many others! I am doing my Godly and patriot part in bringing darkness to light!

Marilyn J Cronrath
February 18, 2021

Awesome prayer; love praying the Word and Father’s will together with the saints.
thank you

Dolores Marcano
February 18, 2021

I’m praying this prayer with my spouse.

February 18, 2021

I prayed,I agree in prayer with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

February 18, 2021

Brought me to my knees in prayer…Thank you! Amen and Amen!

Tess Jaworowski
February 18, 2021

I prayed aloud. Thank you for composing the words.
All Glory, Laud, and Honor be to our Lord God Almighty!

Wally Taylor
February 18, 2021

We pray this in the powerful, wonder-working Name of Jesus!

Bonnie Domon
February 18, 2021

I prayed this prayer aloud. It was encouraging to know it is biblical to pray like this against wicked politicians leaving the judgement of individuals to God. Thank you for helping me become more strategic and discerning in prayer.

    Vincette Hubbard
    February 18, 2021

    Thank you for helping me to pray in Our Lords name to surround so many offices in our govt. I will continue to use this blueprintk

February 18, 2021

Yes and amen!

Gail Akin
February 18, 2021

Every word of this prayer is completely scriptural and I pray in agreement with you and will continue to pray. Thank you

Ellen Hoffman
February 18, 2021

Thank you for your heart felt prayer. I prayed in agreement with you. Let the truth come out, from local governments to Federal governments and everything in between. Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. The most important truth is accepting Jesus Christ as Savior. Please God bring us another great leader who leads our country into revival.

Harold Hansen
February 18, 2021


Alisia Rivera
February 18, 2021

Thank you for being so specific in this prayer. We need ALL
of that to occur. Thank you for exposing the deeds of darkness. May the Lord have mercy on this country before it becomes a Venezuela.

Kathy Haigler
February 18, 2021

Wow! I really needed that! Thank you.

Phil Wason
February 18, 2021

Paul said to the Romans “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound”. Jesus didn’t overlook sin. He didn’t pretend the wicked of his day weren’t really wicked. But on the cross, He said “Forgive them Father, they don’t know what they are doing”.
Stephen, as he was being martyred, full of the Holy Spirit and seeing the glory of God, said “Lord do not charge them with this sin.
Even Peter, after healing the lame man, speaks about how they had crucified Jesus, but says “I know you acted in ignorance”. In all three situations, there was no thought of eternal punishment, rather, restoration.
So, when we think of people walking in darkness as a state of ignorance, a position which leads to sin, then we can see the people differently… and begin to see them as God the Father does. Paul said “From now on, we regard no-one from a purely human point of view.” 2 Cor 5.16

Sue Mobley
February 18, 2021

I prayed. Thank for the clear, detailed and scripture based prayer. I agree as touching heaven with you.

February 18, 2021

Amazing and I agree with every word!
Praise His Holy Name!

Dianna Miller
February 18, 2021

Yes! Praise God! A prayer rightly written according to God’s word. I believe it! I claim it and I have been paying in this way yet maybe a little harsher than I should. I will share this over and over. God help us! In Jesus Name AMEN!

Gail Segars Rainey
February 18, 2021

Dear Sister Jamie,
Before I got to the end of your prayer that I was praying with you, I knew it was penned by you. I recognize your prayers. They always stir Holy Spirit within me because they are the very bold and righteous prayers from a woman of God who comes from the presence of God when you lead us. Thank you so much for taking the time to contribute this “spot on” prayer! I pray the Lord continues to hugely bless your ministry “for such a time as this!”

Michael Stafford
February 18, 2021

yes I prayed this to our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ our Lord, and I pray for this each day so the world can be at peace, safe and stop all the persecution, suffering, child torture and molestation, trafficking, and stop just all the evil in our world. Thank you and may God hear our words.
He is with us always,

Joanne DeBord
February 18, 2021

This is an excellent article and I love this Prayer! I prayed as I read it and will continue.

Kathy Palmer
February 18, 2021

Powerful prayer covering all that is going on. Amen, Amen and Amen‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

    February 18, 2021

    Prayed and am in agreement with this prayer. Father, deliver us from evil. AMEN

Melody S
February 18, 2021


Lynn Altman
February 18, 2021

Yes, I prayed this prayer out loud here at my computer and felt God’s presence fall!! This prayer covers everything I’ve had in my heart but didn’t have all the words to express…. thank you for posting this!

    Miss Andrea
    February 18, 2021

    Yes, I prayed this prayer in its entirety, with deep reverence and conviction. I commit to downloading the prayer into print format so that I may pray it multiple times. The words and language of the prayer capture what has been on my heart to pray. Thank you for bringing that to clarity.

      Donna Martin
      February 18, 2021

      I feel exactly the same way. Will print this powerful prayer and continue to offer it up to YHWH’s throne!

John F. Newman
February 18, 2021

God hears our prayers. May true revival come to America in the hours, days, weeks and time ahead. Praise His Holy Righteous Name.

Pamela Turrill
February 18, 2021

I prayed this very detailed prayer. l thank the woman who put into words what l could not.Sincerely,Pam Turrill, Ormond Beach FL

February 18, 2021

Yes I did.May it be so in Jesus name! God bless you

Rosemary Brown
February 18, 2021

I’m in total agreement that we need to pray continually for the leaders in our government, that they may see the wickedness and evil in our government and that they will take a stand for truth and righteousness; that they would seek Our Almighty God for truth and righteousness.

Nancy Bove
February 18, 2021

I agree and pray with you for righteousness to cover our government but also all believers so this country may be changed to give God the glory He deserves

Mrs. E
February 18, 2021

Now the prayer at the top of this page is more like it; this I can pray and will pray. Along with asking God to bring another to take the office from the wicked.

Thomas Miles
February 18, 2021

Only god in heaven will be able to undo the evil in our society, man has tried but has failed. Why has man failed, because we as a nation have turned from GOD! Until the arrogance of man humbles himself, and repent, god will let us continue to become more evil and corrupt than we have ever seen! Humbleness is strength in control!

    Mary Prince
    February 18, 2021

    Thank you for these inspiring prayers that cover every aspect of my fears and worries of the evil that is being perpetrated against the law abiding Christians of this country which I love so much.

    I have prayed the prayer and will continue to do so, love it.

    Keep up the good work that you are doing for the Lord and we Christians. May God richly bless you always.

Penni Bulten
February 18, 2021

Amen! We have been praying this for all those who cheated or had someone cheat on their behalf. (Ps. 109:8) May their lies be found out and may any traps they have set for those more righteous than themselves snap on them. Heavenly Father, just as You gave Haman opportunity to see that his path was crooked, and even used his wife to show him this, reveal Your path to them. You gave Pharaoh numerous opportunities to repent, and he continued to run away from You rather than toward You. We recognize that it is your kindness that leads to repentance, and that kindness involves someone being willing to point out evil behavior to the ones involved in it. Reveal to us what our part to play is.

Elia Guarneri
February 18, 2021

I am going to keep praying for their destruction, Joe Biden, the rest of the anti-Trumpers like Nancy Pelosi and all those who oppose freedom will be crushed and cursed. I am praying that they are so broken, crushed, defeated that they will come to Christ. I am praying for their souls at the expense of their wicked ways.
God is immensely mad at America and its leaders. It is important to repent and come to Lord as a nation now. I have been given the task of destroying this nation and as one of the two witnesses of Revelation 11. So far I have sent numerous warnings and no one believed me. All you who think I am not who I say I am need to look at Revelation 11 witnesses more closely. I was not born the regular way like you. God called me before I was even conceived to bring judgment on the nations. I did not ask for the power over disasters that I have. I am only using 35% of it now. My major desire is all come to Christ before it is too late. that is how much I care for everyone.
Please take my words seriously, reexamine the type of witnesses that Revelation 11 is talking about- one controls the forces of nature, the other controls pandemics and diseases. It is right in front of you. I am going to say once more repent church for you caused this whole problem in the first place. I do not want to wipe out millions of people’s lives because you failed to do your job. The blood will be on your hands, do not let God’s wrath come to you.

Barara Baumann
February 18, 2021

I come agaist the sronghold satan has put in the minds of all those people in our government who are walking in deciept and darkness and wanting communism and socialism and more killing of babies. I tear down those strongholds & cast out everything in their minds that exalts itself against the knowleedge of God. I pray Holy Spirit go & hover around these people & penetrate their hearts. I release their minds to be in complete obedience to Jesus. I loose them to be reconciled to God. IN JESUS NAME., AMEN

Mary R. Bellino
February 18, 2021

A wonderful prayer that should be prayed daily!! God, be merciful to me, a sinner. Blood of Jesus cover us and save us from all evil!

Carol Flowers
February 18, 2021

I agree! In JESUS MIGHTY Name! Let it be so FATHER GOD! Amen! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful biblical prayer!

February 18, 2021

Yes I did pray this pray. God Bless you for this perfect pray. Pray of Scripture.

Ruth H. Leech
February 18, 2021

“In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me: “Flee like a bird to your mountain. For look, the wicked bend their bows; they set their arrows against the strings to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart. When the foundations are being destroyed what can the righteous do? The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes the sons of men; his eyes examine them. The Lord examines the righteous but the wicked and those who love violence his soul hates, On the wicked he will rain down fiery coals and burning sulfur, a scorching wind will be their lot. For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice, upright men will see his face.” Psalm 11
Dear God, help us to remain ‘upright’ and know what we can do to remain faithful. I pray for all elected officials. Amen

Skye Alison
February 18, 2021

Thank you and praise God for the Spirit of the Lord impressing this heartfelt expression of Jesus’ prayer “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done ON EARTH as it is in heaven”. Amen and amen

Regina Ford
February 18, 2021

Amen !!!!!

Vashti Monica FORD
February 18, 2021

This was an article that needs to be read in by every Christian in every church and prayed by every believer. It is a comprehensive compilation that cover every topic. Let us take it as a model with which to bombard the courts of heaven for freedom.

February 18, 2021

I do pray these things in Ernest (I long for our land to be healed from the lies and snares of the evil one). I believe our Heavenly Father can accomplish it all.
As I read verse: 1 John 5:14. (NIV) This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to HIS WILL, he hears us.

Is HIS Will to heal our land, or are we so close to the end times that we are where we are suppose to be to fulfill Revelation? I look up for our redemption draws close and I pray for courage and strength in this fallen world, and for a Revival in our Land.

Bobbie Hughes
February 18, 2021

I prayed in agreement with this prayer. I always pray for our leaders during my personal devotional time with the Lord. Hosea 12:6 inspired me to memorize this verse for myself and our Nation. “So you, by the help of your God, return: hold fast to love and justice, and wait continually on your God.”

February 18, 2021

In Jesus name! Please pray for the children who are be kidnapped, sexually abused and used as sacrifices to that demonic spirit of ba’al, in Jesus name!

    Penni Bulten
    February 18, 2021

    This was one of the things President Trump was concerned about. There is a horrifying picture on Gab if a child so abused. I pray they are delivered from the hands of their captors, they are placed in loving homes that will help them heal and that the perpetrators of these crimes either repent or pay in full for their crimes on this side and in the afterlife. In the name above all names, Jesus!

Stephanie Cantwell
February 18, 2021

Yes, I prayed in complete agreement!!! Let Gods Justice be done!

Mary Elda Arrington
February 18, 2021

I totally agree with the above prayer from Jamie and will download and pray frequently. It is solidly based on scripture.

Esther Harbin
February 18, 2021

This is so good, I read and prayed it twice!

connie vander haeghe
February 18, 2021

While praying this prayer today, I am reminded of the events written about in the book of Esther. The rising of a wicked man named Haman. As he plotted against the Jewish people for evil; GOD was in the background working on Esther to be the vessel of crying out for GOD’S deliverance
And help as the plan for evil….final solution….was being put in place.
Though The LORD’S
Name isn’t mentioned in the book of Esther, the mighty handprint of out heavenly Father is embossed throughout the entire narrative.
Esther’s personal repentance,fasting and bringing together all those who trusted in The GOD of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob to join her in repentance,fasting and prayer, turned the tide of wickedness.
Likewise, our GOD,through saving faith in His PROVISION of Salvation, MESSIAH YESHUA/JESUS desires His people who worship Him in Spirit and truth continue to cry out to Him…..repentance,
Fasting, prayers of deliverance during this prophetic season of time.
Last year our nation was brought to a screeching halt on the Hebraic day of Purim, which was on March 9, 2020 due to the wuhun virus. As business closed, people lost their jobs and the ‘virus’spread, the campaign of fear raged. Looking at the state of this nation and the world, we can see the handwriting on the wall.
Christian, all who call upon The LORD through the name of MESSIAH JESUS it’s time to repent,fast turn from your own ways and continue to cry out to Him for strength,forgiveness, direction,wisdom and deliverance especially now during this season as Purim is Thursday, February 25-27. Prayfull read the book of Esther. Notice the strategy of the wicked and the GOD given strategy of the righteous. Our GOD hasn’t changed. He is the same yesterday,today….forever.
PRAISE His Holy Name, we can come to Him daily….may we continue trust in His faithfulness and mercy and deliverance.

February 18, 2021

impactful prayer
on the very day that the SCOTUS hears the election fraud charges
perfect timing


    Penni Bulten
    February 18, 2021

    This is no coincidence! Passover is also following closely behind this year…

    Sovereign Lord, deliver us from tyrants, both at the national level and the state level.

February 18, 2021

Thank you for this prayer! I am not eloquent in speech, but I know God hears my heart through the Holy Spirit when I pray. Going to print this prayer so I can repeat it often. The prophets have spoken of some of the politicians being beyond saving. You have explained that in this prayer. I am so grateful!

Mary Landis
February 18, 2021

We appeal to Jehovah Sabaoth, Commander in Chief of the heavenly armies to deliver us! Every time Israel repented and cried out to Him, He came with deliverance. Praise His Holy Name! Thank you Jamie, for helping us to pray more effectively.

Elaine Lilling
February 18, 2021

Thank you for this excellent prayer! I am in total agreement!

I cannot pray to bless Biden in his presidency, as he is not the legitimate president He only stole that office by fraud through collusion with other evil politicians and enemy foreign entities. I know a number of believers who do pray to bless him that way, because they say it must be God’s will since he is in office. I believe God allowed that to happen to expose the evil and bring it to the light, not because Biden was His choice. Many more voted for President Trump, who stood for God’s righteous values–than for Biden. Our righteous God will not ignore that fact. We look to Him for His deliverance in this situation and the cleansing of evil from our land.

Biden has done nothing but push the evil socialist agenda of not only murdering more babies (sacrificing to ba-al) in our land, but also funding abortion in other countries. He, as well, through another executive order, has given permission to young men who are trans-gender to have access to women’s bathrooms and locker rooms and to compete against women in their sports. Additionally, he is pushing the censoring of conservative Christian values and speech, freedom to worship, and the right for Christians to run their churches and Christian schools based on God’s righteous law. I could mention many more as these are just a few of the atrocities that the enemy is bringing against God and His people through the works of these wicked people.

However, like the article mentioned, I do pray for his and others conviction, and salvation–and that they would stop their acts of wickedness. We still must have a heart for the lost, for we were all lost at some point and God in His mercy saved us.

But we must PRAY and ACT against all the fraudulence that occurred in these recent elections, or the wicked will continue to rule and persist with their reign of terror against Believers. We cannot continue to practice the belief held by many Christians that we should not be involved in politics.

However, back to my first point, for us to pray that Biden (and all the other ba-al worshippers) be blessed and prosper in the presidency, is like praying for a bank robber who stole millions of dollars that belonged to us collectively, from a bank at gunpoint, to be blessed in how he decides to spend our money on evil, wicked schemes to further victimize the ones he stole from.

Tom Muldoon
February 18, 2021

Over the centuries of Christianity there has been discussion over what are called “the imprecatory Psalms,” of which Psalm 137 may be the most severe, although Psalm 69:21 is quoted in reference to Christ’s persecution, and the imprecation against those enemies includes eternal torment (Ps. 69:27-28). Psalms 74 and 79 speak to when the public worship of God is threatened. Jesus foretold that His followers would be persecuted, and God uses such times of persecution to purify His bride, the church.

I believe what you have written about praying concerning the evil in civil government is “right on,” and I thank God for the wisdom He has given you in this matter.

Have you ever looked at the second verse of “God Save the Queen?” In it the people sing to God “….Look on her enemies and make them fall. Confound their politics; frustrate their knavish tricks. On Thee our hope we fix, Lord God of all!” This week I watched (on YouTube) the “Commonwealth Day” ceremony from Westminster Abbey in 2020 and some like ceremonies from the past decade. How wonderful to see so many people singing the old hymns, such as Psalm 100 and “Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation!”
Trouble is that their education system tells these people not to believe the Scripture. Satan is truly the “prince of this world.” So again, I thank God for your willingness to “stand in the gap,” as it were (Ephesians 6:12).

February 18, 2021

Thank you for this detailed prayer. I have been struggling with how to pray for evil politicians who have stolen their seats in this election. This is an encouragement to me, and a way for me to resume praying.

nancy bolitho
February 18, 2021

Father God we come before you with this heartfelt prayer trusting that you are working out a plan for all the people at all levels of government that will benefit the country. Amen.

Char Smith
February 18, 2021

This is a very timely prayer. The Lord gave a very concerning and powerful dream this morning. It’s time for the church (prayer warriors and intercessors) to arise, put on their full armor and do the necessary warfare in the Spirit. This is a critical moment. The warfare the enemy’s of God have done covertly in the past is about to become overt and the Body of Christ is being called to awaken to the time we are in,and pray and do all Father God is showing us.

T Tabaks
February 18, 2021

Thank you for sharing your heart and The Lords words
I stand in agreement with you and others as The Lord cleanses our hearts and hears the prayers of His people.

February 18, 2021

Amen I have been praying for our country. Thank you for the prayer.

Abby Lance
February 18, 2021

I prayed this prayer, and have bern praying along these lines now for months! God hears and his timing is perfect!

Psalm 37:7 “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!”

Sharon W
February 18, 2021

Wonderful prayer. Right on target. Amen and Amen!

February 18, 2021

Yes I prayed this today. And I pray your prayer against the wicked from a month or so ago. It’s all God’s Word and that is why it is so powerful. Thank you for writing these out for us. I snap screenshots on my iPad and file them under a prayer photo file. I go there daily and pray with you, with Wanda Algers, and other prayers…and then my own. God hears us, he will act in his timing. Do no give up or grow weary, He is coming. We don’t see it yet, but that’s what faith is…

February 18, 2021

Thank you for the words to remove the hate and evil that we see in the government (by the people) not by
people making laws to fit their needs. God help us to see the whole truth from the top down-both sides and remove them from office in Jesus name.

February 18, 2021

Thank you for showing how to powerfully pray for our country and leaders. It also showed me how to pray for a friend who says “don’t pray for me” as he believes it only goes into the air. I am praying with you and everyone who believes our country needs Jesus.

    Louisiana lady
    November 13, 2022

    Funny your friend says “don’t pray for me” as if God doesn’t exist; if that were true why would he care one way or another? If there’s “no power in prayer”, he wouldn’t protest so much. If prayer only goes into the air, he would just laugh and tell you to go ahead and pray, it’s no skin off his nose. The truth is he knows somewhere in his heart that God is real, and that God might answer your prayer, and your friend doesn’t want to stop whatever it is he’s doing, whether secretly, or out in the open. They love their sin more than their creator; if they acknowledge God is real then they’ll have to admit that there really is a moral code put in place by a Holy God, and they don’t want to have to give up their sinful lifestyles. I’ve noticed anytime I’ve encountered an atheist, in a comment section for example, it’s almost always THEM that talks about God even more than I do. They spend a lot of time telling me why, according to them, God “doesn’t exist”….why do they spend so much time on someone they doubt exists in the first place? (To put it in perspective, I hardly ever talk about unicorns or little fairies, because I know they’re imaginary creatures. I don’t feel a need to convince people they’re not real so I don’t bring them up in every conversation I have) But THEY bring up God in order to try to sway us to their side. They say WE are pushing our religion on them…..but often it’s THEM trying to push US into believing God DOESN’T exist, then get mad because we don’t agree with THEM. Their unbelief becomes THEIR “religion “…Continue to pray for your unbelieving friend, but don’t tell him you are. You may see changes in him little by little and if you don’t tell him you’re praying for him it’ll catch him off guard, and there’ll be less resistance on his part. You’ve already told him how you feel, and so far he hasn’t seen the light, but you’ve at least planted a seed…Pray that God sends others to water that seed….Eventually, hopefully, he’ll let his guard down and it’ll be easier for the Holy Spirit to minister to his heart. ❤️

Hillary Clevenstine
February 18, 2021

I prayed this prayer with tears in my eyes, a lump in my throat and in humility fully aware of my own weaknesses. The fear of the Lord is a good thing for us all. Thank You, Abba, for loving and sacrificing everything to save a wretch like me. In Jesus’ loving Name. Amen.

Mary Evelyn Johnson
February 18, 2021

I have struggled for a long time with praying for wicked politicians. I tried many times but my heart was not in it. I could pray for justice but it pained me to ask God to do much more with these politicians. My prayer became, “Lord, show me how to pray for these politicians; give me the right words to pray in accordance with Your will.” Today, with this article and prayer, my prayer has been answered. The prayer provided here is exactly what I needed to sincerely offer a righteous prayer on behalf of our politicians both the good ones and the evil ones. I am so very grateful for this resource. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Mark Neuenschwander
February 18, 2021

My wife Betsy and Mark Neuenschwander were career missionaries for 20 years with our last posting in Afghanistan. Now being home we have a deep & aching burden for our own nation.
We loved, prayed for & declared the points you described. Thank you for your wisdom & boldness.

Kimberly Rockefeller-Reeves
February 18, 2021

Amen, Amen, Amen!!!!

Esmeralda Winchell
February 18, 2021

Amen! I’ve been praying this for our country!

February 18, 2021

Hallelujah to our Great God‼️ I Am dresses in the Full Armor of God praying this awesome prayer. Going to send it to all my prayer warriors. Hallelujah victory is coming‼️

Linda Ruble
February 18, 2021

A powerful prayer. I have prayed this prayer today and I will everyday. I have also shared this my friends. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

Stella Harrington
February 18, 2021

Praise Father Jesus!
Thank you for sharing, we will pray this prayer every day till FATHER JESUS! Moves his hand on our behalf’s.

February 18, 2021

I want to encourage my fellow prayer warriors to begin, or continue to write, e mail. or text your political representatives. I have been e mailing mine, both local and in Washington. I am encouraging them to care more about their own personal character then their career. I try to write encouraging words, reminding them that the people at home are expecting them to representative our values not their own political aspirations.
Thank you for this powerful prayer today. God does not like the evil that is operating our government today, and He acknowledges that most of us did not vote for this. I am expectantly waiting for His powerful hand to remove them all, and set America on a path that will bring honor and glory to Him.

    February 18, 2021

    What a great way to write our representatives, encourage them to care more about their character. Love it! Thanks

    Louisiana lady
    November 14, 2022

    It’s a great idea to write our representatives to let them know their character is most important. Thankfully, living here in Louisiana, although our governor John Bel Edwards is a Democrat, he is also pro-life, which almost seems like an oxymoron nowadays. I don’t agree with him on everything, but as far as governors go he’s certainly not the worst. We also have John Kennedy (R) who is one of the funniest but most effective senators ever. He’s loved across this nation. Then there’s Clay Higgins, (R) U.S. Representative (LA), who started out as a local policeman. At that time, not so many years ago, he was on “crime stoppers” for our local news channel. He’d come on almost every evening, representing the police department, and describe a crime that had been committed in the area. Several times it was for a murder, or a hit-in-run that killed someone, but mostly it was for crimes like stealing farm equipment, or stealing a vehicle, or a lawn mower from someone’s yard. He would look straight into the camera and say things like “Son, you know who you are. The best thing you can do is turn yourself in” and always mentioning God, and how God will help them if they do. I can’t tell you how often there’d be an announcement just days later how some criminal would actually call in and TURN THEMSELVES IN! I only saw that happen when Mr Higgins represented the police on our local “crime stoppers”It didn’t last forever because his commanding officer called him in and said he talked about God too much, then they forced him to leave the force. I think, at least in part, he was jealous because Higgins had won the heart of the people and even criminals respected him. He was an asset to the force, and the community, but they, the police force, didn’t appreciate him. Turns out forcing him out led to even bigger and better things. Right after he was forced to resign, he ran for U.S. Rep. and won. Both he and Kennedy won in the recent midterms. Of course not all of our state politicians are like that, men of God or men of character, but we are blessed to have the ones I mentioned. And not many (if any) other Democrat leaders are as pro-life as Louisiana’s. We’ve certainly had our share of past corrupt governors. Although I’ve traveled to almost every state across America, and loved something about every one of them, I love living here in Louisiana now because for the most part, we are a conservative state, most of our more liberal sections are in Baton Rouge and New Orleans, and many of the people living there are from other states, and not always La. natives, although there are lots of those too. I’ve been to N.O. many times, (the Audubon Zoo”, the Aquarium, the carriage rides and trolly cars, Cafe Dumond for beignets, the French Quarter, the great restaurants and food, the beautiful homes, Cajun, Creole and Jazz music, etc), but we stay FAR away during Mardi Gras, and of course “gay pride” days, that are NOTHING to be proud of.
    The mayors of New Orleans over the decades have been corrupt with no exception (that I know of.) Overall La gets a bad rap but the people that actually live here in conservative areas are the best, MOST of our citizens, black and white, get along with each other, work and live side by side, love God and love people. We are in close proximity to an area that has been recognized as a role model for business growth, and prosperity, nationally. People are friendly, the music (mostly Cajun) is colorful, the food (Cajun) is top notch, often listed as the best in the nation. This is the first time I do this, in any kind of public way, extol the virtues of my state, but people tend to stereotype unfairly certain states, or parts of the country. Living here, in New Iberia (home of Avery Island where the world famous Mclhenny Tobasco sauce is made) and Lafayette La close by, (the role model city I mentioned), has been great!
    Thanks for the idea to email our representatives. The good ones for encouragement, and the not so good ones to encourage them to do better!!

Virginia Drastata
February 18, 2021

Thank You Father God for hearing us and we continue to walk out our faaith believing You will save us from all this evil. So we examine our hearts daily that we sin not against You and therefore we will see the salvation of many and we shall see Your mighty Hand working on our behalf for You love Your people and desire that all be saved. So we will stand believing for we know You are our Saviour and we trust You Lord to save us . You alone can save; therefore we put on the whole armor of God and stand, yes we stand and we shall see the salvation of all who You have called. thank You father for these encouraging words and this woman’s life lived for You. Praise God.

Paul Cirillo
February 18, 2021

Good prayers. May they be multiplied!

Mary Burnett Burt
February 18, 2021

Dear Lord God Almighty,

Thank You for the Prayer Team of which I am a party that has been praying and praying and praying for the things included in this layout, of how to pray against the ungodly and evil persons in political office…from city councils to the President of the United States. We have taken this Christian duty very seriously, and we will continue to do so, according to Your will. Thank you for this organization and layout so that we might pray more precisely, according to Your will. We love You, Lord God, and we want to be in and stay in Your holy will as long as we live. Thank You, in Jesus holy name, and under His blood I pray.

February 18, 2021

Amen! This article was right on target! Thank you!

February 18, 2021

Amen and amen !

To see the Holy Spirit move in and thru so many who don’t know each other here but are lifting the same prayers is truly divine in every way
evidence of things hoped for,things not seen
The Rock on which we stand will NOT be moved

Lord you say:

Do not stat there yourselves but pursue your enemies , attack their rear guard.
Do not allow them to enter their cities, for the Lord your God has delivered them into your hand
Joshua 10:9

Lord we will be victorious because it is You “who will tread down our enemies ”
Psalm 60:12

February 18, 2021

Thank you for this article. It helps us to stay focused on how we should pray. A scripture I read this morning also helps me to stay focused on the faithfulness of our Lord as we wait for His righteousness to prevail: Psalm 37:7- Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.

Muriel Walker
February 18, 2021

What a powerful prayer! I prayed it and will share it with others as well. Thank you for what you are doing! So thankful that the Lord watches over His Word to perform it.

Sharon S
February 18, 2021

AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Wholeheartedly agree with this prayer. in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Edward Hildebrand
February 18, 2021

I have prayed this prayer for America but also for my country Canada. To God be all honour and glory. Amen.

February 18, 2021

Amen and Amen!

Lynne Scherschel
February 18, 2021

THANK YOU! This is exactly what I have been needing to guide my prayers. I’ve prayed much of this already, but it is so helpful to have Biblical prayers laid out in this format. Thank you again, Jamie!

Judy Bee
February 18, 2021

Thank you, Jamie, for giving us this prayer to pray daily. We desperately need righteousness and justice to also be the foundation of our republic (just as it is the foundation of our Heavenly Father’s throne) for without that we are doomed to destruction.

Lisa Williams
February 18, 2021

Wow. Yes and Amen. Standing in agreement. I am going to pass this on to other intercessors. Thank you for sharing.

Elizabeth Cowden
February 18, 2021

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

I do pray your prayers against wickedness…let it begin with me. Cleanse my hands, purify my heart!

Sandy M.
February 18, 2021

I did pray this prayer and will make it a part of my daily prayer time. Sometimes I just don’t know how to pray for the evil leaders. This is a great resource.Thank you for sharing.

Raynette Sanchez
February 18, 2021

I thank God for you all and the prayer guides you faithfully provide. I agree with this prayer and expect God will save, deliver, cleanse our nation and make us a sheep nation for His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

February 18, 2021

Amen to your prayer of conviction that calls out wickedness in all levels of government, in our schools , our churches, our communities, in technology, in the media and onward. May the Holy Spirit force it out to be held accountable for the darkness it intentionally planned and invited into our lives and our country. May we cling to praising our Lord for all the benefits He has given us, guarding what is good, what is righteous and just and reclaim the plumb line He has given us to measure and discern truth. May our deep roots of faith multiply and our strength grow tall as wickedness is dismantled in our country and world. May people be restored with a fresh revival of magnitude. Amen

Susan Buckey
February 18, 2021

Amen and Amen. May it be so in God’s timing. Provide us patience, Lord

Anne Faucett
February 18, 2021

thank you! I want to save and pray through again

Judy Weigelt
February 18, 2021

I am so glad to find this. It will help know how to pray. God’s word says to pray for our enemies, especially the wicked politicians. I believe that they have rejected the Holy Spirit so many times it doesn’t witness to them anymore. They don’t have a conscious

    Sandy M.Sandy
    February 18, 2021

    Their consciences have been seared! 1 Timothy 4:2

    February 18, 2021

    Amen 🙏
    The prayer is just what we need at this time . I believe it was inspired by the Holy Spirit . Evil not just being exposed , but dealt with .
    God is fighting for us , pushing back the darkness . Arise oh God & let your enemies be scattered .
    Righteousness will prevail in America .
    Thank you Lord for you are at work . Thank you for your promises that are yeah & Amen . Let their days be few & another take their office , so shall it be in Jesus name . Amen 🙏

Mary Ann Halsey
February 18, 2021

I prayed this prayer with you. Thank you for praying exactly as I feel. God will hear our prayer and will remove evil and dishonest politicians. Praise God for His goodness and mercy for the righteous and his condemnation for the wicked.

February 18, 2021

amen and amen!

February 18, 2021


February 18, 2021

All Glory to God!
Praise His name! This is a precious, mighty strategically pointed (missile)at the enemy.
In Agreement,
Amen and amen!!

Jeannine Courtney
February 18, 2021

Love this!
Biblical, straightforward and in alignment with Scripture. I would also encourage us to frequently check our own heart before praying.
Thank you for this powerful prayer!

February 18, 2021

Thank you for this detailed prayer. I will share it with my friends and family!
May GOD have his way with the wicked!

Nanette Smith
February 18, 2021

Hi Jamie,
Wonderful prayer. I prayed and I am passing it on. This prayer is powerful and comforting. God Bless you.

Claire Taylor
February 18, 2021

Lord Jesus we pray Psalm 35 for the United States of America. Lord we repent as a nation for the wickedness we, as Christians, allowed into our homes, schools, churches, businesses. We repent for killing over 60 million babies, for allowing sexual immorality at every level, for keeping our mouths shut when we should have stood with boldness for Your righteousness and Your Word. Forgive us Lord Jesus. Bring every wicked politician, leader, president/vice president, teacher, media heads/personnel, pastor, State/Federal government official, business CEO, into utter confusion and be dismissed from their position and God-fearing, Bible believing, true upholding individuals would replace them. We deserve Your judgment and chastisement Lord but we repent and ask for Your grace and mercy for our nation. We pray this in the Mighty Name of Jesus- Amen ✝️🙏🏻🔥🙌🏻

February 18, 2021

Prayed it! Believe it! IT IS DONE in Jesus name

Tina kesack
February 18, 2021

Love this prayer!! Touches the heart, the soul. It offers us hope!

Gayle Sajewicz
February 18, 2021

Powerful! I have been praying parts of this prayer every day, and will now print it out, praying it together with prayers for the persecuted, with intentionality, trusting God hears our cries and will answer them.

kathleen jentzsch
February 18, 2021

Thanks be to God for your prayer which I thankfully prayed along with you. May the Lord of heaven and earth hear the cries of his people and answer swiftly as we appeal to heaven. It seems that the only avenue of redemption restoration will come through his sovereign will an action. May God have mercy on us all.

Carolyn Jones
February 18, 2021

So appreciate the guidance in bold prayer in fighting evil. Therefore, we stand.

February 18, 2021


February 18, 2021

On Election Day I was lead to pray along these lines. It seemed very strange to me at the time, but now seems to make sense. Several times I have been led to pray that God would save as many as possible before the flood comes. I believe judgement is coming, may it not delay.

Patricia Gilmore
February 18, 2021

Thank you for this. This is an answer to prayer. I have been asking God how to pray for the wicked and evil politicians at every level of government.

Debbie Smith
February 18, 2021

Amen. I have prayers this prayer with you. This prayer is an answer as to how to pray about our leadership with distinctive words. God bless and keep you.

Gloria Rangel
February 18, 2021

Thank you, I prayed this prayer. It really helped me because sometimes I’d get stuck praying for the wicked. I’m going to copy it and use it as a template for me.

Cheryl Scher
February 18, 2021

Thank you so very much for this inspirational prayer!

February 18, 2021

There are times when we don’t know how to pray in a organized and thorough way. We are burdened to do so but sometimes it’s hard to bring it forth.
This prayer is so helpful to bring forth that “detail and thoroughness”.
Thank you for this. I am printing it to put it in my “prayer guide binder”.

February 18, 2021

Amen and amen! May I also add to pray that the Supreme Court and Department of Justice follow the counsel of the Lord, that they feel compelled to answer only to Him and to interpret the Constitution as intended by our founding fathers!

February 18, 2021

Thank you for your article. I did pray this prayer and downloaded it. I have been asking the Lord to show me how I should pray for the people who are in the White House now because I cannot pray for blessing on them. This article and prayer has shown me how to pray. There are many scriptures that deal with wicked people like Ps. 7,10,46 and many more. A friend of mine has said that I should not pray for their salvation, because they have removed God from their lives. I am not sure about that part. I am still asking God about that.

    Daniel Brown
    February 18, 2021

    I understand that a person can get to the point that their conscience is so seared that they are beyond the point of repentance and salvation. But I totally disagree that we should not pray for their salvation. Think of the people that have have committed murder or have committed other heinous crimes and have repented and be saved.
    I believe that God’s love for evil leaders compels us to pray for their salvation as much as anyone else.
    Let’s remember 1 Timothy 2:4,”Who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

      February 18, 2021

      Thank you,Daniel, for your reply. I didn’t think that not praying for salvation was right. I didn’t know how to take what my friend said to me. She usually hears the Lord. I know in Hebrews it says that He died for all for all time. I will continue to pray for their salvation.

        Daniel L Brown
        February 18, 2021

        Mary, I’m glad to hear that you’ll continue to pray for their salvation. I remember a “seer” friend of mine who got some insight about Hillary Clinton in which the Holy Spirit told him that she still had a window of opportunity but that it could close soon if she doesn’t repent. So unless we know for sure, I think it’s good and important to keep praying for them! Blessings to you!

Charles E Ray
February 18, 2021


Dawn Waye
February 18, 2021

Thank you for leading prayer such as this one above. It is so easy to get caught up in what is happening in front of eyes and I miss what is taking place in the Spirit. You are doing the Lord’s work! I agree with your prayers and may they exponentially be answered beyond what we can ask or think.

Carol Ann Martin
February 18, 2021

Thank you for these specific prayers that we humbly, urgently and expectantly agree with! Thank you to the Lord Who loves America so much that He is stirring the hearts of man to “take her back” through prayer and action. I will continue to expectantly watch and pray to see the justice of God unfold in mighty ways and for Americans to respond to the heart of God for us all. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, dear Lord.

Linda Sansone
February 18, 2021

Thank you for this prayer. I have been asking our God to help me, guide me, in praying for the wicked, evil politicians, but truly did not know how. I plan on printing this prayer and praying it everyday. For all the power, the glory and honor belong to our God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

February 18, 2021

Amen and Amen! Surely, as we join in praying this prayer, we are coming boldly before His throne and asking according to His will and Word.Lets persevere in praying this specific prayer!

Barb Mock
February 18, 2021

Amen & amen & amen! Let this prayer echo from coast to coast and challenge all of us to move from the sidelines to the frontlines of spiritual battle for our precious country!

February 18, 2021

I pray for Trump who is a pornographer and adulterer and a friend of pedophiles like Epstein.

    February 18, 2021

    Praying for you Isla. That your eyes would be opened to see the truth.

      February 18, 2021

      Did he not appear on several Playboy covers? Did he not sleep with pornstars while his wife was married? Did he not wish Maxwell well during her trial?

      Judy Weigelt
      February 18, 2021

      God’s words says by their fruits you shall know them. You most not have read how many good things he has done. He has stuck up for religious freedom and protection of the unborn to name a few. I pray for you!

        February 18, 2021

        Character used to matter. Now an evil man throws us a few crumbs and we’re supposed to praise him. I’ll praise Trump when he expresses remorse for his sins. Jesus taught us humility and to ask for forgiveness.

          Maynard Beck Sr.
          February 18, 2021

          I agree with you Isla. Among his other accomplishments he opened the 1st strip club in New Jersey (which spread like a cancer). He staged a photo with that other paragon of virtue (Falwell Jr) underneath the Playboy cover for a photo during his 2016 campaign.
          Take a look at theburningplatform.com to get the interaction between the real sources of evil on planet earth. search on “soros murdoch swamp” when you get to the website.
          Leave your voter ID home when you go there…

          February 19, 2021

          Do you forget how Jesus does not hold our past against us? You are holding Trumps past against him. It is what he did while in office and what he does now that you need to be looking at. And the fact that he is pro life and pro Israel are two very important and Biblical issues that you need to remember. Look at all the evil legislation that biden has passed in the few weeks he has been in the WH! That alone tells you all you need to know. Is President Trump perfect. No. But neither are you. And you should be grateful God doesn’t judge you the way you judge others. Take the log out of your eye.

          Louisiana lady
          November 14, 2022

          Why would you choose Trump, out of all the vast array of corrupt politicians you could have named, when the truth is Donald Trump HAS repented, and repeatedly acknowledges God (and Jesus) and said many times America needs more of God in order to become great again. I’ve heard that with my own ears. In the meantime, the left, Obama for one, has said “We (the nation) need to stop talking so much about Jesus…,” I heard THAT with my own ears too…Trump was the best President in my lifetime. If Trump was still in office instead of Biden, our economy would be stronger than ever, our borders would be secure, we’d be energy independent, and our gas prices would be low, unemployment rates would be historically low (as they were in his first term), there would be fewer illegal drugs coming in through our southern border, including deadly fentanyl, which is killing too many already, and the list goes on and on…,Biden STOLE that election, and some may try to deny it, but it’s the truth. Biden is a jackal and that’s putting it nicely. God told me Biden and many in his administration are jackals, snakes, and weasels. You can bet they stole many of those seats in the midterms this year besides having also stolen the 2020 election. They’re about to cross a line where it’ll be too late for them, if it hasn’t happened already. Even God won’t try to help them because they keep defying him, and keep hardening their hearts towards Him after he’s given them chance after chance to repent. But you think TRUMP is the one who must repent???? We ALL must repent, Trump included, but he has done that. He boldly mentions God, and often. How can you not know that?

    February 18, 2021

    Wonder what YOU have done in your sinful life? Why don’t you take the PLANK out of your eye and then maybe you will be able to SEE! YOU are prideful and judgmental. God hates pride by the way.

    Reply Report comment moderated
    Sandy M.
    February 18, 2021

    President Trump is an imperfect vessel that God used to bring our nation back to Himself and the American people being able to work and support their families. Pro-life, pro-Israel, truth of our nation’s founding being taught in schools with Patriot 1776 initiative, freedom of speech, freedom to practice our faith without government interference, creating educational and job opportunities in depressed areas of cities, keeping our country safe by closing our borders to terrorist growing nations, keeping our southern borders safe from terrorists, human traffickers, and drug smugglers entering illegally just to name a few.

    Reply Report comment moderated
Carol Frances
February 18, 2021

Yes I have prayed this amazing prayer and as the Lord calls me I will pray it again and again. Until it is fulfilled according Gods plan and purpose for this His country the United States of America One Nation Under GOD ! With Liberty and Justice for all! Amen!

Martha Hamilton
February 18, 2021

Prayed with great expectation and thanksgiving. God will not turn His back on His Word of Truth. It will accomplish everything He has set in place, writing to accomplish. The wicked will take out the wicked amongst us. Let it be so Father God in the precious name of our Lord and Savior your one and only Son. Amen

February 18, 2021

Yes. Thank you for helping me to be succinct in my praying to my Heavenly Father.

February 18, 2021

All I can say is AMEN!!

February 18, 2021

Thank you for this thorough prayer!
Dear God, I also ask that you would judge and expose the non political but powerful people with money behind the scene. Father, please let them know that it is You who pull the strings. Convict and Save them God if if is not past the point of salvation for them. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Linda Sessoms
February 18, 2021

Thank you! I believe this is the most comprehensive intercession I’ve seen/prayed for this country! I am sharing with our church Intercessor group!

February 18, 2021

Thank you, Jamie, for this reminder of how to pray for our leaders with whom we disagree. It was so much easier to pray for them when they were not Socialistic in nature. I pray that the Lord would give them a great gift of a Damascus road experience. It is not my wish to see any harm to come to anybody, especially our leaders. God allowed them to be put in office for a reason. Therefore, I need to follow His word, and pray for our leaders. We have leaders who don’t seem to care one iota about our Constitution, or godly principals. I pray that God would show them the error of their ways. I also pray for revival, and that it would begin in Washington D.C. Make it so, Lord!

    Sandy M.
    February 18, 2021

    Maybe God allowed these people to get into office to wake up the sleeping church and get so disgusted with the ridiculous laws they are passing that they would finally say “enough is enough” and start speaking up. May a Holy Spirit fire ignite the pulpits to call out sin against God – abortion, LGBTQ initiatives, etc. These issues are being “danced around” for fear of offending someone and financial loss. What happened to trusting God for their provision?

      February 18, 2021

      That seems to be a common issue facing organized religion. The way things are in America with censorship, it seems to be a way to “play it safe”, and avoid backlash from the press or government. What a shame that the state has infiltrated the church.

Angela Sokol
February 18, 2021

Thank you! I’ve been praying that our “leaders” would be saved and that their evil edicts would be nullified, but I appreciate this guide to help me more fully pray according to our LORD’s will. May HE bring it pass, speedily and soon, in our days. And may we all say, “Amen”!

Mary D
February 18, 2021

ThankYou! I will keep this as a model when I don’t know how to pray.

Clinton Helton
February 18, 2021

May God raise up righteous leaders and servants from within the Church to replace the wicked and corrupt in government, business, education, entertainment, medicine, etc.. It won’t happen by osmosis. The Church must get back in the business of actively working toward this, even to nominate and promote political candidates. If the Church had not done this in our history, we would still be British and not the USA.

February 18, 2021

I agree fully with this prayer. We never bless wickedness.

Thank you Father that Your Word shines the light of Your truth for our lives. We agree with this prayer as Your people on the earth. We pray Your Word this day to bring salvation to those who will receive and turn from wicked ways and we pray for those in our government that have made their final decision to reject You to be removed from office and hindered from bringing wickedness to our nation any longer. Bring out of the wings those you have prepared to influence this nation back to You and govern in righteousness. And bring justice to those who work in wickedness.

For yours is the power and the glory forever O God! All glory to Your mighty name. Have Your way, Lord, in the hearts of men and in the government of America. May we finish our divine destiny for all time.
In Jesus Name we pray!

Cheryl Hebert
February 18, 2021

Amen. Your will be done, oh God. Deliver us from evil. Save those who will repent. Send your mighty angels.

February 18, 2021

I prayed the whole prayer from the depth of my soul trusting that God Our Father will hear our prayers and heal the beautiful land of the United States of America. We love you Lord and we need you so much in these troubled lands. In Jesus name we pray. 🇺🇸🙏👍

Carmen Worden
February 18, 2021

Prayed in agreement! Thank you, Lord, for hearing our collective prayers!

Nancy Mason
February 18, 2021

Praying in complete agreement! “Where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name, there will I be also.” (Matt.18:20) “The fervent prayers of a righteous man available much.”(James 5:16)

I pray daily that God will send a David, a Samuel, a Saul or a Daniel (a truth teller) to speak to the hearts of our corrupt politicians (on both sides), our media and big tech giants; to let the Word be spoken in such a way that it pierces the darkness in their hearts and minds and causes them to repent before it is too late. I pray that He will wrestle with them so that they cannot deny Him. Let the light of truth overwhelm them and let God’s love overtake them to do the right thing. Where God’s light is there is no darkness.

I pray for courage and boldness for those who are lifting up the name of Jesus. I pray that they will hear or see others walking in faith and be encouraged and strengthened to continue the good fight. Father, hold them up with your righteous hands and make them warriors for You.

In the Blessed Name of Jesus, Amen!

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Rick Kalla
February 18, 2021

Your prayer is inspired by the Holy Spirit and rightfully addresses concerns we christians have for the integrity of our national and local leadership. God will be God in these matters and we who believe in and share our faith in Jesus Christ are encouraged by all you have stated. Prayerfully hoping this goes viral across the USA and beyond. God bless you for your faithfulness in sharing this heartfelt prayer.

February 18, 2021

Thank you so much for sharing this truth.
Many blessings to you and your team

Philip Saylors
February 18, 2021

Totally agree with your prayer. The only prayer I have been praying is that everyone in government at any level will repent of sin they are committing and turn to God. If they do not repent then have asked God to deal with each of them as He did in the O.T.
Also asking for America to repent and stop willfully sinning against God by worshipping the idols of materialism, pleasure and sexual perversion by spouses that destroys marriages and children.
Praying that parents will be just that and not buddies and girlfriends that are afraid to show spiritual maturity and loving discipline to children if we want our children and grand children to obey God spending eternity in heaven then talk to them abut true obedience while living it ourselves. Life is very short so God please give us the love for our families that reveals the blessing of having a relationship with Jesus that friends and family know is genuine.
Religion does not save people, only obedience to God and serving others will. Serving opens the hearts of non believers to listen to us tell them what faith in Jesus has done to bless us.

February 18, 2021


Louise Rigano
February 18, 2021

I have prayed. Powerful prayer. We pray every day for 1 hour and will pray it again, I agree with God’s word. Thank you

Hollie Niccolls
February 18, 2021

I prayed!
Hollie Niccolls

Rebecca Bell
February 18, 2021

Thank you and I pray in agreement. Hear our prayers Lord! Amen.

Rhonda Campbell
February 18, 2021

Papa i come into agreement with this prayer. I declare evil and wicked politicians will be brought to justice. I thank you for your intervention in the name of truth and justice. In Jesus precious name. amen.

Betty Lattman
February 18, 2021

Thank you for this God-authored prayer. I add my amen to it.

February 18, 2021

This is a powerful and balanced scriptural approach to praying for wicked rulers.
Thank you for clarification and a great prayer guide!

Thora Evans
February 18, 2021

This is the best prayer guide on this subject that I have ever seen. There is so much misunderstanding about 1Tim 2:1-3. Thank you.

Arthur Hunt
February 18, 2021

What a timely and on point Word. Blessings on your day.

February 18, 2021

Yes and Amen!
2 Corinthians 1:20

February 18, 2021

What powerful intercession for our nation and its leaders! Thank you for giving voice to the cries of our hearts.

Donna Williamson
February 18, 2021

Praying in agreement!🙏🙏🙏Thank you for this Biblical guideline. Our hope, salvation is in the Lord!

February 18, 2021

Thank you! Our God is an awesome God and HIS will be done. I am encouraged by all of you – prayer is our only answer! All power, honor and glory are HIS! Amen and amen

February 18, 2021

Heavenly father I pray that your elected official remember they work for the people and not some special group, organization, company or corporation. They were/are elected to served all people of their state, county, city, and/or district.
We thank you God for your loving and righteous intervention when our government and spiritual leaders don’t do their job with your integrity of truth, righteousness and justice for all. In Jesus name Amen!

February 18, 2021

Praying in agreement! Trusting our God hears and is at work. Even so, causing His church to be obedient and to pray for those in authority when it is not our heart to do so!

Sandra chapman
February 18, 2021

Thank you for leading us in prayer and for biblically teaching us.

Jane Napper
February 18, 2021

Yes and amen to this prayer. I would include the people in media too. The media have come along side politicians to promote the lies, and wicked works and to harm the innocent.

Carol Moyer
February 18, 2021

Yes, this is my heart’s cry—I could never articulate this prayer. I could add no more. I agree with God, the judge of all the earth, for His will. Thank you Lord for hearing us, in Jesus, your beloved Son, our wonderful Savior. Amen.

Laurie Thetford
February 18, 2021

Thank you for this. I prayed this prayer and grateful for the resources so i can continue to pray according to God’s will. God bless you for this ministry.

Carole Peters
February 18, 2021

I agree together with all who prayed this prayer. May God be praised!

February 18, 2021

Amen and Amen! TomThe prayer of the righteous avails much! (James 5:16)

February 18, 2021

I prayed in Canada.

    February 18, 2021

    Yes, we pray for Canada as well, for the same enemy is working in both of our countries to perpetrate evil and silence the church…Father God we ask for your intervention, and we make declaration of the application of Your Truth to override all the lies of the enemy in Jesus powerful name.

Sue R
February 18, 2021

Awesome prayer! Imprecatory prayers as these must be prayed daily!

    February 18, 2021

    Thank you for this guidance & prayer. Our nation and what is occurring within it weighs heavily on my heart. Praying daily for The Righteousness of the Lord to rain down in His Will upon our land. “Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!”
    In the Mighty Power of Jesus Name!

Donna Sanders
February 18, 2021

Thank you! This shall be done in Jesus name.

    Linda Madrigal
    February 18, 2021

    Thank you for this article on wicked in our government. We must pray daily for the ones who needs you. We thank you Jesus and praying for God’s will and peace upon our nation.

February 18, 2021

I prayed. When I pray this and other prayers, I feel repentance for my sins. I want God to cleans me more from my own sins. I wish God to make me worthy of these prayers and hope that all will be well here in America. I have a feeling that all of us who are drawn to prayer and obedience to our Lord, are being led by God. There may not be many of us praying, but God has the exact numbers of people he needs. The number of people who repent, pray and turn towards God, are exactly the number he needs. If millions start praying for their salvation and turn from sin, God will have commanded it from above. If we only see a few, that will also be God’s will.
I am glad and encouraged that I have read this article and have prayed. I know that everything is well because God is in control. We will extract evil. God will fight our battles for us. we will have victory, because God will fulfill his promises. We have nothing to fear.
I am looking forward to seeing all the evil extracted from our government. I believe everything that is in this prayer will come to pass. Lets never give up. We must see this government come back to God the father. Just as our country was founded through prayer and belief, we must continue to pray and believe.
God bless America

Jackie Hatdman
February 18, 2021

All I can say is WOW. Thank you for this prayer expressing my thoughts exactly. I pray a similar one daily not nearly as thorough but God knows my heart and how I am thristing to see justice, truth and accountability reign. A big AMEN, AMEN. THANK YOU.

    February 18, 2021

    Wow I have never seen anything like this on IFA. I am so shocked and humbled at the same time. And yet I am beyond grateful. This took courage to say. Sisters and brothers in Christ, let’s ask for heaven’s assistance!

Bill Uhrig
February 18, 2021

Thank you so much for this direction. I have felt completely without any desire to pray for evil leaders. I can pray this way with complete faith and confidence. Our nation needs revival desperately.

Dennis J Brodhecker
February 18, 2021

I have prayed this prayer and that their evil plans would be turned upon their own heads.

Curtis Gul
February 18, 2021

God speed these prayers in you good time.

Carolyn Winger
February 18, 2021


February 18, 2021

Powerful prayer! I very much needed this guidance in praying for our enemies. I pray in agreement with you in Jesus’ precious name! Amen!

June Stevens
February 18, 2021

Yes, I prayed that prayer and will continue to pray. So powerful and to the point. Thank you so much for sharing.

Linda Todd
February 18, 2021

Thank you for this powerful prayer. My heart longs for righteousness and faith to fall upon all of us. I know that longing comes from God who sees His children whom He loves turn away from His holy love. I cannot imagine the depth of His grief for us all. Let us turn from OUR wicked ways. I pray God surrounds us with His bright light so the world will see and know Gods love for them. I know God is listening to our prayers for light and truth to prevail. There is great peace in knowing how much God loves us all. May His will in our lives prevail.

Deborah Gilbert
February 18, 2021

I have been praying similar prayer for months and I agree now. May it come to pass quickly Lord. We ask that you hold back/stay the hand of evil laws and decisions being made in this hour. We ask Lord for those to come forth who have been born for such a time as this. Those who will carry out the law and constitution in every way…All branches of government, all agencies who hold the role of law enforcement, prosecutors, attorneys and any who will aid in causing change for righteousness to be reestablished in America. We pray for their safety, soundness, integrity, protection (and protection for their families). Lastly, Lord we ask for a transfer of wealth to come into the body of Christ to fund every righteous cause in Jesus name. Thank you Father!

Bob Zook
February 18, 2021

In addition, I would pray that the Lord would place a “hedge of protection” around His people in this country from the evil politicians who are perpetuating their antiChrist policies upon us. I would also pray that the Lord would give US WISDOM on how to respond to this evil…in Jesus’ Name.

February 18, 2021

Praying in agreement with this powerful prayer 🙏

February 18, 2021

What a thorough powerful prayer! Thank you for bringing this to us so that we know how to pray for the evilness in our governments at all levels. The prayers are very sound scripturally that I know that God who sits on the throne hears each one that we lift up to him.

Frank Bautz
February 18, 2021

Thank you for showing us how to pray. Praying for hidden things to be revealed. Wake them up. A true woke. Convict them. Show them Jesus. A holy terror when they see Jesus. Let them Repent. Let them Bend a knee to Jesus. Let media outlets reveal the truth. Let their plans come to nothing. Let confusion enter their camp. Thank you for confirming the way we have been praying.

February 18, 2021

Thank you for this prayer. It is right and true and I joined you in prayer.

February 18, 2021

This! This is exactly what we needed. I will not pray blessings on those who wickedly stole our election and committed a coup. So this prayer is exactly what I needed because I just didn’t know what to pray.
Thank you. I will be sharing this with friends who are also at a loss.

Arielle Heffernan
February 18, 2021

Thank you for this direction. Praying out of obedience. Never want to be a Jonah…

Kary Reinerio
February 18, 2021

Jamie, Thank you for this beautiful heartfelt prayer. I prayed and Agree with you, In JESUS’ Precious Name, AMEN!!!

Don Thompson
February 18, 2021

Last bullet point under “Expose Them”

“Let every person surrounding these wicked and evil politicians decide to keep no company with evil and divisive men”

I think “and women” needs to be added.

Diane Peterson
February 18, 2021

Thank for this prayer.

Dave Schulz
February 18, 2021

I have been praying that our leaders would have an Acts 8 experience like Saul did, where he was aligned with evil, but then Jesus intervened and he became a proponent of the truth. Change their hearts. Remove the scales from their eyes. Let them see light. Also, I have been praying for new righteous and bold leaders to rise out of the ashes. Leaders that would take a stand for righteousness.

Rebecca Berube
February 18, 2021

Thank you, Jamie! I pray for our government daily but you have given us a GOOD format/guide to pray for all areas in government.
God bless you!

February 18, 2021

Ijoined you in praying this very thorough prayer.

Jean. Maner
February 18, 2021

Marvelous, standing with you in this tremendous prayer🙏‼️

February 18, 2021

I prayed and pray daily for our country

Susan Ryan
February 18, 2021

It is so refreshing to know that there is a scriptural way of praying for wicked politicians. Knowing I’m in line with scripture allows me to let go and let God. I’ll be agreeing with this prayer until righteousness and justice rain down from heaven and truth has its way.
Amen and amen!

Janet M Craig
February 18, 2021

I Prayed this prayer with you this morning. Will continue to use this prayer to pray for the politicians.

Rhonda Gregory
February 18, 2021

In the mighty name of Jesus. We stand in agreement with this prayer. Expose every wick plan and plot of the enemy. Expose and bring to justice every wicked politician at the local, state and federal level.
Let eyes be open to your truth father. On behalf of this nation We cry out and ask for forgiveness for celebrating abortion. We cry out for healing for this land. That you melt hardened hearts. Silence tongues that continue to back bite and stir the fires of hate. Silence every tongue that would bring forth lies that would destroy lives of the innocent.
Give those who repent your mercy and grace father. We call for a turning back to you. We ask that you be merciful on this country and align our leaders with your word and not the ways of the world.
Every politician seat that is filled with wickedness, we ask that remove that person carrying that spirit. Send righteousness to be planted where wickedness prevailed.
In your precious name we pray.

Barbara Wilson
February 18, 2021

My prayer put into words for others to see. I prayed this prayer snd will do so again. Lord God, please remove those people from office who advocate and assist in the murder of the unborn through abortion. In Jesus name, Amen

February 18, 2021

Prayed in the mighty name of Jesus!! Amen!!

Jerry E Sauls
February 18, 2021

I read the entire article including the prayer. I felt the presence of God as I prayed and intend to pray this prayer many times in the next several days. Praying Scripture in our prayers is necessary. Thank you for this article and may God richly bless IFA and all prayers around the world.

Jenni Costanzo
February 18, 2021

Amen! A beautiful Prayer, and I will forward it.

James D McPherson
February 18, 2021

Fantastic prayer. This should be prayed by every Christian American, every single day!

Karen Quiroz
February 18, 2021

Thank you for these very specific, powerful prayer points that we can use to appeal to our Heavenly Father. I just read in Daniel 2:20-21, “Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever, wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them…”

February 18, 2021

Amen and Amen! We join you in prayer, Holy Spirit, that you will convict all men and women of sin, your righteousness and their need of you! May this prayer be incense that arises to You.Let God arise against His Enemies. May we see the goodness of God in the land of the living. Jesus, come Lord in your own gentle way!

Kay Fetner
February 18, 2021

I also prayed and printed it so I could pray daily.

Thank you Jamie!

Susan Sierra
February 18, 2021

Father, thank You for Your perfect righteousness to arise in our earthly government, so that this government can & will be on Jesus shoulders where it was always intended. In Jesus name thank You Holy Spirit to help the church & this nation, protect the innocent children rather than them be evilly indoctrinated or aborted. We plead the blood of Jesus over America and its children. Amen.

Kay Powell
February 18, 2021

This prayer was so perfect for today! I say Amen so be it!

Karin Green
February 18, 2021

Thank You I prayed this prayer with and I will download it. I need to pray this for a situation going on in my life and my daughter’s and grandson’s life and my son also.God Bless you

February 18, 2021

My heart rejoiced at the clarity of purpose as I prayed through this prayer. Thank you for putting words to my battle cry. No matter the cost…to seek God’s will, to stand for God’s holy principles, to pray against the wiles & schemes of the devil & those he uses.
I am forwarding this to prayer warriors on my email list. I am printing copies to pass out to others.

Virginia McManus
February 18, 2021

Yes and Amen!

Kipper Tabb
February 18, 2021

Grateful for your sharing. Such as them we were as we walked in darkness but Jesus, by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit, can take our prayers before our Father and save His chosen.

J Kirby
February 18, 2021

Amen 🙏

I thank Jesus for you Jamie!

February 18, 2021

I prayed in agreement with this prayer

Albert Underwood
February 18, 2021

Dear Jamie Rohrbaugh,
Thank you so much for following Holy Spirit’s lead in writing this article and prayer it was heaven sent and it is what I needed to hear.

Proverbs 25:11
11 Like apples of gold in settings of silver,
Is a word spoken at [a]the proper time.

Numbers 6:24-26
24 “The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord [e]lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’

Dorothy Pogue
February 18, 2021

I lifted my voice today in prayer as I prayed the above prayer with you and others because my heart knows it is much needed in our day and time and we cannot afford to continue to let corruption continue in our government. But yes most of all that they would come to know Jesus before it is to late.

February 18, 2021

I prayed this wonderful prayer. I have been praying that truth would be made evident and deceivers would be found and punished.

Carolina Jesus
February 18, 2021

Thank you Jamie! I printed this out to pray regularly.

    Kipper Tabb
    February 18, 2021

    My wife & me are as well. Spiritual discernment appreciated.


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