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Lord, we ask you for wisdom and discernment on how to walk through the confusing issues hitting us on a regular basis. Open our minds and hearts to understand the scriptures.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In recent days, as the Biden Administration has taken action to promote abortion, encourage transgenderism, and more, many Christians are praying about submission to governmental authority. Here’s what an IFA Contributing Writer has to say on the subject.

Immediately following the inauguration, I had many people tell me, “We have to submit. This is God’s will.” They would then quote Romans 13:1-2,

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.  Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 

The scripture seems pretty clear cut doesn’t it? But what about the times from history in which its not?

For example,

  • When Peter and John defied the religious leaders of their day to continue to preach the Gospel.
  • When the Hebrew mid-wives ignored Pharaoh and refused to kill the Hebrew babies.
  • When Daniel continued to pray openly defying the king’s edict.
  • When Paul, who wrote Romans 13 regarding governing authorities, then opposed them.

So, which is right? And what are we supposed to do today regarding some of these same issues and the question of whether we are to submit to all authority?

If we state that Romans 13:1-2 mandates that we submit to ALL authority, does that mean that the Germans and Jews should have submitted to Hitler? If so, that would mean Dietrich Bonhoeffer was in rebellion and sin.

Was he? Hardly. Instead, he is remembered as a godly man of courage who stood up to evil.

What about Moses when he opposed Pharaoh? Or the disciples in the book of Acts?

Paul wrote Romans 13 telling the First Century Church to submit to “all” authority. Yet afterwards, he personally stood up to the authorities. Was he wrong?

In order to answer that question, we must compare the Bible to the Bible. It never contradicts itself. We also should compare the Bible to our Constitution. Because what many Americans don’t realize is that they actually agree. Why? Because contrary to the current narrative, the majority of our founding fathers were Christians and even those who weren’t, used the Bible as a foundational framework for our Constitution.

So, should Christians submit to ALL authority? Click below to find out how I would answer that question.”


Lord, we ask you for wisdom and discernment on how to walk through the confusing issues hitting us on a regular basis. Open our minds and hearts to understand the scriptures. You said You would instruct us and teach us in the way we should go. That you would guide us with Your eye upon us. Where there is confusion, Lord we ask you for clarity. Where there is fear, we ask for faith. Show us how to stand for You when we are confronted with issues that are contrary to Your Word.

What do you think about Christians and submission to authority? Leave a comment below . . .

Karen Hardin is the author “INFECTED: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity” To order click here. She is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc.

She is also co-founder of the City-by-City prayer movement to save our nation. For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: www.karenhardin.com or you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org.

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April 18, 2021

There are arguments to be made for physical / violent self-defense. We can use some OT references. (I think Ezra is one… and is not Esther another? I forget now.) We can cite Jesus telling Peter that a man who lives violently also dies so, but then that that passage is only in one of the gospels, and that He also told His disciples to carry swords.

Israel was under God’s judgement, and hence had no independence. It would have been counter to God’s plan to try to rebel against the authority God put over them. However, that did not apply in all instances in Scripture, and so there’s no reason to think that this radical pacifism should apply to all instances in our lives today.

That being said, the Bible warns of us man’s passion, and how easily things can spiral out of control from it.

I believe it’s right to physical defend yourself, but we also cannot forget the balancing of Scriptural guidelines to loving our enemies, etc.

February 26, 2021

I throughly agree that we need to stand up for our convictions. If people of faith had done this in the past would we have had abortion clinics throughout the country? My husband and I are going to walk and pray in front of planned parenthood this week for pp to be shut down for good. I pray all true Christians are in agreement on this. May God ‘s will be done.

Ronnie Christian
February 21, 2021

When governing authorities command us to do something that God says not to do; or when governing authorities tell to not do something that God says to do, THEN we are not to obey governing authorities over God’s authority and commands. Example: The one child policy in China who ordered the abortion of any child after the firstborn. The Word of God is Final Authority. Like Peter and the other apostles said when they were told not to preach about Jesus in Acts 5:29 ” We must obey God and rather than man.”

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Roland w
February 20, 2021

When Laws go against God Laws then stand against them.when you see a official’s go against God’s laws stand against them.

Shannon Anderson
February 19, 2021

Fantastic article! Please share and pray! Pray peoples eyes are opened! Thank you Karen for saying what needs to be said and explaining things.

February 19, 2021

When our evil politicians betray us and push communism and socialism on us, they are going against God. When they go against God and His word, Christians are under no obligation to respect or obey them. Our current administration is clearly honoring Satan and his will to steal, kill and destroy our nation. I continue to pray for the stolen election to be made right because the late ballots and universal mail in ballots allowed unprecedented and unchecked fraud. God help us and return us to him. May he grant repentance leading to salvation to the Democrats and RINO’s posing as leaders while they lie and deceive and make policy that hurts all of us and our beloved nation.

February 19, 2021

Mario Murillo wrote an excellent blog about this issue which really helped me understand it biblically


Vickie Duggins
February 19, 2021

No, Christians should NOT submit to all authority, especially if the authority is against what God desires and what is against scripture. Lord please open our minds to understand and interpret the Scriptures and give us discernment and wisdom. In Jesus name, Amen.

Paul Moore
February 18, 2021

If all authority is established by God, it must therefore stand in agreement with the entire counsel of God’s Word. Authority that stands in contrast to Scripture, is therefore not of God. If all authority, good and evil, are from God, which is impossible because God does not establish evil, then America is guilty of rebellion for breaking away from England.

February 18, 2021

Wisdom is not taking one scripture and negating the rest of them. 2021 is a year for the church to rid of passivity and conformity and uphold the Word of God as our standard.
The enemy has a way of keeping many people from praying for what we need to be praying about. If we passively bow to man’s decrees that don’t line up with God’s word, then we forfeit praying God’s will.
I pray that the church have wisdom and discernment in these days. May the Spirit of Truth come to each of us as Jesus reveals Himself.

Barbara Sandberg
February 18, 2021

As with all scripture, there is a balanced view. We do not submit to ungodliness. We need godly wisdom to know when to speak and when to be silent. Luke 21:15

David Scott
February 18, 2021

The founding fathers of the USA set things up for the Constitution to be regarded as Caesar, not the people in government. This principle is regarded as Lex Rex. Ungodly politicians and bureaucrats try to reverse this principle by promoting Rex Lex. Massive vote fraud enabled many ungodly people to usurp authority that they really didn’t win in the election. They stole this power by fraud. The Constitution is Caesar, not them. For more understanding about these things I encourage anyone, who reads this, to get a copy of Tolerating Tyranny by a pastor in Brenham, TX, whose name I forgot because I read it several years ago. Another good book on this subject is Never Submit by a Christian Lt. Col. named Robert McGinnis.

February 18, 2021

Daniel submitted to the king until he couldn’t he knew what was right he knew God’s will and he couldn’t and I feel like when the time comes we will know when we can’t.

Linda Storm
February 18, 2021

i could not get the “click” to download the prayer guide to work.

Susan CC
February 18, 2021

This is a greatly edited version of a comment twice posted which are “waiting moderation.” I think it was my inclusion of links.
When I read Karen’s message, it really got me thinking about how the word submission is used in the Hebrew language and I am still thinking as I read through the other comments.

In the Orthodox Jewish Bible there are only 6 instances of “submission.” In Isaiah 60:14, Psalm 62:1, and Psalm 62:5, submission is in reference to the Holy One, God. In 2 Corinthians 9:13, Paul was writing about not hindering the Gospel of Christ. And in 1 Timothy 2:11 and 3:4, Paul was stating the qualifications of a church leader. These 2 scriptures in Timothy were in regard to a leader’s wife and children. About children it is said this “managing” is done with all respect and with the wife. she should learn quietly with full submission. No mention of government.

“Because it is the language of sacred texts, Hebrew itself was often considered sacred. In post-biblical times, it was referred to as lashon ha-kodesh, the holy language or the holy tongue: the language of the angels, the original language of humanity, and it was thought of as the tool that God used to create the world.”(myjewishlearning.com)

Hebrew is the language of the original Bible. The first Christians were Jewish who submitted their lives to God’s Son, our Messiah born Jewish. Submission has many meanings in the Hebrew language and if you read through Strong’s Hebrew, you may find it challenging to find a connection to government. In my humble opinion, submission is not the correct posture to take with a government and in our case, a wicked one. I will pray and petition but submit, never.

Corinthians 9:13 ESV
By their approval of this service, they will glorify God because of your submission that comes from your confession of the gospel of Christ, and the generosity of your contribution for them and for all others

Homeschool Cindi
February 18, 2021

Although the below comments are well intended, I would argue from a different perspective.

In comparing the Bible to the Bible, we read in 1 Peter 2:13, “Submit … to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, …”

Since we are a republic and not a monarchy, then who – or rather what – is our supreme authority among three co-equal branches? The Constitution is our authority.

We are not to acknowledge Joe Biden as president when the election was fraught with unconstitutional election fraud. This election is not over – not even close. There are foaming, frothing heathen that see that, and yet some in the church are wringing their hands in despair. People, wake up!

Within the ekklesia we have the prophets, dreamers, & watchmen and outside the church we have the military, legal experts, and “seers” who do not yet know the Lord all saying the same thing. A huge change is forthcoming. We are moving from dark to light.

Hold on saints, revival is imminent. Prepare for victory!

Maria Morais
February 18, 2021

I so stand on these verses of the great prophets and men and women of God who did not bow down to the earthly kings when they defiled the Word of God Almighty and asked them to bow down to their pagan gods!!!! Hallelujah!!!! We are to submit to authority by abiding to the laws of the land and being good stewards of righteous laws However if the authorities are coming against the very laws God established through His solemn Word… then we are to stand for Gods laws and precepts and not mans no matter what position they are in!!! I think of the story of shadrach meshach and abednego…. what a blessed reminder who we are in Christ Jesus our Messiah and Lord!!!! Hallelujah!!!!

“Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”
‭‭(Daniel‬ ‭3:16-18‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

February 18, 2021

I think of the midwives, that refused to kill male babies in the time of Moses, going against their authority figures.
I think, as you mentioned, when Peter and John were beaten, and told not to speak about Jesus going forward. We all know they did not listen to them. Thank God!
Other examples were already given.

May our Jesus lead us, to know, when we should STAND like bulwarks against wicked edicts, pronounced on us by Government.
Render unto Caesar’s what is Caesar’s and onto God what is God’s.
Give us the wisdom, and discernment to understand the difference.
It is our prayer, our heart, that the USA may not ever come to a place where this could happen .
We continue to cry out to Jesus, day and night, to save America. He is our ONLY HOPE!!
“Arise our Lord, and scatter the enemy.”
Help us, Your Bride, to remain steadfast in our walk with You.
Thank You Jesus that You hear our prayers, even when we do not feel You, or see You. Your are our Waymaker, Promise Keeper, Miracle Worker, Light in the darkness. Our God, that is who You are. Praise Your Holy Name!!
Thank You.
In Your Name.

Penni Bulten
February 18, 2021

Submit and obey are two different concepts. Carol Saia below points out the distinction and limits to submission just as you do. Thank you for this.
God bless you and your ministry!

February 18, 2021

I certainly believe that if a government passes laws that are in direct contradiction to Biblical teaching, then Christians should not obey those laws. I believe that abortion is murder; convicted criminals are given more protection and consideration than babies. Also, when we are told that we must have a little tattoo that is connected with some agency involving the number 666, are you going to comply, at the risk of losing your eternal soul? The Bible is VERY plain on what happens to everybody who bears the Mark of the Beast.

February 18, 2021

The Lord’s Prayer “deliver us from evil” and let “evil slay the wicked and those who hate the righteous shall be condemned” Math. 6:13 & Ps. 34: 21

Den They
February 18, 2021

“For there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God”.
Question to pray about;If God did not establish it… is it true authority or is it robbery, an invalid attempt to control, a falsehood and an imitation of God ordained authority? Should someone who is a false authority hold the rights to govern over God’s people, His directives and impose evil opposition to His right ways? “And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s”. Luke 20:25. “As for me and my house,we will serve the LORD”. Joshua 24:15.

    February 18, 2021

    Hosea 8:4
    “They set up kings, but not by Me;
    They made princes, but I did not
    acknowledge them.
    From their silver and gold
    They made idols for themselves–
    That they might be cut off.”

      Den They
      February 18, 2021

      Thank You Tori! Your answer confirms what I feel God is speaking through scripture. Bless You!

Jesus Saves
February 18, 2021

All have sinned and fallen short. Let’s look at ourselves as judgement begins in the House of God. We are not to judge the world but to witness, share the Gospel, and be the salt and light. Praise the LORD for the deliverance He has brought us through and that we show the love and mercy to our neighbors we are commanded to do. God bless 🙏

    Nancy Evans
    February 19, 2021

    Its true that our mission is to share the gospel and make disciples but we also must speak out when we see the innocent being killed by abortion, children being trafficked for sex and abuse, children being taught that sexual deviation is normal. Just to mention a few of the evils in this world today. I don’t think God expects us to stand silent when evil abounds and the innocent are hurt.

Tess Jaworowski
February 18, 2021

Yes it’s true that God establishes all governments; however, that doesn’t mean that they are all good. Because He places them in the hands of mankind, they often go bad. We need to remember that God has ways of achieving His Will that are mysterious and make no sense to our minds. We need to pray for sicernment, and remain obedient to God first. In our present situation, we need may to implement some “Civil Disobedience”
Our Founders foresaw the need for this and gave us the means to legally practice it in a Godly fashion in Article 5 of the US Constitution.

Rochelle Fox
February 18, 2021

Since we are FREE IN CHRIST, I TAKE A STRONG STAND AGAINST ANYTHING I.E. MANDATES THAT subtly come to rob us of this Freedom! Yes, we can look at it Spiritually, and say that we ARE FREE IN THE SPIRIT! That is a gift from GOD! As well as the fact that CHRIST DIED to pay that Debt owed by our Sin! Romans chapters 3-6 explains it all in detail! As humans we HAVE ONLY ONE who we ultimately submit to on this earth, that is EL SHADDAI, GOD ALMIGHTY! We have so many examples of the unfortunate consequences of neglecting to do HIS will by SUBJECTING ourselves to HIS WORD! The Bible tells us HE PLACES HIS WORD ABOVE Or EQUAL TO HIS NAME!

Had our Forefathers just gave up as “Submitted” to the Brits, where would we be? Trust me, history shows what a Sacrifice they made for us! Bankruptcy led to 1871 when the US out of desperation, looked to man to help and Not GOD! This led to The VATICAN AND BRITAIN paying off the debt, and “enslaving” us again! RESEARCH “BERTH CERTIFICATES!***


    Maria Morais
    February 18, 2021

    Hallelujah!!!!! In full agreement!!!✝️🙏⚔️🔥🇺🇸

February 18, 2021

Awesome word! Watched the video as well. Right on! Thank you!

Carol Saia
February 18, 2021

Romans 13:3-4 describes the kind of governmental authority to which we should submit. If a government does not praise what is good and does not punish what is evil, it does not qualify as a government that is established by God and one to which we should submit.

Rom. 13:3-4 – “For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a servant of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a servant of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.”

    Penni Bulten
    February 18, 2021

    And any government that does not fulfill these functions is not a valid government at all, agreed entirely.

    Karen Hardin
    February 18, 2021

    Exactly right. You can’t use verses 1 and 2 without using 3 and 4 as the criteria. I share that in the article, but also go even further with other scriptures and what the Constitution has to say about it and our founding fathers—all which support that premise. Thanks for your comment.

Jim Darnall
February 18, 2021

Yes, we should submit to government as long as they are in His will with their actions. If they discard God then we must stand with God praying for them but not abiding with them against God. We should always pray for our enemies and these days our Government is His and our enemies. Pray for hearts to change within the leadership that govern us. Pray for repentance of sins by all and that His will not our will be done.

Susan CC
February 18, 2021

I very much agree with this message… Your concluding question stoked a fire in me this morning. Thank you Karen!

In the Orthodox Jewish Bible there are only 6 instances of “submission.” In Isaiah 60:14, Psalm 62:1, and Psalm 62:5, submission is in reference to the Holy One, God. In 2 Corinthians 9:13, Paul was writing about not hindering the Gospel of Christ. And in 1 Timothy 2:11 and 3:4, Paul was stating the qualifications of a church leader. These 2 scriptures in Timothy were in regard to a leader’s wife and children. About children it is said this “managing” is done with all respect and the wife should learn quietly with full submission. We should manage ourselves and those we are responsible for, with respect. We should fully submit ourselves to our learning of the Lord.

“Because it is the language of sacred texts, Hebrew itself was often considered sacred. In post-biblical times, it was referred to as lashon ha-kodesh, the holy language or the holy tongue : the language of the angels, the original language of humanity, and it was thought of as the tool that God used to create the world.”(myjewishlearning.com) full article below

Conclusion: Hebrew is the language of the original Bible. The first Christians were Jewish who submitted their lives to God’s Son, our Jewish Messiah. Submission has many meanings in the Hebrew language and in reading through Strong’s Hebrew, the differing meanings seem to be in regard to those “things” deserving. In my humble opinion, submission is not the correct posture to take with a wicked government. I am not encouraging violence but a healthy protest through prayer, in petitioning those leaders who ARE truly leading, and positive action wherever and whenever I can. Submit, never.


Corinthians 9:13 ESV
By their approval of this service, they will glorify God because of your submission that comes from your confession of the gospel of Christ, and the generosity of your contribution for them and for all others,



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February 18, 2021

I stand on the Word of God alone. The only righteous laws come from God alone. And to support my position, I quote Dr. MLK, Jr: “One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”

February 18, 2021

thank you Karen for this insightful and scriptural reference of how we the people should pray and act against tyrannical politicians who promote their power and greed and ungodly schemes against our constitution and the God of the bible. I believe God is wakening up the CHURCH to stand and resist the evil from the Government to the states, the Governors,Mayors and all elected officials. Praying is not enough,though certainly we are called to pray,but to act and speak out. Lord help your people to have courage and boldness to face these Giants and lead the charge to take what the enemy has stolen and put your anointed one back to lead and bring JUSTICE AND LAW back into the land you love and made a covenant with to be a light to the nations.

February 18, 2021

this is a noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo brainer submit to gods authority alone

February 18, 2021

I believe if our government is doing things that’s against the word of God, Christians should not compromise and follow after the evil. We as Christians must stand for righteousness.
Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs 14:34

Susan CC
February 18, 2021

I very much agree with this message… What do I think about Christians and submission to authority? This question stoked a fire in me this morning. Thank you Karen!

In the Orthodox Jewish Bible there are only 6 instances of “submission.” In Isaiah 60:14, Psalm 62:1, and Psalm 62:5, submission is in reference to the Holy One, God. In 2 Corinthians 9:13, Paul was writing about not hindering the Gospel of Christ. And in 1Timothy 2:11 and 3:4, Paul wrote about the qualification of a church leader. These 2 scriptures in Timothy were in regard to a leader’s wife and children. About children it is said this “managing” is done with all respect and the wife should learn quietly with full submission We should all manage our lives and other’s with respect. As well, we should all fully submit to our learning of the Lord.

“Because it is the language of sacred texts, Hebrew itself was often considered sacred. In post-biblical times, it was referred to as lashon ha-kodesh, the holy language or the holy tongue. Hebrew was often thought to be the language of the angels, and indeed, of God. According to rabbinic tradition, Hebrew was the original language of humanity. It was spoken by all of humankind prior to the dispersion described in the Tower of Babel story in Genesis. In addition, the Hebrew language was thought of as the tool that God used to create the world. A midrash states that, “Just as the Torah was given in lashon ha-kodesh, so the world was created with lashon ha-kodesh.” (myjewishlearning.com)

Conclusion: The Messiah was born in the flesh into a Hebrew home. The first Christians were Hebrew, who submitted their lives to God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Hebrew is the language of the original Bible. Submission has many meanings in the Hebrew language and in reading examples of those meanings in Strong’s Hebrew, they seemed to be in regard to those “things” deserving. In my humble opinion, submit is maybe not the correct posture to take with a wicked government. I am not encouraging violence but a healthy protest through prayer, in petitioning those leaders who ARE truly leading, and positive action wherever and whenever I can. Submit, never.


Corinthians 9:13 ESV
By their approval of this service, they will glorify God because of your submission that comes from your confession of the gospel of Christ, and the generosity of your contribution for them and for all others,



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Cynthia Krueger
February 18, 2021

I agree with Karen and her presentation on Rumble. Americans including Christ followers in America are far too complacent, far too apathetic, and sadly unaware of how much the documents of our Republic and Holy Bible are similar and speak to what is happening in America today. We need to regain and teach not only Biblical worldview topics within our churches but also TRUE American history in our public schools.

I am a retired educator with 30+ years experience in public schools in VT, NH, KY, and TX. I was privileged to be employed by an excellent private Christian school in FL ten years before moving to work as a seminary librarian. In the secondary schools I served as a library media specialist.

In all that time I can attest that books on American history rarely were checked out in any library wherein I worked except in the last private Christian school. Books are checked out when teachers assign research topics. So what does that tell us? Topics in American history were rarely assigned for research!

We didn’t get where we are in America overnight. It all began in the schools…first the colleges which train students to become teachers…which in turn impacted the public education system. Listen to young Charlie Kirk’s podcast. He really understands the progression.

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February 18, 2021

All authority is ordained by God, but that authority can be usurped. In the OT Athaliah killed her children and took the throne; the authority was legitimate but the person who yielded it was not. Just because someone occupies a position of authority does not make it God’s will for that person to be there. We must continue to pray that God’s will be done.

    Penni Bulten
    February 18, 2021

    That particularly applies to this current administration. There are too many vote irregularities for it to all be either coincidental or inconsequential. So in this case it’s neither legitimate authority nor does the person holding it have legitimate authority to hold it. There is plenty of evidence of everything from voter fraud and ballot harvesting to black hat hackers from overseas, at least in the disputed after Election Day states. Some states broke their own election laws to permit the Executive branch (the Secretary of State) to determine the legitimacy of the electors, rather than the state legislators, in violation of the Constitution.

    Sovereign Lord, who gave both the natural laws of the Universe and the law of just behavior, you see these lawless actions, and it grieves you. Rise up and defend the defenseless, remove the lawless from their powerful positions and raise up those who will honor the rule of just laws.

    Karen Hardin
    February 18, 2021

    That’s a good example and one I hadn’t thought of, but completely accurate. Thanks for sharing that relevant reference.

Judy Bee
February 18, 2021

Thank you for this article. I have been struggling with pastors who are preaching submission and am constantly reminded of Bonhoeffer who took a stand against an evil regime resulting in his death. We cannot allow nor ignore the evil in our midst. We must take a stand against anything that goes against God’s holy word. Because we’ve allowed evil to come in and take root in our land we are now suffering the consequences of it. Now is the time to take a stand for righteousness and justice no matter what the cost. It is a worthy battle to engage in since we are fighting to preserve God’s divine purposes for America.

John Sadler
February 18, 2021

About 92% of the U. S. Constitution is taken directly or indirectly from the Bible. That is why the ungodly hate our Constitution as well as the Word of God.
When the government makes a law and we can obey it without disobeying the Bible, then we should obey it. However if the government asks us to do something that is contrary to God’s Word, then we must take a stand for righteousness. For example: If the government passes a law that says we can not pray and the Bible says we are to pray without ceasing, then we obey God rather than man.
Remember, There is never a right way to do a wrong thing.

David Luepke
February 18, 2021

Why is it that very few people read the entire passage? After the Bible tells us to obey authorities, it describes the authority that is established by God. The God ordained authority is there to punish wrong and reward good. That is the ONLY type of authority that we need to honor.

That part of the passage was actually used by some of our founding Fathers as a guide3line for the Government of our brand new country. You can look it up.

February 18, 2021

First, let me say that King James ADDED Romans 13:1-2! He was editing the completed translation for TWO YEARS. He is responsible for the Greek word ‘ekklesia’ meaning a called out Congregation being mistranslated as ‘church’ to reflect the Church of England that he was head of. THIS MISTRANSLATION ALSO GAVE US FALSE DOCTRINES ABOUT THE BEGINNING OF THE CHURCH, but the Congregation of the Living God existed from the beginning.

We are under the authority of Father Yhovah first. We should not obey any civil law that is contrary to the ETERNAL LAW.

Second, Biden did not receive the presidential 21 gun salute at his inauguration. He received the gun salute honoring a foreign dignitary. I believe we are now ruled by china! Pray fervently for Godly intervention in this horrible situation!

    Homeschool Cindi
    February 18, 2021

    I would interpret the salute he received as an acknowledgement by our military that he Biden is an illegitimate figurehead, that Washington DC is legally defined as foreign soil, and the corporation of the US has been dissolved.

    President Trump has never conceded.

    Most of this information is hiding in plain sight.

      February 18, 2021

      What you say could be true. However, no past president was honored with the dignitary salute, but with the presidential 21 gun salute. Also, the participating military personnel had no bars or ribbons on their uniforms, were they also impostors? Praying…

        Homeschool Cindi
        February 18, 2021

        Yes, that’s what I’m saying. You’ll find numerous “presidential” irregularities once your eyes are open.

        As a side note, the Constitution is our supreme authority (1 Peter 2:13) and as such, we can submit to it. Bureaucracy and unconstitutional laws are illegitimate.

        For instance, we do not need an amendment or another law to end abortion. The 14th Amendment states, “nor shall any State deprive any person of life … without due process of law;” The courts made the mistake; they have to fix it. The law already exists, so adding another law to “clarify” actually weakens the rule of law.

        Praying for this nation with you! 🙂

          Penni Bulten
          February 19, 2021

          Thank you, Homeschool Cindi for your wise responses. I join both of you in prayer for this nation.

Linda Rice
February 18, 2021

In our nation, the Constitution is the authority. And We the People. People who say submit are just lazy and not interested in the hard work of intercession which has one goal – to spare from destruction.

kathleen jentzsch
February 18, 2021

Karen, I think Jamie’s prayer in IFA’s post of today addresses this matter completely. We are to pray for salvation for all those in the office or in positions of authority, but we are not to pray for actions that they promote or approve of that are contrary to the edicts found in God’s Holy Word. For those who is consciences are seared and without hope of salvation as described in Romans 1, we are to pray against their evil plans and deeds. We are to ask the Lord to destroy their satanic plans and remove them from office.

Blanca Holland
February 18, 2021

When it’s a choice of the gospel of JESUS YESHUA being preached the only authority to follow is our banner and buckler and shield against the enemies within and outside of the ECLESIA is GOD OF HEAVEN: for if there is no voice of wisdom and knowledge to bring forth a light of truth: humanity will rot in their sins. Just like Cory tan Boone’s family, David Wilkerson, the missionaries that were killed by the Brazilian tribes, the apostles, the Chinese, Iranian, African, and other nations that have been and are martyrs for the gospel of JESUS: being voices: as John the Baptist; a voice in the desert: repent for the kingdom of HEAVEN is at hand: he was Isaiah 40 voice in the wilderness: as Stephen the first martyr of the church: yes our authority is GOD OF HEAVEN and HIS SON JESUS YESHUA was crucified for us to be free from tyranny in the disquise of government.

Cherie Matzek
February 18, 2021

I agree with this article completely. As an intecessor, the Lord has shown me the same things quietly. Courage comes from an close love for Jesus. He leads us into all truth and wisdom for every moment. The leading of the Holy Spirit is the key here. Religion will not sustain us in these latter days. Only a close, yielding walk with the Holy Spirit as God the Holy Spirit, leads us through the wisdom of His eternal word will we be sustained through these challenging times. God is separating his sheep- oh, may we be on the side of those who hear his voice moment to moment, as Jesus listened to his Father’s voice, (John 12:49, John 5:19, Deuteronomy 18:18 is an interesting one!) The disciples, as well, only did what the precious Holy Spirit God’s, great Comforter told them to do!
(Acts 13:2, Acts 15:28, Galatians 5:25, Roman’s 8:26,27 and Acts 8:29!)
A note about Deuteronomy. Jesus is referred to as a prophet and a prophet always spoke God’s heart into a current situation! Satan often stirred up evil against the desire of God, hence the need for courage! As a side note, much can be studied in this concept of God’s will for a moment and the resistance that comes!

Beverly Carter
February 18, 2021

Excellent Article! For such a time as this!

February 18, 2021

I agree, Karen, that this is not a simple issue. I do not wish to see any harm to come to our leaders, but, I cannot condone their wicked, evil agenda. The fact that President Trump was acquitted gives me some hope. I am praying for a Damascus Road experience for all the ungodly leaders in our nation, specifically, those policymakers whose values don’t line up with Your Word. I pray for revival in this nation, and that it will have its origins in Washington D.C.I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus.

February 18, 2021

Submission does not include submitting to anything contrary to God’s Word. We are to embrace morality and God’s Word, and we are to pray and do everything we can to stand firm in our conscience. We, as much as possible, peacefully and prayerfully let our request be known to God and to our government. … put on the full armor of God. I heard a quote the other day, “Government belongs to those who show up.” – at the poles and in our voices, not loud or obnoxious, or violent, but in a manner pleasing to God.

Elizabeth Nieves
February 18, 2021

By just submitting to evil leadership that opposes God on every side because we interpret scripture to be saying to do so is taking scripture out of context. We are being led by a religious spirit NOT the Holy Spirit.

Patricia Abdalla
February 18, 2021

I have question as to why we are forced to have to sign up to a Rumble account to read the conclusion to this article…
What is “Rumble?” and why does it seem to be necessary?

    E. Stevenson
    February 18, 2021

    Rumble is an alternative to YouTube that many are now using because YouTube is censoring (hiding and removing) posts that don’t agree with their agenda. No one is forcing you to sign up for it.

      Patricia Abdalla
      February 18, 2021

      Thank you Mr. Stevenson for explaining what “Rumble” is…I appreciate that! I realize I am not “forced” to read the article…the way it was worded implied that I could only read the remainder if I went to Rumble …which I did and it required a complete “sign-up” and I did not know what I would be signing up for.
      I was wrong to use the words “forcing me”….because I can choose to join rumble and read the remaining article or not.
      I appreciate you responding to my comment!

Marie Burnett
February 18, 2021

The bible states that we are to submit to GOD first and not man. When man or woman comes into office and attempts or successfully accomplishes to change the constitution or any other written word, but contradicts the Word of GOD, the bible, we are to submit to what the LORD has taught and not what man or woman believes if it contradicts the Bible. “Submit to GOD, resist the devil and he shall flee.”

Frankie Hutchens
February 18, 2021

Mr. Biden is not an elected official, neither are his cronies. They cheated, they lied and falsified. Everything they stand for is against God’s Word. They are a sick, sinful bunch of LOST folk sadly steeped in satan’s work. So do we obey them? NO.

For example: being married to an unbelieving husband who wants us to obey his rules which are against God; we as believers have a higher authority to whom we have to obey and answer. His laws are our laws and those are the laws we obey.

We need to do what is right by God and be a testimony to the lost and pray for them.

Jessica Gallagher
February 18, 2021

I believe that we should only submit to authority when authority is NOT going against GOD!!!

Even the disciples said, in the book of Acts, we cannot help to share what we have seen and heard.

Praise God!

    February 18, 2021

    This is excellent, we are to submit the the higher authority, our Lord Jesus Christ. This principle is for marriage, friendships, our workplaces, churches and government. Yes. This is scriptural.

February 18, 2021

This is one time that I think the King James translation is much more accurate. Romans 13 is translated as being subject to the “higher authorities,” not “government authorities.” God’s authority is the “higher authorities.”

February 18, 2021

I have a lot to learn about the Bible but believing that we should bow to all tyranny and evil is why, we as Christians, are in this situation today. There is no part of my soul that believes we can follow Jesus and Satan at the same time and if we support and follow these corrupt politicians, that is exactly what we are doing. If you submit to someone who is in direct conflict with God, you are no better than they are and I believe we will be judged harshly for this. We are to be the light of the world not lambs who allow ourselves to be led into darkness. If the Church won’t stand up to evil, who will? If Satan stood before you today and told you to give up God and take his mark, would you? What if, that is exactly what is happening and you are using scripture to allow it because he’s the one in authority right now.

February 18, 2021
Mary D
February 18, 2021

Boy does God spell out Who we are to listen to! In Deuteronomy 30. It’s Either Life or Death , Blessing or cursing. He tells us choose life that we and our descendants may live …o Love the Lord our God and OBEY His voice. We are told to OBEY His voice.; to cling to Him. And I have to make that choice every day, in my heart, in my mind, in my strength. It is a war for the heart and mind 24/7! Cultural Christianity and the religious spirit has twisted the narrative so long that we are man fearers and afraid to stand for fear of offending or not being seen in the right way by others. Our enemy has dictated how his version of Christianity and Christians are supposed to act and the church bought into it! Don’t rock the boat, don’t speak of sin and it’s horrible consequences, don’t speak of Jesus, after all he’s just a sweet guy and it’s embarrassing to speak of Him and worse, you could embarrass yourself. The boat is rocking! We have to Obey and Stand and maybe get called out onto the water Do we do it perfectly, no. But He is Faithful to us when we are not and will honor those who Honor Him.

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February 18, 2021

That verse, I believe, pertains to not breaking the law! Don’t go out and burn down someone’s business or drive on the highway 12O miles per hour! Don’t lie, cheat and steal!

February 18, 2021

Father I pray for Your people to extend grace to each other, as each one navigates his way through these exciting, but treaturous times. May we focus on responding to Your voice, without being judgmental toward others. May we seek You and find You, as we listen for how You would have us respond to specific issues regarding authority. May we correctly divide the word of truth, and allow others freedom to work through the process at their own pace. May we learn to go forward in the fruit of the Spirit, especially with self control, never thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought. You are the Author of all things, so help us look to You for wisdom and understanding for all issues concerning authority. You said You will keep us in perfect peace, as our minds are fixed on You, so that’s what we will do, in Jesus’ name.

Linda Bennett
February 18, 2021

How can we be salt and light to the world if we comply with what contradicts the word of God? Jesus said we are in the world but not of it. We must obey God rather than man because to give unlimited obedience to ungodly authority is to make that authority our God. This is why Jesus told us to expect persecution. Submitting to authority when it denies God might be one way to avoid that, but at what spiritual cost?

Karen Secrest
February 18, 2021

Over and over God has let me see Jesus not as meek and mild always on the colt riding into Jerusalem to a gathering HE KNEW. WHAT WAS TO BE, BUT…
GOD allowed me to “see” Jesus in the temple area with a scourge He had made Himself to overturn tables and animals scatter the coin of illgotten gain everywhere while the crowd gleefully grabbed the spoils. Did not Jesus shout, ” you brood of vipers, how dare you desecrate My Temple. ”
Do we know it’s time now to end the obedience to temple authority and see a different path before us?

Anne-Marie Brummer
February 18, 2021

GOD’S word is the ultimate authority.
When man’s law is evil. We as Christians are not to follow it.
Myself, I have no respect for Mr. Biden and his crew of rebellious followers.
I will follow GOD’S law.

    Laura K
    February 18, 2021

    I am in absolute agreement. They are stubborn, hardhearted, rebellious and completely under satan’s control

Jann Walter
February 18, 2021

I read a book to my students about a teacher who secretly taught a slave child to read. We discussed ifshe was wrong to not follow the rule against this? One boy (from a Christian family) said It’s ok to not follow a rule if it hurts other people. Such great wisdom and I add,” If it breaks the greatest rules of all…the Word of God.”

    February 18, 2021

    In that logic, the left would say that some of our laws based on biblical beliefs “hurt other people” and therefore don’t need to be followed. Agree with you Jann–the standard is only the Word of God! 🙂


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