“Don’t judge; he’s only human,” the parishioners were told. The pastor had been caught in immorality, but the church members were being told to look the other way and keep their nose out of his business, so the pastor could live his best life.
In another church, the pastors were committing sexual acts with the parishioners, then using those acts to blackmail and control the parishioners into doing what they wanted them to do.
Day after day, I receive emails, phone calls, and messages about situations like these—situations that are happening all over the world and even here in America, right inside the doors of holy-looking local churches. Are these situations right? No! They’re wrong; they’re evil; they’re sinful; and they are an abomination to God. But why, oh why, are Christians putting up with these things?
Beloved, we have to return to both HOLINESS and DISCERNMENT in the Body of Christ.
Isaiah 8:20 says, “To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” And although sinful, complicit leaders are being constantly reminded to “Judge not,” we also have to return to the full commands of Jesus, including His words in John 7:24: “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”
“Judge with righteous judgment.” What does that mean?
Jesus told us in Matthew 7:1 to “judge not,” but in John 7:24 He said that we SHOULD judge. Why the disparity between statements? I believe the difference is that we are NOT supposed to judge :
- God’s ability to turn someone around;
- His ability to save and redeem; or
- a person’s worth in His sight.
However, the Scriptures are clear that we ARE to judge situations based on the fruit of people’s lives. We ARE to judge spiritual fruit. We ARE to discern right from wrong, and we are to utterly separate ourselves from those who call themselves Christ-followers yet embrace sin.
As the apostle Paul exhorted the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians 5:9-13:
“I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person.
For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges. Therefore ‘put away from yourselves the evil person.’”
Notice how Paul wrote “Do you not judge those who are inside?”—which appears to indicate that indeed the Corinthian church was tasked with judging those who are inside. In other words, they were to follow the instructions of Jesus to “know them by their fruit” (Matthew 7:15-20). Yet, in too many occasions, the Body of Christ has lost our fruit-sniffing abilities in today’s church. We have become “Kool-Aid” drinkers instead.
Beloved, these things ought not to be so.
We need to return to holiness in the Body. We must return to purity.
“Purity culture” got a bad rap in recent years, but in my opinion it got a bad rap because it carried the Spirit of Christ, which is the antithesis of everything worldly and “progressive.” The fact is that, without holiness, no man shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). And sexual purity is a key part of living in holiness.
Friends, we need to pray. We need to pray for a return to holiness and righteousness again. We need to pray for a resurgence of discernment, so that God’s people are no longer deceived. And we need to pray for a return to the inerrant, infallible Word of God in our churches—and that the Lord would purge us of sin of every kind.
Would you please pray with me today? Let’s pray as follows:
“Dear Heavenly Father,
We come to You in Jesus’ name. Father God, thank You for hearing us pray today. Thank You for telling us that, where two or more agree as touching any thing, it shall be done for us.
Father God, we lift Your church up to You. Abba Father, we love Your church and we know You love it more. Your heart is broken and grieved by the blatant sin inside the church. You love righteousness and hate lawlessness, and You sent Your Son Jesus to give His life so that we could be ransomed from sin.
Father, Your heart is broken over this and our hearts are too. Father, we need Your help to fix it. We need You to send revival. We need You to pour out Your Spirit upon us—Your precious Holy Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of purity and righteousness, the Spirit of Christ. It’s not by might, nor by power that these things can be overcome and removed from the church; it’s by Your Spirit alone.
So Heavenly Father, we ask in Jesus’ name today that You would convict us all.
Convict every person in Your church of any sin, inside or out. Wash us clean in the blood of Jesus. Expose and reveal anything that needs to be exposed and revealed in Your eyes. Cover anything that needs to be covered. But through it all, Father, we ask in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ that You would cleanse Your church, purge Your church, and bring us back to holiness again.
Father, we pray in Jesus’ name for an outpouring of conviction. May Your Holy Spirit convict us of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Discipline us however You need to, Father. Wake Your people up so that each of us is aware of our own iniquity, and give us a new heart and a new spirit.
Father God, we ask that You would release huge revelation in the church again about sexual purity. Awaken each person with Your discernment. For all those who are serving in churches where the leadership is in sexual sin, we ask You to save those leaders. We also ask that You would either change the leaders’ heart, bring repentance and reformation, or remove that leadership or person from the church—however You see fit.
Father, we do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You. We need revival. So Father, we ask that You would begin Your work of revival in each of our hearts individually. Let it begin in me, Father. Awaken my conscience. Bring me to my knees. Take me to the woodshed for discipline if You need to, Father—whatever it takes to conform me to Your image.
Let Your revival also begin in my church and community. Help us see Jesus, and fill us with Your Spirit of the fear of the Lord so that we will walk in holy fear of You.
Thank You, Heavenly Father. Thank You for hearing and answering our prayer. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.”
Beloved, use your discernment. Remember the words of Isaiah 8:20 and test everything you see against the Word of God.
If what you see aligns with God’s Word, then that’s great. But if it doesn’t, then please: I adjure you in the name of Jesus to flee from sin and iniquity and do whatever it takes to walk in holiness, and to be a part of a local church body that is pursuing holiness along with you.
Is your heart broken over the sexual sin that is rampant in the Body of Christ today? If so, add your prayer points in the comments, so we can all agree in prayer over them together!
Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author and speaker who equips people to walk in the manifest presence and power of God. Jamie blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about radical prayer, the prophetic word, the supernatural lifestyle, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. She is a frequent contributor to Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Find her FREE blog series about healing from church wounds here and download her free ebook containing 555 names of God for prayer and worship here. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”
Ephesians 5:11
“Don’t judge,” is always used against Christians who call out sin. Some people keep quiet because they fear that accusation. If you expose sin, you should not be accused of “judging.” Lots of bad things get “hidden” when that happens! Having been in a church where a pastor was having an affair, I can tell you, it is devastating for that to happen to the church family and the families involved! People knew for awhile, before it was ever revealed. Keeping quiet and looking the other way simply prolonged the hurt. In another church, children were being molested long before anyone had the courage to reveal it! These things cannot and should not be tolerated, ever! Unfortunately, this is happening way too much in the church. We are called to forgive, and we do, but we can’t look the other way when sin happens.
Father, cleanse and purify your church. Open our hearts and minds to the truth of sin and lead us in repentance.
Lord God and Father of all I pray for your grace on us all! As we show how desperately we need your work in and through us by many who claim your name but will boldly rebel without a second thought; against the clarity of your word about how truly evil is our sexual sin as shown in this article! Which I believe is helped by only permitting five replies to a comment!
Excellent article! It seems in today’s world some Christians no longer believe sexual behavior, prior to marriage is sin, but according to God’s Holy Word it is the sin that affect our bodies greater than any other sin. It is NOT a gray area to our Lord.
Christians are living together before marrying, justifying this for whatever reasons.
God’s plan is for a man to marry a woman, then become one, sexually, loving each other till their deaths.
Unfortunately that does not happen much in today’s world. And that is where confession, repentance, then Christ’s forgiveness needs to occur. God’s love longs, to cradle in His arms, anyone that has fallen in this area. Thank God for His forgiveness. He is so merciful!
My heart grieves for young people today, who are not being taught this in church or in their homes.
May we teach this truth both through the word, and by example. Abstinence, & purity is a most needed message.
As for pastors, or person’s in positions of authority within the church they must NOT place themselves in compromising positions, where they might be tempted. May they daily seek the face of Jesus for their own personal growth, along with having trustworthy friends to hold them accountable to holiness in Jesus.
And their parishiners need to be in prayer for them on a daily basis, as they become targets, of the enemy, when they preach or teach the gospel.
We need each other!
May we become more and more serious about God’s holiness, glorying the name of Jesus in our walk of faith. May true revival begin with me, then multiplying one person at a time, filling America with God’s song of love & holiness; that will exalt this nation.
That is my hope!
That is my prayer!
God knew I needed to see this webpage today and pray with you. The spirit of lust and perversion I’m seeing is not in a church (I don’t have one) but rather in my home. I learned of it today, and my heart is broken.
I am believing for ABBA to break the hold this wretched spirit on someone in my household. This is a very strong spirit that may have to be rebuked by the Lord Himself.
Father will mend my heart and I will go on, but it will take time To rebuild trust..
My heart goes out to you Shushanah. You are right that this is a very strong spirit. If you are a Christian and have accepted Jesus as your Savior and Lord, your relationship with Him will sustain you as you ask God to help you to see your loved one as God sees him or her. I doubt this person is doing it to hurt you, but rather has become addicted in a way that the enemy has power over them. When you talk to this person, let them know that you see there is a spiritual enemy at play in their life and they can be set free if they really want to be. They only need to cry out to God and He will set them free. They may not think they can be if they are not Christian. I don’t know what this person is like, but God does. If it is a Jezabel spirit, this person will try to control you. Find scripture in Psalms and Proverbs that will cover you with safety and sheild you with the power of the Holy Spirit. Also find a Spirit-led church that has help for people with addictions. I pray this has helped and I’m sure others are sending you their thoughts to encourage and empower you. The Holy Spirit is the best counselor so go to Him first.
EXCELLENT! We demand that Christians clean up their lives according to the Word of God.
I did not read all of this extremely long post but it’s so valid. Scripture is so clear. Judgment starts with the church. The church has strayed from Gods word to be holy as He is holy. Many wolves have entered in. I’m 62 saved since 25. Numerous pastors caught in adultery, one was after me as a young pretty wife and mother of little children. He got no where with me but landed another woman and mother. Two families ruined. Satan is prowling around seeking whom to destroy!
God & Father of all I pray you be at work in Vicky and all like her to have the strength of your joy in seeing right done because of James 4:17 saying those who know the right thing to do & don’t do; they are sinning! Such as knowing the pastor or anyone else in the church is looking for adultery AND/OR ANY other sin and they don’t tell anyone about it!
You don’t know the whole story so I don’t receive this. I learned not to easily judge folks when I don’t have all the info.
Lord God and Father of all I pray that you be at work and Vicky that she will repent of her rebellion to you in refusing to accept your clear word of those who know what is right to do and don’t do it they are sinning!
I think you are out of line here Tom, making a lot of assumptions. Like she says you don’t know the whole story and besides it is not your business. If you can’t speak encouraging words then it would be best for you to just scroll on by. By the way you didn’t even spell her name right…. twice!
Dear Tom.In all fairness to you it may have been the way I wrote my first post leaving out many details of a thirty year ago story. So, you say I must repent. Will you repent? You are judging another person without knowing the facts. I feel no inclination to tel you about a story that was thirty years ago but for the sake of clarity I will give you a bit of it. You do not know that I did not mention to others, which I did, that I felt uncomfortable that the new young pastor MAY HAVE looked at me with lust as he visited me without notice in the hospital room while I was breastfeeding my newborn baby and I looked up and saw him staring at me with a glazed look with that look so many young women know. Now, any woman who knows this is a look that is undesired has two choices. She can ignore it because let’s face it, its the story of most pretty girls lives since they turn 13 or 14, or she can go to the leaders of the church when it is someone from that body of Believers. In this case it was the brand new young pastor that had just arrived not too long ago. But his look was not long, prolonged or harrassment in anyway. It was discernment on my part as a woman. Women do not usually go and tell everyone about such assumptions, maybe close to them, because they know most folks would dismiss them for just imagining it. But women know that look . It was a long time ago, but I’m sure I did tell others, those I could trust. Unfortunately, at that time, at that church, I did not have only a couple I could trust. My first pastor whom I loved and was like a spiritual father to me, as a new born Christian, had departed, and I was left with a dysfunctional church of busy bodies, stone throwers, gossips, old folks you may know the type? The type that gossips and judges without knowing the whole story? Hmmmm. Maybe that’s why my first pastor left. hmmm. As I grew in my faith and read the word, I did not see Jesus so much at that church, so who was I to trust with m y “discernments” or “assumptions” that this pastor may be a wolf in sheeps clothing? I could not go to the church and say “This new pastor MAY HAVE been lusting after me when he abruptly showed up at my hospital room and I was breastfeeding.” Then he calls me a couple weeks later and asks a new mother to be his secretary which I declined and said “no my job is my family” This did concern me and after a short while I did eventually leave that church to attend my father’s church which had issues as well. No church is perfect Tom. Most young women experience this in life, either at work, church, etc. We don’t go and report everything that we feel is inappropriate. That’s nonsense. Overt actions and words yes. Things that are clearly crimes such as molestation, rape or harrassment and provable yes. But do you honestly believe the church would have fired him for what I perceived may have been lust and then asking me to be his secretary. Seriously? That pastor was more concerned with a steeple on the church roof than the things of God and eventually the church suffered and fell apart fron what I learned. Years later I found out that married pastor with children had a consensual affair with a married woman and mother at that church and I realized years later finding this out, that my discernment may have been right then. After years later when I was gone. So Tom, you see you judged me rashly, harshly and without knowledge. This is sin. This new pastor may have been looking for a vulnerable woman. The bible warns us of wolves such as this. At the time my discernment was not positive. I just felt. If every young pretty girl goes reporting about the men in church that she thinks may have been lusting after her, a good portion of the men would probably be accused especially these days. One cannot accuse someone of something they may perceive as wrong. How would you like it if a woman did that to you? Also, back then things were a lot slacker. Now men cannot counsel women without another woman there. That’s smart. Now, about you judging without understanding the whole story, I believe you must repent. For Jesus Himself said “Judge not, lest you judge for with what measure you use it ill be used towards you.” There is righteousness judgements which we need to do, but your judgement is without knowledge. I forgive you Tom. I pray you do not go anymore on social media throwing stones at people but pray first. We all make mistakes. But on social media I believe God sees our words just as if they are right out of our mouth and we will be judged for every idle word. Thank God for God’s mercy and grace. 1 John 1:9. Perhaps you are young in the faith. We all have to mature into the image of Christ. I hold no hard feelings.
Lord God and Father of us all I pray for your work in Vickie and Jeannie to have the experience of your Love that brought Jamie to write such a clear article about the evil of our sin especially sexual! so that they will have no reluctance to admit it! Because it is like refusing to admit what the doctor says is wrong with us! as happened with me when I realized the judgment of my sin I feel is not your condemnation of me but your desire to help me to know the fullness of the abundant Life you desire for us all! I believe you will do this because it is in line with your word of Jesus shedding his blood for the forgiveness of our sin! So we know it is in his name you will do it for those who realize they are sick unto death! amen
Precious heavenly Father I am deeply grieved in my Spirit over not only the physical sexual immorality in the church, but over the thoughts people entertain. Lord my prayer is that each and every person who has made You Lord over their lives, would make a determined decision to feed their Spirit daily on Your word in order to truly overcome their wicked, evil flesh! In Jesus’ precious holy name we PRAY!
God and Father of all I pray for me & Debbie Martin and all those we know that need to truly overcome their wicked, evil flesh! As by knowing the joy of your forgiveness by our confession and repentance of our sin! For which Jesus died
King David said “I hide your word Oh Lord in my heart, lest I sin against you.” Amen.
Father, You do tell us “that without holiness no one will see God”, may Church universal hear what the Spirit is speaking to His people and TURN while You extend Grace to forgive and the Precious Blood of Our Savior to cleanse. You loved us so, that You have given us a way of escape and all the power to stand against the powers and principalities that war against our flesh. The recent exposure of sexual sin from well known men in leadership should be a wake up call to the Church. God is calling us as a people to rid ourselves of all sin, a victory only won as we surrender our WILL to the only One who can empower us to what we cannot do in our own strength as we “continue to walk out our salvation with fear and trembling, FOR IT IS GOD WHO WORKS IN YOU TO WILL AND TO ACT ACCORDING TO HIS GOOD PLEASURE.” God desires even more than we do to be a HOLY and PURE people and in His GRACE, He extends warning and mercies for today. We must intercede for the Church to repent, confess and be cleansed in His Cleansing Blood. He is preparing His BRIDE to meet Him and all who hear Him will be ready. Let the Church not walk in cheap grace, but as we move in the RESURRECTION SEASON let us remember His sacrifice was costly and He is asking us to lay down all that keeps us from walking in holiness. Let us rejoice for the One who has called us is faithful and He will deliver all who call upon His NAME, ” for it is not by power nor by might but by my Spirit” all things will be done to renew and transform His people. To God be all Glory and Honor and Praise.
Thank you for writing the truth about the local church, and how it is to be dealt with. Many I have confronted in leadership are using the wrong plumb line. They do not know God’s heart, intent and purpose.
The book, Divine Sex: a compelling vision for Christian Relationships in a Hypersexualized Age, by Jonathan Grant, is a compassionate resource which reflects God’s heart using solid data, biblical wisdom and grace. This resource points out wrong thinking and offers biblical solutions.
Prayer point: that church leadership will use the Bible to define truth and sin.
God and Father of all I pray you’ll be at work in your church to support the leadership of the church as you say they are to support us! For that is the interactive love you are talking about in loving our neighbor as our self!
Amen! I have been thoroughly convinced for a long time that pastors need to have the courage and boldnesss to once again preach what God’s Word says about sin! Too many are afraid to speak God’s truth for fear of losing members or being “politically incorrect!” This nation is now paying the price for the pastors and church members refusal to stand for righteousness! God’s Word says, “if MY people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from THEIR wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven and heal their land!” We have to do our part first! It breaks my heart to see that many churches have lost their ability to influence our culture. Instead, it seems the culture has too much influence on the church! God help us to turn back to Him!
Sexual sin is in need of exposure but be careful to follow the dictates of The Word! Don’t take it on yourself as a lone crusader. Having made this mistake, I can tell you, it will cause much harm both to you and to the body of believers you hoped to protect. The enemy will rise up against you and blind the peoples eyes to the truth. The apostle Paul knew how destructive the corruption would be. Be careful to follow Protocol established by GOD’s WORD!
God and Father of all I praise you for this good word and pray that you will have your holy Spirit write it on our heart that we would not grieve or quench any of your working!
Amen! Our intercessor group yesterday was inspired to pray yesterday about this very theme across the body of Christ. Hallelujah! The Lord send His holy FIRE on every “seat of passions” within all individuals in His body… “devouring every unholy desire and passion” and igniting HOLY FIRE of pure devotion to Christ. Let the flames burn brighter, higher, wider… flooding the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God as waters cover the seas. Jesus Christ be exalted… let all illegitimate and ungodly idols FALL to dust. Let a holy, pure, passion and demonstration of Christ arise, as we, His Bride, grow up into all things into Christ Jesus the Head, and be His Bride, “in simplicity and purity of devotion.” Sweet Lord, who poured out ALL for us, let us pour out ALL of our hearts and devotion to YOU. You alone are worthy! Christ be exalted in the Church, His Body, for His pleasure, and the salvation and sanctification of souls! In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
Please Heavenly Father free those of us who are struggling with immorality and impurity! Some of us have already gone too far and we need Your help! Give us hearts that are willing to say NO to pornography, adultery, fornication, whatever…Let us not cross any more lines…may we be willing to do anything to get sexual sin out of our lives, in Jesus’s Name, amen
Thank you Jamie for this message and for all the prayers! May it so be in Jesus name. Come Lord Jesus send a fresh spirit across this land and turn hearts to God! Come into the house of the LORD. Amen
Merciful and most gracious Father, I repent for my generation making porn so easy to access. I repent for the church focusing on changing others behavior (sin-conscious) instead of making the beauty and wonder of our Lord Jesus known to them (God-conscious). Holy Spirit, thank you for making much of Jesus to us! I ask you to fill the hearts of your people with the wonder of God’s goodness and love. I declare that the cross of Jesus and the power of his blood sets captives free, releases prisoners from prison and heals the broken places. I declare the kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy is advancing in families, communities and nations. Amen
Excellent article and needed for today’s world we live in. The body of Christ has, in many ways, adapted itself unknowingly to too many cultural ‘norms’ today. Take for instance today’s movies and books compared to those of just 25 or more years ago. The descent of what has been allowed visually, physically and verbally is astounding. As the body of Christ, we must first be constantly aware of what is happening and that the tools of our enemy Satan are constantly changing through the use of deceit, deception and a constant bombardment of subtle messaging to lull the church to sleep.
The use of the internet is another formidable tool and Satan works overtime to seek “whoever he can devour”. That includes our leadership in churches and the work world. If you have children with computers and smart phones, you MUST be constant in vigilance to oversee and protect them from the enemy’s attacks. Their minds are so quick to absorb what is being sent out there that a lot of damage can be done fast unless we take precautions to ensure protection.
David Wilkerson wrote “the Vision” in the early 70’s. He predicted that filth would be available in our own homes 24/7 in the future. At the time he wrote the book, even Christians were saying to him “No, that will never happen”. But it did and the church barely made a noise when it did. The church fell asleep and instead of standing against it vehemently, they basically went silent which was the same as endorsing and allowing it to happen.
Now our nation, people, churches, schools, magazines, books, entertainment, laws, etc. are being inundated with non-stop perversion and compromise. We have lost, in a very large way in this nation, humility and modesty in the public forum. We see people carrying on, wearing certain clothes that just don’t belong, etc. Take note of how absolutely unrestrained people “speak” in public today. Cursing is second nature and they think nothing of ot. Just a couple of decaded ago, it was much more restrained. 60 years ago, cursing was barely heard in public and respect for those around us (or those listening) was so much greater. The shift morally not just in the church but society is incredible.
**Lord, help us to find our way back to you and your ways. As Christians, our example sets Your standard for the world to see. We’re not seeking to be legalistic but to allow Your spirit to work through us in a way that sets a godly example that attracts those who don’t know You. Purify us daily Lord, because the enemy of our souls is constantly trying to batter away at us to draw us into the world. Give us Your compassion for those who are struggling but also help us to stand firm on Your word and commands for conduct Lord. Strengthen us to be salt for this failing world. In Jesus name amen.
Father God, awaken our hearts to what You deem as sexual purity and cleanse our minds from the defilement of the world which has made sexual practices that you deem as sin, acceptable by the world’s standards. In many ways, Your Body has become so desensitized, that we mirror the world in our thinking and actions regarding sex (1. Cor. 5:1-5). We accept as normal that couples live together before marriage and we celebrate their “love”. We accept that couples have babies before marriage. We accept that young people have sex at any age. We accept that it is normal for unmarried couples at any age to engage in sex if they are attracted to each other. Sex is no longer equated with love and how You define love. We no longer tie sex to marriage and confine sex within the sacrament of marriage. We are extremely alarmed at homosexual/transgender practices, child perversion and pornography and other wicked sexual acts, which we should, but in Your eyes, all are wicked sins that deserve Your judgment. We as the Body must seek purification rather than justification for we represent You on this earth (1 Cor. 6:18-19).
It’s time for Pastors and Teachers to remind the Church of the call to holiness. It’s time for each of us to read and re-read 1 Corinthian 5-7 and self-examine whether we are pleasing in God’s sight our thought and deeds regarding sex. It’s time for the majority of scandals in the Church tied to illicit sexual acts to STOP.
Thank you Father God for Your mercy. We as member of You repent for not reflecting the true state of Your Body whether in our thoughts or deeds. In order to draw the darkness to the light so they will forsake their ways, we must allow the light of Your love which is pure in thought and deed to penetrate every part of our being. We not only denounce the world’s way but we take on Your character, sanctifying ourselves daily to have the mind of Christ, and the ways of Christ. Just as sinners were drawn unto You Jesus, because of Your purity, may we be used to draw other unto You. It is only in the Authority of Your Name that we pray. Amen.
A statistic that might contribute to our understanding the lax and ingrained sex sin issue within the body of Christ, is taken from an August 27, 2014 issue of The Christian Post:
“Nearly TWO-THIRDS of American men watch pornography monthly and CHRISTIAN MEN ARE PAYING NEARLY EQUAL ATTENTION TO THE LUSTFUL PRACTICE (my emphases), according to a study conducted by the Barna Group
( ) for Proven Men.” This statistic is horrendous and downright scary. Pause and think about that percentage for one full minute… Now consider, if God were to overlay on these millions of addicted men (and some women) the severe eternal punishment Jesus gave in his better-to-pluck-out-your-eye-rather-than-be-cast-into-hell parable, a viable argument can be made that most men who claim to be Christian today, will surprisingly be cast into the fires of hell when they die! We naturally might press the question, ALL two-thirds? No one can know the answer to such an inquiry. Included in God’s consideration, might be, are they truly repentant after each viewing, with snot-faced weeping followed by physical lifestyle modifications, to avoid this temptation in the future. Perhaps they are semi-repentant, really uncomfortable with the associated guilt and they repeatedly “talk to God” about it. But then some may only mildly struggle to quit their eternally-damning sin… To know the answer to, who will go to hell for viewing porn, we would have to know how God applies this verses to each individual, impossible of course.
May God help us, the body of Christ needs nationwide repentance and deep soul cleansing! If you have an intercessor’s spirit, this would be a fine moment to weep, I am.
Oh our most precious father, the author and finisher of our faith..we fix our eyes on you…our hearts are grieved that there is a lack of sureness and holiness as well as irreverence in the house of the lord and our nation. Help us o God to repent and be separate from the world as u have called us to be…I so thank u for continuing to work in your people. We do not give up but ask for the mercy and grace as well as boldness to speak truth so that repentance may come. Thank u ifa writers and intercessors for the annointed messages and truths. We agree together for healing of our land and great revival especially in tour church…God has put such a mandate on my husband and I to pray and intercede and it is only by the unction of the holy spirit we are able to continue…do not bow down God is doing a mighty work in his body. To Him be all glory in jesus name anen…
Lord. You alone can save us. Bring conviction over these hidden and not to hidden sins of leaders and parishioners would come to their knees in repentance against all sexual impurity and lawlessness. Lord convict your church for allowing such behaviors and calling it “normal”. Remove the blinders on the Churches eyes that have not preached your word biblically. Lord stop the excuses for others behaviors and let the church as a whole arise and be set a part and let her light shine…thank you Jesus for your light and salvation to break through all the darkness. Amen!
Lord, please remove the veil off Your children’s eyes, ears, hearts and minds to know the Truth; to be set free, to hunger and thirst after You and Your righteousness in intimacy with You. Turning from our wicked ways to Your loving arms so we can be Your vessels, in Jesus name!
Philippians 4:8 teaches us that whatever is pure, holy. of good report…think on these things. David says in the psalms: I will put no unclean thing before my eyes.
Job said: “I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look at a woman with lust. Job 31:1
Christian, what are you putting before your eyes in the movies you watch? In the books you read? In social media?
Jesus said “the eyes are the window to the soul, and if our eyes are full of darkness then our soul is full of darkness as well.” Matt 6:22
He said to” pluck out our eyes if they lead us to sin.” Matt. 18:9
What is it that we need to “pluck out” and remove from our lives?
Heavenly Father, may each one of us as followers of You and Your Word humbly submit ourselves to Your Spirit allowing You to wash over us exposing our sin and do this on a daily bases. Let Your Spirit break us and expose that which is sinful and establish a wall of protection about us. As we are broken by Your Spirit, everything ungodly within will be exposed by the Light of The Spirit. Doing this on a daily bases will keep our spirits pure and holy and the light of the Truth will spill out of us throughout the day in your home, office, car, etc. triggered by a song, sunset, a bird singing, etc. allowing the Spirit of God to speak to us with increasing intensity as we walk with Him. May the Creator of all things be allowed to break us, mold us and build us into His image daily.
Father God, Amen, amen, amen to the prayer above! I praise you for giving those words to Jamie! A blessing to me, it was to recite the prayer out loud. We do need revival. We need conviction. We need to walk unashamed in the ways you laid out for us! Please let me hear your voice and deal with me so that I too can be living a more and more righteous life and displaying the fruits of the spirit. In Jesus’s name I pray! Amen.