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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would bless this upcoming event. Use it to spread revival throughout this nation, Lord.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Since 2002 Christian Union has been ministering on Ivy League campuses and now has a presence at all eight, plus Stanford University. I was first made aware of them when I was invited to speak on a panel at a Harvard event, where students from all eight “Ivies” were in attendance. I didn’t know what to expect, but their fervency for the Lord really impressed me. They were serious about worship and about prayer. In recent years they’ve been reaching beyond the Ivies to spark revival through Day and Night, which has periodic challenges to fast and pray, and The Cities Ministry which is starting with New York City. They work “to bring revival to America by developing, connecting, healing, empowering, and equipping bold Christian leaders in their city.

Have you taken your place on the wall?


I’m on their Prayer Team for National Revival, and I received the following prayer directive for an upcoming event. I thought it would be great to share the prayers with IFA since they’re not just for their event but also for national revival, though prayers for their event will bless Ivy League students and all the people they’ll impact throughout their careers:

August 1-5, 2022, all Christian Union associates will gather for Momentum – a week of seeking the Lord. The work of ministry cannot prosper by the arm of flesh; it will only succeed by the power of the Spirit. Our intent is to draw near to the Lord, which is itself good and right, but also so that the Lord would draw near to us in and through our lives and ministry.

It was a requirement of all men in Israel to take two full weeks each year to journey to Jerusalem for a festival of worship (Deuteronomy 16:16, 17). Just like those under the Old Covenant, we also need extended times of renewal and refreshing in our love and commitment to the Lord.

Please pray for this important week of spiritual work. Below is a prayer guide that you can use as you intercede.

Thank you!

  1. Lord, draw near to us as you promised, as we draw near to you during this Momentum week. 
  2. Father, we praise you for sending your Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins, that we might be saved by grace through faith in Him. 
  3. Lord, bring about the enlargement and strengthening of the hedge of protection against any evil scheme of the enemy, for the release of the mind of Christ and the secrets and strategies of heaven, for the covering of the blood of Jesus and the assistance of your holy and mighty warrior angels against any principality, power of darkness and design of hell. 
  4. Lord, Your word says that the church will triumph over the gates of hell, so bring about protection and covering from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet and for all that belongs to us and is entrusted to us, as well as for your plans and purposes to be fulfilled on this earth by the power of your Spirit. May your Kingdom come and may your will be done here and now!
  5. Holy Spirit, give us unity in the Spirit this week because Your Word teaches that  unity of the Spirit precedes fillings of the Spirit. 
  6. Lord, give us strong character. 
  7. Lord, give us supernatural power like we’ve never experienced before. Power for boldly proclaiming your ways and seeing ourselves and others walking in holiness and righteousness. Also, power for spiritual gifts such as healings, prophecies, tongues, deliverance, and miracles.  
  8. Lord, we repent of and ask you to rid us of all jealousy, division, factions, hurts, fears, resentments, unforgiveness, rebellion, grumbling, complaining, enmity, disparagement, accusation, gossip, slander, bitterness, critical spirit, fault finding, vengefulness, rejection, evil suspicion, and pride. Give us joy, blessing, submission, thankfulness, compassion, humility, forgiveness, long suffering, kindness, self-denial, love, peace, single-mindedness and unity. 
  9. Lord, fall upon us as you fell upon the disciples at Pentecost, and as you fell upon the crowds around Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Charles Finney and William Seymour. Give us a divine visitation!
  10. Lord, we repent and renounce ministry carried out in the flesh. We yearn for and desire ministry led by the Holy Spirit. 
  11. Lord, deepen our love and regard for your precepts, laws, rules, statutes, testimonies, commandments, regulations and ways. We declare in faith that we love your law, knowing that heaven and earth will pass away before the smallest part of your law passes away. 
  12. Lord, give us supernatural love for you and for our neighbors. 
  13. Lord give us the discipline and faith of Epaphras that we may work hard in prayer for the strengthening of others and the glory of your name.  
  14. Lord, give us divine discontent with the status quo, raising up a warrior spirit in us to take the kingdom of God by spiritual violence.  
  15. Father, remove any and every spirit of stagnation, and rejuvenate us with the presence of the living Christ.  
  16. Lord, we repent on behalf of Western ministers of the gospel, having little to no fear of you and lacking the discipline to seek you day and night and in periodic multiple days of devotion.  
  17. We renounce half-hearted devotion to You. Forgive us, cleanse us, and give us a whole heart totally surrendered to You.
  18. We reject human approval, in Jesus’ name, and consecrate ourselves to Your service and Your praise alone.
  19. Father, allow us to speak Your word with all boldness, and stretch forth Your hand to perform signs and wonders in the name of Your servant, Jesus.
  20. Give us power, love, and self-control as we cast off a spirit of fear, in Jesus’ name.
  21. Make us strong enough to suffer derision, scorn, shame, fasting, discomfort, inconvenience, and all self-sacrifice for the sake of Christ, in Jesus’ name.
  22. Fill our hearts with the joy of the Lord as we seek You and serve You, in Jesus’ name.
  23. Pour out Your indescribable love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
  24. Lord, help us to be rich in mercy and rich in grace. 
  25. Let the peace of Christ overrule all anxiety and speak calm to our hearts and minds, in Jesus’ name.
  26. Build each of our lives and ministries with works that survive Your judgment and are built upon the foundation of Christ Jesus.
  27. Holy Spirit, speak to us and guide us in the truth just as the Lord Jesus promised.
  28. Father, make us worthy of our calling and fit to be called ministers of the gospel, in Jesus’ name.
  29. Purify our lives and our doctrine in accordance with the holy scriptures, in Jesus’ name.
  30. We renounce the love of the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, in Jesus’ name.
  31. Enlarge our hearts to love You and Your ways in sincerity and truth, in Jesus’ name.
  32. Remove doubt from our hearts and minds and grant us true faith, even as small as a mustard seed.
  33. Give us steadfastness and endurance to run the race set before us, in Jesus’ name.
  34. Tenderize our hearts to serve Your people and the lost with the compassion of Christ.
  35. Bring much fruit from our ministries to the glory of the great name of Jesus Christ. 
  36. Lord, give us the faith, discipline and wholehearted desire to practice devotions morning and evening, fast Wednesdays and Fridays, and spend multiple days at a time drawing close to you every year. We declare we need your presence and power. 
  37. Lord give us sensitive, responsive, obedient hearts to hear your voice and may we hear your voice every day. 
  38. Lord, give us the mindset and strength to obey you in the small things as well as big things, because there are no small things with you!
  39. Father, protect us from the deception, manipulation, intimidation and domination of the larger culture and the devil. 
  40. Lord, give us a love for the truth, even when it’s hard to accept. We want your truth over the deceptions of the devil. 
  41. Lord, give us strength, faith and grace to be the soldier, the athlete, and the hard working farmer. 
  42. Heavenly Father, awaken us and fellow American gospel ministers to the needs of the hour and to the desperate situation we are in, so that we seek you with our whole hearts.  
  43. Lord, make us strong and courageous so that we can be pleasing in your sight. 
  44. Lord, deepen our understanding of and need for fasting that we may be faithful to your command to humble ourselves.  
  45. Dear Lord, may every student hear the gospel multiple times this year and bring sweeping spiritual transformation to Penn, Princeton, Columbia, Yale, Brown, Harvard, Dartmouth, Cornell, and Stanford. 
  46. Lord, give us bold faith to believe every word of yours and to courageously live it out.  Give us the Spirit of Joshua and Caleb who renounced their fears and who in faith led Israel into the promised land. 

Chuck Hetzler, PhD
Director, CU Day and Night

Though Hetzler didn’t intentionally come up with 46 prayer points to point to Psalm 46, that’s not a bad chapter to pray over our nation!

What would you add to this powerful list? Pray it in the comments below.

Rich Swingle has taught and performed in 39 nations on six continents, mostly with his own one-man plays, including one about an Olympic champion who wasn’t afraid to bring his faith into the public square, Eric Liddell. He and his bride, Joyce Swingle, another contributing writer for IFA, now have 37 screen children. The Swingles live in New York City. www.RichDrama.com. Photo Credit: Dreamstime.

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Sue Tracy
August 1, 2022

Lord watch over and protect this upcoming event. Put a hedge of protection around them and may the truth of Your word go out to the people. Bring people to yourself and enlarge Your Kingdom.

July 31, 2022

So much can change in our humanness when we allow th Holy Spirit’s influence at this age!!
Father we believe for upcoming leaders , we believe for supernatural strength and commitment through these incredibly challenging times. Thank you lord for the revival which will begin with this event in our savior Jesus’s name we stand Amen

Kathy Emahiser
July 31, 2022

Father, I thank you for pouring out your Spirit to over flow on this ministry team. Let your boldness rise up in them to the point of overflow, to the measure that everyone in attendance will greatly be impacted. I pray that hearts will be receptive to receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior and lasting change will take place. I ask this in Jesus name with thanksgiving, Amen.

Susan CC
July 31, 2022

This is so encouraging.

I agree! Father, we pray that You would bless this upcoming event. Use it to spread revival throughout this nation. And from those present to those praying in support, Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on all. I ask this and so much more in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen


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