I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for raising up federal judges who seek to honor religious exemptions. We pray that You would continue to protect people, especially those in the military, seeking to avoid authoritarian vaccine mandates.
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A District Court judge has sided with Air Force soldiers seeking religious exemptions, preventing them from receiving unjust punishments.

From Just the News. A District Court judge in Ohio granted a temporary injunction Thursday on the Air Force’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all of the branch’s members requesting a religious exemption.

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U.S. District Court Judge Matthew McFarland, of the Southern District of Ohio, granted the 14-day injunction in the case of Doster v. Kendall, giving the government seven days to respond and explain “why this Court should not grant a class-wide preliminary injunction,” according to the court order.

The injunction applies to the entire Air Force and Space Force, including the Air Force Reserve, which submitted a Religious Accommodation Request. No punishment, discipline, or adverse action may be taken against the military members under the injunction.

“This is a huge victory for many of my Air Force clients. Another federal judge has found that ‘The facts show Defendants have engaged in a pattern of denying religious accommodation requests,’ ” said R. Davis Younts, a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserves and a Judge Advocate General’s Corps lawyer…

How are you praying against vaccine mandates? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Just the News. Photo Credit: Bob Smith on Unsplash)

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Jim Vandegriff
July 18, 2022

Air Force personnel are referred to as “airmen,”or “airman.” Honorably discharged airman (1988).

Karen Secrest
July 17, 2022

Since there is more evidence regarding side effects of the vaccines , this truly is a blessing.
Pilots have stressor from high altitude work that others do not.
Than you Lord God for your promise to meet All our needs.

Herb Johnston
July 16, 2022

And now if our camp, if our soldiers, would stop using the term vaccine.. And start using the term experimental gene therapy.. It might go a long way to defusing the enemies control over the minds of people who are easily swayed.. I’m not saying that is everyone-, but there are many

Sandra Coffee
July 16, 2022

In the Name of Jesus, I cast down the vaccine mandate in the United States and render it null and void. We thank you for the judges that uphold the constitution and ask You to bless them. We ask for angelic protection over our judges of circuit courts and our justices of the Supreme Court who stand for the constitution in Jesus Name!!!

July 16, 2022

Lord God, You see their plans and you have prepared VICTORY in our future over the enemy and his plans, which are doomed to fail every time! You are raising up righteous judges, lawyers, politicians, businessmen, teachers, administrators, grass roots organizations, parents, school board members, and American citizens to fight the good fight for everyone of your children’s rights. Please allow the scales to fall off the eyes of the deceived, that the enemies agenda is revealed for what it is, even though it is enshrouded in pretty words (equality, inclusion, etc…) Light the church on FIRE to fulfill, once again, the role of serving thy neighbor, that government would shrink to the size that they perform their intended role to protect good citizens, and the church would GROW. That the plans of the enemy to weaken our military and divide the children of this ‘One Nation Under God’ come to Nothing, crash and burn and serve to strenghten Your Bride just as constant impact strenghtens bone. We thank You NOW, Lord Jesus, for Your continued favor, for the Revival that is coming to our Nation for our Youth, for exposing trafficking circles, for saving Your Children, for providing for our Salvation and giving us free reign in the spiritiual realms to defeat the enemy on a large scale in our physical realm. To You be ALL the Glory! Amen & Amen.

    Bob Yocom
    July 16, 2022

    I am in agreement with every word. America will be saved!

    Herb Johnston
    July 16, 2022

    Thank you forv this prayer- I just sprayed it with you,- – and added one little part..” and the church would GROW.. in wisdom, in preaching and living the Full Gospel, not just the comfortable parts, or the parts we’re not afraid of.. let the hearts and the eyes of the church be opened.. the eyes of our hearts be opened.
    In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen


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