I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for striking down these amendments! We pray that they would not resurface, but that You would put a stop to the threat of globalism.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

All 13 of Biden’s proposed WHO amendments failed. While this is an answered prayer, it is not the end of the fight against globalism.

From Liberty Counsel. Last week at the 75th World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, the Biden administrationā€™s attempt to present 13 proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) that would empower the World Health Organization (WHO) to unilaterally declare a ā€œpublic health emergencyā€ for any reason, failed miserably.

Visit your state page to pray.


None of Joe Bidenā€™s 13 proposed amendments were adopted by the WHO. Rather thanĀ reducingĀ the time frame, as Biden sought, the delegates agreed toĀ extendĀ the time for a member nation to reject an amendment from 9 to 10 months. The current 24-month time to implement a regulation after entry into force of an amendment remains the same.

A ā€œWorking Group on IHR Amendmentsā€ (WGIHR) has been established and there are upcoming meetings scheduled to continue the process of discussing proposed IHR amendments. The timelines for IHR amendments and a new Pandemic Treaty are as follows:

Proposed IHR Amendments Timeline:

September 30, 2022 ā€“ deadline for proposed amendments to IHR

October 1, 2022 ā€“ Director-General to convene IHR Review Committee to make technical recommendations on the proposed IHR amendments

November 15, 2022 ā€“ WGIHR meets to consider IHR amendments

January 15, 2023 ā€“ IHR Review Committee reports to the Director-General

May 2023 ā€“ Present proposed IHR amendments at the 76th annual World Health Association meeting

Proposed New Pandemic Treaty Timeline:

June 16-17 ā€“ request to speak or submit written statement regarding the new Pandemic Treaty

August 1 ā€“ working draft of new Pandemic Treaty is submitted

Throughout the week, delegates from nations like Australia, the United Kingdom, the European Union and theĀ United StatesĀ spoke in support of the amendments and urged other states to join them in signing away their countriesā€™ sovereignty. However, other countries such as Africa, Brazil, Brunei, Namibia, Bangladesh, Russia, Malaysia, India, China, and Iran expressed reservations or objected to the proposed amendments. Brazil said it would exit the WHO altogether, rather than allow its population to be made subject to the new amendments. The African delegation expressed reservations about these IHR amendments, saying all reforms should be tackled together as part of a ā€œholistic packageā€ later. Iran and Malaysia are reported to have also expressed reservations to the proposed IHR amendments, while Russia and Brazil seem set to possibly exit the WHO.

Therefore, when the WHA ended on Saturday, May 28, the Biden administration failed to have its proposed amendments added to the IHR.

On January 18, 2022, officials from the Biden administration quietly sent the WHO the original 13Ā amendmentsĀ to the currentĀ International Health RegulationsĀ and tried to keep them hidden without an official statement or a single press conference. These were not made public until April 12, 2022, when a researcher, discovered them on March 31. The proposed amendments, in combination with the existing ones, enabled Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and any future Director-General to have unrestricted powers to define and then implement their interventions and to declare ā€œhealth emergenciesā€ at will.

During the WHA in Geneva on Tuesday, May 24, a new set of amendments, ā€œConference Page 7,ā€ was submitted in complete violation of Article 55 Section 2 of the IHR, which requires amendments to be submitted at least four months prior to the WHA. After more than 50 nations objected, the secretary reserved rooms so they could have ā€œbackroom discussionsā€ in order to persuade those countries that were objecting to the amendments. These efforts failed.

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver stated, ā€œThe Biden administration and the World Health Organization suffered a stunning defeat. The WHO must not become the global authority on public health issuing directives influenced by its funding stakeholders that impact the sovereignty of independent nations. We must continue to monitor the WHO because the effort to gain more global authority has not abated.ā€

Are you encouraged by this news? If so, share this article to encourage others!

(Press Release from Liberty Counsel. Photo Credit: iStock)

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Chaplain Paula Tolefree
June 11, 2022

Lord, You are an Awesome God because You has given us somebody who cares about our Country above all meaningless things. You have made You a Mighty Conquerer , We love our President of the United States and we respect and honor him. Allow Your Holiness penetrate through his soul and may he be blessed. Amen

Anne Cooper
June 8, 2022

So thankful!šŸ™

Karen jones
June 8, 2022

Very encouraged! Our nations prayer is powerful! God is with us!

June 6, 2022

Deception is a tool of the WHO. Follow up indicates that Its NOT over with the WHO just yet. Although public response was overwhelming and deterred some global leaders to abstain, overall they tabled their decision and return for discussion in late June. This second gathering will NOT allow public comment. Pray, pray pray!

Barb Caniglia
June 5, 2022

Amen to the above. Thank you Jesus

Victoria Z
June 4, 2022

Thank you Jesus…Thank you for waking up the church to pray and may we be tge WOKE ones…may our wokeness be permanent, in spirit and truth, and may the world realize YOU, who the Apostle John says ARE LOVE and one with Christ who is the WORD, the WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE, YOU are the only wokeness all human beings need. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers.

Kathy Emahiser
June 4, 2022

Father, we thank you so very much for striking down this amendment. We give you honor and praise.

Corazon Hall
June 4, 2022

We keep praying for God is higher almighty God

Betsy Hesson
June 3, 2022

Thank You, Jesus, for answering our prayers! You are a good, good, God!

June 3, 2022

Thank you Jesus for hearing our prayers.

Chris Huff
June 3, 2022

NOW IS NOT the time to forget about this issue! There is an ongoing struggle against the forces of evil to subjugate all of mankind!!! To see how you can make a difference (in addition to repentance and much prayer) I urge you to take a look at James Roguski’s latest report on the status of the “Treaty” negotiations:
“Never before in the history of mankind has an organization openly plotted a coup against the sovereignty and health freedom of every human on earth.”

Web page of articles and discussions:


June 3, 2022

Still troubles me about resisting the one world government because it will have to come about at some time for Godā€™s will in the Book of Revelations to come to pass. Glad the WHO plans of Biden and company were struck down! We really need to stay close to God so we can do His will. Itā€™s not intended that our lives on earth should always be smooth and things go our way. Weā€™re in the beginning of the End Times. See Matthew 24.

Pat Marrs
June 3, 2022

Thank you Jesus !! And thank you all who prayed and stood !!šŸ’•ā™„ļøā¤ļøšŸ’•

June 3, 2022


Kirsten Ennis
June 3, 2022

Would not these actions from the Biden administration be considered treasonous? Thank you God the amendments are on hold at the moment. We must keep praying for our leaders. I find Psalm 2 very encouraging for that purpose.

Gayle Robinson Snyder
June 3, 2022

I have no doubt that globalists are doing their best to undermine democracy and national sovereignty. I also have no doubt the Mr. Biden is either an unwitting pawn or a willing accomplice However, this particular issue has me puzzled. I read the proposed changes and I see information sharing (with or without a county’s consent) and recommendations. I did not see any enforcement. Perhaps someone can point out to me what I am missing.

    June 3, 2022

    “The proposed amendments, in combination with the existing ones, enabled Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and any future Director-General to have unrestricted powers to define and then implement their interventions and to declare ā€œhealth emergenciesā€ at will.”
    The Director-General would have unrestricted power to define and then implement their interventions. Unrestricted powers to define and then implement their interventions seems to give them complete power in how they would implement what they deem necessary. They apparently already have existing powers to force the implementation of the “interventions” they decide to take. but this gives them unrestricted power to do so.

Nancy P.
June 3, 2022

Thank God for His mercy and love! He is sovereign and greatly to be praised! Amen!

Pam & Doug Taylor
June 3, 2022

Thank you Jesus!

June 3, 2022

Amen dear God of Mercy, amen for loving us and protecting against these evil corrupt globalist .

June 3, 2022

Thank you God for hearing our prayers!! We will fight in prayer and give all the glory to you God!!!

Diane Cater Bryant
June 2, 2022

Praise God!!

Isabel Ringor
June 2, 2022

There is aGod above all who hears our prayers!

Susan Chaney
June 2, 2022

I am so thankful for the answer to our prayers. However, we cannot stop praying. We must continue to intervene and pray that God will end this situation once and for all. I know that my God lives and He is on the move, alive and active. Praise be to our God!!

Lon Fkleming
June 2, 2022

Thank you sooo much for keeping us informed so we can pray and this is proof that God hears ands answers our prayers!!! What an awesome God we serve!!!

Sheri Milliman
June 2, 2022

Thank you Lord for the amazing EXPOSING job you are doing worldwide in this day and time. That those who believe may become aware, to stand, declare and decree your will/truth over all. And, that those believers who are unaware of the wiles of the enemy to take our freedom and liberty given to us by God, that they would join our ranks and stand strong against all these attacks! In the name of Jesus!

We thank you Father, that because of the finished work of the cross, we now have our own power and authority IN CHRIST to declare and decree Truth and righteousness into any given situation, thereby fulfilling the Lordā€™s own decree to bring the Kingdom of heaven to earth.

To you Lord be all the honor and glory forever! AMEN!

June 2, 2022

Africa is a continent (54 countries), not a country.

June 2, 2022

Lord God Almighty I praise the grace of your mercy to give us another chance to do 2 chron 7:14 with joy because we have faith that you will do it! So no matter what it costs us to do it now; it is wise we have faith of not seeing how much more it will cost us for you to bring your justice on our sin!

Priscilla Meyenburg
June 2, 2022

Thank you Father God, you got us removed from the Fire. I pray for this victory concerning all of Bidenā€™s bills that were not passed. I am pleading the Blood of Jesus over any other Bills , mandates, that he tries to get passed. I decree in Jesus name that any illegal bills, mandates will fail from any presentations will not pass. It is time All of the dangerous agendas they try to pass, God will stop šŸ›‘ Jesus to just let you know I praise you for loving us and I thank you for fighting for America and other Nations. šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

Sharon King
June 2, 2022

O Lord thank you for protecting the US from these suggestions of oversight from the WHO. You are our Great Physician & Protector, You alone are our everything! Open the eyes and hearts of the blind. Use Your children to bring truths from Your Word, guide them with courage and strength.
In Jesus Name, Amen

Nanette Gemmer
June 2, 2022

Praise be to God

June 2, 2022

Thank you Papa God for this victory. Continue to send confusion into this endeavor, make this platform a tower of babel as in ancient times. I loose warrior angels go forth destroy Cern and evey prototype in operation on earth in Jesus name.

Vilma Velazquez
June 2, 2022


Darlene Estlow
June 2, 2022

In Psalm 149;T says, “May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double edged sword in their hands.” So we praise God that He is defending us and our prayers are working against the enemy. May we continue to pray and give thanks. Thank you Father, for this victory and we praise you that these amendments will permanently go down to defeat!

Rev. Ronald Roland
June 2, 2022

Don’t go to sleep on this because you can be assured that the devil won’t!
While you are at it, get your local voting board to rid themselves/US of rigged (Dominion) voting machines which will over rule all conservative American votes.

    Sheri Milliman
    June 2, 2022

    True that!

    We all need a process for this. Has anyone ā€œinvented this wheelā€ already in their community? If so, please share the process.

Lavada Morrison
June 2, 2022

Praise God,
He is still showing mercy to our nation. He is answering our prayers. I was very concerned about this power grab. It would have been devastating for us. We must stay vigilant in our intercession and spiritual warfare. Thank you Lord for hearing our cries.

David Kelley
June 2, 2022

Praise God and YESHUA for their answering of prayers! Thanks to God for His sovereign power over the nations! Iā€™m beyond thankful for this gracious reprieve from the godless, globalist agenda! We need to be deep in prayer over whatever their next attack will be, because Satan never lets up.
Thanks to all the prayer warriors out there for their vigilance!
Watchmen! How goes the night?!

Mike Swords
June 2, 2022

I am so thankful that some believers are monitoring all this and able to take some action about it. Especially that they are intelligent, and believe the Scriptures.

Mary Beth Gregory
June 2, 2022

Very glad to hear this news! Keep fighting for God and he will fight for us!

Rich Swingle
June 2, 2022

On Pray with Others Live a few weeks ago Judy McDonough said that we need on-site intercessors in Switzerland during the WHA. Three days later I was in North Carolina and ran into someone who was flying to Switzerland on the first day that the WHA was meeting (on a Sunday). She prayed, and I’m so encouraged by how the Lord has answered this prayer! Let’s continue to pray for our sovereignty to be preserved!

Larry C.
June 2, 2022

PTL! for this answer to prayer. Jesus is to be Lord over all, not the WHO or any other human agency. Thank you IFA for what you do.

June 2, 2022

God sure is protecting us!! I wonder what % of our population even knew about this attempted coup. Obama and Soros are finally losing ground.

I would like to see the full list of the countries voting with our fascist government. Canada has to be among them. Important to know who our enemies are. The one I don’t get is China esp since they control WHO. Doesn’t make sense.

So glad we support Liberty Counsel.

June 2, 2022

God sure is protecting us!! I wonder what % of our population even knew about this attempted coup. Obama and Soros are losing ground.

I would like to see the full list of the countries voting with our almost fascist government. Canada has to be among them. Important to know who our enemies are. The one I don’t get is China esp since they control WHO. Doesn’t make sense.

So glad we support Liberty Counsel.

    Marcy Overbyāø
    June 2, 2022

    Thank you Father for hearing the prayers of your people crying out to you.. Blessed be the name of the lord..

June 2, 2022

HALLELUYAH – The Battle is the LORD’s and the VICTORY is ours in Jesus Name. From the UK we continue to stand and intercede for the USA. Freedom, Liberty, Truth, Justice & Righteousness to prevail throughout the whole earth. Declaring Jeremiah 51 verse 1 Thus saith the LORD: I will raise up against Babylon (Re-packaged Nimrod’s Tower of Babel – NWO) and against them that dwell in the midst of them (proud & pompous globalists – luciferians) that rise up against me, a destroying wind … this is the time of the LORD’S vengeance: HE will render unto her a recompence.

Debra Miller
June 2, 2022

Praise God for His intervention

Esmeralda Winchell
June 2, 2022

Thank you Jesus! Bring president Biden to your saving knowledge.

Jim Blackmon
June 2, 2022

Praise the Lord for enemies of USA who saved our freedom from demons in Washington DC

June 2, 2022

Thank you Father for hearing us and answering our prayers! I pray that Biden comes to know you in Spirit and Truth. Thank you for helping us to remain dependent on You Lord. You are our leader and we will continue to be your people. Thank you for protecting us.

Diane Reynolds
June 2, 2022

Thankful and Grateful Father for answered prayer.

Michaele Moore
June 2, 2022

Hallelujah!!! šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ Thank You Lord for answering our prayers. We pray You will continue to stop the evil and protect Your people. In Jesusā€™ Name Amen
Psalm 91::8 ā€œObservers only shall we be as we watch the wicked get their reward/punishment.ā€

June 2, 2022

Thank you God!!

June 2, 2022

Blessings and praise to the faithful prayer warriors and others that helped defeat another attempt of the dark forces occupying the WH office and administration.

Vivian Sikowski
June 2, 2022

Amen! Praise God! May righteous decrees be made!

Merle Archer
June 2, 2022

Thank God these amendments were defeated!

Brian lynch
June 2, 2022

This is indeed encouraging. Praise God! The battle, however, is FAR from over. WHO, and other globalist- type organizations are not going to go away quietly. Remember, Satan is behind all of this evil, and he will not give up without a fight. We need to keep on interceding, and not be complacent. These times that we find ourselves living in call for Christians to be bold, corageous, and to be interceding for what we know to be right, and consistent with God’s will. Thank you , Lord, for this victory. By Your grace, please, let this be but one in a series of globalist efforts to go down in defeat. In Jesus’ name.

Amber Jenkins
June 2, 2022

Thank you God. You are Sovereign. You are LORD of All! Amen

June 2, 2022


June 2, 2022

Our God is more than able, our prayers are being answered, everything that was done in darkness is being brought into the lightšŸ¤—šŸ™

Dotty Snyder
June 2, 2022

Hallelujah! Thank you Lord, for your mercy in this!

C and C Nelson
June 2, 2022

Father, we thank you for answered prayer. We are grateful again that this was exposed so that people could stand against this evil.
Now we ask again for more of Your favor & intervention. We ask that You would bring forth all the names of those doing & actively involved in these “works of darkness”. We pray their eyes would be opened through the work of Your Holy Spirit. We pray for their salvation. But we ask for their names to be publicly exposed, so that they could be repeatedly challenged on their secrecy & efforts to sneak this bye. Their direct & purposeful attempts to hide this violates not only our Constitution but our trust in government.
We ask this in Your Holy name Lord.

James L
June 2, 2022

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for fighting for us and help us to stay viligent against these sons of Belial and abominable branches who seek to speed up the timeline for the rise of the Anti-Christ.

Marcee Oehlkers
June 2, 2022

I’m very encouraged with this! I know they will not stop pursuing their agenda, but greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. We should never again, as the body of Christ, take our foot off the gas pedal. This is more proof to the power of our prayers and the heart of the Father to bless His children. Praises be to His name!!

Julianne Benson
June 2, 2022

THANK YOU LORD JESUS FOR THIS ANSWER TO FERVENT PRAYER! You are to be praised at all times and you tell us you will never leave us or forsake us. Thank you! We love and adore you Jesus! Amen!

Jacqueline B
June 2, 2022

Father God, I thank you for hearing and answering our prayers, regarding the cancellation of the wicked amendments at the WHO. I didn’t want to be like the nine lepers, who didn’t return to say thank you. I THANK YOU LORD!!!šŸ–ļøYou are worthy to be praised!šŸ–ļøšŸ–ļø

June 2, 2022

This is wonderful news, but it is chilling that not only the US but also Great Britain and the EU were trying to force the amendments.

June 2, 2022


June 2, 2022

Praise God have your way Lord today and the days ahead in Jesus name, amen

June 2, 2022

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAlelujah!!!!! I am laughing and shouting! “Fail miserably” was my prayer exactly regarding these amendments! Thank You, Abba, and thank you, brethren for standing together against this wickedness. Let us continue to march forward with GOD’s mandates (not our own!)- exercising the authority given to us over all the power of the enemy!

June 2, 2022

Hallelujah! God is on the move!

Laura Weaver
June 2, 2022

Praise God this is answer to our prayers! Thank the other bold countries for seeing through this proposed new world order and striking down Bidenā€™s amendments. Continue to pray for the end of this disastrous administration soon!

Terry Durnal
June 2, 2022

It seems to me that these private, underhanded meetings that Biden continues to try to hold, would be considered grounds for an investigation into all of his dealings. Itā€™s obvious to everyone but the Democrats that he is trying to bring our nation to its knees. Our only hope is in our Lord. We cannot slack up in our prayers, only God can save our nation and the world from this evil.

June 2, 2022

Father, Father, Father!!! Thank you Papa for hearing our prayers! We praise Your holy name. Thank you Lord.
Father continue to show us how You would have us pray. We praise You always. In Jesus’ name!

Judy Cline
June 2, 2022

Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers. We continue to desire your ultimate purposes for the United States. We ask for protection from nefarious amendments in all branches of our government.

Maria Griffith
June 2, 2022

Praise God for his mercy and revealing this threat to our sovereignty. Our prayers are answered. May we continue to press in to avert any further attempts to subvert our God given sovereignty

Dorothy Haynes
June 2, 2022

Praise God for answering the prayers of your people. I was grateful when I heard of the defeat and striking down those amendments that would put the American people in bondage to the World Health Organization (WHO). God You get all the glory for that.

John Crawford
June 2, 2022

Thank You Lord for Your great love today.

Sheri Milliman
June 2, 2022

Thank you Lord for the amazing exposing job we were doing worldwide in this day and time. That those who believe my stand declare and decree truth over it. That those who are unaware of the wiles of the enemy to take our freedom and liberty given to us by God, that they would join our ranks and stand strong against all these attacks! In the name of Jesus.

Karen Secrest
June 2, 2022

A very Grateful condition this morning as this defeats Israel’s willingness to allow who authority over their nation.
We bow before our King

June 2, 2022

To God be all the Glory and Praise!!!

June 2, 2022

BE ALERT and Wise. Prayer Praise and Thanksgiving.

from EM Bounds Ask for MORE of God GRACE to equip and to obey His commands
Choose ONE kingdom to server
A)obey a just and righteous God who LOVES YOU
2 bring God glory
3 magnifies HIS KINGDOM
4 reveals HIS light to others
5 LIVE with the Spirit of PRAISE, submission to a HOLY God WORTHY

B)a worldly fickle kingdom
1 self serving
2 hostile to truth
3 executes justice with partiality
4 chaotic and deceptive
5 rejects God leads to destruction

From EM Bounds Romans 7:12
“it is much easier to please God than to please people. Moreover, we can KNOW when we please HIM.
God’s commandments can be obeyed by all who seek supplies of grace to enable them to obey
These commandments must be obeyed. God’s government is at stake.
The spirit of rebellion is the very essence of sin. It is the denial of God’s authority that HE cannot tolerate.”

Mike Graham
June 2, 2022

That amendments time-line is true bureaucracy. Which means more time to see that they never happen.

Chris Huff
June 2, 2022

My dearest brothers and sisters, far be it from me to negate anything in one of these newsletters but this article is not quite accurate. I have been watching this situation carefully and in particularly the work of James Roguski who has tirelessly, with a team of others including The World Conference For Health, is working to overturn these amendments and to protect national sovereignty and freedom everywhere.

The WHO constantly ignores it’s own protocols and has been working behind closed doors to ram the effects of these amendments through. They tried buttonholing objecting member states (mostly African who have been badly damaged by the actions of the WHO), but it looks like they may have failed to get them (at least publicly) to abandon their stance against these amendments.

This is a very long and complicated story of deception and subterfuge!! I encourage you to follow James Roguski’s reports and those of the World Council For Health:

James Roguski’s latest newsletter detailing the latest activities of the WHO to ram through this diabolic “Treaty”:

And the World Council For Health’s main page where you will also find the lastest news about vaccine injury and many individuals’ efforts to evade the grasp of the Globalist – be sure to scroll down the page for much of interest to us!!

In Christ our Savior


    June 2, 2022

    We ABSOLUTELY need to keep praying and being alert. Devil is not going to back down and sleep. He knows his time is short. He operates under cover of darkness, carnage, distraction, deceit and fear. BUT PRAISE AND GLORY AND HONOR to YAWEH bring LIGHT, that he can no longer operate so secretly!! SING PRAISE!!

    May God bring revival that eyes be unblinded. SPIRIT move and give new breath and life that many will see and KNOW the healing, reviving SALVATION of JESUS.

    Adonai, Multiply our worship LOAVES and Fishes that ALL will be FED. Circumcise hearts, spirit of conviction and woe. REPENT, BELIEVE and TURN. Hallelujah!

Bruni O
June 2, 2022

PSALM 89:14 ā€œRighteousness and Justice are the foundation of your THRONE, faithful love and TRUTH go before You.ā€
Thank you, Father God for your faithfulness and always protecting your Sheepā€™s! All We can give you, to Honor you is an ALELUYA, Praise and Glory to the ONLY ONE GODšŸ™ and the whole Universe will know WHO YOU AREā¤ļø! No one is higher than you! In Jesus name I pray!! AMENšŸ™

June 2, 2022

Praise God for His intervention! Yes, prayer does still work! Realizing what is occurring in America (and around the world), 2 Chronicles 7:14 is so applicable – “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves, seek My face, pray and turn from their wicked ways, then, I will heal their land”. And until that happens, nothing will change. Our prayer emphasize should be for repentance, revival and restoration!

To God be the glory!

David Littlefield

Romans 8:37-39

Marge Liotti
June 2, 2022

Thank you Father for hearing our prayers and giving boldness to countries that pushed back on these amendments. We continue to lift this country and the world up to you. Forgive us for not putting you first in everything we think, say and do. We need you Father God and believe that you will never leave us or forsake us in Jesus name we pray. Amen

Joan A. Bennett
June 2, 2022

PRAISE TO OUR MIGHTY GOD!!! Father God, thank you for your ruling. We are thankful for your grace and support to your children and the earth that you have given us.

Catharine Andrews
June 2, 2022

Thank You, Lord, for this victory. Your Body so needs this encouragement!
You are Faithful to gear us when we cry!

Marsha Bashor
June 2, 2022

Thank you so much Lord God for sparing our country in this effort of the Biden administration to give sovereignty over to the WHO regarding our healthcare! Thank you for this miracle!! Thank you!!
You are a great God to hear our prayers !!
But we are still on our guard to continue prayer about this for our safety, the safety of our whole country!! Let it be that we refuse to participate in this again!! Ever!!
Thank you!!

Jill Carrero
June 2, 2022

Thank You Lord for hearing our prayers!! All praise , honor and glory belong to You our Good Father! Thank You for confounding the determined plans of those who want to squash our Freedom well before their time of Antichrist spirit…. I am so glad Delegates from several nations could SEE what the WHO Plans are and they Had enough backbone to stand up to the schemes and said No way! Not yet! So we sing one of my favorite songs: Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto The Ancient of days! from every nation, all of creation bow before the Ancient of Days! every tongue in heaven and earth will declare Your glory! Every knee shall bow at Youre throne in worship! You will be exhaulted oh God! and You’re Kingdom shall not pass away! oh Ancient of Days!! in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!!

    June 2, 2022


    June 15, 2022


June 2, 2022

Lord Godā€¦thank You and praise You for these amendments to fail to come to fruition. We praise You and glorify You in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen

    Joletta Flannigan
    June 7, 2022

    Yes, praise the Lord God Almighty! He gave us our God given freedom and wants us to stay free. Amen!

    Joletta Flannigan
    June 7, 2022

    Yes, praise the Lord God Almighty! He gave us our God given freedom and wants us to stay free. Amen!
    He is omnipotent! Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers.

June 2, 2022

Awesome!!! Our prayers are heard, they will not go unanswered. Thank you God, we love you!

sheila taylor
June 2, 2022

Praise the Lord God Adonai. He alone is our authority. Thank you, Lord for hearing and answering our prayers.

June 2, 2022


Donna Kuehl
June 2, 2022

May the Body of Christ continue to get bolder everyday and bring light on the truth for Godā€™s glory!
Amen Amen

June 2, 2022

praying for this

Barbara Ann Bush
June 2, 2022

This is part of their strategy. We are to stay alert. They have scheduled a process to bring this back with the backing of many nations. This is giving us time to be as organized if not more so to get support through delivering the gospel around the planet.

This is the same type of strategy the US Congress uses. When people act as if something is over, then, they can reword a few things and then do the same or worse.

    June 2, 2022

    Wow I never thought they would and could reword what they didnā€™t pass as to bring it back up. Please Jesus protect us from this happening.

    June 2, 2022

    We ABSOLUTELY need to keep praying and being alert. Devil is not going to back down and sleep. He knows his time is short. He operates under cover of darkness, carnage, distraction, deceit and fear. BUT PRAISE AND GLORY AND HONOR to YAWEH bring LIGHT, that he can no longer operate so secretly!! SING PRAISE!!
    We must stay in the word and encourage others. God has graciously given us time to feed, restore and rescue others. Prepared to be refined. Trust and depend on God MORE. Praise the name of JESUS the defender of our faith, our Advocate, our Intercessor, our Forgiveness!!

June 2, 2022

Thank God for the countries that stood firm against this. And how an American government (legal or not) has come to a place of willingness to sign away sovereignty, is beyond me. But on a side note, Africa is not a country. Its a continent. Please specify which African countries were against this if you can.

And if you would consider listing ALL us elected officials that attended Davos – I have heard even governors – that would be helpful in advance of the fall elections.

Louise Fugate
June 2, 2022

I praise our Lord for answering our prayers against Biden’s evil schemes with the WHO so the wicked globalists could have their way to rule over America. I pray for a righteous government to once again stand with the Lord as our foundation and guide us with Godly principles. We love You, Lord!

Barbara K Sides
June 2, 2022

Thank-you Jesus!

Sherry Bohl
June 2, 2022

Are we so weak that we cannot govern ouselves? We don’t need the WHO to have any “unrestricted powers” over the United States of America. This is scary: “The proposed amendments, in combination with the existing ones, enabled Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and any future Director-General to have unrestricted powers to define and then implement their interventions and to declare ā€œhealth emergenciesā€ at will.”

Barbara Janicki
June 2, 2022

How interesting that it was other countries around the globe, like Brazil, India, Russia, Iran etc. who opposed these amendments, not the U.S., U.K. and E.U. – grateful to God that they did not pass at this time, know continued vigilance and prayer must continue – God used other countries to protect us from these freedom killing policies, which Biden introduced, when our own country is not protecting our rights and freedoms, but actively working to take them away. Thank You Lord for using even our enemies to save us from ourselves. May we as a nation “come to our senses” as the prodigal son did, and return to You in all our ways. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Sarah Coady
June 2, 2022

Thank you, God. One thing we don’t need is more control oer our lies. itt is bad enought that the pharmaceutical industry and the insurance industry want to tell ua hw to sray healthy especially when they do not consder the inexpensive alternatvie of using supplements combined with a healthy lifestyle of good diet, exercise, sleep and styain hydrated. A healthy immue system will fight off any disease of at least keep that disease managable. Too much of our health care is aout drugs.

June 2, 2022

Praise God for this answered prayer. Letā€™s continue to pray against this deceptive, evil attempt of our government to bring acts of wickedness upon the people of America. Thank you Abba Father for Your grace and forgiveness once again over our nation. We are One Nation Under God!!!

June 2, 2022

Thank all who defeated these 13 amendments to keep the WHO out of our country. This is a great day to fight against one world order. Thanks to all.

Christine Sarsfield
June 2, 2022

The courts of Heaven has ruled in our favor. The enemy of this earth is being locked up in chains

Mary Ann
June 2, 2022

Thank you God for your continued Grace and blessings and patience you have bestowed upon us all glory goes to you!

June 2, 2022

Thank You Father for hearing our prayers and defeating our enemy. The prayers of a righteous man avaitheth much,thank You for taking our filthy rags and exchanging them with Your righteousness King JesusšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ You are God and there is NO other, the wicked May think they are the rulers but God has given You nations as Your rewardšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ

Bernadine Reid
June 2, 2022

The God of Glory truly intervened on the behalf of our beloved America. Who is the King of Glory! The Lord strong and Mighty! Thank God for the Spirit of Unity within the Body of Christ and the awakening of the Church globally.

June 2, 2022

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow!

Terry Pannullo
June 2, 2022

Praise God!!!!

June 2, 2022

Biden is a puppet. Obama is the puppet master. So understand what you are dealing with…Obama is committed to destroying American sovereignty, and while this is a victory, the war continues.

Be thankful indeed, but pray that those behind globalism are fully unmasked and that they are brought to justice.

    June 2, 2022

    We must remember that we fight FROM a point of victory- and not aggrandize our enemy! Yes, obama is in play, but is also being played simultaneously. He too, is a puppet. Jesus has ALREADY defeated the puppet master. WE pray- declaring God’s words together in unity and do not allow the enemy authority to use his power. Remember too that praise is a weapon for us as much as fear is against us. Stand firm!

Yvonne Pendleton
June 2, 2022

Bless God. KEEP PRAYING that He pulls down strongholds of sin in our. Government.

James Greco
June 2, 2022

Praise God!

Karen McClain
June 2, 2022

Thank you for publishing what took place. It is eye-opening that so many countries opposed this outrageous takeover of freedom, and heartbreaking that the USA tried to sneak in these dastardly ammendments! Thank you IFA for the warning to pray. and Father in heaven for hearing!!

Nancy Rife
June 2, 2022

This is such GOOD news!!! Thank you for giving us the details we wonā€™t read in the newspapers!

Michael Christian
June 2, 2022

Praise God for his mercy! Fortunately for the world, the Bill Gates-owned WHO so vacillated and fumbled in decisions with Covid that any confidence they can unilaterally manage the health of all earth’s population in an actual pandemic, has been shattered.

June 2, 2022

Praise God. All glory and praise below he to You Lord! We continue believing that You intervene on our behalf as we trust You

Denise Velarde
June 2, 2022

Please continue this prayer – we have dodged the bullet this time – but they will continue to try to implement this. The threat is still here – donā€™t let up on those prayers. – Thanks for praying

Elisa Paigo
June 2, 2022

We must stand firm for our God given freedom! Keep praying and ask others to pray also. Please send this new information to all on your distribution list. It is ver encouraging!!!
Please keep praying and crying out to our Lord. He is listening.

Antoinette Johnson
June 2, 2022

Glory to God. Answers by fire hallelujah!

Patricia Tryal
June 2, 2022

All praise to you, our Sovereign King! To you alone be the glory.

Betsy West
June 2, 2022

Father, give us the eyes of an eagle. As watchmen on the wall at this time in history we must not blink

June 2, 2022

Glory to God!

June 2, 2022

Praise God but let’s not be fooled that he won’t sneak it in some other way. Keep praying!

Audrey Hartmark
June 2, 2022

Thank you for the great information. I would like to share with friends, however, the ‘forward icon’ at bottom of page, is missing. To be able to share with family and friends we have to go into another application before forwarding. If it is possible to apply a simple ‘forward’ icon at bottom of your page would enable us to forward to family and friends. Thank you so very much. Rejoicing with you over the good news. Agreed they will not give up. We much fight to the Finish.
So Grateful for you, Audrey Hartmark

    June 2, 2022

    I shared by tapping in the right hand corner. With the three dots. I am using a smartphone. But, it probably would do the same as a home computer. I hope this helps!
    This article needs to be shared as much as possible! And we need to keep praying! Thanking GOD for it being defeated, for now. The evil will not stop. Keep praying everyone!

Joseph Williams
June 2, 2022

Thank God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for preventing this liberty-destroying, corrupt, disaster-waiting-to-happen from being implemented. God keeps satan on his leash.

Apostle Harry C Wigmore III
June 2, 2022

We all know who was trying to push these amendments, it was not Biden, but Obama, the Antichrist. Biden brains are so scrabbled, he does not know where he is at or his name. His Handler behind him is Barak Obama. So glad ABBA FATHER stopped this. Had it gone through, the judgments of God would have fell on America very strongly.

Derek W
June 2, 2022

Thank you loard for blocking these globalist innitiatives. We praise you!

Lynne Stansbery
June 2, 2022

I prayed the Holy Rosary every chance I got every day from first hearing about it till today and will continue till globalism is defeated and our beloved country remains sovereign.

Corrine Daniele
June 2, 2022

Thank-you, Father, that this major threat to the health, safety and liberty of people ā€¦ has been defeated! Continue, oh Lord, thwarting the enemyā€™s plans to destroy Your people, those who will come to know you through the wonderful testimony of Your love for them!!

June 2, 2022

Please pray now in thanksgiving an equal amount that you prayed for this.. Never forget to be thankful for answered prayer.


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