Influential pastor and evangelist Mario Murillo, who joined IFA’s First Friday call in October, rallied intercessors with his vision of the Lord’s restorative work in America.
“Even in our fallen, backslidden, immoral state, we still stand as a firewall,” he said. This role stems from the nation’s beginnings. According to Murillo, the Lord has blessed America because of three specific actions: Preaching the gospel, as the pilgrims’ covenanted with God; standing with Israel; and providing charity to impoverished nations and peoples.
As a firewall, the United States stands against demonic plans. Murillo said, “…Satan looks at America and says, ‘I can’t do what I want in bringing the antichrist, the beast, and world domination as long as American freedom exists.’ And when we pray, that is the essential knowledge that must be in our mind.”
Murillo called pastors and intercessors to recognize the current war. In discussing Psalm 11:3-4, Murillo pointed out that David’s plea to the Lord assumes the righteous act, with focus on the Lord. Lord, what can the righteous do when the foundations are removed? God is in His temple on His throne. “How would David know that unless that’s where he was staring,” he said.
If Israel’s beleaguered warrior king kept his eyes on the Lord, America’s embattled believers must too. According to Murillo, this war must end in victory. He said, “… the Christian righteous have dug in their heels. They’re not going to compromise.…So our thoughts are freedom is coming because the sheep and the goats are being separated and the power of God will be manifested over America.”
We are all called into this battle. “The Power of the Christian faith is that anyone at any moment that says to the Lord, ‘Use me’ has access to promotion, to equipping and power,” Murillo exhorted. “So, the fresh anointing is going to be this: People that no one has ever heard of, coming from places no one expected, will do things that people have never imagined.”
Murillo shared a vivid image of the spiritual reality, “[Jesus] said I send you forth as sheep before wolves. What more predicable outcome is there than what is supposed to happen to a group of sheep who wander into a pack of wolves. Well, here’s what Jesus is saying, ‘That’s how you look: to the world, helpless. To the world, defenseless. To the world, ineffectual. But you have no understanding of the lion that is standing behind those sheep staring at those wolves.’”
Murillo prayed an impartation of fresh anointing over IFA intercessors, saying “…In Isaiah, it says no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every condemning tongue you shall rebuke. This is the heritage of the people of God. We gotta shake up our thinking, we gotta look in the mirror and realize we come from a legacy of supernatural power. Impossible things. That’s who we are and that’s needed in this moment more than anything else. And that is the fresh anointing.”
To hear the entire prayer call, click here.
Does this encourage you to stand, believing for God to do great things in America? Share in the comments below!
Author Joyce Swingle is an intercessor and contributing writer for Intercessors for America. With her husband Drama Evangelist Rich, Joyce shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through theatre and speaking. Joyce also has performed on screen. Prior to going into full-time ministry, Joyce worked for about 20 major magazines and now works in pastoral ministry and Christian counseling. She and Rich live in New York City.
(Photo Credit: Facebook).
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Lord let our eyes never leave Your face and let us seek more of Your Presence daily even as the battle is raging around us.
Dear Lord, I ask for Your fresh anointing. We ask You to manifest Your power over America and remind us of who we are in You. In Jesus Heavenly and oly Name, Amen.
In a related topic, may I request all intercessors reading this remember NC Lt. Governor Mark Robinson in your prayers. He is a good man and has spoken out boldly against CRT and LGBTQ (or whatever it is now) indoctrination of our children in K-12 schools. He has posted a video showing some of the perverse garbage to be found in our public schools, to include comics depicting homosexual pedophilia and acts. Naturally, he is now under attack in the media and on the streets, with an ever growing mob of social justice warriors marching through the streets of Raleigh. Of course, the local media outlets only wish to portray him as a villain when in fact he is a hero. As it says in Isaiah 5:20, “Woe unto those who call evil good and good evil, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter, and who put darkness for light and light for darkness.” Please remember this good man in your prayers. I had meant to mention him and the attack he faces in my earlier prayer posting.
God bless you for calling our attention to pray your wonderful Lt. Governor Robinson. I was cheering loudly and Thanking the Lord Jesus for someone who has a backbone to say what it is!! FILTH!! I will be praying for him and pray for others to be more like him. Our children need protection from this evil…Enough is enough!!
Yes, you are blessed to have this strong, good, man in North Carolina! God bless him! Let’s remember ALL the politicians that are standing against CRT, mandates, etc. because they are coming under great attacks. Our Oklahoma, Governor, Kevin Stitt, is going to be having an opponent, a woman, who switched from Rep. to Dem., so she could run against him. She is also a school official. Please, PRAY, for these good politicians (there are some).
Consider it done Pauline. Thanks for bringing my attention to this race. The fight is now truly at a grass roots level.
AMEN, Danny! It always has been at the grassroots level. We just have to wake up (me included). We’ve been too trusting and too uninvolved too long! Never again!
We who are children of the Most High GOD YHVH are extremely privileged to have been forgiven and covered with the Blood of Jesus- spirit, soul, and body. We are co-heirs with Christ, inheritors of exceedingly great and precious promises that allow us to be partakers of His Holy Divine Nature!
We are here to share our precious faith bathed in prayer before, during, and after we embrace the lost in their profound need. The very best way that I have found in 46 years of consistent evangelism is to leave the person with something tangible in their hands. The ‘Gospel of John’ from Pocket Testament League is by far my favorite item, although with family and close friends I have given them the outstanding volume ‘Prepared to Answer’ by saved agnostic Rob van de Weghe.
Please prayerfully consider the many resources that I highlight in this post, for the Greatest Awakening in the History of Mankind is upon us! We will see more NEW souls come into the Eternal Kingdom in the next several decades, than in all of human history combined… Selah! https://zionsgate.wordpress.com/2007/06/29/the-key-to-evangelism/
AMEN! Glory Lord! You are AMAZING! Forgive us, Your people for little faith, praise and thanks to You for forgiveness, Your wild, ferocious, unconditional love! Our country voted in the mayhem we are experiencing Lord, but You are using it for good. We proclaim You are GOOD, and working it all together for good, we ask You keep us abiding in Your goodness, even when we are scared, discouraged or deeply suffering, embolden our faith to obey, to not be decieved or tricked into doing evil.
Let us keep appointments with You, soak and feast and encourage each other with Your Word to live it out in our deeds! Invite those who need to know You to come with as we go to work with You Poppa God, because of what Jesus did for us, AND what He’s doing IN us!
SHINE brothers and sisters! Shine with the real LORD of LIGHT!
Great article, Joyce! I confess, when you look at what is happening in the natural, it is very discouraging. We need to be focused upon our supernatural Lord Jesus. He will keep us safe and sustain us. We need to walk in faith, not on sight. Greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world. We need to stand upon His Word, and trust that He is going to make a way, where there seems to be no way. What we are seeing with our natural eyes is temporary. What the Lord provides us with is eternal. Lord Jesus, please, help Your children to stay focused on what we need to see. In Your precious name I pray.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for this powerful message, and I pray you will bless and protect the author, Pastor Swingle, and Pastor Murillo, who she quotes. This is indeed a powerful and important message, and should remind us all of the role we play in this struggle, which is as much spiritual as it is political and ideological. Lord, I have experienced much in my life, and witnessed evil many times, but never have I seen and felt an evil like cancer that now afflicts our nation. Lord I thank You for the wisdom and discernment that allows me to. see and feel it, oppressive as it is. It saddens me how many of my fellow citizens still cannot see it. Even more troubling are the multitudes who foolishly and gleefully embrace it. Lord I pray the deceived people have the scales lifted from their eyes before it is too late. Lord let all who read these words also pray for the deliverance of the deceived, and May we all pray against the mechinations of the deceivers, which run the gamut from political, ideological, psychological and sociological deceptions to outright witchcraft, necromancy, and spiritual warfare. Indeed, the evil that now permeates this nation in a cloud so heavy and thick that many of us feel it’s weight upon us is the evidence of their wicked curses and chants. Let all who read this pray against them and their evil attacks. Lord May our prayers to You dissipate this foul cloud of wickedness from this nation. Lord May all who read this pray against the so-called “witches of tik tock “ many of whom are but children themselves, who use that platform to corrupt our youth and to spout spells against the police, Christians, and the very fabric of our nation. Many of them act like it is a fun game, and are blind to the dark forces they are serving. Lord May our prayers be a wind that scatters their foolish spells. Lord I further pray that all who read these words will pray against the necromancy practiced by the leaders of BLM. They openly call on the spirits of the dead, and most often the evil dead, to act against the police, Your people, and the righteous aspects of this nation. Let all who read this pray against the sacrifices and offerings they make to invoke the power of dead criminals, and let us also pray against the spiritual power they seek to gain by tricking their followers into chanting and repeating their names, and even more heinously, by forcing others to repeat their names in a spirit of fear. Lord I also pray that all who read this will join me in praying against all the educators at all levels who are polluting the minds of our children and youths with false doctrines and twisted versions of history designed to turn our own people against You, this nation, and their parents. Lord I know some of these teachers and professors do it because they have been deceived themselves. Lord May our prayers work against the deception and May You open their eyes to what they are doing that they may repent and return to a narrative of truth. Lord still others spread these false teachings out of coercion and fear. Lord May our prayers help to lift this fear from their hearts and May they find the boldness to speak the truth and a gentle sharpness of tongue that their students might hear and understand truth. Finally Lord, their are those who pose as educators but who know full well what they do. Lord May all who read this pray against them, and May they be forever removed from positions where they can poison the minds of students. Lord I pray we all join in this struggle though our prayers, our words and our actions. May you grant us all wisdom, discernment,and a righteous clarity of speech that we may all do Your work. Grant us the full protection of Your holy armor. May you use all of us to fight Your good fight. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.
Wow AMEN Amen and Amen Prayer for a whole week What’s taking place in the world Is bringing light to the corruption Draining the swamp as President Trump said he would do Yes it stinks we don’t likje it But keep in mind we iare in this world not of the world Father GOD has equipped us Believers with Supernatural Power Also keep in mind that when we stepped on this Nation’s shore we (our ancestors) dedicated to Father God This is HIS Nation Father GOD chose our Jewish Brothers Israel for Them So what HE DID Is Eternal Love Pastor Murillo let’s keep Praying for His Will Be Done in Earth (us) as it is In Heaven And JESUS IS LORD Amen ♥️
What a poignant reminder of our spiritual heritage. I needed to hear this.
Thank YOU FATHER GOD for this wonderful man of GOD, Mario Murillo encouraging us to stand our ground and stay on the battlefield because our LION of the tribe of JUDAH is behind us ready to pounce on every wolf in front of us! And to give us the Victory! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I just finished my morning prayer thanking GOD for Victory for GOD’S people in America and the world in JESUS Name and I get up and see this! It is an answer to everything I was praying. Let’s STOP repeating the negative Words of our enemies! We can state the situation for prayer WITHOUT REPEATING THE NEGATIVE REPORT OF the devil and his converts! We are to always “speak those things that be not as they were!” I usually only read as much as I need to for prayer! I cannot read all of these reports from beginning to end because of how negative and demoralizing some are. I only read enough to pray! FATHER GOD thank YOU for always causing us to triumph through and in CHRIST JESUS! In JESUS Name! Amen!
Thank you for the GREAT counsel in watching our words. Not only do i need to take this counsel to heart, i must also be vigilant in cutting off any conversation that is not edifying. Again, thank you.
Americans stand as a fire wall against the stealing from the USA & the American people past & present , so that all have laws, nor elected official is lawless,nor is any Foreign National past or present , all those who have bad karma who targeted any American that retaliated against any American who covered up wrong doing against them shall be exposed caught & brought to justice past present shall be punished & pay all the money owed to the American people past & present for being abused, cheated, from any accidents on or off of the job, for the violation of their rights, due to negligence, & thee elected officials who robbed them of their rights to make the American suffered so that all insurance companies shall be held accountable & liable for the damages done to the Americans who have been cheated past 7 present so the companies who cheated these Americans as I was shall pay for all the taxes, & with interest , white people have been spitefully cheated past & present Lord I pray for you to help Americans from being treated like slaves past & present that no ethnicity be treated better than any other in the USA & no foreign National or elected official be lawless or above the laws in the USA or upon entering the USA . all elected officials shall be forced to do their jobs they were & are elected for they take the Oath of office before they are elected including be fore the run for office to duly be honest when they run for office should they not uphold their Oath of office they take they need to be removed. No elected official shall have or conspire to cover up wrong doing & willfully replace or repair the wrong they have done no matter what they have done even if it is monetary regardless how big the sum is as soon as possible with out hesitation including landlords, Mayors,elected officials by certified cashiers bank checks I thank you lord for your guidance & endless assistance Amen
Bad karma? That has nothing to do with the GOD of the Bible! The GOD of the Universe; our GOD! Please read your Bible saints and get to know our GOD! The only Wise GOD our SAVIOUR! Amen!
Thank you SOO much Joyce, for this encouraging reminder. I did listen to Mario’s message, but had forgotten the POWERFUL and VIVID ‘word picture’ he shared…
“[Jesus] said I send you forth as sheep before wolves. What more predicable outcome is there than what is supposed to happen to a group of sheep who wander into a pack of wolves. Well, here’s what Jesus is saying, ‘That’s how you look: to the world, helpless. To the world, defenseless. To the world, ineffectual. But you have no understanding of the LION that IS standing behind those sheep staring at those wolves!!”
That’s exactly what’s going on…the LION (of Judah) IS standing ‘behind us’ and HE HAS prevailed!!
Revelation 5:5….Look closely, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, HAS overcome and conquered!!
Psalm 61:12, Through our God we shall do valiantly: it is He who shall trend down our enemies!!
HALLELUJAH🙌 ….I will continue to battle, ‘on my knees’🛡🛡🛡
Lord help us to stay laser focused on you as we walk through these treacherous waters, in doing what you have prepared for us to do, for such a time as this. Use us Lord; my husband and I together to do mighty exploits in your name here in America. Lord that Your kingdom be established first in our hearts, and our family. Lord use us as great influencers wherever you lead us; for your kingdom, that Your name alone be glorified. In Jesus name.
Thank you Heavenly Father for Your powerful Word, thank You for Your powerful promises, thank You for Your powerful Spirit, thank You for Mario Murillo and his words of affirmation, encouragement, and motivation! May we indeed look to the heavens, look to Your Throne Room, and await instructions from Your Holy Word, inspiration from Your Holy Spirit and power from Your Spirit, to do Your Will on Earth. “Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven!”
Thank you, Lord for sending the encouragement we need to stand! may we be girded with the spiritual armor of the Belt of truth, the breastplate of Your righteousness, the shoes of the peace of Christ, the helmet of our Salvation, with our shield of faith and the sword Your Word! Give us courage and strength, wisdom guided by Love and the Peace which passes all understanding, in Jesus Precious Name. AMEN