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Father, give us encouragement and perseverance as a nation. Do not let us give up on the Biblical values and principles we were founded on. Strengthen us and give us unity.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

On the National Day of Prayer, we thought you would be encouraged by what Former Vice President Mike Pence had to say about the hope he has for America.

Speaking at a Columbia, S.C., event sponsored by the Palmetto Family Council, Pence criticized the first 100 days of the Biden-Harris administration while touting the accomplishments of the Trump-Pence White House and promoting a future conservative agenda. . . .

“I truly do believe the progress we made over those four years and enduring the trials of the last year, we’ve been carried aloft by the prayers of the American people,” Pence said. “And I believe with all of my heart in the boundless capacity of the American people. But also, I believe this is a time when we ought to renew our faith in Him who placed this miracle of democracy on these wilderness shores.

“Because I say from my heart: God isn’t done with America yet,” Pence added.

Summarizing the first 100 days of the Biden White House, Pence said it has led to “open borders, runaway spending, plans for higher taxes, a bigger welfare state, more government, defunding the police, abandoning the right to life [and] canceling our most cherished liberties.”  . . .

Pence laid out a future conservative agenda he says can win at the ballot box.

“It’s built on a strong national defense, on secure borders, on free-market economics, trade deals that put America first. It’s on conservative judges. And it’s a movement that is built on upholding all the God-given liberties enshrined in the Constitution of the United States of America – the First Amendment freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, the 10th Amendment limited government, and letting states lead on the issues most important to our families,” he said.

A winning conservative agenda, he said, also includes school choice “to give parents the right to choose where their children go to school – public, private, parochial or homeschool.”

Pence reminded the audience that Democrats held the White House, House of Representatives and the Senate from 2008 to 2010.

“We’ve seen this movie before,” Pence said, adding that Republicans eventually won back the presidency and Congress. “… What happened then, and I believe will happen again, is that conservatives across America, in public office and families and businesses alike, all rallied around the cause. We rallied around a positive agenda to offer – as President Reagan used to say – a choice, not an echo. . . .

Share your comments on Mike Pence’s speech below!

(Excerpt from Christian Headlines. Article by Michael Foust. Photo by Erin Schaff-Pool/Getty Images)

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Carolyn Hagen
June 19, 2021

By certifying the election without any investigation, shows that Pence is another career politician that cannot be trusted.

Mark Matta
June 19, 2021

Mike PENCE is a TRAITOR by NOT sending Electoral College votes BACK to the State Legislators (on 1-6-2021) as they had clearly requested. Pence was lifted up (as we all were) by President TRUMP who clearly had an ANOINTING as he: HONORED God (NDP, etc.), BLESSED Israel, and PROCLAIMED Christ, STANDING for life, marriage, religious liberty, secure borders, and the rule of law.

I had been, for years, a full-throated supporter of the Trump/ Pence team, BUT WHEN Pence betrayed us all by FAILING to dig for the TRUTH about Election 2020 (and check-out the well-documented, 1,000’s of affidavit-backed evidence of major Election fraud SIGNIFICANT enough to change the Election results, causing a “Adonijah Biden” — one of the most ANTI-GOD leaders in history — to be put into office) THEN I had REJECT PENCE for this gross neglect of his DUTY to RUN HARD after the TRUTH and return the Electoral Votes to the State Legislatures.

YES, I forgive PENCE for his egregious cowardice in failing to DO THE RIGHT THING about Election 2020, but PENCE is FINISHED as a viable candidate in the future because (for any major office) he has shown himself to be totally UNRELIABLE, even TRAITOROUS, UNDER PRESSURE.

Mark A Carbone
June 19, 2021

Pence – why even quote him on this blog? He’s the ultimate deceiver for 2020. He wins the prize. Please keep on shining light on frauds such as he.

Michelle Jinnette
May 7, 2021

I really respected Pence for years. It seemed he stood strong in faith and in America First principles. But, he highly disappointed, and even betrayed, millions of Americans when he fell for the rotten tactics and the pressure of the radicals in congress when he did not insist on election integrity in 2020. But, this has allowed us to see the depth of corruption in the leadership in the country. Millions have been
awakened and motivated to get more involved their local politics and pray more.

Santos Garcia, Jr.
May 6, 2021

‘The Kingdom of Heaven is in our midst’ as the Indwelling Presence of YHVH GOD’s Holy Spirit springs up in our lives. Rivers of Living Waters flow often coursed by persecution & earthly tribulation. The National Day of Prayer is upon us, followed strategically by IFA ‘1st Friday Fast’; a ‘one-two punch’ in the Spirit! Individual & united corporate prayer for America, the universal church under satanic persecution, and the nations crying out for Mercy, Mercy, Mercy… need our prayers.

Our Holy GOD IS answering right now! Can you sense it in the spirit? PRAY these Guidelines to ensure unhindered intercession: https://zionsgate.wordpress.com/2007/07/04/praying-for-the-healing-of-america/
Have you been touched by ‘The Joy of Fasting’? It’s a Discipline, that brings Deliverance, and by His Grace manifests in lasting Delight in Joy… in the midst of every circumstance.
Ponder soberly: https://zionsgate.wordpress.com/2007/07/01/the-joy-of-fasting-discipline-deliverance-and-delight/

Kingdom Blessings to ALL who love the LORD in the beauty of His Holiness, in HIM… ~Santos

Beverly Patterson
May 6, 2021

God will raise this Nation again, not by might nor by power, but by his Spirit, I agree with Vice President Pence, Republicans need to stand together and not be divided, a house divided shall not stand, I pray for unity,one Nation under God 🙌🙏

May 6, 2021

Thank You, Jesus, that you continue to revive and resuscitate the Constitution of the United States of America! Thank you for blowing the “ruach” life-giving wind of your Holy Spirit on our Constitution, and across this whole nation- especially into the hearts of those who call themselves yours. We thank you that America is returning to its firm foundation, which is deeply rooted in the word of God! We thank you that not only are all our constitutional rights protected, they are upheld and exercised to their fullest extent. They are NOT opposed or just barely tolerated!
Thank your for sending conviction, repentance, and revival to every heart in the United States of America! It will fully become the great country that God established it to be! In Jesus’s Mighty Name, Amen!!

Susan CC
May 6, 2021

Dear Lord and God of All Flesh, nothing is too difficult for You. I praise You for Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to bring all who would believe to salvation. I praise You Father for Jesus Christ, Your Son, who made it possible for us to call You Abba, Father. I praise You for making us a nation who Fears Your Name. And as we pray on this day that honors our fellowship with You, I pray that each and everyone who has life today, would pray to You. And each and every prayer would please You Father. I ask that You do the impossible today. Only You know what that looks like, in the flesh. I pray You would build us to be the Nation You envision and this construction would be for Your Glory and our good. Thank You Father, thank You Jesus, thank You Holy Spirit. I pray in love and adoration. Amen

Jeremiah 32:27 “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too difficult for Me?

May 6, 2021

Father, We pray for humility, repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation between President Trump and Vice President Pence whom we acknowledge and declare as the rightful leaders of this nation. Let their differences and Pence’s questionable actions be mended. Let there be healing between them and healing for our nation as You prepare them to lead in this nation once again. So be it in the name of Jesus.

Sandra Hogue
May 6, 2021

Praise God for men of faith and integrity like Mike Pence. Yes, we all need to hear encouraging words from leaders we can truly honor. Father, God, hear our prayers today for Your Truth to prevail and to bind the evil plots and schemes hatched to seek prideful power instead of serving the people of the United States of America. May Your angel armies march into territories held by demonic strongholds, cancelling all assignments against God’s people, Your church, the Constitution as set forth by founding Fathers, against life lived in freedom and liberty, against liberty to speak without fear of government retribution or mob lawlessness. We put ourselves in Your Mighty hands and ask you, on this National Day of Prayer, to save the United States of America from those who seek to destroy her. Amen.

May 6, 2021

Dear Lord, please give us perserverance and encouragement as a nation and help us not give up on the Biblical values and principles this nation was founded on. Strengthen us and give us unity. Lord, we know this is an attack from the enemy and we are in a spiritual battle. Help us to put on the full armor to stand against the wiles of the devil. In Jesus precious and holy name, amen.

Laura K
May 6, 2021

I believe you have the right of it Mr Pence. Thank you for standing for and upholding Godly values.

Lord I pray for a shift in governmental leadership to upright this political sinking ship and bring back the Godliness as the founding fathers envisaged.


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