I Prayed have prayed
Lord, protect our president from any spiritual attack he may be under and help truth to prevail over this situation. We pray for our leaders to use Godly wisdom to do what is right.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made good on a threat to move forward in Congress to create a commission on invoking the 25th Amendment on Friday, an amendment created to give guidance for replacement in times when a President is incapacitated.

Normally, this move would be shrugged off as preposterous–it is not only unconstitutional the way Pelosi is proceeding with it, but it is crazy to think that a majority of national leaders in our nation would stoop to the level of partisanship to embrace this aggressive coup against the President. Normally isn’t now. In these times, in this day, after witnessing the spectacle of impeachment in the House and Senate and seeing the divisiveness of some in our nation getting more deep and desperate, I am not convinced that a far-fetched idea like this would be halted.

Pelosi states that President Trump is in an “altered state” due to coronavirus and its treatment. But anyone with little discernment can see this for what it is–another attempt to remove the President from office. As crazy as this idea sounds, we need to take it seriously in prayer. Many of us did not think that the impeachment threats would amount to anything but they did.

We are experiencing a tremendous spiritual battle in our nation–we all know that. We can see it. It is a spiritual battle that is evident in the natural. Riots. Hate-filled rants. Threats. Our response as intercessors is important.

As this ridiculous idea to invoke the 25thĀ  Amendment is pushed forward by Speaker Pelosi let us consider that every single member of Congress is under pressure–both in the natural and supernatural–to give in to “the mob” that is loudly banging the drums.Ā  Some members could be under threat. Some could not withstand the cultural pressure. Some may not have the stomach for the fight. Regardless, we need to encircle our leaders with prayer for strength, truth, boldness, integrity, and protection. Those with a weak foundation will crumble under the pressure. Guaranteed, that pressure is being applied. It’s up to us as intercessors to shore them up with our prayer.

Another angle is this: will this 25th Amendment commission be used against Joe Biden should he claim victory in November? With the slip of the tongue that was made by Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris about the “Harris Administration,” is there already a plan underway to quickly usher out Joe Biden from office should he win the White House? Pelosi mentioned in her press conference that this is about future presidencies, and could apply to Trump should he be re-elected.Ā  Either way, there is a scheme for power, and we would do well to pray as we see it unfolding. Let us be like the men of Issachar who could discern the times.

Join us in praying this prayer, and by adding your own in the comments below.

Father God,
We admit that in many ways we see utter chaos in our nation. We see the systems and rules and boundaries in our nation being overrun and disregarded by many. We see a loud and aggressive move to change this nation, our values, our foundations, and our future away from You and your principles, Lord. But in this day, Lord, we appeal to you for the hearts and minds of our leaders. Strengthen them, Lord. We pray for clarity and discernment for them as they are being asked to “take sides” in this battle to unseat the President and all he represents. As intercessors, we call on you on their behalf. Give them protection from the Enemy–both physically and spiritually. Those who know You personally, we pray they would call on You at this time. Father, where we see chaos, let us bring peace. Where we see hate, let us act in the opposite spirit with love. Where we see division, let us look for unity. Most of all, let us continue to seek Your plans and purposes for our nation and steadfastly pray that Your will would be done. We know that an election will not change the hearts of our countrymen, nor will it save our nation–only You can do that. We pray that You would show mercy on our nation, that the window for repentance would remain open so that we might bring our government into alignment with your principles. It is insurmountable without You, Father God.

(Article by Kris Kubal, Director of Strategic Resources and Engagement for Intercessors for America.)

Share your prayers about this move to invoke the 25th Amendment below. . .

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Sherry Fry
October 20, 2020

Holy God, I add my request—- let there be NO LEGISLATION that would change the 25th amendment now or in the future, in Jesus Name. I pray all voting that would adjust this amendment will fail!

Ramona Elrod
October 16, 2020

Prayer based on selected verses from Psalm 69
Save us, O God! for the corrupted waters of wickedness have flooded into our nation! Because many of us and our leaders have sank into the mire of treasuring idols, and ignoring the consequences of eternity, we find ourselves desperately calling out to you. Your people have come to dark, murky water and into the deception of self-reliance and heartfelt prayerlessness! Forgive us! BUT our prayer is unto thee, THOU WHO TURNED THE FLINT ROCK INTO A FOUNTAIN OF WATER! In the multitude of thy mercies hear us; deliver us out of the mire, grant unto us awakenings and revival! Let us be delivered by the power of thy blood from the oppression of Satan, and captivities of the lusts of our flesh. Let not the flood of worldliness overflow thy people. Hear us, O LORD! TURN US, and draw nigh unto us. We praise thee, our blessed Father and Lord Jesus Christ, For your daily mighty innumerable works toward us.

October 16, 2020

J ust as Haman plan was overturned when he planed evil on Mordecai it be so to those planining evil to President Trump

October 16, 2020

Yes Lord please open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing beyond what we can hope for or ask. Nothing is impossible with You! Nothing is impossible with You Lord, Absolutely nothing is impossible with You. We ask for showers of blessings of Your power to be able to overcome in prayer when we are weak and overwhelmed. Be our vision Lord. I pray that when You return …. You will find faith on the earth, and we would be pleasing to You because of our faith. Nothing is impossible with a You! In Jesus Name Amen

Robert Russell
October 13, 2020

Father in heaven, with the fire from Your altar, please consume the mass deception, control, and manipulation in our nation. Please loose the Truth in Jesus Christ through Your people. Please let the Light of Christ confound the darkness that threatens our children and grand children. Make us to be hot coals from Your altar. May the enemyā€™s devices be devoured by the power in the Blood of Christ Jesus.
Thank You Father. We pray all of this to You in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ.

Gabriele Dixon
October 12, 2020

Father you know all things and see all things, every detail, every plan, every agenda for you and against you. These things in our eyes are so big but yet in your eyes they are not. You have an agenda for America. Your agenda will be to bring us to the completed purpose you have assigned to this Nation. You have faithfully set up intercessors and watchmen on the wall and you have equipped them with knowledge and wisdom and dreams and visions to know what to do in warfare and prayer. Thank you Father for this grace and mercy for you brought obedience to the intercessors to give themselves to the cause of this nation and for the kingdom of God to come and your will to be done. You are a faithful God, a God who is truth and you will accomplish your plans for this nation. The enemy will be overcome with your laughter and they will fail in all their devices and fall in their own pits they have dug and everything that they have meant for harm will be like a boomerang returning to them. We have humbled ourselves before you, repented, and cried out to you. You have heard our prayers and I believe with all my heart that you have ordained your will to be done for this country in all matters and concerns that are happening in these times. We praise you now and forevermore and worship you in all things. We expect and anticipate your divine intervention and defense of your will to be done. In Jesus Name Amen

October 12, 2020

Father God. We turn to you. Forgive us and help us align with you. Save our nation. May we be a nation under you a Lord. Our peace joy and future is in your hands. Help us. We love you Father. Thank youLord Jesus for your love and faithfulness. Come Holy Spirit Be in on and with us!

Anne Forbes
October 11, 2020

thank you, Kris, for this beautiful prayer. It does indeed seem bleak, but I am donning the armor of God each time I bring these things before His throne. He hears us. I have prayed through Kent Christmas’s prophecy the night of the Return a number of times. Oh, Lord, great God of heaven, please fulfill all of those prophecies, because we know that it is Your Will for this nation to turn back to You, and be saved!

Janice Edmonson
October 11, 2020

Father in Heaven, I Pray for Your forgiveness for our delay in taking action against evil in our nation and I thank you for placing Donald Trump in the highest position of leadership on this earth at this time. You have accomplished great things through his 4 years in office and I pray that a second term aligns with Your will for our Nation. Father, protect Trump, his family, his administration and all Americans during these unprecedented hostile days. Expose the evil, lead people to see the truth. I pray that the evil doers will fall into their own traps while preserving the integrity of godly leaders.

Carol McNally
October 11, 2020

Father God,
Please protect President Trump and those who support him from the wicked schemes of the devil. I pray that where there is hate and chaos, You bring peace and unity. Give those who need it discernment of truth and strengthen the weak against any threats both real and imagined. Let those who plot mischeif be exposed and put down. Take away their positions of power and strip them bare. Remind the devil they Jesus won the war. Let the name of Jesus be spoken so the devil will have to flee. Let prayers od intercession flood congress and claim territory for You Lord God. May the spiritual weapons You provided be victorious. In Jesus I pray Amen

janice morris
October 11, 2020

Dear Father,
We have mountains that need to be moved: mountains of mainstream media, godless people, Democrats, & voter fraud. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC, Omar, Tlaib, & Pressley are mountains all by themselves. But you Father, you move mountains. You are in the business of moving mountains. If we try to move these mountains alone, thereā€™s no way we could succeed. Without your intervention, this nation will be a ā€œhas been.ā€ If the Democrats win, America will cease to be the America weā€™ve known all our lives: Free. Christians will be stifled and probably sued again as in the days of the Obama presidency. The words ā€œMerry Christmasā€ will probably cease again. It would be an impossible task to defeat the evil one without you. Please protect this country and bless every politicianā€™s campaign that will stand up for you and your children. Favor them father. Please astound this country by throwing evil out of leadership and replacing them with your chosen people. May the evil ones stand with their mouths ajar, stunned, when they realize that you are God AND THEY ARE NOT! Fight for your children! as the song goes: ā€œIf weā€™ve ever needed you, Lord itā€™s now. Lord itā€™s now.ā€ Hear us, Forgive us, bless us & save us Father I pray.

Angelisa Pyle
October 11, 2020

Lord we pray for our country,for our leaders, for justice. Please keep the President, Vice President, and all their family in a hedge of protection. Lord we pray for all people to have their eyes opened to all the evil that is in our country and in the world that all would repent and turn to you to save us.Lord we love you, we worship you,to you be the glory! PRAISE you Lord, Amen

John Malito
October 10, 2020

Lord, you are sovereign and in complete control of your nation, your world, your universe. It is in faith and in trust of You that we submit to your Authority over the evil people that sow division and discord against the government and our leaders.

    Pam Wilkerson
    October 11, 2020

    Father God, In the precious name of Jesus Iā€™m coming to You Lord asking You to cover and protect our President, our Vice President and their families from all evil plans, words and deeds. I ask You Father to let the truth of evil be revealed and stopped. I ask You Lord to forgive us of our sins of neglect, disobedience to your Word and Your will for our lives. I ask you Lord to condition the hearts of those that are evil and lost in their sin to receive You before itā€™s to late. I ask you Lord Help us to keep our eyes on You Jesus and to walk in Your ways. LORD JESUS let us live in the freedom of your love forever and Your will forever. Help people to stand up and speak up and vote against the evils in our world. Protect the the poor, the unborn and the elderly, our veterans. Let freedom ring in America! We love You Lord Jesus, Amen!

John Michael Grogan DD
October 10, 2020

I pray that God will soften the hearts of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and all those who will stop at nothing in their attempt to remove the President from Office. Moreover, I pray that God will illuminate their minds, after all, God placed President Trump where he is today (1 Timothy 2:2). If they remain willfully reckless and recalcitrant in their stance, then I pray that God will bring them down as He did with Shebna the officer in the court of Hezekiah, a wicked, deceitful, and proud man.

I cannot fathom the Democrats being victorious this election cycle when they booed the inclusion of God in their 2012 Democratic Platform. In the 2016 election cycle they mentioned God only once in their Party Platform.
“We will end the school-to-prison pipeline and build a cradle-to-college pipeline instead, where every child can live up to his or her God-given potential.”

It has been reported that both Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden have been denied communion by the Catholic Church due to their stance on abortion.

John Michael Grogan DD
October 10, 2020

I pray that God will soften the hearts of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and all those who will stop at nothing in their attempt to remove the President from Office. Moreover, I pray that God will illuminate their minds, after all, God placed President Trump where he is today (1 Timothy 2:2). If they remain willfully reckless and recalcitrant in their stance, then I pray that God will bring them down as He did with Shebna the officer in the court of Hezekiah, a wicked, deceitful, and proud man.

I cannot fathom the Democrats being victorious this election cycle when they booed the inclusion of God in their 2012 Democratic Platform. In the 2016 election cycle they mentioned God only in their Party Platform.
“We will end the school-to-prison pipeline and build a cradle-to-college pipeline instead, where every child can live up to his or her God-given potential.”

It has been reported that both Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden have been denied communion by the Catholic Church due to their stance on abortion.

Eva Gisondi
October 10, 2020

I pray every day that God would give us the “Haman/Mordecai Effect” in our nation. Haman got the evil he had planned for Mordecai.

    October 10, 2020

    Yes, I am praying in accordance with you!

    October 12, 2020

    Lord, I bind that evil, toughness spirit, revengeful spirit that is in Pelosi, may You forgive her and stop her from using her brain to think of ways to hurt another human being. And we ask you to do something to mainstream medias, newspapers where every day I see them do their best to slander, and twist what Mr president says, please protect President Trump. In your name Jesus I pray, Amen.

October 10, 2020

Heavenly Father, Praise is awaiting You. O You who hear prayer. You tell us to Trust in You at all times, to pour out our heart in Your presence. For YOU YeHoVah is our refuge. Hear my voice, O Elohim. Protect President Trumps life from terror of the enemy. Hide him from the conspiracy of evildoers, from the tumult of workers of iniquity, who sharpened their tongue like a sword, and aim their arrow, bitter words, to shoot from hiding at the President. Shooting suddenly at him with no fear. They are firming up their evil plan. They talk about setting secret traps. They asked, ā€œWho would see them?ā€ They are plotting injustices, thinking they have completed a perfect plot. But You YeHoVah will shoot them with an arrow, suddenly their wounds will appear. So their tongue will be their downfall. Let all see and fear so that they can declare the protection of Elohim and ponder what He has done. The righteous will be glad in Adonai and take refuge in Him. Lead President Trump to take refuge in YOU. Be his tower of strength before the enemy. May you add days to Presidents Trumps presidency. Appoint mercy and truth to protect him. Protect Him from the plots to topple him from his rank, those delighting in falsehood. They bless with their mouth, but inwardly they curse. Protect the President. Arise O God. Let His enemies be scattered! Let those who hate him flee before Him. As smoke in blown away, may You blow them away. Pour down abundant spiritual rain, O God on America. Sustain Your weary inheritance, your community of believers. For Your lovingkindness is great up to the heavens, and Your truth to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heaven. Let Your glory be over all the earth! Amen. Ps 57, 62, 64.

    October 10, 2020

    Yes, amen. Be praised Yahweh.

    October 11, 2020

    They are firming up their evil plan. They talk about setting secret traps.
    Before I read this tonight, I put a prayer on the article about Threats to President Trump. This is exactly what the Lord was showing me tonight. In 2018 I saw in the spirit realm that there were rats in the White House. Tonight, I was reminded of this and looked up rats in the Bible. I came across Scriptures about deceitful workmen and saw a kitchen with many workmen in it. I prayed all traitors be exposed and that the rats would be poisoned before they can poison President Trump.

Tanya Skeeter
October 10, 2020

Father righteousness and justice is the foundation of Your throne. We seek the righteous judge to vindicate the President for all the hate, curses, accusations and lies publicly spoke. By the media. Father release a warrior intercessor to ascend to the mountain of Media and unseat the authority of wickedness. We ask your forgiveness for failing to maintain this seat of authority in trust and justice in Jesus name.Amen

October 10, 2020

When the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard. As it was in the Days of Elijah when his helper could not see any help coming God opened his eyes and let him see that there were more for them than they were against him and so let it be with President Trump and his team let there be more angels of God for them than those that would transgress and come against them.
Father we speak confusion to the plans of the enemy and we ask that You send forth Your ministering, warring angels to watch over Your plans for this country, the country of the United States of America.
As the darkness Moves In Lord I Thank you that you will move in also and shed light on the lies and deceptions as being perpetrated by the Press. We asked you to move in their midst to and can victim Holy Spirit of the evil Deeds that they allow to be reported on and forgive them for not reporting on the great things that this president has done and the great plans that he has for the United States of America. We give you all the honour and the glory and the praise father God and we thank you but everything that’s hidden will be revealed and righteousness will be exalted in the country of the United States of
America amen šŸ™

October 10, 2020

President Trump will be in the White House until God’s purposes are accomplished.

Vicki Scinto
October 10, 2020

May we be filled with bold prayers in these dark and twisted days. May we pray ā€œthy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heavenā€ when we open our mouths in petition to our Father may the spirit of God fill them with prayers for such a time as this. We align our hearts and our minds with your Kingdom God and may the victories of Jesus be ours today and in the days to come. He told us that ā€œin this world we shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the worldā€ may we pray in full assurance of His overcoming all obstacles in the way of the Kingdom advancements. May all of us who are called to live and pray in these days remember the armor of God and be protected. May we live as Christ in peace and love and good character. May we see the victory in this day! God Bless our great country and do exceedingly above all we could ever ask or think or pray. May we have eyes that truly see You and ears that truly hear Your voice O God and may we have joy even in the midst of battle. For Yours is the kingdom and the glory and the power forever! Amen!

Jack Ripley
October 10, 2020

ā€œif my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.ā€
2nd Chronicles 7:14. God please bless America. AMEN &

Phyllis Garrett
October 10, 2020

The left has been looking for a reason to remove President Trump since before the 2016 election. Isnā€™t it treason/sedition to simulate a coup without foundation or evidence? No one has brought them to task! Why havenā€™t they been sued /indicted for treason/sedition?

October 10, 2020

This will bite them all in the behind. * * How do we know? * *

“Like a coating of glaze over earthenware are fervent lips with an evil heart.

A malicious man disguises himself with his lips, but in his heart he harbors deceit.

Though his speech is charming, do not believe him, for seven abominations fill his heart.

His malice may be concealed by deception, but his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.

If a man digs a pit, he will fall into it; If a man rolls a stone, it will roll back on him.”

Proverbs 26:23 – 27.

Let us continue our ongoing prayers for their deliverance, repentance, salvations, conversions, Justifications, sanctifications, Reallignments, & reassignments into The Holy Word & Work of The One, True, Living & Almighty, Eternal G-D,

Paula Sparks
October 10, 2020

My husband said they are not targeting Trump. They hope that Biden will win the election. Then, they will be set and ready to go as soon as they can prove he is “incapacitated” or incapable of the position of President. Then Harris will be put in as President and will be free to steamroller us with socialism, abortion, gay rights, and every other evil intent that is part of that party’s platform. I agree with my husband. I think Pelosi is setting up to get rid of Biden asap if they can pull off this election. Dear God, help us and deliver us from this evil plan. Oh, God, please allow President Trump and Vice President Pence to have 4 additional years. Then purge, cleanse, and activate your church, the bride of Christ, to undertake revival and the spreading of the Gospel here in the United States which has become one of the most depraved mission fields needing your Holy Word. Forgive us that we have been so slow, so neglectful of our duty to witness to others. Oh, God, have mercy on us to deliver us and give us one more chance to be the Christians You are calling us to be. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen. http://www.truefaithlife2018.com

    October 10, 2020

    Amen to that prayer. Your husbands insight is right on. We, the church need to wake up to what is going on, be in prayer and be seeking the Lord.

    October 10, 2020

    Definitely getting this in place for Biden but some have said that if President Trump gets a second term it would be used against him. Thanks for your comment and prayer Paula!!

    Carol M Weber
    October 10, 2020

    I have been thinking the exact thing. Around 2015 or so, I don’t remember exactly I saw the name Kamala Harris (I might have spelled that wrong) I don’t or didn’t know why her name and her face seemed to be magnified in my vision but at the time I told my husband, ” I have a feeling that Kamala Harris will run for President. I knew that it wasn’t going to be the 2016 election, or at least I thought not but I just had this feeling about her. When she was in the debates and did so poorly and then eventually dropped out. I said to my husband, well I guess that was not from God. Then Biden asked her to be his running mate and I started to see more plainly, just what you said. They didn’t want Biden. they are using him “Vice President to Obama” fame I guess. I actually thought in the beginning that he, Obama would be running the Country through Biden if he won but who knows. I am believing God to pull this one out at the last minute just like the first election. He gave President Trump a Mandate and if it is not all fulfilled yet, he will just have him win the next 4 years. The thing that I am praying about, along with President Trump winning, and I pray by a landslide, is the rioting in the streets if he does win. Lord, Help Us!!

Kathi Dugan
October 10, 2020

Lord, I would pray that all attempts to attack the man whom You have chosen as the current President and all attempts to work against the plans which You have in your mind for America, for which You desire to use him, would fail. I pray that you would turn these attempts against the ones who create them, even as you did to Haman, bringing the destruction they desire, upon themselves.
Lord, even as you used the confidence of the men of Ai to work against them for their defeat, as it allowed them to leave their city unguarded, so set up an ambush and defeat, for those who would work deceitfully against our President, Donald J. Trump. I pray, Lord, that you would strengthen our President, Donald J. Trump and cause him to stay calm and answer to these attacks, only in the manner which you will show him. Cause him to respond in faith. Show him with his own eyes what you will do for him and how you will take down his enemies. Cause him to be able to do all that which You have put in his heart and mind to do for America. Protect him against the wiles of the enemy; break the power of every lying spirit, cause him to recognize the truth from a lie. Grant him and his advisors discernment, knowledge and wisdom. Rout out any snakes, any wolves in sheep clothing, any rats and let him not be deceived by smooth words. If he cannot learn humility before man, let him, at least, be humble before You. Let him desire, every day, every moment, with every piece of advice given to him, and every thought of his own, to seek your face. Be his advisor, O Lord! I ask this in Jesus Name and by His precious blood. Amen. Please Note: I am not praying for physical harm for the adversaries, that is not my place or intent. I am praying for their political defeat, hopefully followed by repentance from their evil hearts and for their salvation. What is evil? Anything which opposes the purposes and plans of God.

October 10, 2020

I will bless the Lord at ALL times; His praise will be always on my lips
Psalms 34:1

-The Lord confuse and confound their speech…
psalms 55:9

-the Lord frustrates the counsel of nations
Psalms 33:10

-for the leaders of the earth belong to God; He is greatly exalted
Psalm 47:9

October 10, 2020

God and Father of us all! by your grace I know your grace of showing me Pelosi has power because of my sin! So I ask for your grace to truly pray 2nd Chronicles 7:14 as the only way for you to remove her from Power!

Ann McCormick
October 10, 2020

ā€œno weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD.ā€ Isaiah 54:17

October 10, 2020

I woke this morning with the song “God Will Make A Way” in my spirit. And I have been praying Psalm 35 for President Trump. Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with President Trump; fight against those who fight against him. take up shield and buckler; arise and come to his aid. Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue him. Say to his soul, I am your salvation. Let not those gloat over him who are his enemies without cause; let not those who HATE HIM WITHOUT REASON malicioiusly wink the eye. They do not speak peaceably, but DEVISE FALSE ACCUSATIONS AGAINST THOSE WHO LIVE QUIETLY IN THE LAND. Father, let not the wicked get their way, show them that YOU ARE GOD AND THEY ARE NOT!!! Vindicate President Trump because he stands for the unborn, he is working against human trafficking and he declares your Name before men. I pray he will humble himself under your Mighty Hand andto seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly before You. I pray that Ms. Pelosi’s colleagues will turn against her and throw her down and did Jezebel’s eunuchs. All glory, praise and honor to You, Lord Jesus Christ, who overcame sin, death, hell and satan!

    October 10, 2020

    On 10/2, I wrote in my Bible next to Ps. 35 that it could be prayed by Pres. Trump.

Beatriz L
October 10, 2020

Dearest Father,

We pray against any evil wishes, any evil desires, any evil thoughts, any evil actions that may be coming against our president, our vicepresidente, and all the government officials in The United States of America that brings true honor to Jesus Christ, and stop that evil from harming them in any way. We ask you Lord to turn all that evil into blessings for our president, vicepresidente, and government officials, and Bless those who have anything against them with salvation and the knowledge of your abundant live, in Jesus name, amen.

October 10, 2020

Good morning !!

I was praying last night for the political climate and asked God for a word..

I believe this is the word He gave me to pray over President Trump

Proverbs 25:1-5

More Proverbs of Solomon

25 These are more proverbs of Solomon, collected by the advisers of King Hezekiah of Judah.

2 It is Godā€™s privilege to conceal things
and the kingā€™s privilege to discover them.

3 No one can comprehend the height of heaven, the depth of the earth,
or all that goes on in the kingā€™s mind!

4 Remove the impurities from silver,
and the sterling will be ready for the silversmith.
5 Remove the wicked from the kingā€™s court,
and his reign will be made secure by justice.

Elizabeth Crouse
October 10, 2020

Her hate and power hunger makes her mentally unbalanced. Her power needs to be taken away until she can be an American leader

Ken Budz
October 10, 2020

Lord please help the people in Congress to focus on leading the nation into better situations regarding health, unemployment, the economy and people who need help to not become homeless. Father God members of Congress are playing political games while people are being hurt in these difficult times. May Congress be more wise and less political. God please help those who need You most. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Grace Purvis
October 10, 2020

Lord we ask that you would strengthen those who stand with our President and a free America. Lord this battle is fierce and darkness seeks to destroy our liberty and silence the church in society. Defend the fatherless and the weak let Your Justice be done on behalf of the the President and grant us the favor of a national revival in America. Without Your intervention we are doomed to a socialistic win in November and the demise of this great nation. Our very survival in in your hand. IJNA

    Carol Weber
    October 10, 2020

    I never really saw things this way before things had gotten so dark but I see now that we, as the Body of Christ have allowed these things to take place, me included. I remember when prayer was taken out of schools, when abortion became legal and on and on. I was grief-stricken, angry and sad, but did we as a Nation of Believers and even many unbelievers did not agree with all of this, did we repent as a Nation and pray and seek His Face then? I know that there were some that did but I am talking about taking up the sword and in the spirit, and in agreement, cast these things away from us? I remember way back then my husband, now with the Lord and before he was even saved say to me….why do the Christians and Conservatives stand by, and like me, feel so much grief but nothing much more was done. I now believe that grief that I felt was the call to intercede for this Nation THEN! Please, I know that there were most likely many many saints interceding and storming the gates of heaven on behalf of this nation and the unborn because they knew what was taking place in the spirit. All I know is that I see now, many many of us getting together in prayer and intercession for this Nation, for our President and everything else that is taking place in this Country that I, as a 73 year old woman would NEVER think would happen. So, now, I believe there is nothing that they will stop at to destroy this Nation, this One Nation Under God BUT no matter what they do, it will stay that way, Under God! I am praying and asking the Lord to remind me every day to intercede. To teach me How to intercede and for what, at any given hour, should be the focus of my prayer and intercession. Wake me up in the middle of the night Lord, if You See fit I am so glad that I have found this site because I know that there are others with the same desires here. I pray that we are not too late!!! I pray that the Mighty Lord God will come to our aide and defense and that He has Heard our Prayer of Repentance, that He sees our desire to Humble ourselves and pray and seek His Face and that then, at His right time, will come and Heal our Land. Most of the time, when I hear Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Schumer, Adam Schiff, Etc, I want to curse them and most times I have a hard time controlling my anger towards them but I am praying that God will change that part of me. I should be praying more for those who I see as our enemies, so I ask God to forgive me for that and change my heart towards them ! I am joining all of my Brothers and Sisters, Lord who are praying and asking You to intervene on our behalf, our Nation, on behalf and our children and Grandchildren. We NEED YOU LORD!! Bring Revival and save us from an Socialistic win this election day as my Sister Grace has prayed. Lord, You know the ramifications of a Biden win. I ask You to Give us the Presidency, The House, and keep the Senate! I ask this in agreement with all of my Brothers and Sisters praying for this Nation and President Trump! Allow Him to finish the mandate that You have given him for this Country and Lord all the Glory and Power and Honor be Yours, I pray this in the wonderful Name that is above ALL names Jesus our Lord and Savior, Amen!!!

      October 10, 2020

      Praying in agreement with both you and our sister Grace.

October 10, 2020


Sharon Culp
October 10, 2020

Lord you raise up Leaders and you remove them. Lord I pray Your will over this situation. You have been faithful, merciful and full of Grace over the past 4 years to protect President Trump and show mercy to our Nation. Thank you Lord. Father we render all Spiritual attacks powerless against our President and the entire Republican party and their families. We pray that those who falsely accuse our President and use it to remove him from the Presidency would be brought to accountability and sow their own consequences from a Just God. Lord forgive the sin of Your people and restore repentance and revival in our Churches. Let Your light shine brightly through them and be a witness of You. Help us to love the sinners and hate the sin. Help us to pray without ceasing for those deceived, lost or against you. Bring revival to America. In Jesus name. Amen

Anita Murphy
October 10, 2020

Oh how it encourages my spirit to read the replies of those who are trusting in our Lord Jesus Christ to “send forth His Spirit and renew the face of the earth!” Most especially this patch of land called “The United States of America.” Lord, we see the enemy trying to disunite us and we come before Your throne of grace and we pray as David sang forth his prayer in Psalm 68.
“Let God arise and His enemies be scattered; Let those also who hate Him flee before Him,
As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; As wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the
presence of God, But let the righteous be glad: Let them rejoice before God; Yes, let them rejoice exceedingly.” Dear ones, this is a battle with the enemy for souls, so let us pray for, and believe that our God is arising and His will shall be done for America! And last not not least, that REVIVAL shall come in immense proportions to change the face of the earth! (I use the word “shall” because it is a legal and binding word!)
Blessings of believing God for great and mighty things!

October 10, 2020

Thank you Lord for continually revealing to us the desperation of the enemy regarding the 2020 election. Similar to Saul’s obsession to destroy David, and Absalom’s patricide compulsion to overthrow his father David, this same demonic spirit is in operation today. We as Intercessors call forth our army of angels to confront this spirit and destroy it. Both Absalom and Saul’s attempts were thwarted and David was able to reign and carry out the will of God over Israel during that time.

May we walk in love as David walked towards his enemies and pray that their hearts and minds be renewed from the demonic hate that clouds their judgement. May they heed to the warnings of the Holy Spirit lest they be destroyed by their own tactics. Have mercy on them Lord for the time draws near. In Jesus Name.

October 10, 2020

Dear Lord Jesus, the Lord of Hosts, we come to you awe-struck, that the kind of lawlessness we are seeing now, is birthed in the fires of Hell, and is burning in a number of our governmental leaders. It is an affront to our National Security and our inner strength to conceive of such wicked power plays being planned with intention during this time and season. The darkness of tyranny and spirit of oppression are looming like a giant storm cloud, and we struggle to see how it could come to an end but by a massive landslide of epic proportions.

In the Power of the Blood of the Lamb, and the authority it has procured for us, we pray for a massive landslide of epic proportions, one that would completely unseat the wickedness of the House of Representatives, and strengthen the senate. One that would strengthen the senate and turn blue states red. We pray for a miracle of epic proportions so that lawfulness would be restored and the deep seated corruption would be brought to justice. We pray that you might extend to us, and to our children, your Holy Justice, that the scepter of wickedness would be removed from the land allotted to the righteous, and that truth would be restored, in Jesusā€™ Name.

Lord, please bring about the collapse of the media cabal, the wickedness of the House of Representatives and the collapse of the Deep State. Let the gospel break forth, and the veils be lifted from the eyes of our voters. Please mobilize your children to vote, in Jesusā€™ Name.

    Anita Murphy
    October 10, 2020

    Couldn’t have prayed it better myself, bless your heart! Anita

      October 10, 2020

      May we all be strengthened, in the power of Jesus, to have the spirit of David to slay Goliath, in Jesusā€™ Name!

    Deb Long
    October 10, 2020


    October 10, 2020

    Wow! I agree with your prayer. May God arise and break the arm of the wicked.

    October 10, 2020

    I am at a loss for words on how hurtful our government leaders words are to the welfare and future of our nation! I do know however, that God is in control and that His Will ‘will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven’.

    Carol M Weber
    October 10, 2020

    AMEN!!! I am also praying that the tactics of the left-wing of our Government to destroy votes that are intended for our President Donald J. Trump be overturned! Let the plots of the wicked be overturned and come down on their own heads. Let all of the lies of the enemy that have permeated our Nation be seen clearly and the guilty be brought to justice! Let our youth, those who have been educated for the past few Generations to believe the lies, have the scales removed from their eyes and let their ears be un-stopped so they may hear clearly Your Voice…We need Truth to reign here in this Nation and Your Peace will come when it does. Your Word says “You shall know the truth and the TRUTH shall set you FREE!!! I pray this for all of those who are believing a LIE!! Thank You in advance dear Lord, and WE pray this in the awesome powerful Name of our Savior and Lord, Jesus!

Renee H.
October 10, 2020

God Will Deliver His PeopleDream Sun Dec 29, 2019:
In the dream I was talking to Nancy Pelosi standing on some sort of Washington, DC looking stairway outside (I think or big open area inside). Looking into her eyes talking to her telling her that she has a lot of good qualities and sheā€™s a beautiful women but she needs to repent before itā€™s too late because God will deliver his people and she will end up in hell. I wanted her to look me in the face, in the eyes and understand that I say this with much Holy Spirit Power – GOD WILL DELIVER HIS PEOPLE!!!
Awake the overwhelming impression is that the corrupt in government need to repent and get right with God because GOD WILL DELIVER HIS PEOPLE!!!!
I think back to this dream now almost daily and join with the Holy Spirit in declaring GOD WILL DELIVER HIS PEOPLE!!!!

JeanetteRuth Arpin
October 10, 2020

I Chronicles 12 is an excellent resource. The verse 23 says:”They came to David at Hebron to remove the kingdom from Saul and present it to David ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF THE LORD.” Now as we pray, yes be like Issacar with understanding of the times, but let’s back our words with authority of ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF THE LORD. AMEN

    October 10, 2020

    Your comment reminds me of 2 Kings 4:44
    Where the supernatural power of God fed 100 men with 20 loaves of bread, all ā€œ according to the Word of the Lordā€.
    Father God , deliver the heart of our nation from the enemyā€™s advances. In the name of Jesus we decree and declare that America belongs to You and we invite Your presence and the power of the Holy Spirit to wash over our nation in this hour to change hearts, heal broken relationships, heal families and our leaders while bring
    ing Your truth to everyone. It is only by Your mercy and grace that we exist. We have taken Your blessings and have idolized the gift over the Giver, and we repent for this. We have allowed evil to operate unfettered and have said nothing, failing to invoke the authority Jesus died to grant His people. We have desired comfort and convenience and all the riches You have bestowed upon us, while allowing abortion, pornography, sexual deviousness, and every kind of evil to operate freely in our midst. Please forgive us Lord and have mercy upon our nation. May Your Glory rise upon Your people as per Isiah 60:1, Arise and shine for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Make us bold and fearless to stand up for Your truth in this hour and forever more. Restore us to a place in the Spirit like before the fall so that Your very presence remains and Your power of love and strength abides with us to do whatever is necessary to destroy the works of the enemy!
    Thank you Father for all Your tremendous promises that empower us to be effective in bringing Your Kingdom into every circumstance of our lives! In Jesus most precious name I pray and for the Glory of our Lord and Savior!

Beverly Patterson
October 10, 2020

Father God, you put in place President Trump for this time, and he has done amazing things for our nation and most of all for your people Israel. Lord your word says those who bless Israel will be blessed, thank you for blessing our nation, we see revival in the land, and we bind the attack of Satan who is trying to take our President out of office. I pray for a change of heart in our Democrat Party, we the people of this God fearing nation stand against this process of invoking the 25th. Amendment, we cry for your mercy and put our faith and trust in you alone, I pray in Jesus mighty name, amen.

October 10, 2020

Lord, we thank you for your salvation through your Son, Jesus Christ. We call upon you, the Lord of the Armies of Heaven to bring conviction, repentance and justice in this hour whereby the enemy seeks to remove your anointed. May those who oppose you, be the ones you will remove.
In Jesus Name. Amen

October 10, 2020

Abba, you are the foundation of the United States of America. Without you our Constitutional foundation and our liberties can not endure. The enemy is shaking our foundations which were built on your word and is continuing to develop schemes to destroy it. Arise, O LORD, and scatter the enemy. Open the eyes of your people who are called by your name and awaken all Americans to see the ploy and take action. We pray for a mighty outpouring of your Spirit over America and all nations of the world. Revive the dry bones of your people into a mighty army willing to make war (in the Spirit), willing to suffer, willing to lay down our lives for your kingdom. We humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways; heal our land. We continue to tear down our idols ā€” idolatry, witchcraft, stubbornness, rebellion, pride, and whatever other wicked mindsets that have taken us over. Give us kingdom eyes, kingdom ears, kingdom mindsets, and kingdom strength to see and hear You, to think and follow Your ways. We want to see You high and lifted up shining in the Light of Your glory! We want to follow you and be used by you. We need You to rule over our land. May we not rest on our laurels once this election is over. The battle is won and the victory is yours in Christ Jesus. Send forth laborers into the harvest for the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. May we come rejoicing bring in the sheaves!

May you be high and lifted up shining in the light of your glory. Pour out Your power and love as we sing holy, holy, holy. Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord. Open the eyes of our hearts, we want to see You, we want to see You. It is in Jesus name we pray, Amen.

October 10, 2020

Father, thank you that You see our need in this hour, and You always provide for us. Open the eyes of church leaders who seem to be deceived by ‘social justice’ issues ahead of faith alone in Christ alone. Protect and Work in their congregations to trust Your wisdom and not the path these leaders are taking. Father, You have called us to One Body, with Christ as the head. I pray that by Your love all Your people would unite in mind, heart and spirit following Christ alone, putting You uncompromisingly first, that as a unified front standing on Your Word together, our prayers may have unhindered power and the adversary has no open door. Thank you for Your grace and mercy as we strive together for the faith of the gospel, that You may be glorified and all our adversaries be confounded, especially those who contrive deceptions and destruction against our nation. May You give us grace to become the United states again.

October 10, 2020

Lord God, we know we do not live in a perfect nation. However, right now there are forces that are trying to manipulate our laws and rules the their advantage for the sake of power. I pray, Lord that you will stand with those who want to do the right thing. Give them strength to withstand all that will come against them and their families. Guide them to look to you, to call on your name, to hear your voice and to lead our country in a way that is pleasing to you. We ask for your mercy on our nation at this time, and pray for a long overdue revival of the hearts of our countrymen. We pay these things in Jesusā€™ name.


October 10, 2020

Precious Heavenly Father, we KNOW by now as the forces of hell get stronger, we must be serious about the underlying revolution that is coming against YOU! And it IS You their spirits hate. We lift YOU high in praise and honor and love, as we RUN to You. Let us REPENT of any sins we are committing knowingly or unknowingly so that we have NO trouble getting into Your presence – as judgement begins in the House of God – and Nothing stands between us and You! In your powerful Name, we stand on Your Word that Joshua prayed, ā€œOh, our God, will You not judge them, for we have no power against this multitude that is coming against us, nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon YOUā£ļøšŸ™šŸ¼ In JESUSā€™ name, the NAME above all names, we humbly prayšŸ˜ž, Amen.

    Mary Jean
    October 10, 2020

    Amen. We have no power against this multitude, BUT GOD, You have all power and You do not want any to perish. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name Amen

    Nancy P.
    October 10, 2020

    Father! I wholeheartedly agree with this prayer! Where two or MORE are gathered in Your Name whatever we ask in prayer shall be done on earth as it is in heaven! Father! Forgive our great sins before You. Confuse the enemies of our land-Your land! In Jesus Name amen.

October 10, 2020

Our dear Heavenly Father,
Honor and gratitude to you this morning. We hold you in high regard and proclaim your faithfulness to us as a nation in our founding. You have done marvelously with the United States and we remember our spiritual beginnings and your hand of mercy throughout our history.
Psalm 140:6-8
“I say to the Lord, You are my God.
Give ear to the voice of my pleas for mercy, Oh Lord!
Oh Lord, my Lord, the strength of my salvation,
You have covered my head in the day of battle.
Grant not, Oh Lord, the desires of the wicked;
Do not further their evil plot or they will be exalted.”
We pray in this time of trouble because you have been faithful before and we count on you to overthrow the powers of darkness and shine the light of repentance and leadership upon your church. We are here for such a time as this and we take up our mantle of intercession and anointing for our individual spheres of influence.
You are great and mighty to be praised!
Through Jesus name and blood,

    October 10, 2020

    Amen, I agree with this prayer warrioršŸ™šŸ¼


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