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Lord, we ask that free speech would be protected in this nation. Help us to take a stand for what is right.
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A federal judge on Thursday ruled that Amazon did not need to immediately restore its services to the social media platform Parler.

Judge Barbara Jacobs Rothstein’s order allows Parler’s case against Amazon to proceed while scrapping the platform’s initial request that the judge make Amazon restore Parler.

Amazon Web Services took Parler offline earlier this month, as Amazon fretted the consequences of harmful speech on Parler amid the riot at the Capitol. Parler subsequently filed an antitrust lawsuit in a Seattle-based federal court against Amazon that also alleged the company breached its contract.  . . .

While the judge’s order dealt Parler’s legal case a blow, the company is facing other headwinds elsewhere. Parler’s app remains unavailable from Apple and Google’s app stores, and additional scrutiny from lawmakers looks to be headed its way.  . . .

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Article by Ryan Lovelace. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

The federal judiciary may well be instrumental in dealing with the content bias of Amazon and other tech companies. Pray about this lawsuit, which will take years, and others that need to be filed to deal with big tech censorship. Post your prayer below.

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January 23, 2021

Parler was targeted by Amazon, FB & Twitter along with other tech giants because people were flocking to the free speech site for that very reason. Amazon’s CEO is full of lies as well as their excuse for why they did it.
Citing policy standards towards hate speech, etc., Amazon took buy off money from other tech giants to knock down Parler simply because they don’t want competition and they knew full well that people were abandoning their companies due to their practice of violating people’s 1st amendment rights over and over. This ain’t rocket science.
Take a good look at Amazon’s site. It is chocked full of products selling hate speech, hateful ideas, violent movies that spew hate. They sell t-shirts, stickers, etc. that say Kill Republicans or Kill Democrats or all types of offensive and hateful rhetoric.
If Christians really want to be effective, then abandon Amazon and any of its sub-companies. Do business elsewhere. As long as we keep feeding the monster, it will growl.

January 23, 2021

Lord Jesus, free people require free and truthful speech. We require the ability for different persons to present information and to express their views so that people can consider and evaluate them intelligently. We are being muzzled by arrogant companies with way too much power. We pray for Parler and every other company that has been able to develop and provide an alternative to prying, interfering eyes and censorship. We pray that you will EXPEDITE this case for the good of free speech and expose lies that have been used to excuse censorship. We pray that entrepreneurs with wisdom and insight will arise that can thrive without google, apple, amazon, facebook, twitter, youtube, and every other business that seeks to foist mind control on people and deny the opportunity to hear information and views it does not prefer. In Jesus’ name, anemn.


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