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Father, we pray that You would protect the rights and reputations of biblical, pro-life Americans. Keep us safe, God, and keep our leaders from turning against us.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As attacks on pro-life organizations continue, some pro-choice politicians have taken to demeaning their opposition.

From The Daily Wire. Following a slew of violent attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers, New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) is inexplicably amping up the rhetoric against pro-lifers, calling them “neanderthals….”

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“This is the United States of America, where freedom and liberty are supposed to mean something,” the Democrat said. “It’s the rock upon which we were founded. It is supposed to mean something. Except in the eyes of some neanderthals who say, women are not entitled to those rights.”

Earlier this month, a pro-life pregnancy center in Buffalo called CompassCare was firebombed; windows were broken, the structure’s medical office was set ablaze, and the vandals added graffiti that said “Jane Was Here,” a phrase used by a pro-abortion group called Jane’s Revenge….

Unfortunately, CompassCare is not the only pro-life center to be targeted by extremists. According to Catholic Vote, more than 20 pregnancy resource centers and offices of pro-life groups have been attacked or vandalized since a leak of a draft opinion regarding Roe v. Wade in May.

The Daily Wire learned last week that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is “investigating a series of attacks and threats targeting pregnancy resource centers and faith-based organizations across the country….”

How are you praying for pro-lifers and pregnancy centers across the country in this difficult time? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Chris browand
June 24, 2022

Deuteronomy 30:19 NKJV — “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;
Thank you, Lord, that You are God over all, creator of all life! We thank you for today’s answer to prayer to save the lives of the babies in the womb. We praise You and give You all the glory! Amen!

Michael Guidera
June 22, 2022

The abortion industry is being fed with money and power. Baby parts are being sold, Government money is also appropriated to planned parenthood. Abortions not only provide money, but gives the enemy power. Jesus sacrifice provided power over sin for all that believe. Likewise the sacrifice of innocent babies provides power to the demonic realm that has set its intentions on our nation. This explains why the agencies available to offer an alternative to abortion are being bombed. The enemy wants the babies murdered and will do all it can to influence those to stop an alternative to abortion. The enemy has deceived our nation and does not want to give up its power.
Father, give us strength and fortitude to take this enemy head on. We pray you bind this demonic force over our nation that is driving these people to commit these crimes against these clinics. Wake up the church to understand the dynamics of this situation. Motivate us to pray to eradicate this evil that has taken hold of our nation.

Allena Jordan
June 22, 2022

Lord, You came to open blind eyes, to set captives free. Those who don’t know You think as a carnal person. Their worldview is tainted, unbiblical. Lord, touch the lives of those who believe they’re doing the right thing or saying the right thing or even defending the right thing, all of those “right” things being against Your will. Give them a Damascus Road experience. Let them hear Your voice and see Jesus and bow the knee. Protect those who protect babies. Amen.

Roger Hollar
June 22, 2022

Can, will judgment come to our country? https://theprayersentry.com/2022/06/22/cant-happen-here/

Colleen B
June 22, 2022

“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. But there they are, overwhelmed with dread, for God is present in the company of the righteous.” ‭‭Ps.‬ ‭14:1, 5‬ Lord, we thank you for giving the pro-life movement strength and conviction to carry on the battle for our unborn babies. We ask that you close the mouths of fools who utter pejoratives against your people. We pray that those foolish words will only serve to strengthen and expand the pro-life movement as the “neutral” folks realize they can no longer remain neutral in the face of such vitriol. We know the battle has been won in the heavenly realm and we ask that the victory would be revealed on earth as well. We pray for life, we speak life over our federal government and all our state governments so that this evil will be swept from our land. We’re not surprised when the father of lies uses human leaders to speak evil but we rise up with shouts of praise to the Lord God Almighty, we resist taking enemy bait and he must flee. You alone are God! You alone are worthy to be praised!

June 21, 2022

Lord, thank You for teaching us to do battle on our knees and to fight in numbers as we put many of the enemy’s strategies, ploys and plots to not. We pray for the direction and guidance of Your Holy Spirit as we vote for political leaders to lead our Great Nation of the United States of America. Hand pick leaders that know You and acknowledge that Your Ways are tried and True and have been the covering of our Nation. You have Blessed us on the right hand and on the left throughout the generations and have made us a people of Faith and we cry out to You to captivate these hearts that have eyes to see but they don’t see; they have ears to hear but they do not hear. Such were some of us us but in Your Mercy, You have brought us into a large place and made our lines to fall in pleasant places. You are more than able to awaken these souls , so be it Lord. For those that continue in their defiance, foolishness, ignorance clear the altar of their stubborn hearts , for such a time as this and raise up a people who will humble themselves that You may be raise them up to be the political , Godly leaders of America. Fill these seats with Your appointed servants that it would be tranquil in this hour for the American people because You have returned to the throne of our Nation with a Godly agenda for the profit of Your Kingdom and for the people. God Bless our Nation and our people as we continue to bow our knees to You and You Alone. You alone ARE the God of ALL the nations. Amen

June 21, 2022

Psalm 5:4-6 “For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness, no evil dwells with You. The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes; You hate all who do iniquity. You destroy those who speak falsehood; The LORD abhors the man of bloodshed and deceit.” Amen


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