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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we ask You to foil the Enemy's attempts to provoke Christians and to promote chaos through this accursed meeting and the so-called Satanic Temple.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Satanic Temple (TST) is at it again, planning an event in Boston, Massachusetts, in April 2023.

In 2022, the Satanic Temple’s plans for the world’s largest satanic gathering flopped after intercessors stormed heaven. Some intercessors who had prayed on-site reported:

I think God really protected Scottsdale and showed up in a big way at this evil event, attempting to honor satan. Several people I know who went down to pray felt the peace of God all over the place. I imagine that if the peace of God was shielding and protecting the believers, His holiness was displacing all the plans of those involved in the event. Thanks to IFA and all the prayers!


Our prayers will make a difference yet again. While TST plans and promotes this event in Boston from April 28-30, 2023, we will pray and fast that these efforts will actually backfire and instead embolden and empower the Church. They promise a weekend of “blasphemy and remembrance in Boston.” Let’s pray for a weekend of holiness and seeking God.

The theme is “Hexennacht in Boston” — the term means “Witches’ Night.”


Some have claimed that TST is not actually “satanic” but an intellectual group that uses satanic language and imagery in a tongue-in-cheek way. However, the word satan means “adversary” in Hebrew, and that is exactly how TST seems to approach Christianity and Bible-based beliefs. Satan wants us to believe that he is not dangerous or evil. The soft-pedaling of the satanic root of this group is part of its dangerous nature as it draws people in.

In 2022, they announced the Hellions Academy of Independent Learning, a direct response to Bible classes offered to public school students. In their own words: “HAIL was created as an alternative to Christian Release Time Religious Instruction (CRTRI) programs that have been on the rise in public schools across the U.S.”

Also in 2022 they hosted an event at the Bladensburg Peace Cross, in Maryland.

TST is involved in litigation and intense advocacy for abortion in Texas, Indiana, Idaho, and Minnesota.

Satancon promises satanic rituals.

This is no neutral, “intellectual,” quirky advocacy group. It is an adversary to the Christian faith and its free exercise in public spaces, to the protection of life, and to the advancement of Bible teaching in the public schools. It reflects communist ideals and normalizes rituals, practices, declarations, and beliefs that are a gateway to allowing satanic footholds in people’s lives. There is real satanic power in all these things, and this power will ensnare anyone who participates.

Will you stand against this in prayer? Please share this post and add your prayer to the comments.

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Darrell Stevens Sr
April 14, 2023

My Ministry, Jehovah Mephalti (Jesus our Deliverer) Ministry has organized a Worldwide Prayer net against this abomination of satin. At this writing there have been 2,988 people, and Churches that have said they will participate in this Prayer Net, Between April 27-30, 2023. If anyone is interested email me at [email protected]. I can send you sample Prayers to use as the Holy Spirit leads. Shalom Brothers and Sisters!!!

Claudia Gaskin
April 3, 2023

I want to be included as a prayer warrior. Pleas inform me when such activities are happening thank you I prayed

Kathy Hedenberg Schnee
April 2, 2023

Is anyone planning on going IN PERSON to surround this group with prayer walks and praise to the Almighty God? Remember Jericho dear brothers and sisters! 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

Cheryl Shea
March 5, 2023

Will there be a gathering during this Evil Conference to rebuke the Devil?

Steven Paul Sloan
February 25, 2023

The light will shine in the darkness.

Betsy Elam
February 23, 2023

I prayed for this darkness to not succeed due to the Light flooding in!
Because I had a dream in November, 2022 that some from our church were flying to Boston carrying very bright lights because in the dream I saw that Boston was very dark (this satanic event?)

I’ve never been to Boston. I did research about Boston. I found out it was the original “City on a Hill” in America. John Winthrop, a Pilgrim, gave a sermon about it based on Jesus’ ‘City on a Hill’ message. (Matthew 5:14) The City on a Hill is to shine its Light (Jesus) for all to see.

My dream was revealing that the city that was once light, had become dark (satanism) and we were going to bring the Light back!
I believe your group, through prayer and God’s power, will indeed succeed at overcoming the darkness of satanism trying to infiltrate Boston.

I will certainly keep praying for your mission. Now I’m curious if our church should join you in more than just prayer.
Do you have a website of people praying and or going to Boston to stand against this?

    March 12, 2023

    Several Christians from area churches ARE going…to PREACH against evil.

Dorothy Sherrard
February 23, 2023

Lord, we ask for Christians all over the world to pray without ceasing, repent of our own sins, and ask God to heal our land.

Amy Kindler
February 20, 2023

The Christians we know are praying separately and together against this event. That the plans of the enemy will be thwarted and confused. Are Christians able to join together in unity around this coming to Boston? The gates of hell cannot prevail against His church.

February 9, 2023

I will pray for God’s Will but evil is best subdued by holy living and praying in God’s Will. Knowledge of His Word and fear of His Son Our Redeemer Jesus Christ not emotional ill read of the Bible fleshly ragtag,

Sharon Barre
February 1, 2023

I am reminded of the days of Pharo and his magicians failing under the power of our God, showing himself strong on behalf of his people and making his glory seen through the wickedness of Pharo. There is no meed for us to fear. We have the full armour of God.

Steve Weber
January 28, 2023

I attend a congregation, Beth Israel Worship Center in Wayne, NJ, Pastored by Jonathan Cahn, who wrote the book “The Return of the gods.”, which is about false gods (in particular, LGBTQ and trans-gender related) who have demons behind them, wreaking havoc on our nation.

A group of members are planning a Shofar march around the area, probably the day nefore—we plan on again wrecking the enemy’s plans!!!

Please email me if you would like more information about the possibility of collaborating.

where several of the members

Thank you!
Steve Weber

Anne Haehl
January 26, 2023

I will pray.

January 17, 2023

Father In Jesus name Let the plans of the enemy be overturned. Let the Knowledge of God increase

January 15, 2023

Father in Heaven, we pray that people will see how evil this is, and reject it. Open people’s eyes and heart to desire your truth and goodness, instead of evil. Protect people from this and cause them to stay away.

January 14, 2023

Lord God almighty we ask you move God in a powerful way. God we ask you to bind Satan and demons. Lord you are in control you are all mighty. Protect your people. Please Stop this event from happening in Jesus’s name Amen.

January 13, 2023

I will be staying in this hotel the first week in April. I am planning to walk each floor and every conference room in prayer. If anyone has any verses to share or spiritual warfare strategies, please post them to me. Thank you-

George Albinus
January 12, 2023

There is definitely solid, empirical proof for God !”The heavens declare the glory of God.” and “that which may be known of God is manifest in humanity.” It is only through pride and sinful desires that people reject this God given proof. The ultimate proof for the reality of God is the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ split history in half by his coming to earth, living a sinless life, dying for our sins and rising from the dead.Now our living Lord has “finished” the work of the devil and the devil is very angry about it.Yet another proof of the reality of God! The way people oppose, deny and defy God shows clearly they fear and believe in someone far greater than themselves! Jesus reigns forever and his light will only shine brighter and brighter until the perfect day when he returns again to save his people from a lost and dying world. The light of Jesus is so bright many atheists and satanists are giving up on their rebellion against God and turning to Jesus as their Lord and savior! “Father God, I pray that you will put down the evil works of the Temple of Satan in Massachusetts and let their proposed 2023 Convention fail miserably and all their blasphemies be replaced with praises to you the only true and Most High God and Jesus Christ your only begotten Son. In Jesus Holy Name I ask these things and give you all the glory and praise.Amen!

January 9, 2023

Are you serious? You seriously believe in spiritual or mystic forces of God and/or the devil? No. Rituals or prayers do not cause otherworldly influence. People do, and behave of their own free will. There’s no proof of God or a devil; you’re both nuts. I’ll “pray” for you .

January 6, 2023

Satan is constantly attacking God’s people and trying to destroy all that God has planned and Satan must be exposed for the Father of Lies he is and praying that total destruction of this time of meeting takes place and that the people will wake up and turn to the true God, Jesus Christ. Only His blood can move in this spiritual battle against evil and we must pray that,

Verna Knox
January 6, 2023

Lord, we stand against the evil desires of Satan in our nation. As time grows short, the demonic forces become more bold. I pray for your church to become more bold. I pray the scripture…Matthew 16:15-18 15“But what about you?” Jesus asked. “Who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven.
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
We bind the powers of darkness that are planning this gathering and declare their mission in this country null and void. The victory over this evil was settled at the cross of Jesus and released at his resurrection.

January 6, 2023

Lord Jesus! All praise to You! All thanks to you too! Thank you for this heads up, to pray that the captives will see the truth of the lie they follow and Come to You! In Jesus perfect name, let this whole conference backfire, cover Your church, fill us with a fresh filling of Your Holy Spirit, let the joy of the Lord be like old faithful, for all to see and be awed by Your great power and goodness, cover Boston area from the evil invited there Lord and redeem it back to Yourself with a revival of repentance that will sweep across our country from East to west shores, that is not too hard for You Jesus! We, Your children confess You are God! You have a good plan and we
Are waiting on You, our God of goodness and grace.
Help us trust You, help us fast, pray, speak truth in love when You say and most of all let us love without hypocrisy Lord, like You.

    Sherian Bernhard
    January 9, 2023

    I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. I stand against the forces of devil , and I will pray each day against there evil forces, and may they never rule our state of Texas, or our world.

January 5, 2023

I will pray and fast against this demonic event.

January 5, 2023

Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ! I live in Boston and think this blasphemous event could be a great way to unite believers in this area who love the Lord and are willing to stand up against Satan’s Last Days efforts to deceive people straight to Hell. Let’s come together and pray, make signs and prepare to make the Holy Spirit’s presence known during the days of this despicable gathering! Feel free to send me an email or message at [email protected] or @rollinlovemovement on Instagram if you’d want to participate! I already have a few good signs and a microphone for some street-preaching ready to go! Hope to hear from you! Sending love in Jesus’ Name! – Thompson

    January 6, 2023

    Good for you Thompson! I agree.
    As awful and icky as it is on the surface, this ‘conference’ did not surprise our Poppa God, who has called us all ‘for such a time as this’ to shine bright in the power of His Spirit. Today’s devo was on the Holiness of Joy. My prayer for all of you believers in the Boston area is Poppa will fill, overflow you with His Spirit as you all seek His face, be still in His presence, for His plan, that you will all be one in His precious, powerful bond of love…all fear be banished in Jesus name, hate for the captives be banished in Jesus name and a childlike eager anticipation for Poppa God’s perfect will to prevail, including a bunch of former satanists be saved in April!!!

Ginger Letterman
January 5, 2023

I and the intercessors group I lead located in Spruce Pine N.C. , will most certainly join you in launching a offensive prayer attack against the plans of the enemy in Boston Massachusetts. The gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Church Jesus is building!!

    January 9, 2023

    An offensive prayer attack? Wow. There is no evidence of a God or a devil. The Bronze age and its primitive cultures created religious beliefs to support the fear that people had for things they didn’t understand. Scripture was created by man, not some divine being. Both Christians and people who oppose their beliefs with counter or alter beliefs are incredibly pathetic. It’s okay to be afraid in life, grow a pair.

In Jesus name we bind the schemes of Satan. Let the power and presence of the Holy Spirit permeate this area!
January 5, 2023


January 5, 2023

Lord we thank you for the prayers of your people. We take authority against all wicked forces in the name of Jesus over this territory/jurisdiction in New England and all the earth. I released 1 billion angels against Satan and his demonic forces in Jesus name you have no place here so we take this earth that you given us for your glory in Jesus name Amen!

January 5, 2023

Though few grasp this, the battle that is raging in our country and around the world is not so much political as it is spiritual…we are fighting a sadistic Luciferian Cabal that has been in existence for over 6,000 years . Jesus Christ came into the world a a spiritual force to deal it a death blow and though he succeeded in His efforts, it has taken up to over 2,000 years for us to finally get the upper hand in this fight. Though they may seem pervasive, these are the last dying gasps of a world wide conspiracy that was to envelop all of humanity and what has happened is that God is turning this all around as the white hats gain the upper ground (over the so called black hats) and begin the final steps to extinguish this evil movement. Though some are far too focused on prophesies of gloom and doom, one should focus on what is now being revealed more and more publically as we who are moving to a higher frequency of love and prayerful worship are leaving these lower frequencies behind. Their time is running out. God is on the move and He will be using the 30 nation alliance to help eradicate this cesspool of evil players. Satan can’t create anything and all he has are lies to try and keep us in fear. That is ending and his time draws near and though he will cause more damage before being vanquished, This could be the year where we find an end to this evil one world plan…the so called great reset. God will use that to reset the earth back to it’s original design, for He works all things for Good.

    January 9, 2023

    Faith thrives on fear. The Bible created a bad guy to keep people in line. Christians need a devil to unite themselves against. Your collective fear and disapproval of how other people spend their time is beyond me. Why bother responding? There are no mystic forces. Let people do as they wish! “GOD” gave us free will right?

Venisa Villar
January 5, 2023

Praying Psalm 17 over this situation:“O Lord, hear my plea for justice. Listen to my cry for help. Pay attention to my prayer, for it comes from honest lips. Declare me innocent, for you see those who do right. You have tested my thoughts and examined my heart in the night. You have scrutinized me and found nothing wrong. I am determined not to sin in what I say. I have followed Your commands, which keep me from following cruel and evil people. My steps have stayed on Your path; I have not wavered from following You. I am praying to You because I know You will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray. Show me Your unfailing love in wonderful ways. By Your mighty power You rescue those who seek refuge from their enemies. Guard me as You would guard Your own eyes. Hide me in the shadow of Your wings. Protect me from wicked people who attack me, from murderous enemies who surround me. They track me down and surround me, watching for the chance to throw me to the ground. They are like hungry lions, eager to tear me apart— like young lions hiding in ambush. Arise, O Lord! Stand against them, and bring them to their knees! Rescue me from the wicked with Your sword! By the power of Your hand, O Lord, destroy those who look to this world for their reward. But satisfy the hunger of Your treasured ones. May their children have plenty, leaving an inheritance for their descendants. Because I am righteous, I will see You. When I awake, I will see You face to face and be satisfied.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭17‬:‭1‬-‭9‬, ‭11‬-‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Randolph Goodlett
January 5, 2023
Mary Ann Ware
January 4, 2023

I will spread the word and will be praying urgently for the complete failure of this conference and for the Glory of God to stomp and replace it with His wonderful grace and peace.

Mary Kautz
January 4, 2023

Hi All,
I am from Scotttsdale, the sight of last year’s satancon FLOP and it really was a thing of beauty! The prayer before the weekend was absolutely crucial. God set up a spiritual “dome” above the event that prohibited demons from descending on the event and Scottsdale. As I type this, I hear Holy Spirit suggesting that any prayer before the event will have a “multiplying” affect of Holiness to the area. If you live in the Boston area, start praying onsite ASAP. Your brothers and sisters will be spiritually supporting and drecreeing right along with you. I decree that all doors to this event will be slammed shut and the doors of holiness, righteousness and peace will be opened, per Isa 22:22.
Remember, the authority of just ONE Believer overrules and overthrows any evil plan! Rev 12:11
Love you, Boston Family –

    January 6, 2023

    AMEN Mary! Thank you so much for your eyewitness account, such encouragement❣️

Jeanie Kelley
January 4, 2023

We need to pray like we have never prayed before. The church I belong to has set aside times throughout the day to pray for America. I keep thinking we need to pray like Daniel prayed the weeks of prayer.

January 4, 2023

Yes, I will pray.

January 4, 2023

praying God will stop them. However I believe our nation under judgment for removing Gods laws from the public .And for allowing the Whitehouse to become a rainbow for all the wrong reasons that are anti-God. God have mercy on our Nation that full of Demonic spirits !

Sue Stovall
January 4, 2023

Will be praying.

Susan CC
January 4, 2023

“The Lord laughs” flashed in my mind as I read this. Psalm 37:12-13 says:
The wicked scheme against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them, but the Lord laughs, seeing that their day is coming.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray You will laugh these ignorant people out of Boston. I pray reality to these words from Paul to the Galatians…Do not be deceived (satoncon): “God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” Let these imposters know You are the God of the one they claim to serve. On the Day of Judgement, You are the One to whom they will kneel in despair if they do not see the light. On the Day of Judgement, You are the One to whom they will account for every idle words. In Your laughter, I pray they feel Your rebuke. And for the good people in Boston…may they rise up in defense of their faith. I pray this event fails to take place, total failure. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Victor. Amen

Jessica Letourneau
January 4, 2023

Arise Oh God! And let Your enemies be scattered! I command every demonic stronghold and activity to be bound in the name of Jesus Christ. And I command that protection, preservation, and deliverance be looses over the city of Boston and the state of Massachusetts. Father, You love this city! You love these people! And You are not a God to be mocked! We have been given victory through Your Son. So Airse Oh God! For You own name sake and Your glory’s sake! Make Yourself known. Stand up for our help and defend this city from Satan’s deceptive schemes. Though they come against us 1 way. I declare in the mighty name of Yeshua, they will flee before us 7 ways. We’ve seen you cause this event to fall through before. We ask, do it again, Lord! Do it again! And may they NEVER try and come back again. I ask You, Jesus, who holds the key of David. Close the door to this and many other Satanic groups. Close the door to Boston, that he can not pass through. And open wide to Your children for the biggest, largest, Jesus crazy worship/prayer event held there in Boston. May you get the glory. Forever and ever Amen.

Juliann Gregory
January 4, 2023

Rise up my brothers and sisters in Christ! Take your place in history by not only asking God to take care of this satanic temple and all its actions, but, NOW take your Royal stance against this evil and “Command Baal to release his hold on these people who have believed the great deceiver in the mighty name of Jesus!” Come into the throne room of heaven by the Blood of Jesus and ask the Lord to release His mighty angelic army and demolish this altar to evil in our God given country. We take our authority and we speak the glory of God to fall on Boston, not only in April of 2023 but NOW, in the mighty name of Jesus!

January 4, 2023

Psalms 80:13-18
O my God make them like the whirling dust, like the chaff before the wind.
As fire consumes the forest as the flames sets the mountain ablaze, so pursue them with your tempest and terrify them with your hurricane.
Fill their faces with shame so that they may seek your name O LORD.
Let them be put to shame and dismayed forever let them parish in disgrace let them know that YOU alone Who’s Name is the LORD are the Most High over all the Earth.

Father of mercies we ask if any can come to Your saving grace that You would save their souls!
But if they will not bend they need to You that You will cut off all of their wicked plans! Release the armies of heaven to war for your people.

Maria Fillyaw
January 4, 2023

Dear Father God we pray foil the plans of the enemy that they will not be able to promote their satanic ideals. We pray Lord Jesus help the innocent not to be deceived and protect us all from evil may we stand together in the name of Jesus against it, in Jesus name amen

Charlotte Crockett
January 4, 2023
Priscilla Meyenburg
January 4, 2023

Father God we understand why Satan want’s to constantly temp us, he thinks he will sway many to listen to the lies of why people should give up Gods way of living as he tries to paint a picture of fun, do as u please attitude living in sin. Satans voice of temptation is not the sin it’s the choice people make is the sin, when they listen to Satan. I call down all of Satans lies and all of his evil plans that will fail in Boston. Jesus I shout and call down all of Gods Warrior Army to go forward and present Gods words with shouts and praises of Jesus name before and during before this agenda takes place. I pray that God will raise up Warriors of prayer Intercessor’s that will surround the facility and inside the presence of God will surround them as they try to worship false Gods and speak words that will fall void. I pray the wickedness of their attempted sins will be become void because of Gods spirit in the conference. I pray all forms of witchcraft and sorcery will not prevail from the leaders that have sought evil powers to destroy minds of the attendees. As I read 2Kings 17: God told the Israelites he was rejecting them because of their sins to worship other Gods. A similar attitude has taken place today the principalities of this earth are set on destroying peoples lives to mock God. Many people spend their lives seeking pleasure not understanding the poisonous pleasures are temporary and these sin filled pleasures sells their souls. God I pray the spirit of Gods will flow over the people who have followed this group and feel the presence of the prayers that has gone forth as prayer warriors have prayed for a cleansing and remove the false attempts of seduction that will be thwarted. I call down from Heaven that a major collapse will come over this Evil agenda as We take Authority with Gods words that he gave us to defeat this enemy. Gods marching orders for his army is to shout down and call down TST so the Evilnesses of Satan will be defeated. We are under attack but I Stand on the gift of Faith believing God is with us. There is nothing too difficult for Jesus since he was raised from the dead, now that he is the head of the church and God placed All Things under his feet that means US as the church, (Christians) were given the Authority to defeat Satan. Ephesians- 1: 2 – God has won the final Victory and is in control of everything. The certainty comes from God through the Holy Spirit as we lift up hundreds of voices by praying Gods words singing Victory is mine and the joy of the Lord is our strength. I pray boldness of shouts through prayer will see a defeated enemy in Boston April 202Free. I declare all shall be taken back from the enemy what has been stolen. We declare America shall be Free from The enemy of Satanic power. Thank you Jesus we honor your Love and the power that you defeated Satan to have Victory over death. Be blessed

Victoria Z
January 4, 2023

Father, in the name of Jesus, we agree together that this event be unsuccessful in its endeavors to draw new members in. Father who in their right mind would deliberately choose your adversary instead of your love through Jesus. We pray for these people, to soften hard hearts, to overcome the lies of Satan which somehow blinded these people either with bitterness toward you or lures of rewards of various types.Father, open their eyes, especially children who are in this cult because of their parents. We receive it in Jesus name. Father for this even may you let nature scare tge hoot of them with some type of loud thunder and darkness and storm that hits just in the main area of the event, while the sun shines visibly all around the perimeter, Father do miraculous signs that scare these deceived people away from Satan and into your welcoming arms. Protect your people and those in the vicinity of this event. We receive all these things, in Jesus name.

Rev Juli Jasinski
January 3, 2023

When and where is this going to happen?

Carol. Skou
January 3, 2023

I am on this in major prayer…Salem, MA is the Witch haven and the state witch is
enthroned….God will protect and cover that which concerns us and his plans are good and not evil…I would have lost hope had I not seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living…I am watching so see their plans disintegrate right before their eyes as the warriors press in ….

Dona Schmidt
January 3, 2023

Father , I pray that we are demolishing the strongholds of the enemy, we are by Your host of angels tearing down the powers of principalities of darkness, , you have given us weapons of warfare, and we are using them to destroy the influence of satan in our land that was dedicated to You for the spread of the gospel not for wickedness. Just as You confused the building of babble so confuse every plan of this ungodly temple. In the precious name of Jesus.
We pray that dreams and visions will come and repentance, conversion, and revival will take place!

January 3, 2023

Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Kim R. Shaklee
January 3, 2023

I Believe In Our Almighty Powerful Father God & His Holy Son Jesus Christ Our Lord & Savior, Our Redeemer, Our Salvation, With His Holy Spirit I Know That These Satanic Priest’s & Priestests & Underlings Of Satan’s Minions That Are Practicing To Beguile The Public Eye On This Dark Day Of Gathering Of Abomination In The State Of Boston In April 2023 Are Already Deffeated By Our Heavenly Father God For He & He Alone Has The Power To Shatter This TCT Unholy Congregation, Our Father God Is The Alfa & Omega, He Is Omni Potent & Omni Present
The One & Only All Powerful Being Our Father God Will Destroy Them With A Wave Of His Hand, He Will Level The Ground Of The TCT Satanic Priest’s & Priestests Have Built Up Their UnGodly Alter Where They Worship The Black Arts Of Satan, Just As Our Father Almighty God Destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah Turning The City Into Ashes & Salt, Crumbling Even The Very Foundation To Ruins, So That Nothing Will Stand Or Will Every Be Built There Again, In That Place Of Desolation, For Our Almighty Father God Has The Divine Power Over Satan & His Legion Of Many Fallen Angels, They Have No Power To Succeed In Their Wicked Plans Of Corruption Over The State Of Boston In April 2023 Or It’s Citizens, They Belong To Our Holy Father Almighty God In Heaven, Jesus Christ Our Lord & Savior Is Among The Children Of God There In The State Of Boston & He Will Lead A Holy War Of Protection Against Satan & His Priest’s & Priestests & Their Unholy Underling Minions, Jesus Will Putt A Mighty Barrier Between God’s Children, From The Dangers Of Seduction & Fork Tounge Lies, To Ensnare Them, The Holy Spirit Will Entertain The Innocence Of The Young & Deafen The Ignorant From Hearing & Give A Blind Eye To The Desperate, For They Shall Not Be Touched By The Wickedness Of The Unholy Church, This My Prayer Through The Power Christ Jesus With His Holy Spirit Onto Our Almighty Powerful Father God, Let His Will Be Done And Not Thine, For Our Father God Is The Law Or All Evil Principalities, People, Places, & Thing’s, In Jesus Christ Holy Name Amen !!!!!

Michele Roberts
January 3, 2023

Lord, please bring their plans to naught and show yourself strong on behalf of those who love you and are praying fervently that these events will be stopped in their tracks. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!!

Carroll Simpson
January 3, 2023

This is further proof that satan is indeed the ruler of this world. Has the world gone mad? It would seem so. The downward spiral is spinning faster and faster. Please, Lord Jesus, some quickly!

    January 3, 2023

    LORD OF heaven and earth, you are the great “I Am” the one who is who was and is to come. We declare that the violators of your covenant will be apprehended with their evil seductions, word curses and hexes dismantled and destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ and plans to gather anywhere in the state of Massachusets is circumvented by the blood of the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. LET GOD ARISE AND HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED

Maria Higdon
January 3, 2023

The Bible tells us that we (Christians) out number the wicked people on earth, Let’s pray to cancel the this event before it gets off the ground. Jesus Christ of Nazareth hears the prayers of his people. Pray hard and steady. Use that mustard seed of faith to cancel this event and also to win the souls of the satanic people who are participating the April 2023 event. Pray the satanic people get saved and experience the abundant love, joy, and peace of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. There is strength in number. Let’s do this for the glory of our Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!!!

Paul Klemesrud
January 3, 2023

We pray confusion in enemies camp their plans to gather in April 2023 would fail Instead the US s largest gathering of Christians would gather in April 2023 and spark 3 rd Great Awakening I pray you would send legions of Angels to destroy plans of enemy to have gathering instead these Satanic people would come to know you as Savior and Lord I Pray

Richard J. Clifford
January 3, 2023

I pray that God will crush Satancon and turn it into ashes! Satan has no rights! God rules!

January 3, 2023

Dear LORD, please do not let the plans of the wicked prosper. May their funds dry up and this event be thwarted. Please protect children, curious/gullible/disenfranchised/deceived people, and animals. In the Name of Jesus Christ and in the power of His might we come against TST! IJN, AMEN

Esther Tamling-Seffrood
January 3, 2023

Father God, Holy One, You will bring down those who are your enemies. You will not allow them to succeed in their desires to destroy that which is Your’s. You will bring peace to the nations and you will protect your beloveds. You will overcome them and they too will bow before their Maker and their King. Jesus, you are Lord of lords and King of kings. What weapon shall prosper over You? None. Thank you that you hear our prayers. Thank you that you know the beginning from the end. Thank you that the adversary shall not succeed. This too shall fail as it has in the past. Our Trust is in the Lord. I pray they will have dreams and visions of the truth and Your perfect will for their lives and that they will surrender their lives and hearts to You. Let them have ears to hear You, eyes to see You, that they may turn from the wickedness and live. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

    Maria Higdon
    January 3, 2023

    I lover your prayer. I am piggy backing from your prayer and adding that after Jesus Christ puts his Holy Fire in the satanic followers, (after they have matured in Jesus Christ of Nazareth love and peace) they will become disciples of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. How beautify would that be to witness these telling others who are unbelievers that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior. I will be awesome to see these people rejoicing in the house of our Father. That will be a sight. For the angels rejoice evetime a soul is saved.

Ronda Orchard
January 3, 2023

Thank you Lord for the opportunity to keep this on the prayer ledger of our hearts. As often as You prompt us to pray against the logistics and implementation of this blasphemous, in our faces, onslaught against our Lord, let us immediately stop what we are doing and attend to prayer. That the only God may be seen again in this country and globally. Amen

Thomas Edward Corbin
January 3, 2023

Lord I thank you that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal or fleshly , but are Mighty, through You to the pulling down of
strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God ( which is Jesus Christ our Lord) and brings every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. You promised that You would build your Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against Her. Send forth your Heavenly Host against this demonic principality and render it impotent! Thank You Lord! that we are more than conquerors through Our Lord Jesus Christ!

J. Keiser
January 3, 2023

Thank you Father that you reveal the hidden and the secret and make it known. Thank you Father that you have given us the keys of the kingdom and whatsoever you bind on earth is bound in Heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth is loosed in Heaven. There is Nothing too difficult for thee.

Judith Grodesky
January 3, 2023


Davd Levandusky
January 3, 2023

May it find a defeat like the false prophets of Baal did with Elijah. They prayed all day, shouted, screamed, cut themselves and no fire from their God. Elijah prayed a short prayer of about 64-65 words and the fire of God fell. The false satanic prophets were overthrown and YAHWEH was glorified

Marsha Son
January 3, 2023

Father God, I know that You work to restrain the enemy through the prayers of Your people, so I come before You today and ask in agreement with my brothers and sisters in Christ, to wreck the enemy’s plans, plots and schemes through witchcraft and satanic rituals in his secret societies.
Father that You would raise a standard against the enemy by The Blood of Christ and the word of our testimonies!
I Praise You and Thank You that Greater is He who lives in me that he that is in the world.
In the MIGHTY Name of Jesus Christ, AMEN!

William Strieegel
January 3, 2023

1 John 3:7-11 (nkjv)
7 Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. 8 He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. 9 Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.

Dave Blackwell
January 3, 2023

I am concerned that our nation has some legislators and manufacturers who are quietly participating in this Satanic movement, and they may not even know what and who they have joined ungodly and non-Godly forces with. The results have been increased demand for abortions, legislation for decriminalizing the use of illicit drug use, and the production of toys that emphasize the power of evil to our children. The ideals of those who support forces of ungodliness have quietly invaded and are over-running Christian ideals and values of so many who are unaware of the evil power they encounter every day.

S Parker
January 3, 2023

I pray about this situation, that this club and related plans would come to nought and I pray for protection over hearts minds bodies and spirits of God’s children.

Connie forbis-jennings
January 3, 2023

Lord God Almighty I ask that You mold us into the bride You are returning for in every way in Jesus Name!

Robyn O\'Neal
January 3, 2023

May a multitude of saints, redeemed by YHWH’s sovereignty through faith in the Lamb’s shed blood, CONFOUND all things Satancon through fasting prayer! May Messiah’s love burn through every plan and evil thought because of the justice His blood bought! In Yeshua’s Name we pray, unified!

Maureen McIneneny
January 3, 2023

Lord Jesus, you are in control of all things. I pray for Satan to be rebuked in the name of Jesus from coming to Boston for his nefarious meeting, and to never enter any city again for this meeting. I pray this with thanksgiving in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus. Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus Come!

January 3, 2023

Father God take your wrath and release this on the satanic event that will be taking place around the world destroy it demolish it take it down like Rome father God protect us as the devil tries to do more and more to us father God you’re looking for us to rise up against this poison that is trying to infiltrate our world father God release your angels immediately father God find this completely up with chains where they cannot move Lord no weapon formed against us will prosper you are Almighty all powerful you take what’s wrong and make it right thanks for doing this father God we believe you are going to do a miraculous move on this satanic culture it is time we seek destroy and kill by our prayers to you father God may we see the destruction of any type of satanic attack on us now in name of your son Jesus

Darlene Estlow
January 3, 2023

Father, I join many intercessors asking that this planned Satanic gathering would be foiled. May it not draw people to come. You have caused this to fail in the past and we ask you to do it again! We remember this as we pray, knowing you can do it again!

January 3, 2023

Once again Experts are *Natural Mind Earth Bound*: Totally unaware of the ‘Spiritual’ element fueling & driving all the Geopolitical events with physical results on Population & Food supplies etc. lacking Sustainability without DEPOPULATION as viewed by the Demonic realm! Destruction 1st then creation of *NWO*! BOTTOM LINE: We have YEARS left (Not Decades) > you can throw out all Logic & Natural Mind realm reasoning > *Occult Supernatural Demonic* forces are At War with God & His family on Earth! *NWO* is Raging for Mass ‘Depopulations’ & Barbaric Demonic Reign of HELL ON EARTH via *ANTI-CHRIST*! GOD’S DIVINE INTERVENTION changes Everything in a matter of ! *NWO* goes Down in Flames after just 7 yrs. from full Establishment (3.5 yrs. from A.C. declaring to BE GOD)! The only True God (Father/Jesus/Holy Spirit) Establishes HIS KINGDOM on HIS PLANET = “MILLENNIUM”! ALL EVIL IS CAST OUT INTO HELL = “HEAVEN” ON EARTH”!

Lori King
January 3, 2023

Thank you for addressing this issue. A school in Moline Illinois offers a Satan Club after school. The Board said they had to approve it because they have an after-school Bible club and it would be discrimination to deny the satan club. Please pray for this school district.

“An Illinois school district is defending an elementary school offering “After School Satan Club,” an extracurricular educational program sponsored by the Satanic Temple of the United States.

The program, for children in grades first through fifth, will be taught by volunteers at The Jane Addams Elementary School in Moline, and will meet five times this year beginning Thursday, flyers circulating on social media claim.

According to the flyer, the club will consist of science projects, puzzles, games, arts and crafts and outdoor nature activities. The club says it will help children learn benevolence and empathy, critical thinking, problem solving, creative expression and personal sovereignty.

The Satanic Temple – essentially an activist group and think tank more than a religious institution – said the program is available at select public schools where Good News programs exist, and is meant to be educationally enriching. Members have no intention of converting children to Satanism.

“Proselytization is not our goal, and we’re not interested in converting children to Satanism,” the temple says about the program on its website. “After School Satan Clubs will focus on free inquiry and rationalism, the scientific basis for which we know what we know about the world around us.”

As you can see, the satan club portrays itself as doing activities, crafts, nature. According to the district, a student must request the club. At this time, only the parent and the student are attending. This school is geared toward upper- and middle class students, many of whom are executives for John Deere and Company. Please pray.

    S Parker
    January 3, 2023

    I pray about this situation, that this club and related plans would come to nought and I pray for protection over hearts minds bodies and spirits of God’s children.

January 3, 2023

The capacity of the nothing will amount to nothing — it will fail, it will fall!

Dyann Hersey Noles
January 3, 2023

Father God, we thank You for exposing the plans of the enemy. We ask that You, in your infinite wisdom, authority and mercy thwart any plans to honor our adversary. Bring these plans to naught in Your way and by Your will as we pray and fast in agreement with You, Jesus our Intercessor and Holy Spirit. Come into that place, Jesus, and fill it with Your Presence because every knee shall bow at Your Name!

Kathy Emahiser
January 3, 2023

Father, as our prayers reach your ears, please respond immediately by pushing back the attempts of satan to promote his lying agenda by deceiving the members of this satanic group. Please open their eyes and reveal yourself to them as Lord who loves them, and your desire is to see each of them saved. Father intercede and block the gathering of this group. If they do gather, please send your warriors fully dressed in your armor and let the light of your glory radiate ever so brightly. we pray that these individuals will be drawn to that light.
Thank you Father, in Jesus name, amen.

Clare Gillis
January 3, 2023

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen

Ray Pendergraft
January 3, 2023

[email protected]
Thank you for Lord for bringing this to light. Help us to make a clear stand for your glory. Amen

January 3, 2023

I was there in Scottsdale, AZ. There was a calm, peaceful air and Blessed Mother Mary was with us and Jesus was there. I’m so glad I went to make reparation for the blasphemies. Sandra

January 3, 2023

Please Lord God of goodness mercy and grace… deliver us from evil

Mary Buckley
January 3, 2023

I pray against all of Sanaa’s actions
and efforts to destroy the world God has given to his people to rule. He and his followers are under our feet. I pray God will send HIS perfect LOVE to shine in
Boston and all over our country and the world.

Alison Bryan
January 3, 2023

Lord we come to you asking that the spirit of deception be wiped away from these that are attending this terrible gathering. Let them see who Satan really is. In Jesus our Savior’s name,Amen!

Gail Beegles
January 3, 2023

Dear Lord, I just pray that there is a revival in this land. May the eyes of people be opened to this EVIL! May Satan’s evil tactics be exposed and permanently SHUT DOWN. May people’s eyes be opened to pray, pray, pray! 🙏🙏🙏 May Your Will be done! In Jesus Name, Amen

January 3, 2023

That’s why knowing the Word of God is so important. Praying any fiery dart from the enemy this year be repurposed into a instrument for the salvation of many. (Ephesians 6). We know prayer changes things!

Clay Gallagher
January 3, 2023

Dear lord, help us in prayer to continually reject satan and all of his false claims. Help us pray for those who are being swallowed up in their web of lies and continually pray for strength to reject the ways of satan.

January 3, 2023

Jesus came to destroy the works of the evil one.He won! Now pick up His banner and lay siege ,to stand and proclaim His victory to the Glory of God the Father.

Sam Davis
January 3, 2023

Oh Lord, we pray that you continue to use All things for your glory and to save the lost. Strengthen and consolidate the body of Christ as our adversary attacks and devours those who belong to this world. Pour out Your Spirit and Truth Mighty God. In Christ’s Holy name, Amen and Amen

Ronald Webb
January 3, 2023

Lord we are in desperate need of your guidance and protection from this evil that’s attempting to destroy your work in our America. Give the leaders in our country wisdom to keep You in first place in this nation you’ve given us. IN JESUS NAME WE ASK AND PRAY FOR YOUR GUIDANCE.

Bridget Bonczyk
January 3, 2023

Father God, thank you for Your Word that says, Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, I Timothy 1:15a. You desire all sinners to be saved. As intercessors, Father, teach us how to pray, intercede, and give thanks to YOU as the blinders come off of these men and women who are planning to meet in Boston, 2023. Am believing for members of this group, The Satanic Temple, to be saved, healed and delivered. Bind the “blinding spirits” that keep them from seeing God’s truth & release a spirit of conviction and a spirit of compassion to open the eyes of their hearts to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and Friend. I speak “NO” to REBELLION, & “YES” to SALVATION and OBEDIENCE in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS. Holy Spirit have a free hand in Boston. Lord, transform their minds. Wash them, cleanse their hands and hearts. Help them to see YOU, Jesus. Allow their spirits to be opened. Your Word says, “You are the ONLY way, the truth, and the life.,” John 14:6. Show Your mercy to the adversaries of this group. Allow confusion to settle upon This Witches Night. Cause havoc to their theme, “Hexennacht in Boston.” Allow Holy Spirit to remove mind blinding spirits, which causes their souls to be deceived, and not saved. Lord Jesus may TST know that You love them. Father God, thank you for Proverbs 11:30, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise. ” Let Your will be done in Boston, nothing more, nothing less. God’s Ekklesia, let’s decree “America will be saved.” Our prayers will flow into the minds, souls, bodies and spirits of TST causing them to be exposed and stopped. Thank you, Sweet Jesus, for the cross, Holy Spirit, and blood that covers Your children who stand in the gap. Amen and amen. I love you Jesus!

Gloria Kay Belden
January 3, 2023

I declare and I decree the armor of God over the whole nation father God and throughout the world Lord father God that it’ll be permanent father God the armor of God on all your people Lord in the United States and throughout the world against this satanic nonsense and it will be pulverized and sent straight to the pet of hell where it belongs and fill it holy spirit all the spots all the Nano spots the big spots the Nano every spot with the Royal Blood of Jesus Amen

Cynthia Prosser
January 3, 2023

I’ve prayed it would not allow me to click on the I prayed icon.

Jan Sewell
January 3, 2023

God brought us to New England specifically to be a light in the darkness. We are in New Hampshire praying and interceding for our nation.

    Robyn O\'Neal
    January 3, 2023

    Me, too, Sister Jan. I’m at the foot of majestic Mount Monadnock. I’ve seen Boston from it’s peak on a clear day. I join you in exercising our authority in Christ to partner with Holy Spirit and the Lord’s hosts to shut this blasphemy down. In Jesus’ Name we join forces and pray!

January 3, 2023

Yes, I prayed and will continue to pray against this evil group! God will not be mocked! In the Might Name of Jesus, I bind and cast out satan from TST and command these spirits to the Feet of Jesus! We ask You, Lord Jesus, that by Your Precious Blood that You would thwart the fiery darts of the evil one and let their evil plans backfire and be thrown into the fires of hell, In Jesus’ Name we pray. Alert Your Church to stand strong and show Your Might and Power through them. Thank You, Jesus that You have the victory!!! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we pray and believe, AMEN!!!

Lynne N.
January 3, 2023

As believers in Jesus Christ and the power of His Word and His Blood we cancel this assignment of the devil called “blasphemy and remembrance in Boston.” It is written devil that, “the Son of God was manifested for this reason to destroy the works of the devil.” We take authority over all TST and HAIL plans and call them null and void in the Mighty Name of Jesus. They cease and desist now in Jesus’ name. We bind the spirit of witchcraft (rebellion) and we loose the Spirit of submission to God’s authority. We declare there will be no Hexennacht in Boston, (no night of the witches) and no satanic rituals, practices or declarations by TST in Boston, Massachusetts in April 2023 or anywhere else in Jesus’ name. Instead, we pray for a night to worship the King of Kings for such a time as this and for God’s Word to be preached releasing salvation, deliverance, healing, miracles, signs and wonders to many. We pray for repentance and revival in this region. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord raises a standard against him. We apply the blood of Jesus to this region called Boston. Massachusetts and we declare we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of the testimony. No weapon formed against us will prosper. And what the enemy means for evil God will turn to the good. Be glorified Jesus! Amen.

January 3, 2023

Lord, we lift up Boston to you. Protect it from the tst group. Bind Satan , all evil spirits in that area.
Lord we ask for a large group of Angels to be sent to Boston to fight back the enemy.
Praise you Lord, King of glory!🙏

January 3, 2023

Prayed and shared.

Brei Luchaco
January 3, 2023

That all these evil attempts at display would be brought to nothing just as You did on the Mt of Carmel with Elijah stood for You against the prophets of baal
We stand for You against these present day attempts of that same old ancient false unclean spirit of baal.
I declare his voice is silenced,

the voice of The Holy Spirit arise through Your church YHWH, and You by Your Sons Blood & Finished Work on the cross be glorified, praised, all worship highlight You and Your glory.
This tst be thwarted, silenced, and come to nothing.
YHWH be exalted, glorified, made known that even those deceived that plan these things would get born again and start serving 💯% the only One True Savior, Lord, King Jesus Christ
In Your Name Jesus I decree these truths.

January 3, 2023

I take authority on Jesus’ name to bind this conference. May it completely fail! Cover all Christians, churches and families in Boston, Mass. and America. I declare the works of evil are useless and plead the blood of Jesus over Boston and America. Revival is coming now! Thank you Jesus for destroying the works of evil. Amen

Carole J Wolbert
January 3, 2023

Father God, I pray for your protection over Your people and over the city of Boston and the surrounding area! May YOU ALONE be glorified! and may the plans of enemy be thwarted in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen

Brei Luchaco
January 3, 2023

Thank You 🙏🏾 YHWH, fill Your church with revelation as You awaken her to YourSelf by the cross and Jesus ‘ Finished work thereof.
The Holy Spirit arise within me, my bloodlines, especially our children, their children that we would obey and honor You in Spirit & Truth all of our days.
In awe of You
In Jesus Christ Name
Yes 🙌🏽 & Amen 🙏🏾

Mary Ann Canfijn
January 3, 2023

Father in heaven, disrupt this march of evil! We look to Jesus, the Captain of the
LORD’S Host!

January 3, 2023

These people don’t believe in God nor Satan. As the article mentioned, they’re “intellectuals” who use this rhetoric to poke fun at Christians. Awhile back, I bumbled on to a chat room where they were discussing all this and “laughing up their sleeves” about how easy it was to spook these “gullible Christians.” They WERE “intellectuals,” but COMMUNIST intellectuals. As I had once been a communist, I recognized their jargon immediately, and that, more then their own claims, identified them as the Marxist communists they are. Nonetheless, they must be beaten. Just know your enemy.

Althea Penn
January 3, 2023

Praying that God will remove the blinders from the eyes of the lost and the church. Jesus is returning! Let’s get ready!

katherine jordan
January 3, 2023

I speak JESUS over Boston, MA. Our adversary the devil will gain NO ground to promote lies. I say GOD arise and His enemies be scattered. Open the peoples eyes who have been blinded that they may see JESUS and turn from darkness to light.

Janice Rhodes
January 3, 2023

Warring against witchcraft download isn’t working.

January 3, 2023

why are so many people that hat GOD? we are on the verge of marxist ways

Kathie Jackson
January 3, 2023

Let All Satans plans be dispelled Into smoke ! In the Name and Power of Jesus Holy Name; Amen
May Our Holy Mother Mary ( Rev 12;17 …all those who keep the commandments and Honor the Lord Jesus) intercede for us to Her Son Jesus as in the wedding of Canna ) Amen

    Nancy Berkey
    January 3, 2023

    Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. May all involved in this evil find Christ our true God as their personal Lord and Saviour. Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory br forever!Amen☦

    Sam Davis
    January 3, 2023

    You miss the point about the commandments. We are not justified by them but condemned because they reveal out sin. Trust and Faith in Jesus Christ is the Only way to be justified.

Victoria Lynn Pierson
January 3, 2023

Father we come to you in plea and prayer to foil the plans of TST. By the power of your word and authority I command a host of warring angels against these demonic spirits and their plans. We shall continue to pray until the event in April in Boston – IFA is an army of warring angels! Amen

Carol Jenkins
January 3, 2023

When I started to share through email the “Satan” article, what appeared instead of a link was Chinese letters. Is this an attack or is there something wrong with my computer?
Father God, I pray for your protection against Satanic attacks to our healing, our open hearts, our Christian faith. Only you have the power to answer our prayers. We praise you, we exult you, we love you above all else.

January 3, 2023

Thank You Father for alerting us to this event. Even now we declare all their attempts to plan and promote this event fail. Cursed be their every action against Your people and the unborn.
“The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against us will be defeated before us. They will come at us from one direction but they will flee from us in seven” (Deuteronomy 28:7). We decree that what they mean for evil, You God will use for good. “They intend to harm us, but God intends to use it for good, to accomplish what is now being done (worldwide) the saving of many lives. (Genesis 50:20). Display Your mighty sovereignty over evil. We break the satanic strongholds over America, and the world, over abortion, pedophilia, all sexual perversion and exploitation and trafficking, over animal abuse, over drug trafficking. In Jesus’ name we cover our children and our schools, colleges, and universities from satanic influences. We expose all their tactics and strategies of the devil and release their victims from spiritual and physical bondage. We transfer their wealth from them to the righteous with their money being used to spread the gospel. Father raise up child evangelists to start after school Bible classes in every school across America. We pray, decree and proclaim in Jesus’ name.
Amen. See how you can support child evangelism efforts in the local schools https://www.cefonline.com/

    Patricia Cashion
    January 3, 2023

    Yes! And Amen! Raise up the children and fill them with Your Spirit and May they have the anointing of John the Baptist to prepare the way of the Lord and the anointing of Peter to say “silver and gold have I none, but what I do have I give unto you”! I believe we are about to see an explosion of young evangelists that the enemy can not stop!

Brian lynch
January 3, 2023

Absolutely. Lord Jesus, we bind any and all satanic activity in the mighty name of Jesus. This includes the TST attempting to hold this event in April. We loose the power of Holy Spirit over the territory that the enemy has taken in our country. This includes any and all influence that he has had over government and the Global Elite. Satan, you were defeated by the first drop of blood shed on the cross by Jesus. Lord, You say in Your Word, that , Greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the word. We take You at Your word, and ask that this event fails to come to pass. Thank You, Jesus.

January 3, 2023

Father we take Authority over the schemes of the evil one and we ask that You would Expose! Expose! Expose! Expose them for what they really are. Open the eyes of the people to see the darkness and flee to the Light. We plead the blood of Jesus over Boston and over this Nation. As Elijah called down fire and the false prophets could produce nothing, I ask You to show that YOU are Yahweh and Lord over all. Let Your warrior Angels be released to bring to nothing the plans of the enemy. Father do it again! We say Nothing shall come of this plan. There “prayers “ will be to no one because you have placed a brass ceiling and walls around them that all that they speak would return back to them and will not accomplish what they desire. Those that are involved will be made exhausted and frustrated as their prayers go nowhere and NO power whatsoever is demonstrated. But we ask YOU Father to release Your Fire! Your Holy Fire on the city of Boston and on this Nation. Answer by Fire! Cause a spirit of repentance and the fear of the Lord to be released on this Nation as never before! Show Your Mighty Arm and reveal Your Glory and put the enemy in his place once again. Let every prayer that they pray backfire and produce the opposite. Let the people be under such great and heavy presence of God that they fall to their faces in repentance. Do it again God! Every curse they speak let it produce a Blessing! You are the God of Elijah and You are the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses, Paul, Peter, Philip James and John.! You are the God of Power and Miracles and signs and wonders. Do it God! We believe You can and will and ARE LORD OVER ALL THE EARTH. Do it again and let Your Glory fill the Whole earth as the seas!
In Jesus Matchless Name Amen!

William Woodcock
January 3, 2023

Good news, Heaven will be moved to this spinning planet earth! We know because the Bible tells us so!
Boston or wherever the “Evil One” resides will be no more!
Let them have their Satanic Gathering, regrets to any invite, of course!

Neil Gipson
January 3, 2023

Boston is finished and will be destroyed along with all the unfaithful!

Donald Vader
January 3, 2023

Father in heaven I pray that the enemy’s plans for this ritual in Boston shall fail and that all these Satan worshipers would become Jesus worshipers by the blood of Jesus…Amen

    JoAnna Toth
    January 3, 2023

    In Jesus name may it be done. And may no wicked act prosper at this event or in this world and may all who are following Satan open their eyes, regain soundness of mind and be released from his bondage and set free! 🙏

Denise Arnold
January 3, 2023

I watched such an event as this one scheduled for my small town of Plattsburgh NY this past year, it was timed for Halloween. There were several locations in the town planned for this “huge” event of evil activities, things we have not seen here before. Much was spent on advertising the activities, in detail, of what would be available to the those attending. Many local believers began praying and fasted about a month ahead. Two women went to each location under Holy Spirit instructions to walk each location (Like Jericho). They prayed and read Scriptures as they walked each day for 7 days, then waited on the Lord. The report came back a week after this event that it was not well attended, so much so that many vendors packed up after day one and left. (This was to be a 3 day event). Praise be to our Majestic God. A Mighty Fortress is our God. Storming the heavens, again, with fervent prayer for our families, children and the world. God is asking, my Beloved, you ALL in or not!

As for me and my house we shall serve the LORD!

    January 3, 2023

    Amen. And I will be sharing this with our prayer church group to stop this evil event. God is still on the Throne and he’ll will not prevail.

    January 3, 2023

    Glory to God

Linda Vaughan
January 3, 2023

Father God, thank You for Your holiness, righteousness & power.

We ask that once again their plans for a satanic gathering will fail & that You would be lifted up. That Your Holy Spirit would hover over anywhere they gather.

Thank You for precious Blood of Jesus & we plead it over America & the nations of the earth!

Satan is defeated by Jesus death & resurrection!

Thank You for hearing my prayer! In Jesus Mighty Name I pray, Amen!

January 3, 2023

Father we pray for the voice of Baal to be silenced at this gathering and that it will flop just as it did last year.

January 3, 2023

Absolutely I will pray! And I will share and ask other Jesus followers to pray. Thank you for bringing this to the world’s attention. May our Great Lord Jesus reign over this evil plan!

January 3, 2023

Dear Gracious, Heavenly Father, I pray You be a firewall of protection around Boston, MA & I pray Your glory fills that city a& that you would cause there to be peace, shalom, repentance, salvation, revival, restoration, reconciliation, and order within those walls of fire I the name of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen

Mabel Real
January 3, 2023

I am praying that our Mighty God of Israel will destroy the plans of the enemy TST and the other gatherings across our nation.

Robert Oziomek
January 3, 2023

This is an abomination. Pray that God with triumph and.

Robert Oziomek
January 3, 2023

This is another way to steal souls from salvation. Pray that their efforts will fail and God will triumph over this abomination.

January 3, 2023

I strongly believe that God is much more powerful than any of the groups that plan to do harm to those of us that know how wrong they are. We must keep praying and trusting.

January 3, 2023

Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

Jo Ann Veteto
January 3, 2023

On my prayer list that God will keep this event from being a success. 1 John 3:7-11. Satan is evil

mike grunewald
January 3, 2023

our Lord Jehova will forever ban Luzifer

January 3, 2023

Resist satan

Roger Collier
January 3, 2023

Lord Jesus we know that is not by our might nor by our power but buy Your Holy Spirit! You said this to Zechariah to tell Zerubbabel:
So he answered me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by strength or by might, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of Hosts. Zechariah 4:6 (HCSB)
It always has been and always will be by Your Holy Spirit! So we ask Lord that Your Holy Spirit move on all people and open their eyes to the truth. In Jesus name we ask, Amen.

Allena Jordan
January 3, 2023

Father, We implore You to send Your mighty angels to protect and defend the city of Boston. Lord, the settlement of this area began with the Puritans. Lord, purify this area once again through supernatural protection, spiritual awakening, revival, and powerful Holy Spirit encounters. Awaken Your people. Awaken those drifting. Birth those that are dead in their sins and trespasses. Let the glory of the Lord rise among the Bostonians. May no evil fall upon this city or surrounding area. Protect the people from evil.
I declare and decree that the plans of the evil one in this matter will crumble and come to nothing, all for the glory of God. In Jesus’ Name and by His blood, Amen.

Vicky P.
January 3, 2023

Yes but — u just posted that it is a resource we can check out.

Ellen O
January 3, 2023

In the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit we call forth angel armies to come into Boston and wage war against this event taking place: Wake up the City of Boston and restore morality and virtue. May Holy Spirit bring conviction and true repentance to all the woke Christians and non-Christians in the city. Wake up Boston and return to the God of our Forefathers and Founding Fathers who loves you!! We reject Satan and stand in the gap to intercede for Boston and beseech our Father in Heaven to block this event from taking place. Wake up all Christians to stand against this in the light name of Jesus.

Vicky L Payton
January 3, 2023

Lord, You say that greater is He who is in me than He who is in the world — so, as bad as all this looks, it is just Satan trying to take Your place as God again. BUT — the only tactics (weapons) in his arsenal are evil — so he & his & his accomplishments are all evil — but God’s weapons, our weapons — are much more powerful than satans!
So — right now even as we take authority over, & bind the demons & principalities & powers when they come — & we command those powers & Satan to loose those whom he has captured — we also take authority over & draw in & release (thru Your power) those of Satan’s kingdom whom You have scheduled to release thru Satan’s attempt. And we, Your intercessors, will stand fast & take our posts — to be Your gap standers on the wall. And we proclaim in Jesus’ name that fear is bound & that Your love NEVER fails. Lord, may this thing be ANOTHER wake up call to Your church & when Your church stands up to answer Your call, one of its main objectives will be to love Satan’s captives into the Kingdom where they can be healed delivered & set free — because Jesus came to set the captives free! And Lord, we pray that as we, Your intercessors take up & put on Your armor to do battle in the heavenlies — that You will send LEGIONS of Your angels to thwart Satan’s schemes in this enterprise of his. Please open the eyes of all Satan’s followers to see that #1:
Satan does not love them (as he claims), #2: that Satan is immensely less powerful than You, the one true God, & #3: & that when they escape to God their Father — that He WILL protect them from Satan who is NOT ALL POWERFUL as he claims.
We know, Lord, that this attempted Satanic display is a tremendous plan & opportunity of Yours to reach out to, save & set those who have been made captives — FREE. And Lord, please give us, Your church, a backbone — & replace fear w/ the faith we need to do batte for You & Your Kingdom! The Lord reigns, in Jesus’ name! Amen!

    Roger Collier
    January 3, 2023

    Yes the Church His Church needs to grow a backbone and ask what He wants us His Church to do! Amen!

Pat M
January 3, 2023

I recall Ana Mendez Ferrell has a video where she spent time in Boston, MA training the Ekklesia to see the demonic in their midst and the roots of it. It was very impactful to me that she and her team of intercessors/spiritual leaders gave hope to leaders in the church on how to deal with demonic structures. I am sure Our Father God has sent others to this city to expose the enemy claims to the land, people/bloodlines, and history/timelines. This is a season as we press in for deeper routing of the enemy stronghold as we war with Holy Spirit and the angel armies to supernaturally gain our victory which Jesus already won. Jesus wants us to agree with Him with all our heart, believe in His victory and know, truly know Him as King Jesus. Not for His sake, but for our own sake. We must remain in our armor and belief in Him resisting the enemy who must flee. This requires standing together (no lone rangers) and keeping the focus of faith. I am so grateful that IFA is up to this challenge for the nation and the nations. Thank You Father, bless You Jesus and unite with us Holy Spirit to be and do the will of the Father according to Jesus our only hope. You are our promised Advocate, Holy Spirit, and we need You to teach, guide and direct our hearts, lives and circumstances. Hallelujah to the Lamb!

January 3, 2023

The kingdom of heaven suffer violence and the violent taketh by force. We command satan and his plans t o be destroyed by the blood of Jesus. We command confusion in the enemy’s camp by asking God to dispatch warring angels. Amen

January 3, 2023

Lord of Heaven and earth, Holy Father God, YOU ARE GREATER! There is no contest between you and the enemy. All authority is Yours! And though it was handed over to the enemy by Adam, Jesus, through Your great sacrifice and ultimate victory over hell, death and the grave, You took back was what was always Yours! All authority, power, might, and dominion is Yours!
LORD God, we ask that You begin to flood Boston with Your Light. We pray that Jesus would be revealed to the people of Boston. The veil of darkness is being lifted and the scales are falling off. We pray You visit every corporate person and every individual involved in this with dreams and visions. We pray You place Your servants in strategic places to speak the blessings of God and their original destiny to them. There is no pit too deep that the love of God cannot reach deeper still.
We pray the Blood of Jesus cover Boston and all the plans of the enemy would be completely dismantled. That there would be no interest, no news coverage, no money, no vacancies. There would be so much light and glory of God permeating Boston that the enemy can’t enter the gates of the city. We ask for Your angels to surround the city and the proposed meeting place so evil cannot enter. Be a wall of fire, LORD God, around Boston, around Massachusetts, around every state and the nation. America shall be saved! In Jesus’ Name!

January 3, 2023

The Church, God’s people, the Spirit of God must definitely be on the rise.

Christee Coleman
January 3, 2023


Mary Banks
January 3, 2023

This is one of the most shocking things I’ve ever seen. I had NO IDEA the extent that Satanism has taken, particularly amongst Hollywood and so-called celebrities. People need to watch it. It’s a video that’s on Rumble: here’s the link: https://welovetrump.com/2022/12/31/video-the-truth-will-shock-the-world/
We all must pray that Jesus will give us the strength and power to withstand the tribulations that will undoubtedly come to pass.

Theodore Conrath
January 3, 2023

May Almighty God immediately, completely, and permanently crush The Satanic Temple and all the wickedness thereof! I ask this of the Eternal Father in the Name of His Only-Begotten Son, Our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who liveth and reigneth with Him in the unity of the Holy Ghost, One God, world without end. Amen.

    Vicky P
    January 3, 2023

    At Armageddon– God will finish it & not before — because Be has a schedule & a plan as He has laid out in Revelations & in all of His Word. Our job is simply to co-labor w/ Him.

January 3, 2023

In the mighty name of YHWH we declare that Boston will be saved and be a stronghold for Christan values. We in America stand strong against the evil underhand plot of Satan to destroy America. We bind up the evil forces that are working against Americans here on earth as they are bound in heaven. We loose Holy Spirit to have His way in our hearts here on earth as in heaven. Father change the hearts in our corporate board rooms, in government from the local community all the way to DC and beyond. May we fall on our knees in fact all the way prostrate and seek you will Father with all of our hearts. Father revel the corruption from the local community to DC and May we the people pray it out. Father we lay these requests at your feet and we know that when we come to you with a repentant heart you hear our voices. May we be your praying people and lead others in your perfect ways. We stand in the gap for our brothers and our sisters in the mighty name of Jesus. Father protect our borders and the men and women who watch our borders along with their families. Father protect our men and women who serve in all branches of military service protecting our nation and their families. We lay these request at your feet Father in the name of Jesus amen.

Jan Knapp
January 3, 2023

Dear God, I pray 🙏 in Jesus’s Name that you break the power of Satan! Bring down any strongholds and anything that stands against Jesus!! Tear down every voice that exhaust itself against the maker of Heaven and earth!!!! In Jesus Name Amen!!!!

January 3, 2023

Lord, we thank you that this Satanic plan will be stopped in the name and the blood of Jesus. We say Open Up the Gates of Boston Massachusetts and let the King of glory in who is the king of glory? The Lord Almighty mighty in battle is the King of glory. Amen and Amen

Jamie Heron
January 3, 2023

Google is preventing me from downloading “Warring Against Witchcraft” or any guide from the site.

    January 3, 2023

    Please try duck duck go OR brave as they are private so far! No ads either!

    Vicky P.
    January 3, 2023

    Yes but — u just posted that it is a resource we can check out.

January 3, 2023

Almighty Father, Sovereign God, You are the Alpha and the Omega, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I declare and decree that Satanists and trouble makers think they will attend this cesspool of evil, but instead they will be met with angels of the Lord and showered and flooded with the Holy Spirit – so strong that all attendees will go home glorifying the name of Jesus Christ! I pray for a mass salvation!

I also pray the Holy Spirit spills beyond as a cup that runneth over and that the mayor of Boston would be replaced with a God-fearing man of God and even Harvard, MIT, and all the academic institutions with experience a turning back to You, oh worthy Father of Lights. Nothing is impossible for You!! I pray that whatever the foolish evil spirits wanted to accomplish that those will fail and instead God will use what the enemy had meant for evil and turn it for good!!! IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!

Bill Johnson
January 3, 2023

We foiled ’em once so let’s do it again!! Arise pray warriors!!


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