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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that medical tyranny would lose its grip on this nation. We pray for a full end to COVID but also that the virus would not be used by Washington to take our freedoms.
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The CDC is once again changing its guidance, this time removing any justification for indoor mask mandates. This is important because the CDC has given the backing of “science” to all kinds of mandates. Now that they are changing course, our schools and other places may finally get back to normal.

From Fox News: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is planning to announce changes to the metrics that the agency uses in recommending facial mask coverings.

The change will move from focusing on COVID-19 case counts to taking a more holistic view about a community’s risk from the coronavirus. Current guidelines advise face coverings for individuals in communities that have substantial or high transmission…

During a Feb. 9 White House press conference, Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the Biden administration was “discussing what the next phase of the pandemic looks like,” noting that it’s an “ongoing process.”

“I would say that we are internally discussing, of course, what it looks like to be in the phase of the fight against the COVID pandemic where it is not disrupting everyone’s daily lives; where people are moving on and living, you know, lives free of, hopefully, masks at some point and many of the restrictions that we’ve all been living through over the past two years,” Psaki said.

Two people with knowledge of the shift in guidelines spoke with the Associated Press on the condition of anonymity.

Several states have dropped their indoor mask mandates as coronavirus cases nationwide are on the decline, as 77,458 new cases were recorded on Feb. 23, according to the CDC. That is the lowest that daily coronavirus cases have been at since late November 2021.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said that the agency’s approach will advise “enhanced prevention efforts” in certain communities.

What do you think of these new guidelines? Let us know in the comments!

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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February 28, 2022

Taking off the mask is probably easier said than done. For many, the mask has become their security blanket, believing that it has some type of magical power over COVID 19, Delta or Omicron. There are over 170+ studies showing that mask has literally no effect on deterring the micro size viruses (studies censored from sharing by the mass media. There is a psychological stronghold that now has to be addressed that was precipitated by the spirit of fear which has even been transferred unto our children.
So, Father God, we proclaim and profess that the spirit of fear be broken off Christians in particular regarding relinquishing masks. May our brothers and sisters instead trust in you and not the lies they have fallen privy to. May they truly abandon the spirit of fear perpetuated by satan and instead walk in love, joy and exhibit a sound mind so they control their thoughts of anxiety, apprehension and worry by resting in You. May the innocent minds of children be renewed so even at their young age they can be resilient and recognize that the only true healer is You and they can overcome this period of traumatizing that they have been so wickedly exposed to. We know that You make us new through Your Son Jesus Christ and ultimately, You have the final say. Amen.

Gail from Georgia
February 27, 2022

Such great deception on humanity regarding this weapon of warfare which is being labeled a “vaccine.” which IT IS NOT! IT IS THE POPULATION CONTROL JAB BY THE WORLD’S ELITE TO “CLEAN UP” THE POPULATION AS THOUGH WE ARE VERMIN JUST AS HITLER DID. I CARE ABOUT WHERE I SPEND ETERNITY: IN HELL OR HEAVEN? The hearts of the elite are hardened as the Bible says this will happen in the end times. I weep for all my friends who have died from the jab and are still dying today and especially for those whose lives have been destroyed from debilitating side effects, families that are trying to cope with financial loss of income because they can no longer work, the crush to our economy, the absolute persecution inflicted on nations of this world. What do you think Jesus should do now? I’ll keep thoughts to myself right now. We are to love the sinner BUT HATE THE SIN!!!! This world is not my eternal home. I am looking up a lot these days. And it is the joy of the Lord that no one can take away. God bless all who are continuing to be prayer warriors running the race just like Paul.

Marcia Hornok
February 27, 2022

I have been praying against the mandates since they began, especially the vaccine mandate which violates our medical autonomy and religious freedom. We have been lied to about the effectiveness of the vaccine as well as the harms it can cause. In 2012 the Armed Services had a huge spike in medical conditions (cancer, neurology, cardiovascular, reproductive health) among the troops. When this became known, the DMED covered it up by arbitrarily upping the stats for 2016 through 2020 so that 2012 did not look like such a spike. The AF makes no allowance for natural immunity and is rejecting religious exemption requests. As of Feb 3, only 9 out of 12,623 exemptions have been granted. Pray for Thomas Massie’s Bill HR 3860 to pass in the House to defund vaccine mandates for Armed Forces. Thank you.


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