Pray that more people would refuse to support movies with foul language and immoral themes.
I will set no worthless or wicked thing before my eyes. I hate the practice of those who fall away [from the right path]; It will not grasp hold of me. (Ps 101:3 AMP)
A lot of Americans are tired of hearing the f-bomb and other oaths uttered in feature films. The producers of such fare, in fact, risk losing audiences over it. So says a new Harris Poll, which has caught the attention of the industry itself.
“Using ‘Jesus Christ‘ to swear is the biggest offense, with 33 percent of the general public saying they’d be less likely to see a movie if they knew beforehand of that particular piece of dialogue. ‘Goddam’ was second at 32 percent and ‘f–’ was third with 31 percent,” writes Hollywood Reporter correspondent Paul Bond.
“Republicans are turned off by swearing more so than are Democrats, and it’s not even close. ‘F–,’ for example, will repel 45 percent of Republican moviegoers and only 25 percent of Democrats,” he notes. “The survey found that evangelical Christians have the biggest problem with swearing, with 90 percent saying they might avoid a film using ‘Jesus Christ’ to swear.”(From The Washington Times, reporting by Jennifer Harper.)
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Thank you for the Hallmark Channel and old TMC movies. Interestingly the old classic war movies conveyed their story line w/o one swear word or taking Jesus name in vain. And yet the intensity of war left no doubt. I agree it’s time to let Hollywood know, the majority do not want our entertainment saturated in raw language and immoral behavior.
Dear Lord,
Hear our prayers, Father God, the longer we live the more it seems the world affects us too deeply. Our hearts get so weighted down by the troubles we see and by rampant sin with its far reaching consequences. Refresh our hearts with Your spirit and wash all the grime of this life from us. In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.
I agree that Hollywood and most of the entertainment media has gone the way of the world. My husband and I rarely go to the movies and when we do it is a well thought out documentary with a message of restoration or hope or a Christian movie with a similar message. We see an average of 2 such movies a year. 10 years ago it was zero movies a year. So times are changing. I pray the change continues and overtakes the decadent. There are several good Christian directors and actors out there in spite of the harsh climate.
I agree with the gentleman who is praying for God to raise up more producers and writers for wholesome films. I join him in prayer and ask Father God to put it in the hearts of more brave writers, directors and producers to offer an alternative to the decadence by making movies that portray people making good moral choices with solid lessons of loving one another, helping one another and finding true redemption when they fall. We thank You Father God that you are raising up Godly people who will not tolerate or compromise your high standards. I thank You that American morals are being stirred and are being revived and challenging the status quo. I pray it becomes and explosion that ripples throughout our nation.
When our children were very young, we decided to read books together as a family. We have wonderful memories of stopping to discuss certain scenes or themes during “story hour” and actually stimulating ourselves to think deeply. Now our children are Godly adult citizens raising their children to read, communicate, and think. My husband and I still spend time reading books together, especially as we travel in the car on vacation. When one views a story on the movie screen, there is no opportunity to pause, discuss, and think; no, instead one is clearly prompted to merely “feel” — which is how a mind can be bent in the producers’ direction with such ease! I pray that we, families of this beloved nation, will begin to recognize the agenda behind some so-called art and entertainment, and then stop paying to subject ourselves to the propaganda designed to destroy us. Instead, may we rediscover the joy of shared, face-to-face experiences, such as eating together, reading together and praying together; in the process, may we become a people who think and then live honorably.
We seldom go to the movies because of the language and sexual content. We watch Christian movies on tv, there are some very good movies made by Christian producers. We do not use curse words in our home ourselves so why should we allow others to do it. It grieves us to hear our Lord’s name slandered. I agree that the commercials are disgusting also.
They are not making decent movies , they either have a curse or too much sex. Personally I don’t go to the movies. I find it very loud, those coming attractions might be too scary or too much foul language. We have become complacent, too liberal, accepting certain things that was not accepted before “What Happen America ” GOD BLESS AMERICA.
I am afraid you don’t get it, they have an agenda, to change the thought patterns of America. If you want to stop something, start a petition to label movies swear words rate them S. the much bigger issues that you may not be aware of is the needs for “Truth in advertising, or appearance,” almost all your News hosts are homosexual or tranys, as well as the movies you watch. Movies and credits even on TV & news shows, should be labeled with the actual gender you are watching, and what gender they were born with.
Pray someone here knows how to start a petition and actually does it.
We will turn a good story off when swear words are spoken. When good stories have a sex scene we turn it off! We are not watching much any more. We are playing games or puzzles and talking to our friends over dessert and really enjoying our time better. We enjoy company!
It’s not just in the movies, but also on commercial television that we are bombarded with such foul language. I remember when I watched many of the old shows (Gunsmoke, Paliddan, I Love Lucy, and such), that kind of language was unheard of. The problem started when the old censures retired and the new ones took their place. It’s as if the new ones couldn’t wait to change the rules, attitudes and minds of people. Even the sitcoms are in the business of language or language that gives the impression of bad behavior. If the show business industry doesn’t change their ways of presenting great entertainment, they will lose their audiences.
I agree, swearing is not needed.
I find it offensive and using Jesus Christ name in that manner is most offensive.
Most of the movies or even on TV or filled with evil, hate.
We need to turn to family friendly movies and TV.
Proverbs says- Train up a Child in the way they should go- We take that directive seriously. Hollywood writers and producers have saved our family a lot of money over the years.
Our small family of 6 and others multiplied across America WILL NOT pay to hear profanity, or see that 1 sexual scene inserted into most all major films. How many is too many? (1) One ONE.
We pray God will raise up producers and writers for wholesome films, portraying people making value or moral choices. America is ready for better choices.
Any movie with cursing, loses all credibility….the theme(story), no matter how interesting or good
gets lost in the midst of the foul language! What ever happened to the “real” ratings??
We have stopped going to movies & watching them also on TV…very few offer clean, decent,
non-cursing worth watching….who wants to pay for smut!? It’s a choice–as a society, we’ve lost
our moral compass…so anything goes!!
We find that many foreign-made movies are far better to watch with less and/or no cursing!!
What the ear hears, and the eyes see, remain in the heart forever.
I even have to quickly change the channel when victoria secret commercials come on as well as viagra.
I have stopped going to movies unless I know that the producer is a Christian group.
I WILL NOT support movies that abuse my senses.