I Prayed 442 have prayed
Father, we lift up the midterms before You. As we navigate the exciting and tense time, Lord, help us to keep our eyes set on You.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Analysis. As I was praying for the nation concerning the midterms, these words, “proceed with caution,” bubbled up in my Spirit. 

Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.


Moving forward from the midterms, I believe we must be vigilant and equally careful. 

Many voices have begun to prophesy a red wave again. I’ve seen memes all over my social media. Whether this comes to pass or doesn’t, our eyes must be fixed on the Lord. If we do see a wave of biblical candidates, there is nothing wrong with celebrating. The Bible says in Proverbs 29:2 that when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice; however, we cannot give all the glory to a political party. We can thank God for political candidates who live the Bible and will stand for righteousness, but the glory belongs to the Lord. 

If we can be honest, this was where we as the church fell short in the years past. 

In response to all the biblical policies under our former President Donald Trump, some Christians became lifted up in pride. 

Some Christians made an idol of President Trump. Some expected Trump to save America. He did wonderful things for this nation, but there is only One who holds the title of Saviour, and His name is Jesus Christ.

Moving forward we must proceed with caution. We know what proceed means, but caution means to be careful to avoid danger or mistakes. All Christians will make mistakes, it’s how we learn and grow up. A mistake happens once, but a choice happens repeatedly. Let’s move forward and not make the same mistakes that were made in the past.

I recently spoke with Donna Phillips, the leader of my state’s IFA prayer group. She said, “We have been appealing to God and pushing back the Enemy and exposing his plans.” She quoted Revelation 12:12, saying the devil is angry because he knows his time is short. 

That verse really stood out to me.

If we gain ground back in cities where he’s had a stronghold, do you think the devil will sit back quietly? He will not. We can expect warfare, but the Lord is a mighty warrior and He is for us, so we need not fear. We are on the winning team, praise the Lord! 

Here’s how we can proceed in the aftermath of the midterms.

  • Never Stop Praying

Whatever the election results, intercessors never stop praying. We will continue to take place as watchmen on the wall for our nation, for our families, and for what God has promised us. 

With all prayer and petition pray [with specific requests] at all times [on every occasion and in every season] in the Spirit, and with this in view, stay alert with all perseverance and petition [interceding in prayer] for all God’s people (Eph. 6:18 Amp).

  • Don’t Take the Bait 

Any outcome of the midterms will raise emotions. Don’t allow yourself to be pulled into arguments in person or petty social media squabbles. These are unprofitable for you. 

But have nothing to do with foolish and ignorant speculations [useless disputes over unedifying, stupid controversies], since you know that they produce strife and give birth to quarrels (2 Tim. 2:23 Amp).

  • Stay Humble

Humility is where many miss the mark. Let’s be humble. Remember the Lord opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (1 Pet. 5:5). If you would like to make a biblical study of humility, check out Derek Prince’s book, Pride versus Humility, available from IFA.

[S]o that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord” (1 Cor. 1:31). 

  • Love Is Powerful

Political affiliation means nothing when you remember that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice was for all mankind. Race, sex, age, political party preference, there is no one that Jesus cannot save. Should any of us repent, forsake their wicked ways, and call on the Lord, He will answer and He will save.  Let’s remember that to Jesus every soul was worth dying for. How we love others reflects our love for Jesus. 

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (John 13:35).

Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth (1 Cor. 13:6).

  • It’s All About Jesus 

If we see a red wave, let it be about Jesus. If we don’t, it’s still about Jesus.

Let our prophecies be centered around Jesus. Let everything we do be done for his glory and not our own. This is not us versus them. This is a spiritual battle, but the battle belongs to the Lord. Victory belongs to Jesus, and we are not praying for victory. We pray from a position of victory. It’s all about Jesus!

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Col. 3:17).

IFA has equipped us to pray since this ministry began and has continued to do so through God given initiatives like having prayer leaders over all 50 states. 

This is a “for such a time as this moment” let’s not miss it!



I thank You and give You all the glory, honor, and praise. I love You, Lord. There has been so much warfare in this nation and in my life personally. At times I felt weary, but You are so faithful to me. If the Lord had not been on my side, I would have given up long ago. Thank You, Lord, that even in darkness, Your word lights my path. My hope is in You. My confidence is in You. Therefore, I will not be shaken. 

I humble myself before You. The nation is in Your hands. No matter the outcome, You are Sovereign. Have mercy on us once again. I know that this battle is not against flesh and blood. This battle is about spiritual wickedness in high places. 

I pray You will strengthen Your church for the times ahead. Make us battle ready. 

Let us keep our eyes fixed on You at all times. Let the word of God be in our mouths and two-edged sword in each hand. Let us be ready to preach the word in and out of season. Let us love one another the way that You love us and be merciful as You are merciful. 

Conform us into the image of your precious Son, Jesus Christ. We want to be like Jesus. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Share your prayers for the midterms in the comments.

Author Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor to listen to her podcast Something To Share. Photo Credit: Getty Images.

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Elizabeth Lehr
November 10, 2022

Oh God we Glorify you! We Praise Your Holy Name! You are Worthy! You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords! We Lift the name of Jesus! Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit How Awesome You Are!!!

Linda Fisher
November 9, 2022

I just had this conversation, almost word for word, with a prayer partner. I am very concerned about the unnecessary and totally inappropriate attack on Gov Ron DeSantis by Donald Trump last night. It revealed a mean, cruel spirit that I hoped had been removed from Mr. Trump. I pray that he either humbles himself before God before the next election, or that God prevents him from running.

November 8, 2022

Well said. Thank you !!Let us all live by and follow these words of prophecy and wisdom that our sister in Christ, Gloria Robles, has shared with us. May God’s beautiful will be done in all our lives in accordance with scripture

and prophecy!! May our lives bring much glory to our Lord. 🥰🙏

Rita Pope
November 8, 2022

Giving all Glory to my heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ; and I can’t leave out Holy Spirit Who is ever with me. Thank you Lord for the release of Ms. Engelbrecht and Mr. Phillips from prison. Continue to hold them in the palm of your Mighty Hand. Let them be free and clear to live their lives in peace having won this victory over the enemy. In Jesus’ mighty name we pray. Amen.

Shirelle Johnson
November 8, 2022

its not about the man, its about the platform of what he satands for. if Gos is for him so should the body be. i think some take it out of context, he is not being made an idol, the bible says when yhe righteous are in authority the people are at peace but when the unrighteous are in authority, yhe people mourn. God is doing a lot of cleanup in the body as well as in the world. and if some dont get it right He wl expose yhem ope ly. its plain its good vs evil, heaven against hell, God and the devil. its a way bigger picture than a man. we know God is the One working, but He works through man and trump was doing a lot for peace. its clear whom this regime is fueled by. God said to pray trump remained in offic and a lot of this stuff would be avoided but you can see it didnt happen as God willed because we are walkimg out a hardship with more to come. a lot prayed but it was amiss and wothout power. Some say the election was stolen and I agree because the devil is not going to play fair no matter what. now we are seeing how the famimes came about and the other that is mentioned in the Bible. evem though we still stand and pray. to have pure prayer, you have to be pure at heart, some still arent, but God is working thay out. there a hotspots and pockets of revival all over texas, people who are on their knees crying out and calling out to God. prophetic words being brought to pass. the decil will never win but he has a te to reign. he is the god of THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD, NOT THE WORLD. we are called to maintain government until Jesus comes back, not government, but we work WITH God, not instead of God, thats how we partially come to this mess. No Holy Ghost, having the likeness of God but denying the power therein. I am not angry, just came on my heart when reading this. im not a trump rallyer, Im on the side of Gos and if He wants to use a donkey He very well can. I appreciate and bless you in all you do.

    Linda Fisher
    November 9, 2022

    While it is very true God can use even a donkey to accomplish his purposes, there can be unrighteousness on both sides, with neither being righteous before God. I’m afraid that’s where, with a few exceptions, the Republican Party is today.

November 8, 2022

Father, we lift up the midterms before You. As we navigate the exciting and tense time, Lord, help us to keep our eyes set on You. And give us peace as we step forward with your direction down the path you have set before each and everyone of us. I pray that we all ask for that direction on a daily basis and we each hear your response since when in rocky waters we need to navigate swiftly and accurately with caution and with confidence. Help us each to feel that confidence and strength in knowing that we are each doing our part for your glory as we go through the rapids ahead.


Ann Brown
November 8, 2022

I shared your site today with 10 new people asking for special prayer. First time I’ve felt called to do this. Praise Jesus. We must be BOLD if we go to his high courts in heaven through the Holy Spirit to appeal our case before God through the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Herb Johnston
November 8, 2022

People, we must remember.. the Lord God Almighty does not do anything without us. Everything that he did in his word throughout all of the history of the human race he did either through humans.. or in spite of humans.. but it was never without humans. Everything he does is about us.. either are success in following his goodness.. or the tragedy of us failing to do that-,..and the dire consequences that follow

November 8, 2022

Jehovah Nissi
The battle belongs to the Lord, my Banner, my refuge, he holds everything in his hands.
May the Shekinah Glory rain down on America.

Herb Johnston
November 8, 2022

Truth in action.
The action is us being involved.. the truth is our prayer life in Jesus.. and HIS implementation of His power in our voting process…and in our lives.
The reference to the church’s error in weakness-, of the last 50 years.. did not happen in a moment.
Of Course- everything in this life is all about Jesus.. .And-, we have been given tools to use in our voting system..and a glorious government- originally founded on God’s Word.. ( by the way, – if one can find the time to .. on Wall Builders .. which was taught by David Barton.. and I’ve seen it elsewhere as well .. that’s right it was in The Patriot Academy .. the language in our United States constitution.. some of it, that is.. is almost taken word for word , – from the Bible )and lifestyle choices- also based on God’s Word-, that guide how our society implements government in our daily life, as we know.
The tragic problems we are now seeing.. is because the church was not at the Forefront of maintaining the Christian influence in our seven mountains of culture.. going way back before the last 50 years.. although the influence before that time of evil.. in those seven mountains of culture was minimal.. slowly creeping in to change our society -,remember that is how the evil one works.. and works through the marxists.. and other globalist demonic persons. By the way remember that a demon is a person.. everything that God created- in terms of humanity…. even Jesus.. is created through personhood.
So the problem is that sometime in the last 100 years-, Marxism started creeping into the teaching of pastors.. which eventually, – and very slowly- led to the congregations believing that they should have no part.. in the administration of Civic service.. Justice, – and jurisprudence, – in our homes, cities, villages, schools, and municipalities.. and turned over their daily lives and the outcome of whatever efforts they did make-,..to bureaucrats, that had pretended to be civil servants.. but really had the Demonic claw of satanic globalists stuck up their backs.. controlling their every move.. and even when warnings started to abound on the internet-in the first 10 years after the year 2000.. they were ignored.. under the disguise of “we are not supposed to be involved in politics because of separation of church and state”,..and, “the internet is evil” .. ( like everything else in this life is evil )..we did not have the discernment to understand how to use that tool, – that is the internet .. which- finally now, more people identifying as Christians are finally starting to wake up to.
I only pray that it is not too little too late.
However I do believe what the Lord is saying through the prophets now.. which I would have never listened to before the last two and a half years.. is that America shall be Saved.
Never forget that sitting back in a church pew.. and saying it’s all about Jesus.. while living like someone else can run your life.. when In Fact- we are in charge of our own lives.. is an irresponsible, demonic, and cowardly mindset.. which we can never repeat again.. for however much longer we are here.. before the return of Jesus to take us away.. that the Great Tribulation would start.. before we come back with him.. to rule and reign.. and he sits on David’s throne for a thousand years.. before all that, – going forward things must.. Never- Never-.. again, – be allowed to be the way they were .. praise God that things are now changing…. we were intended to be a nation of Citizen legislators,-self-governing.. and for however difficult it is to achieve that.. it is worth it.. in whatever increments.. in whatever phases of achieving that-, it takes.. it must eventually happen.. any excuses of how large our country in population- now is, does not matter. Anytime human beings are given the opportunity to fall off the path of righteousness.. they have historically and tragically.. chosen to side with evil- and that automatically defaults to trying to dominate other people with their own wills and self-obsession.
That is why we are called a remnant.. the small group of soldiers who have managed- by God’s grace.. in spite of their own tendency to veer towards sin.. to stay in the ranks of God’s Army.. and make no mistake.. we are soldiers.. and it is an army.

Lord God have mercy on us all.. and help us to stay vigilant, – filling us with your Holy Spirit fire.. and your courage-, and blessing our minds with your clarity-, and let our backbones be made out of your strength.
In the mighty name of Jesus,- Amen

November 8, 2022

Amen, felt the same thing in my spirit late last night. I believe God is moving and believe He is overturning the darkness. However, I listened to someone yesterday who said they are hoping for a red wave but stated all election fraud issues have not been corrected and we may have just a partial one. I was disheartened. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. Humbling myself and looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Abba, you say in your Word, if we will humble ourselves and pray, you will heal our land. You are our only hope. Thank you for this timely word from Gloria. We do continue to look and pray to You and You alone. We humble ourselves and continue to pray against the evil in our land and will continue to seek You for our deliverance. We desperately want to celebrate a great victory tomorrow for Your kingdom. Abba, our times are in your hands. We look to you for our deliverance and not to a Red Sea event. Continue to refine us with Holy Ghost fire. We cry out to you, Abba, defeat our enemies and restore all that has been stolen. You are coming for a bride without spot and wrinkle. Fill us with your Spirit. We ask you to remind us by your Spirit to examine ourselves and turn from our own wicked ways. We do not want to miss what you are doing in this day and in this hour. Keep the revival fires burning, and bring glory to your name. Keep us faithful. Fill us with hope in You and You alone. We give you ALL the praise and ALL the glory both now and forevermore! We pray in Jesus name, Amen

    Herb Johnston
    November 8, 2022

    We are the tool, we are the weapon, that the Lord Jesus works through.. if you have resources.. that some of us do not have- such as regular income.. regular transportation.. and can donate even the smallest amount of time.. our participation in our own Survival..( through all of the administrations that I have mentioned in my previous comment in this thread..). civil service.. Municipal involvement.. involvement in schools.. are all where we need to be to be involved– in the Reformation of our society,where Christianity is again the Forefront of our nation- and the biggest influence in all the thinking..and in all of these areas

Fannie Cradoc
November 8, 2022

Father I agree with the prayer that was prayed. I felt that the reason why President Trump did not end up in the White House was because of idolatry. The church forgot that we should not have any other God before you. Father, Your Bride forgot and we ask forgiveness for focusing on a man or a group to save our Nation. We honor you Lord and we look to you to bring us back to your purpose and plans for our lives and America, in the Name of Jesus.

Anne Mukisa
November 8, 2022

Thank you…this is perfectly said…there is only one savior and his name is Jesus, to which every knee shall bow. The spirit of pride is a principality we have to attack as a nation…God will never share his glory with anyone for sure…will.continue praying at my church every Tuesday night no.matter the result..

Karen Kettleson
November 8, 2022

Thank you for this focus on Jesus Christ and the reminder of the spiritual war we are in on the election day.

November 8, 2022

Thank you, thank you, IFA, for this Biblical and balanced article. It is the best one I’ve read on this subject, and it is so needed, I hope every conservative Christian reads it (and that those Christians who tout non-Biblical stands do, too, and their hearts are changed to stand for His values). Praying with you and hoping for God’s mercy and a move toward His values in our country.

Mary Ann Levy
November 8, 2022

I am SO thankful to see this message going out to so many Christians! Just the other day in reading the story of Gideon I was struck how when Israel wanted to make him King he refused but asked that each one would give him an earring from one of the Dead enemy – he collected 40 pounds of gold earrings – melted them down n made a gold image – that the Israelites WORSHIPPED!! After having gone thru SO much – KNOWING God HIMSELF delivered them – they Worshipped the gold image!! They focused on rejoicing over the destruction of the enemy rather than the Goodness of God! Church – please seek the Lord in how to rejoice when victory comes!

    Roxanne Rice
    November 8, 2022

    Exceptionally astute comment. Even if we have a red wave, we must not hang our hopes on the government. God is saving America so He can use us as a launching pad to get the gospel out to the whole earth. It’s not about us. It’s about His purpose and His kingdom.

    God, bless our hearts to remember this! Amen.

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