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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, help Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, and all those who are fighting for election integrity. May Your will be done today.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

On IFA’s Election Day webcast, Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote appeared to share an update about her recent time in prison, which resulted from her exposures of Chinese Communist Party ties to U.S. elections.

For the first few days, she and Gregg Phillips were in solitary confinement and treated as convicted criminals. A prisoner ahead of Catherine in line turned and said to her, “Just remember, in here, your life is not your own.”

“We forget about our liberties,” Catherine said. “The reason I was in jail was failed government. This is why we fight for free and fair elections. This is why we participate civically and vote.”

Catherine was jailed in connection with a legal matter that led to the arrest of Eugene Yu of Konnech. True the Vote promises to expose even more about Konnech and its election-fraud connections.

“It’s game day. Don’t panic. This is a new day. Get our votes cast and counted. Stay in prayer,” Catherine told IFA.

Action steps:

  1. Vote. If you haven’t already voted, be ready for long lines. Anyone in line has a right to vote even after the time the polls should close.
  2.  If you see something, say something. Report issues at truethevote.org. Election day reporting at truethevote.org.
  3. Pray about supporting True the Vote and their efforts for election integrity in the United States.

Watch the full interview and pray for the elections:


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Kim Schneider
November 9, 2022

Correction Gregg PHILLIPS is with Catherine and True The Vote.

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Lauren Faust-Hethke
November 8, 2022

[email protected]

Father God, Holy One of Israel, thank you for hearing my prayer.
Protect all those working for righteous leaders to be placed in our government.
Who stand on Your truth, sanctify them by Your truth, Your word is truth.
Give us grace Father God, turn Your face to us.. I repent for all the evil committed by our country.
Bring justice to the wicked.

You brought Your children out of bondage from Egypt.
You chose Istrael. America citizens chose You. I am humbly asking Your righteous judgement against us in America be removed that we may be in Your favor again. That we not be cast into bondage into the hands evil corrupt tyrants.
You said in Your word everything hidden will be made known, truth will be made manifest. I pray for those who’s eyes are scaled and minds seared to be unscaled and unseared. Heal their minds as truth is made known. Draw them near to You Father. Touch my brothers and sisters with the healing hand of our Savior Christ Jesus.
I, Your humble servant comes to You through the blood of Your Son, our King our Messiah, Jesus, Amen!

November 8, 2022

I cannot get this video tp play. but PRAYING FOR OUR NATION

Rich Swingle
November 8, 2022

How WONDERFUL that our prayers were answered and Catherine and Gregg are out of political prison, and what a blessing that Catherine took the time on Election Day to be on Pray with Others Live! Glory to God!

It occurred to me that the timing of their imprisonment was in the run-up to the Midterm Election. Praise the Lord they made it out in time for the actual day! I’m certain this helped raise up leadership in their team, and it was wonderful to hear that they used their time well!

Unbelievable that they were put in solitary confinement, usually reserved for those who are unruly. It feels like a chapter from Tortured for Christ, and how the communists treated Richard Wurmbrand in Romania!

Lord, use this imprisonment to wake people up to the communist take-over of our nation that is being attempted! May we strike it down this day!!!

Jane Fain
November 8, 2022

I pray everyone who knew what they were doing has a change of heart and repents and if they refuse to I would hate to be in their shoes. God bless Catherine and Gregg. Lord keep them strong and give them ALL the hope they need at this time. They are SO courageous to do what they did!

November 8, 2022

Lord bless these warriors, in the mighty name 💥 King Jesus!


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