Luciferase: A Correction
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Luciferase: A Correction
Last month, IFA reprinted an article excerpted from NewsMax Reporter Emerald Robinson’s article, “What is Luciferase.” When IFA reposted this article, we changed the article to “Why is Luciferase in the Covid Vaccine?”
To date there have been over 150,000 readers and at least 4,000 intercessors have prayed about it. We received calls, emails, letters and over 60 flags raised on social media calling out IFA for posting inflammatory, inaccurate information and inappropriate reading material designed to cause fear and division within the community.
Since posting and based on feedback from medical research personnel who are also intercessors, the author made a few leaps connecting the dots which were inaccurate. Through her assertions, she is unable to either prove, or disprove, that luciferase utilized in Covid vaccine research and development was also included in the end product.
Luciferase was used in the testing of the vaccine during development because it allows tracking of proteins in cells. This information is used to study the effectiveness of the vaccine. The best we can tell, it is not “in” the vaccine.
The title was inaccurate and the article was misleading.
At the same time, the topic of the use, or potential use, of a product called luciferase, a bioluminescent substance used to tag and track biological cells and beings, is a legitimate topic to address.
IFA is concerned about what scientists are doing in the name of science. We are concerned about the loss of ethical safeguards and standards that most people believed were in place but are not. A prime example of this is the sale of and use of organs harvested from aborted fetuses for all kinds of medical testing.
IFA is also concerned about the censoring of questioning Covid shots, treatments, and development.
We take the publication of our articles very seriously. We ask for your prayers that we would be able to discern the truth as we attempt to sift through information. It is ALWAYS our aim to provide truthful news!! These are challenging times.
Our ultimate goal is to help you be able to view these various, and often difficult, topics through a biblical lens during this time of great deception to ask God to reveal His truths regarding topics for the purpose of making wise and godly decisions.
It is never our goal to contribute to the deceptions of today or any misinformation.
Over the last weeks and months, we did our own discovery and determined that technology to track those who are vaccinated by encoding a person’s health records on their skin does exist.
Before you say it is untrue, read this article in Nature from 2006 regarding the then emerging technology to utilize luciferase in quantum dot tattoo. This 2019 press release by Rice University explains what the technology’s purpose might be in the near future.
This is the fine line we walk, not only discerning the truth, but prophetically looking ahead to determine where the events of today are heading. Though we have determined Robinson’s stated usage of luciferase to be factually incorrect, we know that at some point the enemy of our souls will attempt to utilize technology to insert the “mark of the beast” onto or under our skin.
Technology in general, and especially medical technology, is changing almost too rapidly to keep up with it. We encourage you to learn about it so that you will not be caught unprepared or off guard. Proverbs 27:12 says. “The prudent see danger and take cover, but the simple keep going and suffer the consequences.” Our Savior admonished us to be “as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves,” in Matthew 10:16.
We do our best to report the facts, again with some biblical and scriptural support to help you see beyond the deceptive warfare of today, so that you can actively and earnestly seek Him and follow His wisdom and guidance that He imparts to you. We are promised that He will freely and generously give wisdom to anyone who asks Him for it and that whatever wisdom He imparts is first of all pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy, good fruit, impartial and sincere.
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What we can strongly predict however regarding Luciferase: not only are the officials enforcing the Covid shots at the government level, agreeing with the pharmaceutical companies that have produced these “vaccines” about the complete safety & effectiveness of the said vaccines, but they cannot show that these shots are safe nor effective to even prevent Covid19 or variants. Now, why would they be telling the truth about the Luciferase? Facts for Pro-vaccines cannot be supported, because the truths about the deaths, crippling disease and permanent disabilities, are carefully being kept track of by the Children’s Health Network, ie Bobby Kennedy Jr, attorney, and their contributors.
Why is it all who oppose the truth refuse to look at the proof of what the vaccines are causing, or just what the vaccines are not doing to prevent Covid19 & variants? Now why should they be so objectionable to people finding out about Luciferase? If you cannot trust the companies and the ones in our government who have caused the above, then we must maintain you cannot trust them to tell you what is even in the finished product either?
Im grateful that IFA brought more attention to the forefront through their error.. although ,..was it not an error of reprinting information that was inaccurate,-being that the information that was printed was originally stated by someone else. This format has been a wonderful place for me to focus and be part of the solution.. And it’s a huge responsibility- that to me- it is apparent that IFA takes very seriously- and are very concerned about the welfare of humanity,-and the application of Christian behavior and God’s Word to Solutions. I do wish however that everyone would stop using the term ‘vaccines’,-as there are no such things in terms of covid-19. There are no covid-19 vaccines. There are only experimental Gene Therapies.
The very fact that such egregiously satanic concoctions exist-..and need to be debated about- as to whether or not the actual wording is correct – – far outweighs context errors- when compared to the egregious risk of not only killing human beings but sinning against God- exists..and still ..everyone keeps repeating.. “vaccine.. vaccine.. vaccine”.. continuing to validate this egregious error as if walking around in some type of coma like haze..
As far as Im keep moving the ball downfield.
You’re doing a great and difficult job.
What about the ..*Glaring*-..fact-..that is the white elephant in the matter how many times this issue is pointed out-.. that there are ~Not..ANY- covid “vaccines” existence. They are experimental gene therapy- every one of them. That is how they change human d.n.a.,, that being among the most vile of crimes
therein. The longer this flagrantly irresponsible behavior is casually ignored..the more validation is given to the apparently uninformed- or – do not care about truth- ..masses-in pursuing this insanity..and corroboration given to the ” doctors” that are hiding behind the attendant veil of subterfuge that keeps their pockets lined- and feeds the insatiable addictive- sin nature of humanity in their headlong rush to do anything to be ” part of the crowd”..and continually generate useless hyper hysterical dialouges that impart a short spanned emotional fervor of having accomplished some great “philanthropical good”..while breathlessly debating useless rantings intended to render those participants some high- minded sense of oral contribution to public discourse..all the while becoming further ensnared in Satan’s round- up those who would take the broad highway to destruction..and worse- dragging everyone along that they can. Names are given a very high priority in Gods are titles. The experimental gene therapy provides no protection whatsoever from the covid-19 virus and never has. People are constructing their own demise at a fevered pitch. How can this Behavior be condoned or considered Christian in any way.
Though I am not Catholic, I agree with this article 100%
I prayerfully ask that each beleiver in the Lord Jesus Christ, read the truth behind many vaccines and how they were derived in the modern medicine of today.
And I quote “What we may not know follows. The most prominent cell line, called HEK 293, comes from an abortion performed in the 1970’s. It’s labeled 293 because that’s how many experimental attempts the researchers needed to get a working cell line. Therefore, though the abortion-to-experiment ratio is not precisely one-to-one, hundreds of abortions went into the project, even if they didn’t result in the working line.
HEK stands for human embryonic kidney. To harvest a viable embryonic kidney for this purpose, sufficiently healthy children old enough to have adequately-developed kidneys must be removed from the womb, alive, typically by cesarean section, and have their kidneys cut out. This must take place without anesthesia for the child, which would lessen the viability of the organs. Instead of being held, rocked, and comforted in the time intervening between their birth and their death, they have organs cut out of them alive.
There is no way that a spontaneous abortion could result in the cell line (as the kidneys cannot remain viable past the brief window in which they must be harvested) or that some brilliant researcher found a way for great good to come out of a rare tragedy by making use of a child’s body donated to science after it was aborted. The deliberate killing of an unwanted child (a little girl, in the case of HEK 293) took place in the tortuous manner it did precisely to obtain her organs for research. The harvest of her organs was the direct cause of her death, prior to which, she was a living child, outside the womb.”
May the Lord God of All Creation watch over you all and hold you safely in the palm of his hands.
Regarding HEK 293 as explained previously above: I cannot express horror enough or stomach-wrenching sorrow even remotely enough, for the children who have been aborted and given over to other humans who have thought it ok to experiment on a tiny baby even cutting out it’s little organs and while alive, to suit whatever they thought proper. I cannot either say may God have mercy on their souls who have done these things. Because God will judge them for these things that are monstrous crimes. I am appalled at their hard-heartedness and sickened at heart.
Thanks for taking responsibility for this correction. Misinformation gives your entire ministry a black eye, especially amongst those of us who understood the error of this claim the moment it was first mentioned. We face a mighty and powerful enemy in this, and we do not need to injure ourselves with inaccurate claims when our full attention should be turned to the real problem at hand.
Great job breaking down the challenges we face today of proving all things, dividing the truth, being sober and vigilant, and communicating and reasoning through tough but necessary subjects (Is 1:18, 1 Ti 6:18, He 13:16)…i respect your efforts and applaud your willingness to go there in tough subjects and respond humbly and as accurate as seemingly possible on possible errors…keep up the great work!
Thank you for all you do at IFA. But, the “Mark of the Beast” is for people who have gotten saved during the tribulation who won’t bow down to the Beast/Antichrist. The Tribulation is not here yet, it begins with a peace treaty between Israel and the Islamic antichrist. Believers now will have been raptured or died and gone to heaven. There is no Biblical basis for a micro chip. This line of Biblical prophetic misinterpretation is more of a conspiracy type of theory that has Christians all thinking they will have to be microchipped. This misunderstanding of Biblical prophecy is dangerous.🙏🙏
I appreciate IFA’s correction and everyone’s comments on this blog. In particular, I applaud Michael Guidera for the link to the components of the Moderna vaccine, and for pointing out that the Covid vaccine does not contain luciferase.
I thought it might be helpful as a Christian physician to tell readers the source of the name, “luciferase.” This comes from the Latin “lux, lucis” (nominative and genitive forms of the word for “light”) and the verb “ferre” which means “to carry.” It was coined two centuries ago by a French pharmacologist named, “Raphael Horace Dubois”, who was studying animals that glowed–such as fireflies, jellyfish, and the sea pansy. There was no intended relationship to Satan–just a clever use of Latin.
I was introduced to luciferase as a fellow in Pediatric Hematology Oncology at a distinguished children’s cancer hospital thirty years ago. I learned that it is the reagent (chemical) used in hospital diagnostic labs to test the function of platelets to stick and clump. Nothing more than that.
I hope this is helpful and constructive.
Thank you for the correction. I didn’t forward the original article because I questioned why a researcher would choose the title “Luciferase” for their substance. It all seemed overblown. Of course, I would steer clear of anything named for or after “lucifer” I kept in mind that the researcher could have been attempting to be a “wise-guy”, witty or something else.
Thank you for continuing to share from a Biblical perspective to keep us informed. Sadly neith our government nor our medical system can be trusted as they once were because the hypocratic oath has been ignored in our country and the world. This is a time of great deception and we must TRUST GOD, through His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. This is a dangerous time when the eneywill lie in order to deceive, we must look to God and pray our way through everything that comes our way. We must be willing to stand in our armor and value Him above our own lives. Only the remnant will, let us commit to being one in God’s army of surrender to His Will alone, even unto death if need be. Children of Christ, children of His great and glorious light! Onward Christian soldiers as the song declares.
COVID-19 Vaccines using aborted fetal cell lines
Thank you for the correction, but the church must also continue to sound the alarm that ALL COVID vaccines (gene therapy shots) are an abomination in the eyes of God because ALL of them were grown and/or tested using the cells of aborted babies and abortion is child sacrifice. No way the Word, who IS Jesus (John 1), condones parterning with child sacrifice for ANY reason at all. It’s also an abomination to alter our DNA as we are image bearers of God.
Vaccination is a curse (as well as an antichrist agenda). And YES, these shots were always intended to be a menace to personal liberty. Satan has blinded the minds of a great many today, including in the church, who are completely deaf and dumb to how he’s working through COVID and COVID “vaccines” (gene therapy) to steal, kill, and destroy.
Only the sickest of minds, similar to Hitler’s, could push policies that segregate and discriminate based on simply declining a shot – an experimental, DNA altering, abortion tainted, therefore CHILD SACRIFICE tainted one at that.
Good sanitation has prevenated, even eliminated the spread of disease not vaccines! And any shot (or medication) produced/tested using child sacrifice (abortion) is an OPEN DOOR TO SATANIC ATTACK on people’s bodies, health, and nations. NOT a way to protect one’s health. Jesus open blind eyes that they may see!
The Word of God makes it clear that NO Christian can take these COVID jabs or any vaccine produced and/or tested using child sacrifice (abortion). Let’s call it what Jesus would call it. CHILD SACRIFICE!
“Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” ~ 2 Corinthians 6:14-16
“Enter by the NARROW gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are MANY who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which LEADS TO LIFE, and there are FEW who FIND it.” ~ Matthew 7:13-14
Wait a minute , the luciferase has had a name change it is now sm 102 and it is for sure in the moderna vaccine, it’s in a hydrogel that is called grapheen oxide. Eye opening and forbidden are reliable sources of news.
I am honored and proud of the transparency of the IFA for making this correction.
While we don’t know for sure if it’s in there, especially since they won’t even disclose their ingredients list, it is for sure real technology that’s already been developed. They’ve already lied to us about aborted baby parts being used more than just those few cells they claim, so begs to question what else are they lying about? I don’t think it’s a stretch to question if it’s in the shot, and it very well could be. Christians definitely do need discernment, especially these days. The enemy’s time is growing short, now’s the time the warfare will be greatest. People need to stop putting their faith and trust in our government and “science” and start putting their faith and trust in Christ.
Ingredients in Moderna Vaccine
Please Watch The Following Video:
Most of the vaccines were developed in the US, by US companies. By what authority do the communist party bosses have to speak these things?
“1” = Create a biochemical weapon.
“3” = Make the weapon available within three years from 2017.
“5” = Ensure the effectiveness of this weapon to last for five years after being unleashed.
“7” = Completely paralyze seven countries (including “Five Eyes,” Japan, and India)
“9” = Release vaccines within nine months to blackmail the whole world. Currently, the CCP is manufacturing two vaccines.
“These Vaccines will allow us to globally eliminate millions of lives. They’ll also have another enormous benefit: They’ll allow us to develop a plan for the world to globally eliminate the world population!”
I’m grateful for people exposing the TRUTH! Please don’t allow anyone to intimidate you. That is what they are trying to do. How can we pray if we do not know what to pray about? We must have the truth!
Covid-19 (Certificate Of Vaccination ID-19) Look at At the top, click on, “Certification!” You will then see this: “Certification Mark” Lucifer Race is the name of the devil!
Of course I will. Thank you for your prophetic voice and I excuse the error in the one article. You have clearly explained the above and I resend many of your articles to 10 or more people I feel are Christian’s and politically conservative people.
Thank you for your God given service.
Blessings from Tanzania Africa where we are long term missionaries here. Orig from, Priest River ID.
Thanks for the correction, and thanks for the original article. Please do not let the need for this correction make you gun-shy in future articles. Iniquity is now abounding to the point that navigating through life has become the art of picking truth out of lies and misinformation. If we wait until there are no doubts before we publish, we won’t publish near enough to help people before the lies and suppression of truth of the Left get ahead and win time-sensitive battles. As long as you publish in good faith, and promptly correct any errors discovered, you are doing us a service. This is the fastest way to arrive at the truth so good decisions can be made in time to defeat evil.
Lucifer is light bearer in Latin. So perhaps the “light” has to do with the name. Granted I move away for everything with Lucifer, it seems like perhaps an apt name.
Why in the world would you make any correction to the last article? Just because you got some “blowback” from Big Pharma and their cronies? If they insist that you first article on Luciferase is incorrect, tell them to prove it – by showing you what ingredients are actually in those vaccines! Otherwise, revert your correction! You said it yourself…, “Be wise as serpents, gentle as doves”!
Enough of this pussyfootin around by so many Christians. Let the parmaceutical company PROVE that they do not have Luciferase in that vaccine.
One thing is for sure…, they do have fetal tissue in most vaccines – and THAT is enough of a reason for any follower of Christ to reject those vaccines!
Ingredients in Vaccine. Luceriferase is not one of them. The title of the article was lie. To keep credibility, when you make a mistake you correct it.
Thank you for your honest review and correction.
Keep up this challenging and great work.
We support you.
Luciferase or not . . . it’s already begun. Her connecting the dots may have gone a bit astray relative to the vaccines, HOWEVER . . . !!!
I believe we as believers must be very careful in speculating about how scriptures will be fulfilled. We must look to Holy Spirit to guide our steps through His word first and foremost. With regard to taking the sign of the Beast in Revelation anyone who takes the mark chooses to take it and also worships the Beast. The best defense we have against any of the enemy’s tactics is to be in the Word every day and living for Christ. We have a loving and faithful Father who will see us through each situation and decision.
People only would be fearful if they took the shot. The shot is of the devil, the seed of satan. Thank you IFA for being on top of the news. And you are correct in where the evil agenda is headed. There are plenty of articles and scientists describing the plans for quantum dot tattoos. Lord we need you
Thank you for the correction. Praise the Lord for your honesty and integrity in admitting to the error.
Praise God for correction and discipline.
I so appreciate your commitment to integrity and the willingness to retract and correct as you find discrepancies. As a journalist myself, I find we are in a propaganda/disinformation war and it is not an easy job to find the truth. It’s time consuming and tricky. Much grace to you and your contributors as you continue to report and lead in prayerful intercession. Blessings always!
So thankful for you retraction and correction; it show integrity and humility. We are fallible humans, saved by His Grace,Mercy, Sovereignty and Love. Glory to His Holy name, Jesus!
I certainly appreciate the correction, and still don’t trust nor will get the jab!,I had a mild case ,and take therapeutics, so I’m perfectly content with my natural immunity, God help us to be wise, and discerning and bless and protect us Christian people, and IFA,in Jesus name AMEN!
Thank you so much for posting this. I’m an intercessor & a pharmacist. I’ve worked in the Pharma industry for over 20 years. We’re not the bad guys we’re made out to be. My motivation is helping patients & advancing medicine. Like everything, My industry is not without corruption. We live in a fallen world. However, often people through the baby out with the bath water. I can’t blame anyone. The good we do is never highlighted in the media. But I will never be anything but proud of our contributions to medicine. There is unfortunately a lot of misinformation about COVID & the vaccine. I have been disappointed in the role the church has played in this & have felt like I’m fighting an uphill battle with speaking up. I appreciate this article very much. The enemy wants to divide us. It’s imperative we are discerning. It’s your choice whether or not you choose to believe me. I answer to God alone. I have a clear conscience before my Heavenly Father. God bless you!
The media is constantly praising big pharma. They’ve been pushing meds and the vax for a long time now, not just this vax, but others in the past. This shot isn’t even a true vaccine and is a new technology that’s never been used in humans before. Have you checked the insert that comes with the vaccines? It’s blank. You feel okay giving something to people when you don’t even know what’s in it?
Yeah, it certainly is an uphill battle trying to get the truth out there when having so many against you. The gov’t, big pharma, the media…that’s a real challenge.
We were thrilled to see IFA publish Emerald Robinson’s article and would like to see more along the lines of transhumanism published. We’re very familiar with Emerald Robinson’s reporting and see very little difference between her mistake . . . it was not a blunder, it was an easy to understand mistake . . . and our own independent research. Robinson is not off base.
IFA’s efforts to educate a woefully naive Evangelical nation should be commended. Shame on those of you who accused IFA of inflammatory publishing. May we remind you that satan IS inflammatory so any truth published about him will infuse emotion. Wake Up Sleepy Church!
Marta, you are correct. We’ve both had the Delta Variant so now have antibodies.
Santos, Mike Adams does tend to catastrophize but he is frank and accurate.
As usual, we recommend Christians research and educate yourselves. Discernment is critical in today’s culture and God gives us the ability to use His educational tools to discern truth from error. Luciferase was deliberately named for obvious reasons.
Heavenly Father:
Thank You that your Spirit infuses us with discernment and wisdom to recognize evil and understand the times in which we live. We ask that You continue to open our eyes to the ways of our culture so we do not embolden satan’s far-left enemies through our silence. Give us courage as we speak boldly about these Luciferian issues that are becoming prominent in America’s mainstream arts and entertainnent, government, media, science, and now the Church.
We praise You for Your intervention in individual lives but we also cry out for Your intervention in groups, particularly our government. We surrender evil leaders and politicians to Your Biblical judgment and ask that You restore the rule of law. Render the evil looters and murderers harmless and withdraw all financial resources from their organizations.
Father, we trust Your Son to restore America with good and Godly leaders.
In Jesus Name we pray 🙏 Amen
Overall, your articles are incredibly accurate. Once in awhile, something is bound to be incorrect or missing facts. That’s understandable when they sometimes come from other outside sources.
I find it incredibly odd that there are still so many people who take issue with an article like this that posted an incorrect statement or content…. yet so many of them doing the criticizing or taking issue take ” no actions” of any worthwhile measure against so much of social media, left wing news networks or other people and organizations that spread misinformation (lies) on a 24/7 basis. Those same people keep using Facebook, Twitter, watch CBS, ABC, etc. Hmmm?? Does not God want us to check our own closet first?
I appreciate IFA, it’s constant attention to today’s news, factual and truthful articles and your willingness to issue corrections. If only some of the other media sources would be willing to do the same, our world would be a better place.
Thank you for your correction, but the mark of the beast will be a voluntary thing each person does intentionally. It will not be done to someone against there will. People unwilling to receive it will be killed as martyrs. Maybe this technoligy will eventually be used for that, but will not be an involuntary process foisted on anyone. People need to understand that.
J Beal and Lynn Brady said it well. Thank you for being transparent and all the hard work you do. Know the Lords grace during this tumultuous time.
Thank you for the up-date. Your ministry is so vital. The days are moving so very quickly. We as followers of Jesus Christ need to be aware of the times we are in and aware of the enemy’s tactics, as you said, to be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves. It is so blatantly obvious that we are moving closer to the mark of the beast being offered to people.
Father, give Your intercessors and watchmen more clear and pinpoint vision. Help us to see what we need to see in the spirit realm, not to be afraid, but to be able to give warning. Continue to expose the fruitless deeds of darkness. Holy Spirit, have Your way in us. Bless this ministry. Thank You in the name of our Jesus. We love You and adore You.
Thank you for clarifying. Your willingness to admit a mistake and explain in detail makes me trust your information even more.
Why don’t the big Pharma give an FDA approval in all these vaccines? Because they can’t and can’t approve them Right? As soon as I receive A LOGICAL answer I wii consider vaccines Even if I got covid and have the immune cells Something one please correct me
I updated my comprehensive exposé yesterday with this info from two doctors with impeccable credentials, Dr. Steven Hotze & Dr. Jane Ruby:
QUOTE: “What is the peril of Graphene Oxide in the human body? What University level experiments have been going on for years to allegedly repair neural brain impairments? How is it that this substance is being found in the so-called vaccines? A quote from a South African doctor: “I found these graphene oxide structures in every single vaccinated person with symptoms. I was so shocked because what I saw in the patient’s blood, I also saw in the vial…”
This 50 minute video with Dr. Steven Hotze & Dr. Jane Ruby will further establish the diabolical nature of what the world is dealing with:
Again, all of this is being ignored AND suppressed by the powers that be, bought organizations and people in authority that are striving to reduce the human population dramatically!
My complete post with a massive amount of valuable info is here: We MUST continue in Prayer w/Fasting!
Pfizer has a patent that Luciferase IS mentioned in. I’m having a very difficult time believing that they just toyed with it during testing. It does NOT help their case that they don’t want to reveal what is in the vaccine for 50 years. God Bless You for being honest.
Believe it’s safe to say, although it may not be found, it’s still the main emphasis of evil control. I have immediate Family and Close Friends that Only after the vaccine became deathly sick with or with other problems. 2 of which have passed. The present leadership in America DON’T CARE ABOUT OUR HEALTH, called Control every aspect.
Sorry if you don’t agree, still facts, Scripturally Based.
I too had relatives That developed kidney disease and died of heart attacks when they didn’t have history o these illness and of course after they were jabed
thank you for the mature and responsible correction. This is one of the reasons I will continue to support IFA. We know your intention is not to mislead but to seek what is good and right. Thank You!
Wow!!! Unbelievable caving to the Left already?! Remember they did say vax are safe and effective so go take your shot and don’t ask what’s in it you have to trust the science. Shame on you all!!! Think for yourselves!! Use discernment science and GOD ALMIGHTY do not coincide HEAVENLY FATHER please forgive them all for conforming to this world we are NOT OF THIS WORLD!!! In JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY NAME AMEN 🙏🏽
Read the patent. It had 247 pages of background material and one page of claims. The author of the article has no understanding of how patents are written and took information in the background material where luciferase and other types of markers are used to identify and trace protein molecules. This tracing of proteins is not new and is used to study the effectiveness of the vaccine. It does Not insinuate that Luciferase is used in the vaccine.
The link above are the ingredients in the Moderna vaccine. Luciferase is not one of them.
Thank you for being transparent. However I don’t know that the information is incorrect. I have seen a video by a reputable doctor on the front lines of this war where she showed a video of the VAX under a microscope. There is definitely something in it that she could not identify but reacted to light like a microchip does. A coworker had a friend that traveled overseas and had a fake vaccine passport and was told after passing through the scanners at the airport that they “can tell if she’s been vaccinated or not”. Sooo There is definitely something in this vaccine that they are not telling us
Rodney Brown Pastor from Florida mentioned that His doctor told him that he was testing positive for the vaccine not covid. So vaccine are contagious Get me out of this confusion???
Yes, vaccines can shed. Usually live vaccines. This one is creating the spike protein in your own body, which people are transferring to others. People that have not gotten the shot have gotten sick after being around others that had gotten the shot.
Dearest Dave and the IFA Staff,
As usual, here you display the highest standards of transparency in journalism, and of your love for our Savior and for our Nation.
Thank you for this “expansion” and slightly needed correction about Luciferase which provides more information with well written depth.
This will be used for your good and the good of all of us.
Blessings Always!