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Father God, we pray for a massive revival of people finding identity in Christ and being freed from the shackles of sin. Thank You for saving and transforming this woman. We pray that her testimony of hope and freedom would spread far and wide.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As we pray for biblical governmental policies, especially in education, and for freedom of speech and religion, it is so good to be reminded that our God changes and transforms lives. This story of how this young woman found freedom in Christ and is using TikTok to share the gospel to LGBTQ people inspires us.

From CBN News: Arianna Armour is reaching millions of people on social media with the message that God can “remove homosexual desires and gender dysphoria” for those struggling with their identity.

Armour shares that God set her free after she had lived as a lesbian for 14 years and then under a male identity as “James”. She is now on a mission to share her testimony with people in the LGBTQ community.

Armour was born to drug-addicted parents but was adopted by a Christian family in 2005. She came out as a lesbian at the age of 7 and although she grew up in church she says she did not know Jesus.

“I was LGBTQ for 16 years. I was a lesbian for 14 years and a female to male transgender for 2 years, but I also grew up in a religious Christian household,” she explains in one video. “You go to church once a week, you put on your Sunday best, you listen to the pastor, you make small talk and then you go home and live your life how you want for the next six days.”

Arianna explained she eventually turned away from Christianity.

“Everyone was fake and cruel and I believed God hated me and was gong to send me to hell,” she writes on social media.

“I was LGBTQ for 16 years. I was a lesbian for 14 years and a female to male transgender for 2 years, but I also grew up in a religious Christian household,” she explains in one video. “You go to church once a week, you put on your Sunday best, you listen to the pastor, you make small talk and then you go home and live your life how you want for the next six days…”

Arianna also struggled with anxiety, depression, and even hating herself.

“I asked God, ‘Why did you make me a girl? Why couldn’t I be born a boy? This was the first sign of the Jezebel spirit in my life. The enemy couldn’t stop me from being born, so he had to try something else. He sent demons into my life from a young age,” she shares in an online video.

By the age of 17, Arianna says demonic spirits convinced her that God made her a girl by mistake. “But God doesn’t make mistakes,” she now understands.

But it was at that point of confusion when she decided to become “James”, and according to Godreports.com, she injected herself with testosterone and bulked up at the gym.

“The devil stole my identity from me,” she explains. “Through all of that, I was still suffering in sorrow.”

“I was really lost. I was depressed, I had anxiety. I was on pills. I was doing anything and everything to cope with everything that I had been through,” she says in another video. “Drugs, alcohol. You name it, I was doing it…”

“Now when I met Jesus I was still a trans-man. This was back in 2019. I had a crazy encounter, crazy stuff happened and I knew that I needed to get to know Jesus. Not religion, but Jesus,” she explains. “So for an entire year, I was pursuing Jesus while I was still trans.”

By that point, Armour was praying, spending time with God, and reading the Word.

“It all came down to a choice,” she says. “I decided to follow Christ.”

Armour gave her life to God in September 2020…

Now, millions hear Armour share hard-hitting truths on TikTok. Most recently, she shared a message that while there are LGBTQ people who are seeking God and religion, her own experience tells her you can’t be LGBTQ and be a Christian…

“I loved Jesus and I believe you can be LGBTQ and love Jesus. I believe you can be a sinner who loves Jesus, but I don’t believe you can be a sinner who is a true Christian. I don’t believe you can be LGBTQ and be Christian because a Christian is not somebody who says ‘I believe’. A Christian is actually someone who lives it out. A Christian is actual a disciple of Jesus Christ,” she continued.

How are you praying? Share in the comments!

(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: Unsplash)

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Tammy Shaver
February 28, 2022

That is just powerful. So true. There is a decision that has to be made… A mark of delineation has to be made. A turning. However you want to word it. If we’re not changed, we’re not abiding in Christ or letting Him abide in us.

February 27, 2022

I praise God for His love in setting Arianna free. Her statement about a “true Christian” being an “actual disciple” rather than one who merely professes “belief” is good. She should also realize, however, that it is not possible to “love Jesus” and be LGBTQ. (Or anyone else living in habitual “sin”) Jesus said that the one who “loves” Him “keeps [His] commandments.” (John 14:21) It is possible for such individuals to be “seeking” Jesus as Holy Spirit convicts and draws them…to be hungry for truth and the knowledge of God, but that is not the same as “loving” Jesus. We love because He first loved us. (I John 4:19) The one who knows the love of Christ is the one who has been set free from the bondage of sin. (Luke 7:47) Such a one will have a heart filled with gratitude, praise, and love for the Savior! May our sister, Arianna, continue to grow and serve and see much fruit in her new life!

Lori Meed
February 27, 2022

Father, Your word is clear that when Jehu went to confront Jezebel, it was THE EUNUCHS who responded and threw her down. I praise You and thank You for the many ‘eunuchs’ who have renewed identities in You who are throwing down Jezebel’s lies and calling others out of darkness into the light of Christ. Increase their numbers! We call them home and open wide our arms as the Body of Christ to receive them and love them to life. I ask for revival in this community – an awakening to truth and life and hope in Christ Jesus. ‘Such WERE some of you.” 1 Cor.6:11


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