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Lord, we renounce antisemitism in America. Expose the horrors of Hamas to all, and make America a strong ally of Israel.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard professor emeritus and a longtime Democrat, has expressed his disappointment with the Democratic Party and warned that the pro-Hamas protests could shape the future of our nation.

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“I am no longer presumptively voting for Democrats,” Dershowitz said in an interview with Just the News. “I’m gonna vote for whoever is the best candidate, [and] that may include Democrats, but I have no loyalty anymore to the party.”

He criticized the party for not being vocal about the pro-Palestine protests at Columbia University and expressed disappointment with the lack of response from Democrats, including President Joe Biden and Sen. Chuck Schumer.

“We’re hearing nothing from Democrats,” he said. “We are hearing nothing from Chuck Schumer. We’re hearing nothing really direct from President Biden. He made a very disappointing statement. In the same breath, he talked about the demonstrators in passing, and he said: ‘But you have to understand the Palestinian situation.’ No, you don’t have to understand the Palestinian situation when people are calling for rape and murder and beheading. The Democrats are an extraordinary disappointment.”

Dershowitz also criticized college admissions and DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) policies, asserting that these contribute to the problems being seen at the elite universities. He claims that many of the protesting students were admitted to the schools due to DEI and foreign funding rather than their academic qualifications.

Dershowitz expressed concern that students who are likely to become our leaders in the future are out there chanting pro-Hamas slogans. He interprets that as an endorsement of violence and crime. Moreover, he fears what these attitudes may lead to in the future.

We’re hearing the future leaders of America chanting ‘We are Hamas.’ In other words, ‘We are rapists. We believe in raping Jewish women. We are beheaders. We are kidnappers. We are murderers.’ That’s what they’re chanting,” he warned. “And these are people who will run for Congress in 10 years from now, who will be partners at law firms, and who will be working in the editorial rooms of CNN, and The New York Times. And these are people who have the worst values. You say they’re kids; well, they’re kids — so was Hitler Youth! Remember who brought Hitler to power: students at the University of Munich.”

What do you think of this sobering warning? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Photo Credit: SWinxy – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia)

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Karen Secrest
April 29, 2024

I’m praying that this professor who was courageous enough to speak the Truth will also know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
I never thought I would be on my knees against the evil the world saw until 1945
I Trust the Father Will Lea f and guide us so we can defeat the beast t a h ain’t. This has ceased to be Israel and America but mulplied nations thspirit of dominance has entered so we bind the S Troutman. Spoiling his defenses and ask the Father to let them destroy each other even as King Nebucanneuser .

April 29, 2024

Finally, some of the Jewish people are waking up to this situation. May all people realize that this is a murderous group of thugs and continue to speak out against Hamas, the dem party who don’t have their our interests. May we all speak out against anti-semitism! Let us pray together to fight the demonic spirits trying to take over our God-given rights.

April 29, 2024

Father, forgive America. We cry out to You for help for this nation and world. You are our only Hope. In Jesus Name amen.

Billie J. Minor
April 29, 2024

I am greatly encouraged by Alan Dirshowitz’s persuasions into the character that shows the true face of the Democrat leadership. I am polar opposite to his former dictates in the evolving ideals of his Dempcratic party. He has always been a leader, scholar, and especially in Academia. May he continue to espouse the views that strengthen and support Israel and all things Jewish.


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