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O Lord, we lift up this situation before You. Pornography is an evil corruption of Your creation, and it has been shown to be addictive and damaging. We humbly ask You to protect our children from this perversion.
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A judge has blocked Texas’ attempt to protect kids from pornography. How will this decision affect other states that have passed similar laws?

From Washington Examiner. A United States district judge blocked enforcement of a Texas law requiring pornographic websites to verify a user’s age …

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U.S. District Judge David Alan Ezra granted a preliminary injunction blocking H.B. 1181, Texas’s newly passed age verification law, a day before it would go into effect. Pornhub, alongside several other pornography sites and the Free Speech Coalition, filed a suit against Texas on Aug. 11, alleging that the law violated several constitutional rights, including those guaranteed by the First Amendment. …

Ezra also agreed with the Free Speech Coalition’s suggestion that Texas could achieve its goal of limiting child access to pornography through other tools, such as “parental filters.” …

H.B. 1181 would allow the Texas attorney general to sue adult content-hosting websites for more than $3 million a year if they do not verify user ages with a government I.D. before giving them access. The law also requires adult websites to display a “Texas Health and Human Services Warning” in 14-point font alongside requiring users to verify their age. …

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(Excerpt from Washington Examiner. Photo Credit: Wesley Tingey on Unsplash)

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Ann NMN Shaw
September 10, 2023

Praises to God for raising up faithful believers to encouraging Christian watchmen to protect our families.

September 5, 2023

Age is not the issue here. Adults are usually the ones committing the sex crimes so someone of age could be tapping in and it would fuel his heathen desires. We need to block pornography altogether. But how, since so many have different opinions of what is pornography? We need to get people saved and until they are, it just needs to be blocked period! If we do baby steps and just block it for underage for now, so much damage could still be done. We so need God’s wisdom on this. Jesus didn’t stop people from sinning until they came to Him and then He’d heal and say go and sin no more.

September 5, 2023

FATHER, man has changed;
Laws(CA pedophilia consent age),
Definition of Words(vaccines)
Diagnosis(gender confusion)
Rom1 states YeHoVaH gave them over to;
1. Evil desires of their hearts…
2. Shameful passions…
3. Depraved mind…
Verse 32… those who practice deserve death, they that do them BUT WHO ALSO APPROVE AFFIRM CELEBRATE of others who practice the same!
FATHER, open up the eyes of your Ekklesia to YOUR TRUTHS IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

    Ellen Hoffman
    September 5, 2023

    “The heart is desperately wicked, who can trust it?” From Jeremiah 17 (my paraphrase)
    Man has not changed from the beginning. Technology has. Without Christ we are all wicked, selfish.

Peg B
September 5, 2023

Heavenly Father, we thank You that we can bring this prayer petition before You now. Lord move the heart of Judge David Alan Ezra to make a proclamation and put in writing “Build the temple of God in the children”. Cause him to establish protection from inappropriate sexual content. Send away Pornhub and separate them from our children. We confess we have sinned greatly in not protecting our children from this sin and turn away from it now. Dismantle this Goliath of sexual perversion, protect our children from the evil one and bring us into right standing once again with You. In Jesus’ mighty name we proclaim this victory and give You thanks. Amen

September 5, 2023

I declare “it shall not stand; it shall come to pass.” Isaiah 7:7

Joseph Sullens
September 5, 2023

Father, We lift up U.S. District Judge David Alan Ezra before You and ask that he wold be convicted of sin, righteousness, and judgement concerning H.B. 1181 and come into agreement with the US Supreme Court that pornography is NOT covered under the First Amendment!
We st and in agreement with the people of the state of Texas against the evils of pornography and the evils associated with it!
We have seen how a similar law works that was enacted here in Louisiana that prevents anyone under 18 from viewing pornography.
We stand with the victims of pornography and those who have been addicted to it and we tear down this fortress of filth and villainy in the Name of Yeshua haMeshiach!
We ask for an angelic presence in U.S. District Judge David Alan Ezra’s courtroom and cast out all demonic influence that would hinder this law from going into effect and protecting the children of the state of Texas.
We further declare and decree that Porn Hub and it’s subsidiaries and it’s parent company Mind Geek will be exposed for their evil intentions and that they will be utterly destroyed by the power of Your righteous right hand!
In Yeshua’s Name. AMEN!

    Wayne Wakefield
    September 5, 2023

    Lord, I pray for the creators and purveyors of pornography, strongly convict them of their sins. Do whatever it takes for them to acknowledge and repent of the terrible damage they are doing to the men, women and children of America; to bring them to a relationship with Jesus Christ. And I agree with the prayer of Joseph. and the other intercessors. Amen

September 5, 2023

My heart continues to ache at we continue to see. LORD, Help. Leaders reflect the hearts of the people. We need You to invade US Abba Elohim. Create new hearts in Your people. In Yeshua’s Name. Amen.


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