As the “Abraham Accords agreement was being signed at the White House, which states the Arab and Jewish peoples are descendants of a common ancestor, Abraham, it appears the God of Israel may have emphasized through Hurricane Sally…that the Land of Israel is for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’s descendants, not Ishmael’s.”
It’s no accident that Sally, the name of the Hurricane, is actually a name derived from the biblical name Sarah. Sarah, the wife of Abraham, is mother to Isaac and Jacob. Sarah is the rightful wife of Abraham. Together, their descendants include King David and the Messiah Jesus–a royal lineage that does not run through or is not connected to Ishmael (who was born to Abraham from the prostitute Hagar).
Is this hurricane God’s declaration to us as Israel is being divided and shared, that it is His covenantal land for His people alone? It’s as if the Lord is supernaturally amplifying that to us loud and clear with Hurricane Sally (Sarah). Pray into that. Pray that the Israeli government officials and the Trump administration would not seek to divide the land given to His covenant people.
As God’s word declares in Genesis 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
Are we cursing the people of Israel by assisting in giving away covenantal land? Share your thoughts and how you are praying about this below.
You can read more about the concept of God’s supernatural reactions and warnings to us regarding dividing the covenant land of Israel is documented in the book “Eye to Eye” by William Koenig, a White House correspondent at
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I thank you Lord that all of your blessing are yes and amen. I thank you Lord that we fall under the blessings of Abraham our father in the faith. I thank you Lord that I was grafted in to your Holy nation and your family through the blood of Christ. Amen
Help us pray with your holiness in mind. Let us not pray, or sign, or speak anything across our land that brings us a curse. Forgive us if we have already done wrong in your eyes. Lead us from now on, to do perfectly what you would have us do regarding your Israel. It is yours and we acknowledge that. You are the one who knows whom your rightful people are to own it under your direction. For we do not know the years of mixture of the peoples like you do Father. Come and show us and other nations what to do. And may we not assume in our own minds. You Jesus have shown us that unless the Father tells us what to do we can do nothing. To you be all the Glory, and power and dominion. Amen
I’m not sure I completely understand the ties here, however a year ago I did have a vision. I did not know what it applied to but it was short and clear. I saw a map of the united states. Then a red sonar dot started blipping. Then the picture zoomed in closer to the red sonar blip. It was just to the east of the Texas border. That was the entire vision. I wrote it down and had no idea what it meant. I looked up whatever was just to the east of Texas where I saw the sonar blip. The nearest location that it was was Lake Charles, Louisiana. I have never heard of this place and in googling it I had no idea why God would shot me a sonar blip in that place. I then forgot about it until a couple of weeks ago and friend of mine on facebook shared an article about the tragedy in Lake Charles. IMMEDIATELY I had a quickening in my spirit reminding me of my vision. God is definitely telling me something about this hurricane and I’m still not fully sure what it is.
My heart is heavy to hear of foolish attempts to cut up the already tiny land of Israel when every other middle eastern country is many times larger than Israel. God will not be mocked. We must repent from this myopic attempt to bring about what God has said should not be!
Wooow. This is too big of a leap. If this was a message, why didn’t God just name the hurricane Sarah? Maybe the name Sally was intentional, who’s to say God isn’t actually just trying to remind us of Sally Ride?
It could be, but there are so many storms, and other natural, and man made, disasters, that to pick one out which somewhat coincides with the peace deal signing is not a sure thing.
Additionally, the Lord’s favor is on the President – and on his children.
As of this moment, we have not divided the Land under this President.
Let us pray that he shall not do so.
Dividing the Land is a red line in scripture. We have to look at what is going on in historical terms and recognize that the President’s list of accomplishments, including pro life, pro church, pro Israel, are becoming overwhelming.
Stay vigilant because this is a bottom line issue. That land is like no other real estate.
My estimate is that, at this time, the President is in the positive on The Lord’s blessing to Israel scale.
One thing Dan, Hurricane Sally was more than just “one of many” disasters which coincided with the peace deal signing. I watched the peace deal signing by livestream on my phone – and the channel I watched on had the main screen showing the signing, with a small screen in the corner, showing radar footage of Hurricane Sally.
I wish I could attach a screen grab I took of the four leaders holding up the signed documents, while Sally swirled in the bottom corner of the screen. There was something profound about watching this in real-time. (unfortunately ifapray doesn’t allow photo attachments to comments).
Coincidence? Perhaps — I guess that’s why the title of this article is a question, “Is Hurricane Sally a Message to Us?”
We’ll have to use discernment and decide for ourselves.
Be Blessed
Micah – I agree! I walked by the television in our office and had the same thought as I saw the two side by side. Did you say you have a picture of that? You can send it to us as [email protected]. We would love to add it to the story.
Hi Micah.
My sense is that the Lord is in this historical coming together between Israel and the several of her Middle East neighbors. He has a purpose in it to benefit Israel, and to counter Iran, among other things. I could be wrong. My understanding is that we have not yet been party to dividing the Land, which is bottom line. I could be wrong. We did request they put on hold the sovereignty extension, which we originally proposed, over 30% more of Judea and Samaria, and The Jordan Valley (minus Jericho). It is possible that this displeased the Lord.
I have been closely watching and praying over this issue for several decades. I remember H.W. Bush demanding Israel stop settlement building in Har Homa, threatening we would cease being their guarantor for loans. Immediately, a storm wiped out the Bush family Kennebunkport home.
Let’s pray fervently for our beloved President and for Jared on this whole matter. Up until now, his many pro Israel actions are answers to many years of prayer.
I suppose it can be that His favor be upon the President at the same time He sends a warning.
That’s not how I see this particular storm.
Blessings and Love,
Dan Chapman
Lord God…Open the eyes to see and ears to hear of those in this Administration and Israel the message of never taking land away from Israel no matter the reason. For the preservation of our nation…Israel and its people we must take warning of the things in our past that prove this to be true. Lord forgive us for this travesty help us to walk closer to You and your word and heed your advice in these matters. Give our leaders Your Wisdom from above to be able to discern the plans of the enemy to always take land away from Your Chosen Property Israel. No matter the end cause or purpose let them no longer be deceived. In Jesus name.
Yes, Lord. Please, please, make it all so evident and simple to us Your exact directions, no matter the end, so we will completely understand. In Your name and under Your Son’s holy, precious blood I pray.