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Father, we pray that You would protect us from vaccine mandates. May decisions be made in wisdom in the government, both local and federal.
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Biden received his latest booster in front of America to promote vaccines for children. Let’s pray against mandates, especially for kids.

From Fox News. Fox News medical contributor Dr. Nicole Saphier criticized the White House on Tuesday for turning President Biden’s COVID-19 booster into a public spectacle to promote vaccines for Americans ages 5 and older, despite there being no public clinical data to support its benefit for young people.

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In a speech before receiving his booster shot earlier Tuesday, Biden said that the country has a long way to go in getting people up to date on their vaccinations and called on “all Americans” to get boosted against COVID.

Saphier said the White House has resorted to a “political stunt” get more Americans boosted because out of the 180 million bivalent boosters they purchased, only about 19 million have been administered.

“I think the White House and the CDC must have the strongest PR campaign ever,” she said on “America Reports.” “This truly is a political stunt at this point.”

Biden, who turns 80 next month and has a cardiac medical history, is in the highest-risk category, which makes him an ideal candidate for the booster, Saphier said. But the CDC’s recent recommendation to make the vaccine mandatory for healthy children ages 5 and up doesn’t sit well with her, she explained. …

Saphier echoed other medical professionals who denounced the CDC’s decision, citing a lack of clinical data demonstrating the benefit of the vaccine in younger, healthy people. …

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine professor Dr. Marty Makary also criticized the CDC for recommending the COVID vaccine as a requirement for young children in a Fox News appearance last week, warning that the move will further fuel vaccine hesitancy surrounding childhood immunizations. …

What do you think of this? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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November 1, 2022

Father God you’re in full control of what’s going on in our world and you see all the evilness around us may you always give us the boldness and courage when we need to rise up and speak the truth thwart the schemes of the devil in Jesus name I pray you see what’s going on with everyone that does not have good intentions expose them all in Jesus name I pray

Esmeralda Winchell
October 28, 2022

I find it funny that people still think the covid vaccine keeps them from getting covid. It doesn’t you’ll just get a milder case of it if you do. When will people open their eyes. Lord thank you for the truth.

Karen Secrest
October 28, 2022

LOL it was actually Vitamins. Had nothing to do with covid6 or flu or common cold….

October 28, 2022

Thank You Father for exposing the truth about the vaccines for children. We pray that states would not adopt the CDC’s recommendations for COVID vax requirements.

Janice Rhodes
October 27, 2022

Vaccine mandates for children is a form of coercion that is not acceptable in the US. Parents need correct information and no pressure from the CDC that just wants assist the pharmaceutical companies to make profits at the expense of children’s health. The injection is experimental and way too many side effects. I pray for parents to stand up and refuse this government overreach. I pray that pediatricians and schools will not push this.

October 27, 2022

Every time biden, the cdc, harris, opens their mouths, they lie! Why would we believe anything they say? Of course he didn’t get a real booster! Why would he when he is part of the conspiracy to use covid and vaccines to depopulate America! The only prayer I have for biden and cronies is: FATHER GOD please send laborers to biden and his cronies for salvation! If they refuse, please remove them quickly from office and the public square in JESUS NAME! Amen

Roxanne Rice
October 27, 2022

Thank You, Father, that the CDC made this a recommendation and not a mandate. I pray that every state and school district will JUST SAY NO!

Open the eyes and hearts of those who will be making the decision, to recognize the danger to our children for no good purpose. Protect our children. Let the truth come out strongly and lies be exposed. I pray complete recovery for all children who have been harmed by this shot.

Sue Tracy
October 27, 2022

Lord God, We ask you to protect our rights to choose; this policy of making the Covid-19 shot mandatory for children is not in alignment with your will and may even harm our children; please bring an abrupt end to this requirement and protect our freedom to choose what is best for our children. Amen

October 27, 2022

Seeking as how I read the Pfizer president of international markets admitted in a hearing in the European Parliament that the shot was never tested to see whether or not it would prevent the transmission of covid, this is TOTALLY a hoax to endanger our children. There’s great risk with no assurance of effectiveness. And how do we know he really got the covid shot and not just saline.We need to pray for eyes to be opened.

Collin Williams
October 27, 2022

The evil ones will continue to force feed us fake narratives as long as they can. I personally believe that they are not even given or taking the real jab, since it was designed to kill people.

    Eileen L Fields
    October 27, 2022

    Exactly! I believe the Same thing!! So many kids have heart problems and have died because of these vax’s! Crazy!

    Polly v Walker
    October 27, 2022

    Amen! I belive same thing . There no truth in them.


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