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Father, we pray that You would keep China in check. As Xi strengthens his dictatorship, prevent that nation from threatening or harming us.
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While working against America from both inside and outside our borders, the CCP sees its leader, Xi Jinping, begin a third term in office. We must be constantly praying over this hostile nation.

From Bloomberg. Xi Jinping emerged from this month’s carefully orchestrated political pageant looking stronger than ever — third term secured, rivals sidelined and allies ascendant. …

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Even as Xi, 69, was gathering party leaders for the congress in Beijing to complete his coronation, a lone protester was unfurling banners on a bridge in the capital in a rare show of defiance. The banners denounced Xi’s lockdown-dependent Covid Zero policy and urged elections, with the slogans proliferating in Chinese cities and around the world.

As the congress was drawing to a close, Xi’s predecessor Hu Jintao was escorted off stage, a dramatic episode that seemed to leave those present flummoxed. While the 79-year-old looked confused and state media said he was unwell, it called attention to the blow Xi had dealt to Hu’s legacy in the hall just moments before.

Several top officials removed were Hu acolytes, including one-time presidential contenders Premier Li Keqiang and Vice Premier Hu Chunhua. Moreover, the incident cast a spotlight on the issue of aging, with Hu Jintao the age Xi would be if he served out a fourth term.

The leadership shakeup shows China’s growing emphasis on ideology and loyalty over pragmatism. …

Charter addition | China enshrined its rejection of Taiwanese independence into the Communist Party’s constitution, as Xi ramps up military pressure on the self-ruled island. Delegates unanimously voted to insert language to “firmly oppose and contain Taiwanese independence,” and advance the “one country, two systems” model Beijing has proposed for Taiwan. The charter previously only called for the advancement of “reunification” with Taiwan. …

Well wishes | Russian President Vladimir Putin was quick to congratulate Xi on his new term, saying he looked forward to further developing a “comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction.” … Kim Jong Un also sent his congratulations, North Korean state media reported.

And finally … Xi had a clear message throughout the congress to those who want to thwart China’s rise: You will fail. In a speech on Oct. 16, Xi declared the “rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is now on an irreversible historical course.” It shows how Beijing is ready to stare down a growing challenge from the US under President Joe Biden, who has moved to hinder Beijing’s ability to access advanced technology and sought to deter any military action against Taiwan.

How are you praying about China? Share your thoughts, prayers, and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from Bloomberg. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Grant Windholz
November 6, 2022

AMEN! The Lord promised to provide protection and prevention from foreign enemies in the Bible before he comes and Raptures his church. However as Americans, we need to humble ourselves to Christ. As we see it, America is destroying itself………….

October 27, 2022

China and Russia are being drawn to Israel to do their part, yet the God of Israel with Whom the USA is also in covenant, can change His plan when His saints intercede. Joel 2, Genesis 18, Joshua 10.
Father, put dictators Xi and Putin in exile. Cause a revival to grow out of control making both leave their positions of authority vacant for You to fill them with people favorable to Israel, and by default, the USA.

Dale Wislon
October 27, 2022

My prayer is that we get some mature adults back in the White House and Congress/Senate that will know how to handle China and not be fearful of them nor be in bed with them!! God help us if we do not succeed in this next election and 2024

October 27, 2022

Psalm 91 is a good place to begin with our “Knee Mail” “)++

Gail Wood
October 27, 2022

Father, we ask You for Godly intervention on behalf of America. We know that You love the people of every nation and that we are not the only country having problems and under attack by the Enemy and his evil army and co-horts. We know though, that America is the light on the hill that is a beacon to all the world. People of other countries watch America and pray for us Father, because they have always known us to be the strongest nation,super power on earth. If we fall Father God, then they know also that they will.
We have something that other nations are finding out and opening to and that is, that America is filled with millions of God’s children who are fighting on their faces, knees and by voting and signing petitions.
We fight by the all consuming truth of God. Yahweh. The Great I Am !
We are not to walk by what we see for what we see is subject to change brought about by You Lord.
But, by faith we walk and that we carry because of You and Your word.
We ache for the precious people of China and Your children who have been so persecuted by and evil regime who care nothing for You or Your ways.
The nations cry out to You On Lord! We cry out for our enemies to be removed and for Your word. Your word says. Let God arise and our enemies be shattered.
Father, we are at a place in the road where our enemies have gathered and have drawn that line in the sand. We as Your children go forth in victory knowing that You Oh Mighty God, our fortress. Our high tower. Are our help, You are our peace and if You be for us, then who can be against us ?
You have given us every weapon , not of a material nature but of a Spiritual nature, to fight with. We have been given the power through the precious and powerful name and blood of Jesus Christ, to overcome the enemies by the word of our testimony.
The word of God. To the pulling down of strongholds is what You said. You told us to go forth in faith,victory and to conquer and to not take on the spirit of fear for You did not give us that evil spirit.
We believe Your word Lord and know that Your truth is and all consuming fire. You said, ,that if You are for us, then who can be against us.
We thank You Lord that You have all of this under control and that You will go before us to face our enemies and we know that they shall fall before You.
We place ourselves and our nation in Your loving hands. We give You glory, honor, and praise.
In Jesus Holy Name we pray,

David Ortiz
October 27, 2022

“Even as Xi … was gathering party leaders for the congress in Beijing to complete his coronation, a lone protester was unfurling banners on a bridge in the capital in a rare show of defiance. … “ — Bloomberg

There you see yet another David, in yet another Valley of Elah. Another Tank Man — who stared down a column of army tanks in Beijing, in 1989.
There are true fighters in that country, truly valiant men and women. They are up against unbelievable darkness and evil. May our God deliver them and give them the victory. And soon.

angelo sturino
October 27, 2022

Welcome, Emperor Zi, as in ancient times, many challenges for the US and West the next period of time.

October 27, 2022

Father the world has been growing more and more hostile by the day. More and more corrupt by the minute. You don’t need me to tell you that because you already know. Lord as the world grows dark I trust you to be the light and protector of the weak and those who are faithful to you God. Please help us not to give into the fears of the world and remind us who you are and that it is you who we should fear because you already won. As for me I pray for peace and that God your will be done on Earth as it is done in Heaven. I pray that you will continue to shine a light on the corruption and evil within the world. Last but not least help us to get rid of our pride and to unit together with the common agreement that God you are Lord, You are defender, and you do not fight for just one of us but all of your children. Father I pray for unity and also freedom. As for countries like Iran, Russia, China or really countries that really seek to destroy and gain more power. As for them Lord I pray for not their demiz but that you touch their hearts and that you could change their hearts Lord. I know they have cold hearts but Lord I believe that if we all prayed and seek you that’s where the true miracles happen. If not possibly a change in leadership or give the people the courage to stand up and fight for their freedom. Father only you know what’s best for this world and I’m only offering suggestions but regardless let your will be done. Please don’t allow China, Russia, Iran, North Korea to continue to grow in power. I pray in Jesus name amen 🙏

October 27, 2022

I do need to begin praying specifically! Thanks for the reminder

Wally Taylor
October 27, 2022

Father God. I pray for the salvation of souls in China from the leadership to the newest baby born. I also pray that the foundation of xi’s government will fall apart and he is unable to do anything until he realizes that there is a God in heaven who exalts and tears down governments and their leaders. Thank You, Father, for hearing and answering our prayers.

Elaine Gail Molaison
October 27, 2022

I pray for the persecuted Christians in China that God will protect and encourage and strengthen them, The evil rulers of this world with all their thirst for power and fame will someday,
too, bow at the feet of Jesus.

Janet Goodwin
October 27, 2022

Praying for our country that God will intercede

Brian lynch
October 27, 2022

It is unsettling that China is trying so hard to take this country over. Otherwise, why would they be buying up farmlands near our military bases? More importantly, why are we allowing this to happen? This is completely wrong, like many things that are happening in the world today. Lord Jesus, You alone know the beginning from the end. Since we are now living in the End Times, and inappropriate things are increasing rapidly, please show us how You would like us to respond to all of this. In Jesus’ name.

October 27, 2022

Please add Truth Social, Gettr, Gab, and Rumble so those who have ditched Facebook and Twitter can share. There are a lot of us.

Thank you. 🙂

Connie Segeleon
October 27, 2022

Holy Father, there are those who seek power for unholy purposes. I pray to you that these people are not permitted to do this. You are our God and are in control. Please do not allow the evil to take hold, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior I pray, Amen

PAT Duncan
October 27, 2022

Lord we know you rule this world. Guide our leaders and those in authority to make the right decisions. To keep our nation safe and our people strong in their faith in You.

October 27, 2022

Our Father in Heaven,
Glory to your Holy name! With a focus on China we intercede for the real church there, that underground church that has paid dearly for many years for their attachment to the Lord and Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. In His name we declare victory over the world, Leader Xi, and every oppressor in China for your glorious bride struggling there. We call on you to make a way for our brothers and sisters in the face of the physical impossible. Just as Jesus walked right through his would be murderers, make paths for the brethren in every need and despite the blockages of the dictatorship. Hallellujah!!!
Let Love abound from believer to believer like electricity! Heal the brokenhearted! We decree the Word of God to proliferate among your glorious church in China, exponentially!!! All for Jesus and in and through His Name! Amen and amen!

    October 27, 2022

    First prayer thoguhts as I was reading the article…Amen!

James Allen
October 27, 2022

The enemy is the “spirits” behind China which is anti-Christ which is Communism – the dragon which is a symbol in Chinese culture is also a symbol of the devil (Revelation 12:9). Now foolish Americans are trying to open portals or gateways into the United States with this principality because of greed & covetousness despite the horrific deaths this demonic philosophy has historically brought on its OWN people. Religious Christianity cannot survive in todays battle space. The occult is on the rise and I’m shocked how many Christians sought “life” in the occult because their Christian affiliation is so “dry”. The occult influence has gained strength in every “culture mountain” in the U.S. and China has noticed and taken steps to egg it on with its infiltration & fentanyl – The CCP & Xi fears Christianity oddly enough. The American Church has its work cut out for it 🔥🙏🏽😇🇺🇸 But there is the “Remnant” thank GOD 🙇🏽‍♂️🙌🏾🔥😇🔥🔥🇺🇸

Maria Fillyaw
October 27, 2022

Dear Father God we pray your Mighty hand on this situation and keep China in check that they will not be able to harm the United States of America. Lord Jesus may you be our guide and our God in our country USA amen


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