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Father, we pray that You would protect Trump from any and all attempts on his life. In the wake of Saturday's attack, we ask You to strengthen the Secret Service to protect politicians from all future assassination attempts.
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The U.S. reportedly learned about an Iranian plan to assassinate Trump ahead of Saturday’s rally in Pennsylvania.

From Daily Caller. U.S. authorities reportedly received intelligence ahead of an assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump over the weekend that Iran was reportedly plotting to kill him, CNN reported on Tuesday.

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The intelligence, provided to U.S. authorities by a human source, prompted the Secret Service to ramp up protections for the former president in the weeks leading up to the shooting, several people briefed on the matter told CNN. White House National Security spokeswoman Adrienne Watson told The New York Times that there is no known connection between the alleged Iranian plot and the assassination attempt against Trump by Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old gunman who was killed by U.S. forces swiftly after he began opening fire on Trump and the crowd on Saturday.

Trump was shot and injured by a gunman at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday in an assassination attempt that has been decried by critics as a failure by the Secret Service to ensure security at the event. …

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle told ABC News on Monday that it was “unacceptable” that the shooter was able to fire on Trump and accepted responsibility for the agency’s failure to ensure security. She does not plan to resign from her role.

Iran has been vocal that it seeks revenge against Trump and members of his former administration for the death of Qasem Soleimani, a popular figure in Iran and the former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp, who was killed in a drone strike in 2020. …

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(Excerpt from Daily Caller. Photo Credit: mostafa meraji on Unsplash)

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July 18, 2024

No offense, but I think you need to do a little bit better reporting and open your eyes and ears and take the scales off so that you can see in here truth because if you think around had anything to do with this, there is definitely something wrong. Is clearly, all plot by our own government to kill President Trump, and then blame it on Ron. Please stop falling for this ridiculousness and then posting it on your website for us to accept us. There is no truth in any of this except that God, the father in heaven protected our president, Donald J Trump. Please wake up and stop spreading the propaganda , and being used by these wicked wicked evil people to do it. We are not stupid and do not insult our intelligence.

July 18, 2024

Their job is to protect the life of our presidents and they failed. We can’t afford to give them another opportunity to fail again. They must be held accountable.

Linda Marsh
July 18, 2024

But You said Father-If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2Chronicles 7:14) May we turn from our wicked ways, individually and corporately so the church can rise to it’s rightful position during this critical time. Father unturn the rocks in our life that we may be hiding under. IN Jesus Name ,Your name is above every other!
Our Father who art in heave, hallowed be your name, thy Kingdom come on earth (in the United States) as it is in Heaven!

July 18, 2024

Too many “mistakes”
Too many “excuses”
Too many lies.

For this to have been simply a “lone wolf attempt” .
Dear God please help us!

July 18, 2024

It becomes clearer by the hour and by the day – “Many Someones were either asleep at the wheel or are guilty of GROSS negligence in office !”
Resignations are NOT required – those who by their laxitude or deliberate treason must now be identified publicly and FIRED !
President Donald Trump survied this attack on Americas’ leadership but we must never forget that one brave man was killed and others seriously injured THANKS ENTIRELY TO THE SECRET SERVICE SHORTCOMINGS ON THE DAY !

July 18, 2024

It’s another Russia Hoax that Iran was at the root of this. Our own CIA and FBI have enough disdain for our country and for President Trump that they would be my first culprits. Regardless, Satan lost and our great God protected him … once again.. God is showing us His amazing grace as a nation and I praise Him and constantly pray for the safety of our leaders .

Mr. M
July 18, 2024

I don’t believe any of this story. It’s just more finger pointing by the very admin that called for the hit on the former Prez. We know for a fact that they did NOT ramp up security for Mr. T. We know for a fact that the security detail in place deliberately ignored a shooter while people stood there and watched, trying to point it out to them. They have proceeded to lie about every aspect of what happened including claims that the roof was too sloped to put a man up there when in fact there are pics of the FBI standing there after the shooter was neutralized. This has nothing to do with Iran and everything to do with the current admin of the US>

    July 18, 2024

    I absolutely agree.
    I feel Holy Spirit saying this was not done by Iran but rather was “an inside job” by someone trained by the deep south / cabal.
    America, we need to wake up, shake years of lies and deceit off of our foggy brains, repent for our nation, and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!
    God SHALL save America! Indeed, He IS saving America!
    Glory to God!!!


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