I Prayed have prayed
Lord, thank you for people who love you and who love spreading the gospel. Would you raise up bold and courageous leaders who are willing to go to the dark places to spread the light of Jesus.
Reading Time: 8 minutes

Recently I was connected to a beloved Intercessor from Florida who shared her dreams with me. She explained that she has been a Christian her whole life; but 10 months ago was introduced to the Daily Audio Bible app. It gave her a way to be in God’s word everyday. She loved the explanation, context, and prayer within the online community.Ā  Since then, the Lord has poured out dreams, visions, and His voice in the night and she has graciously decided to share with Intercessors for America. I pray that every reader receives her dream as both a wake up call and an encouragement.

Her dreams began in January of 2021 when she decided to participate in a three day fast led by IFA. On the third day she was prompted by the Holy Spirit not to break her fast. It was supposed to be three days, but she kept feeling the urgency of the Spirit to press on in prayer and fasting. Three days eventually became three weeks. During this time and months following, she has received several dreams and encounters. Many are warnings, however they give hope and bring a clear message to the church to wake up.

Here is the context into her dream. During this time she and her husband were sending their kids to a Christian school. She was eventuallyĀ  invited to be on the school board and she accepted. She began to be bothered by hearing secular worldviews and false teachings invading this Christian school.

At the same time, a church down the road from her, who has a history of church planting, did something dangerous. They hired a “woke” pastor. Here is the dream she shared.

“In my dream; I was in a room with theĀ  pastor from our Christian school and the pastor from the church down the road.Ā  There were others sitting at the table whom I didn’t know.Ā  I saw perversions and false teachings. I stood, raised my hands, and cast out the demons from the room. At that moment insects and snakes appeared on the ground and scattered.

I looked into a mirror and saw myself.Ā  My face turned into a lion.Ā 

I believe that there are so many false teachings in our churches today and His people need to be bold and stand firm in God’s Word.Ā  But so many christians; myself having been one of them most of my life; are not in the Word daily.Ā  These subtle false teachings can be easily missed if we are not in God’s Word.Ā  God also came to me in a dream with His voice and clearly told me “Be Bold” This is what He wants for his Church!

“Many christians and leaders are scared to speak out against abortion, critical race theory, gender confusion ideology, unwilling to speak truth into the brokeness of the LGBTQ community for fear of being cancelled by the community, or their own congregation. They have let fear and pressure silence their voice when each of these issues aren’t just political, these are biblical moral issues that we cannot ignore. We must ask the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth.”

Ā So Proverbs 28:1 has been a passage that has been my armor for the last 8 months.”

The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.

(Prov. 28:1)

This is a clear word and warning to the church just as she shared in her dream.

There is much compromise in the body of Christ. Wokeism has invaded our schools, invaded the workplace, and now it’sĀ  invading the church. We must be bold against compromise and false teachings.

I believe the Lord gave her insight in this dream that we can learn from.

She saw the spirits behind the perversion and false teachings. When they were cast out their true form of insects and snakes appeared. Remember that we are in a spiritual battle for our families, friends, and this nation. We must be armored up and ready.

Put on Godā€™s whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil.

Ā For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.

Ā Therefore put on Godā€™s complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place].

(Eph. 6:11-13 AMPC)

When she looked in the mirror, she saw a lion. She had the boldness to lift her hands and cast out the spirits.

This is a beautiful picture of the authority that we have been given in Jesus Christ.

Look at these verses Jesus taught his disciples about authority.

One day Jesus called together his twelve disciples and gave them power and authority to cast out all demons and to heal all diseases.

(Lk 9:1)

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.

(Lk. 10:19)

There were clear mandates given to the disciples, and put into practice in the early church.

And he said to them, ā€œGo into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.ā€

These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages.

They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it wonā€™t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.ā€

Mk. 16:15-17

  • Go and preach the gospel.

This is the good news the world needs to hear. Jesus Christ came in the flesh, died for our sins, and arose victoriously.Ā  Every follower of Christ must preach to the lost. This was Christ’s passion and burden while He walked the earth. It is still his passion today to see the church winning souls. Every soul, every life is precious to God.

  • The signs follow the preaching

Notice how Jesus listed casting out demons, handling snakes, and healing the sick after preaching the gospel.

You may wonder, “What happened to the church? Where’s the miracles? Where’s the healing? Where’s the deliverance?”

All of those wonderful things that confirm the preaching of the gospel message. I truly believe when the church goes back to preaching Jesus Christ and the true gospel, we will see his miracles, healing, and deliverance once more. Signs and wonders will always confirm God’s message.

And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord kept working with them and confirming the message by the attesting signs and miracles that closely accompanied [it]. Amen (so be it).

(Mk. 16:20 AMPC)

I focused on this dream, however this Intercessor has had several dreams of Jesus appearing. In another dream she saw Jesus with his arms opened. She ran to Him, but was outran by a family member who ran into Jesus arms. This family member is not saved yet, but she rests in the promise that the family member will be saved one day.

In another dream Jesus appeared in the sky above the church before she woke up. However in this dream she expressed that the church was panicked and completely unprepared.

What a sobering dream! Church, are we unprepared? Examine your heart before the Lord and seek his face.

We know that it is true, Christ is coming for his church. We know that we are in fact in the last days Christ spoke of. However we cannot just sit back and wait for rapture and let the world burn.

We have people who need Jesus Christ desperately, whether they are aware of it or not. We have a lot of work to do.

And so I solemnly urge you before God and before Christ Jesusā€”who will someday judge the living and the dead when he appears to set up his Kingdomā€” to preach the Word of God urgently at all times, whenever you get the chance, in season and out, when it is convenient and when it is not. Correct and rebuke your people when they need it, encourage them to do right, and all the time be feeding them patiently with Godā€™s Word.

Ā For there is going to come a time when people wonā€™t listen to the truth but will go around looking for teachers who will tell them just what they want to hear.Ā  They wonā€™t listen to what the Bible says but will blithely follow their own misguided ideas.

Stand steady, and donā€™t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Bring others to Christ. Leave nothing undone that you ought to do

(2 Tim. 4:1-5 LBT)

In the series of dreams the Lord has been giving her, she feels the overwhelming burden that Jesus Christ has for the lost. The Lord has also revealed through her dreams that deliverance is coming, but we need the power of His Holy Spirit.

Remember, in the book of Acts when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the church?

I think we focus on the tongues of fire, and heavenly languages and that’s great but there’s more.Ā  They received boldness to be witnesses for Jesus.

The power of the Holy Spirit turned Peter from a fisherman who hid in fear, into a bold preacher who won 3,000 souls in one day. (See Acts 2:14-41)

The disciples asked for boldness

And now O Lord,Ā  hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.ā€

Ā After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness.

(Acts 4:29-31)

We are in a battle for this nation. We must win the lost. If it matters to Jesus, it should matter to us.

Charles Surgeon said it best,

Consider how precious a soul must be, when both God and the devil are after it.”

Ā Pray with me

Heavenly Father,

I come before you and repent. Forgive me when I’ve taken your grace for granted. Forgive me when I’ve stayed silent, when you’ve given me a voice. I come to you and I pray the prayer of the disciples, “listen to their threats, but grant us your servants great boldness to preach your word. Stretch out your hands with signs, wonders, and miracles once again.

Forgive your church for allowing compromise and doctrines of demons to invade it. I pray for Pastors, christians leaders, and all believers alike to exhibit great boldness and take a stand. As long as we stand up for you, we know that you will stand with us and we are not alone.

I pray for a fresh baptism of your spirit for those who have grown weary in the past months. I pray for a fresh baptism of courage and strength for the coming days.

Make me brave, to continually fight these spiritual battles for my family, friends, loved ones, for the church, and for the nation. Together we will win, because you already won on the cross and arose the Victor.

Now lift up your voice and give Him thanks and Praise.

Thank you for giving us authority.

Thank you for the power of your name that makes the demons tremble in fear. Thank you for our spiritual weapons. Thank you for the blood of Jesus that never loses power.

Thank you for giving us your word that gives up promises of hope.

Thank you for the angels that listen for the sound of your word as we quote the scriptures.

We praise you. You are enthroned over all. You are high and lifted up. You are victorious. You came and destroyed the works of the devil. We know that there is none like you who can bear his holy right arm, save, and deliver. Our eyes are on you. We take up the armor of God and stand firm. We choose to be aligned with your presence and your promises.

In Jesus name, Amen

How did this Intercessors dream speak to you? Do you sense the truth in her dreams?

(Article written by Gloria Robles. Photo by IStock)

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August 25, 2021

Father, Let your kingdom come & your will be done in our lives here on earth as it is in heaven. Visit your body with dreams & visions to equip us to move forward in the direction youā€™re calling us to. Give us hearts for the lost, dying & deceived in this world. Fill us with holy boldness to declare the love of God to those who are hungry. Fill us to the overflowing with your compassion & draw those youā€™re calling to the rivers of living water on the inside of your children. Let them drink, be filled & go out & draw others to the fountain of life in Christ Jesus. Keep our eyes fixed on the harvest to intercede & to have an answer to those who have a need. in Jesus Name Amen

Herb s Johnston
August 25, 2021

it gives me hope, rare these days. Im finding more and more than I am allowing confidence to be built in me concerning these spiritual manifestations in my spirit man, I suppose would be the description

Herb s Johnston
August 25, 2021

I like this part: šŸ™‚

In the series of dreams the Lord has been giving her, she feels the overwhelming burden that Jesus Christ has for the lost. The Lord has also revealed through her dreams that deliverance is coming, but we need the power of His Holy Spirit.

August 23, 2021

Praying daily for the local pastors in my area to sit at the feet of Jesus, taking in His word for their flocks; “spiritual food.”
May they hunger and thirst after God and His righteousness, that they may be filled with a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit, thus setting an example of God’s power and holiness.
May pastors gain the same courage that Joshua and Caleb demonstrated when they entered the Promiseland. Then, I believe, revival will occur in the churches. Jesus is giving us His urgency for His people to rise up on His name proclaiming boldly the gospel of His good news.
We cry out to Jesus continually, in prayer, for this awakening in the churches. We will not quit!!
We MUST hear repentance preached, with God’s love, from the pulpits.
Fear must flee, and faith in Christ’s must rise. When this occurs out of many pulpits, we WILL stand in awe of God. Hallelujah!

August 23, 2021

We pray for the outpouring of the power of the Holy Spirit to be upon the Church, the Body of Christ!

Su Roller
August 22, 2021

This is such a timely word for the church! May we all be bold and strong in the strength of the Holy Spirit’s might, preaching the truth in love!

Cynthia Weatherwax
August 22, 2021

Yes, this dream is spot on. I recently went to a board meeting to address some issues to be corrected in our church. It was done in a loving way. We will if the leaders obey God’s word. We must speak upinstead of standing there and not saying nothing. There are things we must not compromise! Jesus is the Head of the church. If things don’t line up in His word, we must make the adjustments so it does. Amen

August 21, 2021

I am so thankful this intercessor shared her dreams. God is speaking to us all if we would just listen. I have been hearing from the Lord to ask for boldness, love and tell people about Jesus. This is a sign that time is drawing near for the return of our Savior. We need to listen and obey Godā€™s word and line up what other intercessors and prophets are saying now. We have to check everything we hear by Holy Spirit and the word of God. Church, itā€™s time for us to be the church. Letā€™s pray for boldness, courage, discernment and wisdom. We have a lot of work to do and we must be obedient to the word of God. Thank you for this amazing dream. It should get us all excited to arm ourselves and do the will of our Father. God bless you all as we move forward in the days ahead. That we would keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and be lead by His Spirit. Amen

Annette Ikehara
August 21, 2021

I thank God for this website. I am learning so much what to pray for especially these days. A.I.

Gloria Robles
August 21, 2021

For those who have asked. Here is the link to the audio bible mentioned in the article.


Linda k Rice
August 21, 2021

Luke 1:17 Get ready you people prepared by the Lord! Tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom ahead of the lukewarm.

August 21, 2021

I felt the Holy Spirit speak to my heart to get off all my medications and prepare to fast. I am off all medicines I was taking for Rheumatoid Arthritis, to God be the Glory! I have not obeyed in fasting yet but after reading this article, I know God is calling me to – now. I had a dream a few months back where I was riding a horse with others on horses and there were snakes everywhere. A snake struck me on the hand, but try as I might I could not shake it off. Then I woke up. Then a week ago, I had a dream I was sitting with my husband and four other people at the same table. I was conversing with a woman across from me. I can not remember what we talked about, but she suddenly looked at me intensely with cold, dark eyes. I asked her why she looked at me that way? And she said that I was evil, and proceeded to ā€œ say a prayer for meā€, but it wasnā€™t like anything I had ever heard. It was evil. I kept my eyes open and looked straight at her. When she finished I shared with her the gospel, Jesus death, buriel, and resurrection, and His great love for her, but to no avail. I then said in the dream how we have authority in Jesus and immediately something pulled her away from me and from my husband. The other 3 people got up and formed a wall between her and my husband and I. I couldnā€™t see her through them, but it was like she was caged and they were standing in protection of us. Then I woke up.
I donā€™t know what my dreams mean but I have had many spiritual dreams. I am never afraid and I usually am singing scriptural songs or speaking scripture. In 2016 I had a terrible headache along with a dream that the talons of an eagle weā€™re digging deeper and deeper into my head and mind. In the dream I knew that it was the childrenā€™s minds that the talons were dug into. I teach children a Biblical view of Life. I have been doing it for 16 years across America. I know what God wants me to do. I just need to do it. I need to fast and pray for the children . Pray for me. My husband needs to run for public office, but we are still speaking across America. He shares a Biblical view of Life in churches to adults and youth.

    Mrs D
    August 22, 2021

    Hallelujah, Joli. I am praying for you to complete the fast to which GOD is calling you and for boldness for both you and your husband to take the next step and seeming RISK to follow the leading of Holy Spirit Who is right there to empower you to fulfill those important callings for you to the children and for your husband to public office. Praise GOD that He has given you boldness and platforms for sharing His Word. We pray for others to come forward to encourage and support you as you courageously move forward in GOD alone.

    Vickie Skelley
    August 22, 2021

    This is profound. Thank you. We are in perilous times. Jesus is coming at any moment. I am not great at fasting but I want too. I need some chains broken so I am starting to fast something this week. I will pray. I want to be ready for that Trumphet call. The Bride is going up!!!!! I want to share the gospel. Get folks saved. On Rumble (The Encourager) and Brand New Tube (Vickie61)I make videos to encourage Believers and how to get saved. I have dreams as well and God tells me things to come. I recently had a dream of a Taliban mall invasion. I was with my grown son clinging to him with many people and we were held hostage at gun point. I awoke. Within a few days Afghanistan fell to the Taliban due to Biden pulling forces out. I had not been listening or hearing anything about it before that that I can recall. Perhaps God is warning me to stay out of malls. Or to pray. But America will be invaded now I heard by many Afghanistanā€™s due to Biden bringing the refugees here. Also, I was warned in March 2020 the shutdowns would not end in two weeks but go in and on and the masks were evil. The vaccination is for evil. People must not get it and be brave. God will take care of us. He is our friend. Believers together will take care of each other like in the early days of Christianity if we canā€™t shop because we wonā€™t get vaccinated with the mRNA poison. The world will see our love for each other and some will get saved. The rapture is near, at the door. We have never been in such a time as this. We must be ready for our King! Holy Spirit help us be ready! šŸ˜€Peace of Christ.

Carole Ann Neve
August 21, 2021

Stay in the Word, fast, and seek God with your whole heart! I like how God promoted her to be on the school board and she was bold about it.

JoAnne D Jones
August 21, 2021

Thanks so much for sharing this! I too have been sensing the need for boldness. The Lord has been giving me verses from different parts of His Word on the same day regarding sharing His “light” and reaching out to those in darkness who are blind and deaf to His truth. It’s encouraging to hear how God is speaking to many in dreams and visions. Thank you for these powerful Scriptures and prayer points. I will send them to all my most valiant prayer partners! Let us STAND FIRM together!
Blessings & prayers, JoAnne

Etta Danielson
August 21, 2021

It is wondeful to know I am praying the same prayers in agreement with thousands of others. I so look forward to this. It encourages me pray more and stand firm in faith

Darlene Estlow
August 21, 2021

AMEN TO THIS PRAYER! Father, may we be clothed in the armor of God, ready to do battle, filled with the Spirit and bold and courageous.

Victoria Z
August 21, 2021

Father in the name of Jesus Amen to this prayer, Father convict the church for their absolute need of your WORD, who the Gospel of John records as: John 1 In the beginning was the WORD, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God.2 The same was in the beginning with God.3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.4 In HIM was life; and the life was the light of men..and later he says the WORD was made flesh and dwelled among us:

Jesus IS the Word! Father we pray for the many Christians and pulpits Who have failed to grasp this revelation that you would send it to them!! That they would preach and realize that total victory and salvation, life abundant and who the son sets free is freed in DEED(s) in HIM the WORD!!! Father reach and give this revelation to the many who claim to know Jesus yet dont read or know the WORD which Clearly John Says Jesus IS, (could this be why he is referred to as the disciple Jesus loved? he loves us all yet John GOT It! He got the revelation and the connection that Jesus IS the WORD! And He recorded these revelations including the end time revelation!

Revelation 19:13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and HIS NAME is The Word of God.
Father i pray for all who People claim the name Jesus and rightly so but dear Father do not let it stop there, please bring the church the full revelation of Jesus as THE WORD And his name IS the WORD and may you help them
truly hunger for HIM as THE WORD and immerse themselves in Him daily, then may you answer the prayer of Jesus himself who prayed that you would:
ā€œSanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. John 17:17

And John 14: 12-27 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.22 Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me.25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 15:26 When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Fatherā€”the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Fatherā€”he will testify about me

And finally: John 17:20-23 20″My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one- 23I in them and you in me-so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

Father we receive this
revelation and hunger For Jesus as the WORD and for the cleansing, sanctification and washing of the water of the word on all who read it and hear it,
Father we Pray that you would expose all lies and doctrines of demons all false teachers and prophets and silence them as their reign and their
spiritual adulteries with the whore of babylon and their deceptions have gone on too long while the poor and captives are crying out for deliverance, Father unleash an unstoppable revival Fueled by the Holy spirit who comes to reveal Jesus who IS the WORD and raise up those who would rightly divide the word and preach it under the strongest anointing of your spirit that the world has ever known. We receive it in our day and thank you for it.

    Susan CC
    August 21, 2021

    Oh my Victoria, your comment appeals to me so personally. I am currently studying Revelation, primarily using the Jewish New Testament. Jesus fulfilled each and every prophesy made throughout The Word…of course He did, He is the Word! How clearly this is seen in the Book of Revelation. I am so thankful that our Lord revealed Himself in such a compelling way to me….and you. I pray He would make us all hungry for HIS WORD!

    Amen and Amen to your prayer:
    “Father we receive this revelation and hunger For Jesus as the WORD and for the cleansing, sanctification and washing of the water of the word on all who read it and hear it. Father we Pray that you would expose all lies and doctrines of demons all false teachers and prophets and silence them as their reign and their spiritual adulteries with the whore of babylon and their deceptions have gone on too long while the poor and captives are crying out for deliverance. Father unleash an unstoppable revival Fueled by the Holy Spirit Who comes to reveal Jesus who IS the WORD and raise up those who would rightly divide The Word and preach it under the strongest anointing of Your Spirit that the world has ever known!!!!!! We receive it in our day and thank You for it.”

Melissa Johnson
August 21, 2021

Ive been praying and was praying this morning for revival. I pray that God would send a “wave” of revival. I saw myself praying in front of the church congregation, loudly, saying “Lord, let those that we’ve been praying for- our sons and daughters, our mothers and fathers, our sisters and brothers, our friends- let them be caught up in your wave of revival!” I could see the wave as I prayed, a powerful prayer! The vision has stayed with me all morning.
I’m driving home thinking about it and listening to the radio. A Maroon 5 song came on called “Lost”. I had never heard it before and I like Maroon 5! I felt like I needed to turn it up.
Look up the lyrics!
Praise God! I love it when He does stuff like this. ā¤ļø
Theyā€™re prophesying over this generation and donā€™t even know it!
Got no connection, no faith or direction, no
Searching and searching for someone to save my soul, ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
I was swept up in a wave, swept up in a wave
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
Then I heard you say my name
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
Lost, I was lost, I was lost ’til you loved me
Now I’m found, now I’m found, now I’m found
Yeah, you took me to a place
It was safe, it was sound (sound-sound-sound)
Lost, I was lost, now I’m found
Lost, I was lost, I was lost ’til you loved me
Now I’m found, now I’m found, now I’m found
Yeah, you took me to a place
It was safe, it was sound (sound-sound-sound)
Lost, I was lost, now I’m found
I was so broken, my heart was an empty space (oh, oh, oh)
Life was a joke ’til the moment I saw your face
Saw your face, saw your face
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
I was swept up in a wave, swept up in a wave
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
Then I heard you say my name
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
Lost, I was lost, I was lost ’til you loved me
Now I’m found, now I’m found, now I’m found
Yeah, you took me to a place
It was safe, it was sound (sound-sound-sound)
Lost, I was lost, now I’m found
Lost, I was lost, I was lost ’til you loved me
Now I’m found, now I’m found, now I’m found
Yeah, you took me to a place
It was safe, it was sound (sound-sound-sound)
Lost, I was lost, now I’m found.
I was swept up in a wave, swept up in a wave
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
I was stranded when you came
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Lost, I was lost, I was lost ’til you loved me (I was lost, lost)
Now I’m found, now I’m found, now I’m found (now I’m found, found, found)
Yeah, you took me to a place, it was safe, it was sound (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Lost, I was lost, now I’m found (oh yeah)
Lost, I was lost, I was lost ’til you loved me (I was lost, lost)
Now I’m found, now I’m found, now I’m found (now I’m found, found, found)
Yeah, you took me to a place, it was safe, it was sound (ooh, yeah, yeah)
Lost, I was lost, now I’m found

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    Susan CC
    August 21, 2021

    Yes Melissa! ā€œLord, let those that weā€™ve been praying for- our sons and daughters, our mothers and fathers, our sisters and brothers, our friends- let them be caught up in your wave of revival!ā€ Amen Father God, May this be so! Thank you for the song as well, I love this!

    Deep calls to deep in the roar of Your waterfalls; all Your breakers and waves have rolled over me.

jp gartland
August 21, 2021

What a fantastic example! Please pray for me that I will push through the discomfort of fasting and honor our Lord Jesus.

    Mrs D
    August 22, 2021

    Praying that you will be so consumed with the nourishing, nurturing Word of GOD that the JOY you experience in your spirit will quench the call of the flesh. This is indeed a time for renewing the mind on the Word so that your soul comes into alignment with the TRUTH that is resident in your born-again spirit. Once your spirit/heart and soul are in agreement, it is much easier to send the “2-to-1” message to your body that it is no longer the one which determines when/what you eat but rather lines up with the dictates of HOLY Spirit who is in direct communication with your spirit. If you pray in tongues, i would suggest that you do that regularly and increasingly as you fast. If you do not pray in tongues yet and desire to see fire ignited “in your bones,” pray according to Luke 11:9-13, asking for baptism of Holy Spirit and fire. It is the Father’s GOOD PLEASURE to answer that prayer. Rich BLESSINGS of revelation and boldness be to you…

Vickie Skelley
August 21, 2021

Wow, I just wrote a post in that Urinal article…(funny saying that) but it was in line with this The church, the light of the world has to wake up. That’s us Believers. The Ecclesia, its not a building, it’s us. The body of Christ. I really want to start doing better at fasting also. I have some strange dreams myself. I had a dream last week and it was my youngest son and I (a Believer) were in a Mall and were with many hundreds of people surrounded by Taliban with guns. We held onto eachother tight. Nothing else happened but within a week Biden pulled out of Afganistan and left all our military equipment there and now Americans are captive there, with no way out as of yet. Do you think this dream could have been connected? First of all, I don’t go into Malls hardly at all. But my son was with me and he would be the only reason I would go in one if we were shopping for him. I don’t know…but I know our God is so faithful. Prayer, fasting and doing what God calls us to do is essential and God’s church has to wake up! We all do. Being willing to lay down our lives. Not love our lives to the death. The blood of Jesus and our testimony is how we overcome Satan, not loving our lives to the death! But the leven that levens the whole lump? It’s been in the church for decades now and apathy is so huge. I’ve seen it. I think it’s that name it claim it prosperity gospel that has gotten people more concerned with this life now, not our eternal life and getting folks saved. Not willing to suffer as the first disciples did. Think about all those suffering for Jesus all over the world and now it’s so horrific in Afganistan for Believers. They are being killed just for having the bible app on their cell phones I learned. Pray for them, China and all over and pray for America. The church has many demons. We must rise up and do spiritual warfare. Also Jezebel spirits and all types of demons have moved in. Well of course they have. That’s what Satan does. He comes to lie, steal and destroy. We are King Jesus soldiers. I’m going to start by becoming a better faster. Please pray for me in this area. Thank you.

    Mrs D
    August 22, 2021

    Please see my reply to JP Garland immediately above. I am praying for you as well as JP.

      Vickie Skelley
      August 22, 2021

      I will and thank you.

      Vickie Skelley
      August 22, 2021

      So wonderful words of wisdom . I do read the word a lot and I speak in tongues. 24 hours has been the longest Iā€™ve gone I believe fasting food. Coffee is an issue with me in morning. I have incorporated it into my prayer and reading time. Oh dear. Just one cup or so. I want to give that up. I keep failing. Been in my life since very young. God delivered me from cigarettes 36 almost 37 years ago. I have to want to quit coffee. I donā€™t thatā€™s the thing. I like it. Lol. I want to start this week. Iā€™m going to seek God on this. What to fast and how long. Iā€™m am not in it to lose weight Iā€™m thin but for spiritual reasons and to grow in deeper revelations and relationship with God. He will guide me. Oh our King is coming!!!!šŸ˜€. I sense the Holy Spirit lives powerfully in you. Thanks for prayers. Starting tomorrow fasting!

Rose Marie Distefano
August 21, 2021

What a wonderful inspiration, and how great it would be if she could share this with all the churches in the world. I have often felt that religion is slipping away from our churches because of political correctness and the fear to lose their tax-free status. If my faith depended upon the sermons I have heard in my church, I am not sure where I would be. Her faithfulness to the work of God, fasting and boldness to do His word, give hope to me, and I pray to all. MAY THE LORD CONTINUE TO BLESS THE WONDERFUL DISCIPLE.

    Vickie Skelley
    August 22, 2021

    I do agree with you. I believe God years ago showed be that the HolySpirit is not allowed to freely move in most churches. A Clerical spirit which God hates (The Nicolaitians) has taken over. The pastor rules the whole show. That is how bad spirits like the Jezebel spirit have moved in. Recently a church I attended a spirit of Jezebel moved in. It captivated the Pastor who got extremely involved with a much younger woman who started there with her husband but they divorced. She had a teen daughter and a younger daughter . It was very bizarre. The pastor would make sexual comments about her and their upcoming honeymoon. In front of her daughters. One nite service he did it and I said ā€œkeep it to yourselfā€ something to that sort and others agreed. It was a spirit of lust. I confronted him on the upcoming wedding they announced would happen quickly saying I could not attend if she had no biblical grounds for a divorce such as adultery. I said it respectfully saying my allegiance is with Godā€™s word. Jesus and Apostle Paul were clear , marrying a divorced woman is adultery unless there is sexual immorality. He was furious and said her husband was abusive. I said did he cheat on her? He said something to the sort yea sure. Vague. He mentioned we are under Grace. I said we are under Christ. Grace cannot be used for sin. Regretfully I went to the wedding which I now regret. My one friend did not. She and I both suspected a Jezebel spirit but her more but I told her something was off. We kept it to ourselves but found out later after the church fell apart due to Covid shutdowns etc, that the woman with the Jezebel spirit came in and caused much division and people left. She even divided the pastor from his brother. Satan destroyed a once good fellowship thriving and growing at one time. Albeit prophets were not welcomed there by the pastor. I witnessed that. Not fakes either. Perhaps a sign? Not sure. So sad.

Patti Patterson
August 21, 2021

I have never heard of a Daily Audio Bible App or an online community to discuss context. I have the Bible app on my phone. Is this the same thing? I would like to know more about this valuable resource.

    Gloria Robles
    August 21, 2021

    I posted the link in the comments Patty.


Adrian Lee
August 21, 2021

Many years ago I was seeking the Lord. He put people in my life to lead me to a closer relationship with Him. I started reading the word daily, journaling, and praying. God first gave me songs, drawings, signs that He was always with me. I saw Jesus carrying me as a 10 yr old child when I had polio and felt abandoned. When I asked for His Spirit to come into me He would wake me up with simple poetry. We wrote people poems and those who heard them asked how I knew them. It wasn’t me that knew them; it was God! I became a pray warrior like my Mom and pray for this whole world and everyone in it to come to Jesus! I even pray for those who are evil to change their ways and worship Jesus instead of evil desires. My heart aches when I see all the suffering today-wars, natural disasters, children getting sex changes, transgenders, gays, criminals taking advantage of others and Covid-19 sufferers and their families. I pray šŸ™ that Jesus will come soon! The signs written in the Bible so long ago are happening now as prophesied. I am weary, elderly and glad I will not be here to see the end of all life in earth but I have JOY because I know I will be at Jesus’ feet. I feel sorry for my daughter’s, grandchildren and great grandchildren who will be here then.Please keep praying and have trust, love ā¤ļø and hope in Jesus’ Christ! God bless you all in the name of Jesus! Amen.

August 21, 2021

Her dreams are ā€œspot onā€!!!!

Amber Guillen
August 21, 2021

This was wonderful and perfectly timed. I have the same impression of the burden for the lost that is always on God’s heart. I have the same vision of Christ’s authority that was restored for us. Not to hide it away but to use with discernment and power in order to bring help to fallen humanity and glory to the Most High God. I too have been weary these many months and fighting off attacks from the enemy. Praise be to Jesus! He remains with us through His Holy Spirit and is coming for His Bride. Help us to be ready to meet You in the air Lord!

Susan M. Nofziger
August 21, 2021

Amen! Our greatest challenge is to share the Gospel of Jesus and do His ministry. Thanks for sharing all of this. A great awakening is coming and we need to be ready as she shared and the Bible warns.

August 21, 2021

I confirm this word, as I have had a similar dream on this issue. Victory in Jesus will be sure. For now, we press into prayer and the heart of God.

Dawn Beth
August 21, 2021

Father thank You for waking Your church, for doing just as You said You would, giving us dreams and visions. You are faithful and truešŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒJesus You lives your earthly life then gave it for us, May we be emboldened by Your Spirit, Lion of Judah , to do the same, to live each and every day for You and to give our lives to You. Be honored and magnified in each of our lives Jesus, that others may be drawn to You through usšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ

August 21, 2021

Father we thank You for Your Word that goes before us and choose to stand on it. Use us all as You put us in positions to share the gospel to those around us. Thank you for encouraging me that signs and wonders follow us as we preach in Your Son JESUS name. Amen

August 21, 2021

Praise You, Jesus! You Are the Alpha and Omega. Your Word is truth and it stands and shall stand forever! We recommit ourselves to prayer in repentance for our slothful ways.

Jose Antonio
August 21, 2021

Thank you, Lord, for giving us Power to bring down any demonic realm or authority into submission of your holy Name. Thank you for showing us Victory as you answer our prayers by your compassion, mercy, and grace in Jesus Christ.

In Jesus Christ, we say amen for your Glory Heavenly Precious Father.


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