In Elon Musk We Trust?
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In Elon Musk We Trust?
Could Elon Musk be the means by which God is answering our prayers?
Earlier this week we learned that Elon Musk has taken a 9.2% stake in Twitter, making him the largest single shareholder with his $2.64 billion investment. This disclosure was followed by the announcement that he will take a seat on the company board.
This purchase came on the heels of great speculation about Musk and Twitter. Just a few weeks before, Musk tweeted that the social media company is “failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamental fundamentally undermines democracy.”
All of this put hope in the hearts of freedom lovers – and intercessors – that the Maverick Musk is positioning himself to change Twitter’s practices and to embrace freedom of speech and free debate. This hope was further encouraged by analyzing the fact that he filed a 13D form with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, instead of a 13G form. A 13D form indicates that he will be an active investor and not a passive investor.
Why is this significant?
We have been praying for freedoms in America. Freedom of speech. Freedom of religion. Big tech billionaires have collectively coordinated the squelching of freedoms through banning “misinformation,” enforcing “community standards,” and other subtle and blatant forms of censorship.
But let’s consider what could happen in the event of serious attempts to change the “standards” of the left-leaning social media platform.
Twitter would release an avalanche of attacks by the cultural elites, declaring that Twitter is now a platform for racism, transphobia, white supremacy, terrorism, and increasing list of false labels and accusations. Even the Department of Justice would probably get involved. You might remember the Domestic Terror Alert recently sent out because of issues like Covid vaccines and mandates.
The backlash would be immediate and likely include legal action because of fears about “exposure” to legal liability. Other organizations begin to sever relationships with Twitter. Southern Poverty Law Center would describe it as a hate platform.
Additionally there are powerful forensic labs utilized by some of the most powerful companies in world that search organizations and individuals on the internet to label them as sources of misinformation. This lab’s algorithms are determined by cultural elites exerting their world view on us.
Then blackballing by celebrities, powerful activists, influential journalists would work together to take the public image of Twitter, drag it through the mud, and demonize it like those of us are demonized for believing God created man and women as the design for sexuality and marriage. Google and Apple would take Twitter out of their app stores.
Who would be crazy enough to fight this fight?
Elon Musk. The richest man in the world, iconoclastic, known to do what he wants, not bending to what is expected of him.
Let’s pray for Elon Musk:
- Pray he would be saved and surrender his life to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
- Pray he would live the life that God has planned for him (Jer 29:11) and do the works that God wills (Eph 2:10).
- Pray he would seek God and His ways, humbly understanding that God’s plan is always the best for anyone’s life.
- Pray he would realize the true treasure in life is knowing God. We love this from Devoted to God Now: “If Elon were to ask the Lord for His plan for his life, he would find answers he’s still seeking. Power and placement in the world is one thing. Power and placement in the kingdom of God holds true treasures.”
- Pray he would impact Twitter for good, promoting free speech and free debate.
- Pray he would comprehend the truth about what it means to be human and would not use Twitter as a platform to spread transhumanism. Want to read more about Musk and transhumanism? Click here and here.
- Pray he would use his power and platform for God’s purposes.
How are you praying for Elon Musk? What are you hearing from the Lord about him? About this news? Please share in the comments.
Photo credit: Getty Images.
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Recently the Lord has put a tremendous burden on my heart for Elon Musk. I am just learning how to go into deeper places of intercession and feel compelled to talk and pray with other that have the same burden. Please reach out to me if you are feeling this as well.
What you did not pray for is for them to “not” find a way to do away with him, and for God’s Supernatural Protection over his life.
I agree and prayed the above bullet points. With God all things are possible Mat 19:26. May God’s hedge of protection be with Mr. Musk as he walks in God’s plan.
I claim and decree salvation for Elon Musk from today forward!!!
I pray in God’s name that the holy spirit fills him and guides him
Elon Musk, in January, was asked if he would accept Jesus Christ as His Lord in January on the Babylon Bee podcast. After stating his agreement with Jesus’ teachings and revealing a significant understanding of the Biblical text, he said, “If Jesus is saving people, who am I sure I will be saved!”
I’m praying that God will take that confession of faith and work it into the heart and mind of Elon Musk and give him the strength to stand in this fight.
There is a lot of chatter that it was the take-down of Babylon Bee by Twitter that sparked Musk’s move toward Twitter.
I saw a christian You Tube video of a group of men asking him if he wanted to be saved sitting around a table. He said yes, they prayed a prayer of salvation with him. He prayed the prayer. It looked like the real deal!
Only the Lord Jesus knows for sure if Elon or anyone else makes the Kingdom of Heaven their future home. He’s the great gate keeper!
Heavenly Father I do Pray for Elon Musk to come to know you and turn his life to you. I Pray that all of us can do your work in spreading Your love to others.
I agreed in prayer with the above prayer items for Musk.
I certainly DON’T trust Musk at all. He’s a billionaire and he is doing experiments with Neurolink not to mention his love for transhumanism. He is not the savior of Twitter. I think this is another play by the Elites to get everyone’s eyes off other pressing matters.
I do pray for Elon Musk as well as for Pres. Trump. O hope God will use both of them to turn our country around.
I say bring it on. We need to maintain our freedoms even though powerful and wealthy people want to take them away. I pray Elon has the strength to fight for these freedoms.
I hope the speculation comes to pass. No matter what transpires, he will be criticised one group of whiners or another. Musk, an immigrant American, loves America more than most native borns. Digest that. I personally find him to be a great man. I hope he can straighten some of this mess out.
Thank you for reading this I believe our Father is working through Elon it is in his plan.Glory to God in the highest ,May our Father continue to guide , protect and work through Elon . Amen
Thank you Father that Elon was made in your image and you have given him the power to gain wealth. Open up his eyes and heart to your Son who gave ALL SO THAT HE COULD BE SAVED. Grant him a true conversion. Give him advisors who know you intimately and will help him grow your kingdom. Put it on the hearts of the church to cover him with the Blood of Jesus so that the enemy doesn’t use him. Give him a great word of testimony which glorifies you. In Jesus mighty name Amen.
[email protected]
Elon musk has been an agent for Good that align with God’s purpose.
I and my children foundation have been praying for him.
God bless him more
I hope to meet with him someday.
Thank you Elon Musk❤
Lord, I pray for Elon Musk. Surround him with your angels, keep him from harm and draw him to Jesus! Cause his heart to be tender towards the Gospel and the Kingdom. Open his eyes to the truth about Jesus and cause him to see your mighty power and know that You are God Most High! Bring him to a first hand knowledge of Your goodness and love and cause him to be swept away by Your love! God bless him and his family!
A few years ago, I did my best to nag our governor to roll out the red carpet, do ANYthing to get that man here to Texas to get our economy moving like in the old oil days. I never imagined California would literally hand him to us (over-regulations, mandates, taxes) and now we have Boca Chica and Tesla’s world headquarters here. Our governor did a lot but California certainly did their share to push him to Texas. 🙂 Been hard convincing conservatives here that he is truly for small government, low taxes and prosperity/freedom for our nation. What you see is what you get. An imperfect person who has tried his darned best at everything he was given the talent to accomplish.
Elon is a maverick. Suffers from Asberger’s (I look after someone who has it; it can be very hard to understand people who have this disease). His dad is probably an emotionally abusive person and as far as I know, his entire family is not a family of faith. Pray for his mother Maye, his father, his brother, his sister and for him.
Like Trump, he’s a diamond in the rough (rough being the operative word) but on the secular side of things (we have to live in this world), he may well inspire the next generation to fight against the new world order and re-embrace our constitution.
Lord Jesus, we pray for salvation and revival to hit the USA this year. We pray for Elon, repair his heart condition (from overwork) as well as give him a “heart of flesh” in place of stone. We ask You to bring him to full salvation as well as many other of our leaders and thank You for Your Wisdom in all spiritual matters, especially our dependence upon You.
I pray for Elon Musk’s salvation and that he is truly on the up-and-up. I feel that anyone can be saved, become a true Christian, and perform GOD’s ministry. I have always felt that the root of all evil is money and power and Mr. Musk has plenty of both. But only GOD knows what he is up to. I pray that he is following on the guidance from GOD.
He is one of the elites. He does what he does to make himself richer. He doesn’t seem as evil as the rest of them but he doesn’t believe in Christ. Maybe our prayers would help. You can tell he is very intelligent.
Elon Musk was interviewed on Babylon Bee 3 months ago. See on youtube.
They asked him to accept Jesus as his savior..
Elon Musk grew up in South Africa and would have has Christian religious instruction at school
We thank God for people who believe free speech.
Oh Lord we know God that you use whoever you will use and Elon Musk is one that you’re using God so we ask God that your Holy Spirit would fall on him and speak to his heart in mind in Jesus name get any distractions out of His way Lord God lead him forward not backward Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit we ask and we thank you Lord for what you’re doing because we know God your Holy Spirit is moving in Jesus name amen
Father, in the name of Jesus, sway Elon Musk toward using his power, influence, and money for great moral and ethical good regardless of whether or not he currently believes in you Father God or not. Lead him to uncompromising influential believers who are your good and faithful servants and worshippers in spirit and truth, who can lead him to the true and full and fully anointed gospel message, prepare his heart in advance to receive it. In Jesus name we ask and thank you for leading our prayer, hearing our prayer, and bringing to pass what we have asked. In Jesus name, we receive it
Concern that EM manipulates media as well as financial entities in his favor. Concern that he keeps this facade going to obtain public favor for his financial gain and not for the good of America or mankind. Other than that he has the potential to be used by God in spectacular way.
Cathie Wood, founder of the ARK ETF Funds is a Christian , according to the Jesus Calling Podcast. I
believe she will be a Christian influence on Elon Musk. They have done investing podcasts together. I pray each day for Cathie Wood when I read my Jesus Calling book.
Thank you for Elon Musk and his help with technology. Thank you for Twitter. Bless Ifa and their communications thank you for sending help.
Elon is an answer to the Itercessors , when we ask God to
redeem communications.
This is a time for the sons of God to conquer this mountain of media, to align communications with God’s Agenda
We pray that the Lord will save Elon Musk and many more of the twitter employees.
Praying for a Saul to Paul moment with Musk. I pray for an encounter with the Savior of the universe, the Lord Jesus Christ and that he will go on to be a fighter for righteousness and the Gospel of Christ, I pray in Jesus Mighty name!🙏🩸🔥
Heavenly Father, O great Almighty God. Creator of all things. We have all sinned against You and our fathers before us. I repent of any unknown and known sins I have committed against You and ask You to forgive me. LORD, I pray for Elon Musk’s salvation through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Elon does not fear and has great courage. I pray Father that he humbles himself before You and has the fear of Lord in his heart. Lord touch him as only You can. Guide his feet into righteousness on Your paths. Lord please surround him with Your angels for protection and may Elon have a road to Damascus encounter with Jesus Christ. I ask and pray all of these in the name of Jesus. Amen 🙏🏼❤️
I wish and pray that we all knew what way is the right way. To make this world a better place. Then went that way
Elon Musk is now on my prayer list
Like President Donald J Trump who was used of God to finally recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel, God can use Elon Musk to finally put a Dagger into the Socialist, Leftist, Demonic agenda of freedom hating elites!🙏🏽😇👍🏼
In my quiet time yesterday with our ALMIGHTY LORD HE called me to pray for Elon Musk’s salvation that he would become the man of GOD our LORD called and created him to be. Because HE our LORD has given him a brilliant mind just like he did our brother Donald J and WARRIORS heart. Elon suffers as a child no friends his parents did not show him love. The LORD wants him to know his AGAPE LOVE. HiS JOY, PEACE but most of all HIS LOVE!! Elon like my grandfather is created uniquely only some are give the brilliant minds of men like there. My grandfather was a scientist and inventor. He suffered cardiac arrest while playing tennis at the age of 32yrs. His so called partners and friends stole money from my grandmother. They told my distract grandmother they were going to patent his inventions and invest more money into his business. But they lied and stole it. She lost everything her home and was forced to go live at YMCA. with her three ,children. My father was only 6 weeks old when this happened. He never knew his father. The enemy was part of this attack.I believe my grandfather was as brilliant as Elon and would have brought much good to this world which I believe Elon will knowing our LORD. Elon has many enemies in this nation and world because of jealousy of what he has accomplished in the physical world. But the LORD has many plans for him to complete and wants all of them completed for HIS glory not just for man. HE wants HIM to be free from the grips of influence of world and devil. That he should not think or use his gift of intelligence for making artificial intelligence. This is not pleasing to the LORD. He is being influenced by the plans of Zuckerberg to creat another thinking human with artificial intelligence. The LORD wants this stopped. Zuckerberg is from the pit of hell. He is Elon Musk’s enemy. Elon is looking to fill the void in his heart that has not been filled. He is searching for answers. He believes there is a higher being. So close to accepting the gift of salvation. In my prayer time yesterday about this I was called to have our brother Donald J and Melania pray for this too. The LORD wants Elon and his children and their children to know HIM and HIS LOVE for them for generations to come. Pray with me this prayer.
Dear LORD our ALMIGHTY FATHER in heaven we know you LOVE all the sons and daughters you have created. You tell us we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We know you want you son to know this Elon. We ask you to prepare his heart for your gift of salvation and he invites you into his heart to dwell for all of eternity. He will use his gifts of intelligence for your kingdom glory and honor. That he will fulfill all the plans you have for him in your book of LIFE that is written in your word of Ps 139:13-16…
We LOVE you LORD and your gift of LIFE.! Amen
Susie ( A Prayer WARRIOR)
The quote below- is from Elon Musk ,linked in the article article above-from December 14th last year- if Elon Musk goes down that path- -then it will be just like any other tragedy ..unfolding in the minds and hearts of the New World Order captives.. and those poor people are captives. If the Lord acts on all our prayers.. then it could be the most glorious thing that has happened in recent history,-maybe even-,besides Donald J becoming president.
“He believes implant technology will only get more sophisticated and allow people to become hyperconnected. He says, “I really want my body to be able to speak to me, tell me what’s up…‘Drink, buddy…You’ve got to go biking…Stop smoking,’ or warn me, like ‘If you keep doing this, it’s going downhill.’”
Lord we thank you that you use people in ways that only you understand-, Lord, and that you search the heart of man-..and of men and women.. and of course you know ahead of time who will have their needs met by You.. because as human beings with a God-shaped hole inside of us..we need you. Someone else in another comment section on another platform said that Elon Musk is the Michelangelo of our time- with all of his inventions- like SpaceX.. so Lord as we are noting here.. and as Susie noted in her article here.. Elon is searching- to have his God-shaped hole filled with Your love.. Lord-please continue drawing Elon Musk unto yourself-.. unto your love- please continue to cause this experience with Elon Musk to be one of the greatest defining experiences-,of delivering our society and culture from the Demonic claws of of the globalists.. and then we can Witness Elon’s heartfelt needs- being fulfilled by Your love-, as we are encouraged by how much you love us all. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen
Susie I believe you have it exactly right.. and at this time Elon’s life,-his future, – the powerful effect that he has on our society-,that God has allowed in his life.. He’s dancing on the edge,-as I believe either you.. or someone else said. But remember God is in charge.. so let’s just keep praying
Amen 🙋🏻♀️🙏🏿🙏🏾🙏🏽🙏🏼🙏🏻
My prayer group has been meeting for two years on Thursday nights and for the last 3 months I sensed a soft spot in the heart of Elon Musk and we began praying for his salvation about 3 months ago. We see him as a possible advocate for us Christians like Donald Trump was.
(I pick up early in your article.) “Big tech billionaires have collectively coordinated the squelching of freedoms through banning” . . .
. . . discourse by which they choose to be “offended”;
. . . facts or concepts with which they disagree;
. . . the list could go on!
They refuse to acknowledge 1) that the vast majority of people in this country (and around the world) are “offended” by what they espouse so loudly and aggressively, and 2) that the majority of people “bear the burden” of being “offended” as part of the cost of living “in unity” with other people of different views. They “espouse” unity but only if everyone else agrees with their perverted views!
Obsolutely 😢 Amen
God never uses perfect men to help fulfill His plans, because there are no perfect men, only Jesus Christ. Trump, Musk, who knew? God works in mysterious ways. Isn’t it fun?
Amen 👏🏿👏🏾👏🏽👏🏼👏🏻
I am cautiously guarded with Elon Musk becoming such an intricate part of our country in such an arena as social media. His kingdom come His will be done🙏🏼 I feel like he could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Pray for truth to be revealed about his plans.
I pray Elon will find the Truth and the Truth will set him free. I pray he will be protected from evil influences and attacks.
Please rethink the title of this article. I felt very strongly impressed from the Lord (when asking Him about why Trump did not get elected) His response was:
My people are still looking for a man to be their king.
We must not put our trust in any mere man.
I’m glad someone said it! Do I believe that God can use him in His plan? Yes, I do.
I feel, however, that we can be quick to see someone of influence that is in a strategic position, and make that person the person who will save America from her problems.
Could this happen yes but the Jews were hoping Jesus was going to do the same. They were looking for a person not The Person.
Let’s proceed prayerfully putting our trust not in chariots or princes so to speak but in Jesus and the Eternal Life and current fellowship we have in Him and Him alone!
Yes, Father, we ask for Elon’s eternal salvation, and if You are indeed using him to promote righteousness, then thank You. If not, please do not let us be deceived by the enemy (satan).
Of course..exactly… always remember Cyrus of Persia, – – what a great warrior he was for our Lord and savior God.- because he had the sense that God gave him to see God’s presence and work in the hearts and minds and Affairs of men.. Even more than the supposed to godly people that surrounded him- in fact those people took advice from him.
God can certainly use anyone to accomplish His good and eternal purposes. Praying for Elon Musk’s personal salvation as well as that God use him to accomplish good here and now. As this article pointed out, the obstacles against him will be many but hopefully he will face the challenge with persistence and courage given by God. Privileged to pray for him and for our leaders as God tells us to do.
I thank you& I praise you Jesus in advance for your supernatural provision. I thank you that you are leading us to a perfect timing; we believe for turnaround to happen we believe for supernatural intervention that will turn Alon musk‘s heart to you, bring a divine encounter for him as you did for Saul-all for your kingdom’s sake in Jesus Name, Amen
Woke to a dream about Elon Musk few weeks. Pray he finds salvation.
Almighty God, Your ways are above ours, and we thank you that You never change. Lord God, open Elon’s heart to you that he would surrender his heart and life to Jesus Christ and be a new creature in Christ. We wait on You Lord Jesus, such troubles are drowning many, rescue us from the oppressors and evil, as you’ve blessed Elon with a leaders mind and strength. We ask that all his achievements would give You glory in the face of Christ. In Jesus Christ name. Amen
I’ve prayed for Elon Musk’s salvation
Praying for the conversion of Elon Musk is a good idea. I support also praying for the conversion of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Conversion of Biden would blunt his anti-life, anti-science, and anti-democracy policies. Conversion of Trump would make him more humble and might motivate him to try to bring Americans together instead of just attacking bad policies.
Well put 🙏🏼
Dear Heavenly Father please grant this man salvation through your son Jesus Christ. Give him wisdom and strength to change the way media doesn’t allow freedom of speech. Amen
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
From interviews I’ve seen of Elon Musk, including Babylon Bee, he strikes me as having a child-like heart and curiosity and pure motives. (BB presented the gospel to him, and he appeared to receive it as Truth.)
Father, this is the heart you said we must have to enter the kingdom. Holy spirit, draw Elon to the throne of grace and mercy., that he may KNOW and desire you above all and become your willing vessel to carry the Presence of our living God! In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!
I saw that too where they ask him if he would receive Jesus as his Savior and he said yes!
Having taught many students who were labeled as being on the spectrum, autistic or having aspergers, I found they did have this childlike demeanor and became upset when rules were not followed, especially as they witnessed those around them. Elon Musk seems to fit this profile. He’s brilliant but dances around cars when he’s excited. I, too, have had a soft spot in my heart for him, as I do all those on the spectrum. I also pray for Elon’s salvation and that God uses him to bring glory to God as Elon implements “doing the right thing!”
I also pray for President Trump’s salvation. God guided him beautifully in so many ways, but President Trump has never been able to tame his tongue. I pray that he will truly recognize Jesus as his Savior and choose to be more like HIM in both word and deed. Many Christians I know were blinded by President Trump’s words and couldn’t see that God was using him. They voted for Biden to show their disgust for Donald Trump’s words. Oh, how they missed seeing the big picture of aborted babies, open borders, the taking of freedom in religion and speech, the gains suddenly lost in Afghanistan, the communist agenda to steal the minds of our children to bring divide into our families, the erosion of Christian values, taking God from our schools, the lies about our Founding Fathers and so many more.
May God help us and make us bold to share the Good News and continue to fight evil as we go forward….and may He remind us that “things are not falling apart, they are falling into place.”
I agree..however .the- ——–tame his The Lord’s businesd..not ours.. I myself have struggled greatly, in not judging people. Remember judging is a exercise that God created for us..between Believers- to keep each other in line.. and even then it is to be exercised with great caution..Donald Trump is still on the path to becoming a Believer ..really -at least publicly
Amen 🙏🏿🙏🏾🙏🏽🙏🏼🙏🏻
What’s BB ?
Nevermind ☺️Babylon Bee 🐝😉🐝
Elon Musk is not to be trusted, anymore than a rattlesnake!! Yes, pray for his salvation, and do NOT trust him until he turns from his lying ways!! Amen.
I am praying for Elon Musk to be saved. I believe God has chosen him to make people who ordinarily wouldn’t listen aware of what free speech truly is and that he will expose the horrendous evil our government and big tech and big pharma have already done to us and what it intends to do to us. Thank you God for using people such as Mr. Musk to further your spiritual war on the evil one.
It’s Gods providence on Elon Musk, not only for him to come to know the Lord Jesus,
but also to help bring the USA back to God.
I am so pleased that IFA has positioned itself to pray for Elon. I have been praying for his salvation now for a couple years. I believe father has awesome intentions for this man.
No I do not trust Elon. I would rather not be on Twitter than to trust him.
I’m reminded of how God changed Saul! When He decides to call a person into His service, He’ll do it regardless! As we continue to PRAY for Elon Musk’s soul, Gods going listen; nothing is impossible for God!!!
God can raise “dead and dry bones” if he chooses, and he does provide in his many varied ways. Just pray that His spirit keeps the eyes of our hearts on Him.
My only prayer is “Father God Your Kingdom come Your will Be done on earth as it is in Heaven”
We must never tell God how He is to work His purposes
He must get a “kick” out of our finite suggestions
All truth always leads back to the facts of creation and God’s created order, purposes and plans. It is inescapable. Elon Musk has has studied science and often stood against the so called experts which has made him both a maverick and a leader. Man’s three enemies blind us from the truth, the world the flesh and the devil. Therefore, No one can come the Jesus unless the Father draws him. John 6:44. Father,, in Jesus name we pray that you draw Elon Musk to Jesus. We pray you would convict-convince him of sin, righteousness and judgement. We put our faith and trust in you. Father, in Jesus name. We do not put our trust in man, but you use people to accomplish you work, at times a Cyrus or others, so we ask for your grace to use Elon Musk and others as instruments in your hand who would stand against the enemies coming in like a flood. You will raise up a standard when the enemy comes in like a flood. Not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit says the Lord. We pray that Twitter and others would be used for open dialogue and debate. We pray for truth to prevail and for Christians in America to repent and return to you. We pray for a revival and a great awakening. In Jesus name!
Praise God! We just might have a man who cares about the United States of America! Mr. Musk might allow folks who are patriots and also care about the Christian principles this great country was founded on. Please put God back in our schools!
Father I pray for radical salvation and Damascus road encounter for Elon Musk. Father make him miserable in his sin. Go after him and cause him to seek You until he finds you. Fill him with the Holy Ghost and make him a new man in Jesus name! Thank You Father for saving him! Thank You for the blood of Jesus and I apply that blood to Elon Musk and his entire family.
Amen 🙏🏻
I haven’t had a word on Mr. Musk, but I am will to give him the benefit of the doubt knowing hi relationship with the anointed one President Trump.
The anointed one!? Surely that is Jesus.
Anointing is also laid upon people to prepare them for God’s work, let’s not forget that.
Serious issues here if Trump is equated as “the anointed one.” Yes, Christ anoints people for His purposes, but there should be a godly fear in placing this phrase upon anyone other than Christ. I’ve honestly become disillusioned with many charismatics because of the 2020 election response from them and comments like this.
And to respond to the article, it is always in the will of God to pray for salvation…”He is not willing that any should perish…” May prevenient grace go before Mr. Musk and may salvation come to his household in Jesus’ name.
Your will, not my will Lord Fod!
No one should place their trust in any man or woman. Only place your trust in God. People are placing trust in CEOs who make Billions of dollars without really knowing the truth on how they earned those Billions. The fact is that Gates, Soros, Bezos, Buffum, Musk, Zuckerberg and the Billionaires could feed the entire world and provide clean water and vitamin supplements to the world as well as contraceptives to the poor nations. Instead, we think they’re heroes if they let us exercise Freedom of Speech when in fact, they have no authority to prohibit Freedom of Speech except the Democrats and RINOS have allowed it. Musk talks about the chip planted in the brain or inserted into the hand and forehead and hooking people up to the internet. We shouldn’t have to hope some Superman will come along and restore Freedom of Speech. Freedom of Speech is guaranteed to every American and no CEO’s should have a monopoly on Freedom of Speech or any authority over Freedom of Speech. They are business owners. They aren’t legislatures and even legislatures must uphold the Constitution and yet, the Left or Right did not break up the monopoly and prohibit them from violating our constitutional Right to Opinions, Facts, Thoughts, or Media and become bias spies who influence Health Care, Jabs, Elections, and funding biochemical weapons without being held accountable.